To everyone claiming LeBron said his family was vaccinated - nope. That’s what the headline from the 2021 story says, but it’s not what the story itself says, or what HE said. It’s a bad, sloppy headline.
If only parents had done their own research instead of relying on our government for the truth. The most crucial piece of information, in my opinion, to come out of RFK Jr. was the fact that no vaccines given to children were ever tested with placebos. The Amish people refused to be vaxxed. They were the smart ones.
Many of us in alternative healthcare have been saying this for years, that no vaccine at all has been safety-tested against saline placebo. Which is obviously a complete deal-breaker for getting any vaccine.
But RFK Jr has a platform and podium, and we who have known this for decades have been maximally shadow-banned, censored and our patients un-reimbursed by "health insurance."
Dr Huber it’s refreshing to hear from you on this. Too many doctors are either too hoodwinked by the medical schools or places of initial internship or forced into silence by the organizations they work with to speak out on the adverse reactions and clear flaws in the processes used to implement placing vaccines on the schedule for routine vaccination. The biggest obstacle for parents is that most public and private schools require proof of vaccination status before admitting children. Even most summer camps require full vaccination per the CDC’s recommendation. Parents are reported to child protective services if they refuse to follow the advice of pediatricians/doctors. The medical gestapo (at least here) are happy to send in state agents to be sure you are “fit” to make sound decisions on behalf of your children. I know of a case where a surgeon here decided a child he had seen needed an emergency appendectomy even though the child didn’t have all the medical markers that would indicate an emergency. The CPS tried to remove the kid from his home even though he had fully recovered from the intestinal pain that sent them to the ER. I know this is a different situation from the vaccine issue but doctors and school officials truly believe they know what’s best and your ignorant refusal to comply is proof you are a neglectful parent.
It’s good to see at least some doctors standing up against the pharmaceutical industries powerful hand in influencing public policy. The whole COVID debacle made me think our medical community was entirely cowed by the powers that be.
Having said that I saw it written within the article that no state required COVID vaccines but that’s not true. In Maryland all kids over 12 had to be vaxxed and boostered to enter any public school. Truly insane.
Try asking any doctor from any major medical corporation to check a titer for anything they deem unnecessary.
I wanted to check my natural immunity status after catching Covid (no jabs) and my UCLA doctor said “no” and “UCLA labs don’t do that test.” And he “couldn’t” order it independently with any outside lab even with me paying the fee myself!
From the beginning of the EUA for the jabs I have been saying that part of the deal should be that any jabbed Americans who “died suddenly and unexpectedly” should have mandatory autopsies paid for by Big Pharma and the US government with all results tracked and publicly disclosed in a timely manner.
I was happy to see Dr. Peter McCullough take the lead in the study done by he and his colleagues with a pre-print paper in the Lancet with their findings. The paper was pulled within 24 hours.
Alex: Consider doing a podcast with Dr. McCullough on this issue.
I learned something a couple of years ago. A friend of my daughter's told her a story I’d never heard. This woman is a twin in her mid-forties who, as a child, couldn't seem to catch the Chickenpox disease. So, the twin's pediatrician did some blood work and told the mother that her children were immune to the disease. Given that I have an autistic grandson, I was especially interested in this because I kept thinking, what if they had been vaccinated against chickenpox? Would they have become another autism statistic? Probably.
Brisson in 2002 and Goldman in 2005, 2006 wrote of the new explosion of shingles cases in seniors, younger adults and even children following deployment of the chicken pox vaccine - same virus for both: herpes zoster.
Plus adjuvant AS01B has been associated with autoimmmune responses even as dangerous as uveitis, a risk for blindness., plus glycoproteins and other proteins in the chicken pox vaccines. Proteins should never ever be injected into the blood. The body deals with proteins well and easily in the digestive tract, not in the blood, where they send the immune system into dysfunction. I ahjve exhorted patients for 16 years of practicing medicine to not let themselves get injected with any proteins at all, which are present in one form or another in all vaccines.
And that does not even address the aluminum and still sometimes mercury in other vaccines.
Interesting. I didn't know one could be naturally immune to chickenpox. I am old enough to have been taken as a child to a chickenpox "party" where the plan was for me to catch chickenpox so that I would become immune. The catch is that I never caught it. I always wondered why.
You can get your titer done via blood test. I have been exposed a lot and never did get it so on my last pregnancy I had them do a titer test and I was immune. Who knows , maybe I had such a mild case I never knew as a child or...also one can get titers done for their dogs too so they don’t have to get re- vaccinated at the vet.
…Along with a lot of us who did do research and used our common sense. I have said this here before but will say it again - in 2020 when there was no jab and (contrary to what Alex thinks) there were physicians from France to many here using IVM and HCQ as part of a larger medical cocktail to successfully treat covid - and yet Fauci and others went after them from going after their medical licenses to deplatforming - it was a huge red flag for me.
Physicians had always been able to use drugs off label. Why not then when nothing else was available? The logical answer was $$$ because it sure wasn’t “science.”
You got that right. After all the nonsense regarding COVID and the policies that were slid under the door wrecking millions of peoples lives, our feckless leadership is taking a victory lap about how the economy is seemingly bouncing back so they must be doing everything right.
I would be delighted to see the economy recover but still not feeling it.
Nothing can replace the clearly unnecessary loss of life and utter incompetence of our federal government. I now have less than zero trust of the feds on every level.
Maureen, I feel the exact same way. I never thought I’d be so distrustful of the government and I dislike feeling this cynical.
There are days I wonder if the FBI, the intel agencies and others realize how little people respect these once venerable institutions. And the only conclusion I can come to is that they couldn’t care less. My husband is a Naval Academy grad and we loved our time in the military but they’re even tearing that to pieces. It was the last bastion.
Couldn’t agree more. I’ve never served in the armed forces but have profound respect for those who do so thank you sincerely for your service. I am terribly dismayed at what the politicians are doing to our country. That would include those within other agencies and branches that think themselves able to subvert or circumvent the legal processes to effect changes they see fit. Our once respected DOJ, FBI and CDC have thrown this country under the bus. We look like malicious charlatans to the world now and I fear that they’ve squandered the respect and trust we built has been irreparably damaged. That is a crying shame we will all bear. We blatantly lied to other nations and led much of the world to ruin.
It makes me sad. It makes me angry. I love this country but now feel ashamed by what our leadership has done and continues to do. It’s not a good look and now many people around the world have been harmed by the self serving elitist jerks still not held to account.
Buck Fiden and all the clowns around him and Kackala.
When I told my brother (a VERY smart guy) that I wasn't going to get that 'vaccine', he told me he'd buy me a tombstone that read, "He Did His Own Research".
No, I didn't. I'm worried for all of my friends and relatives who fell for this. It's practically a guarantee that they suffered permanent damage. BTW, while my brother objects to his wife's edict of permanent (so far) lockdown, he's still into the vaccine hype with both feet.
Actually, there may be some truth to that. Half my nuclear family got the jab, half didn't. We all got Covid, and the ones who got the jab had lighter symptoms.
So, a couple of years ago, as I recall, we were all required to publicly expose our medical records for jab-status to have a cup of coffee etc.
But, today, those same powers-that-be that enforced that leper-state, are silent about jab-status when an otherwise healthy 18-year old suffers a cardiac arrest.
And this in the context of extensive evidence that the jabs cause heart tissue damage.
We don’t know anything about the long term health problems this gene therapy might have.
The honest science would indicate there could be many. Maybe we shouldn’t be doing any gain of function experiments. Mankind is better at shooting it’s own feet than “scientifically” enhancing anything. Nature doesn’t need our help and we should stop ignoring the basics of good health.
Proof of corruption is the fact that there’s no secondary market for Hunter’s artwork - because only the initial buyer can obtain influence from Hunter.
My hero’s carry M16’s and keep watch so I can sleep in peace.
Pro athletes are marvelous to watch yet aren’t remotely qualified to offer advice on much outside of the sports they play. They are overpaid prima donnas that have used their platforms of public stardom to admonish sports fans for sins most aren’t guilty of and poke the general public in the eye.
They wouldn’t be worth much outside of the freedoms they enjoy here and in the free world.
In The Daily Sceptic yesterday, Hugh Willbourn wrote of the Pandelusion, the situation we now encounter where vast majorities of people conform to beliefs that are observably false. Claims about the vax being "safe and effective" have become observably false, but millions still cling to those falsehoods.
But athletes like LeBron are meticulous about what they put in their bodies. They are also big at virtue signaling. I think it's 50/50 they actually took it.
Here we go round and round on the carousel of crazy circular commentary. "Gee, I wonder if Bronny was vaccinated?" Well, let's look at the reasons why he may have been. 1) Daddy was a huge advocate for vaccination. I was a huge advocate for not putting an untested drug into my system, my kids listened to me and, thank God, they are not vaccinated. Most young kids follow their parents on complex matters such as this. 2) College age kid, most colleges mandated vaccination, probably vaccinated. 3) Heart attack at a very young age. Yes, some childhood/healthy teenage heart attacks have occurred prior to mRNA but the data clearly shows that since the vaccine was released reports of this freak event have increased exponentially, mostly due to myocarditis which is due to....guess what?
Now we have Tory Kelly the pop star. Blood clots through out her legs and into her lungs (pulmonary embolism). Young, vibrant and in the entertainment business which we know had various legs of the industry such as SAG/AFTRA, big studios, concert venues etc that mandated vaccination to work in their respective areas. This is another very rare medical condition for young, healthy people. But we will continue to debate this question despite the fact that even without their admission of vaccination I suggest that these victim's code of silence speaks louder than an admission and shows the fear they have been instilled with not to speak. In our ADD society these stories will be replaced in short order with other insanity and people will forget all about each and every injured and dead one of these victims in short order. Gee.....I guess we'll never know.
Social media (like tiktok) did a bang up job of influencing (indoctrinating) teens especially to view the vax as safe, smart and effective. Much how they’ve convinced millions of teens that they can laboratory you into any gender of your choosing and feel kids, dontcha wanna try? No God, and you are free to be/do/have whatever you want.
Ahh, the "what if" handwringing is just sadly, hilarious. Where has everyone been? We knew BEFORE the "outbreak" that young people—and especially children—were at ZERO risk of dying from the repurposed "flu." The goal was to FORCE THE JABS. Period. They were—and will always be—a bioweapon.
An addendum to the closing sentence of this piece: "journalism" and "public health" have been compromised since the same people who foisted mandates on the American population quietly passed Obamacare in the middle of the night without even reading it. One of the most evil witches in the world said, "We must pass the bill to see what's in it." A little over a decade later, these same monsters were saying "vaccinated people" were somehow "threatened" by the unvaxxed! (Which to anyone with a basic understanding of "vaccines" would REALIZE THEN that the JABS were in no way "vaccines." Or they would be protected, regardless of vax status of those around them. DUH.)
"Journalists" covered for it then with fawning praise—and "public health" was thusly empowered to kill us all. Spare me the theatrics.
Bronny isn't the only USC basketball player to have a heart attack in the last year. Vincent Iwuchukwu had the same sort of heart-related incident on July 1, 2022.
2 down out of maybe 20 players in a 1 year span, that is actual decimation at 10% heart attack rate. "Came for the game, stayed for the funeral"-- not a great fight song.
California is bonkers for shots. The UC and CSU systems (state universities) both had vaxx mandates, encompassing north of 775,000 students, plus hundreds of thousands of staff, AND, some schools started requiring flu vaccines for dorm residents. The University of Santa Clara just reinstated the covid vaxx mandates for this fall, I'm sure other schools will follow.
Newsom, our governor, is dying to be President. Don't California your own state, let alone the nation.
When LeBron said he decided to be jabbed, he specifically said "my family", not just himself. I don't see how it means anything other than that his kids are jabbed, too.
But right after family he said friends, so that means he had his friends vaccinated too? So, not proof that the son was vaccinated. ( though I am inclined to believe he was)
If you are a father of underage kids, and you think that vaccinating is what's best for them, how would you NOT vaccinate them? Now with friends, they do not have to listen to you...
I'm in agreement that this would be logical. But it is not proof. He didn't say, my wife and my son are also vaccinated. I know people who got the vaccine but didn't vaccinated their kids. Also, it could be what Alex said, that his getting the vaccine was the right thing to do for his family and friends. Which doesn't speak to their status at all.
There’s also the wild card of people getting fake cards. I disagreed with it even though I detested the mandates. My logic was if more people had resisted the mandates in the first place then the mandates wouldn’t have been possible. Just think if someone had a fake card and this happened (NOT saying Bronny James did). Great points AB.
To everyone claiming LeBron said his family was vaccinated - nope. That’s what the headline from the 2021 story says, but it’s not what the story itself says, or what HE said. It’s a bad, sloppy headline.
Mr. Berenson,
Did James say he and his family were vaccinated? No.
Did he say they had decided to be vaccinated? Yes.
Are we agreed so far?
I'm not trying to quibble. Are you saying James announced to the world he and his family had decided to get vaccinated, but actually didn't?
And yeah, that could'a happened. IMHO, highly unlikely.
Help us out.
Dr. Golden post LJ announcing he decided to get Injected for him and his family.
Alex, are you saying he is lying? Plausible.
Injected with what substance,? A Biden saline solution.
Is this not correct?
From EI below...
Is this not correct?
The headline was fine. It did its job. Only those who chose to read the fine print might come to a different conclusion.
If only parents had done their own research instead of relying on our government for the truth. The most crucial piece of information, in my opinion, to come out of RFK Jr. was the fact that no vaccines given to children were ever tested with placebos. The Amish people refused to be vaxxed. They were the smart ones.
Many of us in alternative healthcare have been saying this for years, that no vaccine at all has been safety-tested against saline placebo. Which is obviously a complete deal-breaker for getting any vaccine.
But RFK Jr has a platform and podium, and we who have known this for decades have been maximally shadow-banned, censored and our patients un-reimbursed by "health insurance."
Dr Huber it’s refreshing to hear from you on this. Too many doctors are either too hoodwinked by the medical schools or places of initial internship or forced into silence by the organizations they work with to speak out on the adverse reactions and clear flaws in the processes used to implement placing vaccines on the schedule for routine vaccination. The biggest obstacle for parents is that most public and private schools require proof of vaccination status before admitting children. Even most summer camps require full vaccination per the CDC’s recommendation. Parents are reported to child protective services if they refuse to follow the advice of pediatricians/doctors. The medical gestapo (at least here) are happy to send in state agents to be sure you are “fit” to make sound decisions on behalf of your children. I know of a case where a surgeon here decided a child he had seen needed an emergency appendectomy even though the child didn’t have all the medical markers that would indicate an emergency. The CPS tried to remove the kid from his home even though he had fully recovered from the intestinal pain that sent them to the ER. I know this is a different situation from the vaccine issue but doctors and school officials truly believe they know what’s best and your ignorant refusal to comply is proof you are a neglectful parent.
It’s good to see at least some doctors standing up against the pharmaceutical industries powerful hand in influencing public policy. The whole COVID debacle made me think our medical community was entirely cowed by the powers that be.
Having said that I saw it written within the article that no state required COVID vaccines but that’s not true. In Maryland all kids over 12 had to be vaxxed and boostered to enter any public school. Truly insane.
Try asking any doctor from any major medical corporation to check a titer for anything they deem unnecessary.
I wanted to check my natural immunity status after catching Covid (no jabs) and my UCLA doctor said “no” and “UCLA labs don’t do that test.” And he “couldn’t” order it independently with any outside lab even with me paying the fee myself!
From the beginning of the EUA for the jabs I have been saying that part of the deal should be that any jabbed Americans who “died suddenly and unexpectedly” should have mandatory autopsies paid for by Big Pharma and the US government with all results tracked and publicly disclosed in a timely manner.
I was happy to see Dr. Peter McCullough take the lead in the study done by he and his colleagues with a pre-print paper in the Lancet with their findings. The paper was pulled within 24 hours.
Alex: Consider doing a podcast with Dr. McCullough on this issue.
Ditto. I read that the medical board in Texas has attempted to strip Dr McCullough of his titles in retribution. Pathetic.
I remain irked that we lost so many highly trained soldiers and pilots who were trained at great expense because they refused to comply.
After all they’ve done to undermine the vitality of our national defense I wonder how we might fare should any meaningful conflict arise.
I learned something a couple of years ago. A friend of my daughter's told her a story I’d never heard. This woman is a twin in her mid-forties who, as a child, couldn't seem to catch the Chickenpox disease. So, the twin's pediatrician did some blood work and told the mother that her children were immune to the disease. Given that I have an autistic grandson, I was especially interested in this because I kept thinking, what if they had been vaccinated against chickenpox? Would they have become another autism statistic? Probably.
Brisson in 2002 and Goldman in 2005, 2006 wrote of the new explosion of shingles cases in seniors, younger adults and even children following deployment of the chicken pox vaccine - same virus for both: herpes zoster.
Plus adjuvant AS01B has been associated with autoimmmune responses even as dangerous as uveitis, a risk for blindness., plus glycoproteins and other proteins in the chicken pox vaccines. Proteins should never ever be injected into the blood. The body deals with proteins well and easily in the digestive tract, not in the blood, where they send the immune system into dysfunction. I ahjve exhorted patients for 16 years of practicing medicine to not let themselves get injected with any proteins at all, which are present in one form or another in all vaccines.
And that does not even address the aluminum and still sometimes mercury in other vaccines.
Thank God my children never had the chickenpox vaccine
Interesting. I didn't know one could be naturally immune to chickenpox. I am old enough to have been taken as a child to a chickenpox "party" where the plan was for me to catch chickenpox so that I would become immune. The catch is that I never caught it. I always wondered why.
You can get your titer done via blood test. I have been exposed a lot and never did get it so on my last pregnancy I had them do a titer test and I was immune. Who knows , maybe I had such a mild case I never knew as a child or...also one can get titers done for their dogs too so they don’t have to get re- vaccinated at the vet.
I had no clue either. I'll bet you were immune too.
…Along with a lot of us who did do research and used our common sense. I have said this here before but will say it again - in 2020 when there was no jab and (contrary to what Alex thinks) there were physicians from France to many here using IVM and HCQ as part of a larger medical cocktail to successfully treat covid - and yet Fauci and others went after them from going after their medical licenses to deplatforming - it was a huge red flag for me.
Physicians had always been able to use drugs off label. Why not then when nothing else was available? The logical answer was $$$ because it sure wasn’t “science.”
You got that right. After all the nonsense regarding COVID and the policies that were slid under the door wrecking millions of peoples lives, our feckless leadership is taking a victory lap about how the economy is seemingly bouncing back so they must be doing everything right.
I would be delighted to see the economy recover but still not feeling it.
Nothing can replace the clearly unnecessary loss of life and utter incompetence of our federal government. I now have less than zero trust of the feds on every level.
Maureen, I feel the exact same way. I never thought I’d be so distrustful of the government and I dislike feeling this cynical.
There are days I wonder if the FBI, the intel agencies and others realize how little people respect these once venerable institutions. And the only conclusion I can come to is that they couldn’t care less. My husband is a Naval Academy grad and we loved our time in the military but they’re even tearing that to pieces. It was the last bastion.
Couldn’t agree more. I’ve never served in the armed forces but have profound respect for those who do so thank you sincerely for your service. I am terribly dismayed at what the politicians are doing to our country. That would include those within other agencies and branches that think themselves able to subvert or circumvent the legal processes to effect changes they see fit. Our once respected DOJ, FBI and CDC have thrown this country under the bus. We look like malicious charlatans to the world now and I fear that they’ve squandered the respect and trust we built has been irreparably damaged. That is a crying shame we will all bear. We blatantly lied to other nations and led much of the world to ruin.
It makes me sad. It makes me angry. I love this country but now feel ashamed by what our leadership has done and continues to do. It’s not a good look and now many people around the world have been harmed by the self serving elitist jerks still not held to account.
Buck Fiden and all the clowns around him and Kackala.
Why did I know the CONvid narrative and the poison jabs were evil three years ago????
I subsequently lost my job of twenty-three years!
Because I want to do for GOD, not man. And after knowing the Truth, that is apparent, discernment has become much stronger!
When I told my brother (a VERY smart guy) that I wasn't going to get that 'vaccine', he told me he'd buy me a tombstone that read, "He Did His Own Research".
Most people, smart or not, fell for the hype. I hope you laughed in his face when the facts came out.
No, I didn't. I'm worried for all of my friends and relatives who fell for this. It's practically a guarantee that they suffered permanent damage. BTW, while my brother objects to his wife's edict of permanent (so far) lockdown, he's still into the vaccine hype with both feet.
I have a daughter who still says the vaccines helped keep the severity of covid down.🤦♀️So, I get it.
Actually, there may be some truth to that. Half my nuclear family got the jab, half didn't. We all got Covid, and the ones who got the jab had lighter symptoms.
The only problem with that theory is there's no way to prove it. Those with milder symptoms may have had those regardless of the vaccine.🤷♀️
So, a couple of years ago, as I recall, we were all required to publicly expose our medical records for jab-status to have a cup of coffee etc.
But, today, those same powers-that-be that enforced that leper-state, are silent about jab-status when an otherwise healthy 18-year old suffers a cardiac arrest.
And this in the context of extensive evidence that the jabs cause heart tissue damage.
Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.
He was jabbed - he suffered a heart attack like so many others have - no need to pussyfoot around the matter.
It’s still sad and wasn’t necessary.
We don’t know anything about the long term health problems this gene therapy might have.
The honest science would indicate there could be many. Maybe we shouldn’t be doing any gain of function experiments. Mankind is better at shooting it’s own feet than “scientifically” enhancing anything. Nature doesn’t need our help and we should stop ignoring the basics of good health.
No mystery here, unless you think LeBron James is lying:
"LeBron James Reveals He And His Family Are Vaccinated Against Covid, Calls It 'A Personal Decision'"
On this I take him at his word.
Thanks for the article from Deadline. That confirms my suspicions.
My urologist and friend, age 77 and a fervent advocate of shots and masks, just died 4 days ago from cardiac issues.
Proof of corruption is the fact that there’s no secondary market for Hunter’s artwork - because only the initial buyer can obtain influence from Hunter.
Good point!
We lionize star athletes and hollywood, but in truth with a few exceptions like Kyrie, Novak and Rogers they are cowardly sheep
Linn Grant (Sweden) ranked 25th in the LPGA was denied entry into the USA into May 2023 for refusing to be jabbed.
My hero’s carry M16’s and keep watch so I can sleep in peace.
Pro athletes are marvelous to watch yet aren’t remotely qualified to offer advice on much outside of the sports they play. They are overpaid prima donnas that have used their platforms of public stardom to admonish sports fans for sins most aren’t guilty of and poke the general public in the eye.
They wouldn’t be worth much outside of the freedoms they enjoy here and in the free world.
In The Daily Sceptic yesterday, Hugh Willbourn wrote of the Pandelusion, the situation we now encounter where vast majorities of people conform to beliefs that are observably false. Claims about the vax being "safe and effective" have become observably false, but millions still cling to those falsehoods.
Link to the story:
Read it. BRILLIANT and very right on the money. Thanks for the link.
Sure thing. I agree, it's a terrific piece, I need to read that book.
LeBron himself tweeted he and his whole family had been jabbed. End of story.
But athletes like LeBron are meticulous about what they put in their bodies. They are also big at virtue signaling. I think it's 50/50 they actually took it.
It’s 100% when an otherwise very healthy 18 year old suffers a heart attack.
I agree with that- i meant LeBron more so.
Don’t care. But you’re right.
Celebrities aren’t really very important to me. Athletes are overpaid children, actors are drama queens and really rich people are too narcissistic.
Ignoring this issue is not going to make it go away, and the 'experts' are doing us all a disservice by pretending otherwise.
Here we go round and round on the carousel of crazy circular commentary. "Gee, I wonder if Bronny was vaccinated?" Well, let's look at the reasons why he may have been. 1) Daddy was a huge advocate for vaccination. I was a huge advocate for not putting an untested drug into my system, my kids listened to me and, thank God, they are not vaccinated. Most young kids follow their parents on complex matters such as this. 2) College age kid, most colleges mandated vaccination, probably vaccinated. 3) Heart attack at a very young age. Yes, some childhood/healthy teenage heart attacks have occurred prior to mRNA but the data clearly shows that since the vaccine was released reports of this freak event have increased exponentially, mostly due to myocarditis which is due to....guess what?
Now we have Tory Kelly the pop star. Blood clots through out her legs and into her lungs (pulmonary embolism). Young, vibrant and in the entertainment business which we know had various legs of the industry such as SAG/AFTRA, big studios, concert venues etc that mandated vaccination to work in their respective areas. This is another very rare medical condition for young, healthy people. But we will continue to debate this question despite the fact that even without their admission of vaccination I suggest that these victim's code of silence speaks louder than an admission and shows the fear they have been instilled with not to speak. In our ADD society these stories will be replaced in short order with other insanity and people will forget all about each and every injured and dead one of these victims in short order. Gee.....I guess we'll never know.
Social media (like tiktok) did a bang up job of influencing (indoctrinating) teens especially to view the vax as safe, smart and effective. Much how they’ve convinced millions of teens that they can laboratory you into any gender of your choosing and feel kids, dontcha wanna try? No God, and you are free to be/do/have whatever you want.
Ahh, the "what if" handwringing is just sadly, hilarious. Where has everyone been? We knew BEFORE the "outbreak" that young people—and especially children—were at ZERO risk of dying from the repurposed "flu." The goal was to FORCE THE JABS. Period. They were—and will always be—a bioweapon.
An addendum to the closing sentence of this piece: "journalism" and "public health" have been compromised since the same people who foisted mandates on the American population quietly passed Obamacare in the middle of the night without even reading it. One of the most evil witches in the world said, "We must pass the bill to see what's in it." A little over a decade later, these same monsters were saying "vaccinated people" were somehow "threatened" by the unvaxxed! (Which to anyone with a basic understanding of "vaccines" would REALIZE THEN that the JABS were in no way "vaccines." Or they would be protected, regardless of vax status of those around them. DUH.)
"Journalists" covered for it then with fawning praise—and "public health" was thusly empowered to kill us all. Spare me the theatrics.
Bronny isn't the only USC basketball player to have a heart attack in the last year. Vincent Iwuchukwu had the same sort of heart-related incident on July 1, 2022.
2 down out of maybe 20 players in a 1 year span, that is actual decimation at 10% heart attack rate. "Came for the game, stayed for the funeral"-- not a great fight song.
California is bonkers for shots. The UC and CSU systems (state universities) both had vaxx mandates, encompassing north of 775,000 students, plus hundreds of thousands of staff, AND, some schools started requiring flu vaccines for dorm residents. The University of Santa Clara just reinstated the covid vaxx mandates for this fall, I'm sure other schools will follow.
Newsom, our governor, is dying to be President. Don't California your own state, let alone the nation.
Alex, we do know that LeBron and his family got vaccinated. He said so himself, on mainstream media. Watch the first 30 seconds of this:
When LeBron said he decided to be jabbed, he specifically said "my family", not just himself. I don't see how it means anything other than that his kids are jabbed, too.
But right after family he said friends, so that means he had his friends vaccinated too? So, not proof that the son was vaccinated. ( though I am inclined to believe he was)
If you are a father of underage kids, and you think that vaccinating is what's best for them, how would you NOT vaccinate them? Now with friends, they do not have to listen to you...
I'm in agreement that this would be logical. But it is not proof. He didn't say, my wife and my son are also vaccinated. I know people who got the vaccine but didn't vaccinated their kids. Also, it could be what Alex said, that his getting the vaccine was the right thing to do for his family and friends. Which doesn't speak to their status at all.
There’s also the wild card of people getting fake cards. I disagreed with it even though I detested the mandates. My logic was if more people had resisted the mandates in the first place then the mandates wouldn’t have been possible. Just think if someone had a fake card and this happened (NOT saying Bronny James did). Great points AB.
Go watch Dr John Campbell's YouTube today regarding a study from Switzerland.
that was going to be my comment, so here ya go folks: