When will Canadian citizens demand that Trudeau is arrested, tried and executed for blatant violations of the Nuremburg Code? When will we all stop soft-pedaling genocide by Globalist parasites?

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They just approved the shots for children. Where the FDA goes, Health Canada follows like the little corrupted lap dogs they are.

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It's criminal to give these shots to babies and kids.

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It’s criminal to coerce anyone into taking them.

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Coerce is one way of putting it 😫

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Can we arrest Fauci, Gates, Daszak, Biden, and Trump for mass murder, yet?

Mass murderers must pay for their crimes.

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Yes, we can. Called a Citizens arrest.

Most of the Gov is paid off or are on the same Evil depop agenda so they are not going to.

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Trump never forced anyone to take the jabb. He promoted it but he never used force to get someone to accept it.

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Yes, Federal Statute. Lawyers should be taking these cases on. Slowly, very slowly they are taking them on.

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Lawyers need to take on the cases because the average Canadian is too stupid to represent himself, but it doesn't matter anyway, the judges are all corrupt and will always rule in favor of their globalist masters. What's required here can't be said outloud but can be clearly read between the lines.

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How come the other side can successfully organize coups and the good guys cannot do the same? I suppose that remains TBD.

What really helps the bad guys is are their Mafia techniques and mercenaries.

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Taking on cases when we are already dead will help no one . Peaceful demonstrations are a wast of time and a joke .The truckers march to Ottawa should have resulted in a fight to the death .

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Very true.

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Luke 17:1-2 "Then said He unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.' If they will not rtruly epent, then they deserve nothing but incomprehensible, ineffable, unfathomable and unimaginable misery, pain, suffering, torment, wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Lake of Fire where the worm dieth not and the fires are NEVER quenched. Dear Lord Jesus, may you reign down your fury on these destroyers of precious defenceless innocent children of yours.

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That's a bunch of bullshit they made up to keep y'all from lynching them, there is no hell. If things are going to get resolved, they need to be resolved here and now, not delayed for y'all's imaginary friend to take care of business.

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That Jesus is God is beyond question. He spoke of hell, and His church, Holy Mother Church, teaches it.

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How the flock can it be beyond question that a Jewish rabbi born to a 12 year old desert dwelling girl statutorily raped by his "father" is "God"? That's as ridiculous as the other billion imbeciles who worship a prophet who married a 6 year old girl & started raping her when she was 9 (Aisha) and y'all wonder why the planet is so messed up? With so many of y'all so stupid, how could it be any other way but flocked?

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Your superstitions are not beyond question.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022

Because you think you are God [omniscient], you can't be taken seriously, since you instantly commit intellectual suicide because of your comment.

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Agreed that it needs to be resolved here and now.

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Amen to that!

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Revelation 18:23

For your merchants were the greatest in the world, and you (deceived the nations with your sorceries.)

The word sorceries in the Greek is pharmakia, this is where we get the word pharmaceutical

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Remember here in the US around 800,000 babies are aborted and thrown in trash each year. It is pretty obvious babies are no longer precious.

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The devaluation of life also reflects the mass production and destruction of life at IVF clinics.

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Actually had a "Catholic" nurse practitioner explain why overturning Roe v Wade would land all those couples in prison when they use IVF to produce a baby. When I challenged her on that, explaining that you're tossing out embryos, she looked at me like I was a heartless sicko. She asked me, in quite a temper, if I had any idea how expensive it is to adopt.

Maybe almost as expensive as IVF?

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Actually to adopt a domestic infant is probably more expensive. Even my close friends who simultaneously adopted two infant boys from Russia (to reduce the expense) still spent a small fortune back in the day. Of course a couple could adopt foster kids. But for many obvious reasons it’s the road less traveled, as It is fraught with risk. It is extremely important not to be overly glib about adoption.

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Thank you for sharing that Zade, she is the antichrist abomination.. The fact she is Catholic and thinks that such a position is morally fine..sigh... Romans 1:18-32, 2Timothy3.

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My nephew and his wife did IVF 3 times to have their twins. This was in the early 2000s. If I remember correctly, it cost $25,000 each time. The kids are now teens.

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They are sold for parts.

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Yup. That is why they love late term abortions.

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If we can abort living babies, why can't we retroactively abort a 79 year old traitor and baby murderer?

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That's Planned Parenthood's biggest money maker. Contrary to liberal rhetoric, PP does nothing for "women's health". It's absurd that PP gets taxpayer money on top of what they make from their "services".

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And this of course leads to the movement to "euthanize" old useless eaters.

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I'm old , useless, and about to go eat now, Zade... was chuckling about you trying to convert me to learn Grammar. You are 👌

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When a society does this to their own unborn... i remember what the Lord did in the Old Covenant to such societies, He allows them to bring such profound utter annihilation upon themselves for they have given themselves over to the father of lies, absolute abomination, and they get what they deserve. As a man who was supposed to be a feticide victim, and by the Lord's will ended up alive, you have idea how much righteous indignation sinning not wells up in me to witness the utmost satanic murder of the unborn.

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I dont envy them on Judgement Day. That is my solace when reading about the atrocities of fauci, gates, corrupt world leaders. I have absolute faith Our Lord will take care of bidness!

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I agree, i do NOT envy them on Judgment Day. With you that is solace also that when reading about such evil leaders and NWO kings etc that if they will not repent, then yes, absolute faith the true Lord will take care of business beyond our ability to even comprehend.

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I'm glad you're alive.

I've met at least two men conceived in rape, and very thankful their mothers bore them. Killing babies in the womb destroys the child, and maims the mother inside and out.

I used to help in the local RTL group, setting up pro life booths at our county and city fairs each year. I could usually spot women who'd had abortions. They didn't come over and get ugly, they walked by and averted their gaze. I saw the pain they suffered. It was most often someone who hadn't experienced the tragedy who wanted to come and ream us out.

The shots being pushed, developed using fetal cells, or even brewed in vats of them, are now injuring and killing us. It's so horribly circular.

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Zade, God bless you for pro life work. The abortion push is from satan

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Disc Lazz, I am heartbroken about those who almost were murdered by abortion, then having to hear fir decades....

Anyway you are a beautiful human being. I am very sorry for your suffering

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God bless youDisc.Laz...

God bless you

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One reason we are facing this chastisement. Unborn Babies are precious. Not to Alex. But to God, Catholic Church, pro lifers

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On one level it makes me sick but on another I realize that most of them would have grown up to be Democrats & I really hate to think how more flocked up the country would be with half a million more sub functioning, ugly, fat, low IQ leftists entering circulation with their hands out every year. Tough call indeed.

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Remember Beethoven was the youngest son of a poor family that would have been considered trash.

It's a long walk back but taking the "freakonomics" view reduces us to commodities and doesn't reckon on miracles, which happen every day.

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What's he have to do with it, was his momma going to abort him? My point was that the world would be a better place if that segment of society in favour of abortion would abort itself out of existence.

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This is dangerous, deplorable thinking.

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Not really, it's actually very logical. If all those in favour of abortion would gravitate to states where they were free to abort themselves out of existence the country would experience a much needed cleansing and we could start all over with the turds out of the gene pool.

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Douchenozzle, Democrats are more educated and have higher IQs than Rethugnikkkans.

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Kill all the Republicans?

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I'm still looking for proof of that.

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Well most governments are run by criminals. National level governments are the most powerful organized crime families in the world.

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Please take your poison and shut up like good sheeple, stop complaining about the global fascists' depopulation plans. Thank Klaus Slob and Fauci and Gates. Don't be so ungrateful. 😏

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As a Canadian, I am just waiting for another attempt to be made to revert back to the masking, distancing etc. requirements. The news is repeatedly talking about what will ‘happen’ with the next wave in the fall and the possible need for further restrictions. So fed up with these alarmists. We need to just move on. We’ve already spent two years focusing on ‘impending death’ to all who don’t comply. I have become tone deaf at this point 😱

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They’re already bringing back the indoor mask mandate here in Los Angeles. Apparently, cases are rising again. Oddly this time however, they’re not including gyms and yoga studios. I’ve already told my wife I’m not doing anymore. It’s been over two years of this crap. It’s obvious this is about power and control at this point. Non compliance is the only way out.

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It will take non-compliance in massive numbers to send a clear message that it will be impossible to re-enforce former restrictions. I think this is the only way out at this point - here in Canada, in the States and internationally.

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I had so much hope for the trucker convoy but look what our despicable Prime Minister did to stop that. One of the organizers is still in jail!

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But non of the other parties would have done any different. Poilievre is trying to win the Conservative leadership by complaining about the money Trudeau spent.

In normal times it would be an outrage but in the context of what they've done over Covid... just in Ontario they murdered over 3,000 seniors in nursing homes by abandoning them to die of dehydration. No inquiring. We only know anything because of leaks from the military. Would Poilievre have done anything about the forced jabs, the lockdowns or suppressing therapeutics?

If they were in power the only difference is there would have been no transfer payments to survive the lockdowns.

After the emergency measures act I saw Pamela Wallin on her own YouTube channel giving an impassioned speach about the travesty of the act.

The next day another Senator pops up on my recommended list. Same speach. Same length. Same production quality.

Next day, another Senator doing the same. Then I realized it was all staged to make it look like someone was on the side of Canadians.

And what about Bernier of PPC? I'll vote for him but not hold my breath expecting representation.

Matt Ehret says Canada has never been a democracy. It's run by the privy council who take orders from the Queen and we don't know who gives her orders. Maybe City of London mayor. Nobody knows.

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I agree that non-compliance is the only way out. During the last mask mandate, I didn’t comply and it wasn’t easy. I live in a small city on Vancouver Island and even though we have no mask mandate for now, the majority of people are still wearing them. I believe they are genuinely fearful and I’ve no doubt it’s because they listen to the MSM lies. Canadians need to stand up for their rights, instead, they give them away so easily.

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We have never been an nation of protestors. We can get slapped in the face repeatedly and almost say ‘thank you’.

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As one in the spiritually sin sick sickening sodomite "sancturary" socialist stronghold of Toronto, i feel you.

Check out Dan Dicks at PressForTruth, he used to live here, but moved to your province, does some good work.

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I did this in Duncan after the mask mandates came back. Only got kicked out of a few places which I will never patronize again. A few people saw my bare face and bared theirs as well. Far too few...

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All CCP like BLUE cities and BLUE controlled states it will be an issue as it was before. WE ALL KNOW who is responsible. NEVER FORGET when you vote in 22 and 24. These crimes against humanity MUST never be forgotten!

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Who is responsible?

Trump used OT authority of Operation Warp Speed to create jabs outside of all laws and regulations and will be secret forever. OT is Other Transaction law. US military requisition law for experimental products.

Trump killed INF Treaty so US could put nukes in Poland, Romania and Ukraine.

Trump ignored Ukraine plutonium stockpiling and Pentagon funded Slav targeting bioweapons labs.

Trump gave more weapons and training to Ukronazis to kill Donbass civilians.

Trump hire Robert Kadkec and had bird flu of 2018 and mystery pig virus released in 2019 then topped of off with Covid Oct. 2019. US intelligence inadvertently admitted it in leaked secret report. See NYT.

The Project for a New American Century think tank report called for genomically targeted bioengineered bioweapons as the key to US maintaining hegemony throughout 21st century.

At the beginning of pandemic the Wuhan and Italian strains were unrelated. They originated from an unknown strain that was later discover to be American. This is from scientific journals. Not mere assertions.

Russia, China, India, Brazil and likely by the time they're done, all of Africa, the middle east, South America and half of Asia will have joined BRICS. I think it's because every intelligence agency and government in the world knows the truth and they've had enough of the Anglo-American satanic cabal running things.

Trump and the Republicans are up to their eyeballs in this. Trump is still pushing these jabs. Just yesterday his exwife died from the jab.

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She died from blunt force trauma and you won't know anything unless they do an autopsy. Im not sure trump is behind all you say. There are so many forces at work in the swamp, no one knows all the details. The BRICS has been around for awhile. And all those countries have their fair share of economic and workforce issues. I'd bet my money on the deep state and far left actors. Trump has a massive ego, listened to the wrong people and was sabotaged the minute he threw his hat in the ring. That he continues the "jab is great" narrative is a bad move on his part. Show me an Independent candidate for President who has a clue and a realistic plan and he'll have my vote. The donkey and elephant parties are a joke.

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If even 25% of what you say is true we are all F!

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We should support stores and restaurants who will not enforce it. It’s clearly designed to crush us

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How do they know cases are rising? Testing is done at home since the tax money funding testing sites dried up. If I purchase a test OTC, does that mean I tested positive? 😖

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In my area of Canada cases are rising significantly, among the vaxxed. All the health-care folks are "fully" vaxxed (unvaxxed are fired) and hospitals are more short-staffed than ever due to illness. My missus' friend got her 2nd booster last week - sick this week. I read somewhere that the sickness cycle among the vaxxed is approximately every 90 days; how long can their bodies maintain that schedule? Will they ever be normal again, or will they keep spiraling to shorter and shorter cycles? I am concerned about the eventual outcome for supply lines and core services if the vaxxed are doomed. "Yikes!" comes to mind.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Most of us in my family are unvaxxed. Some of us definitely got covid early on, one in late 2019, another in late 2020. The rest of us have not been sick with anything for all this time until about March. My husband and I got two "colds" two months apart, in early March and early May. Don't know what it was, but it was a big nothing burger both times (first time was a bit worse than the second). More recently, my grandson's wife (unvaxxed) got covid a year ago (mild), and her newborn baby didn't get anything. Then a couple of weeks ago she got covid again (at least, the rapid test "claimed" she had it). A couple of days later her one year old got it (sniffles for a couple of days), then her mother got it, and my daughter got it. All annoying cold type things but mild. Despite being around so many covid cases, my grandson tested positive but had zero symptoms.

I think the covid farce set the stage for tyrannical behavior, and now every little typical and usual cold or flu virus that shows up is claimed to be covid to keep the fear and control going.

So from what I see, the initial immunity of the original covid didn't protect against whatever is going around now. And whatever is going around now is no bigger a deal than various viruses we've always experienced each year. One oddity is that the cases seem a bit out of season. My daughter is a nurse and she has seen that a lot of the elderly and compromised she deals with are hardly affected at all, or at worst, they get mild colds. No waves of dire sickness or death, sorry to disappoint the liars among us.

We have all been played, they continue to play us as long as we let them get away with it. Unfortunately, too many people continue to play along with their mind control tactics, which keeps the game going endlessly.

I like the visual analogy of the Sri Lankans angrily swarming the presidential palace. Through refusal to comply with this farce any longer, we should "swarm" the dark caves of the people who continue to perpetrate covid theater.

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I read somewhere on substack that the jabbed lose 10% of their immune system every 2 times they catch covid. If they could go a year between infections they might live a nearly full life because the immune system would have time to recover. But it doesn't have to go to zero for them to die. If it gets low any cold will lead to pneumonia and that's it. Can't vouch for it's authority. It may have come from Geert Vanden Bossche. He's be right about everything though.

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See Dr. Malones substack for quality answers on that.

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Good question. Driving around my area there's still "free covid testing" popup tents here and there, with some alone bored looking human manning it staring at their phone. Maybe that's where they're getting their data from? I think they just want us all back in masks. Can't let the plebes think things are getting back to the old normal, gotta reinforce the "new" normal. It'll be interesting to see how much compliance there is on this this time around. I'd say about 10~20% of people I see out and about are still in masks. I'm sure they're all extremely relived the mandate is coming back so they don't look like the oddball fools still out wearing them.

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You believe the bullshit tests?

Hell, they test me 100 times: covid 43, smallpox 28, black death 21, Ebola 7

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This makes me happy. It gives me hope. I've spent the past

2 1/2 years shouting from the rooftop, STOP COMPLYING. It is good to see people awakening. Power to the PEOPLE! Keep up the good fight.

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"Non compliance is the only way out."

That is the absolutely correct answer. Asking power-lusting predators to please stop tormenting their prey is utterly futile.

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It's even more simple than that. If the non-binary cockholster Trudeau brings back the mandates, everybody stays home from work for a few days and the entire house of cards comes crashing down. They can't run their gulags without the blue collar idiots who reported for work the last time around.

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Are they only going to arrest non mask wearers who are stealing more than 980 dollars worth of merchandise or services?

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Have you noticed that even though our fake doctor, Ms. Ferrer, kept the LAX mask mandate going, there are still about 60% of people walking around with no masks in the airport? Also, most stores never took down their "Mask required" signs, but even employees are not wearing them. People are growing immune to such signage. I predict once the mandates are in force again, most people will have become conditioned to ignore any new mandates just as they are in the airports and public transport currently.

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You give Californians way too much credit. These are the same people who obediantly re elect their leftist oppressors. Just like in Canada's largest urban areas.

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Be careful...the indoctrination and mass psychosis runs deep!

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It's also about tyranical leftists punishing dissenters. California gives unlimited power to democrats. This is the result.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

Right on John H.

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why wouldn't they. Not ONE of them is in jail or remotely held to account. There is literally ZERO accountability for crimes committed against humanity

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True, because they successfully socially engineered so many to become complacent and love their servitude.

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Exactly. Faith in authority is the great sweeping mental disease of civilization.

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They all know the regulators and prosecutors are "in on" the corruption; most importantly they know there'a no "watchdog" press anymore. Those with absolute power can now do whatever they want with zero risk of being exposed and held accountable. When you know that nobody is going to expose you, you act accordingly. So they will become even more brazen.

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I disagree. There is no watchdog press required, all the information you could possibly need is freely available in the internet. The problem is that the average human being is so god awfully stupid now that they can't see the shit sandwich even if they've got a mouthful of it. They truly deserve their fate.

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I respectfully disagree with your disagreement. If, say, by some miracle, The New York Times came out with a major expose proving that the vaccines are NOT effective and are killing hundreds of thousands of people ... this WOULD change the narrative. It would also give permission for other mainstream sites to do the same type real journalism. So other reporters could add to this expose and support these findings. The key is to reach large numbers of people within the established or "trusted" news organizations. Now this isn't going to happen, but if it did, thinking would change. It changed on the Hunter Biden laptop story and the narrative that the vaccine was NOT produced in a lab. What changed? Alternative or non-prestige media had been reporting these conclusions for months. What changed is that The Times, Washington Post, etc. said, "okay, we can now consider these theories as very plausible."

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022

Right Bill! Exactly what happens when there is simply zero reason of being concerned you will be held to account or have to accept any responsibility. This lack of REAL accountability pervades on so many levels of society now, but especially within the pharma-gov-medical-media cartel

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That is because the criminals are the ones who do the holding to account.

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Right! typical commie playbook. Accuse you of what they are actually doing and it goes on and on and on

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Wondering the same thing here in WA with our mad man Governor. Just waiting for fall and a return to fear mode.

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Dimslee's power comes from those who allow him to govern him. I never wore a mask once in WA, and never will. Anyone who tries to force me will never see a penny of my money again. Be prepared to pull your kids out of school....it's all coming apart anyways until we win our society back.

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Totally agree. We never wore masks either and never will. Problem in WA is liberals control elections and they vote for anyone with a “D” by their name.

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The problem in Washington State is almost all voting is done by mail. The corruption in our voting system at every level is a huge problem….😳

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Badass Post of the Week.

It's easy to talk like this in Tx, but in WA, badass

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This is the problem...people are always stuck in asking WHY or WONDERING (no disrespect...just sayin). All the same things WILL happen IF there is no accountability for what has already happened. What HAS to happen is these perps and we know who they are MUST be held to real-legitimate ACCOUNT otherwise we get it over and over and over. Just sayin

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Massive Non-compliance is the only path forward with any of this covid theatre. These tyrants will never stop, too much money involved. If people just go along with it at this point they must want it that way. No more excuses to comply anymore. The data is clear, it’s all bullshit theatre.

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Totally agree! It will take large numbers to combat this but it will need to happen swiftly before they start penalizing people and making examples of them hence discouraging any further resistance.

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Testify brother!

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There is another way that is preferable because the health uber-alists will never admit fault. As in any revolution the people have to resist. Don’t participate in the edicts and decrees. Find a way around it.

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sure...no brainer for resisting, but examples must be made of these crimes against humanity for the public to see. There has to be a reckoning. These perps are paid by us and serve us in principle so unless they truly "feel" that notion we get more of the same and sure we throw sticks and stones as usual resisting as we do

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Me too! ( in WA)

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The behavioural scientists and epidemiologists are in full control. Nudge theory of the former is aligning with the precautionary principle of the latter with full applause from the corporate media and the consent of a beaten down populace. The judiciary and political classes are too gutless and deeply entrenched in corruption to end it.

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Yep advancing their agenda under the cloak of "science" and that includes their climate smoke screen.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

The corporate media are owned by globalists. They are also paid shills pretending to be journalists for deep state and for big pharma. Next time count how many pharma ads come up in 15 mins.

Their unified, scripted “stories” are structured to promote the elite OWO agenda. Alex Berenson , Greenwald, Whitney Webb, etc are a few true journalists left. Notice they don’t work for the large corporations.

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Yep. 2/3 of all advertising on TV these days are pharma ads. Ask you doctor about.... This all started in the 90s. At the time I thought "why would drug companies market directly to consumers". It was so weird at the time, like people have a clue about prescription drugs. Now it all makes sense, and with all the weird ailments about to pop up from the covid jabs, it's going into overdrive.

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I dunno, the Trump and Reefer Madness crapola make me dubious, along with the mystery settlement and the offer to return money to "anyone who asks", like he didn't at least get legal expenses in the settlement...

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Also many fine thinkers on LewRockwell dot com and on ThConservativeWoman dot com.

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The population is stupid beyond words, of course they will load peacefully into the cattle cars and so they should, creatures as retarded as the average modern day human don't deserve to live.

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It's the complete abdication of the Fourth Estate's "watchdog" role that really made all of this possible.

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This is basically their stated goal, they are calling the fall the "respiratory season," like every cult, they have their own novel way of marking time. During the "respiratory season" masking will become mandatory, more or less as a way to show people who is in charge.

All legislation is medical treatment: it is psychotherapy backed by physical therapy. "Correction is medical treatment" (Arist. 1104b15)

So whenever you are being "corrected," that is medical treatment. Lots of things that were well-known by the small caste of lawyers, doctors, etc. up until the Internet are now basically available to everyone with a cellphone. The entire system of Government is essentially Platonic: a "guardian class" of people who lie about what they are doign, to build the "kallipolis" or "beautiful city."

Elites now work to destroy the "excess population" by conditioning them to be obedient slaves, far worse that at any other point in history.

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We all knows what happens if this continues...it will not be pretty will it

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Weird how they only talk about seasonality when it's scary, isn't it?

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I lived in Canada for 36 years & watched it turn from a European founded paradise to a third world infested leftist shite hole. If the Son of Castro tells y'all to jump again, y'all will ask how high and that will be the end of it. My condolences, but Canada is dead, replaced with Canukistan. So sad.

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Canada has become lil China

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I no longer call Canadians Canucks. Now it's just cucks. I'm surrounded by these zombies. They still follow establishment media and vote how they are told.

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Canadians brought you the Truckers Freedom Convoy, there's some backbone in this country

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True, in western Canada mostly. I'd say that about 80% of Eastern Canadians are absolute garbage.

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You are right, they are already readying us for this... i pray there is a revolt.

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They want to keep the public in a state of fear so they can manipulate and control them.

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Fear Fear Fear Fear Fear...

For control

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The US Administrative State is a corrupt idiocracy for sure. Our complacency has allowed it to flourish like weeds run amok.

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Our brains started to become hijacked 40 years ago… by the media and entertainment industries

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Well long before that, like when Hollywood started in the mid 1900s or so. I leave you with this;

“... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people.”

~ H. G. Wells (1866-1946) in his book entitled "The New World Order" (1939)

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Thanks. There is a 12 page preview free at Amazon.

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Thank you John, i can . The book is on archive.org like so many quality evidences of the NWO agenda.

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Even before that. Ben Franklin ran a monopoly on the press and practiced yellow journalism. Yet historians are only recently starting to wake up to this snd to realize he made everyone think he was a wonderful guy because he was the one printing the news about himself. He was a narc. Anyway my point is even Jesus said the people are like sheep without a shepherd. It’s always been like this. People in general are sheep.

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Thank you for your reply.

Ben Franklin and William Randolph Hearst lived in different times, Ben came before William by a good bit so i do not know why you are using the term "Yellow Journalism" with Ben when what you described is not yellow journalism, this is what it is;

Yellow journalism refers to newspaper reporting in the mid to late 1890s that embraced dramatic headlines and exaggerated story-lines about crime, corruption, sex, and scandal in order to increase circulation numbers and revenue. The pinnacle of Yellow Journalism is how the newspapers reported the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine off the coast of Cuba. Editors, like William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitizer, knew that an international conflict would significantly boost sales and revenue. So to help encourage a war, they used their newspapers and exaggerated headlines to sway public opinion against Spain and in favour of war.

Ben a narc? Such a word to use with Ben, i do not see how such a word can be used to apply to him considering the recent history of that word and how it is to be applied.

Jesus taught people w/o a true shepherd are like sheep who are lost and wolf food, that is the single-eyed understanding. Yes it has always been like this, but we are all sheep, with only a minority of sheep not foolish for they follow a true shepherd.

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Gee whiz, I wonder what religion those media and entertainment types are. If only there were some way to identify them by their names or facial features . . .

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They were hijacked long, long ago when our ancestors were taught that taking things on faith and believing in authority were wise mental policies.

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Religion is indeed the opiate of the masses, but you also have to be a complete & utter imbecile to believe that government will solve your problems.

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Too many Politicians and Coders, and not enough Farmers.

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Bill Gates is buy up vast amounts of farmland and investing in lab-grown meat. What could possibly go wrong?

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Exactly right. That compliance is what Ayn Rand referred to as "the sanction of the victim".

It is made up of the false "virtues" of faith and self-sacrifice.

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We all need to pay attention to the contagious vaccination that has already been developed! They will have it ready and there will be no pure bloods in the next pandemic. These elites are criminals and where is our medical community? Do no harm? I think not!!

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022


You are exactly right. That is what Bill Hates, Fraudci etc are doing. They have been growing "vaccines " ( not vaccines ) in food product/tobacco leaves etc. Also they have the gene editing mechanism ( ie mRNA )hooked up to a contagious, likely relatively symptomless virus as well as some that are not symptomless, so it can be passed on from person to person. Widespread. This is the scary part. They want the human genome in its entirety ( well, maybe not for them ) hacked. So they can kill, manipulate it and be in CONTROL of the pop ( and depop ). Insane psychopathic control freaks. But very smart and rich.

Most of the Medical community has their heads up there a...es. Not many free thinkers unfortunately. Then there is a large group of medicals that are being wildly censored. Trying to educate the public on this is difficult because they don't have - the education to understand. But luckily for numerous groups (usually not college graduates) good old common sense tells them something is wrong. ie when someone will give you a free lottery ticket ( to no where ) or a free beer or $ 5, if you let someone, inject you, with something. Does not pass the smell test.

The Evil Overlords continually poll and track ( 3 letter agency data) what we r thinking. They are always many steps ahead of us, in most ways. So they are realizing their last trick with the fake vax bioweapon is about up. On to plan B and C...

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same for south america. case example: brazil. they actually said “fda! cdc! ema! not need look further! approved!”.


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This is just insane.

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True. Insanity only succeeds with unlimited funding. The extortion racket called taxation and the counterfeiting racket called monetary policy provide such funding. Evil with unlimited funding is the result of voters voting for free stuff from the government for centuries.

A government powerful enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take everything you have. Now they are taking it.

Welfare was insane, but few people objected. Welfare for the people has become warfare on the people. Those who offered free medicine and education now offer mandatory vaccines and censorship.

Meanwhile the mass of victims are encouraged to practice the false religious virtues of faith and self-sacrifice.

They pray on their knees while the predators prey on them.

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John Howard, Well said!

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So true. I agree with all. Perhaps because Canadians receive an "illusionary free" healthcare ( spoiler alert: it is not free; nothing of value is free, not even love!), they succumbed so easily, and somewhat fanatically, to the clot shots, and all of the other Covid BS. My family in Canada rarely speaks to me anymore, and my mother has promised me she will not go for a fifth shot, but I am putting my bets on her doing the opposite. Futile is a good word to ponder at the moment.

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Eileen, I am so sorry. Very difficult for you.

Warmth and blessings.

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Thank you. My two kids and I are staying strong against all this madness. I am a fighter, and will use my voice to tell the truth.

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Just a short time ago, Canadians were saying "where we go, the USA goes. We must say no, we will not comply, we are all going to be bulldozed. The only "give" in them is what they can't stop when we push back.

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And this is the result, already after 3 weeks of FDA approval, 137 babies dead form the jab...and this..


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Jeff, i tweeted that out;


You want to know something interesting? The link is blocked by twitter claiming to the effect it's 'misinformatiion' or something to this effect, when i saw that i thought to myself "once again, when you see them call this misinformation, or mal-information, when it's truth, obviously they really show their left hand path journey/the way of the Devil." .. so i found a link shortener and was able to tweet it out. Thank for posting it.

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Truth, you are right, i tell you that as one in the constantly growing spiritually sin sick sickening sodomite "sanctuary" socialist stronghold of Toronto/Canada.

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Well the fda is largely funded by pharma. Conflict of interest??.....nah

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And Canada will now require regular boosters, every nine months.

On a recent vacation, I met some nice people, who said they're Canadian. I replied, "OH! I'm so sorry about your nut-case prime minister!"

They were offended by my description of their PM.

So, to answer this question--when will Trudeau be arrested--NEVER, as long as there are Kool-aid drinkers like this couple.

(Oh, and they also thought the Canukistan Truckers were "dangerous.")

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I just want to state that as a Canadian, I agree with your statements. I don't know where these other Canadians were from; I suspect they live in Ontario but I could be wrong. Elsewhere in Canada, Trudeau is not a popular PM by any means

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We are in Ontario but not in the GTA where all the whiny Trudeau supporters are. Down here in the Niagara Region, the tourist industry (except for Canadians on the weekends) has suffered tremendously. 40,000 people in the region rely on this industry to feed their families. The NF mayor has pleaded for months for Trudeau to drop the ArriveCan app which is prohibiting Americans from coming. Apparently all other border town mayors are on the same page. Trudope just doesn’t care.

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Trudeau is a controlled asset of the WEF.

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I prefer sock puppet of the WEF lol

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I'm guessing he and klaus are best buds. macron must have lost his standing with klaus as he just lost big time on his vaxx pass.

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He doesn't care if you starve. Just like Stalin and the people of the USSR in the 1930s, what they want is control and see all opposition as an obstacle that needs to be crushed.

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Human life is of no value to these people.

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Thank you for your comment, Mary. I'm so sorry about what you're going through in your area. I've visited the Niagara region - gorgeous place. I hope we can change things for the better and get Trudope out!

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You and me and thousands of others are eagerly awaiting some good news! The media plays a huge role in alarming the public. They lean totally in favour of tightening the screws on people.

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Yes, Mary, we're ready for another trip to the NF region. Family are from there on both sides of the border and some of the best food, wine and scenery are in your neck of the woods. Sending hope and support your way!

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So glad I saw the stunning NF in saner times. Truly a wonder!

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I feel for all of you. Canada, like CA and NY, is permanently off the list of places that will get my tourist dollars.

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I grew up in the WNY, Niagara region. Its crazy what’s happening there. I’m so sorry.

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Kill him

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I didn’t think substack had these kind of trolls?

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Then poison trudeau

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I'm not familiar with the predispositions of residents of each province, but it sounds like Ontario is the Massachusetts of Canada.

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Ontario and Quebec are the New York, Illinois, Mass. and California of Canada.

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Aw c'mon! There's no place is wacky as California, the Nation's Capital of Screwball.

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Vancouver, British Columbia is the California of the North. Vancouver is a mirror image of San Francisco.

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Canada follows too many of California's 'best' policies. Not too long ago, the carbon credit market consisted of Ontario, Quebec and California. When Doug Ford won Ontario, he got us out of it, but Quebec continued. I'm not sure about other provinces.

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Yes, that could be although to be fair, I know at least one person from Massachusetts who doesn't agree with what is going on with the mandates, etc. She's seen what the vaccinations have done to her friends and family. As far as Ontario goes, I can only hope that there are many more people there that I'm unaware of who have "woken up", especially if Trudeau holds a snap election. The way that the election system is in Canada, the people in the eastern part of Canada determine who gets to be leader. That obviously has to change (many things have to change) or inevitably, Canada will split apart.

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Sounds like the US--in danger of another split. People in US don't understand the Electoral College, which is the only thing that prevents California & New York from dictating every president.

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God, you are absolutely right. Didn’t Hillary talk about the electoral college when she lost to Trump? I think there should be a crash course with bonus points for the Electoral College in grade and/or high schools.

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San Francisco.

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Oh yes, good point! Spot on!

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Odds are they're from Ontario or the Liberal part of B.C. Maybe the Maritimes.

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Thanks for updating us on the mental health of at least part of the canadians Anna. I hope you all escape the forced poison jabs.

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Thank you Ingrid. I will not comply.

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Well done...never. No is the optimal word at the moment, especially to anything the government wants! I am Canadian but live in Switzerland, thank God. I really feel for all of you that are fighting against the tyranny you now face. Keep fighting. As Steve Kirsch pointed out in his last post, the narrative is falling fast; hold on a little longer.

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Thank you for the encouragement, Eileen.

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Like the USA, are the large cities more pro Trudeau vs the rural areas?

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Yes. Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver all mostly voted Liberal.

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I would guess that the city of Toronto, Ontario and cities in Quebec are particularly pro-Trudeau. Ontario and Quebec have a bigger say in our elections than other provinces, especially in the west. I can't imagine why anyone in the rural areas anywhere in Canada would be pro-Trudeau, especially when he's thinking of doing the same thing to farmers here as the Netherlands government is doing to its farmers.

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Bill gates will rescue us. He has lots of farmland. China has our pork plants. We'll be fine 😬

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Oh I'm sure Gates and China will share. :D We'll be expected to eat bugs.

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Oh, God……..I always have to make sure I’m not sipping my coffee when I read your posts………I forgot this time……..’sorry about your nut-case prime minister!’ I spit out my coffee.


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Denise, you sound like a hoot, and a very positive person! Go farmers here in Europe! not only in Holland!

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Thanks, Eileen!

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

you're describing the WOKE crowd who are self deluded, satan has their minds locked down. It's also how you spot a narcissist. Narcissists worship and defend other narcissists and narcissistic agenda's/behavior. Like attracts like.

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Mass formation psychosis. Matias Desmet.

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I know you all are mad, and rightly. But have some compassion. Almost everyone has been wrong from time to time. But: keep explaining it to them.

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Well..we do have a brain-damaged man in the Oval Office....

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Yes we do, and isn't it interesting that there's finally so much discussion about it?

I said it throughout the 2020 campaign: "Covid my ass! They're keeping him in the basement because he's losing his marbles."

I see it as a sign that the Dems are ready to throw him under the bus. Plus his cognitive problems have become so obvious that I've heard compulsive Dems actually say out loud, "The VP is clueless, but how much worse could she be?"

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I've asked other forums who will go first, Hunter from an "accident" or Joe from a 'stroke". Neither will be alive by 2024, hell Sniffy may be gone before the mid-terms!!

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Funny you should mention Hunter. Here's a thought--for those of us with wild imaginations:

Hunter cops a plea to whatever--income tax evasion? Influence peddling? Treason, even?

THEN...he is sentenced to NO JAIL TIME on the condition (whispered & no one will even admit) that The Big Guy resigns

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They don't want the Cackler in charge though. Not yet.

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I'm sure about that. "Brandon" is so widely discredited/disliked, it's possible that even that Giggling Dipshit is less toxic to the Dem's immediate future (mid-term elections).

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If Giggles gets pushed to the top, she will still be controlled by the same people pulling the strings for Biden. On Tucker's show today he finally got pretty blunt and named a lot of names. Finally.

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Except he's not really in charge. I'm astounded at how few people openly question WHO is actually calling the shots. Clearly it's not Biden.

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I'm Canadian and Trudeau is a nut case prime minister.

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I disagree. Natural Selection will be changing demographics over the ne t few years.

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Mass formation psychosis. Matias Desmet.

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Wish we could walk up to them and look them in the eye and say "this is for your own damn good" and give a swift noticeable slap across the face to hope it wakes the WOKE and delusional out of them lol

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There is hope for us Canucks:


When I saw this article, I thought, wow, my fellow Canadians are finally seeing reality. It's just disappointing that there is anyone who doesn't.

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Good news for sure. Trudeau is a traitor - his loyalty is to the globalist sociopaths, not to Canadian citizens.

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The land of so many galactically stupid RIO and you know you cannot FIX stupid!

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Love your stuff Rosie! Always look out for you. Warm greetings from UK!

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My goodness. Thanks! Especially to you from the Land of the Pythons!

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We got 'Pythons' too! That'd be me Uncle Monty!

Unfortunately not much to laugh about at present... Boris has been a very naughty boy!

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While I agree, politically, with Nigel Farage, every time I see him on TV, I think he works at the Ministry of Silly Walks.

Makes me think Monty Python makes documentaries.

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Those are Liberal drones. A couple of more boosters and they won't be bothering anyone anymore.

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FYI, Canadians don't care. They do whatever the government says and without question. We lived there for 15 years and like most immigrants, got the heck out of there months ago because there is no hope.

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I suppose most Canadians are also European immigrants, and I noticed for the longest time, how most Europeans followed their governments. Belgium, my country of origin, did. Dad still sheepishly went for a fourth shot, while several family members were sick in bed with the virus after receiving 3 shots. And several were very sick from the booster as well.

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This is an interesting point you are making. Most of the Eastern European friends we have who immigrated to Canada like we did have left.... they saw communism in JT and they got the heck out. But you have a point, the immigrant friends we have from France, Denmark, Netherlands all got the shot without question.

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I hope you saw or read Putin's speech. He now sounds more democratic than most western leaders. It also sounds somewhat like a pamphlet I read earlier, from the early Hitler days. They put the finger on the sore wound and than installed a totalitarian regime. It still is worrisome though, that you have to agree with Putin.

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I did see it and unfortunately, also wonder what is going on. Clearly it is not about health.

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My sister got her third Covid jab, and became very ill. This was in New York State. She resides mainly in Montana now. Her doctor in Montana told her: “The next time you want to get a Covid vaccine, come and talk with me first.” His way of quietly telling her not to get the vaccine again. I hope she listens.

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Mountain people are smart. That is why I had hopes for Austria's folly with the jabs, too. Too many mountain farmers who would never consent to being jabbed. I have good hopes for your sister. Probably in good hands !

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Montanan here, living in the most liberal neighborhood in the most liberal city. People regularly gasp in shock and horror when I tell them I'm not vaccinated. Drive ten miles outside of town and folks seem to have a lot more sense. (And I say that as someone who generally loves my neighbors and my town.)

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But Ingrid, Belgians make the BEST BEER ON THE PLANET!!!!

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you got that right ! t least they can do one thing good

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Flemish beef stew and frites on a cold day....best meal ever!

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The only things I miss here in the US are 1. our city swimming pool where I went every day 2. cheese and cut meats. Long as I stay here, I don't really realize it, but the times I went back, I found how homogenous food here is. Seems like I eat the same thing over and over again. And fries in Belgium are much better than US fries.

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They won’t. Most are brainwashed to believe big medical and big government have their best interest at heart. If there’s any hope, it’ll be the folks from flyover country but we all saw what happened with those damn racist truckers!

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Er! That would be "never!" The Govt is a reflection of its people. We suck!

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Take your red pill and channel your inner Patrick Henry.

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Yes, lets get those truckers back to Ottawa. Since this is Manitoba data perhaps the convoy could start in Manitoba and terminate in Ottawa. The rallying cry could be "Arrest Trudeau".

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Or they can just stop deliveries to all major shitlib cities until their demands are met. A slowdown or refusal to work would hit those managerial and laptop class scum harder. Maybe they can grow their food in their apartments when door dash can't deliver their food.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Hey man, a lot of us laptop class are as outraged, angry and confused as you. We got a group of what one day will probably be called "hero's" that, like a lot of people, saw the future of a Joe Biden presidency and went to the Capital to voice their concerns about the integrity of elections where not just a majority, but 80 million people supposedly voted up front for everything that has happened since.

Everyone acts like what's happened since is a surprise that came out of left field. The people that had the balls to show up that day are in jail (or dead) and they've made a TV drama out of it. Every decision Biden has made was made before he "won" the election and has had exactly the effect it was designed to have. Language is being changed so existing laws will take on new meaning and nobody seems to get it or if they do, they don't care. Words are carefully used to define groups so their rights can be "lawfully" revoked because they are now "domestic terrorists". Believe me when I say if I knew what to do, I would have done it a long time ago. But after seeing all the brainwashed vaxxers lining up at the trough it makes me wonder if the election results weren't dead accurate all along.

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Its Barry's 3rd term dontcha know! He, Susan Rice and some of the other Maobama gang are calling the shots.

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Oliver, I don't think his comments are aimed at you but at the laptop class who don't seem to have any clue how physical things actually work.

I was also a laptop worker for the last 2 years. I was always shocked that many of my counterparts couldn't understand how many people had to physically show up to work while everyone else stayed home or we would have all starved to death.

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There are a lot of us who worked from home raising kids and consulting on laptops. It's such a stupid generalization to call people "laptop scum".

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Yeah I didn't take it personal. I came from a manufacturing background. I consider my WFH Laptop gig one of the great perks of my current profession but remember my roots toiling over 400 degree extruders pulling 12 hour shifts a lifetime ago, or working in a meat packing plant on the clean up crew as a summer job.

Just saying a lot of us laptop class weren't "born" into it. We did our time and paid our dues. The whole planet is contending with this "elite globalist" takeover attempt. we need to understand who our friends are. I have a really great well paying job but was willing to give it up to keep from being poisoned, a decision none of should ever have had to make. Well I could go on but its all been said before.

Again, not angry at anyone on this board, just frustrated like everyone else.

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No one ought to feel like he has any "splainin to do" here.

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Laptop scum? Don't take the satanic bait and start to see whole groups of people as uniform and lockstep. It's tempting but it just gets us at each other's throats.

That why the term "the masses" always gets on my nerves. There's really no such thing.

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THIS is the answer.

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Unfortunately, there is still 1 trucker in Ottawa but against her will. Tamara Lich is Canada's political prisoner/martyr.

Rallying cry should be 'swap Trudeau for Tamara'.

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Vanda Salvini, I’m sorry to say but I never heard of Tamara Lich: so, I looked her up. It upsets me that she seems to be a martyr. I’m sorry that I just wasn’t aware. But, I am now. Thank you for saying her name.

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And, free Tamara Lich.

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Joseph, I share your anger! But - He's just a puppet, even WEF's Schwab is only a front man. The people really responsible for the whole shit show are in deep cover and well protected. Their agenda is TOTAL world control via a technocratic coup - digital passports, digital currency, social scoring and 24/7 surveillance.

The last two years have been a lucky opportunity to bring forward their new world order - it's all just collateral damage. We really don't matter!

And they will be back! I fear it will never stop until they achieve their goal. Trudeau is not the real enemy! Sorry...

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Well, he may not be the 'real' or main enemy but an enemy he remains nonetheless.

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"Technocratic Coup"....that's a very good way to characterize it!

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Never. Same answer to the same question I used to ask about politicians in California. The sobering truth is, these people WANT this. This is the life they desire and they show you this statement is true by continuing to vote for these people and these policies. If you are _not_ into this but find yourself in these areas, you have only one choice and that is to move to somewhere with sane people who value liberty. Likely easier said than done in a place like Canada. At least if you're in CA you can move to TX or FL.

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We could move, however if we all temporarily relocate to ease the pressure in our own lives, and just ignore the fight locally, we allow the destructive policies to mutate and become law across the country eventually. Many laws start in California and NY and then become policy countrywide. If all good men do nothing …. There must be someone holding the line.

It’s painful living here and everything in me wants to leave, but i cannot run from problems until I’m living in a hole in a cave in the boonies somewhere. We must resist evil and face it to defeat it.

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I disagree. There are far more decent, law abiding citizens than you realize. The people that patronize politics are typically grifters of one sort or another. Most people just want to be left alone. When the decent people have had their fill of parasites & sociopaths, they get engaged and things can change rapidly.

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Never . They will never stop voluntarily. Trudeau is a Klaus Schwab/World Economic Forum stooge who will do exactly as he's been ordered to by the WEF. The only chance Canadians have is to revolt and demand he be ousted. While he will never change it's possible that enough within parliament could be motivated to oust him in some way but even then know that Schwab has a number of top level Canadian officials in his pocket just like Trudeau as they, the WEF, have been slowly infiltrating top levels in governments around the world in order to push their Great reset agenda.

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I am nobody, no connection.

But I am waiting for civil wars worldwide.

I hope they all start on same week.

Americans can handle the infiltrated Muslims, other enemies and our woke army and traitor police.

We will have unvaxxed military and police, and retired military and retired police on our side. Some sheriffs

But what we won't be able to handle is NWO shipping in thug police and military from Australia, England, France etc

The free world is looking to America. Fine.

But to the patriots in other countries... you do your part... when America starts to go to war on American soil, YOU MUST FIGHT, with bats and axes if you must..

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"An armed society, is a a polite society". Richard Heinlien - "Beyond This Horizon"

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You're likely correct. Trudeau is a world class…..moron of the first order.

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Or if there's enough of a majority the election is beyond rigging, remove his party from control. If I understand correctly, because it's a parliamentary shitstem, they can't just vote him out, but have to make sure there's a parliamentary majority who would install the opposition.

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That would not change anything, using JT to get Canada away from NATO and the EU World Bank is the way to change things. Your complaints are based on him following NATO's demands and you want to ditch JT and keep some NATO goon that does the same? That about sum your idea up?

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Assuming you replied to the correct post, you're not going to get Justin Trudeau to do anything his boss, Klaus Schwab, has not approved and Schwab certainly isn't ever going to OK Canada's pulling away from NATO or the EU.

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Around the same time Americans do the same for Biden, Fauci, Welensky et al.

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Trudeau kinda sounds like Ceaușescu

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Trudescu is one of his names along with Castreau. Here is hoping he ends like the former.

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Right on brother ! Trudeau, Swabb, Gates, Fauci, Borla ( CEO of Pfizer), CEO of Moderna and others all need to stand trial. The bast--ds !

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Don't forget Boris in UK, and Macron in France, and Rutte in Netherlands and Ardhern in New Zealand and Morris n Australia - Hell - Let"s just hang 'em ALL!!!!

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Yes, you are right , they are all guilty of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! We need to overcome Mr. GATES and his ownership and domination of MSM ! We need to overcome Blackrock and it's ownership and domination of MSM. We need to eliminate the mechanisms that facilitate this kind of power from rising ,controlling and dominating our world ! EVIL MF'S ! !

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When justice is served....No one will escape. No one.

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As long as it's not in a Canadian court. They've proven to be corrupted and useless.

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Judges who forsook their duty in country's direst need might go on trial for treason. It wouldn't take very much at all to prove.

Then: the gallows.

No kumbaya moments yo end this saddest of all chapters in human history

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The problem is WHO will bring the MASSIVE disease of corruption to judgement. It is so deep and so wide that is is overwhelming even within our courts of law, which is where we usually would PREVENT and destroy crime and corruption… but, when judges are corrupt there is only one other recourse. I truly hope and pray it doesn’t come to that, but every 100 years it seems to historically with mankind…. The greedy always want more and then there’s war.

We who are aware of the extent of the cancer are mostly the working class, the 99%.

The grifters and perversely wealthy parasites don’t want to relinquish power, they want to dominate every aspect of free peoples lives. They have paid hoods who have sold their soul to work as bullies for the parasitic vampires.

The only way to stop a bully is to push them back hard. They have no ability towards mercy or empathy - that’s why most of them make money by intellectual theft, and prospecting to take from the vulnerable their homes, property…. their dignity. Look at the 60 mins interview of George Soros and watch his eyes - how cold he looked with a SMILE on his face (as Gates often smiles when talking about death too), when interviewer asked “didn’t you feel bad taking the Jews property from them knowing they were going to death camps”, No he said, because I knew if it wasn’t me taking it, someone else would.” This is the same sociopath interfering in funding OPEN BORDERS his “charity” and giving MILLIONS to get the DA’s put in all cities to take over this country , break it down and SUCK up the peoples labor and resources. THESE people are the true enemy of the USA.

WE need laws to prevent their INTERFERENCE in influencing our elections and BRIBING our political leadership. No private money over a small amount should be allowed to be given to potential candidates so no quid pro is possible.

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And, we need to get real psychopaths running it as well...

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I cannot think of more than one Communist Dictator that was executed for his crimes except one. Pretty sure he's not concerned. (Nicolae Ceausescu - Romania).

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Excellent point.

I've recently horrified my family by mentioning that Nancy Pelosi has much in common with Vladimir Putin: amassed great wealth while using tax money for personal protection.

(BTW, it's not limited to Madam Speaker. Not by a long shot.)

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But it's exactly, precisely true. They engage in insider trading in plain view. Don't expect Nancy to get the Martha Stewart treatment. Pelosi is as crooked as they come.

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I know you might not agree with all things here, but i kindly request and encourage you or any interested to check my twitter @IesousDisciple - i recently posted a reply to this Toronto radio host [Roy Green on Global(ist) News AM TALK 640] who blocked me after i posted it to him with justified choice words for his one-sided story telling, this link i posted is an interview with a man named USA Military Colonel Richard Black [you must watch this, it's quite an important video] who exposes how basically NATO and US do not care about Ukraine, he is a 31+ veteran who was high up in the navy etc and mentions the the Monroe Doctrine and Caesar doctrine, it came to my mind to share this about the post i just did on it. Actually here is a direct link;


And here's another bonus;


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Thanks for that information that it was Nicolae Ceausescu ... i am not obviously doing to utter death threats but for those who will, it would be interesting to see what happens if someone on twitter told a present actual Communist leader that 'hey, you sure do not want to end up like Ceausescu..."

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Never. Canadians still swear loyalty to German monarchs and are filled with loyalist descendants. Hell, they still have monuments to Benedict Arnold. Such a freedom loving people.

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Well, the above worked pretty well until Trudeau. Remember, all notions of human rights and the freedom of the individual arose in England.

Anyway, we're going the same way. WEF acolytes here, there and everywhere

Schwab even boasts of it.


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Huh? Benedict Arnold was American. I assume you're referring to the British monarchy. It's true we still recognize the Queen of England but she's just a figurehead IMO and has no real power in Canada. Most Canadians are not monarchists.

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She has no real power in the UK, rather is a symbol of the nation.

Constitutional monarchy has much to be said for it - indeed, most of the most stable democracies are so. Me? I'm for it. I do NOT want a President bounden only to those who voted for him or her.

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Better to have no constitution buy a collection of worthless docs subject to the whim of ministers and legislative bodies that can do anything. No explicit freedom of anything except the whim of idiot mp's to erode whatever is given. The commonwealth proved itself to be a fake bastion of freedom. The Canadians, Australians and every other member has the stench of totalitarianism that never left but only reassert itself during covid. America has wasted enough men and money on this fossil.

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You ARE an ignorant moron. The UK doesn't have a WRITTEN constitution, and clearly you have NO idea what Common Law is.

Crawl back under your rock. Nasty little whatever you are

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The Scottish Question

Ian Mitchell, CapX

"One sorely neglected question in the Tory leadership race is how the next Prime Minister will deal with the Scottish Nationalists. That's not just a question of policy – worthy though that debate is – but of manners. As it happens, that's something the candidates could learn a great deal about from the Royal Family. "

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I rest my case....


'Cognitive decline': Biden tries to 'shake hands with thin air' during Israel trip

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I'm not so sure about the queen having no power. The Bank of Canada has outstanding shares held by the minister of finance on behalf of the Crown.

for reference, see link below and scroll down to 'capital and shares, point 2'


I admit that I don't really understand what impact this has.

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Shares are not power. Power in terms of legislative power, i.e. political power. She may advise a Prime Minister, but holds no power over him or her.

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she can dissolve the government and call an election.

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Technically. But she won't. other than to confirm such an action by that very government.

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An American traitor who went with the rest of the tory lovers to continue their worship of the German monarchs who run the commonwealth. The Canadians chose their lot as perpetually subservient serfs to government without rebelling against tyrants. They only have their useless charter and still serve the crown by their laws and their oaths. They and the rest of thw totalitarian commonwealth states deserve whatever they get.

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Ok, you are correct about Benedict Arnold. However, you're not correct about how most Canadians feel today. There are many of us, including new Canadians who didn't leave totalitarian regimes just to live in another, that want a different and freer Canada. The trucker convoy was proof of that. Canada-wide rallies with thousands of people who protested the mandates were proof as well. To say that we all deserve a totalitarian state because that's what we all want is untrue. It seems that many places, i.e. U.S., U.K (who knows who will replace Boris)., France, Australia, Netherlands, etc. have totalitarian dictators for leaders. That doesn't mean the people want that or will put up with it. Everyone is getting fed up and has had enough. Where are you from?

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I feel bad for smart Canadians. There are obviously some freedom lovers there. But Canada had a chance to vote out Trudeau and the authoritarians last year and it wasn't even close. They are a lost people unless the small minority can find a way to save their country.

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Actually, it was close and Trudeau did not have the popular vote. Anna is correct, our electoral system is in need of repair. Badly.

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Unfortunately, Jon, the way the election system is set up in Canada always favours eastern Canada and whoever certain people from the east vote in, is who the rest of Canada gets. This has to change or I'm all for being a separate state apart from Canada.

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Doesn't matter where I'm from. You can gather from my comments where I am from and where I live. What does matter is the subservience to authority that stains all the commonwealth due to their "happiness" of worshipping German monarchs. The only people who have a more disgusting subservience to authority are ironically Germans. Why Canadaians, new or old, thought they were ever free boggles the mind. Now they can deal with the outgrowth and blind subservience to authority until they were allowed to be quasi independent. The sickness has reached into enough Democrat office holders in their territories in the US.

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It's a shame that you don't direct your hatred toward more positive action.

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Canadians are a lost cause.

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There are fine people around the world.

Brave Canadians will rise up...as will Brave Australians, Brave French

Count on it!

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I hope so. I’d expect Americans to lead the way but the overall response to this Covid tyranny BS has been extremely disappointing.

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They won't because they are brainwashed sheep like the rest of the people in the formerly "western" world.

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Man, climate change is hitting Canada hard.

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Wins best reply of the day, so far.

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We're fortunate enough to live in rural Somerset (England); we are also Carnivores - we eat and cook with only animal products. Been doing it for two years, and boy do we feel good.

Know a farming family where we get our grass fed meat (grain fed, no!) (and there are a lot around us). Been farming there for three centuries, using regenerative farming, rotating and lots of cow shit. Boy, is their meat GORGEOUS.

Talking to Mrs. Farmer, she's clear that they are carbon neutral. I'm not big on AGW, regardless this approach looks after the land they use.

And yes, it should be encouraged. Not harassed.

Take my red meat away from me over my dead body.

If you are down Wincanton way, stuff yourselves...


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We started doing the same here in Texas. We buy from local farmers and ranches where the food is still well food.

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Do you need chickens? I got chickens

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No thanks - ruminants please!

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Yes - Lots of Carnivores in the USA now, and this has helped.

Really good book here by a 3rd Gen British farmer on how he moved to this MO of farming



His Grandfather started the farm and as a kid he worked with him. His father adopted all the destructive modern farming methods; James reverted when he took over. Good read. We are VERY lucky as all our butchers stock grass feed meat, and know the farmers they buy from. My wife seems to have stopped stage 3 Bone Cancer in its tracks going Carni.

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Sounds awesome...regenerative farming is king!

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"At least I was vaccinated. Otherwise, it would've been worse," said too many people who believe Fauci.

Look--aside from being glib about a serious & tragic subject...

Didn't a lot of people suspect this with the "breakthrough" infections, and repeated infections AFTER vaccination?

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Hi Rosie, Did you watch Dopesick? All about the Sacklers and the Oxycontin scandal. They used the same expression 'breakthrough' to describe the pain, 'breakthrough pain' when the drug didn't last the full 12 hours. Genius!

It's so funny that this lot of scum bags are using it too. The 'cure' for Oxy was to double the dose - not so much different here with Paxlovid and Remdesivir! Just sell 'am something else until they stop breathing!

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You're not addicted, you just need to double the dose!

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Didn't he also say they don't work 'overly well'?

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That's his latest pronouncement. Let see what song he'll be singing in another six months...after his 27th booster and 14 "breakthrough" infection.

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Perhaps he'll die then. One can hope.

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I want him in jail. & redistribute his fortune .

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All financial gains from this chemical vax mandates should be distributed to the unvaxed for discriminatory settlement. Then Nuremberg 2 trials need to transpire.

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What a good idea! We’d use some of it to help care for injuried family members who are still deeply in denial.& my shedding symptoms when around them.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Absolutely!!! It’s a bloody joke! The Emperors new clothes story …

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Makes it sound like everyone is infected and the shots are suppressing it, like it’s HIV and medication. I think they want us to think that, as that terrifies the masses into getting more shots and fearing the unvaxxed.

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Psychological warfare 101 is what is going on. When you don’t think critically and analytically you are easily hypnotized.

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That’s what my wife’s 100 year old grandfather that currently has a nasty case of covid told her. “My doctor said I’d be in the hospital if I didn’t take the shots.” Lol. But he’s so old at this point no point in arguing or trying to explain anything to him, he’s earned that. How did he get covid?? Her aunt that lives with him went on a cruise(jabs required to grace there lively ship) and got covid on the ship. You can’t make this shit up I tell you.

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My nurse daughter worked with a 104 year old unvaxxed patient who was barely sick and who recovered quite nicely and rather quickly from covid. (or something they "called" covid).

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Judy Mikovitz called this in early 2020. Speaking of Moderna she stated that the reason they never had a mRNA product get out of clinical trial is because all the lab animals that received the jab died after exposure to the wild virus.

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Big Pharma = Organized Crime.

The Mafia has nothing on this bunch.

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Time to RICO these mother-effers...

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Everyone should read Mikovitz' book. It's shockingly eye-opening.

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True. I saw the studies before the NIH memory-holed them over 2 years ago. ADE or a cytokine storm doomed every animal test subject upon re-infection with a wild coronavirus strain, if not sooner.

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I saw those studies. That’s why this experiment on living unconsenting citizens is so vial. It’s what’s made me realize they are no longer pretending to care about harm it will do, even to innocent babies…. The animals ALL DIED when they were exposed to the virus they were vaxed against….their innate immune system didn’t detect it, and their system was overwhelmed and they all died!

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Defaulting vaccination status to "unvaccinated" has been a major source the skewed numbers behind the sales pitch for the shots throughout this campaign. The fact that in the US, even now this has not been addressed speaks volumes about the lack of integrity at the CDC.

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"“It’s Like a Horror Movie I’m Being Forced to Watch and I Can’t Close My Eyes” – Senior FDA and CDC Officials Speak Out on “Political” Vaccine Decisions"

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Here's the original editorial they wrote: https://www.commonsense.news/p/us-public-health-agencies-arent-following

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Marty & Tracy are outstanding

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Yes. My state doesn’t include any under “unknown” which tells me that unknowns are all included in the unvaccinated category. As of today they are still claiming that 60%of new cases are unvaccinated, which we know is a lie. I’ve been thinking about doing a public records request to see what I can find out.

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Where is this policy written?

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Some states have a disclaimer indicating that unknowns are included in the unvaccinated category. New York was doing this and blasting the stats, then going back and quietly fixing the numbers weeks later. My state doesn’t say anything about unknowns. But I know that many testing sites don’t ask for vaxx status or it is voluntary if they do. There cannot possibly be any unknowns. As for hospitals, I’ve heard that the software automatically defaults to unvaccinated unless the person was vaccinated in the hospital system itself (as opposed to CVS or something). A nurse from a local hospital tweeted to my governors communications director about this and she, of course, dismissed it.

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Is there a source link for this?

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This article sums up the frickery in NYC as investigated by Hold2llc. Beyond that you have to look at the disclaimers for each state or municipality to see whether they will admit to including unknowns within the unvaccinated category.

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Here is the fine print from the CDC - “An unvaccinated person had SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen detected on a respiratory specimen and has not been verified to have received COVID-19 vaccine.”

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What exactly are you looking for? The disclaimer that unknowns are included within unvaccinated category?

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Typo - cannot possibly be NO unknowns.

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At what point are we “allowed” to stop calling this a vaccine ?

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Its not over yet as they are releasing an Omacron "vaccine". Otherwise known as Yet another gene therapy that will alter your DNA via revise transcript. As an Engineer, I am so glad I bothered to look up the research and testing that was done on mRNA technology and what happened to the animals. More evidence with all the fuckery the media was doing convinced me I would never take an mRNA vaccine ever in my life. I was unable to convince some of my family, so I await to see what will happen to their health.

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I'm no engineer but I'm smart enough as it is :-) I researched this crap as soon as I heard about what was planned.

I downloaded these in Feb 2021


"Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease"

"Conclusions drawn from the study and clinical implications: The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent."


"Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season"

"Conclusions: Receipt of influenza vaccination was not associated with virus interference among our population. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections."


"Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the SARS virus"

"Conclusions: These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated."

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

You should have seen the NIH studies available in Feb of 2020! All the studies describing the really nasty results were purged by 2021. It did not work out well for the ferrets, macaques, mice and cats in the studies (interesting tidbit: cats have their own special strain of coronavirus that makes them suitable for this testing.).

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Ferrets are used for this testing as they have a respiratory system closest to ours.

In case folks go ... "Ferrets? Uh? "

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Why am I not surprised! Did anyone listen to Dr. Marty Mckary yesterday? I have always paid more attention to him than others. What he said about how intimated so many scientists are is chilling.

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It also says we have a lot of wimps in those positions. If you shut up when lives are being lost and kids are about to be harmed you are a bad person. Wimp is not strong enough. Fuck your pension.

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Actually, I get why they are so afraid. Human nature. Lively hood. Gigantic Government control. Herd mentality. A lot of us here on this site would be willing to stand alone and hopefully more Doctors/Scientists will follow suit. Bit, it’s tough.

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They should all lose their jobs. The generation that sells their integrity dooms the next one.

I think the doctors that pushed back should create their own accreditation/certification board. I'd go to one of those doctors first.

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My cousin works for Merk, $250,000 annual salary. She won’t talk about forbidding her daughters to take Guardasil vax.

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I heard him and you aren't lying! Further he disagreed with giving this bullshit to children.

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And doctors are in fear of losing their license.McCary is so measured.

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Starting to look like once someone gets on the vaxx program, they should must accept that they will be on the ongoing/never ending booster program.

Reminds me of my Windows PC. Need to get my security patches installed every Wednesday or I "might" get a PC virus. Big Tech leads the way - over the cliff face.......

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That's why Billy Bob Gates was involved. He understands clearly how a product needs constant updates

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Yes. Problem is Canada will literally create a two-tiered society freezing out the unvaccinated. What a nightmare.

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And baby we ain't seen nothin' yet. Imagine 3 billion people world wide at risk of myocarditis as a result of the shot. And up to a 10% mortality rate among those 3 billion. Go long on funeral home stocks...

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Expect them to stop publishing the data in 3,2,...

The quadruple vaccinated german foreign minister Annalena Baerbock, got Omicron in June, had a full 2 weeks of severe symptoms and claims she still cannot climb two floors of stairs without taking a pause. Of course it would have been much worse without the vaccine, so she urges everybody to mask, test and vaccinate. I hope you now understand the current German foreign policy :)

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I had the apparently erroneous opinion that Europeans were generally pretty well educated and could think clearly, but Germany's politics recently have disabused me of that notion. The foreign policy of the UK for 500 years has been to keep The Continent weak and divided, THAT is why the Atlanticists (UK, US, Canada, Australia) are so horny for Germany to sacrifice *everything* for the "fight" for Ukraine: bc it will destroy and is destroying Germany. Even the headline "reason", oh oh "freedom and democracy" is an open joke, Zelensky outlawed all opposition politics and shut down 11 opposition TV and radio stations. Q: when will the sensible German burghers and captains of industry say "Enough!"? My guess is sometime this winter...if Obama doesn't escalate WW3 before then, that is

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Fauci says time for more boosters! To infinity and beyond!

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What about the uk stats that just came out showing 94% of deaths were in the vaccinated and of that 90% were triple or quad vaxxed

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This IS NOT the first set of government data to show negative vaccine efficacy (VE).

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Tip of the iceberg. This trend will accelerate and must include all cause mortality since the shots drive the bigger increase in overall death numbers. Will this become a honest subject for MSM reporting? Eventually someone, somewhere will stand up and finally say it out loud. Maybe the NYT will finally come to the party. There are still some honest reporters out there but most are afraid of the professional backlash that comes with deviating from official narratives these days. Also, I believe the biggest outcry will eventually come from the medical community as those who were quiet see the data in real life and finally break from the coerced crowd. Plus congressional committees will change hands after November and certain chairmen will break the ice. Rand Paul will get the floor a lot more and he will have a more receptive audience. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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This line of thinking is idiotic. These corporate freaks who call themselves journalists are nothing more than corporate and government enforcers. Will do whatever globohomo tells them to increase their status. The fact that people still bemoan their lack of inquiry without looking to or developing their own organizations is pathetic. Don't expect anything from them and fight like hell using any and all legal means to replace them.

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Pitchforks and torches, baby, pitchforks and torches...

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I like to be right. In this situation it is easy. Think the opposite of whatever the CDC tells you to think.

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Yes, I agree. Do the opposite of whatever the CDC advises. I guess this means it's okay to sing at Thanksgiving now! That CDC edict - no singing at Thanksgiving - will forever be etched in my brain.

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So we really are just going to keep ignoring the fact that PFIZERS OWN TRIAL DATA said you were more likely to die if you were in the treatment arm than if you were in the placebo arm, huh? "Covid deaths" remain the dumbest statistic smart people have ever wasted their time on, but the truth has always been right there, in the literal trial data, for anyone even remotely interested in understanding reality. I did an entire stack on this for anyone interested...

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Who knew that when in Feb 2021 I caved and got the 2 jabs that I would carry the title of “vaxed but unboosted” for the rest of my days. May God protect those who didn’t have enough facts, trusted the gov’t, and have terrible regret.

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I, too, caved in April 2021. I would give a lot to be able to get the poison out of my body. Never again!!!!

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I have a really good friend in the same position as you. He's still hiking and climbing even after heart palps from the shots (in first half of '21) so hopefully his healthy lifestyle will help him dodge that bullet. He and his wife will never get another jab and their kids will remain pure bloods

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I still find it amazing that the shot that was supposed to keep you 100% safe is now increasing the risk of death over having done nothing. Amazing ... Just freaking amazing.

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There are so many other factors that influence these statistics that no one is looking at (not just age). What about those that refused a booster, because they already got sick from the second dose? There are many. And those that seem to be able to tolerate the vaccines, keep on taking them for now.

What about the influence of vitamin D, ivermectin, providone iodine washes, etc? A large proportion of the unvaccinated are probably quite knowledgeable. Many vaccinated people I know believe ivermectin is horse-paste, only take pain killers and thus get way sicker than they should.

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My son just told me an amusing story yesterday. He has a friend who is a female vet tech. She got covid last week and was thinking about what she knew about vet medications. I'll add that he mentioned she was totally out of the loop and ignorant about the whole ivermectin controversy. Anyhow, she decided to take some of the veterinary ivermectin dosed for her weight and it literally zapped whatever she had going on in less than 24 hours. She was amazed and thought she had figured out something amazing about covid treatment.

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You're not wrong. Lots of confounding variables. My Branch Covidian in-laws, fully vaxxed and boosted - got COVID - had no idea how to treat it. Was loosely aware of Vitamin D, but no clue that you needed to take Zinc with it. In the absence of telling them to go get HCQ or IVM and have their heads explode, I told them about quercetin as a supplement immune booster. They had it worse than my family (purebloods) because we take most of those items prophylactically. Just one example (of willful ignorance).

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LOL what about the most obvious question of all -- what vaccines did each of these people take?

The fact we're just jumbling them all together is criminal.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Watch the series “Dopesick” on HULU. This corruption has been going on for years‼️

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if it's the one with michael keaton about opioids, it's on hulu

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Thanks….edited it…

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This makes sense as the data shows that Covid/omicron exposure stimulates antibodies to the original ancestral strain, NOT to the current variant, in vaccinated people. Isn’t this the phenomenon of Original Antigenic Sin?

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In short, yes.

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It has always been inevitable that at some point, the manipulation of data couldn't be maintained to tell the story the COVID cultists and vaccine fanatics desired. We've seen how they respond to that by discontinuing collection of unfriendly data points, changing definitions, etc. They've always been fighting against an undeniable current of truth going back to the original Pfizer trial data and outcomes. Slowly that momentum has waned but their propaganda and fear mongering was highly effective and their corporate media allies still maintain an outsized influence on the demonstrably false "safe and effective" narrative. There is still a LONG way to go before we arrive at a place of a broad societal correction of these wrongs and we may never actually get there.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

That’s why the globalists own the main stream media and are also trying to censor the web now. They OWN the shell game.

Only they get to ARCHITECT right thinking, and they MUTE TRUTHERS.

We need a buckshot web approach instead of being in an echo chamber tunnel.

The one thing they do is fund their propaganda schemes really well. The right , conservatives and libertarians don’t finance messaging and grassroots well at all, and that’s why we are failing to make impactful change.

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Race truth, sex truth, and medical truth have been seeping out, prompting the managers to try to tape the holes.

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especially if they keep destroying and/or altering the data. That alone should tell us about everything we need to know about how corrupt the situation actually is...

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Totally agree! Was just reading this as well.... Tucker Carlson had Dr. Makary on last night.


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Better late than never I suppose but this is the kind of thing that should have been happening at least 18 months ago.

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Absolutely! In fact pretty much everything that's happened since March 2020 should not have happened.... The lockdowns, the school closures, the masking, the denial of effective health care, the demonizing of doctors and practitioners with alternate protocols, the mandates, the mRNA vaccines.... Pretty much everything!

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Wow. The boosted have to keep getting boosted to stay at the same risk level of death as the unvaxxed. An Infinity of boosters. ***this is a serious Cash 💰 Cow for Pfizer and Moderna.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

wait till we see how much they charge for blood clot meds

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Ugh. At that point, I'd say nationalize them and seize all their assets.

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Exactly. It’s criminal

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It appears to be a protection racket.

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It’s time we restrict the vaccinated from travel and restaurants!

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From reading the comments we all agree on the problem, but other than pulling kids from school etc (retreating) we don’t seem to agree on the solution. This is part of a global cabal, US! Canada, UK, EU, New Zealand, Australia. In order to fight back, and yes I said fight, we need to organize globally. We free thinking, freedom loving people from all countries must unite.

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Manitoba was the first province to being in vaccine passports. Manitoba was the first province to hire a private security firm (one that usually worked for the UN) to enforce the lockdowns. Manitoba initially told all health care workers they had to be vaxxed or get fired. Manitoba did eventually allow health care workers to stay as long as they were tested every 72 hours. Since it took 24-48 hours to get test results back this effectively put all the unvaccinated on half time. Manitoba introduced measure like banning children age 12 and up from all forms of extracurricular activities without the vax. Other passport measures included things like excluding children of unvaxxed parents from participating in outdoor country fairs. People were encouraged to disinvite family from holiday meals if they were not vaccinated. I could go on.

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My 93 year old Grandma lives in Manitoba and full Covidian she is concerned with how my children (in Texas) are killing her 😂.

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Didn't Manitoba have a rebellion back in the 1870s...? Maybe time to re-look at that option...

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Safe and Effective my arse!!! 21st Century Genocide right before our eyes in the "Information Age", yet there are still so many sheeple listening to the corrupt narratives of our corrupt world leaders!

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For some odd reason, so many people still believe genocides are things of the past and "couldn't happen now".

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Lift the vax mandate to get into the States and we can escape this tyranny.

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It has the feel of trapping animals into a pen before things get worse.

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Never forget.

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Never been in my life have I known of a vaccine that caused so much upheaval in this country and the world for that matter. But what really really bugs me is that many many people still got sick or even died from a virus for which they've been vaccinated AND boosted several times for. The world is indeed ruled by psychopaths.

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Towards the end of June, the Ontario government stopped publishing cases and hospitalizations by vaccination status data. For months and months prior to that, the government's pie charts consistently showed that 75% or more of cases in hospital and ICU were from the vaccinated cohort. They couldn't handle the truth, and so: "Please note that Cases by Vaccination Status data will no longer be published as of June 23, 2022. Please note that Hospitalization by Vaccination Status data will no longer be published as of June 23, 2022." Check it out here - https://data.ontario.ca/en/dataset/covid-19-vaccine-data-in-ontario

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Some questions for anyone that believes the CV-19 “Vaccines" are safe and effective.

So if these novel CV-19 "Vaccines" are safe and effective…

How do you know that these experimental mRNA gene therapy injections that are being labeled as “vaccines”, are actually safe when the FDA violated and subverted its own regulatory and safety protocols during their so-called clinical trials under Operation Warp-speed?

How are these "vaccines" considered to be effective, if they do NOT prevent any infection or transmission of the virus, which is even admitted by the CDC?

Why do you need to take multiple booster shots in order for these "vaccines" to work or be "effective"?

Why do you still need to wear a mask if you are "vaccinated" and supposedly protected from the virus?

Why do the "unvaccinated" pose any threat or risk to the health of the "vaccinated", who are supposedly protected from the virus?

Why do you need a PCR test to know if you have a virus that is supposedly so deadly that the entire world had to be locked down, and if so why does the CDC now admit that the PCR tests are an inaccurate and unreliable testing method? ( Any magnification beyond 20 cycles is un-scientific with 99% false results, the current PCR test are being magnified at 40 + cycles, research Kary Mullis the inventor of PCR )

Why do you think these "vaccines" are safe when the VAERS reporting system, recently shown by a Harvard Medical School and CDC hospital study to be less than 1% reported, has now reported more deaths in the last 2 years alone from these experimental mRNA "vaccines" then all other reported vaccine related deaths combined in the last 30 years?

Why do the big pharmaceutical companies who manufacture these experimental "vaccines", need full legal immunity and zero liability from any resulting deaths or injuries that may occur directly from their own novel "vaccines", if they are actually safe for Human use?

What happened to Natural Immunity and the human body's natural ability to create anti-bodies to viruses that provide lifelong immunity to the virus and all of its mutations and variant proteins? ( Example: Chickenpox/Measles )

So if the "vaccines" do not work, are not safe, and they don't protect you from the virus or the "unvaccinated"... then why must every single man, woman, child, and infant on planet Earth take this untested experimental genetic code injection that they call a "vaccine", or else?

What about the recent released Pfizer clinical files during Operation Warp-seed, that show they have committed criminal fraud, and are guilty of mass genocide and crimes against Humanity? 1-37 people died within only 90 days = 2.8% mortality rate and over 80% suffered from life threatening adverse reactions which are over 9 pages long!

( see RELEASED PFIZER DOCUMENTS go to page 30 )


What about the newly released Moderna Files that prove that they also colluded with the FDA subverting their own safety protocols and regulations? When that also shows they have committed criminal fraud, and are also both guilty of mass genocide and crimes against Humanity?

What about the military database exposed by Sen. Ron Johnson ( and career Military Doctors ) and the top 3 US Life Insurance company reports exposing that in 2021 alone, compared to all other deaths combined from 2016-2020, that there’s been a 40% + unprecedented increase in all cause deaths in the 18-49 age demographic?

What about the astronomical increase across the board in serious diseases in 2021 alone in comparison to 2016-2020? Example: a 300% increase in cancers, 270% increase in myocarditis, 470% increase in pulmonary embolisms, and many more.

In the USA alone, as of 7/12/22, VAERS has recorded over 29,000 CV-19 “Vaccine” Deaths and 1.3 Million adverse reactions (many life threatening) which by their own admission is less than 1% reported.

(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System openvaers.com)

Therefore my question then is, WHO IS LYING?

The “vaccinated” dead and injured?


Or the FDA/CDC, Big Pharma and our Governments???


Why can't We the People have informed consent? Choose what we want to put in our own bodies? Make our own health and medical decisions for ourselves? Why cant we be able to live freely in the pursuit of happiness and be Free from this Criminal Medical Cabal, Global Depopulation Agenda, and One World Government Tyranny and Democide? 

The correct answer is = You Can, I Can, We Can.

Take action now!

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Like I said earlier, pitchforks and torches, baby, pitchforks and torches...

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Conspiracy theorists! These people aren't dead. They are taking an extended break from breathing and CV activity to cool down from the excessive summer heating due to climate change. "We expect them to re-emerge in the fall." says one Manitoba Health official. "In an unexpected discovery, and certainly a plus for the fully vaccinated, the vaccine allows for bodily shutdown during overheating periods, much like a thermostat effect. These people are fine and resting comfortably." Manitoba health data publishers were unavailable for comment.

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Interesting although I would have expected the boosted result to be more like the vaccinated than the unvaccinated result. That it is not, would lead me to suspect a confound, that maybe there is some additional factor likely to characterize vaccinated but not boosted people.

Not that it would necessarily exonerate the vax in any way -- maybe such people got too sick from the original vaxx dosing and so stayed the heck away from the booster, for example.

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I was wondering if maybe not enough time has passed for these boosters to show how bad they are. They give an initial uptick in protection but they too crash fast. These charts will change in a couple months probably

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Long term adverse events haven't even begun yet. Getting them to admit the connection will be the difficulty.

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My thoughts too.

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I think the "boosted" might be dying of things other than Covid right now. Just a hunch.

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I think the data has shown (and Alex has pointed out) that the 3rd shot does offer a fleeting amount of protection……so a month or two? Perhaps that is the time frame in which the data was gathered?

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

I printed this data and brought it to our Pediatrician’s office Dr. Faith Hackett and Family Practice Dr. Schmidlein, Annapolis, Md and they would not look at it and threw me out the door. Even the staff is trained and told not to look at any information. 3 staff members also through me out the door. All Willful Ignorance but forceful, angry, willful ignorance. Combination of Mass Formation Psychosis and Stasi techniques. This WAS …UNHEARD of in Science and Medicine.

Needless to say we will not never go to these Doctors again. I wonder if the Nazis preforming the medical experiments on the Jewish people had the same attitudes. I imagine they did exactly. Mad with anger and defensiveness, for what they have told themselves, is the right thing to do. Regardless.

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Good for you! I bet they all couldn't believe you were bringing that information in. The fact that they threw you out the door right there shows you that they don't want to know the truth... They don't want to know any other point of view or follow the science. What's that phrase they're supposed to abide by... "First do no harm..." ..... ?

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Well done to you 🙏

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Not remotely surprised. Having read your stuff for the past few years, and several other Substack authors (Bad Cattitude, eugyppius, etc) it seems quite clear that the vaccine inhibits or actually damages one’s immune system.

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Sudden adult death syndrome

Will the truth ever get out

Will anyone be held accountable

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The last thread of the narrative is that the vaxxines prevent serious disease and death. That is simply not true. Just like 12 months ago people were saying they stop transmission nor grant immunity, which eventually became settled science within the narrative, we need to repeat the mantra they don’t prevent severe disease or death. Unfortunately this mantra will not be allowed to become part of the narrative until next July.

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When the fuck! will this insanity end??

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I almost believe the real news is that they published it

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A brave Canadian has been found.

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"People who had received boosters had roughly the same risk of hospitalization or death as the unvaccinated." But this might change after several months as the booster effect wears off.

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How in the world does malignant melanoma pop up ~21 days after the second shot be related to a vaginal tumor that was under investigation? Ridiculous

"A 41-year-old Hispanic/Latino female from Argentina (unique Subject ID: C4591001 1231 12311315) was diagnosed with anemia and malignant melanoma on Sept. 25, 2020, with symptoms continuing as of the document date of Dec. 4, 2020.

She was vaccinated on Aug. 15 and Sept. 3, 2020.

The adverse events were indicated as being “not related” to the vaccination, but instead due to a “probable relationship with [a] vaginal tumor under study.”

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Alex, I live in Manitoba and haven been totally frustrated with the data manipulation and lying that has been going on. When the numbers could be manipulated in their favor, the government and local media published daily graphs and numbers. When things started looking bad for the jabbed and there was no longer any way to hide it, they moved to weekly and then they completely stopped reporting the data in May. I am so angry at the vilifying of the unjabbed and brainwashing of the jabbed that has taken place that most of my friendships and family relationships are permanently damaged. I'm sure we will be back to vaxx passes, lockdowns, and masks in the fall again. So depressing.

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when you die vaccinated, your death is much much more benign

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Ontario data was headed that way until they stopped publishing it a couple months ago. They can hide the data for a while but my guess is, it will be impossible to deny this fall when Mother Nature teaches us another lesson. As I’ve said before, those in charge of this crime do not need to worry about the uninjected, they need to worry about the injected. Let the Karen apocalypse begin !

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Yes. The injected Karens that got us into this need to clean up their mess and go ape shit crazy on the businesses and politicians that pushed vaccines.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Like Bill Gates said on video - population must be decreased…if we do a good job he said we can reduce that with vaccines …See his 2010 TED talk for his own words. You always must listen carefully to the rich sociopaths of the world. Slips of the tongue happen quite frequently. Pfizer CEO just had another one recently which was VERY revealing. So …”The Great Culling” has begun.

PS: The demonic is staring you in the face most times, but most people are blind.

Study the prominent logos of the largest companies carefully - their 666 flag is everywhere.

WEF x3 6’s, cern three 6’s, google circular logo x3 “6”’s. Conspiracy realist here! Mark of the Beast , time to make sure you know God.

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To quote Nathan Hale (almost), I only have one life to give to my country, but not the jab

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I believe Scotland showed the same before it was shut down.

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Canada is on a dark road to communism

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Except that it was the leading capitalist countries, ie., the US, CAN, UK, Germany, who were implementing vax mandates while China and Cuba were NOT.

Not sure why when people see a capitalist govt doing something horrible they say, "they're turning this into communism!" when they should be saying "this IS capitalism!"

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Hi Alex. We’re seeing higher deaths and hospitalisations of 3 and 4+ dosed in government surveillance reports from New South Wales, Australia.



They don’t publish graphs, just the numbers.

An Aussie Twitter user put the data together in a sheet here if you’d like to take a look. If you’re 3 or 4+ dosed it’s looking real bad.


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The first comment is from a masked twitter user who wants you to know that "correlation is not causation." And the next comment is "LOL"

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Hours of entertainment

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Remember, the whole reason Moderna went into vaccines is because repeated mrna shots were REALLY REALLY BAD. So now we're mandating repeating mrna shots.

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So glad I never got on this train in the first place …

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So are the boosted doing as well as the unvaccinated until it begins to wear off? Someone could look at these graphs and say, "You need to be vaxxed AND boosted." It would be interesting to see if/when the boosted lose their seeming advantage over the vaxxed but unboosted. At any rate, considering the now well-known risks of the shots, the graph shows that remaining unvaxxed is the way to go.

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This is my impression. Canada is highly vaxxed. This looks like an attempt to boost all the people who got two shots, saw the numbers, said "no thanks" to any further shots.

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Saw this in the Ontario Ministry of Health data - until it was pulled last month. Now Media is using the Ontario Science Table data - a dozen Profs - who always had contradictory stats that I could not dig down into. The Provinces (States) seem to have acknowledged the truth - Everyone has got COVID now - and it ranges from a Cold to a Flu - which in Canada everyone is use to. Its the Federal Liberal Gov't that is not budging - it's now part of their permanent DNA.

Side note: I've been doing modelling and simulation for 25 years including Grad School. Not a Biologist - but more than qualified to look at data - and 5 minutes in - the numbers stunk since Israel started seeing surges in the summer of '21. No one is calling it out 1 year later.

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