
$300 a year. Totally voluntary. You and a few other Substackers are all the newspaper I need. You are the best. A one-man journalistic super-hero.

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Also el gato malo and coffee and Covid and eugyppius and CJ Hopkins and so many more. Love me my substack authors.

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Melanie Phillips, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Chris Bray, NS Lyons. They are good too.

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So many authors. So little time.

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That's the flaw in the Substack model.

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Also Racket, Public, Lee Fang, Glenn Greenwald and Martin Gurri among others. I’d add The Free Press if you can ignore its Israel/Gaza bias.

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Tucker Carlson was a little late to the Covid scam game, but he's definitely made up for that in the last couple of years.

The Brownstone Institute is my "go-to" Internet site for important journalism and intelligent commentary. (Full disclosure: I'm perhaps biased because I'm a "Brownstone writer.")

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I completely agree on the bias that slipped into The Free Press.

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I mention Alex and Biden's almost-certain Parkinson's in a piece where I expose the hypocrisy of a Substack author who is also a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist and columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle.

This man - Jack Ohman - banned me in three minutes for making the same points Alex has made.


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Wish Substack had a bundle package. I subscribe monetarily to Unreported Truths and Racket News. Would love to subscribe to more but just can’t afford it.

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You have picked the best writers.

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Your work is deeply appreciated, and Unreported Truths is a bastion of sanity in a world that has gone mad.

Thank you, Alex

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Thank you for this reporting, many of us a glad you are (a) being honest about it and (b) waking up and seeing more and more of the corruption in the media and government.

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Keep up the great work Alex!! I've been one of your earlier fans when I'd see on Tucker Carlson's show

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You and this substack are the reason I keep supporting you and a few others on this platform.

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Never stop, Alex

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You haven’t fully recovered yet from the brainwashing and Stockholm syndrome as evidenced by this statement about the NYT -

“But the paper wanted to present the world in a truthful, accurate way. The Times tried to present facts in its news pages, while giving targets of negative articles or investigative reports space to respond without editorializing about those responses.

Basically, the paper trusted readers to draw their own conclusions.”

That has been untrue for decades, maybe forever. Glad to be a paid subscriber of yours!!

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Re-watch the last scene of "Three Days of the Condor," which was made in the early or mid-1970s. The screenwriter of that movie had the big newspapers pegged even then.

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Thanks, Alex. Here for the long run. The new Secret Service head is an "interesting" story-God help us.

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Don't worry Alex, those polls showing Trump in front will change. They will be rigged and any other polling place will be labeled an outlier. This has to happen. The dems have put into place the opportunity for fraud that is far more sophisticated than in 2020. Cheating Kamala into office is a huge risk. How much will the country put up with? Don't they know if they do anything to disagree with the results, they will end up in a DC prison? Watch for votes to be counted weeks after the election and at the end ... President Kamala Harris. Bank on it ... and to your point, the corrupt media will have their backs as always.

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My subscription just renewed the other day. Keep up the great work Alex! It's very much appreciated! I would be happier though if you removed your rose colored glasses regarding your view of main stream media. The "Drive-By" Media as Rush would say, have been around for a very long time. Your expectations of the media are way too high.

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I miss Rush!! He was so right about nearly everything.

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I miss him too!

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I miss him too. But he was big-time wrong on the "threat" of Muslim terrorists, Iraq and Afghanistan. He couldn't say this without offending W's fans and perhaps losing a big share of his market.

I wish he would have spoken out and taken a bold position - as his influence was so great it might have made a tremendous positive difference.

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Alex, your work is TRUTH and super important. Plus your writing is fun.

Bob Perkins Pensacols

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No, thank YOU Alex. Please keep bringing us the truth.

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Relatives of mine who couldn’t give the time of day to Kackling Kamala 3 weeks ago now speak like she’s the second coming. Some kind of stupid

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

SHEEP are easily re-directed and question nothing,

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Alex, your reporting on the neurologists visiting the Whitehouse might have had a pivotal impact on history. Yet this was publicly available information. Lol

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I have been a paying subscriber since the dark days of the pandemic. Alex has been a ray of light uncovering the truth. I will be a lifetime subscriber.

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Your honesty, transparency and desire to seek out and report on the truth is why I am happy to be a paid subscriber and will renew again when my subscription is up in a month or two.

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