Don’t blame me. I voted for Trump.

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Two wrongs don't make a right. @CargoShortGuy, Trump is NOT the president. For worse, we're stuck with Biden who CHEATED all the way to the White House. @DivdedUpWorld, for FOUR years, Russia, Iran, China, & North Korea behaved. NATO also under Trump got called out for its free ride under too many globalists including R's and D's. Biden might be the most corrupt, feckless dementia clown the Democrats or Republicans could ever toss into the WH. He's proving every day he's more than an embarrassment; he's dangerous. I did vote for Trump. I WILL vote for Trump again regardless of more ad hominem. READ: Calling Trump a narcissist is more political theater. PS - Alex is wrong about Ivermectin to bring the conversation back to more dangerous policy out of Democrats and more hand wringing out of RINOS. PPS - Is this another "wag the dog" moment w/ Russia to distract the world?

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Yes to wag the dog. Not only that but this theater is pissing off ukraine and destabilizing their economy. All so Biden can look like a brilliant peace maker and get his poll numbers up.

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Alex is a few steps behind. WAR is the imperative. We had the Cold War, where the CIA lied continuously to make the Soviets appear to be an existential threat, when in fact their economy was the size of Belgium's plus vodka. Vietnam, 2M innocents slaughtered but Dick Cheney's pals all made serious bank. Then the War on a Noun (Terror), but people eventually tired of incinerating faraway innocent brown goat herders with multi-million dollar missiles (hat tip to the genius business model, though, get taxpayers to buy incredibly complicated robots that are destroyed the first time they are used). In this WAR they decided to hone the business model further, no need to argue politics about faraway lands, just make WAR on your own people with injections that make them sick. Now as THAT war winds down and the taxpayer money extraction for poison abates a little they are at a loss. The War on the Weather is going OK, the same dreary "consensus of scientists and modelers" as the Covid scam, driving huge sums to their pals making "green" investments (LOL Germany leading the way into that abyss https://stopthesethings.com/2022/02/20/dumb-dumber-germany-wins-prize-for-worlds-most-idiotic-energy-policy/). Nobody asked to explain how reducing a trace gas that composes 0.04% of the atmosphere, of which human activity is 3%, would do anything anyway, especially when the sun affects weather much more profoundly and we are heading into a Grand Solar Minimum. But I digress. This takes us to today, when European tradition, white, Christians (the Russians) must be demonized for having the gall to try and protect their own national borders. There's that word again: nation. Can't have any of those, viz O'Biden's very first most urgent act in office, dissolving the U.S. Mexico border. Putin's scientists and engineers, unfortunately for the bloodthirsty war hounds in The Imperial City (D.C.), are classically trained and very pragmatic, these are men that sent back photos from the surface of Venus in the late 1970's. Vlad told them to get to work and get to work they did, and Vlad has now deployed a hypersonic missile fleet that completely negates anything and everything the US has, including nukes. Vlad can put The Sixth Fleet on the bottom of the ocean, not in a few hours as previously, but in 10 minutes flat. Disappointing! So we are dependent on the incredible forbearance of Mr. Putin...who has reduced his nations trade in dollars from 90% down to 10%, with 22% of his reserves in the anti-dollar, physical gold bullion. Meantime in the U.S. we count consumption with borrowed and printed money as "GDP" and just love the fact that our nearest neighbor and closest ally has declared martial law and is confiscating the assets of all of their political opponents. So be aware: these globalists are no longer satisfied with extracting all of your money through their various "war" schemes, they are coming for it directly, so plan accordingly.

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Just because carbon dioxide is 0.04% of the atmosphere by volume doesn't mean that it doesn't have and outsized effect on retaining the Earth's heat. I don't say that it is the threat the the climate change hordes claim, but you cannot dismiss it just because of the seemingly tiny proportion in the atmosphere. For example, seven molecules of botulism toxin can kill a mouse, and 1 ounce is enough to kill the entire population of the world. Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, yet people are loath to give up their methane belching bovines.

Besides, higher temperatures and some genetic engineering might enable us to bring back giant ferns and dinosaurs. Wouldn't that be nice?

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Understood. But let's remark shall we that the global mean temperature today is precisely the same as the 1979-2000 average. 73 of the 73 models at the IPCC are, in their exact words, "all running much too hot". We're in the throes of global economic destruction caused in very large part by panicked and completely W-R-O-N-G modelling about Covid, would be great to avoid another such own goal. Where I live in New South Wales, Australia, they just spent $500M in taxpayer money "to make electric vehicles economical". What we did not hear, just like the virus, was ANY of the science justifying it. What is the EROEI (Energy Returned On Energy Invested) of an electric vehicle? When you count everything, like the truckloads of lithium that must be mined and carried around? Can we get some other math going, too? A commercial windmill contains +/- 200 tons of steel. In the lifetime of the machine, will it produce energy that exceeds the energy spent to make that steel? (answer = No). Dig deeper into the "climate" debate and you'll find a cornucopia of grifters, financial conflicts of interest, ideologues, politicians, bankers, mega corporations, and definitely, again, NO open scientific debate. The War On The Weather is unscientific and entirely unnecessary....just like all the other wars.

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Amen to that. I also want to know how we’re going to make all the additional electricity to charge these electric vehicles. Windmills? Solar farms? Both of which are blights on the landscape and kill the natural wildlife. How come we never hear how many birds are killed by the monstrous wind turbines. Inquiring minds and all

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I agree. I say bring back steam engine automobiles.

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I seem to remember the US told Ukraine that if they discarded their nukes, we would protect them.

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I think that was Obama. He is someone I would never make a deal with. I still wonder if he is the antichrist.

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I believe it was Clinton, mid 90s, after the Soviet Union fell and several states broke away, retaining the old Soviet nukes, and they were trying to figure out how to limit nuclear proliferation. But good grief - to promise to protect without getting the buy in of many other countries and not foreseeing that even here we can have Very weak, feckless leadership (When Russia rattled its sabres before, Obama’s offer to send Ukraine blankets and MREs is a perfect example - one of many of his) is, shall I say, idiocy (but probably expedient at the time to be able to say the problem was solved.)

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He is to pathetic

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Just like what Democrats say today: give up your guns, we'll protect you.

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You are correct. And now we’re saying, “Just kidding!”

Whether it was a rational, well thought out policy is another topic. I’d say the way it’s playing out, not so much.

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Won’t happen , but you are right this is all distraction . We have more crisis here and who cares !

Americans are well aware how mentally incapable he is of fixing anything! The Great Destroyer!

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Joe Thanos Biden…

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You voted for him when you stayed home, dumb pfuck

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Your pissing off ukraine take is interesting. How much more of this bs will it take for Ukraine to start looking at Putin as the more reasonable negotiating partner? Not as crazy as it sounds.

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That will be funny ,this studdering dementia men claiming to be great politician ....lol

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I agree, but this will not go well for Biden. His poll numbers are not going up.

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China Joe is like the Devil. He knows he has but a short time.

He has been working for this day his entire career, and every move he makes is targeted toward weakening the USA, and strengthening our enemies so we can be more easily conquered for the NWO.

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Pollock numbers up..,

And yes, preemptive apology to Polish people, I couldn’t think of a better synonym to polls, I won’t make that mistake again, sorry…

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I have the better choice, Troll numbers, because let’s face it, the people who follow Joe Thanos Biden are truly trolls, there’s just about 80 million of them among us…

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No way PO S Commie Dem Xiden got a legit 80 million. No Fing way!

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And I'll add that I don't give a shit if Trump is a narcissist, a womanizer, or a big fat baby. Voting for president isn't like voting for Prom King. It's not a popularity contest. He's setting policies, presumably with the consent of your elected representatives, for the country's economy, security, and foreign relations. Period. He's not your BFF. You're never going to break bread with this person or "watch Netflix and chill" together. So vote like you care about policies, not Anderson Cooper's opinion.

(All of this is directed at the Collective You, not you in particular, MDP.)

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Trump is still a born & bred corporatist, he’s pro-Pharma now & the was known to consult with the head of Blackrock at the WH. Policy-wise he was on track to privatize water (very bad) & he removed wolf protections, which was purely political bc wolves are vital to ecosystems & still very much endangered w/ a negligible impact on livestock populations.

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Protecting wolves is your reason to let Dems get us in to war? Trump being a corporatist is your reason to allow Biden to destroy the pipeline, impose medical tyranny and record inflation?

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My point is that neither would’ve saved us bc we’ve long been headed down the path of corporate fascism & there was always a certain inevitability to these outcomes (w the exception of war- it’s theater). Can we not thank Trump for the vaxx & letting the virus into the county? Cause & effect, corporations decided a mandate would save $ so many employees would be facing it regardless of a so-called nat’l mandate that they could hide behind…it’s all a shell game & corps call the shots. As for the pipeline- it wasn’t just any oil pipeline using standard processing- it was for dirty tar sands which was a humanitarian & environmental disaster waiting to happen. And inflation had already started under Trump bc of bad Covid policies including China’s own “0 Covid”, along w its water/electricity & semiconductor shortages, & just major changes in consumption patterns due to C-19- like more spending on goods than services.

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And 1000000000000000 X better than the Commie Dem Xiden Regime!

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DeSantis/ Haley 2024!

Trump will be very old by 2028, too old , anything could happen, heart attack, stroke, cancer, it's not worth the risk.

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Yes DeSantis, No Haley. She’s NeverTrump, for unlimited immigration and 1-way “free trade”

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Haley is the worst kind of RINO and couldn’t be elected dog catcher in South Carolina let alone the United States!

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Here, here👊👊👊👊👊💖

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Yep. What "invasion?" This is misdirection to convince American voters that our inflation, supply problems, employment problems, failing Fiat currency, murderous covid policy failures and kill shots are Putin's fault. Everything's Putin's fault. And Xiden is a better president to Ukraine and China than to us.

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I do blame you, you didn’t vote for a responsible accountable and well seasoned candidate , which neither party will ever give us, the Democrats give us sociopaths, the Republicans give us narcissists.

George Carlin said it perfectly in 1996, he has the right to complain as I do, because we didn’t vote, we didn’t put selfish incompetent corrupt immoral people to rule us, and then bitch about how they are fucking up our lives. You people put these fucking assholes in our lives, so, shut up!!!

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Narcissists? Didn't pay much attention to 44 did you?

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the ongoing ever present attempt to frame Prez Trump with a term that is used in field of psychology , yet has no bearing on his mastery of presidential challenges, is a psy-op that many americans have swallowed hook. line and sinker.

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Such a good point. He is not a nice guy at all. But his policies were working for us and I voted for him twice.

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Trump is actually very nice and loved by many people who have been helped by him. He's human. How well he gets along with his ex wives and all his children says a lot.

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He’s a fucking sociopath, narcissists sometimes either upgrade or downgrade into just wanting to ruin and kill everybody, so, pay attention to that little detail!

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You have no clue what you're talking about. Do diligent research before you try to spout psychology terms.

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Maintain that terminal ignorance, the Obamas Clintons Cheneys Bidens, they depend on you to keep sitting in front of your screens and mentally jerking off…

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Try to fix Cheney but the edit button is not working.

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talk policy

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Policy? reject evil, take a stand, show your children at the very least that you care about their future, what do you want me to do, walk into your home and start outlining common sense?!

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You'll vote for who they let you vote for and you'll be happy. Got it? Good.

"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right"

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Cue the Who, won’t get fooled again, “here comes the new boss , same as the old boss…”

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Hmm. The world was quite stable under our last “unseasoned” President. We were also repatriating our factories, using our own steel and we were energy independent for the first time in decades. Also, no wars for 4 years. No one else can do that.

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Narcissism has consequences, almost as much as sociopathy, so there’s your choice, someone who always looks in the mirror, or someone who smashes it and then wants to cut up everybody in his path…

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I will take the narcissist who loves his country over the sociopath that wants to destroy it any day.

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Tip to the below retorts:

Trump rushed the vaccine, he’s as complicit as Biden, just proves my theory, democrat or republican, they’ll fuck you up the ass any chance they get…

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I don't like that President Trump is pro Jab but he is not for Jab Mandates and Passports. Also pretty much all the Pubs (State Govs, Senate & Congress) are pro Jab but they are not for Mandates and Passports. That makes them a 10000000 x better than any Commie Dem.

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Please tell me who was the responsible accountable and well seasoned candidate in the 2020 presidential election? Your solution to complain but not vote is clearly no solution.

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Not voting was a vote for Xiden

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That logic allows us to stay on this path, i.e. I don't like or agree with who I'm voting for but they're better than the other person. Tyranny is tyranny, no matter how you slice it.

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Imperfection = tyranny. Bullshit moral equivalence. Typical psyop

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Psyop - typical response when someone can't look at the moral equivalence for tyranny, literally the removal of someone's freedoms without consent. We could do this all day to no benefit. My only point is this, if you are convinced that your person is on the ballot, great. If not, a vote for the lesser of two evils is still evil and only perpetuates the problem we are in today. Peace.

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Yes President Trump made horrible decisions regarding the Virus and Jabs but he would not have forced Jab Mandates and pushed Jab Passports. On the Economic and Foreign policy sides the Xiden Regime are beyond terrible. President Trump was 1000000000 x better than the Xiden Regime.

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Unfortunately not where I live.

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Certainly no one from the Democrat or Republican side, but, people vote for letters, you don’t pay attention to people outside that enclosed circle that wants to dominate the public with ruthless brutality…

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So you voted LoLibertian or stayed home and felt pure. Either way you helped install the Xiden Junta. Way to go!

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Yeah you’re right comrade. Having Biden in power is exactly like Trump being reelected

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As my parents told me, (paraphrasing) if you're so stupid that you think you're "doing something" by not voting, you have no right to complain about what you get in office. Therefore, you're one of the "fucking assholes" that needs to "shut up!!!"

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I agree ! There was a very comprehensive, calm, well thought out O.P. piece on that very topic: the lack of sane, responsible, ethical, and morally grounded people in either party. Trey Gowdy (R), a former member of the House, and now a commentator on Fox News, has a program on Sunday nights. Last night he gave one of the most cogent, honest, explanations of how we got into this situation where NO ONE cooperates with anyone from the other party and we are in a perpetual cycle of no budget ever set so always an 24 hr. emergency deadline and deeper and deeper in debt, no compromises on things needed for ALL people (such as safe bridges, clean water, etc.), and he explained the deeper reasons behind this all.... a summary is difficult, but a general loss of our culture where we had a common moral foundation. Now, the rational, decent, honest people of both parties, who are intelligent enough to realize to keep the unique nation we have, requires courage, compromise, and the ability to admit another may have a better idea or plan, no matter what party. People like this no longer want to have themselves and their families exposed to what "politicians" have become. No longer the best among us, willing to make personal sacrifices (like having to pay for a place to stay in D.C. out of their own assets, pay for their haircuts in D.C. just as they would have if they were back at their home, and the whole list of "benefits", not "sacrifices" at all, so, it only appeals to those of a "certain" mind set. He really hit the heart of the target.... those with a true servants heart, to go and represent their fellow community members, would not even consider it. WE set ourselves up for this by voting to lavish every possible luxury on our political class, as if they are the royalty we "thought" we wanted to free ourselves from ! Instead of CRT, let's put the study of Marx, Stalin, and Lenin back into the public school curriculum, along with HOW we won our "freedom" from "the monarchy", then created our own monarchy. We made our own idols ! ! Why ?

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Rooster head Gowdy is all talk and no action. He folded like a weak hand of poker while in Congress. He’s a Mitch and Paul Ryan puppet with a southern accent who puts on a cute cross examination display that goes nowhere.

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Wasn't referring to his politics at all, don't know a thing about the man. What I meant to convey is I just happened to be channel surfing from one Olympic event to another and caught the program and was impressed with what a cogent (he's a former attorney), explanation he gave on how we've become so IN-cohesive as a people.

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Trey gowdy was nothing but a haircut. He let Devin nunes take ALL the flak. Did nothing but run his mouth. He was a chicken or bought or off.

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Gowdy and Chaffetz are peacuck loverboys, doing their faux con mating displays on threat posturing on congress to attract the chumps

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But the point is; how can we get past calling them, and the others from both parties, derogatory names (just another symbol of frustration I realize that), and relieve our frustrations on this and other sites, and get down to sharing well thought out ideas oh HOW to solve the problem of the lack of quality (by quality, I mean individuals who put ethical behavior above all and realize they are only in their positions to represent the views of those who SENT them as representatives) people to choose from when we vote ! IF we got past our anger, frustration, and name calling, we could use this forum to get at how we might begin to get "good" people on both "sides" to run for office, so we don't have to think about such foolish moves as giving up voting all together, and perpetually make choices between the evil of two lessers, or the lesser of two evils !

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Yep. Never vote for RINOs in primaries

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Yeah you completely convinced me that the Biden administration is exactly the same as the Trump administration. My bad

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Like, again. Damn Substack!

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How much is Soros paying you for your dumb pfuck routine?

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Like. Substack at it again.

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Thank you, genuinely, for that well spoken comment.


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Well thank you also ! Nice, rather agree or disagree, to have people who can discuss matters without insults and cursing..like the typical "social" media postings where people seem to make their "points" by fowl language and name calling... sometimes it seems like an "adult" playground...lol... like congress...LOL !

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You mean like this:

“ Just to give a clarification to the morons below who didn’t read my comment above, I didn’t vote, because I don’t vote for evil, I don’t vote for incompetence, and I don’t appreciate these motherfuckers you just want to come in and ruin our lives!

You fuckers just vote for letters, admit it!

The people below, seem very happy and at peace with those issues and choices, so Enjoy your misery desperation and abject failure!

And I don’t want hugs, I want people to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your lives, stop waiting for other people like corrupt politicians judges and fucking morons of influence to stroll in and ruin your lives!

Idiots, I’m surrounded by idiots!“


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Love your German and Pfauci/Pfizer play on words. Hits the mark for sure.

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Trey gowdy was nothing but a haircut. He let Devin nunes take ALL the flak. Did nothing but run his mouth. He was a chicken or bought off.

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Just to give a clarification to the morons below who didn’t read my comment above, I didn’t vote, because I don’t vote for evil, I don’t vote for incompetence, and I don’t appreciate these motherfuckers you just want to come in and ruin our lives!

You fuckers just vote for letters, admit it!

The people below, seem very happy and at peace with those issues and choices, so Enjoy your misery desperation and abject failure!

And I don’t want hugs, I want people to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your lives, stop waiting for other people like corrupt politicians judges and fucking morons of influence to stroll in and ruin your lives!

Idiots, I’m surrounded by idiots!

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You’re too smart by half you sanctimonious ass

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Yeah, truly an astounding high IQ retort…

You stank-n-odious ass…

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You can’t tell the difference between Trump and what we have now? You’re a total dumbpfuck

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Here's a bit of homework for you... Go look at all the people Trump pardoned on his way out. Look at some of his cabinet appointments while in office. He cried "China Joe", well, see how he did with his people. If you approve of that crap based on the "better than Biden" argument, then enjoy your 4 trillion spending stimulus BS and be happy. For me, I think we can do better.

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Your spellcheck went up your ass, or, you truly are as stupid as you claim you’re not…

Dumb Fuck

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Also how many Republicans really stood up against the covid regime?

Certainly not enough.

Pfizter works on both sides of the aisle.

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Oh Republicans didn’t do enough so I’m going to vote communist. Brilliant

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Republ-ocrats or Demo-blicans.

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Feb 21, 2022
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No, in sincere honesty, all I hear is crying moaning and bitching, you know, the audience who voted for these motherfuckers ruling us?…

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Hmmm. Millions of people trying to avoid just the sort of disaster we are experiencing, by voting for the only candidate who was at least trying (Trump). Let me think....

No, you are the problem. You plus all of the idiots who support Biden, Obama, and the rest of the destroyers of civilization.

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See, Tom here is example A of the problem, we either have to vote Democrat or Republican, because at the end of the day, 150 million morons who can’t figure out anything else besides the letter “D” or “R”, expect us to be clueless complicit leash-led morons as them…

And, it is emblematic of why polarization leads to interpersonally flawed losers.

Which is why, this country is dead, we truly have the public that votes in these fucking assholes because they identify with these failed horrific leaders…

Think about it, 30+ % of people in polls continue to think Biden and the Democrats are doing a great job, and 40 to 50% of Republicans think Trump should be in office in 2025, people don’t learn, people don’t pay attention, people are just basically stupid, and easily manipulated.

Thanks Tom…

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Very well put

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R U alright? Anger management under Biden has been high.

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Wait till those masked children grow up to be adults, if we already haven’t been invaded and killed off first…

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When you stayed home you voted for all that you dumb pfuck

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Goodbye, Phailed Phuck…

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Not voting doesn’t give you the right to complain any more than not working gives you the right to get paid an income. You didn’t have to vote for Trump or Biden. You should have used your vote to vote for the candidate most aligned with your beliefs. I did not say for the ‘perfect’ candidate. That is the only way to show those in control that there are people who strongly disagree and are willing to vote for someone they know can’t win. There is nothing they would like better than a populace of weaklings that are satisfied to simply whine!

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My money is you vote “R“ every damn time…

And that makes you better?! no, that makes you complicit, so you can’t complain especially when your Republican buddies fuck you up the ass…

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No. I’m a registered Democrat that votes Libertarian. I am registered as a Democrat so that I can vote for their worst candidate in the primaries. My wife and I are active in protests against the lockdowns, forced vaccinations and masks. We will meet the truckers in a few days as they go from California to DC. We are in Texas now but heading for home in California in a couple days. If you are in California and don’t know about all the protests going on but want to get involved go to savecalifornia.com.

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Well, good luck with that strategy. Maybe just register as Independent and piss off both sides of that polluted aisle of Republ-ocrats!?


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I’d rather stay and fight. Are you going to flee your state before it is too late? Flee the US before it’s too late? Do you think patriots in other states want to welcome people who fled their own state rather than fight?

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Amen, yes please, smaller government... too bad that's never going to be reality :(

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Voting LoLibertarian yields bigger government

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True, 2 sides-same coin. Two party system is no bueno

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Trump is head and shoulders above the last few presidents. My opinion, which I am allowed to have as of today.

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Maybe it’s the Head and Shoulders that gives him that hair effect?

People are always allowed to have an opinion, the problem is, when do people have choices and principles that are based on irrefutable evidence that would be supported by a sizable amount of people talking with you.

We haven’t had a decent president in my mind in a long time, that’s why I’ve been voting third-party for several decades.

Democrats and Republicans, they stack the deck, and then they throw the cards at you and try to Paper-cut you in the eyes…

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Psyop alert. Your 3rd party vote is a vote for the commies

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Two alerts here:

👹and 💩for🧠s

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Then how can it be two sides of the same coin?

We need to bounce the RINOs out of the R party. Restore the party of Lincoln, Grant, Coolidge and Eisenhower.

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Well to be fair elections are rigged so voting won’t help.

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I guess you didn’t notice the Virginia election

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