VAERS - the federal side effects reporting system - has received more than 500 reports of life-threatening events, permanent disability,or deaths following mRNA shots in kids and adolescents.
In the light of today’s report that the jabs actually increase the risk of Covid infection in kids under 12 - and do little or nothing to reduce hospitalizations - I figured you might want to see what those reports actually look like.
Lots of myo/pericarditis and other cardiovascular events:
A fair bit of sudden-onset diabetes and DKA:
And the occasional psychiatric crisis:
Don’t worry, though, the vaccine fanatics will be glad to tell you correlation is not causation and VAERS is not reliable (they are correct, the data suggest that 70 to 95 percent of events are NOT reported, depending on seriousness).
Anyway it was all worth it to save grandma or something! Remember, dead kids have their whole lives behind them, grandma has precious years ahead.*
*Official motto of Team Apocalypse.**
**Stuff like this is why they hate me.
Let them.
I will never stop coming for the people who did this.
I swore I wouldn't get jabbed, told my daughter, sil and granddaughter, then my husband guilted me into getting the vax -- 2, not 3 -- but thankfully my daughter, sil, and granddaughter were either smarter than me or took my initial words of warning to heart and remain unvaxxed, thank God.
satan enters ppl and tries to coerce....NO MATTER who it is...if you feel rushed or coerced or they cause you to doubt yourself, tell them to go to hell and leave you alone. Stay in prayer and connected to God and your own heart. Remember, Jesus told one of his closest "satan, get behind me"
That is passing on responsibility for your actions and decisions to some outside force. YOU are responsible for all you think and do. Time to mature and accept that responsibility.
individuals do not live on some little island but are constantly influenced by 'outside forces' and we all have our mechanism(s) to deal with that. critisizing others for doing that is neither friendly nor smart.
I told my husband if he took the shots I'd be afraid to sleep with him. He managed to get a conscientious objection for his job. I'll never forget that he listened to me.
My husband took the shot to keep his airline job. His exemptions were denied. He took it to provide for me. I would never deny him intimacy! I would never be afraid of him “contaminating” me. I will never forget the sacrifice he paid for me. Covid sure did a number on all of us.
I am so sorry. My heart goes out to all the people who have been coerced into it, feeling there was no choice, with families to feed and shelter. I continue to pray for you all. It is unconscionable that this is being done to people by insidiously evil perpetrators under the guise of "caring." There will be a reckoning, if not in this life, then the next.
"Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17. Clearly, those seeking to take God-given freedoms away ... free will, bodily autonomy ... are the enemies of God.
Search for protocols designed to help offset any negative effects from the shots. They're out there!
This comment broke my heart. I am so sorry, Velea. Those of us who were in a position to avoid getting the shot need to remember that there are so many who weren't. And we need to be grateful.
It made me feel guilty because he said he wouldn't be able to go on if I were to die of COVID-19. I told him all my worries, no extended clinical trials, possibility of permanent changes to my DNA, side effects, but he and the nurse scheduling the vaccines persuaded me despite my many valid reservations. So far we are both doing well but every new trip to the doctor is cause for worry. By the way, you sound like a wonderful husband. Mine is, too; he just panicked and dragged me with him.
Were I so afflicted, I'd get a d-dimer test every couple of months since the spikes can keep being generated for at least 2 months, some say 15 months now. Keeping an eye on coagulation might help one thwart a terrible event. God! Misnamed vaccines as ongoing terror tools. We probably should have, already, burned down all the institutions and sent the malicious 'experts' running. What has humanity become? What's next among the NWO implements of torture? I imagine drifting the seas in a boat until some semblance of sanity recaptures the troubled lands...but the loyal Schwabsheviks will probably be patrolling all the damn waters.
I got Covid in Oct 2020 - just lost my sense of smell and taste. I STILL have not get my sense of smell entirely back - If I stick my nose in a dirty ashtray I smell nothing. Not quite sure what to do.
I lost my job due to foregoing the jab. Hubby tried to cajole, guilt, browbeat, bully and otherwise pressure me into getting the jab but it didnt work. But if it werent for the fact that he completely turned on me 10 years ago when He sustained a neck injury, I might have listened to him. Turns out he did me a favor turning on me all those years ago.
I can't believe how many comments like this I'm seeing where the weak husband pressures his wife into it. Call me naive, but what kind of man does not reflexively detest his government and protect his family from a "mandate"!? A grown man respects legitimate authority but he doesn't need a father or a nanny in the form of state authority.
Ya just never know when providence hands you a bucket of dung that that isn't without some future, potential merit. Life's like an acid trip, never know where you're going.
My two girls, but not my son. He was under 18 and not forced to by job/college. If anything happens to my girls, I’ll be looking for my pound of flesh. No, I’m not crazy or a mean person, but harming my children is not something that will pass easily. So far, no problems after six months.
You are kind to ask. Going slow but steady. He was in excellent shape before, had no symptoms, so we’re just grateful his problems were caught in time. But he sorely misses his best friend. Thanks again.
Prayers for all of you, and the many, many others who are suffering in the wake of this on-going tragedy. I really need to believe that there will be both justice and mercy.
you will not know if they are still able to conceive or carry a child for for years to come , sorry to say that i am personally aware of 4 women who miscarried after the jab and one stillborn. I know 3 women who delivered in the last year, none were vaxed .
My 20 year old son got the jab despite my pleas. The colleges guilted students into getting the shot…making them think they would kill their elderly relatives if they didn’t. Sickens me what health issues he may face in the future.
And, of course, the vaccines work, right, they prevent transmission of disease, right?
No, they don’t. So we are forcing a population that is not at any risk (almost none statistically for death or severe symptoms) in order to prevent transmission to a slightly riskier population (those over 70) and it doesn’t prevent transmission.
walking on a college campus has become depressing. Signs still up to this day saying to wear a mask. Signs everywhere to do your part and take the jab. Some ive been on even offer gift cards to jab up. Young adults walking around outside with masks on. Its all very bizarre, and this is in south Florida were no restrictions exist or are outright illegal. Im just glad my oldest is at school in northern florida, he says pretty much nobody is masked, and he will never take the jab, nor be forced too.
"But when push came to shove, no matter how they groomed and dressed themselves, most of the 20-40 rebels were extremely conformist; oxymoron deliberate."
"So, although I’m generally not a big worrier in life, parents like me wait and hope and worry. I’ve never wanted so strongly to be wrong about anything as I want to be wrong about the long-term risks of these shots."
Our nursing daughter wanted to be able to go to a Pilates class! Boggles the mind. She wouldn’t drink a martini while nursing, but her doctor told her the jab was aok.
Congratulations! You got the most pressure! I coached my 93 year old physician dad (with dementia) not to give in. I have the ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine in the cabinet just in case, and keep a couple of air purifiers going in his condominium. So far so good!👍
Both my parents in their mid 90's got the Wuhan Red Death before the vaccines came out. Mom was hospitalized and they told us to prepare for the worst. She recovered fully. Dad fought it off with tylenol and kleenex. He said he had worse colds. My sister. 67 years old, had it, she said she had one bad night. With that gene pool, I figure I am bulletproof.
Ditch the mask and be confrontational. Mask wearers are stupid and ignorant. You don't have to put up with them. Tell them where to get off. They CANNOT dictate to you how you can breath.
I read this advice somewhere on Substack: If a masked person confronts you for being unmasked, say “I guess you agree that masks don’t work, since you don’t trust your own mask to protect you.” 🤣
My 20 yo college student daughter couldn't wait to get hers, even though my husband (a physician assistant) and I asked her not to. She even got the booster. The indoctrination is real. I hope it works out ok for her. My 22 yo son who is NOT going to college refuses to get one-thankfully.
Darci, my older daughter posted it all over her Instagram. As others have said, I just pray that the worst doesn't come to pass. I have 3/5 who took the shot - 2 with glee, 1 super reluctantly (back to the wall, really) and two who haven't and won't.
My deepest fear. Both my kids and my son-in-law got the jab. Two for work, one for travel. I begged and begged to no avail. Now I can only pray I'll be a grandmother someday but I have almost zero expectation. These shots were pure evil.
Glad so many won’t get the third shot. Do you think they finally learned about the dangers? Or found they don’t work, so not worth the risk? Or booster not required for work, restaurants? Curious what changed after they got initial shots?
My eldest said he had heard that the third shot would give you a version of Covid and he didn't want to miss work. My youngest just said : we're not getting the third shot. (I had been sending as many articles as possible on the dangers - of course)
Older people see it for what it is but the younger generation are the go along to get along without thinking it through and hopefully they won't have any long term effects. If you still watch MSM, notice the uptick in blood clot drugs and therapies along with AIDS/HIV drugs. Don't recall the direct advertising of these products but like always they are prepping the masses to think that blood clots have always been around.
One of the goals of the Democrats is to use the scamdemic to break up and undermine the nuclear family which as you can see it has done. It has pitted the vaccinated against the unvaccinated and now their are families that will never be the same again. People are stubborn and even if they see the truth they will never admit it. Don't fall prey to that temptation and always be their mom regardless of what your children think about it.
The sad thing is with this war, all the crimes will be buried and nothing happens to all the criminals in this sham. Fauci retires and goes on the book tour collecting his bribe money and Big Pharma and especially Chyna get a free pass. Allow them to get away with it this time sends the message that they can do it again over and over and if we don't comply they release something that is really deadly.
Expect this to happen every four years. JB Pritizker just hauled in 3.5 Billion for the scamdemic by buying up testing companies and Illinois is the state that had the most testing done. This was a cash grab for Congress and the Democrat Party for the Great Reset.
oh I so agree with you. This younger generation just takes everything the State tells them as fact. It's very dispiriting. My sons and myself are not estranged, we get along great - but if I try to tell them any of this they just have huge anger reactions. So I pretty much keep it to myself. Actually, you try to talk about this to anyone and they just think you're crazy. It's insane (pun)
We cannot allow ourselves to give these periodic 'pandemics' any traction. Just do what we've been doing, ignore the noise, and live life as we want to live it. Even if it an absolutely horrible pandemic most of us now have our ways of dealing with fighting off bacteria that aren't seriously life-altering. I refuse to believe anything they ever tell me again. AIDs was strike one (I don't have AIDS or HIV but I have seen what it did to so many people); COVID is strikes two and three. Their ideas are OUT!
I’ve spent $3k so far in legal bills keeping my ex wife from vaccinating my 7 yr old boy. I showed her proof of his positive antibody test and she still tried to vaccinate him. 😩
My wife was a bit surprised when she saw this on the ABC news tonight. I do not want our 11 year old to be vaxxed especially since she had Covid in December.
I would certainly not say that. I would not bring these weird right-wing news sites into court. I would bring scientific PDFs only.
I don't think throwing every cooky argument into the ring is a good idea. Why not stick to the basic point:
1. the risks outweigh the benefits. There's no high-quality evidence any recovered person benefits from vaccination. When it comes to children, this is even stronger because even non-recovered children are at such low risk. There's only low-quality debunked 'antibody titer' evidence that recovered people benefit from vaccines, and it's not connected to an outcome like infection, hospitalization, or death. There is no scientific consensus "long covid" exists because long covid symptoms are more common in people who've never had covid, so any supposed evidence of "long covid" benefits is not accepted. There's significant evidence of vaccine risks. The evidence is repeatable in our country and every other one. There's evidence risks are greater in recovered people. Zero evidence-based benefit does not outweigh significant evidence-based risk. Then I would bring papers that prove each point.
2. risk vs. benefit must be for the child. It cannot be for anyone else. We must consider only the child when treating the child. Not everyone making "recommendations" has done that. In particular, the CDC considered the teacher's union, so it's a political recommendation not scientific. Because we must consider only the child we can't defer the decision to the authorities we have available. We must look at the PDFs.
These are not "weird" or "cooky" as you say. "Right-wing" I don't know, but you do realize few outlets are reporting actual news, right or left. So. If you click on the links you will see facts, not opinion. Real news. If you do a search, not using google, you will find these stories are accurately reported. I was suggesting the information be shared with the wife, hopefully avoiding the need for court altogether.
Thank you for not giving up. This is criminal.
The Vaxx Pushers' Pathetic Last Stand.
There's a special place in Hell for them.
keep it up Alex we need some accountability, especially for all those hell bent on vaxxing younger people.
My greatest sorrow is that 5 of my 6 adult children chose to get the jab. I live with a weight around my heart.
I swore I wouldn't get jabbed, told my daughter, sil and granddaughter, then my husband guilted me into getting the vax -- 2, not 3 -- but thankfully my daughter, sil, and granddaughter were either smarter than me or took my initial words of warning to heart and remain unvaxxed, thank God.
satan enters ppl and tries to coerce....NO MATTER who it is...if you feel rushed or coerced or they cause you to doubt yourself, tell them to go to hell and leave you alone. Stay in prayer and connected to God and your own heart. Remember, Jesus told one of his closest "satan, get behind me"
Excellent and sorrowing point.
Wise words. Thank you.
That is passing on responsibility for your actions and decisions to some outside force. YOU are responsible for all you think and do. Time to mature and accept that responsibility.
individuals do not live on some little island but are constantly influenced by 'outside forces' and we all have our mechanism(s) to deal with that. critisizing others for doing that is neither friendly nor smart.
For some reason instagram won’t let me “like” your comment so wanted to commend and applaud your words! Excellent response!
I as a Husband would never guilt my wife into doing anything, well maybe getting me ice cream
I told my husband if he took the shots I'd be afraid to sleep with him. He managed to get a conscientious objection for his job. I'll never forget that he listened to me.
I told mine I’d wrap myself around his knees and he’d have to drag me in with him before I’d let him. 😉
🤣I’ll remember that for next time
Thanks, needed a chuckle this morning.
My husband took the shot to keep his airline job. His exemptions were denied. He took it to provide for me. I would never deny him intimacy! I would never be afraid of him “contaminating” me. I will never forget the sacrifice he paid for me. Covid sure did a number on all of us.
I went with him the day he got the shot. We both sat in the car and cried.
I am so sorry. My heart goes out to all the people who have been coerced into it, feeling there was no choice, with families to feed and shelter. I continue to pray for you all. It is unconscionable that this is being done to people by insidiously evil perpetrators under the guise of "caring." There will be a reckoning, if not in this life, then the next.
"Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17. Clearly, those seeking to take God-given freedoms away ... free will, bodily autonomy ... are the enemies of God.
Search for protocols designed to help offset any negative effects from the shots. They're out there!
This comment broke my heart. I am so sorry, Velea. Those of us who were in a position to avoid getting the shot need to remember that there are so many who weren't. And we need to be grateful.
clever husband of a most clever wife :-))
It made me feel guilty because he said he wouldn't be able to go on if I were to die of COVID-19. I told him all my worries, no extended clinical trials, possibility of permanent changes to my DNA, side effects, but he and the nurse scheduling the vaccines persuaded me despite my many valid reservations. So far we are both doing well but every new trip to the doctor is cause for worry. By the way, you sound like a wonderful husband. Mine is, too; he just panicked and dragged me with him.
Many were dragged along. Praying for you both 💜
LDN (low dose naltrexone) & ivermectin are supposed to be good for reversing these jabs
One can DDG: vax detox or vaccine detoxification.
This site is a good starting place:
Were I so afflicted, I'd get a d-dimer test every couple of months since the spikes can keep being generated for at least 2 months, some say 15 months now. Keeping an eye on coagulation might help one thwart a terrible event. God! Misnamed vaccines as ongoing terror tools. We probably should have, already, burned down all the institutions and sent the malicious 'experts' running. What has humanity become? What's next among the NWO implements of torture? I imagine drifting the seas in a boat until some semblance of sanity recaptures the troubled lands...but the loyal Schwabsheviks will probably be patrolling all the damn waters.
swabinators too.
Like Noah, waiting for the flood to recede.
I got Covid in Oct 2020 - just lost my sense of smell and taste. I STILL have not get my sense of smell entirely back - If I stick my nose in a dirty ashtray I smell nothing. Not quite sure what to do.
That is a Uncle Joey Favorite Ice 🍦 cream. Maybe David Frum can point out where all the bad batches of the mRNA bottles vials.
👍 Iiiccee Crreeaam. Mmmmm.
I lost my job due to foregoing the jab. Hubby tried to cajole, guilt, browbeat, bully and otherwise pressure me into getting the jab but it didnt work. But if it werent for the fact that he completely turned on me 10 years ago when He sustained a neck injury, I might have listened to him. Turns out he did me a favor turning on me all those years ago.
I am so incredibly proud of you. What you did—or didn’t do—gives me hope.
Thank you
I can't believe how many comments like this I'm seeing where the weak husband pressures his wife into it. Call me naive, but what kind of man does not reflexively detest his government and protect his family from a "mandate"!? A grown man respects legitimate authority but he doesn't need a father or a nanny in the form of state authority.
A co-worker of mine held out forever and then his son said no person unvaccinated would be allowed to visit at Christmas...he broke...
I don't judge anyone anymore. We all have a line.
A man who has no self-esteem.
And/Or too much soy and phthalates in his diet.
Ya just never know when providence hands you a bucket of dung that that isn't without some future, potential merit. Life's like an acid trip, never know where you're going.
Except that as a Catholic, I know nothing is TRULY a "bucket of dung", and even my suffering contributes to God's glory.
Very well said…the Redemptive value of suffering united to Jesus Christ that can be offered up for the souls in purgatory. Ad Jesum per Mariam.
Congratulations on your steadfastness. I wish I would have had your fortitude to stand strong against the gale.
Being a stubborn old Irish woman has its benefits lol
Love your name- QuaranTina!!!
Thank you.
My two girls, but not my son. He was under 18 and not forced to by job/college. If anything happens to my girls, I’ll be looking for my pound of flesh. No, I’m not crazy or a mean person, but harming my children is not something that will pass easily. So far, no problems after six months.
There are many suffering or dead from the shots. Here are some of their stories:
My husband is recovering from heart surgery. His best friend died of a blood clot in August. Both early 50s, fit and active.
I feel like I hear of 50 year olds dying of blood clots a lot, might just be that is my husband’s age group…
That's right, MCZ!! How did the surgery go? How is his recovery going?
You are kind to ask. Going slow but steady. He was in excellent shape before, had no symptoms, so we’re just grateful his problems were caught in time. But he sorely misses his best friend. Thanks again.
Prayers for all of you, and the many, many others who are suffering in the wake of this on-going tragedy. I really need to believe that there will be both justice and mercy.
you will not know if they are still able to conceive or carry a child for for years to come , sorry to say that i am personally aware of 4 women who miscarried after the jab and one stillborn. I know 3 women who delivered in the last year, none were vaxed .
My 20 year old son got the jab despite my pleas. The colleges guilted students into getting the shot…making them think they would kill their elderly relatives if they didn’t. Sickens me what health issues he may face in the future.
And, of course, the vaccines work, right, they prevent transmission of disease, right?
No, they don’t. So we are forcing a population that is not at any risk (almost none statistically for death or severe symptoms) in order to prevent transmission to a slightly riskier population (those over 70) and it doesn’t prevent transmission.
They still continue the narrative that even if you get covid, the jabs will make it less dangerous. A fairy tale.
walking on a college campus has become depressing. Signs still up to this day saying to wear a mask. Signs everywhere to do your part and take the jab. Some ive been on even offer gift cards to jab up. Young adults walking around outside with masks on. Its all very bizarre, and this is in south Florida were no restrictions exist or are outright illegal. Im just glad my oldest is at school in northern florida, he says pretty much nobody is masked, and he will never take the jab, nor be forced too.
An acquaintance attends a univ which still requires masks in all college-owned buildings…except the 15k- seat basketball arena…hmmmm???
And all the local college bars (jam-packed on the weekends) do not require masks either…soooooo
Nice article, thank you. Favorite quotes:
"But when push came to shove, no matter how they groomed and dressed themselves, most of the 20-40 rebels were extremely conformist; oxymoron deliberate."
"So, although I’m generally not a big worrier in life, parents like me wait and hope and worry. I’ve never wanted so strongly to be wrong about anything as I want to be wrong about the long-term risks of these shots."
Our 2 boys. They wanted their lives back! Despite out pleas to wait it out. Ugh.
Our nursing daughter wanted to be able to go to a Pilates class! Boggles the mind. She wouldn’t drink a martini while nursing, but her doctor told her the jab was aok.
Be grateful she didn't get it while pregnant.
Protect that baby.
I hope they remain well. I will pray for them both.
Same. Ugh.
Same here with kid and grandkids
94 and writing on a substack…I’m so impressed!!
Congratulations! You got the most pressure! I coached my 93 year old physician dad (with dementia) not to give in. I have the ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine in the cabinet just in case, and keep a couple of air purifiers going in his condominium. So far so good!👍
Good for you.
Both my parents in their mid 90's got the Wuhan Red Death before the vaccines came out. Mom was hospitalized and they told us to prepare for the worst. She recovered fully. Dad fought it off with tylenol and kleenex. He said he had worse colds. My sister. 67 years old, had it, she said she had one bad night. With that gene pool, I figure I am bulletproof.
Ditch the mask and be confrontational. Mask wearers are stupid and ignorant. You don't have to put up with them. Tell them where to get off. They CANNOT dictate to you how you can breath.
Good for you, William! I love reading your comments on various substacks!
I read this advice somewhere on Substack: If a masked person confronts you for being unmasked, say “I guess you agree that masks don’t work, since you don’t trust your own mask to protect you.” 🤣
Good reply but you are using logic and reason to deal with irrational, fearful people. Asking them to think logically is out of the question.
After two years of putting up with these smug, ignorant aholes I am on the attack. Staff or customer, I don't care.
Make a lot of noise and put them on their heels.
I like your balls! Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode about wearing a ribbon. Hilarious!
Mr. Swan, confront away!! Find an old fashioned shillelagh and have at!!
Three of my four… Sad face.
Release the weight...don't let the ones who sold the koolaid to your kids make your physical heart a casualty as well. Compassion for you 💜
Kind words for those suffering in many different ways❤️
Me too. 2 of my 3 adult children chose to get the jab. I’m heartbroken
My 20 yo college student daughter couldn't wait to get hers, even though my husband (a physician assistant) and I asked her not to. She even got the booster. The indoctrination is real. I hope it works out ok for her. My 22 yo son who is NOT going to college refuses to get one-thankfully.
Darci, my older daughter posted it all over her Instagram. As others have said, I just pray that the worst doesn't come to pass. I have 3/5 who took the shot - 2 with glee, 1 super reluctantly (back to the wall, really) and two who haven't and won't.
4 of 6 here some are wanting to jab grandkids despite my attempt to persuade them otherwise
Four of my eight adult children did. I hear you.
My heart is with you. Four of my five children got jabbed. Probably never have grandchildren. Waiting for the other shoe to drop...
My deepest fear. Both my kids and my son-in-law got the jab. Two for work, one for travel. I begged and begged to no avail. Now I can only pray I'll be a grandmother someday but I have almost zero expectation. These shots were pure evil.
For work, I understand...but travel? I know it's a common reason, I just don't understand it.
You and me both! I've never been more disappointed, and it causes me immense pain to say it.
One of one.
my two sons got it - double jabbed but they won't get the third one - they are adults and wanted to travel (we are in France). It scares me constantly
Glad so many won’t get the third shot. Do you think they finally learned about the dangers? Or found they don’t work, so not worth the risk? Or booster not required for work, restaurants? Curious what changed after they got initial shots?
My eldest said he had heard that the third shot would give you a version of Covid and he didn't want to miss work. My youngest just said : we're not getting the third shot. (I had been sending as many articles as possible on the dangers - of course)
Older people see it for what it is but the younger generation are the go along to get along without thinking it through and hopefully they won't have any long term effects. If you still watch MSM, notice the uptick in blood clot drugs and therapies along with AIDS/HIV drugs. Don't recall the direct advertising of these products but like always they are prepping the masses to think that blood clots have always been around.
One of the goals of the Democrats is to use the scamdemic to break up and undermine the nuclear family which as you can see it has done. It has pitted the vaccinated against the unvaccinated and now their are families that will never be the same again. People are stubborn and even if they see the truth they will never admit it. Don't fall prey to that temptation and always be their mom regardless of what your children think about it.
The sad thing is with this war, all the crimes will be buried and nothing happens to all the criminals in this sham. Fauci retires and goes on the book tour collecting his bribe money and Big Pharma and especially Chyna get a free pass. Allow them to get away with it this time sends the message that they can do it again over and over and if we don't comply they release something that is really deadly.
Expect this to happen every four years. JB Pritizker just hauled in 3.5 Billion for the scamdemic by buying up testing companies and Illinois is the state that had the most testing done. This was a cash grab for Congress and the Democrat Party for the Great Reset.
oh I so agree with you. This younger generation just takes everything the State tells them as fact. It's very dispiriting. My sons and myself are not estranged, we get along great - but if I try to tell them any of this they just have huge anger reactions. So I pretty much keep it to myself. Actually, you try to talk about this to anyone and they just think you're crazy. It's insane (pun)
We cannot allow ourselves to give these periodic 'pandemics' any traction. Just do what we've been doing, ignore the noise, and live life as we want to live it. Even if it an absolutely horrible pandemic most of us now have our ways of dealing with fighting off bacteria that aren't seriously life-altering. I refuse to believe anything they ever tell me again. AIDs was strike one (I don't have AIDS or HIV but I have seen what it did to so many people); COVID is strikes two and three. Their ideas are OUT!
I share the same sorrow, Nancy.
Excellent view points in your article 💜
I’ve spent $3k so far in legal bills keeping my ex wife from vaccinating my 7 yr old boy. I showed her proof of his positive antibody test and she still tried to vaccinate him. 😩
I can’t imagine how stressful this must be for you. Thank god your son has a great dad.
I see why she's an "ex". Crazy looney tune to be polite
Hard to "like" this sad statement...but hopefully these new studies will help you get custody as the responsible parent if that's what you're wanting.
We’re heading to mediation and then court if we can’t agree.
Godspeed on this journey!
Well you need to use information from Dr Malone !
Well we can all understand why you divorced her...fingers crossed.
What about the paper that came out today showing no efficacy for the vaccines in under 12s?
My wife was a bit surprised when she saw this on the ABC news tonight. I do not want our 11 year old to be vaxxed especially since she had Covid in December.
Perhaps your lawyer can use the new study showing the shot alters DNA ( and follow that with the fact "genetic information" is now a protected trait of EEOC + The country of Chile has written it into labor laws: "mutants" and "genetically-modified humans" are protected against discrimination. ( Surely this info will help her change her mind and save face.
Does this mean humans will soon be classified and "non GMO"?
only the pure bloods are non-GMO.
Thank you!
I would certainly not say that. I would not bring these weird right-wing news sites into court. I would bring scientific PDFs only.
I don't think throwing every cooky argument into the ring is a good idea. Why not stick to the basic point:
1. the risks outweigh the benefits. There's no high-quality evidence any recovered person benefits from vaccination. When it comes to children, this is even stronger because even non-recovered children are at such low risk. There's only low-quality debunked 'antibody titer' evidence that recovered people benefit from vaccines, and it's not connected to an outcome like infection, hospitalization, or death. There is no scientific consensus "long covid" exists because long covid symptoms are more common in people who've never had covid, so any supposed evidence of "long covid" benefits is not accepted. There's significant evidence of vaccine risks. The evidence is repeatable in our country and every other one. There's evidence risks are greater in recovered people. Zero evidence-based benefit does not outweigh significant evidence-based risk. Then I would bring papers that prove each point.
2. risk vs. benefit must be for the child. It cannot be for anyone else. We must consider only the child when treating the child. Not everyone making "recommendations" has done that. In particular, the CDC considered the teacher's union, so it's a political recommendation not scientific. Because we must consider only the child we can't defer the decision to the authorities we have available. We must look at the PDFs.
These are not "weird" or "cooky" as you say. "Right-wing" I don't know, but you do realize few outlets are reporting actual news, right or left. So. If you click on the links you will see facts, not opinion. Real news. If you do a search, not using google, you will find these stories are accurately reported. I was suggesting the information be shared with the wife, hopefully avoiding the need for court altogether.
Best ever spent $3k.
So far it has kept her from doing it. We’re heading to court though. Being we are in Seattle area, I’m not sure I’ll win.