I'm getting more unvaccinated every day! In Canada I'm quintuple unvaccinated!

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Quadruple here. Brilliant take! Lolol

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OMG. unfair. lol.

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But can you get into Starbucks, Commander?

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Why would he/she want to?

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They usually have clean restrooms.

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Not anymore..... See the news.

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I don't know about all of them, but the few I've been to were clean. But I get your point.

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I'll let you know if it ever comes up.

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I lost track about how many times my fellow citizens have been injected…

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A friend of mine and his wife just got their 4th shots (2nd boosters), and the wife was sold on a shingles shot-AT THE SAME TIME-by her doctor, because, you know, shingles is everywhere right now.

Our doctors are nothing more than dope pushers in lab coats with a huge amount of school debt.

1st World!!! So much better than 3rd World!!!

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Shingles is loooooooong chicken pox.

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I love it.

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Very, very long.....

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Yeah I have infinitely more respect for 3rd world nations that gave Pfizer et al the finger than I do rhe medical establishment of my own country.

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My SiL got vax injured from taking the shingles shot. I see health officials pushing HPV shots for kids in tv ads, because you know cervical cancer is "everywhere right now". Not trying to be an intensive ashloe about women who have gotten cervical cancer in the past or in the future, but if anything the chasing of the "cure" for 'vid has done, its opened a lot of people's eyes about what is all this other stuff that gets pushed. AND what are exactly the risks for an entire population from something such as HPV?? I'm not necessarily anti-vax, but now just anti- government/corporate medical complex. We don't even have corporate medical around here, just de facto/fake corporate "not for profit" medical systems run by untouchable "board of directors".

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Watched RFK jr last night. He said he has been banned for many years for taking on big pharma. Honestly he sounds like many of us here. Really hates Fauci and Gates. He is in a unique position knowing all the evil ones in Washington. He spoke about a close friend that is a liberal like Kennedy, but they have parted company due to these vaccines. The friend apparently has always been aware pharma is diabolical, but is 100 percent with pharma on these vaccines. No science is changing friend’s mind. I know Kennedy’s family are not with him. The only way I can understand this is my experience with the pro chemo women I have known with cancer that would not tolerate my resistance to cancer treatments. I use to belong to a very large breast cancer site that literally would go ballistic if any woman was looking for alternative treatments. The hate spewed for really something. If somebody died taking chemo etc., they were to be lauded for their courage. If somebody died refusing chemo they were trash talked for being stupid dopes. Nothing I said nor others could stop the hate. I believe pharma was behind the hate. They had paid women on there to push back hard and they did. They wanted us gone and they drove the non believers off.

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I've had BC and declined chemo. No radiation either. My doctor told me I had a 50/50 chance to 10 years. It's year 13 and I'm healthy (and fit).

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So Vanda, what did you do?

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I had surgery. With the surgery I had, radiation wasn't necessary but chemo was recommended. The surgery left me 'no evidence of disease', i.e., I did not have a tumor after surgery but one of my lymph nodes, 12 were removed and biopsied, had a very small tumor. My cancer had also spread to my skin, which had also been removed.

I researched enough before I saw the oncologist so that I new what questions to ask. The main question was 'how much does chemo reduce my risk'. The doctor said 5%. In my opinion, that was no where near enough to justify the short, medium, long term side effects of chemo. So I declined. He told me I had a 50/50 chance to get to 10 years, chemo increased that to 45/55 in my favour.

I thought about using hormone therapy (Tamoxifen or Arimidex) but had a heart problem that I thought it would worsen so declined those too. I'm glad I did.

I was fortunate to have come across a great book by Dr. David Servan-Schrieber:


I did everything the book said to do: I made sure almost everything I ate was either anti cancer or at least not pro cancer. I exercised for at least the recommended amount. I participated in a cancer program that taught how to change your thinking and your mind set so that you had an 'anti cancer mind'. The book had excellent references (not one claim without reference) and other books to read as well.

PS: an anti cancer diet can be delicious, I focused on finding recipes using the new foods I wanted to include in my diet. Actually, some of the best chefs cook very healthy fare. It's cooking from scratch using good quality ingredients. Anti cancer focuses on high quality meat but not too much of it.

PSS: I researched using pubmed. Every food I ate I looked up to see how it affected my cancer.

I actually had a 2nd cancer (a very slow acting cancer of the surface of the eye) that had started years before BC but was not diagnosed until about 1 year after BC. For that, 1 had very low dose radiation that delivered in 2 exposures delivered on each of 2 successive days. Side effects were almost none. Almost!

In the same situation today, I would have tried marijuana oil, CBD, before surgery, probably Ivermectin as well. CBD has worked well for some women and anti parasitics also have evidence as anti cancer. Here are 2 examples:



Cancer for me turned out to be a blessing in many ways: the program I participated in, The Healing Journey by Dr. Alastair Cunningham had a positive impact on me mentally. I learned about the importance of nutrition, I lost some weight (I was never very heavy) and became for fit.

It also taught me to research everything and to question everything. That's what I did with the covid shots and that's why I didn't get any.

Life is a learning experience!

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Thank you for your detailed post and sharing your story! Will be purchasing the book for sure. Read How to Starve Cancer by Jane McLelland; this book will be a great addition to the arsenal of knowledge.

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Wow, thank you Vanda for sharing these details. Incredibly helpful. Appreciate your courage and your conviction. 🙏 for many more healthy years.

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Thank you, Vanda!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you

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That's wonderful to hear. Try to cut your red meat consumption down and focus on eating a plant based diet. All the best and God bless you.

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I've had cancer. After the first diagnosis, I was scared (many in my Mom's family, including her, died from it) and did as I was told. When it recurred in 5 1/2 years, I had done my homework. I had more extensive surgery and then nothing else, but organic food, exercise, supplements, acupuncture. It's now 11 years since my recurrence. Watched my husband toe the line and die. We ate well, exercised, etc, but worked at a bomb factory. Now when I see others taking the "treatment" I tell them of my experience and they marvel that I'm doing so well, but they are convinced the doctors know what's best. Dear lord. They've also gotten the jab, which I did not.

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Most of the women I know that have my cancer and took chemo are dead now. Now another friend this week. She too is going full chemo and hormones. My oncologist told me flat out I was in a boat all by myself. Nice, huh?

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After the recurrence, I went to MD Anderson. I had triple negative breast cancer. It's called that because they didn't/don't know what the cause is. They know what it is not, progesterone, estrogen, or her2neu. It's supposed to be more deadly than hormonal breast cancer. When I told them I would not take chemo again, particularly as there was no "approved" chemo for TNBC. The oncologist came to convince me. I asked him if there was any evidence that what he wanted to give me would either prolong my life or add to its quality. He told me no, but there was evidence it would exacerbate my heart problem (caused by the original chemo and radiation) and cause neuropathy. Well, sign me up, NOT. I had to leave there to get the surgery. I'm glad did. What a horrible place that is. It is a city. There is no cause for them to look for a "cure." I had an excellent surgeon. She was a very compassionate and honest person who told me that the cancer industry's statistics were "crap." She did her fellowship at Sloan-Kettering, so not off the turnip truck.

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You were very courageous for standing up to your doctor at MD Anderson, I know that's not so easy.

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I have never had cancer but would never take chemo or radiation.

The treatments kill more than the cancer in my opinion.

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My issue is that if everybody takes chemo then who is the control group? So how do we know if chemo helped if no data to compare. I wanted them to follow me. They refused. I mean my first bout I was 40. Just 2 operations. No chemo etc. I stayed fine for 25 years. That sure beat the 5 yr/ 80 percent cure so to speak. All breast cancer survival rates are based on 5 years. Ok. Well I did that. I bet many that took chemo did not make 5 yrs let alone 25 years. My 2nd occurrence has nothing to do with my first primary so they say. So just surgery again, not chemo etc., I am coming up on 5 years. If I make that I did as good as they expected me to do with chemo, hormone treatment and some radiation. There are probably many like me, but they were pushed to go the aggressive route which meant $$$$ for big pharma.

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All the best to you gray, I think I remember chatting about this with you a while ago.

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So Graygirl, what did you do?

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So very, very sad. I used to make chemo i.v.s back in the 1990s. We used to sort of look in shock in what they were costing the patients (or more likely the insurance companies). But those 1990s prices are child's play of what I hear some of the oral chemo treatments go for nowadays. How can any one in health care tell people, "this stuff is so great" but its costs $30-50 grand a MONTH!!!

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There is now 120 chemo drugs. Big business. No cures. It is not in the best interest of the drug companies to find any cure. The goal is to produce as many drugs possible that will pay billions to drug companies. If they knew eating bark cured cancer, do you think they would tell us?

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Absolutely not.

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Good grief.

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It was in my will (and my husbands) even pre-pandemic that our daughter will NOT get the HPV vaccine even over our dead bodies. I was skeptical of the medical/ big pharmacy establishment pre-Covid after having worked as an outdoor adventure guide in WV during undergrad where I got a front row seat to the catastrophe caused by the opioid epidemic.

I still had my eyes opened a lot more from Covid insanity. The more the machine pushed, the firmer I became in my refusal to get these clot shots (same for my husband and our kids getting shots was never even a remote consideration).

I once kind of rejected RFK Jr and then I realized he was treated like all the people I respected during Covid - all the people justifying their positions with actual data - by the insane commie crowd running the media and government at the moment. I read his book, listened to interviews, checked out his not-for-profit. I obviously feel foolish for my past dismissive attitude towards him, but I’m grateful for the life lesson and admitting my foolishness to myself means I’m far less likely to keep making the same mistake. In life I think as humans we tend to do better going forward when we own our screwups and stop repeating them.

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Good point. Others can often see our mistakes even if we don't admit to them. So the only person we hurt is ourselves, because until we admit we made a mistake we are going to repeat it over and over again. Years ago I thought people who fought for stuff were a bit odd. I didn't know enough to have an opinion and I didn't accept the general opinion either. But now that I'm learning about what's going on, I pay attention to what exactly people are fighting for and many of them are now people I respect. (Of course, some people who fight for stuff are barking up the wrong tree... but maybe they're helping someone out there.)

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Like not working so 💜

Would like to know more about that being in your will. With a young adult kid, I would love to do that but can’t imagine it would have any legal teeth.

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My kids are still young so it has teeth because we have a lot of people in their lives who love them that will enforce it. There is a difference between who gets primary physical custody and who gets legal guardianship including to make medical decisions for our kids if something happens to us. Our hope is obviously that our will and life insurance is nothing but an unused insurance policy because we want nothing more than to raise our children ourselves. They are our world. Having plans if something tragic happens to us is part of our responsibility to them. That also meant documenting important decisions we made as parents.

Nothing in our will tries to control their medical choices once they are legally adults.

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Agree and we did the same. The part that I did not realize was after age 12, when kids can seek treatment, including BCP and HPV and other sexual health related treatments. And drug treatments for that matter. Without parental knowledge or consent.

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Theoretically yes, but my kids are in a bubble that would make it difficult. There isn’t a 100% on anything in life but we have really good kids and an amazing support network in a worst case scenario we hope is never needed in such an extreme capacity. Plus, my kids aren’t the type that could be easily persuaded to go self harm or get injections of crap they know their parents oppose. It’s not like we had to talk them out of getting Covid shots or flu shots or wearing a mask - they have no interest in those things to begin with.

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I've watched doc videos on the HPV - mind blowing - I said Hell No for my kids. The risk/benefit analysis is dismal, to put it mildly. Actually Candace Owens has been doing great work on this in a series on Parler called "A Shot in the Dark" . She herself had seizures from the HPV vax.

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How much of anything is out there? I trust none of them.

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My understanding is that shingles occurs only if you had chickenpox & I never have. I was vaccinated as a child (when a vax was a vax). Notice the endless shingles vax ads never mention chickenpox.

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You are right, if you have never had Chickenpox, you can’t get Shingles. However, exposure to weeping open Shingle’s sores can give you Chickenpox. The Chickenpox vaccines were actually vaccines and very preventative. I did get the Shingles vaccine because I had Chickenpox as a kid.

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Y'know, I've kinda wanted to get a shingles shot b/c I have friends who are like me--of A Certain Age--who've gotten shingles and it's absolutely NO FUN.

But...right now? I'm done with the Pincushion Protocol.

These days, I take my vitamins. For an upset stomach, I swear by Brioschi, which I consider Italian Penicillin.

Looks like most people are DONE.

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Shingles is awful. I was making a joke.

And that's the problem; these rat bastards have ruined people's trust.

I guess the good news is we will be more cautious and consider that the best 2nd opinion is your very own.

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Keep your Vit D level above 60 ng/ml and you will be fine. Shingles injection is extremely harsh

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Thank you for this nugget. My husband had shingles (after 2 jabs which will not amplified) & I've told this story on another topic/thread). What I didn't mention is doc told him to get the shingles vax. H says he wants to since shingles was so horrible. I'm strongly discouraging it but I need some solid info to give him. Any sources where I can learn more?

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get to know www.therealdrjudy.com She has a plethora of options and one of the original whistleblowers on Fauci. Send her questions and support her cause. If anyone has earned it...she has for what the corrupt mongers tried doing to her

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Thank you! Checking her out now. Edit: Watching a video that starts with "Thunderstruck"! That's my go-to medicine...ROCKING OUT. 😁

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I love my Vitamin D gummies!

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as long as they raise the blood levels it's all that matters. Most people have no clue and simply assume they have an adequate blood level because they take some a product. Never assume and Vit D level checks are easy and fast. Trust, but verify

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personally I use only D3 with full spectrum of K and always with a balance of Magnesium from mid Oct to like March 1st. Sun will provide more than enough in warmer months as long as at least 50% of your body is exposed for 30 mins per day minimum.

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I can’t get my doctors to check my vitamin D level!

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I use Direct Labs, where I order my own tests. Vit D level is under $50 and they sometimes have sales. Keeping my D around 70 ng/ml. You create an account, order on their website, their doc provides a lab slip and you go to Quest Labs for the test. Results quickly come to your in box. It doesn’t go thru insurance but it’s worth it and you don’t have to pay fir a doc appointment. My pathologist father recommended it.

I was on 5000 D3 but my D level was about 50 ng/ml. Now on 10000 D3 with K and I’m about 70 ng/ml. Cost about $100 for the two tests to figure that out. I avoid the sun so I need to take a lot of D3.

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Grassroots Healthcare has a kit you can buy and check your own D3 levels. It's not cheap, but it's worth it. Personally, I would try to find another doctor who would order it with your blood work.

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It is a series of two vaccines and it is harsh but very preventative, upper 90s. The old shingles vaccine was only one and a live vaccine but only 50% effective. Totally agree about Vit D levels and Stress must be controlled.

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No worries...the puppet will find a way to forgive those med school loans so WE can pay for it

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So true about most of the doctors..."drug pushers in lab coats." Maybe MD is actually an acronym for many drugs.

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Our VET won’t even give two different jabs at the same time.

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That should tell you A LOT!

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Isn't it interesting that suddenly (since after the COVID jab came out) they are really pushing the shingles vax on is "old" people. Prior to last year I think I've been offered that shot once in the last 10 years, now they keep pushing it at me. Could it be that they realize the damage that's been done by this poison they forced on us? Glad I told them to pound sand when my (former) employer tried to force me to take the shot

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Not interesting, but intentional. Those injected now have lessor immunity and are open now to far more illness manifesting going forward. I know I am preaching to the choir here in Berenson forum, but just sayin. the amount of NEW sickly available to Pharma going forward is far more lucrative. Pharma knows what it's doing...always have

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Another friend of mine had chickenpox, for the first time, at 50. For 6 weeks.

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Does this person get regular flu injections and the mRNA injections?

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Who knows about the flu shot, we are guys. I only know about his booster because after he told me about the chickpox over text, my wife looked up his FB, 2 months earlier, booster shot. He posted he was doing the part of the unvaxxed. I laughed.

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They've got a shingles vaccine that they can make money off of so they will push it. I had shingles. It makes life uncomfortable for a while, but it is not the end of the world. I did not lose a day of work. I still remember the pain I would feel when I got in and out of my truck, but that is about it.

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I had shingles myself about 15 years ago, not fun but not the end of the world either. I do wonder how much worse it'll be for all of the now immunocompromised people out there now who decided to take shots 1 through.........

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Oh, and I listened to your Joe Rogan interview. I wasn't impacted by any vaccine mandates, but yes, I am still mad as hell about them. The thought of having to get a shot to feed my family or to continue my education, much less to eat in a stupid restaurant makes me furious. And I will never comprehend how anyone ever thought such policies were moral. I mean seriously, have these people ever picked up a history book?! As you say, insanity.

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It is immoral and we need to expose this fraud one person at a time.

It is not OK that our fellow neighbors did not stand up against that. And for those who cheered it on; SHAME on them.

I hope they will self reflect and learn from their mistakes.

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I spoke with a friend who went on a ski trip and she was fine with the fact that the vaccinated could eat indoors at a local restaurant and the unvaccinated had to eat outside in the cold. She didn't even recognize what she was saying. I see now how easily genocides begin. I have decided that I need new friends.

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If you want to see how fast it happens watch this. It's worth the time.

It was conducted by a 3rd grade teacher in the late 60's :


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Thanks, I will. I could understand how children would be more persuadable, but adults I have known as kind and intelligent all my life have done a 180 right before my eyes. They wouldn't consider the data or listen to rational arguments. It was frightening.

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Wow that was a good film! Thanks

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Well, 16k doses for the whole state of Hawaii... I think even that is over ordering. I hope they end up in a landfill.

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Except for the fact that taxpayers paid for them. But a land fill is better than an arm full!

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I am 20+ years of no Vaxx, no Flu shots. Reality is many many people ripped into Autism Parents like me years ago as anti-Vaxxers. Reality is my Dad was an Infectious Disease MD in Philly and helped bring the Polio Vaxx to Philly. I had no interest in this conversation, BUT, I had a son with Autism, and it opened my eyes to the reality of #BigPharma.

It sucks.

Wall Street profit drives innovation, and it also drives corruption. When you add in the 1986 Vaxx Act and there is no liability, your basic #BigPharma and #CorporateMedicine employee is just trying to get a "Beach House" like everyone else in their work circles.

I don't know how to break the cycle other than this - "Just say NO!!"

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Wall Street profits drive innovation. Government contracts, mandates, monopolies, and liability waivers for product defects drive corruption.

From opioids to baby formula shortages to clot shots, the problems would have been nipped in the bud very quickly but for government interference because there would have been no profits to fund repetitive failure.

Expansive regulations, high taxes, and centralized government drives corruption everywhere. It’s no different here than most countries in Africa. It’s no different today than past generations. I guess the difference here today might be that nearly everyone acknowledges the failure, but people keep choosing to vote for it anyway based on their “feelings” - being so passionate about their religion of compliance and government control for the sake of compliance and government control as to call those of us who oppose it epithets and extremists. Having a senile old man demand mass medical experimentation by coercion targeted at the young and healthy is pretty extreme to me. 🤷‍♀️

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I had to re-read your comment this morning to better understand. I have been looking for a Third Party candidate to break the cycle. I don't yet see one. Andrew Yang has a son on the Spectrum, and we have mutual friends, but I don't think he is the one. My energy is focused on my son's community, so I will hope and pray for better leaders to emerge, somehow, someway.

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It doesn’t take a 3rd party. It simply takes picking the person promoting policies that work better than his/her opponent. Keep doing that and things improve. Apathetic immature adults in the US refuse to vote based on policy outcomes. Instead people vote based on feelings and hoping for handouts. Absolutely everything Biden has done was 100% predictable as were the negative consequences. Everyone knew they outcome of electing Biden would be especially awful for children and the poor. But promise some freebies and focus on feelings not actual outcomes and he got elected anyway.

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Mike. Saw your comments on common sense a while back. You are astute, and well ahead of the game being played. Stay strong. Prayers - and appreciation - to you and your son, for your fortitude and conviction.

There are many of us who have got your back.

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Thanks. I honestly had no idea how nuts I am until I took a re-look at my neighborhood data. 97.65% of people in my Zip Code of "10128" had at least 1 shot. Obviously, it drops off from there, but WOW. You can't get the majority of New Yorkers to agree on what day of the week it is. - https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data-neighborhoods.page

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I am in a control group of one among my family and friends. I continue to be annoying by sending them articles about adverse events so they will stop taking boosters. It has taken a toll on our relationships. We still talk, but not so often anymore. That's ok. As long as they don't take another booster and remain alive and well, I will call that a win.

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August 2021, had a 25 year old colleague break down in hysterics in front of me, shaking and sobbing uncontrollably because my unvaccinated status at work was going to kill her grandfather....

Think about how deep the neuroses are, if a perfectly healthy but unvaccinated coworker has the ability to murder a 76 year old that they don’t know and will never be in contact with!?!?!

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Instead of helping people, our public health leaders have broken people and society.

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But I should add, political leaders are the ones elected to make the decisions. They neglect their duty when they give up their power to others. It is a pathetic way to avoid ownership of decision-making.

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Frankly, it has been stunning. Even before I did a lot of research, it was obvious to me early on that the shots were a no go. I was so surprised when no one in my circles shared my perspective. Times like these really cement your values.

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Yeah, it's been tough for me too. Virtually everyone I know took them.

I mean what can go wrong if you fuck around with the building blocks of nature and they seep into your cells?

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In my circle of friends I am the only one who did not get vaxxed. I’ve been made to feel like a pariah. At one dinner no one would sit beside me. Another time I was told I should be wearing a mask; I refused. Another told me her grandchildren were not allowed around any unvaxxed people. No one has woken up yet but it will happen. I may gloat a tiny bit.

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Curious where you live Stanley? Those are horrifying “friends”

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I have had similar experiences. Couldn't live in a more "different" place - Santa Fe, NM. The righteous, virtue-signalling folks there are still wearing masks. I think they'll be thrilled if there's another lock down this year.

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Good job on Rogan, Alex. Keep going. Expose the excess deaths before all the college kids die off.

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Yeah. And he looked rested! Good for AB; he deserves it!

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So Alex, I just finished listening to the very end of the podcast. This quote really hit me:

“Trump has a way of making everyone crazy. And making people violate their own standards. That is not good for anyone — on both sides.”

People on both sides AND in the middle need to take this and ponder it. Very true. Damn.

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OK. I'm not defending Trump but how is Biden any better?

Seriously. I am not ideological, but I have heard Biden say the most vile things in my life.

He literally created 2nd class citizens.

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Not comparing here. I think Biden is terrible personally. I’m an independent and pretty much like politicians as much as I like big pHarma, big ag, and big food. The last few years have opened my eyes to a lot of things.

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Yeah me too. I'm a weird mix of old school liberal with a libertarian streak.

I think what really scares me is the censorship.

Something else that deeply disturbs me is the othering of people. That includes the use of "pureblood".

The other piece for me is that I had/have young children during this mess. I can not believe what has been done to them.

Any society that has treated its children like we have over the last couple years, could very well not be worth saving.

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Agree on all points. Really hoping more people will also wake up to a third party. Libertarian seems like a good start.

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I’m done with any more vaccines. As a physician, I don’t trust anything pharma does anymore or the FDA & CDC for that matter. Why wouldn’t they put Covid mRNA vax in the flu shot? Seems an easy way to get into more arms and they have shown lying is the norm for them. Think about it.

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Both flu and covid are non problems for people with reasonably good health. Pretty easy for the weaklings to improve. They'll reverse the prohibitions of hcq and ivermectin soon, and no one will need these vaxes.

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I think that's where it could be headed. Some sort of SuperVaxx.

Nothing would surprise me. Absolutely. Nothing.

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Will they call this shot 1 of the new vaccine or booster 3 or shot 5? Marketing question.

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it's a prequel

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I kind of like being part of the much maligned control group, ye see, we're a feisty bunch that likes nothing more than a good old meme and taking a little pleasure in listening to the jabbed make their excuses as to why they potentially are playing a spot of Russian Roulette with their bodies to cover up a financial shit show.....

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The jabbed are also making excuses for why they keep getting sick, too! I’m a triage nurse - the only covid calls, or sick calls, I’m getting are from people who are double, triple, and quadruple “vaxed.” All of them say, “well just think how sick I’d be I’d I hadn’t gotten the shots.” I say, “well guess you’ll never know. Will you “

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Can you imagine the people that vaxxed their kids? I'm not sure they'll ever wake up.

That must be like having cognitive dissonance about your cognitive dissonance.

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5 out of 6 people decided to play...just mind blowing....:)

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"Stay in the control group..." Sound medical advice!

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What's ironic is the only people who actually "studied" are those of us in the control group.

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the "live vaccine" tech is still being developed. Its not been stopped so just a matter of time where no pure bloods exist

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who are the people getting the "vaccines?"

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Seriously what the hell is going on? Ordering a vaccine before any human trials? This makes me question anything pharma, FDA & CDC do. It’s absolutely criminal what they are doing. They will simply throw any trash drug out there and FDA will rubber stamp it. It’s disgusting.

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I agree. They've destroyed any trust I have in the Public Health Authorities.

I've learned a lot in these last two years. Perhaps the most important lesson:

Nobody is going to take care of your health, except you.

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Human trials are expensive, really cuts into their profits.

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Well Obama did receive a variance on a 100 year old seawall at his new palace in Hawaii. If the jabs go unused that might be the perfect place for disposal

Maybe all those syringes will wash up on his beach front property for the ‘sophisticated, vaccinated crowd’ that attended his 60th bday party at Martha's Vineyard?

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TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars of real estate, I should say.

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My wife absolutely lives by what the CDC guidelines are. I got the initial two Moderna shots, but have held off any boosters since, much to her chagrin. She had her fourth shot (second booster) one month ago. She is currently sick as a dog with COVID and is on Paxlovid (!). I continue to test negative. She won't discuss it...

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"She won't discuss it." These people do not live in reality, and they've quite literally been brainwashed.

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Thank you for being brave and telling your story.

I admire people like you.

We need more folks just like you, so that we can expose the fraud and make sure this never happens again.

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Unfortunately there are simply those to far gone into the abyss to see the light.

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Don’t worry - the DC and CA school systems will make up for the shortfall of adults finally realizing they don’t work by requiring all children to get 3 shots a semester or be relocated to the gulags for proper reeducation.

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Don’t forget all the kids in NYC and ny state. They can’t wait! Sick people.

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Pfizer, et. al’, just got lei’d……🤪

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