So safe and effective that even the poor countries won’t take this trash. Hmmm I wonder why?

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Natural immunity is reducing the prevalence of c-19 to make vaccines nearly pointless.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

The mongers will always have the fraud based PCR test to affirm positive casedemic when they need #'s to rise. The ONE tool that was allowed to perpetuate the scam was the fraudulent use of the PCR. Amazing how many were duped on that

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Not just fraudulent PCR tests, but the very definition itself of a "case" and a willful manipulation of "asymptomatic".


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exactly...the mythical asymptomatic spreader was HUGE too in scamming the public at large

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I have had 3 people recently claim they got Covid (despite between triple/ quad vaxxed) by a non vaxxed asymptomatic spreader. The lie abounds…

Oh and these are highly educated/ wealthy people making these claims. 🙄

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The most educated seem to have been the worst for going along with the lies. Just goes to show that education is not the same as intelligence

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A June 18, 2022 article in the Toronto Star said: Colin Furness, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto, said companies should create office environments that can separate vaccinated and unvaccinated workers to help limit virus spread. "Unvaccinated people have a much greater chance of being asymptomatic while infected with the virus, raising the likelihood of bringing COVID-19 into the office without knowing they’re sick, Furness said. “To simply welcome everyone back without protections and act like contagion just isn’t a thing anymore — that’s a terrible idea,” said Furness. “You need to have barriers in place.”

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That's some addictive kool aid that dude is still drinking'!

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Sounds like something they may try in CA here or say NYC which are both little sisters of the CCP too

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The T Star used to be good, smart, investigative. There they go...

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Of course it's coming from lil CCP country and bought and paid for CCP paper

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Remember when that Doctor who was high up in the WHO put out a Tween early 2020 saying there was no evidence of person to person transmisdion? Then he had a heart attack and died the same day?

Fun times! I think the Dr. Was Australian but I can't remember his name. Reminds me of the anti-lockdown African leaders who kept dying of heart attacks.

Doesn't the CIA have a "heart attack gun"? Whatever that is sure is suspect!

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It's absurd when you think about it, a pandemic made up in a large part of asymptomatic disease. And many of us fell for it.

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What is absurdly-criminal is that NOT ONE has EVER been remotely held accountable for just what those intentional acts did to humanity and the lives of humanity. Not ONE person has even lost their job for it. All the same people are in all the same positions spewing the same criminal activity since before and after the whu-flu lab release. Not ONE! Absurd?

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And no MSM outlet will cover this. Ironclad data (unlike the Ouchies) and no media will explore this avenue. If that does not scream: "bought and sold", nothing will. It is a cult.

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The agenda was set up well before 2020. All DUCKS needed to line up to pull it off

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

No, the BS that unvaxx'd were hurting the vaxx'd was the most willful lie of all eternity. May their progeny suffer for 5 generations for their willful lies. But of course God does not punish like that. That is my flesh wanting to inflict pain on idiots and I do not hold that power.

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And he might feel fine, but before he dies - he’s killing people just walking around town!!!

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Or sitting in his car alone, unmasked. Oh the horror!

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Oh nooooooo 😱

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Government health agencies, the media and the medical profession all share the blame for perpetuating the most colossal failure of public policy in history.

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Intentional perpetrating too...all planned

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So glad we didn’t drink the Kool-Aid. So many did and still are. So many young ones dying. Get rid of all the 3 letter agencies.

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EXACTLY. Never mind the ridiculously high CTs. Where are the PRIMERS? And the USA morbidly and mortality report was already speaking to 100% false positives from PCR +/- 2015. Dartmouth Medical School had a pertussis outbreak - until it didn't.

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Great point. Everyone is talking about the CTs. But the primers are just as fake.

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and the guy who invented the PCR (conveniently dead) said it was not to be used for diagnostic purposes!

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And they still are addicted to getting tested 😂😂😂

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I had the dreaded Rona in Nov/Dec 2020, still tested positive for antibodies a few months ago and haven’t gotten Covid again since, even with a ton of travel; all while never wearing a mask. It’s like us humans were born with something to fight off viruses…

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I'm 80, no shots. Went out as much as I was allowed to in New Mexico. Our lovely governor shut down everything she could except, of course, big boxes. I've had to get covid tests in order to attend a couple of concerts I wanted to go to. Negative for those. However, went on a trip with a shot and boosted friend. 5 days in I had cold symptoms. Went on pre-arranged private hikes anyway. Wished I had felt better, but still able to do it. My friend had symptoms about day 8. When we got home, she tested - positive. Out of curiosity I did too - also positive. 6 days of a cold. She ended up in bed for 3 days and admits I had it easier than she. Didn't use up hospital beds or ventilators as the narrative would have you believe for an 80-year-old with no shots. Best predictor for survivability, as far as I can see, is staying away from hospitals and the tender mercies of the medical industry.

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"Best predictor for survivability, as far as I can see, is staying away from hospitals and the tender mercies of the medical industry."

I think you are right. I often wonder what the death toll in the early months of the pandemic had been if people had not gone to the hospital. It would have been far lower. The treatment protocols CAUSED hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Also, I wonder what the death toll would have been if doctors treated patients with Covid symptom the same way they treated the same patients before Covid. "First do no harm." A doctor in Germany noted that his country did NOT use any of these authorized protocols in the early weeks of the pandemic. This country's "excess death" numbers were far lower than neighboring Belgium, which did go all-in on the bogus protocols. The doctor asked this question: Did Covid somehow stop at the border? Good question.

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Someone very close to me retired as basically a hospitalist before South Dakota had covid "black" November/December of 2020. His system had only a few covid patients before he retired but the case that stood out the most was a guy who was a bad candidate for both having the 'vid and being put on a vent. My person fought remote "colleagues" daily keeping this guy off a vent because he saw small but nearly daily improvements in his patient but the heavy pressure continued to do all the 'vid protocols. I'm sure if the patient would have died without going on the vent, the system would have taken disciplinary against my person but the patient didn't die, he was discharged. My person was convinced that the patient would have died on the vent.

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"corporate" medicine (even if they aren't technically a corporation) is in lock step with the government bureaucrats. Lots of people dead from only following the "approved" protocols. Many of their house of cards will eventually tumble on down...

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I was diagnosed with TNBC in 2005. Scared into doing everything the medical industry said to do. Recurred in 2011. Went to MD Anderson, which is a city. They have movies, restaurants, shopping center. Why would they want to cure anyone? They wanted me to do preadjuvent chemo. Asked the oncologist if there was any evidence whether what they proposed would either prolong my life or add to its quality (not a clinical trial, btw). He answered "No, but it would exacerbate your heart problems (caused by first time chemo and radiation) and cause neuropathy. Well, then, sign me up NOT. Went back to NM. Had further surgery. No chemo, no surveillance, no monitoring. Exercise, supplements, acupuncture. I may die from either the cancer recurring or the a-fib, but I am not spending my life going to cancer "salons" and having chemo poisons pumped into me or being scared when I go for checkups. The hell with that. Saw what my compliant husband went through, then died from the chemo, I think. Not everyone's cuppa tea, but I feel fairly good for a little, old lady.

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Sounds like you'll go down swinging. One of the best kind of exits...

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Two men from my church got Covid about the same time (January 2021). They both had health issues, one had Parkinson’s, and were near 80. One was admitted to the hospital, placed on a ventilator, and died within a couple of weeks. The other man (the one with Parkinson’s was told he needed to be admitted to the hospital. He refused and said if he was going to die, it would be at home with his family not in a hospital by himself. They told him he would definitely die if he refused admission to the hospital. He is still alive today. He is still suffering from Parkinson’s, but for ply recovered from Covid.

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I still get comments from my Covidian friends saying they don't see any statistics on death and hospitalization. I guess that's because their only source of "news" is CNN, MSNBC, et al. I'm really tired of their intransigence. I was told by a cardiologist I would die from a stroke caused by the chemo-induced atrial fibrillation if I didn't take blood thinners and whatever other stuff they were pushing at the time. That was about 10 years ago. If I had gotten the clot shot + boosters, I think he might have been proved right.

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still don't know that I've ever had it and I have not changed my life one iota. I think I had it 11/19, called it the cold from hell. I've had 3 bad colds since and never tested positive. Never falling for these BS tests again, they're worthless and so is the flu vaxx

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Think of it this way. If the virus had run through the world’s population back in the 70s, before PCR and before 24/7 news cycles and before social media, then it would have dismissed as a slightly more lethal than average flu season and no one would have given it a second thought. Paradoxically, too much information is sometimes counter productive and can be used by nefarious actors to obfuscate, not inform.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

yes, and it would have all been over in 2 months max. You can thank the witch hunt crowd who hate trump and for turning this into an extention of the russian collusion lies and 24/7 MSM BS that takes over the minds of the narcissistic masses and causes them to choose their thoughts and opinions poorly. Plus, most of them got jabbed much to their peril, b/c when you buy-into a little bullshit, you genereally keep doing it. I wish that everyone had to study the story of the Garden of Eden. That short dialogue between satan and 2 ppl shows you what BS looks and sounds like and how easily we get on the wrong track. Create doubt and fear in ppl and get them to go against their own heart and inner guide and you can ruin their lives..

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We do have something to fight off viruses, it's called an immune system, which the vax is destroying for those unfortunate enough to have gotten it. Had covid back in February of 22 and took Ivermectin and Hydroxy that I got out of the US. Was over in 2 days. Now have natural immunity after antibody tests. No further issues.

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Same here -Dec.2020 and zero illness since, often directly in contact with public, no mask, naturally boosted - natural immunity robust, durable and complete. And then there’s Ivermectin… ;)

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Yes…Ivermectin works!

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A billion years of evolution wasn't for naught.

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But but but...the Variants! Can't vax a Corona. It was always pointless. Don't tell the masses - money to be made.....

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VARIANT...another "new" way to disguise the great scam. Any other year it's simply a mutation as all respiratory viruses go. They knew they could not use the normal term as it would indoctrinate well.

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Yup. But just to be safe, they changed the dictionary definitions of: "vaccine" (2021 Word Of The Year! "pandemic", there's more....I can't keep up.

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right...they had to re-defined since its NOT a vaccine and never was

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Soooo....they had to change the definition to fit The Narrative. The word "pandemic" changed also. Same reason: Agenda....

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Just have a Corona with a twist of lime 😊

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Absolutely pointless and HARMFUL to children!!! Don't allow it parents!

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Let's hope so. But no... We have stupidly injected over a billion people, creating antigen fixation. Omicron just walks around that 'defense'.

There is now nothing stopping Omicron from repeatedly reinfecting the injected, and evolving to penetrate deeper into the lungs.

In other words, we just murdered a billion people...

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

Just watched Geert talking about that very thing yday. There was a reason and still is just WHY the mongers pushed so very hard to inject every body on the planet. No control group. It's evident now the problem is the injected. All injected people I know (at least 2 doses) have had tested positive at least 2X now since. Very few of my non-injected acquaintances have once they acquired superior natural immunity. Just what will this fall-winter season coming unleash?

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And that was happening well before the "vaccine" rollout.

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Only "safe and effective" while still in bottle.....Warning....Do not Inject. Harmful or Fatal.

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Well, that's the problem the vaccinators have, poorer countries don't buy their BS propaganda

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Poorer countries have bigger problems. Just look at MSM Ukraine coverage - they are in war zones. Nobody wears a mask. Priorities! Covid is a First World problem (or its Pharma underbelly). Yes I said it.

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Great point! Just like the Masai tribesmen that laughed in the documentary "What Is A Woman?" when asked if a man can become a woman. True innocence has a wisdom that the modern world has completely lost in it's arrogance and agendas. The "meek" truly will inherit the earth!

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

Well, for years the pharmaceuticals told the poor countries that HCQ was safe and effective. Many of the people in places like Haiti felt that the rich countries were simply spreading poison in their countries to kill off their people with things like HCQ. But the pushers insisted it was safe, well tested, and beneficial to those people.

Then when the rich people of the West wanted access to HCQ, the very same pushers of the drug in Haiti told the rich people of the West HCQ is dangerous, untested, and should be avoided going so far as to remove the medical licenses of any western doctor so much as speaking about its benefits.

So either the drug pushers are trying to kill the people of Haiti or the people of the rich West... Either MUST be the case.

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I've said this for years. Unelected governmental agencies make policy decisions all the time that have enormous impact on our country. Many of these decisions are so significant and affect so many people that they should in no way be made by people who were not elected.

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The vast majority of policy is affected by the permanent bureaucracy. The democratic elements of our federal government are 99% facade.

Sowell’s quote, “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong...” sums up the problem.

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Well, let us hope that SCOTUS has ruled against the EPA in the case to be announced tomorrow. This would restrict the rule-making ability of executive agencies and return power and accountability to Congress where it belongs.

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Fingers crossed. After the Roe decision I saw a glimmer of hope in doing away with Chevron deference.

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The US Supreme Court is about to rule on a case that may start to rein in the Alphabet Agencies starting with the EPA. The opposite of Freedom is Bureaucracy. For too long Congress has off loaded its responsibilities to unelected nitwits. EPA, NIH, CDC, FDA, FBI, DOJ, DOE to name a few.

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This decision is a critical decision and if it goes like it should this will help our country back to what our founding fathers wanted

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

The issue for me is that some regulation really is necessary. I want and my kids and yours need and deserve clean air and clean water -- these are public goods -- and the fact is large corporations have a history of Privatizing the Profits and Socializing the Costs of their businesses. (Of course these things mostly happen in low income neighborhood that have less political power.) Swapping one form of corrupt behavior for another is no solution.

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those unelected nitwits as you call them are trying their best and saving millions of lifes.

look at dr. fauci as an example, he is approaching 90s and is still working as a civil servant. without people like him and trump, with their dedication to attacking covid with mRNA shots from the starts who knows what the consequences would have been.

get boosted!!

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You really can’t say it any better than you just did.

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Considering Congress' perennial approval ratings as well as the current president's, you honestly think they'd do better? And do you think elected officials at that level face legitimate consequences for their actions?

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Uncle Joey Biden the Delusional mannequin in the white house is elected or Planted by someone and we hopefully can get rid of him very soon. As with Fauci he is not we need someone with big enough Stones to fire him or change him for crimes.

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biden is a figure head, the real power is concentrated in the treasury.

none can fire fauci. he is saving millions with boosted programs. trump was too smart to put him in charge of Operation Warpspeed.

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The fact that his various lies about his education were exposed and didn't end his political career tells you all you need to know about US politics.

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Montesquieu railed against this pernicious bureaucratic overreach problem since the 18th century. One of our only tools against such abuse is to sue them for executive branch usurping of legislative domain, violation of separation of powers. It's so important that it is Article I of the US Constitution: "All legislative powers herein granted shall be invested in a Congress . . . "

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I'm of the understanding that has always been the case for many lifetimes, only it's not the "governmental agencies" running things, it's the globalists through selected puppets. "Elections" are for show only, so we believe we have a democracy. "Policy" comes pre-ordained from a handful of controllers no matter what the "election" results show.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

Ironically, if you look at the leaked contracts from one government (Albania) was forced to sign with Pfizer, you have to pay, whether the product works or does not work, whether it is delayed, late or does not arrive, whether demand exists or falters, etc. Basically, you pay no matter what and no way to get out of the contract. If Pfizer is sued, you guarantee to cover their legal costs and defend them at your government's expense. If Pfizer loses the lawsuit, the government agrees to pay on Pfizer's behalf. So the governments now have a vested interest to never allow a lawsuit to go through.

You can find coverage of the contract here starting at 20 minutes and 30 seconds into the podcast:


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Orrrr, get on board with trying to prove fraud. Fraud makes a contract null and void.

And who are these idiots working for the government who signed these contracts?

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

Does it if you sign a contract that says, even if the product doesn't work (ex. Defective. Manufactured improperly. Fails to live up to product specifications, etc?), you've agreed to pay? You should watch the five minutes and see how awfully comprehensive the degree to which Pfizer can fail and still our government is on the hook. Its an absurdly air-tight contract, a corporation whose paid $10B in files to the US government since 2002, wrote and politicians idiotically signed.

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Unless it says in the contract something like 'Pfizer reserves the right to defraud' or 'Even in the event of fraud you must pay', they still have to deliver a product in good faith. It's how I've come to understand contract law. I could be wrong.

You can't say it's 'safe and effective' to sell it but your own data shows otherwise for example.

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“Idiotically” or $$$$$$?

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Trumpy deal. He was taken to the cleaners on that deal. His Warpy ego was so big they did not even have to cut him in on the cash to get'r'done. The problem is that Trump Corp isn't the one going bankrupt as a consequence. We are.

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He never advocated mandatory jabs nor firing people for not getting them. That was Joe.

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Good point. No way to prove he wouldn't have changed his stance, though.

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No, but if wasn't for his administration's operation warp speed, it wouldn't even be on the market and there wouldn't be anything to mandate in the first place.

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We were all lied to about COVID. Everything. Some continue to lie however, even after the horrific nature of the vaccines have been bared for all to see.

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but he pushed the jab

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They lied to him, made him the "fall guy". He didn't make that garbage.

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Trump supported the jab based on the recommendations of the White House staff including Fauci and Burks. Trump closed all air travel from China, infuriating the Democrats. Back off the partisan drama please

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He pushed it when we all thought they were actual vaccines that benefitted us: would prevent the virus, prevent reoccurrence, prevent the transfer of the virus, and most importantly, were safe and effective. The bloom came off that rose quickly. In light of the vaccines’ failure to work and the horrific VAERs data, the jab should be recalled not pushed. And certainly not coercively mandated. That’s all Joe.

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"thought they were actual vaccines . . ." There were warnings from the start that mRNA technology NEVER CAN BE A VACCINE by the very definition of the word - until it was changed. If "we thought" but did not know then the contracts must be written with outs, etc. "Did not know" is exactly why we could not agree to contracts such as this.

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can't really argue that

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Something about unknown unknowns at work maybe? Might also be a bit of corruption played a part. Not that much matters to affect TDS.

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They are idiots for a reason. Government never hires the brightest and the best for a reason…

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The best & brightest go where there's $$$. Certainly not a government job.

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I used to wonder how Pfraudzer would be able to enforce such insane contracts, as the terms are akin to a declaration of war.

A country could declare fraud, or even declare the contracts void because they were signed by traitors, perhaps?

Tell these companies to pound sand.

But of course they’re backed by all the corrupt WEF aligned kleptocracies led by the US and EU. Short of a collapse of the current order they’ll probably be enforceable.

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What a shame Big Pharma decided to put an expiration date on the vials. 🙃

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Ah two morning smiles in quick succession!

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Media makes it seem people are lined up desperately wanting vaccines. Is this really all about $$$$? Biden now wanting to build a huge vaccine manufacturing facility? After all, more pandemics hopefully coming. After watching that video of G7 children laughing over Putin being naked, we now know there are NO grownups leading the world. Such embarrassing jerks. People are mysteriously dying, baby food formula shortage, food prices skyrocketing, rents skyrocketing, and of course gas at record highs. So much to laugh about. 😡

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The video of the G7 children mocking Putin was so over the top, it's hard to believe these people are in charge of the world. I have seen better behaviour in a kindergarten class. And of course, our prime minister, Trudeau, was part of this disgraceful display.

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Not my PM! Castro's bastard son.

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His fathers arrogance, his mothers brain…

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Those seem to be JT's favorite kind of display

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they believe there own lies. There is nothing more dangerous than these self important egomaniacs.

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UK Govt recently signed a contract with Moderna to build a new manufacturing facility for future vaccine production and R&D...

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This has to be stopped in some way. We do not need vaccines for every day life for goodness sake. And this is Moderna, who before covid had NEVER produced a marketable product .😡😡

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I imagine they will be waiting for the 'new and improved' version coming in the fall....

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oh and you can be assured it will be "highly effective" until it's not

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The new version gives the companies a reason to tell the governments to toss the old version and buy the new version. This is why Moderna’s stock is still high.

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Government buy = Taxpayer funded

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Or they can just do what they have done in Italy. .....A pharmacist went on record saying that whilst they are usually told explicitly NOT to sell expired medicines, in the case of the jabbies they have 'PROLONGED' the expiry date. So the government are going against all previous rules and pushing OUT OF DATE toxic jabs on the population. I would be shocked but nothing shocks me anymore. (61 unjabbed - had covid in January). I will trust my immune system thanks.

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Now they will repurpose the doses and force them into Children.

Your child will not be able to go to school. preschool. play sports, etc etc unless they take the shot.

They have to unload this somewhere. This is nothing short of criminal

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I so value my morning smile....thank you Alex.

Love n blessings to you n yours from Sydney Australia.

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And mine from Auckland New Zealand!

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Love NZ vista.

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I know plenty of Demadopes (a few are close relatives) who would be all excited to be offered the chance to take a fifth shot. They would even pay extra to be first in line. It's all about being able to signal their virtue and being able to say with authority when they get sick with covid for the xth time they'd have been so much sicker if they hadn't taken their shot(ssss). Cyclical Psychosis Dumbass Happytox. Call it CPDH to make it official. (Apologies about this but I'm feeling clever and can't resist....)

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The jabbed are fast approaching their best-before date. Property in great supply should once again be affordable

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Demadope :)

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The problem with monsters selling poison is that.......well they are monsters .

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Just got a text from a friend whose wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, a very aggressive form. No genetic markers for cancer and the doctors said it was mostly like from sort of "toxic exposure." He thinks its from burn pits because she was in the military. Don't know for sure, but he was fully on board with vaxx so I assume she is the same.

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yes, I was dx'ed with breast cancer 6 months after being double jabbed. No genetic markers either but that isn't a perfect science. I am doing well now but I will always wonder about it.

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Glad you are well now

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See Karen Kingston's presentation on the Covid Investigation Committee's 110th Session upload on Odysee. The military was given the actual Cominarty shots, the most toxic

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I hate these worthless bastards pushing this poison on the world. Combine this with the rage of the pro abortion death cult and it all lines up with Population Reduction.

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Those who were meant to make $$$ did and were out long ago. Now it's just all on taxpayer shoulders

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Get ready for a Mandated HYBRID:

A Hybrid Flu-COVID Messenger RNA Jab Will Be Ready Within Months – Moderna Reveals Human Trials. ... the company is currently working on a “triple-threat” vaccine that will be made available sometime in 2024 or 2025


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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

My last flu shot was Oct 2021 and if this pans out, that will be my very last flu shot ever. I am not taking any COVID jab ever again, even if it means I can't travel to Europe ever again (because I am not technically "fully" vaxxed).

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My last flu shot was ... oh wait I've never had a flu shot.

After six decades of good health I'm not about to change my ways.

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The reason you have six decades of good health is BECAUSE you never got the flu shots. I'm the same way. Was always skeptical about doctor's good intentions. Now I KNOW they are mostly EVIL.

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same here

definitely not getting flu shot this year

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When this started I saw the handwriting almost uncannily & instantly. I had visions of several overseas trips a year for the rest of my (capable of traveling) days. I struggled to make peace with losing that vision and finally did. As Catherine Austin Fitts says: “there are things worse than death” or in my case not ever seeing my birthplace again.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

well there are some signs that parts of Europe are more sane than the US but if you're an Aussie or a Canadian or a Kiwi, sorry about that -- I won't go back to Canada (my birthplace) unless and until JT is gone

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I got the Flu shot twice. Got sick both times from the shot, and had the Flu both of those seasons as well.

My chart reads, "Not going to happen." I got the pneumonia shot in 2019, no issues there. I have not participated in this experiment, and do not intend to.

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sheep will line UP after some un-relenting 24-7 media and psa pounding of FEAR porn prior

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The scary thing that I have heard about is a vaccine that is spread like a virus. You can say no to a jab but not to breathing air…

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right or using another vector like mosquitos or in water or food supply

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Lol. Yeah-okay. It has 'FAIL' written all over it.

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How are they going to do trials? I doubt that anyone who hasn't been vaccinated by this point is going to want to participate in a test of an new, untried one.

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The FDA is meeting tomorrow to...well they’ve never said no to themselves...to allow Pfizer and Moderna to reformulate vaccines in perpetuity without conducting clinical trials. “Hey just trust us...safe and effective blah blah blah.”

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They haven't conducted proper clinical trials on the first ones.

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This is bloody scary now.

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good question, my thought too

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Not likely going to happen in this body. I maintain that I am part of the control group.

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no doubt

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Everything we have been told about COVID has been a lie. All of it. Most notably, the “vaccines”, which don’t work, make COVID worse and are deadly dangerous to many. And yet they’re pushing for infants. Why? Because once they’re on the kids’ vaccine schedule, Big Parma is totally indemnified against lawsuits. Follow the science?

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We were sold a story by declining (legacy) media. Have any of them paid a price or suffered any consequence for those actions in support of dethroning the MAGA King? They are still chattering away, these bi-coastal elites.

Trump was/is far from perfect, but in this case and in our time we needed the closest we could get to good in DC.

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Was it not Trump who cut this deal?

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Trump loosened the red tape to get a vaccine because Fauci et al told him this virus was a killer. He ignored his instincts and didn’t fire Fauci and listened too much. Trump does not claim to be a medical expert. He is a germaphobe. Did he get played? I think so but trump is not a tyrant and added the vax to what he wanted to see as a toolkit. He had no idea the hospital system was so corrupt, incentivizing remdesivir, ventilators and death by Covid. Once he was gone and the vaccine became widely available Fauci made sure there were no approved therapeutics to thwart the emergency use authorization. And the Biden puppet did whatever he wanted.

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This still won't stop the powers that be from jamming it in your face during every commercial break that you need to get jabbed. You think they'd figure out how to take a hint.

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Why would this stop them?

Why wouldn't this cause them to do that more?

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

well they have billions available for advertising so why not spend it...it would be fascinating to see a calculation of the per capita spending to generate a single jab

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Where do they find those frantic parents who comment during the FDA's VRBPAC meetings about how happy their two year old is to have gotten the Moderna jab? How many of these nutjobs screaming for Omicron specific boosters are there? Are less than 30% THAT loud?

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Paid actors, perhaps?

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Hadn't thought of that possibility 🤔

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It’s everywhere .

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Defintitely. Also same speakers a few times. Can tell they were scripted.

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Yes, and they are all usually highly educated scientists of some sort BUT are commenting on behalf of their 2 year old child they have had to hide in the closet for the past 2 years to escape Covid…

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Yep, same 'randomly selected' people speaking in back to back meetings...

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No, there's no point when the whole point of the propaganda is to delude people. If you can't find enough ignorant and afraid people to parrot your propaganda you need to adjust the message. Fortunately for the elites this doesn't seem to be difficult.

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This could be viewed as an opportunity. As leftists without logic scream for more shots and conservatives avoid them, who do you think will pay the health price?. It’s kind of like abortion. A few less liberals in existence…

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The previous Australian govt stockpiled enough mRNA shots to last for years The WEF requests that put Australia into a debt of trillions, the worst national debt in history. Of course most of the money went to big pharma. No doubt huge personal bonuses paid out to "the buyers". The idiot media are still saying how safe these shots are ..

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I still have not really one word in the lay press about anything that questions the "safe and effective" B.S.

Hey maybe Europe can burn mRNA Vaxes and generate energy - you never know.

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I just talked with a neighbor who recently got covid after an all-vaxxed wedding reception. Was coughing blood and very sick, but boy was he happy he was boosted because "it could have been so much worse"!

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its a modern day Ashe experiment...

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The lay press is sponsored by pharma.

How would the press be expected to say anything?

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What I can't understand is why are first world countries ordering more of these horrible shots when demand is falling. People seem to be waking up and are finally becoming skeptical of everything covid. I guess my biggest fear right now is the populace will be forced to take these shots. It won't be a "choice" anymore. So it seems that governments will continue to spend untold amounts of money, knowing the shots expire and will need to be disposed of.

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So let's discuss China...

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Perhaps some enterprising soul could figure out a way to use those things as fuel.

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Almost everyone I know at work getting COVID (Federal Govt) are the ones who are all vaxxed and boosted, and the most likely to show some virtue signaling mask wear. Of course they insist they're not getting very sick BECAUSE they are vaxxed/boosted. BS!!! the folks I know who unvaxxed are exactly the same or less likely to get COVID. This stuff is pure crap.

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I was hanging with five boosted individuals. One is permanently disabled due to the 21 Flu shot. Had his booster after. His girlfriend has been very I’ll for two weeks. Now on Pfizer’s Covid pill. Another friend had a blood disorder in January 22-March22. This sounds like an immune system failure. The other two just recovered from being I’ll.

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Proves that a mandate marketing rollout is THE best pyramid scheme evah!

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I am sure you can sell them to Justin Trudeau as he is still trying to demand that every Canadian gets three doses, and the fourth is currently being floated.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022


Trudeau's secured far too many imo. Over 90M in 2021, 90M in 2022, 90M in 2023, 90M in 2024.... if you look at the "up to" future supply agreements. Its astoundingly bad. That's basically three doses per eligible person per year for 3 years. It's borderline rediculous spending (not uncommon for Trudeau). That's a total of 12 per person. Who the hell is going to take 12 doses, or for that matter, who the hell is going to survive 12 doses?

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That would sort of explain their ongoing insistence on keeping the whole thing going - booster after booster after booster - to justify that financial expenditure because Canada will probably be on the hook for the cost even if they are not needed.

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Yes, for contract details, see the other post I made on this substack article a few hours ago by sorting by top comments. We are on the hook basically. If they don't get us to boost, they'll have to account for wasting Billions (literately) in tax payer money. I think "We meant well...." won't cover it.

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Yeah I saw that. What kind of idiocy makes a person thinks the whole family should consume all the pills in the medicine cabinet just because "I bought too many" and "I don't want my money (which is actually our money) to go to waste. Normal people, when they make a mistake of judgement, fess up to it. But these people (PM and his cohort) are a long way from normal, it seems.

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The initial sales pitch was for TWO jabs. No more. Then seeing how the sheeple lined up and rolled up their sleeves, they invented the 'boosters'. I have friends who have had 4, here in Italy. I cannot believe it. When will people wake up and smell the coffee. These are unsafe and toxic.

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I hope there is some oversight for that expiry so they don't try to "re-purpose" them.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

Just the tip of the iceberg if you check my link below and see we've ordered ~12 doses per eligible person. If even the most argent believer begins to doubt the effectiveness at dose 8.... at least 4 doses per eligible person will be going to waste or ~120M.

Will Bonnie Henry/Trudeau/Tam even make a pretend-show of getting a fourth/fifth/sixth/seventh/etc/twelveth to install "public confidence" from an empty-needle or needle with no tip as done in the past?

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"Just a little jab **FOR FREE** and miracle shot does its job with no side effects." That's how the government has characterized the vaccines throughout the pandemic, and yet no demand...

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The PCR test gives up to 98% false positives. The vaxx has little to no efficacy, which lasts little to no time before waning, and the side effects are serious including deaths. The masks don't work -- say it loud, say it proud. Yet, people still believe Biden and Fauci and CNN and MSNBC and Rochelle Wallenski and all the other frauds out there spewing the mainstream narrative. And google, FB, and twitter censor any dissenting voices. Amazing how gullible people are. Remember, the sheep allow the shepherd to lead them to the slaughterhouse.

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Ready? I am Irish, my grandmother being O'Shea , right from the homeland. That's why I have NEVER been afraid of this virus. The Irish have balls, not afraid of anything. Fuck this virus, fuck the mask morons , fuck the vaccine advocates, fuck anybody that has been afraid of this virus, you make me sick, you bunch of pussies. Stand up. Would you rather die with a look of bewildered and fear on your face, or a look of anger and aggression? I hate weakness.

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Right. You are American of Irish origin. And from The Kingdom of Kerry. That is actually your saving grace. You live here not there. The Irish (in Ireland) have one of the highest vax rates in the world. And they are looking at bringing back the mask (because it worked so superbly) this coming Fall. Any Irish who have balls have left the island, it is a socialist zone, non-Nato but EU member (except for the top-right corner). No military, navy, air-force to speak of. Happy to shackle their ankles to wrists over energy crises, to be the golden child of the EU, while old, poor, disabled, lower, middle and even upper class deal with a Green Tax at the cusp of a global recession, inflation, food and material shortages. They moan and point fingers, always at the other party(ies). Right now FF and FG have formed a coalition to keep SF from winning the popular vote. This is literally like the Republicans and Democrats coalescing in order to keep (put your choice here - it doesn't matter anyway) Ross Perot, any other non-bought, non-nepotistic party away from control. Because it's all abut control. Just visit the mainstream Irish media websites. Reminds me of Berlin in the early Eighties. For disclosure, I am Irish fled to the USA 30+ years ago. The land I grew up in is gone.

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I am sorry for your loss, it hurts right to the bone. I look into the eyes of these people called americans and all I see is fear. I am glad you are here, I hope you find peace in this land of cowards. I do not come across alot of people like you. Peace.

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We are in the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave. No other place on Earth I would rather be. And F them all!

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Damn right. I love my country, just hate the cowards that run it. Fuck them all!!!!!!

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Hold the Line Larry. There are more than you realize who care about preserving the Constitution and Bill Of Rights.

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maybe... but it seems, lately, that we are more likely in "the land of easily manipulated, deceived, and controlled cowards" ... at least some days...

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I think folks are waking up, remembering what makes the USA so rare and important. Don't listen to the noise, get to know your neighbors. And trust your gut.

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It took them 3 years to wake up, I just hope it isn't too late. I keep myself centered and in control by one way. I see my grandmothers steely Irish blue eyes looking into mine saying " don't forget your roots, don't complain, stay the course " She was 98 pounds of fury, and I miss the hell out of her. She died at 100 years old, and even at that age, you don't dare fuck with her. My gut is the only thing I trust. It has ever steered me wrong. Thank you for your advice.

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You are right. Manipulation and control comes from a lack of self confidence, not being as able to think for yourself, always trusting the experts. What happens when the experts have a agenda, and not in your best interest? You have cahos.

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I lived in Dublin from Spring '88 - Fall '91, and later in Coleraine NI for about year and a half. I I actually loved it warts and all. But you are right -- it is gone. They even stopped teaching history -- how completely unIrish, Euro-captive can a country get?? Irish identity was all about history, if nothing else. The only thing I've found lately to love is the sketch comedy trio of Foil, Arms and Hog on youtube. It'll make you laugh, I promise.

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Not to worry, Operation Warp Speed EUA was a Trump administration policy initiative. When the media rubes finally admit the vaccines are now worse than the disease they treated it can all be Donald Trump's fault.

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3 doses of Chinese Sinovac is better than any MRNA

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tell me more

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I'm from Canada- they still pretend these work here so and I'm sure our government would love to print some more money and let my grandkids pay for these. Yay

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Any SMART marketing department would begin cross-marketing them as "abortion-inducers".

This might increase the demand in the United States and would not be false advertising.

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I wonder if all those unused vaccines can be turned into gasoline?

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They'll turn up at T J Maxx pretty soon.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. This nightmare is b/c we have allowed narcissists to get out of control. they must be killed in their sleep. I'm hoping their house help gets sick of their abuse and slits their throats in their sleep. Or at least bakes shit in their chocolate pie. This human drama never ends. When ppl act like this, their consciences never rest...they're always fearing retaliation! Good, very good....they brought it on themselves.

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And when the CEOs complain they have to throw them in the garbage, what river or water supply are they talking about????

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Too bad it's vaccines and not arms. It's high time we got things at least as nice as the Afghanis.

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Since the market forces NEVER work, let government step in and fix the solution by mandating. Or create a program. Call it 'jab for clunkers'.

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3 doses of Chinese sinovac is far superior to any MRNA.

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3 doses of... pretty much anything is better than any mRNA

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Slightly off-topic, but does anyone know if there is any data available for the DTaP vaccine for pregnant women? I can't seem to find any - and don't trust the health authorities. My wife is 5 months pregnant and her obstetrician is advising she have this.

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I received it while pregnant…but it was early and I did not know I was pregnant yet. I was worried so I did some research and couldn’t find anything at the time. That was 21 years ago. I have a healthy 21 year old son now, but he has a history of severe allergies to just about anything you can imagine. However, I attribute that mostly to all the infant/childhood vaccines he received…before I knew better.

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I appreciate your personal experience. My wife and I have a three year old and she received the DTaP vaccine whilst pregnant and he's come out fine, no allergies, no ailments of any kind. Our anecdotal experience, of course, is worth no more than yours.

But obv the pandemic and the deliberate misinformation and lack of transparency from health authorities has made both of us sceptical esp when there's no data. Really would like to see if there is any data, proving safety of this vaccine during pregnancy for both Mother and Child.

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None of us knew!

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Get an integrative medicine doctor.

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What on earth do u need that vaccine for??? I live in the UK, me and my 4 sisters never had a single kids vax, we all have MANY children, who needs those vaccines besides the pharma companies who need to make money.?

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In America the jobs require proof of vax for many years now. A booster shot for work in autistic classroom wrecked my immune system in 2003. Been on disability since. Insurance dictated doctors ignore the cause of my illnesses.

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Thank G-d we don't need to vax here in UK.

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Brave is good too.

When dr Bradstreet died suddenly, and a dozen other researchers/doctors did too,

(My family doctor used to treat Lyme successfully. The medical mafia bullied him into submission . I have him for insurance compliance and see an integrative medicine doctor for actual help.)

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Wait no - its a supply chain problem, Alex wait !!!!

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Kill-bill should take them - up to his a??

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Pay-per-view event!!

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Perhaps the puppet administration will offer up taxpayer whu-flu funds to bribe people again to take extra shots

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'Double' cheeseburgers this time plus 'X-tra Large' fries.

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Dublin of course. Coleraine huh? My hat off to you! I have the book "How The Irish Saved Civilization". Sad to see Dear Mother Ireland has been enveloped by the soft steel wings of the European Empire. It was Holy Roman, Charlemagne, FrancoPrussia, but always "The Continent" to the Island Brits and Irish. Brexit kinda showed up the original Phoenician trade paths.

Please share a link of Foil, Arms and Hog! I've watched all the Mrs. Browns Boys, Father Whatever, and Late Late Show. I do miss the Old Irish Identity. Most my age do too, but everyone younger got a different reality.

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"The State’s Covid-19 vaccination programme was one of the most successful in Europe in 2021, with uptake rates of 96.7 per cent in the primary programme and 77 per cent uptake among adults in the initial booster programme."

They have a warped definition of "successful."

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Depends upon which side you are viewing from.

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Nobody wants them yet the public health establishment still wants to recommend them...now for 6 month year-olds.

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Typical of the hazards of any planned economy.

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You would think that China that has too many people and needs to reduce its population would be interested!

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Xero covid policy. Their population makes the crap we buy. When supply goes down, xero covid policy kicks in, like an air conditioner. Amazing huh.

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Fraud is hard to sell!

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Fraud is wholesale brokered out multiple times through multiple routes. Fraud is very expensive at the retail end. But everyone buys it.

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Yeah, don't worry about that. We (the taxpayers) already paid these to BIGPHARMA

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