A bit off-topic (but perhaps not in light of Alex's cryptic post);

My wife and I sent recently each member of the LA City Council a version of the following, and urge everyone to do similarly, whether injected or not. This can be readily adapted for other jurisdictions.


Dear Councilmember:

My wife and I both [either are "vaccinated" or not or prefer not to say].

We will no longer frequent any restaurant or other establishment located in any city/county in California (including the City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County) that enforces a vaccine mandate requiring that only "vaccinated" people be allowed into indoor establishments. Such a rule is not warranted by the current science regarding Covid-19 infection and transmission. Most importantly, it is blatantly un-American and is a harbinger of increased authoritarianism in our society. It represents terrible public policy and we are confident that history will not be kind to those promoting this discriminatory nonsense.

My wife and I are joined by many of our friends (mostly high-income vaccinated people) who will also no longer be customers of such establishments until such blatantly discriminatory rules are repealed. We will spend our discretionary dollars only in jurisdictions that do not unreasonably discriminate against a large sub-set of the population.

We urge you to oppose these terrible policies.


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Many moons ago in Marin county there was an underground pizza restaurant in someone's house that had no sign and no ads, just word of mouth. I predict we will see more of this.

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I think there will be independent health clinics springing up everywhere, because of the persecution happening now, within the medical system. Pay-per-service and no federal regulations or funding. There are some but the need is much greater now, not only for patients but for competent health care personnel who refuse to become experimental injection test subjects.

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American front line doctors just announced a project to do just that

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now that would be cool

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Geez I wouldn't bat an eye investing in this type of business model. No Medicare, all self pay, but charging 10% above UCR. This could workout. * pharmacy on premises too. Dam

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It does work. Check out the Surgery Center of Oklahoma. No insurance or government payment accepted. All prices declared up front on their website. The surgeons make more for their work and the procedures cost far less. Imagine that.

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My daughter, some time ago, needed special PT and they told us if we had insurance to submit it thru, it would be $75 a visit, without having to send in insurance forms, $25. The cost of paying ppl to fill out forms and deal with the insurance companies & all the regulations tripled the costs for even that simple therapy. This self pay option is certainly a viable one.

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Absolutely, there are many of those "surgi" centers that popped up 20 years ago. They need to be repurposed as "private clinics." They would not be "emergency rooms," at least not at first but could provide a bulk of same day surgery or overnight observation care or longer. And I know a lot of nurses who would work there in a heartbeat.

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(terrific example, btw.)

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Really? That is exciting!

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Dr. Gold asked for feedback. She’s on Gab.com now.

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whered you come across this?

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I don't want to go the shiny hospital down the street anymore. I don't trust those people.

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Same. Even if I'm dying, I'd rather die at home, thank you. "Protocol" has been killing people for 15 months in modern day death prisons. Families are not allowed to intervene or see their loved ones. Sick people are incarcerated and injected with toxic substances known to cause kidney failure. Health care has become a horrific nightmare in this country.

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My husband and I are both in health care and have refused the vaccine. We talk a lot about what is going on what we would do if we got sick with Covid. One night my husband said to me that he doesn’t want me to take him to the hospital if he got sick with Covid and that he would rather die in our bed. Listen. We work at an incredibly sophisticated health care center. People have flown in from other countries to get care from some of our physicians. We do good work often. But the “do as we tell you or else” attitude and the painting of everyone who has concerns about these vaccines has soured us badly. It just shook me when my husband said that. He isn’t like that normally at all. We want to live and enjoy life. But this has changed my view about health care and doctors and nurses forever. Even tho I am a nurse. Something has broken.

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I am also an RN and feel the exact same way! Trust has been broken and will be very hard to rebuild!

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I’m a physician who decided not to get vaccine after hospital mandated. I became very religious. I would love to see more independent medical practices described above. I became very disillusioned with health care about 10 years ago for a myriad of reasons. I’m Ob/gyn and was appalled at out college recommendations to pregnant women to get the shot. There is NO evidence that this is safe in the long run. The whole FDA CDC meds to scrapped

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I have had similar thoughts. I am copying and keeping comments like this and so many others hosted by Alex because it's a such a relief to find people reacting like me, instinctively and rationally, to what medicine has become. I have become a bit bolder. I told my doctor, when asked why I declined the vaccine, "First it was because I felt the massive overreaction in Oregon (given the numbers) put me on alert, and now it's because it behoves every American who does not stand to lose their livelihood to resist medical tyranny." A few months, weeks ago, I would have kept my mouth shut. Yes, something has broken but perhaps something beautiful - parallel structures, perhaps largely Christian initiatives - will grow out of it. My husband and I were asking each other recently why it seems like numerically it's mostly Christians who have rejected the vaccine. Has anyone done any thinking/writing on this? I'd like to think that it's because we live in daily fellowship with God and his Word, which presents ultimate truth and reality.

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You are not alone. My spouse and I are both physicians and generally feel the same way. Even before Covid. Things have been changing for awhile.

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My wife's is also a RN, I was in healthcare administration, GM, controller, etc. Same as you good facility, but now? Some of the best doctors have become closed minded to science! A key part of their profession, in the name of fear? Good thing I'm retired or no doubt the clean your office box would have found my corner office.

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You are not alone. You are not crazy. You are suffering from the ability to think.

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Bless you! People like you and your husband are the backbone of our country.

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I know someone fitness trainer , healthy got vax then got Covid is now told he needs a respiratory therapist and to be on steroids /medicine for the near future I can’t help but think he would have been better off letting his body do the work on its own. I didn’t have more than a scratchy throat I have strong antibodies 6 mos later.

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I’m sure that you know this but have the supplies you need at home.

Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc, vitamins D and C budesonide and a nebulizer, See the FLCCC.com protocols. If you haven’t started prepping yet start now.

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Absolutely agree. I'm a nurse and a midwife, traditionally trained in hospital birth. A whole lot of people are going to figure out that they can safely birth at home and die at home. We need all the privately owned "surgery" centers to expand same day surgeries and have overnight observation beds...Even a few more nights. Perhaps not the full scope or emergency room at first but probably could cover 80% of care. I would work there in a heartbeat and I have friends:)

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Get a prescription for Ivermectin. Go to FLCCC.net and get their protocols to 1) boost your immune system and 2) what to do if you get the virus. It has has a list of practitioners and pharmacies across the fruited plain where you can get help.

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I’m a temporarily retired (I thought) pharmacist and feel the same. I’m so disillusioned about big pharma’s corruption I’m not planning to go back to work.

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Have you seen many vaccine reactions?

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What are you talking about "Die in our bed" There is no need to get sick with Covid and if you do treat it right away? It is very unlikely you will die. Start taking preventative action. 1. Get healthy . Cut the Carbs, sugar, and seed oils. 2. Here is a good prevention protocol


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Regret that you have, from your post, 'bought in' to the Fear propaganda. This flu has better than a 95% survival rate FOR ALL AGE GROUPS UP TO 85. I am 86+, had the flu in August (just a few days), and obviously alive... never have worn a face diaper, social-distanced, or taken a "jab" for ANY flu (I have had only a few episodes in my adult life)... so.. get past the propaganda... IT IS JUST A BAD FLU! Have you compared flu deaths of past 10 years or so? This year's seem to have been "allocated" to covid..

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Might I ask which state?

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You’re correct. I don’t think that the physicians (my colleagues) who are doing this are evil. I think that they’re brainwashed.

Medical schools are selecting for sheep. I sneaked through I guess.

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modern-day death prisons is an apt description; i'd rather die young, happy and at home than go to one

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A friend had the virus was using lots of natural therapies recommended by the Flccc doctors she told her primary care doc what she was doing he said you can do whatever nothing is going to help… this is the treatment available mainstream.

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I had Covid a couple of months ago. My dad had it too and had taken a sudden turn south (80 y/o, fully recovered now, no vax.) Turned out to be severe dehydration for him, but my worry about him caused me to have a panic attack, which sent me to the ER. I was pleasantly surprised when two of the ER doctors and a nurse told me I was doing “everything right” using the FLCCC protocol. The doctors also said the v was a personal choice and everyone had to do what’s right for them. So happy to know there are still critically thinking doctors even in a hospital system. Anyone who sets up independent practices now will be wildly successful.

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I had covid in August... the breathing issue were significant. I would have died before going to an ER. As a COPD pr I already have "breathing meds" i just abused them a bit. I survived. Mt insurance will fully cover me. I am just stubbirn and saw no need to enrich snyone at taxpayer expense. I am not, nor ever will take the covid "devil jiuce".

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I work in one of those places and always loved it. I do not anymore. I love my patients. I love helping them out and getting them through stressful procedure days. But I want out. I have come to realize my coworkers, these people I have trusted for so long, are happy to force me into unemployment if I don’t do as they say. I want a different way to help people achieve better health care.

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the sad thing is that there are obviously amazing doctors, nurses and staff in these places...so heartbreaking to lose the best and brightest because of politics and bureaucratic nonsense

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Yes. Two years ago I felt like I worked in a magical place. And we still do a lot of good work. We have the nicest patients. Many who come to our facility come here because there are only a handful of places that do some of the work we do. We still do that. But the veil has slipped. And I have watched as my colleagues have remained silent when physicians and journalists have been censored foe talking about Covid issues; they were silent when they knew young kids were getting vaccinated due to peer pressure and not because they actually need the vaccine. They said nothing when their colleagues around the country seriously suggested refusing treatment to people who chose not to get

vaccinated even tho they know

the vaccine does not prevent transmission. I could go on but you get my point. There are wonderful people in these places but their comfort at coercing others has shocked me in a way I could not imagine before. The world is different now. To me at least.

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This is a continuation of the Obama AGENDA...he already ruined insurance and healthcare...remember when doctors were dis-incentivized in 2009-10 after Obamacare started kicking in?...that began the ruination of healthcare. And remember..."we have to pass it so that you can know what is in it, and you can keep your own doctor"? They knew full well, this was completely orchestrated by the Lawless Satanists who hate themselves, therefore they HATE everyone else and want to kill, steal and destroy.

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As a long time RN, working in many hospitals, I used to warn patients, get better quickly, hospitals are bad for your health!

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It’s true.

Jay I am so depressed. I have loved being a nurse. Love getting pts ready for surgery and recovering them. The teaching. Helping the families through the chaos. Nothing has prepared me for the change in healthcare. My husband and I were granted exemptions but God knows they are keeping us right now only because there is a shortage, not because they value us or because they believe people have a right to decide their own health care.

Nothing of what has happened has demonstrated to me that the health care system is concerned about anyone’s health.

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There already is 🥰 I am a holistic medical professional who is seeing a HUGE uptick in business. All referrals.

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Carol. I am having a glass of wine at home right now and giving you a virtual toast. Here is to many years of a growing and booming business. May you steer people away from this hideous health system we have currently and toward a better, freer and more healthy future. I want you and others in your line of business to be so successful that those professionals in the current health care system sit up and take notice. (And I am a nurse who works in one of those systems!!!) these people have, way, way too much power. I just want patients to be free participants on their road to their best health. God bless you in your work!

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Great response to Carol, Deana! Bless you AND Carol. I also lift my glass to Carol and all others in the holistic medical field. Our daughter sees a holistic doc, as do some of her friends. I've seen an increase in people seeking such care over the years BUT NOW it's ramping up like crazy. I have no trust what so ever in the traditional medical field anymore. I had many doubts before 2017. Then saw big changes in 2018 when my husband was in the hospital--had been many moons since a hospital WHICH was eye opening. Deana... I agree with your husband. I now care take my husband as we now live close to our daughter. No damn way will either of us vax for this virus, and I don't speak for my husband as that's his stance. We take supplement protocols like many do, got some great tips from out daughter and friends doing the same via the holistic docs protocols. I also follow info on the FLCCC.net site.

Stand strong people!

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Thank you msboo. In my hopeful moments, I imagine that all of this awfulness will lead to better health options for everyone in the future. I want to take care of free people. I am not an authority figure to my patients. I just want to help

then out.

Seriously. Allowing healthcare workers to take over your health decisions is like letting your financial manager take over your finances. Your financial manager, and to a large extent, your doctors and nurses, are there to guide and help you. We are not there to order you around participate in threatening your livelihood if you don’t do as we say.

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Thank-you I love people who become self-reliant and realize that much can be helped through good nutrition/diet first along with strengthening the immune system with supplements and where necessary specific protocols for chronic illness. Meds should be a last resort for so MANY conditions.

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Thank-you that is very sweet of you 🥰 There are many of us. We were either in the mainstream medical professions and got out or like me were educated as physicians and said heh this isn't what I want to do! So I went into another profession and then I found a good alternative medicine program and did a change back into the medical profession-private practice and not a scrip writer. BTW I treat a lot of nurses 🥰 some of my favourite patients AND dentists, chiropractors, doctors.

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Any chance you practice in KY?

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My holistic doctor currently has a six week wait for appointments. I’m so grateful for people like her and you ♥️

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As I am for your lovely statement-- thank-you 🥰

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What is the best way to go about finding such a holistic medical doctor?

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Look up direct primary care and see if anyone near you and then see what they practice. Many of them are holistic or at least semi holistic.

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Easiest way?-- health food or food co-op store bulletin board. Asking a friend. If that doesn't work-- look online for local holistic health clinics (or functional medicine if you want something closer to allopathic treatment-- ie testing, meds) . You can also go to great association websites like the WestonPrice foundation (whole foods and natural health), or NASH (North American Homeopathic Association) or a Naturopathic clinic (there are I think still three colleges in the US) There is a Naturopathic college here in Toronto.

That is a good start. I get most of my new patients from referrals. That is usually the best as your friend can give you their experience. 🥰

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thank you...good suggestions!

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I am in michigan

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Penny I can highly recommend Nutritional Health Center of Ann Arbor and Diverse Health Services in Novi. I am familiar with practitioners at both and had terrific results. Worth the expense (imo). You can have distance appointments if those places are too far.

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Where are you? State?

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Good idea True North. NY just fired 96,000 heath care professionals. I suggested they open their own hospital..

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And these health care officials were hero’s a year ago. I am literally watching an implosion

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The licensing would take years in that hell hole. They need to find established clinics that are on the same page and expand like crazy. 24,7,365-6 ( leap year). It can be done.

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Excellent idea.

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Oct 2, 2021
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Two of my first cousins go to concierge drs. She refused to prescribe Ivermectin!!! They are not all open to alternative medicine!

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Return of the Speakeasy for Health Services !!

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Healtheasy anyone?

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Oct 2, 2021
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2 things will happen:

- Many people will take far better care of themselves,

- Costs for free market professional care will come down considerably

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That would be a great thing. I'm completely unwilling to go to a hospital or to seek medical care at all in the current environment. I can't see doing so as having positive potential. I do have a standard for medical care, even knowing that it is mere humans providing it, and the standard is not being met.

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Their have been many too many like you who have died at home living in fear of catching Covid-19 . This should be the least of your fears it is clearly over blown trust me when i say that . If you are sick please contact your PCP or call an Ambulance . Life is to short and to valuable and your care is a priority . Far to many have died this way and with this mindset and the media is the blame for causing this fear and creating more unnecessary mental health issues and abuse .

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I think far too many have received bad/inappopriate care at hospitals and too many have died there without their loved ones. Now that is added to by the vaccine marketing campaign requiring those accompanying patients (if they are allowed at all) to prove having been vaccinated or taking a test for covid. I agree that life is too short, valuable and that proper care is a priority. I don't fear having death occur at home, but I do fear the hospital due to what I have observed there. I see no accountability, especially where covid and the vaccines are concerned. Abuse is what the vaccine campaign is piling upon those who have not chosen to be vaccinated.

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My friend didn't start taking Ivermectin until the day before he was hospitalized because he thought the headache and lethargy he was experiencing were due to fumes coming from his recently recalled CPAP machine (another health system failure) He had a limited supply of 3 mg tablets and the prophylactic dose for someone his size is 24 mgs. I don't know how many he took, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the therapeutic dose which is double - 48mgs for five days. Anyway, he didn't take them to the first hospital. His wife, Nancy, was experiencing symptoms and they were left with her. (I explained the therapeutic dose to her and she was symptom free in two days. They had both tested positive the day before he was hospitalized ) Rod went a day without Ivermectin during the initial trip to to the local hospital and subsequent transfer to one treating Covid ($13,000) Nancy asked that I drop off his toothbrush and stuff, so my wife and I drove to the second hospital. He had not yet arrived, so we left the small bag with Security. In it was a card from us with 36 mg of Iverrmectin from my supply. (I started taking a prophylactic dose when I heard he tested positive) I visited him in the Covid ward the next day and gave him 15 of my 12 mg capsules. He took three a day while there. Of course, they followed the CDC protocol of Remdesivir and dexamethasone, not the FLCCC protocol of Ivermectin and methylprednisone. It was during this time that he had the conversation with the attending doctor stating that he wished he could follow the FLCCC protocol, including Ivermectin, but would be fired if he did so, and was told by a nurse that half the staff were not vaccinated. The nurse also said they weren't seeing any improvement with any of their patients using Remdesivir. Anyway, he was feeling pretty good after a few days and itching to be released. THEY INSISTED HE STAY ANOTHER NIGHT SO THAT THEY COULD COMPLETE THE COURSE OF REMDESIVIR (and collect $3000+). I picked him up the following day. He walked the 30 or 40 yards out of the ward and down to the parking lot unassisted. A nurse walked alongside carrying an oxygen tank.

He had a fitful night at home. He couldn't use his CPAP and mask, as he didn't have a $5 adapter that allows oxygen to be bled into the airflow. (for want of a nail... ) Instead, he relied on the tube and canula with the two little nose prongs that they sent him home with. It dislodged during the night and he woke up disoriented with a low oxygen level. An ambulance was called and he was taken to the local hospital WHERE THEY TREATED HIM AS A NEW COVID PATIENT ($13,000), EVEN THOUGH HE WAS VIRUS FREE. He suffered another full course of the antiviral Remdesivir ($3000) while his kidneys failed and lungs filled with fluid probably due to the Remdesivir - look it up. I visited him again on Thursday. Sometime over the weekend they sedated him and put him on a ventilator which probably further damaged his lungs. They pulled the plug Tuesday afternoon, meeting the 42-hour requirement to collect the $30,000 Covid ventilator bonus. Note that they can't be sued because they followed the standard of care, and only the standard of care, as proscribed by the PREP act. I'm sure the cause of death (no autopsy) was recorded as Covid and won't be contested as death certificates stating Covid qualify for several thousand dollars of funeral expenses.

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Many doctors are refusing early treatments that have proven positive outcomes. Dr Peter McCullough and others call these doctors out for pushing the untested mRNA shot, and sending patients home w instructions to wait til they can't breathe then go to a hospital where they intubate then and watch them die. https://youtu.be/QAHi3lX3oGM

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I’m of the opinion that far too many people died BECAUSE of the shiny hospitals, the needless testing, the needless exposure to infection, even before the pandemic.

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I am a private healthcare practitioner (and extremely lucky to be so in the age of vaccine mandates). I expect that Medicare will stop paying contractors like myself that remain un"vaccinated" (despite, of course, my natural, acquired immunity), and what Medicare does, private insurers soon follow. The problem is that under the burden of high health insurance premiums (which people need in order to at least have access to care for catastrophic illness) also paying for care outside of the health insurance system may be hard for many, impossible for many and easy only for the wealthy.

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My son got Ivermectin from a NP through her telehealth service. He was going to a conference and wanted the prophylactic dose. I have been vaccinated but we all know how effective the vaccines have been at preventing people from getting it. (It is a relief to know that the vaccinated have a very tiny chance of dying from the virus). It's only a matter of time before everyone gets it, vaccinated and unvaccinated. I got her contact info and set up an appointment. She called in the Rx to a pharmacy and they mailed the Rx to me. I wanted the full dose for when I get it. It was all cash; no insurance. I thought it was affordable and gives me peace of mind. If I get the virus I have the medication on hand to take soon before all the complications set in.

On another point: unvaccinated people pose NO threat to the vaccinated. We also know that vaccinated people can pass the virus on to others. All this vaccine hysteria coming out of the government and the media makes we wary and suspicious. This has never been a good sign in the past.

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Unvaccinated people also have a very minimal chance of dying from Covid. I have not been vaccinated, am in my 60s, and worked through the height of the pandemic and am unscathed. Husband got the Moderna so he could travel overseas for work and has had horrific reactions. He's still having problems.

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sorry to hear about the symptoms your husband is having; FLCCC has protocols for treating long haul symptoms and vaccine reaction symptoms, that could possibly help him recover

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covidcon21.com conference this month. Detox strategies for those that recd vax. sending healing thoughts to your husband for full recovery from what the vax did to him.

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Unvaccinated have a 0% chance of dying or suffering ill effects of an unproven vaccine also.

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I just want to point out that the patients I have seen in the hospital with Covid...on the road to recovery they NOW want the vaccine. (Most, if not all are unvaccinated). I believe people have the right to choose and I also believe vaccines work. I also read the research which, unfortunately, many people do not or do not understand. Overall, the vaccine is very effective - at least for a while, We really won't know long term effects (on both sides - good or bad) for a long time - hence the terminology. People who bad mouth the vaccine w/o having done research are no different than what the media does everyday by just repeating talking points. It doesn't INFORM anyone of anything. I lay most of the blame at this administration and "top" health officials for really screwing this whole thing up.

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I agree in most, but vaccinated have a lower chance of passing? I don't think there's much of a difference at all. Considering 5-6% died from covid only, how or what studies are we validating this talking point? I trust nothing these days, only my commonsense.

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Is that 5-6% of the elderly---or 5-6% of everyone?

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I followed similar path - just remember IVM is one of several meds in MATH+ Protocol. If you can - get all scripts in advance. Snd find location /criteria for monoclonal treatment- just in case. Best wishes!

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Did exactly that. Spouse and myself did the FLCCC Avenue now have ivermectin, vit D, C and zinc. My wide being a nurse in a ALF took the vax as her whole staff dud, but not one and I mean one, will option in with the booster. A couple were down a couple of weeks after vax so they seen the writing on the wall in HUGE font. This vaccine is going to play havoc on society in the near future my gut tells me. I hope I'm wrong, but the injuries and death being downplayed with the risk vs reward on a virus with 99% survival rate? Something's wrong, drastically wrong.

Do you recall hearing 'be careful and bundle up you already have a cold, you don't want to catch pneumonia ' , yea yea mom ok. Or the ever so popular " there's a virus going around, be careful " . What have we become? Dam.

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rather go get caring individual care than submit to the crazed insurance/govt regulated doctors who are killing ppl as we speak with mandated unethical care. (my sis and her husb...nurse/doctor). I want to be seen as a relational being rather than an object $$ and as a number on a file. That's how God intended for us to see each other...relational beings not an object to control and take advantage of. Since I lost my insurance from the OBAMA AGENDA! I keep an $11k deductible Christian Health Sharing Policy for catastrophic and anything else I go to cash pay docs. Gives a person incentive to take care of their own health rather than fall back on meds.

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Can't healthcare practitioners fake it - have a friend/buddy in the system mark that you took it when instead the poison was squirted elsewhere?

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I wonder the same - couldn't they actually "self-administer" the vax and then just keep on truckin' with their practice?

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Hydroxychloroquine is effective in early stages of C nfection. One year ago it was impossible to get and pharmacist were obstructionists. I switched to IVM last November, it wasn't on the radar screen to reduce vaccination. A year later, getting IVM is difficult but you can get hydroxychloroquine easily with a prescription, not problem and reasonably priced. Orange man is gone, hydroxychloroquine is back.

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I know in NY that the pharmacist were threatened with arrest if they filled a prescription for Hydroxychloroquine. Our esteemed Gov. Cuomo didn't want to "run out" of this medicine, so he instructed Dr.'s not to prescribe it and pharmacists not to fill any prescriptions or else they would end up in jail. Once President Trump touted it, all bets were off. Cuomo is not only responsible for killing 15K+ nursing home residents, but also all those who would have benefited from Hydroxychloroquine. My daughter-in-law's father got Covid and entered the hospital on 3/17/20. They did not think he was going to make it. He ended up leaving the hospital 45 days later. The Dr.'s said that it was the Hydroxychloroquine, given to him before the ban, that saved his life.

These people that are battling the therapeutics are pure evil!

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Ex Gov Cuomo, part of his just desserts. bring the high and mighty low, arrogant creature down you go. Part of his karma. It does eventually catch up. He has been served. And now his brother. The dominoes do fall in time.

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but it should never have been based on who was in office, that in itself is unethical from a medicine point of view. Do No Harm.

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The Healthcare may go under ground if they continue with this woke agenda . Like Abortion did years ago they are working on turning the country back into the 1950's with segregation Jim Crow Laws .

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We already live in an era of "back alley Ivermectin".

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It is called President Puppet's twilight zone look at all the walking dead make over he has created with his build back better plan .

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Thats phase 2. They don't advertise phase 1 to us peasants, the Crash Harder phase. They're rushing to catchup bc Trumps win set their agenda back by 1 presidential term. Thank God those arrogant badtards underestimated Trump. Not only did he pause the an and put us onto a positive track economically but he showed that you can and gave to stand up and push back b/c They're going to treat you like crap whether go do or don't

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White house staff have reported his handlers calling him the Nightmare on Elm Street.

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It is the wild west of pharmaceuticals in my area but people are staying out the hospital at all cost.

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Right? !?!?

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I think Hunter Biden's Father Fauci and Collins , seeing that the have such a great relationship with the CCP and well over 1 million Afghanistan child will die by the end of this year from starvation . And seeing the CCP is already there in Afghanistan they the CCP can supply the Hospitals the food pantries and start acting like the super power they want to be instead of us American Taxpayers doing it this time around . Have his handlers prepare his next speech for him to threaten the CCP . He has no idea what he is saying or doing anyways . This is like with President Puppet , has been on an extra long version of weekend at Bernie's .

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and better quality, too

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Agreed! I wish we could bring Mexican health care here.

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It's going to be so. Regular medical prices now will go through the roof. Even if you're not a nurse and know some herbalism, there will be demand for you. People are going to need help in all kinds of places.

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Yes, so true. Just look at all the chiropractors around the country who are treating patients through naturopathic alternative medicine. They are getting better results than cut-and-drug conventional doctors, too, especially in the areas of autoimmune diseases and cancer.

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I'm going somewhere just because I know how powerful iodine is to the immune system. I know how to make it and better than what's on the shelves on average. With a lack of skills in critical areas, the one benefit is that alternatives will be explored. This crisis may trigger a renaissance.

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I call it cut and burn!! That’s all they know.

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Agreed-- source out the local holistic medical practioneers in your area. Herbalists, Naturopaths, Homeopaths,Chiropractors etc.

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We have them in IL. Similar to a coo:, pay a monthly fee to ‘belong’, visits, treatments, tests, etc all discounted; no insurance billed until hospital costs are incurred. The savings are phenominal.

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Are you single, married, or have kids? Really healthy or do you have health maintenance issues? The reason I ask is that it is just my husband and I and while we are quite healthy and active, we each have maintenance meds we must take. We are never hospitalized. Just on maintenance meds. No am really curious about these health care models. I want to join one. I just don’t know what consumers think who have done this.

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Avoid Liberty Healthshare, they do not pay. We had a very positive experience with Samaritans , Health Ministries Franklin Grahams company. They let me submit a bill as a special need and Christians from around the country sent many $25 and $50 checks. It was very moving. They pay!

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Look up functional medicine docs in your area. They are out there.

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*coop; phenomenal

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That's not a bad idea actually.

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As I was at the doctor's a rep from an independent pharmacy came in to say they will honor Ivermectin subscriptions.

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I want to believe we could pull this off! But i fear that pharma would not provide "supplies". Or meds...

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There's a holistic MD here in our town who is writing prescriptions and providing pharmaceuticals (ivermectin, mostly) all over the US right now. Just word of mouth. Anyone who knows a holistic health provider is passing the word along. As long as they can order from the manufacturers it will work. But you're right, the feds are trying their best to make supplies tight.

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know any in the greater Rochester, NY area...?

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Oh look what I found. Maybe one of those listed might be helpful to you.


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Go to FLCCC.net There is a list of practitioners, state by state, who will prescribe Ivermectin. You might also check with your local compounding pharmacies and independent pharmacies to get names of providers in your area.

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No, sorry I'm in Montana. I'd suggest running a search for naturopathic MDs or NPs or even, Chiropractors, in your area. A naturopathic practitioner usually needs to operate their business from an independent clinic.

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Bring it back to the community. House parties, dinner clubs, garden parties, street parties... neighborhood sports leagues, local bands playing private but open to locals venues, doesn't sound so bad.

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I think in many ways we will be the ones who win thanks to a thriving underground culture.

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Great point. The more places they ban unvaccinated people, to me, the better. It’s like the game I play to buy all my gas I. Wisconsin (I live in Chicago and refuse to pay the state gas tax). It’s now a fun game! I truly enjoy avoiding the places that require a vax card. Bring it on, I’m just getting richer saving all the money I used to spend in these places and I don’t miss any of it- especially flying - which was disgusting and insulting before the pandemic.

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I kove everything about this idea.

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disaster utopia

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Yup. Like speakeasies during Prohibition.

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If Biden taps down interstate travel, I think we will see another Underground Railroad too

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I hope there is some alternative, I refuse to fly with a mask. I am done complying. NO booster, yes I got the double shot :( and no more mask. Thanks to the info from a thread here & at another forum I got my meds just in case I get COVID and to help avoid COVID so I feel so much better the I did a week ago.

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I simply refuse to fly. Haven’t in more than two years. No air rage, TSA or masks in my car! Driving from FL to NJ next week. Well worth the extra time!

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I’m mid risk for moderately disease . Also feel at risk for vax - choose poison. I follow FLCCC and found a doc from their resource page. Connected with doc in may and had meds on hand for early treatment. I wound up with delta in July and was relieved to have a plan in place. Early treatment saves lives.

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Agreed that is why I got med on hand just in case. Took less then 24 hours.

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You’re saying you can take a test but that’s a trap also. The test is not reliable and the chances are you might incur $3000 bill at a hotel while you’re “quarantining”

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I believe at least air travel will be limited because there are two or maybe now three bills in Congress around this. The safety seekers don’t understand that once a bill gets in like this. It is generally permanent. My father was a farmer and observe this over and over and over

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I think nov 1 will be a big day for announcements… right before thanksgiving

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I wasn’t aware of the Date, do you have a source ?

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I have a friend who is in a group already working on this!

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We should probably be creating network to share info.

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On Gab there are job boards for unvaccinated. Get on Gab!!

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Is that only in the US?

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There should be one.

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A gal in MO did it. Shut down on a Friday for violating mask mandate. Reopened Saturday as a private club. $1 membership fee added to your tab. Brilliant.

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that is awesome

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Speak easys for restaurants. Back to the future.

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Return of the Speakeasy for dining out !!

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Return of Speakeasies! They were about 100 years ago too in response to inane laws that most people ignored. Hope it happens.

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There are lots of groups who do this. They gather in various homes (all strangers) and have a totally unregulated meal. I love it.

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An unregulated meal. LOL. Scandalous! (as I clutch my pearls)

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I want to plug in. How do they meet?

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I love that idea

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Prohibition all over again

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Moon over Marin was a great song by the Dead Kennedys!

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Yes. Also, the very wealthy will hire (have hired) chefs. Either to avoid restaurants because of fear of Covid or because of the vaccine requirements.

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Modern-day speakeasies

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Sorry but their plan is to NOT have you go to these establishments. In fact they want them all to fail--thus the vaccine mandate in the first place. This way when the owner abandons the site--the real estate value plunges--then these Marxist vultures swoop in and buy the valuable real estate at bargain prices. Planned redistribution to the the Politburo.

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And they'll be buying these places up with newly printed cash doled out by the politically connected.

There's a reason the constitution says only gold and silver shall be money. It's not to maximize GDP, it's to stop the bankers and politicians from colluding to print away the value of your savings and labor.

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On the national level, mega corporations will be bailed out and small businesses will not while the rest of us pay for it. Inflation will continue to ramp up while economic influence will consolidate, just as it did as result of lockdowns. A similar consolidation will happen as result of vaccine mandates where many who are resistant to authoritarianism will be removed from positions of influence in the government or otherwise.

What has happened in 2020-21 and is yet to fully play out is a well orchestrated act of evil that’s beyond what I could have envisioned and most are completely unaware.

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…and this is why they stopped at NOTHING to #HateTrump: He delayed their plan by four years.

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Trump went along with the lockdowns and then pushed the vaccines and bragged about it. He was quickly roped in to do their bidding. He also hired deep state, backstabbers and cads and then praised them. Only when they heavily attack him will he fight back, and when he fights back people thing he is cool, yet those people already got their damage in, so it was always too little, too late for Trump.

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I don't think you understand why he ran for office in the first place. He did NOT need the endless aggravation. He was recruited and finally relented when it was obvious America was on the brink of being destroyed socially and economically. And many things that happened during his 4 years HAD to happen to wake up the sheeple. I and many others believe he WILL be back.

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On a biblical scale possibly. Thank God if you're in the chosen, get there quick if you're not. Watch Phil Robertson youtube if you want to know about Jesus...it ain't rocket science.

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Since you mentioned "the chosen," have you watched the series "The Chosen"? Only available by app. Our family is addicted to it! Extraordinarily well done.

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My private club will be named Blackrock… catchy isn’t if?

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Mine will be The Vanguard.

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True enough already happening. Pelosi husband one of those scooping up properties.

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She is such a vile and evil 💩

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Yep! That is also what was behind the BLM riots

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Heard this was done here in CA. With Governor doing mandates and his buddies buying the real estate.

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This is true. See south side of Chicago. A cabal of connected Democrats including politicians and judges buys up tax sale properties for pennies on the dollar using early info. Chicago is truly the template.

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Live nearby, but thankfully not in LA. I'm with you. New mandates ticked me off, so I sold my Bowl tickets. Even made a little money for my troubles. Wouldn't matter if I were vaccinated 10x over, I wouldn't patronize LA or LA county establishments implementing these horribly discriminatory policies. Although I do feel badly for businesses in LA. They are in a difficult position.

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As a prior restaurant owner in a blue state, my heart goes out to all restaurant owners in blue states. I live in a red state. Restaurants are packed every single day and night. Of course our weather is fabulous now. Most people I know are vaccinated. I am not.

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On a march visit to St Pete FL, all the restaraunts and patios were packed and the wait staff were cheerful with NO WOKE attitudes. It was as if they never heard of covid. It was beautiful..

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In Jax fl - was out and about today. Lots of people enjoying day . Some masked some not - no angry glares. Just the smiles of freedom

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Except for the nightly BLM march of a paltry 20 ppl walking thru the High $$ District trying to disrupt the ppl enjoying life.

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Red-state born and bred. I look forward to the day when I can move back to sanity.

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I am also not vaccinated. I watch the data in my redstate dashboard and do the best I can with mostly false or misleading data. I have made an independent decision. I am living a pre-covid normal life myself and I'm just trying to inform as many people as I can. It's not easy though. We have MSM inducing the worst kind of fear into people. I think the unvaccinated just need to do our best to lead by example...live within real data, be unafraid, and gently share what we've learned.

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Agreed. It's hard though, when vaccinated family members are convinced the virus will kill you even though you're in a greater than 99.5% survival bracket. Even worse when they're afraid you'll infect THEM even though they're vaccinated.

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I get it. It's super hard. Especially in the face of the family that just is not as informed as we are. I think the best thing to do is exhibit empathy for their opinion even in the face of total lack of empathy for the unvaccinated. I don't pretend to know the answers to what I believe is not a real health crisis but a very deeply upsetting social crisis.

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Yes, the quality of the data isn't great. No idea what information is included / excluded, what the business rules are for reporting, how the reporting changes over time, unknown differences between states / countries, etc. I haven't done as much research lately, as it is frankly exhausting and I just want to live my life. I did watch part of the FDA Booster meeting and it certainly wasn't confidence-building. To me, the short-term benefits of the vaccine, side effect profile, unknown long-term implications, my age, health, etc. don't incline me to take it. And in my opinion, governments resort to mandates when they can't make persuasive arguments based on honest data. I think what Biden is doing to our country is abhorrent.

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Recently moved from a blue county in a blue state to a red county in a blue state. Not perfect but a big improvement, loving it.

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I live in OC and work on the LA/OC county line. I no longer patronize anything on the L.A. side.

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We have considered moving to OC. I'm sure we would love it, but I feel the need to just get out of this state.

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If you have school children, no where is safe in Commiefornia anymore

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I am of the opinion that no public school in any state is safe. And plenty of private schools aren't safe either.

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Agree about schools. I’m in Fl - I reluctantly transferred my son to private 8 years ago. Far healthier for entire family.

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Oct 2, 2021
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I lived “behind the Orange curtain” (as Jackson Browne called it ) from 1965 - 1983 when it was a bastion of conservatism. Even had an active John Birch Society. Our daughter & SIL live in Huntington Beach, which tends towards conservative, but overall OC has definitely become more blue over the years. As a county I believe they voted against the Newsom recall, while Riverside County, where I live, voted FOR the recall.

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Love this, I’ve been emailing businesses and events that we will not

patronize any place/anything that requires us to show papers. And I got the jab. We all need to do our part!

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Ooh, good idea. There's a playhouse near me that I was considering giving my patronage to, until they announced that theater-goers must have proof of full vaccination + recent negative covid test + even after all that must STILL wear masks during performances. Thanks, but no thanks.

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Oct 2, 2021
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I just cancelled a Van Morrison concert tonight at the Hollywood Bowl because 2 days ago they announced papers needed. Ironic as Van is a known anti Covid vaxxer. Not a marvelous night for a moondance..

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Ive lived in Hollywood for 40 years and it's hard to believe how much the homelessness has crept in on, say, the corner of Sunset and La Brea. This is a true health threat to many but barely a peep from the "ruling class", yet non stop sturm and drang over the (basically) this seasonal flu called Covid (my mother died of the flu in 2012, no co-morbidities beyond age, my father and father-in-law w/comorbidities) I finally know somebody who died of Covid with raging comorbidities. So surprised more don't see it. This substack serves as a brief respite from the fear sheep and their hysterics.

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PS, I meant to say I'm sorry you missed Van Morrison at the Bowl but your reason is very cool

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that is great to know about VM though. We need a website for profreedom artists like him and Eric Clapton, and venues for them to play. Farmers fields are looking good right now

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Woodstock revisited!!!

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I LOVE him but would have done the same thing. Not a marvelous night for a moondance at all....heavy sigh....

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Oct 2, 2021
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They say I did but it will be 30 days to get it

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Agreed. I’m not going to see my favorite artist Andre Bocelli as he’s coming to Dallas and the American Airlines center is requiring masks. Maybe more than masks will be required by the time December rolls around but I’m not going anywhere if I have to wear a mask or show papers. Good luck to all businesses that do participate in this madness.

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Andre Bocelli, he is fabulous, but you have to stick up for what you believe in. Good for you.

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I did the same: got a refund for Beth Hart at the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank, NJ. Told them they could take their protocols and stick them.

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exactly, what are we part of the AKC (American Kennel Club)?

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I just emailed the theater company to let them know what I think of their covid policy. I'll be shocked if I hear back, but at least I spoke out.

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Thank you!

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thank you so much. we need people who have gotten the shots to speak out for freedom, not just us "antivaxxers"

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This is a great letter! I have some good-ish news to report. My sister lives in NYC and has for many years. No one is asking for vaccination proof. I get it, that's not the real solution that is needed but at least it's a sort of resistance. She's been all over the city and has not encountered any checking of "papers".

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A hidden rebellion....we are a nation of free people. There are many I know that are at higher risk for Covid and they still want people to be free, choice of mask etc. They will always need to take more precautions and have decided NOT to get vaxxed even tho they are higher risk. They are more worried about the vax than covid.

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Sorry, but I live in NYC and any restaurant that you want to sit down in is asking for proof of vax. Even Dunkin' Donuts.

They don't check hard, meaning you could show them a forged document or photo of a forged document, but they are most certainly checking.

Only take out orders go unchecked, and I know this because I am unvaxxed and have gotten takeout from a number of places, and while waiting for my food will watch people getting checked before being served.

I would love to know where she was going that they didn't check your "papers".

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Very encouraging!

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Oct 2, 2021
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That's the goal though. To destroy every single institution and business making us all reliable on the government.

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With JUST enough 'exceptions' to keep SOME people very rich.

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Yup the Marxists Politburo thinks they'll capture these properties for their own. Big surprise waiting for them.

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The problem with this is that most restaurants don’t want this.

NY has lost 60% of their business since the mandate was enacted.

The government wants us to boycott these small businesses so they go out of business. This is designed to take out the middle class business owners. “The American Dream”

Only big chain restaurants (fast food drive thru) will survive.

They are now going after interstate travel.

No planes, trains, Ubers or buses for the unvaccinated. Pointless since they can’t work.

My Dr will no longer see me because I’m unvaccinated. He obviously wasn’t the great Dr I thought he was.

Every vaccinated person I know got Covid.

They spread more virus. Israel is proof.

Treatment (ivermectin/HCQ) is the only way out. Not these non-vaccines

I’ve been on HCQ for 10 years and it’s beyond safe. I was around 5 people last year with Covid and never got it.

Don’t believe the lies.

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My new doc who got me Ivermec for just in case...he was on HCQ from the start of the pandemic txing patients-never got covid, as soon as he went off, he got it. I have fired my other docs and let them know why. Would not even let me utter the word Ivermec.

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Ivermectin is “the I word” at UCLA.

“We follow CDC protocols”. Which means “no early treatment”.

Major criminal organized medical malpractice.

It is only a matter of time…..

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Find a functional doc, not all are on the crazy train to nowhere. No early tx is what has killed more Americans that we can get our heads around. UCLA-Utter Catastrophic Lunatic Asylum. Please stay safe and healthy. You can get Ivermectin, check out FLCCC docs. Don't take no for an answer.

CDC-Certain Death Clique

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“Every vaccinated person I know got Covid.”

As I write this reply, it’s 5:48am and I slept alone last night because my un-vaxxed RN spouse was called in to cover a shift for a colleague at the hospital who came down with COVID.

The nurse she’s covering for was fully vaxxed.

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You make a good point about businesses. Government is trying to destroy the entrepreneurial spirit. And you are definitely better off without that doctor. I may need surgery and I am concerned they might jab me while I am under sedation.

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Read that consent carefully and add the comment “I do NOT consent to ANY vaccinations before, during or after this procedure.”

Sign this area and date and time it and initial it and tell them you need a copy for your hubby etc. PRIOR to the procedure.

We ain’t playin’.

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I hear you. Lol.

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Live in NY refuse to dine out, attend theater etc.

Went to Florida for two weeks over Labor Day, ate out nightly at high end (and a few low end) restaurants. Spent way too much, but I was glad to.

Business owners voted for this. And, if they didn't vote for it, they need to band together and fight back. Together they have the power.

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Ditto here in Toronto-- Time for all of us to call out the businesses that prefer to hide behind prejudice and cowardly behaviour. We went to Mexico City and did exactly what you did. They have power but don't have the character to fight- when we find any business that does we are there!

BTW the weenies here in Ontario have banned playing tennis inside unless you are "vaccinated" (you know the game where you are 20 ft apart) due to "safety concerns". My tennis freak of a husband is SO pissed that he has that he is giving his club 3 months to reverse this (until when the bubble goes up etc) or give him back his sizable capital investment. Get 10 of these happening and yup they will sit up and think heh maybe we should accommodate these people.

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stark raving mad....lets not keep people physically fit and getting fresh air outside. good grief Charlie Brown.....

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Good for you. I would imagine upstate may be more tame, say in Albany or other counties vs. NYC????

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The rest of New York state north of Westchester is mandate free as far as businesses go.

You can eat anywhere.

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Good to hear. Sorry you are mandated in NYC. Keep on keeping on!

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I is my hope that the vaccinated people in this country who still value freedom will adopt that same idea. That is the only way this mandate will be defeated. I don't think the number of unvaccinated is large enough to force the fascists to change their ways but if they throw in with the unvaccinated there will be a huge impact that they cannot ignore. Businesses will discover that businesses succeed or fail based on providing goods or services that can be purchased by any customer. Discrimination is bad for business..

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I disagree-- first you are assuming that all vaccinated people (most I have encountered are cautious and fearful-- not going out "in case they catch COVID"-- evidence just see how many are still walking around with masks) will be going out to eat, movies etc. Bad assumption. Second that most businesses can survive with a smaller sub set of patrons-- they cant. All entertainment type businesses survive on a shoe string add to that the vagaries of food and entertainment trends. They are not doing well.

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Oct 2, 2021
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My husband got vaccinated early also, kinda pushed into it by our kids due to his age (69) and pre-existing conditions. I didn’t since I already had covid and recovered easily. I highly doubt he will get the booster, especially after hearing me talking trash on the vaccine.

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I’m thinking my husband isn’t rushing for a booster either. He got vaxxed in March, due to being 60. He did NOT need it.

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A lot of us got “pushed” into it by our kids. Many had grandchildren withheld until they did. Madness.

There are tens of thousands, if not many more, of us jabbed people who 💯 support freedoms first. It’s reprehensible to require proof of vaccine to attend anything.

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Newsflash: If you don’t get the “booster” you will be considered as “unvaccinated”. Even if you got TEN Pfizer’s!

Keep that “passport” up to date or you are OUT!

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I believe the restaurant owners in NYC are seeing the results of the mandates, business off by 40-60% in at least one business. The restaurants are starting to complain and also to push back at being the enforcers. Customers get mad at the restaurants instead of city hall.

They also make a good point about the subway system not requiring vax papers and people are all squished up next to each other.


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I worked in Manhattan for the past decade+. Last year, I decided I was moving to Florida and no one was going to stop me. I was working remotely anyway so it didn’t seem to matter for work. I decided I am never, ever going back to New York City. I am done with that hell hole.

So far, Florida is working out perfectly. Only wear a mask to a doctor’s office and of course, asking for your papers is ILLEGAL.

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Welcome to our fair state. WE see so many license plates from the blue states it is unbelievable. Flocking down here like crazy. Florida is not perfect but we are trying to maintain sanity. Having said that, Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County are blue and are still a bit nuts. Mask mandates locally for many places not listening to the governor.

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I would never live in libtoon land down south. I picked Volusia County and also have a place in St. Johns.

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I absolutely concur. You chose lovely areas! Enjoy and stay safe!

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Same here in Toronto and outlying areas. Scores of restaurants complaining that the "vaccination" passport is hurting them. Subway packed here as well-- the hypocrisy is breathtaking.

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I was born in NYC and always loved NYC until now. they are riding on the crazy train.

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Cheers to you! These mandates are not just ineffective and contrary to actual science but they are demoralizing and divisive to our society. No matter what kind of segregation it is - based on color of skin or individual medical status - it is un-American and goes against our traditions as a free people.

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No doubt. What makes it somewhat scary is how easy it has been to "other" people. I am 55 years old and I've really never seen anything like it. We just have to stay strong. Educate not just about this vaccine but use it as a vessel to talk about activism and what an important turning point this is.

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And now the powers that be are entertaining changing what our flag looks like. I must call BS on this. My Dad was a veteran and I will never take down the RWB bc he and other veterans sacrificed for it and our country.

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Add masks. That's just as much bullshit.

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I agree. If everyone refused to wear a mask and didn't shop at places that required masks, the mask rules would change immediately. Same goes for the vaccine mandate. If I am required to show vaccination status, I'll just leave the restaurant, theater, gym, etc. Let the restaurants fight the system when their cashflow is put under pressure. There are too many people that just put on their mask, get their vaccine, stay 6 feet apart, and do what they're told by frauds like Fauci and the CDC and this ridiculous Democrat administration. Bunch of crooked politicians playing doctor.

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Long ago I lost count of how many people are saying, "I will never trust a doctor again."

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Yup, fired all mine bc they drank the kool aid. just signed up with a functional doc who is open to ivermec, hcq and the rest.

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My husband and I feel exactly the same way. Well written letter. We should all do as you did.

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I just hope your vaccinated high-income CA friends didn't vote to keep Newsom … if they did their letters mean nothing.

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About 70% of the stupid dick voters here did.

I am living in a sea of dumbfuckery wokesters with masks and visors on while they sit alone in their cars with all the windows up.

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Good point. He’s coming after us hard now that the recall failed.

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Newsom has just mandated vaccinations for ALL K-12 children, including private schools, as soon as vaccines are approved for them. He signed a bill last week allowing children to have abortions, take sex-change drugs, and have sex-change operations without parents' knowledge. He has NO medical knowledge and has no right to make those decisions for parents.

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Amen. Newsom is a nuisance.

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I hope you end up owning the bird

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Wouldn't that be wonderful! Dare to Dream!

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Yes it would. These San Francisco communist are ruining our country

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They kicked me off for replying to a tweet that read 50k on Medicare died from the shots. My tweet: "Killing off old Americans to pay for young migrants." Like a minute later I was gone so it's their filters

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Gotta start misspelling intentionally. Example: Use a lowercase L in place of I:

*Migrants becomes mlgrants

*COVID becomes COVlD

*Vaccine becomes vacclne or vaxcine or any number of other options. People will get your drift and the bots won’t.


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I lost my third account for telling a death row inmate it was his time to die. Was just facts.

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I got banned for a week for sarcastically suggesting an old woman denied service at McDonalds should just go off and die because she doesn't REALLY need to eat.

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How rude!!!

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Humans train the algorithms. Possibly not always, now, but if the algorithms are biased one reason's because a biased human(s) trained them. Don't make the mistake of letting them hide behind their robots.

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To an extent but "the algorithm" is also a program with variables that are defined by programmers (aka activists).

What you see on youtube/IG/etc is heavily influenced by your search history, clicks, ... but what you CAN see is determined by big tech and what they WANT you to see.

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I agree with all this.

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Dave Rubin was kicked off for saying that we’re going to be vaccine mandates a month before they actually occurred. He was right

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Let's be clear about this: Dave Rubin was kicked off because he is a conservative (or, classical liberal, if you prefer). The particulars of what he said are just the pretext. They'll cite anything as the reason, but if that same thing were said by a modern day liberal, it would not be an issue. Fauci said masks don't work in January of 2020. No action taken against him. If a conservative says that . . . . I suspect you agree with this already, though.

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There’s a Gram of truth to be found elsewhere

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That's for sure. My Gram constantly reminded me to bundle up because I already had a cold and didn't want pneumonia. I miss her remedial logic.

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Why on earth do you want to go back to Bitter, sir?

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Who says he is-- he is just suing.

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Cue Eddie Murphy character in Trading Places:

“you know, the best way to hurt rich people is to make them poor“…

Suing takes years, leaving the media, and having half the audience Twitter owner shit bag used to have, that’s priceless, and hopefully it makes him useles…

He looks like the goddamn Unabomber anyway…

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In a song or a book?

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Keep fighting the good fight. The Nazi-like censorship needs to end.

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Is the Twitter bird fully vaccinated? Enquiring minds want to know.

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LOL. But btw, all the zoo animals are getting the new experimental Zoetis Covid vax. Great Apes, Large Cats, etc.....Wondering how may of those dear animals will get ADE or other severe reactions or die and we will never be told about that, will we????????

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Now I know who vaxxed Bambi's mother. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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They went after the animals?!

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Oct 2, 2021
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I stand at least six feet away from tigers, alligators and lions. And never get near them indoors unless they're masked and show me proof of vaccine. Because, you know, they might give me Covid before eating me.

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Exactly, and be sure they wash their paws!

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They must believe their own hype, then. Otherwise, I can't even begin to imagine what the goal there is.

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You're looking at pure evil. Think Clinton and 0bama.

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According to National Geographic, 40% of all free range deer that have been tested have SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.

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Yes, saw that myself...things that make you go hmmmm.

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My poor brother just died on September 25th. He was in the hospital in another state for 35 days. On day one I had his adult children instruct the doctors to put him on the FLCCC TREATMENT PROTOCOL aka I MATH + but they refused stating that they only follow the CDC’S guidelines. Trying several more times to get them to do this. He was on a bipap machine at full oxygen. The bipap blew his lung out on day 35, his lung collapsed, they were then putting the ventilator tube in and his heart stopped. They did CPR, got the heart going, lung reinflated and he was stabilized. The next day his BP plummeted and he died.

He was scared to death since the scamdemic began of something like this happening

to him. I never got a chance to see him. He was in isolation-quarantine for 21 days. I had a lot of things happening on my end that stopped me from going to visit after he was moved from quarantine. I got a flight booked for September 26th but it was too late, he already died.

Thank you Anthony Fauci and your accomplices for killing my brother, I hope that you suffer as much as he did as well as the millions of other people caught in your nefarious evil agenda.

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Sorry to Alex and the crew here, but Tony Fauci looks more more like a Nazi mad dog physician every day I see his ugly face on a screen…

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These stories break my heart. I can feel your grief and anger. I hope and pray the people responsible will be held accountable.

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Julie, I read just today of several others going through the same thing. My heart goes out to you and I will keep you in my prayers. It is beyond hideous and demonic, what is going on. The battle we are fighting on the physical plane surely is no worse than the spiritual warfare.

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So sorry for your loss due to the idiocy of the current healthcare system in many of our states…

Remember to forgive yourself for not being able to get to him in time and try not to be too carried away by what you know is wrong. There is no comforting answer to the whole mess that will give you peace other than knowing he is not suffering any longer. Grieve it out , find your peace and take care of yourself. Do what you can to encourage those around you who don’t know any better…

Again, so sorry for your loss in this way.

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Thank you!

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Fauci killed my dad as well and the vaccine killed my father in law. Blaming that on Fauci too. I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. All this death and heartbreak didn’t need to happen.

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It should all be about HEALING, not HURTING.

Criminal medical malpractice up and down the board.

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It would be, if their intent was to do what’s best for America and its people. Something tells me their agenda and ours don’t line up.

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I see it as very purposeful mass genocide. Klaus Schwab in a document I saw in a video called us "at least 4 billion useless eaters" that need to be wiped off the earth.

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I am so sorry. I wish you and your family peace and healing.

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Oct 3, 2021
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Thank you!

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The new number of boosters?

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🤭 It's gonna end up that way.

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Good one!

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Trump suing Twitter. 12 Jury members.

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I appreciate your emails Alex, you are a Godsend, but sometimes you greatly overdo it... Why send out an email like this which lacks any real information and is confusing - to say the least? I think you should be careful about treating email newsletters like a social media post. Otherwise, we love your emails. But please pull back a bit on the temptation to email whatever you're thinking.

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I disagree. Keeps it interesting

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Completely disagree. If you don't appreciate the emails, you are free to follow someone else.

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I love all the emails. Snarky or not.

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Yes! Righteous snark is always appreciated!

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Dont listen to this person Alex. Bring it!!! I'm here for the tease and everything else for that matter.

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I disagree! I love any email Alex sends.

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Especially the ones correcting the previous email 😂😂

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Love the suspense! Keep us posted!

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So skip it and move on...

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I kindly disagree.

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But having said that am glad Nel still has his/her opinion and is always welcome to share it on this platform!

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I was agreeing with you when I clicked through, but I found reading through all the comments thus far to be uplifting. Some great humor, vaccinated standing with the unvaccinated, people letting venues know why they are not attending, planning community gatherings. I still don't know what the original post was about of course- YMMV :)

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Oct 3, 2021
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today I attended an inperson gathering- we had a work day at a friend's new property, cutting up fallen trees, cutting back blackberries, taking down a decrepit fence- then a lunch provided by their mothers. kids ran and played and people smiled and worked and talked about what is going on- counselor quit her job, how we are coming together to support each other. one of my friends organized this group a few months ago- it is part of our new life support system. hope springs up in me when I see like minded people coming together in facts and faith over force and fear

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Wasn't there an email about this a few days ago? Can't social media so more frequent twitter-like posts incoming while working on bigger things. I think most were in favor of it.

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Yeah good point. The twitter like posts are understandable given the censorship so I voted in favor of it too but I still want to give honest feedback when I think he's overdoing it a bit. I don't want those of us who really want to hear from him begin to tune out his emails and miss something extremely important because we're not sure if an email is informative or not.

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10-4. I'll grant some latitude while this plays out. Sometimes you just need to get something out, post-twitter. lol

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I like the energy! But I worry this Twitter beast is too big to slay

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The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

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I love it! Tickled my brain.

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Oct 2, 2021
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God’s speed, mighty warrior.

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Looking forward to this game. The stakes could not be any higher. Godspeed.

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Greetings from the free state of Florida.

Every governor & representative of every state should be held accountable in a way that’s NEVER been done before.

I admit to political apathy in the past, but no more.

Be heard.

We may be surprised what a truly “awakened” electorate can do.

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Pretty sure you are the envy of all, here! Best governor in the country!

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IF the elections are free and fair.

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I wish you ALL THE LUCK! Take them to the cleaners.

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The campuses were infected first, and now their spawn is sprouted into all other professions including health care. And you can see why they are going after law enforcement and the military. Because they are the last two institutions of professional power that can help stop the spread.

COVID isn't the disease here... it is collectivism.

The healthcare system is gone. It is now in their hands.

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I just subscribed! Please send out as many emails as you can. They are a lifeline for me.

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top 3/5 Twitter shareholders:

BlackRock Fund Advisors Inc.

The Vanguard Group, Inc.

State Street Corp.

Pfizer top 3 intuitional shareholders:

Vanguard Group Inc.

BlackRock Inc.

State Street Corp.

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Ugh, when I was in IT, State Street was one of my biggest customers. Just the IT side was a total nightmare to deal with.

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Keep winning Alex my boy. Through history Davids floor Goliaths.

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This madness has to stop. When are we going to investigate the origin of COVID. The evidence is clear, gain of function research should be outlawed. The communist have taken over the government of the land of the free. It’s being subverted in all areas and institutions. Rule of law needs to be protected and implemented. There are too many unelected officials that are determining outcomes.

Our rules are from the Constitution not the United Nations. This is why they are trying to change America. My body belongs to me not the state.

Alex you are a true reporter you report facts not innuendos.

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I have been thinking a lot about all this.

Comparing the US with our Constitutional protections to other countries like Australia, China, Canada etc. where citizens have been locked down and threatened, it is IMPERATIVE that the American people stand up publicly against all the tyranny we are witnessing and show the world:

This is The United States and we are saying “NO”. Period!

They can’t do this now in Australia etc. without being shot with rubber bullets.

We had better ALL stand up for our rights while we still can.

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If we investigate China it will spin back to our own Government. Hence the passivity on a real investigation.

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Chinese media claiming origins of COVID-19 pandemic stem from Maine lobster company


Mark Godfrey

October 1, 2021

Seafood source newsletter

Can’t get any better than that claim!!!! Holy crap

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Money trumps all-- that is what you are seeing. It always has, no law, rule or behaviour can resist the greed of people-- if you can buy it off-- they get what they want. Years of congress and the Senate being bought has created this environment.

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Release the Kraken

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Destroy them. Let us know where to send money.

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12 times they messed with you and shouldn’t have????

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12 jurists? I hope you & Trump win so big it will scare all these media idiots!! Love your emails!!♥️

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Go get em’ Alex!

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I always read Alex's emails but never comment. So I'm going to comment and say I appreciate you bud. Thanks for fighting friend.

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Berensoned will be a thing. With you!!

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Thank you for fighting, for all of us.

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The Biden administration would say zero since even 3.5 trillion is zero. Common core math at work…

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It would be nice to see someone get into the feathers of Twitter. Pluck a few while you're there!

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Does anyone else see all of this as a huge opportunity to establish a parallel medical system of healthcare that is independent of the government, insurance companies et all? Can we not go forward with pay for service and insurance for major medical ( surger and hospital stays) like it used to be ?

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YES-- I moved from allopathic medicine (as a professional) to alternative holistic medicine many years ago.

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Alex: Go for it!!! I have been sending your pieces to all my friends, many of whom have signed up. Trust is a major concept with me. I trust your judgement and the articles you write confirm this trust. We are fed so much BS its hard to separate the wheat from the shaft. Your articles have filled a void that I was looking for. My beautiful wife and I are on opposite sides of the political spectrum but we respect each others views as long as it is based on fact. Your articles help me fill this part of my commitment to be factual. Facts are not political. My adult son has two children--age 4 and 1. I send him all your articles on the COVID issues so he can be informed. Please keep up the great work. I will be purchasing your book (actually several of them) and giving them as gifts. Thanks Charles Bott

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I’m like you Charles. My partner is the opposite of me politically. But he started to listen to my info on this covid BS. He’s open minded and has actually come to understand and fully supports me. We spend our time between florida and Apple country in western New York. So he’s seen the difference in how the tyrants run NY. It’s a travesty.

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Thanks CarolAnne for your comments. My wife is currently in Boca Rotan FL with her sister. While we live in So Calif she is from mid-town Manhattan where she lived and worked most of her life. Most of her NY friends were from the upper East Side so I understand where her politics comes from. What's happening in NY and particularly Manhattan is a travesty. Her cousin visited about several weeks ago and I asked her what she thought of the out of control southern border. She said there wasn't a problem with the border. That ended the conversation!!!

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Here's my guess. 12 strikes. On October 12th at 12 noon, it's show time.

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Or 12/12 at 12 noon.

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Great guess!

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Trump is going at Twitter from Florida too. Interesting.

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Own the bird! Fight the Marxists! First Amendment Fighters! Save America!

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Excellent video. I wish I was still on Twitter just so I could share it. Anyone else reading through here should definitely give it 3 minutes. Senator Ron Johnson is right, I bet nobody on that Senate floor has heard any of that, thank God he had the courage to share it.

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I guest they didn't learn from NICK SANDMANN?

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I was locked out of my Twatter account today just for quoting and retweeting an official article with data on the number of deaths by the jab in Spain

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Can you link article here?

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Go get them - then take the wife for a vacation. You deserve it.

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It started with a 12 hour ban.

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Off topic, but I got one of those for telling journalists to learn to code. Ah, the good old days of the before-fore time...

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I was thinking that way.

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I got your email just 2 minutes after I got Gateway Pundit's email about President Trump appealing to a federal judge to restore his Twitter account ("Power and Control Over Political Discourse"). Would this be an earth-shattering decision if it goes his and our way or what?? I'm one of who knows how many who was permanently suspended the same day Trump was - because I am unabashedly Deplorable. (I became a Deplorable the day after Hillary named us such - and within a week was suspended by Fascistbook.)

I'm not sure of the significance of the (12) strikes above but will be waiting to find out...!

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I may have a slightly different take on this. I believe that this is precisely what the establishment wants-for us not to frequent these places that have vaccine mandates so they can then be shut down. Our only option will then be government-run food establishments. Please consider that what you are doing will greatly hurt local businesses which, in most cases, do not desire this lunacy.

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Well, the small businesses are going to have to hurt along with the rest of us. Where does it end of we don't all stand together?

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Are you suggesting that the unjabbed should leave The Control Group and get jabbed to keep local restaurants pumping??

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I'm suggesting nothing of the sort. Just pointing out the pure evil that has taken over our government leaders to willingly destroy our small businesses. I say We Fight Back! No, I Do Not Consent. I will NOT live in fear. BTW, as of Jan 20, 2021, only 643 people under the age of 25 have died from COVID 19.

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Stop - you make too much sense.

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Oct 2, 2021
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I keep wondering if he and his fellow nihilists have really thought this whole thing through. They are desperate to save THEMSELVES - and time is running out on them. This is a recipe for their demise, not ours. How do they continue on with most of the world dead or dying? Think about how dependent us US THEY are! We can live happily without them. They cannot survive without us.

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So many abuses, such a long list for vindication that specifics matter less than simply scoring a win for the truth-tellers and brave whistleblowers. Every triumph is enormous Alex give 'em Hell!

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Let's goooooooo!

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what does this mean?

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Lawsuit forthcoming.

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My husband and I both had Covid back in 2019. I was 76 with several comorbidities, he was 72. Yes, we were sick...me for 10 days, my husband for 2 weeks. We were sick at the same time with no one to help us. We took no extra vitamins, etc. I'm not sure that was even touted at that time. And, yes we both survived! If they wouldn't scare people so much that they turn their lives over to the hospital where we have seen friends die from the protocol, I believe more folks would live through it.

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help - I am in NZ, I am a NZ'er and our airline - Air NZ - just announced we cant travel internationally with them unless we are vaccinated...this is trapping us...so furious

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My ex-doctor told me “meticulous records of vaccines are kept in MA” so I asked her how this is possible when the state itself advertises “no ID needed vax sites”. Time for new doctor.

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They won't need ID. Soon there will be the Quantum Dot Tattoo. Look it up.

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Kinda off topic, but I got onto Gab because I recently got kicked off of Twitter (for supposedly posting "Covid Misinformation." Wow are there a lot of wackadoodles on Gab! Not everyone, but many, many Gab users believe any and every Covid conspiracy out there. That's why I love Alex. He backs up all his Covid reporting.

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Yeah, I really want a successful alternative to Twitter, but... Gab's not it.

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Or maybe enough of us can open Gab accounts that it will no longer tilt so crazy. 😀

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I'm on Gab and GETTR, but for many reasons they can't replace TWIT and Facebook, and not just because there's no way to easily share links from so, so many sites and online publications. When YOUTWITFACE threw so many of us down the sh!tter, we found other places but now we're so dispersed we've lost our power and immediacy. No one will be saying (at least not any time soon) "You have to see what xxxx said on Gab, OMG!" Whole pieces are written about 1 tweet by a notable person (we can all name many who have been "erroneously" suspended only to be reinstated because of their fame and reach). Reach and notoriety are sadly critical for social media popularity.

As for wackadoodles on Gab and Covid conspiracies, but I haven't seen many unless you consider Christians wackadoodles and I certainly don't... What Covid conspiracies? The biggest conspiracy I can think of is all too real - the globalist pedos DO want to kill off most of us. Klaus Schwab wrote that goal into a document.

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I'm a Christian, too, and definitely don't think Christians are conspiracy nuts. An example of the Gab craziness is when someone posted that two out of every three people that get a Covid vaccine die. I've seen tons of stuff like that. Although I don't think the Covid vaccines are safe, most people do not die although we don't know the long-term effects.

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