I read both _Pandemia_ and _The Real Anthony Fauci_. I can see how you might have some disagreements, but also a broad spectrum of agreement. I believe his view of Fauci is more accurate, but your voice has been valuable to the resistance. Thanks to both of you.

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Mikovits was way ahead of RFK on the knowing of Fauci's ways decades ago. She was one of the original "censored" and crucified for being nothing, but a hero to humanity

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Her brilliant mind absolutely convinced me that the 'vaccine' was a big con.

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such an amazing human!

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She makes Marvel heroes look like pansies by comparison.

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I get soo irritated with the “superhero” movies. People are waiting for a human hero to get us out. Wrong. And the Pharma ads showing the kids as superhero’s for getting the vaccine? That literally turns my stomach.

As an aside however it was a joke/“not-a-joke” that many lawyers are turning out to be hero’s. (Thinking about Reiner Fuellmich and his team and the ones who argued before SCOTUS the past month).

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The movie "Liar Liar" comes to mind.

Truth is the spikiest of all proteins. He-he-he™

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True :)

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I started to read her book "Plague of Corruption" early in 2020 but found her characterization of Fauci as a murderer a bit over the top, so stopped reading.

I have reconsidered my skepticism. This is a seriously bad man.

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think many people have reconsidered on the lil fraud

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Yes, that was horrible the things they said about her. Makes you wonder ... so many medical professionals and doctors come out against one man but not so many come out in favor. Speaks volumes.

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and what they actually DID to her. No different than what has been done with those still in jail for over a year in Washington for attending Jan 6th. Just was NEVER charged with anything yet they tore her world apart.

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Yes, totally disgusting. It's hard to believe that would happen in America... it's no different than any Soviet style way of punishment.

The "pandemic" has truly revealed a lot!

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At least she lived to tell the tale ... It's dicey coming up against drug dealers. There's a similar psychology, regardless of which side of the law they're on. Many who get in the way of Big Pharma and their agenda simply get 'disappeared'. It's been going on since forever, but mostly out of sight in continents like Africa and India.

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Tis true...she has been able to live on and fight another day!

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Fauci stole her research and she was jailed. I first heard her speak in this in April of 2020 here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thomas-paine-podcast/id1491435111#episodeGuid=74c6e6a6-0f1f-424e-814c-ab6029686c0c

EXCLUSIVE: TOP Scientist & HIV/AIDS Research Pioneer Blows Whistle on Dr. Fauci & Corrupt DC Medical Cartel; DISTURBING Details of Threats; Intimidation; Research Theft; Tainted Vaccine Cover Ups; Fraud; Pay to Play; GREED and the FBI Cover-Up of it all. FOR DECADES.

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Thank you for sharing this! I believe I heard some of this way back when but look forward to listening to it again. Fauci is a piece of scum that has the most blood on his hands. He's in line with Dr Mengele in my opinion.

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It's a MUST listen especially since it's from April 2020! Back then the majority of the country was IN LOVE with Fraud Fauci or indifferent because NOBODY knew who he was until this $CAMDEMIC! Mikovits said all he ever wanted was to be a household name. Well, now his infamous!

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many people were suspicious of Fauci, Birx and the rest of the set-up from the beginning, but didn't have or couldn't find ways of voicing that. so no love lost there! although many others did speak out, often internationally connected doctors, lawyers and some politicians, most of us weren't prepared in any way to counteract the roll-out of world-wide dictatorial restrictions. fortunately the situation has changed for the better, there is more expertise and so many more voices countering the official narrative. WWG1WGA

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And should be incarcerated!

Looking forward to listening 😊

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Do you have a direct link to that podcast? The one you gave lands on the Thomas Paine home page. I don't know how to search from there. TIA!

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wasn't there a documentary on her around this time? I posted it on my FB and my doctor friend admonished me.

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Yes. Your doctor friend is like most unfortunately.

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She is is a renegade with a heart of love and willingness to help everyone. Saw her at a conference and she verbally gave her cell phone number out to a few people who hhad taken the jab and told them to contact her and she would help them with resources , treatments for side effects that were plaguing them. No pun intended.

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Hope is a powerful healer...we are all self-healing amazing beings. It's our lack of faith that is our undoing. That's why the placebo trials are the real miracle in our ability to believe.

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We need more like her!!

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Jan 14, 2022
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Yes! She can be found in many places...

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I'm halfway through Pandemia. I want to jump out a window

Got RFK jr's book on backorder

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But then you’d be counted as a covid death…because, well, you were reading a book about covid

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Funniest comment I've read all day. I've found my sense of humor, and apparently that of others, is getting progressively more macabre as this scamdemic goes on.

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Lol 🤣😂

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If you must jump out a window, make sure it's ground floor, OK? We can't afford to lose anybody on Team Reality!

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The voluntary defenestration of the sane nobles.

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Those are strange words you strung together there. Is that a reference to something or just you being extremely creative?

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The defenestration of the nobles refers to an incident that occurred in Prague, not once but twice, in 1419, and again in 1618. Famous history.


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Thx for the history lesson. "Those who don't understand history repeat its mistakes."

Or something like that

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Weird.. I was writing a quip about defenestration in this article right about the time y'all were talking here.


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RFKJr's book will make you want throw the tiny evil Fauci out a window.

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I don't understand why his wife was hosting 'vaxxed only party' tho.

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Wanted to before....

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But, do I really Want the doctors who helped promote fear, anti early treatment, pro death shot, no treatment in hospital other than let you die, continue to promote death shots as safe and who ridicule those who bring truth as “spreaders of misinformation” and EVEN blatantly lie, do I or you really want them to treat you.

Yes, in a true emergency, but I’d rather have Kory, McCullough, et al. Give me them any day.

Did y’all catch the Mel Bruchet md , Daniel Nagase, Md interview? Speaking of some of the GOOD doctors (the ones who are being harassed and even prisoned in Canada for calling out the great numbers of stillbirths at hospital in all vaccinated women.....

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It is a short leap to see where this is going folks. Those of us on Medicare will be denied medical treatment unless we have taken the jabs and continual odd infinitum boosters.

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Jeez, I hope not. It might explain the emphasis on over 65 being at severe risk. We are over 65 as are many friends and few do I consider at high risk.

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I hope to GOD JuQu this forcing those of us on Medicare never meet the fate of getting in effect our coverage cancelled. Pray folks. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I'm amazed just how much the world has changed since the early 50s. I never would have guessed all of this would you? Each morning I wake up I hope it was all just a nightmare. Then I pray fervently.

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I'm right there with you Mable Lean. (love your name by the way).

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I've been thinking and saying that since the first mention of denying medical treatment. I'm double vaxxed (fool me once) but in boosted and plan to stay that way. But the SCOTUS decision on CMS mandate basically said Medicare and Medicaid money was for CMS to do as it saw fit. It is taxpayer money to do as we see fit.

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What better way to "save" Medicare than to get rid of some participants? Either through the death shot or by denying them benefits. Something to ponder.

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Yeah... she is great. I've listened to several interviews of her on the Kate Dalley show. Bereson doesn't seem to buy into the fact that some of our leaders are true psychopaths. Positions of power and influence attracts them. They can become lawless in these positions of power and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it. It is pretty clear now that Fauci has spent 40 years in the position he is to become king of the grant money. He is almost solely responsible for billions of dollars in contracts and research. Considering this is about everyone's health nobody should be able to wield that kind of unchecked power.

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Yeah... she is great. I've listened to several interviews of her on the Kate Dalley show. Bereson doesn't seem to buy into the fact that some of our leaders are true psychopaths. Positions of power and influence attracts them. They can become lawless in these positions of power and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it. It is pretty clear now that Fauci has spent 40 years in the position he is to become king of the grant money. He is almost solely responsible for billions of dollars in contracts and research. Considering this is about everyone's health nobody should be able to wield that kind of unchecked power.

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Whose view?

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Think he means RFK

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Whoa buddy engaging in conversation with a person that you disagree with....that's so 2019 😁

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That is actually so pre-2016.

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That is actually so pre-2000. Been in decline since 911.

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As a Canadian its 2019 but, I hear ya all things have been declining for a long time!

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Canada has been an intellectual monoculture for decades.

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Not in my experience living here but I guess your experience could be different

Like all things lol

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What province are you in?

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Canada has hate speech laws. You've never been able to have a real conversation.

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So all "real" conversations involve hate speech? Quite the conclusion

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And hate speech doesn't mean anything. Hate speech is just whatever speech the dominant political power wants to ban to further its ideology.

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Often, yes. Just look at the whole pronoun debacle. Can you even call a man a man anymore?

And let's be honest, the proggies are great at manipulating any topic into calling it "racism" or "sexism".

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“Hate” is a very subjective word. Now a days speaking out against the Covid shots gets you labelled an anti vaxxer regardless of how many other vaccines you might have taken. Words get twisted into whatever people like.

Speaking out against mass immigration? That’s racist and xenophobic. Speaking out against forever wars? Oh you must be a terrorist. Speaking out against the patriot act? Oh you must not be a patriot. Speaking out against AOC? Oh you must be a sexist. Speaking out against Obama? Must be racist.

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Pfizer ceo says those who disagree with him are terrorists and engaging in hate speech.

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Maybe even earlier. Had lunch with an old high school friend during Obama years. She actually said anyone who disagreed with an Obama policy had to be racist.

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Make that since the beginning. Seek the Truth and that can only be found in the Bible. Look to the source that brings into focus what God says who alone is righteousness. God righteously hates.

30 Verses about Hate.



"Hatred is a feeling that can be both Godly and sinful depending on what it is that is causing us to hate. The Bible speaks of loving God and hating evil (Psalm 97:10) and hating the assembly of evildoers (Psalm 26:5) and hating falsehood (Psalm 119:116). The more we become like Christ and understand the love of God, the more we will being to hate hypocrisy, godlessness, and evil of the world....

... However, we are also warned over and over in the Bible of how hatred and bitterness can destroy us. God tells us in Scripture that hate is a heart issue and that someone who hates a brother is a murderer! (1 John 3:15) We are encouraged to love one another, keep short records of wrongs, and forgive others, not harboring bitterness or anger in our hearts. This collection of Bible verses about hate will help you gain wisdom on how to handle hate with God's power through the Holy Spirit!"

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I cut my teeth on the massive amount of corruption and profiteering and Pharma con jobs back in 2004 with the Avian Flu hoax. Once you have explored the details of these frauds it is easy to identify the scam as it is happening. The playbook is pretty much the same, they simply refine the techniques.

Not so easy to convince others of the scam as they are bombarded with fear porn 24/7. I have to say that the "messaging" is far more comprehensive, insidious and sophisticated with Operation Covidius than all others before by quantum leaps. That and they produced the cadavers this time through an array of medical democides (remdesivir, neglect, midazolam, ventilators, etc.) which solidified the fear mechanisms in the masses.

It's breathtaking really to witness the grip of fear this had and still has on millions and a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves. This is particularly true among the "educated" classes who now have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.

As for the Covid™ fable of 2020 itself, it was and is a nasty lie- all of it from top to bottom.

All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as new medical “miracle cures” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines.”

Every single one of the media bullhorns that were blasting the Covid fiction for the past year have direct financial ties to Pharma Inc.

It’s not exactly accurate to say Pharma uses its power to influence the news- more to the point it is Pharma that writes the script. Pharma and it’s investors own “the news” and you will speak the Pharma gospel if you wish to maintain your position of privilege- it goes without saying.

And when we speak about Pharma this cannot be separated out from the investor class who rakes in oceans of taxpayer wealth through numerous Pandemic Ponzi Schemes with Pharma as it’s “offering” and its Trojan Horse.

"Covid-19" is a business plan not a medical emergency.

Now more than ever it’s important to understand the economics of vaccines. Traditional systems of vaccine procurement and distribution are rapidly giving way to vast public–private supply chains. Despite annual revenues approaching US$1 trillion, the industry has been unable to reverse a declining rate of profit and finds itself in a perpetual state of crisis.

In Fall/Winter of 2019 all stocks of Big Pharma companies were in steep decline. This changed dramatically in Spring 2020 as we now know.

The experimental gene therapy mRNA drugs are set to become the most lucrative drugs in medical history. Pharma depends on its “blockbuster drugs” to remain profitable and appealing to investors. It is not an exaggeration to say that without these “blockbuster drugs” the Pharma industry implodes.

What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.

This was done as the Western economies were in total free fall in late 2019 and the plan to digitize the economies of The West had to be rushed through lest the collapse be seen for what it was- the by-product of decades of Ponzi schemes by the Wall St. parasites and their allies.

The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”

"Covid-19" deaths follow the same age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of flu/pneumonia at the same time that flu inexplicably vanished from the face of the earth while all pneumonia deaths were suddenly called “Covid” using mass death certification fraud.

Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies in response to the non- existent threat.

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One major disagreement with your comment:

You said: "What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman."

Covid was not the re-branding of the seasonal flu. It was a lab-engineered virus. Significantly--and unlike influenza--its age/risk profile shows that it posed almost no danger to young people and children. It is true that the flu "disappeared" in 2020, but that was because the health care system was given substantial incentives to deem anything and everything they could "Covid." The additional excess deaths in 2020 was a mean reversion--it had more to do with the lighter than normal flu season in 2019. The average age of Covid deaths was close to 80 years old. With the decided help of murderous governors in NY, NJ, CT and elsewhere, Covid merely picked off the elderly who had survived through the prior year's light flu season.

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I agree with your assessment. Having had and survived Covid, I can tell you it is different from any other cold or flu that I have had. I had a hard time defining how it made me feel until I heard Tucker Carlson relate that people he knew who suffered through it said that it felt 'chemical'. That's it. I felt like I had lye coursing through my veins. It was quite odd.

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Been reading for many months; first time posting. Had to jump in.

Agree with Victoria and Lawrence about there being a unique virus.

Feb 2020 for me, before it was acknowledged to be in the USA; I got slammed hard with something *utterly* unlike anything I've ever had. A strange variety of symptoms that were intense and, bizarrely, included the swelling of lower face, under neck and lips as breathing became labored, initially. It was shocking to see in the mirror. Also, a raised, itchy rash on my abdomen. Saw Doc first thing in the morning, he claimed strep throat, I doubted that. Showed him the rash, he had little comment except to advise Benadryl and quickly scurried out of the room. Hhmm, about that.

Two tests proved him wrong on the strep. That rash? It expanded in giant patches all over my abdomen and upper legs. WTH? Even though I was bedridden, I made a dermo appt for 3 days later. Get this, at 10AM the morning of, the rash was still about 50% visible. By my 1PM appt, the entire thing had disappeared to the point that the Doc could see nothing at all! She doubted it was an allergic reaction. So, what was that?

Those were the odd symptoms, the primary ones were heavy respiratory and 100% exhaustion (slept 30 hours early-on and was completely confused about what day it was when I finally awoke. It was 2 days later.) It took a month to recover and I had two lasting symptoms for SEVEN more months - a strong broken-glass cough and intermittant, instant, debilitating waves of collapsing fatigue. Never had a flu like that, friends.

Lastly, Dr. Zev Zelenko, tested many of his patients in latter 2020 and 2021 for both Covid AND the flu (yes, Covid tests are bogus) and he has stated that he was NOT getting positives on the flu tests. So, he was surmising, "where DID the flu go?" and was intently wondering about that.

He has to verbally thread the needle, of course, so I can't say for sure what he meant but, believe he MAY have wondered whether the lack of flu shots being given in Winter 2021 was the reason the flu mostly disappeared. Give that a good think, people.

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Sounds like you may indeed have had COVID in Feb. 2020. However, for your info, on Jan. 21, 2020 I woke up covered with red spots and doc said "A viral exanthem; many viruses can cause this; not the measles in your case." So there was a "spotty" virus of some type in the mix, at least for me. And Influenza A had a flat "peak" in the U.S. approximately in the first two weeks of February; it had the traditional flu characteristic of sudden crash into writhe-on-bed misery (prostration) as cytokines are released to kill the virus and you feel like they're going to kill you, too. (Influenza B had peaked around New Year's Day...for me, that one was respiratory.) I appreciate your point about flu shots giving people the flu or facilitating their catching it. I've never had a flu shot and never will...

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Thanks for the info, Kayla. Btw, I had no clue I might have Covid back

then. I knew about it happening in China but, it didn't occur to me that's what I had until almost 2 months later as I was reading about the Covid symptom range (which included a strange rash in the list) and still wasn't fully recovered.

I will admit there were a few times in that first week of utter, bedridden delirium that I thought about whether I had my affairs sufficiently in order. Death did occur to me as a real possibility I was so deeply weakened. The other odd thing is, ever since Sept 2020 when I stopped finally having any continual symptoms, I do get obvious flares that I'm coming down with something viral. You know the feeling, you're about to get socked with a solid week of a hard cold or flu. But, NOPE, it then disappears in 1.5 to 2 days. That has happened at least 8 times since! So, I figure there is still some residual something in my body that gets slightly triggered but, never fully sets in.

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Well, your case is very interesting, and shame on your doctor for running out of the room. Here’s some info that might interest you:

Coronavirus illnesses and influenzas are very different . A coronavirus gets into your nose and throat then multiplies slowly so that over a period of several days (maybe longer), you develop more and more symptoms and they get worse and worse. Then the process reverses and you slowly recover.

With influenzas you have a day or two of feeling “off.” The next day you either wake up very ill and don’t manage to get out of bed, or you “crash” suddenly and dramatically later in the day. Your body has released poisonous chemicals called cytokines, to kill the virus; but cytokines poison your own cells, too. You are feverish and prostrate – writhing around on the bed miserably moaning things like “Oh God, I can’t believe how bad I feel...I feel so sick...Oh God...”, and you can’t imagine you’ll ever be able to stand up and walk again. Good news: “Cytokine hell” lasts maybe 6 to 24 hours? Then you start to feel better but you’re weak, fatigued, “washed out” in body and brain. Recovery takes days to months.

Early in the pandemic, I read a description of COVID that a Chinese doctor wrote for his relatives. He said the first symptom is a sore throat; other cold symptoms gradually develop; on Day 5, your lungs start feeling bad. But then you start feeling better, and if you’re lucky, you just get over it over a period of 3 to 5 days. If you’re unlucky, on Day 8 you start deteriorating and enter a flu-like phase. Why? Because even though the virus is mostly gone, you enter a phase of high cytokines, with fever, high inflammation, and high blood clotting (which mucks up your lungs with tiny blood clots). You develop shortness of breath and your pulse oximeter reading starts falling. Often there’s a crisis point at about Day 14...either you turn the corner and start recovering, or you get hospitalized, or transferred to intensive care if you’re already in the hospital.

So...yes, COVID has flu-like symptoms in the second phase (which you can avoid by treating it vigorously during the cold-symptom phase). About odd symptoms: SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered virus that includes some elements of HIV; I think it impairs your immune system and allows who-knows-what other viruses present in your body to come out and party. My guess is that’s why you had the rash – it sounds much like my doctor-diagnosed “viral exanthem” which lasted about three days, and then magically disappeared in the course of one morning.

About your 30 hours of sleep and week of delirium – Gotta say, I think you had viral encephalitis. I know it’s quite a hideous experience; years ago there was an encephalitic flu going around killing old people and though I was young, I got it and was very, very ill. Never hospitalized because I was living with equally young, naive friends who didn’t realize this was serious, and I was too out of it to think. (Eeegad.)

You still have spells of trouble? Hmmm...If I was your doc, I’d say (1) Zone Diet, (2) avoid eating your blood type’s “Avoid” foods (Blood Type Diet; ignore rest of BTD), and (3) read Orthomolecular Medicine News Service article titled “Canceling the Spike Protein.”

I hope this is interesting and helpful. Good luck to you!

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Recommend trying high doses of melatonin along with the FLCCC long covid protocol in covid19criticalcare.com . Melatonin is a cellular protectant. Also NAC (that’s on their protocol, I think melatonin is too.

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It could also be the fact before 2020 80% of the country were Vitamin D deficient. Only around 5% had good levels with 15% borderline.

Since then loads of people have been taking vitamin D. I imagine the number with good levels has increased by 5 and the number with borderline levels doubled, also they moved up from 30 to 40.

I'm just guessing numbers here mind

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The vitamin deficiencies appear to be on purpose and are part of the scam. There is ample science to suggest our vitamin D levels should be much higher than they are for most people, and yet governments drag their feet raising the RDA.

The general discrediting of vitamins and supplements in the media serves to keep the population vulnerable. This drives respiratory illnesses, which could otherwise be milder or non-existent.

This drives demand for the pharma industry's products, and in retrospect, all of this now appears to be obviously on purpose. The classical government incompetence excuse doesn't cut it any more.

They are in fact highly competent - if we understand their goal is to harm entire populations for control and profit.

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Yeah it is too obvious how they *always* get it wrong.

Just look at the diet they tell people to eat. Grains 10 times a day, sugar, seed oils. Then they tell you red meat and eggs are dangerous! Lol

Look how they feed growing school children. They take the fat, minerals and vitamins out the milk then mix it with sugar and chocolate. Then they give them sticks of carrots that kids wont eat.

By feeding the children fat they would be satiated all day. They would have energy for play. They would be calm and able to concentrate. Fewer kids would need psych drugs for ADHD and the teachers would enjoy their job more.

The average school is full of teachers and children that are frazzled who look close to breakdown.

It is literally cheating the children from a chance at life. So disgusting.

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Same here - early Feb, 2020. I caught it in the ER of the first hospital in the Chicago area to have confirmed Covid cases, was there for a dog bite. Went to work one day and felt really awful, then proceeded to spend the next 10 days flat on my back. Shaking uncontrollably, fevers, chills, delirium, extreme fatigue, though never any respiratory symptoms until I felt like I had bronchitis for about 2 months after recovering.

I'm in my early 40s in very good health - it was the first virus I've had that I thought, "wow - if I was elderly, I'd have been dead for sure."

I never got vaxxed but just had a bout of Omicron. It was like a baby version of the original. Felt really crappy for ~24 hours and the 2 months of bronchitis was much milder and lasted a week.

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You guys do know the vaccine can cause (forgive me I hope I am citing the correct term): “Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a blood disorder that results in blood clots forming in small blood vessels throughout the body.” (Wikipedia) , It’s a rash looking thing with lots of reddish purple dots usually on extremities but sometimes elsewhere. There were several cases on VAERS reports I read personally. And the common VAERS “I had a rash” comment makes me really wonder.

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I had only a bad headache with covid , had no clue it was covid or that I was "sick" until 3 or 4 days after the bad headache I lost taste and smell, which I have NEVER had happen in my entire life. It's like it zaps all your zinc out of your body. It felt manufactured to me in that moment. I'm in my 40s and traveled the world have had so many different things over my life and never lost taste and smell before over a headache? SO BIZARRE

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Same here. My symptoms were a head cold and a headache for 4 days, followed by loss of taste and smell.

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My sis n law that is a chain smoker and one year younger than me had the same as me, but a slight sore throat. She's not healthy at all and that's all it did to her.

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I had COVID but started treatment on Day 1 of symptoms so I never got beyond a mild sore throat, a few swollen glands, and slight chest discomfort. A close relative who got it at exactly the same time didn’t get early treatment so went through the whole sequence of symptoms though not at a dangerous severity. But like your case, it was unlike any other virus she had ever had. The CDC’s own testing data (not using fake PCR testing) showed distinct peaks for Influenza A, Influenza B, and COVID-19 in the 2019-2020 flu season. I had both influenzas and I say, COVID is not just rebranded flu.

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Totally agree. The manipulated nature of the virus is evident, making conventional wisdom not applicable (ie with SARS, immunity from 17 years ago still works against Covid-19, but those of us who had alpha strain are now getting omicron). Also, at least in my family, severely ill don’t match typically most likely victims. Most recently, delta put a healthy 38 yr old on a vent for 5 days. WTH?

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WTH is probably that your relative was treated with Remdesivir. Listen to Dr. Bryan Ardis (web search on DuckDuckGo) describe the effects of Fauci's favorite COVID drug, which killed over 50% of people during a trial in Africa. In a high percentage of patients Remdesivir severely disrupts kidney function, leading to serious edema and soon to "flash pulmonary edema" -- in other words, lungs full of fluid. That's when a "healthy 38 yr old" gets put on a vent. Many patients progress to multiple organ failure and death. Your relative was lucky to survive the "treatment."

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We were VERY upset when they used Remdesivir on him, but he already got put on vent before they gave it to him. Also, he had a few days of IVM before being hospitalized & of course, the hospital idiots told his wife IVM caused his liver enzymes to be elevated. (I’m sure it wasn’t all that Tylenol, right??)

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That’s how I feel with this vaccine. Like something foreign is clogging up my blood vessels and attacking my nervous system. Awful.

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Have you studied up on the adverse effects of the vaccine? Blood clotting is one. Blood "agglutination" (red blood cells sticking together so they can't squeeze through capillaries well) is another. The vaccine has provoked your body to manufacture spike protein, which is bad for your brain as well as the rest of your body. The good news is, lots of "alternative" doctors are working on treatments for the vaccines' adverse effects. Two suggestions: (1) Read "Canceling the Spike Protein" article from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and (2) Check out many different detox options at https://metanutrients.com/2021/10/31/dr-ariyana-loves-detox-protocol/

Seriously, don't delay. Get going on a protocol to help your body recover.

Don't wait until the adverse effects train-wreck your body or brain.

Good luck and best wishes to you!

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Same here. I just came through it, really a very bad cold, but the worst bad cold I can remember.

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We had a very strange cold in December of 2019. Like nothing either one of us had very had. A lingering sore throat that went on over a month. Hall's became our best friend. We had the symptoms looking back before the information leaked to the public. The only difference we can remember we didn't think to take our temperatures. It's possible we had a low grade temperature. Both of ours are a point lower than most people's.

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Jan 14, 2022
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I think 5G will increase people's vulnerability to viruses because of its oxygen-energizing effect. What I've read is that the "energized" oxygen is very difficult for red blood cells to "capture" in the lungs. And viruses *love* low-oxygen tissues...

My relative and I lived way the heck out in the middle of nowhere so I don't think we were exposed to 5G in March 2020. We went to a small town nearby several times per week but a town that small would be low priority to get 5G-ed up. But I heard an interesting thing about the pandemic and 5G many, many months ago -- Wuhan, New York City, Seattle, and northern Italy were already "blessed" with 5G before COVID-19 arrived so perhaps their people were especially vulnerable.

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That’s fascinating on a lot of levels. I’m not a “Terrain” or “host” theory proponent (vs Germ Theory) but some of the comments on these stacks have encouraged us to look into it. I have. Still seems a bit out there. What you are saying should be truly scientifically researched (I doubt it ever will) but almost implies a kind of combined terrain AND Germ Theory origin.

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I research all sorts of things on the web but unfortunately I don't always remember, or record, where I saw something. But when I was messing around researching 5G and COVID, I saw one or more map(s) overlaying COVID-19 incidence with 5G implementation and the match-up was very clear. Couldn't tell you where to find that map, but I think if you google "5G oxygen effect" and perhaps throw "COVID" in there, you might be able to track it down.

We human beings are so dang black and white in our thinking. Mother Nature loves complexity. Is it really beyond human grasp to understand that the truth is complex interaction among microorganisms, their hosts, and their shared environments? It's Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory only in the brains of humans who haven't absorbed the lessons of ecology (the science, not the good cause). You are on the right track when you say "a kind of combined terrain AND Germ Theory origin" -- keep expanding your understanding.

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The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. This ‘virus’ is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. Just consider that we are looking at a ‘virus’ that cannot be identified as SARS-CoV-2 (there is no evidence), so that’s the end of that story. It was man made on a computer by Drosten et al in Berlin in January 2020 for reasons that we all know.

The bioweapon thesis, by relying on the virus thesis, weakens all legal and other cases to stop the measures and vaccinations. Because then it becomes a question of what is the greater danger, and answers can only be subjective. This may be a reason why it resurfaced. To keep lockdowns and all the measures in place or returning regularly, to force vaccination, you may still be able to by bringing the fear of a bioweapon.

Sanjoy Mahajan states:

"Another disinformation method is at work too, seen in the omnipresent coverage of the Wuhan bioweapons lab, gain-of-function research, Fauci’s funding of it, etc. Even intelligent alt media is falling for this piece of the psyop. All that coverage (1) strengthens the belief that viruses are contagious and deadly and can be made more so, preparing us for worse pandemics and lockdowns, and (2) distracts with talk of alleged bioweapons “over there” from the real bioweapons going into arms here."

A further but related result is to distract from the fraudulence of the whole “pandemic” conjured up with a research tool, PCR, that has been repurposed into an impossible-to-calibrate “test” made without any isolated virus and run at a Ct so high as to detect RNA fragments.

Another way you might look at it is if your theory is true I would say we have nothing to worry about as this supposedly engineered bio-weapon seemed only able to pick off one-foot-in-the-grave 80 year olds in nursing homes. Of course that's not what happened- they were murdered by bureaucrats and the administrators who carried out those policies.

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Yep, it's all a scam even the flu was combined with pneumonia to pump up the numbers


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Look for the UNC production moved to Wuhan by Obama.

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I don’t agree, at least not entirely. Yes, we should keep our focus on the most important aspects of this fight. But, isn’t one of the most important facets of this fight to take down Fauci and all those promoting every aspect of the false narrative? The bioweapon origin should help with that. But I DO see your points that it could fuel the fear-porn narrative and weaken some of the other fights going on right now. I, for one, don’t consider the “origin” to be in question. Too many facts pointing to it.

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My view is that the best way to go after these crooks is to focus on the financial fraud which is everywhere you look.

The next best manner is to go after them for the reckless endangerment and manslaughter.

I believe the evidence for these is abundant and the legal path on these two crimes is more direct.

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Jan 14, 2022
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TQ for posting, Sam Bailey fan here :-))

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Cool that you figured it out back in 2004. I’m bothered that I always took an annual flu shot (never again, BTW) and more or less believed the hype surrounding all the fear porn. It was the masks and lockdowns this time that alerted me that this wasn’t real, and that something nefarious was going on.

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Yes big pharma and friends overstepped BIG TIME with lockdowns, masks, mandates and all the censorship. Millions of regular people are now wise to all the fraud and corruption under the hood. More and more figuring it out each day. Not sure how it plays out but one thing I know: doctors are going to run up against a mountain of resistance to flu shots, MMR vaccines, hpv and all the rest. And there will be significantly less trust in drugs, cancer treatments, hospitals and doctors among all of us regular people.

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Right! I’ll never take a flu shot again.

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I never have had one and do seriously wonder if that has anything to do with why I have had the flu only about 5 or 6 times in my life (in my 60s).

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probably...one thing we have learned through all of this is natural immunity is superior

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so we'll need to take extra care of our immunesystem..... let's do some research, share information, savour our herbs (and supplements) and teach our children. sounds like a plan :-))

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Albert Bourla ha ha (not exactly who I turn to for information!!!) said just a few days ago that Novak Djokovic , the tennis star who has natural immunity, should get vaccinated because it’s better than natural immunity. I tweeted back the 146 studies cited by name each on brownstone.org website showing the superiority of natural immunity.

I couldn’t help tweeting this along with the link “you didn’t pass biology 101 in college, did you?”

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My last flu shot was more than 30 years ago, and I vowed I would never get another after it caused an instantaneous blinding headache. I don't believe I've had the flu since then, which I also attribute to the lack of annual poisonous injections.

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I've only had the flu once in my life, as far as I know. Am sure it was the flu because back in those naive times (1986) I believed in being among my coworkers regularly, and sat in the break room and heard tales of how bad the flu was that was going around: Tales from people sitting a few feet away. But more likely the problem was I touched sink handles in the bathroom, etc. Anyway, never had a flu vaccine that I can recall. Starting in the latter part of the 90's, when I felt I was coming down with something I would start with the ginger and echinacea, and later added zinc to what I'd take when coming down with something. Plus a lot of gargling. Full disclosure: I did come down with bronchitis twice, 5 years apart after ridiculous crowd exposure, dense crowds of partying people. I didn't know about zinc till after the second bronchitis.

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Jan 14, 2022
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My late husband used to say "The Black Panthers made Martin Luther King Jr. look like somebody to negotiate with." And "Demonstrations are more successful in changing things when there are a few people willing to overturn police cars and set them on fire."

And from an excellent article I read back in the early 2000's (paraphrasing): The Elite do not change their policies out of any moral or ethical consideration, or concern for the common good. They change their policies only when they see the fabric of society (on which their comfortable, wealthy lives depend) ripping apart.

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I took a flu shot in 1993 , I was 14 and I got sick from it. I never took it again. In my 20s my company started their wellness program, we will pay you $100 dollars to take this flu shot. I really thought it to be an odd tactic to pay someone to take a shot that made me sick as a teenager. I've never taken it but the one time. I'm in my 40s have literally never been tested for the flu. If I get sick it's normally Jan and if it feels like it's hindering me from my job Ill go to urgent care and never once have I been tested. They just give me some antibiotics and send me on my way. My husband is 38 and he's never been tested for the flu and has never taken a flu shot.

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I never ever heard people moaning about the flu until the flu shot was rolled out. Now people talk about not being able to move, dripping sweat, aches and pains all over, wild temp fluctuations and extreme sickness.

The flu for me was always a sore throat, shaking, a temp and feeling tired for 3 days.

I don't remember the last time I had the flu. 15 years ago? Never had a flu shot in that time znd never had the flu - same cannot be said for the people I know who take the flu shot every year!

Antibiotics for a viral infection? That annoys me cause they didn't check to see if it was bacteria csusing the problem. I guess that would take too much time for something that isn't greatly important.

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I've never had a flu shot and I've had some bad cases of flu. As I understand it, much of the "awful feeling" from flu actually comes from the cytokines your body releases to kill the virus; the cytokines are toxic to your own cells, too. The Influenza A that peaked in the U.S. in the first two weeks of February 2020 was a nasty one. My husband got it first and I thought he was a sissy for writhing around on the bed groaning "Oh god I feel so sick" for hours, but a couple of days later I was doing exactly the same thing. My worst flu ever (many years ago) was an encephalitic flu that was killing many elderly folks. I was horribly ill for days.

I'm not saying the flu shot is a good thing. I think flu shots are damaging. I'd never take one. Just want to give you a more complete picture of how the flu can affect people.

About antibiotics -- Elderly people with respiratory viruses are often given antibiotics to prevent the bacterial pneumonia that often piggybacks on respiratory viruses in old folks; it's the bacterial pneumonia that actually causes most "flu deaths" in the elderly. Some doctors will prescribe antibiotics for younger people who have unusual vulnerability to pneumonia.

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Dead on about the last paragraph Allen. Without the clout of powerful mind manipulation using the corrupt media alliance this does not get traction. By those entities using our "we the people" monies to fund massive #'s of daily PSA and media propaganda it simply cannot grow into mass psychosis formation. Hitler used the same tactics in the 30's to create the illusion of the infectious Jew and to be feared. I'm sure the same tactics have been used many other times around the world at differing times in history and currently in entrenched tyrannically controlled places like China and North Korea etc

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Excellent summary.

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Began wayyy before 2004 the Pharma ways. Some say as far back as the Flexner report in 1910

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Let's not forget one of the reasons Big Pharma was not profitable has to do with the investors pulling out as much money as they can from the company.....since the early 80's the mantra of maximizing shareholder return has gutted anything good in most companies.

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Jan 14, 2022
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They were basically Theranos, if Theranos had got lucky at the last second instead of being caught lol

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Jan 14, 2022
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not quite: they pretend to own the world. illusions of grandeur. even AI can't help them control our creativity, our empathy and innate power of the third eye.

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Jan 14, 2022
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Thanks for making me smile! It's been a rather grim day but I'm grinning ear to ear now.

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Jan 16, 2022
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Dang. You’re a poet.

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I like this Kennedy way better than those other ones.

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As a conservative I look back at some of the things the Kennedy's did and think "not exactly what I want but I would so settle for the overall package"

I mean compared to modern day dems it is shocking to see leftwing politicians who actually cared about the working class!

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JFK would be a conservative nowadays

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I've been making my was through RFK's book and I'm on the part about how Fauci handled HIV and I can't understand how he stayed in power

I'll have to give this a listen

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Same here. The depth of evil at play is breathtaking. Has been a real eye-opening read. Can't recommend it enough.

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Jan 14, 2022
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Thank ya, made it myself. Dig yours as well. Will Forte is a fave of mine.

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He’s a bureaucratic knife fighter who plays the game. Results don’t matter in government.

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Well said. Best sum-up of Fauci I've seen yet.

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Yeah, this story has been "out there" forever, but largely ignored by the public.

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Well I'm just hearing it now. The way this is going I'm assuming Fauci gets sent to jail but manages to escape and somehow frame his Twin brother for the nonsense he pulled in the 80s and 90s.

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Maybe his prison name was 'the science'

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Does the book cover the work of Liam Scheff? He died a young man around 2015 but he was really one of the only guys going hard at Fauci. Nearly everyone else had their eyes off the ball but I think Liam saw where the greatest threat to human freedom was going to come from. Pharma.

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Liam (and Celia) are mentioned in RFK Jr.'s book. Liam passed away in 2017.

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Are you sure? I don't remember him being around for Trumps POTUS run before winning in 2015.

It is weird cause so many researchers I liked died around that time. Dave Mcgowan 2015, Michael Collins Piper 2014 and a guy with a strange name who wrote a book about the Clintons.

All died within a couple years of one another. All were fairly young and the illness came on very swift.

I will say Dave smoked like crazy and Piper sounded like he liked a drink but they were young.

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Maybe, but that name isn't one that stuck with so far. Kramer is a name that comes up. The writer from Dallas Buyer's club, Melissa Wallack. Another writer with a substack, Celia Farber, made a potent analogy that what Fauci did to medicine was to bring weaponized politcal correctness to it which caught my attention. Her substack: https://celiafarber.substack.com/ But I may just not have caught that name

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I'll check that substack out.

Here's an article by Liam. Worth reading and it doesn't take long. He was really outraged by what happened to the kids.


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I guy named Nussbaum comes up a lot but I missed who he was. Need to look him up.

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A standing ovation for your comment!

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If there’s 2 of them I’m coming home to Jesus now. How the world can take one is beyond my comprehension.

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I started reading Jon Rappaport's blog https://nomorefakenews.com/ at the beginning of the plandemic. He's been onto Fauci since the aids crises.

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How did Fauci stay in power? "Kings and Presidents come and go, but Bureaucrats endure."

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RFK and Berenson 2024 ticket :)

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Alex, You have crossed a line with me. Dr, Malone is the sane voice of reason in all of this. Frankly, his credentials are impeccable as a researcher and vaccinologist. We love you, but always remember that you're just a scribe in all of this. It would be a pity if hubris from recent success at book sales and SubStack subscriptions were to over-inflate your self-confidence, causing you to lash out at the good guys.

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A few questions.

Why was Malone deep in the deep state/pharma infrastructure for many years and did not raise his hand that there was a problem until recently? How does that make his credentials impeccable.?

As someone who would have known all the problems with coronavirus vaccines, with an experimental gene therapy injection that had not been properly trialed or tested, why did he take two shots from a young company that had never produced a successful product on the theory that he might need it to travel (which was not correct - he could fly into Europe without it) - what does this say about his judgement?

I believe he claims to have invented or contributed to the invention of a technology that Moderna describes as loading in an operating system in the human body - some describe it as turning a human into a GMO. Based on the latest reports, it is a technology that should be trashed (See Palmer and Bhakdi).

So what are the credentials that impress you? Contributing to the invention of a dangerous technology now killing and disabling millions? Working comfortably for decades in one of the worlds most corrupt industry/area? (See Kennedy's excellent book) Not understanding his industry and products resulting in what he now claims is his near death?

Unless of course you are funded by the folks hoping to take what they have learned in this ongoing experiment to reaffirm and legitimize MRNA technology and proceed with the trillions in profit they are hoping to make from exploding the size of the liability free gene therapy drug pipeline to "treat" a steadily more poisoned population.

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Catherine it’s good to see you here. I agree Malone is too deep in the sh!t to really be a good guy, but Alex’s interview with him only hurt Alex.

I’ve enjoyed your talks on the magic virus and moving money into small local banks and Credit Unions. Among your other topics.

Keep up the good stuff you do.

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Different people get here at different times in different ways. They should be welcomed not ostracized.

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Wow. Where to start? How about - Malone is on all 9 patents issued in 1989.

What he invented was a method that has a wide range of applications that will benefit humans for centuries. It's a real shame that 30 years later his methodology was used opportunistically by Big Pharma to create a profit engine that should have undergone a decade of animal (non-human) trials before first use.

He has never been in the Deep State. He has been a research advisor to DARPA and others (USAMRID) trying to develop important vaccines such as Dengue, Ebola, etc.

You have an angle here - you want to tear down the truth-tellers. Sadly, Alex had an angle last night - he doesn't like to share the spotlight.

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Have you seen the list of companies he worked for and the sources of funding/grants. Sounds like you need to revisit who and what the deep state is.

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There are quite a few “on our side” that are affiliated, or were, with deep state. I think, as with ALL aspects of this whole fiasco, we must think, think again, then rethink. Our blind trust in any of them may be a source of downfall. Ie eg Dr Byram Brindle. In Canada. He’s against mandates but is helping a company develop vaccines. Or maybe even owns it, not sure. Not sure how I feel about him.... talks a good talk.

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Yes, good people trapped in the machinery - many have left and been pushed out. As one friend says, "There are allies everywhere"

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Trust no one, verify everything. Difficult to do in this day when powerful clandestine forces play on both sides of the field. But try we must.

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I worked in research for 16 years, and no one does research without money - it's that simple. If you want to do research, you have to get it from somewhere, and that's usually either the government or a company with financial resources. Some of what results is bad - very bad. Some of those results are good. I have seen government policy influence scientific research, and it is not a good thing, and it is getting worse. But if you have the talent and the desire to do scientific research, you have to find the cash to fund it. There is no escaping that reality. So if every researcher that gets government or corporate funding at some point in their career is tainted, then all researchers are tainted.

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Me too, at the risk of now having people on this thread suspect me! That is, like many STEM people, I took jobs funded by the Military Industrial Complex, quickly got to the point where I said to myself "I hope I'm not helping build missiles or something", admitted I probably was, though was distant from the end product, got into something non MIC when I could, and have stayed in that.

I'll just reiterate that, as a judge of character and lack of guile, I've listened to the entire 3 hours of Malone with Rogan (pretty good interviewer by the way, didn't interrupt etc.) following many months of perusing Malone's Twitter page at least once a day: Seems like a good man and didn't raise any red flags with me. Which probably just means I can envision a vaccine researcher focusing on the low-level, the biophysical mechanisms and all, and then when the shapes of the evil start to become apparent, says yegads!!! or words more colorful.

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Agreed that you need money and way too much is government. However, being at the heart of the vaccine industry, including for companies making the anthrax vaccine, in the DC area, is at the heart of a machinery that is distinctly poisoning, lowering IQs and creating an epidemic of chronic illness and chronological damage - hard to believe that people at Malone's level did not notice. And if they did not notice was does that say about their judgement? I left Washington in 1998 - because the corruption was rampant and seriously out of control The people who did not leave were fully on board.

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Are you suggesting that Malone is a Deep State operative?

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I am suggesting that I do not understand Malone's history - each time I hear him speak it generates more unanswered questions. For example, promotion of mass formation. Someone with his background has to know that control is very invasively one by one and very nuts and blots to generate anything that looks like a "mass" phenomenon.

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Well, this dumb ol county boy got no idea what you just said. And the real CAF is much more clear spoken than that.

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Jan 15, 2022
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No one does what Alex does to make money. If people want to make money they go into professions that make a lot of money. That is like saying a grade school teacher is not sincere because she gets paid. Not sure how Alex's profile is relevant to the unanswered questions asked about Malone.

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Have to admit to being enlightened (or think I've been) about many goings-on by both Dr. Malone and by C.A. Fitts (I'll tentatively believe this is the actual C.A. Fitts posting, because it could be). I followed Dr. Malone's Twitter from about Summer to its demise, and mostly learned about clinical trials, theories, rebellions by doctors, goings-on in other countries, etc. from what was posted by others on his Twitter. Sometimes by Dr. Malone himself. Note that he states in his 3-hour Rogan interview (I think he says this twice) that he's the *only* one of his set of people that he knows, who does not have a financial conflict of interest. Ie. he claims to not have current dealings with the DOD and the like.

Malone has said even on his Twitter page that he's not anti-vax (except for specific cases done shoddily and with maybe evil intent, so that's most from Big Pharma), and has admitted to working on a "next generation" Covid vax. So, he hasn't tried to hide that. One test would be if his group revealed what's in it, let it be analyzed, etc. if it ever does get to completion, and fully reveal all the clinical test data.

Any of these fairly recent crop of doubters of Dr. Malone: Exactly what plan or purpose do you hypothesize in which he might be trying to lead people astray?

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Good questions that deserve answers. Perhaps Dr. Malone is feeling remorseful for his past involvement. I still wish Berenson hadn't personally attacked him as that is destructive to the search for answers for the rest of us.

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Amen! I think we ought all be very cautious when a new voice rises to the top. This instant superstar status being given without a reasonable background check is dangerous. Looking at Dr. Malone's own list of his achievements may give any one of us who have misgivings about experimentation on mammals a second thought. Something about the things Dr. Malone has been doing in the lab for 30+ years gives me pause and I have to wonder where he was prior to coming out. Recommend everyone review the list he published on his substack.

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I like how you phrased this. Very carefully. I am not going to dispute your facts on Malone because, unfortunately you are right to question these things. Malone can defend himself.

I am more appalled at Berenson questioning the true science of ivermectin. See my other replies.

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Hi Catherine, it's lovely to see you here.

When I listened to Malone's recent interview with Joe Rogan, it popped into my head that he had said something about "the FDA knew" regarding the problems and risks with the covid jab in a previous interview. As such, I went back to the first interview that Malone did with Brett Weinstein and Steve Kirsch to verify what he had said.

Brett: "The vaccines encode spike protein. The spike protein itself we now know is very dangerous. It's cytotoxic"

Malone: That is "more than a fair description [re: spike proteins] and I alerted the FDA about this risk months and months and months ago. We had a discussion about it."

Kirsch: The FDA "knew about the bio-distribution and one of the scary things is that the bio-distribution peaks in your ovaries."

Malone: "They [FDA] did know."

If that is so, that Malone knew all about the problems and risks of the jabs then why did he get the jab himself? It doesn't make any sense to me unless he received one of the special saline ones.

This is a link to a 1hr version of the censored Dark Horse Podcast at CHD: https://bit.ly/321jEpo

My other problem with Malone are his connections to intelligence services and the deep state. When I took a closer look into this I came across this interesting article by Raul Diego on Whitney's Unlimited Hangout website about Michael Callahan, "DARPA's Man in Wuhan" published July 21, 2020. It refers to Malone as an old colleague of Callahan.

It was confirmed that "Dr. Callahan had called Dr. Malone on January 4, 2020 to suggest the possible use of Famotidine as a treatment." As of the date of publication of the article in July 2020, Malone and Callahan were said to still be working out which one of them would get credit for identifying that previously FDA approved famotidine (Pepcid) could be used to treat covid. Source: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/07/investigative-reports/darpas-man-in-wuhan/

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Very interesting. Thanks. Part of the context for my questions is the suggestions in the business media and networks that MRNA technology is expected to explode in size and profitability. Sounds to me like it will be specifically targeting the diseases caused by the immune suppression caused by the MRNA technology. Seems to me anyone should understand that MRNA should be killed for good. Loud and Clear - as Bhakdi and Palmer have been https://doctors4covidethics.org/elementary-my-dear-watson-why-mrna-vaccines-are-a-very-bad-idea/

Our problem is not the FDA and Fauci. They are symptoms of the problem - a global coup engineered by a secret governance system. This is why stopping the passports immediately should be of the highest priority. As Mike Yeadon is doing. He is clearly warning that once they go into effect, governments and those who control them can mandate ANYTHING. So anyone who understands what is happening is shouting from the rooftops - it's a coup, stop both the passports and mandates now - do not comply. I find Malone and Kirsch remarkably silent about the passports or use of the word "genocide" . Compare their interviews with Yeadon's - Yeadon's is clear in a manner that anyone anywhere can understand. I find Malone buried in long discussions of comforting twigs. Compare is description of the vascular damage from the spike protein on Rogan to Bhakdi's. I was struggling to understand how he could be talking about the same phenomenon. So again, more unanswered questions.

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Jan 15, 2022
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Compare his interviews with Yeadon - who is one of the best at warning.

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I hope so too. The thing is that if Malone is speaking out because he's concerned for the public's welfare, whey did he wait so long? The Dark Horse Podcast interview was in June 2021 at which time he was well aware of the risks and had allegedly told the FDA about them "months and months and months ago." Why did he wait so long?

Also of note is that Callahan called Malone in January 4, 2020 to discuss treatment when we've been led to believe that they didn't know until late January?

This is the section of the July 2020 article, "DARPA's Man in Whuhan" which refers to who gets credit:

"In March, ASPR Robert Kadlec, wrote to Northwell’s executive vice president of research encouraging him to draw up a contract proposal and a budget for the “Pepcid trial” with Callahan. The proposal that came back was about $20.75 million-short of what Dr. Malone, whose Alchem Laboratories Corporation would be getting the actual contract, apparently wanted.

“We stepped in to do it on behalf of Northwell (which) knows nothing about federal contracting”, Malone told AP. But, it seems that Callahan’s Pepcid brainstorm ruffled a few feathers at HHS. Former BARDA director, Rick Bright, cited the Pepcid fiasco as the prime example of how Kadlec “was inviting violations of federal procurement law” in his March 5th complaint.

"For the moment, the Pepcid trials are on hold as Malone and Callahan work out who gets the credit for the “idea”. Robert Kadlec, meanwhile, remains the ASPR and – as far as we know – Michael Callahan is still advising him on matters pertaining to COVID-19."

Source: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/07/investigative-reports/darpas-man-in-wuhan/

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Jan 15, 2022
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This is from the NIH Clinicaltrials.gov page re: Cetirizine and Famotidine for COVID-19:

Recruitment Status : Withdrawn (Study stopped due to issues with enrollment and lack of funding.)

First Posted : April 8, 2021

Last Update Posted : August 20, 2021

Source: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04836806

The Daily Mail reported August 19, 2020 that "a small study from Hartford Hospital found that coronavirus patients taking the common heartburn drug Pepcid AC were less likely to die of the infection. The Trump administration gave $21 million in funding to a trial of famotidine, the active ingredient in Pepcid, in April, but it is on hold due to a shortage of patients." Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-8641613/Study-claims-patients-taking-Pepcid-AC-likely-survive-COVID-19.html

It would be good if someone would ask Dr. Malone about this in an interview.

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He has also sat on many regulatory bodies for approvals and such. He has the credentials that "that side" should respect. He is clearly NOT anti western medicine, so that side can't dismiss him as a crackpot

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From my point of view, these facts are precisely what make him valuable to those of us fighting the mandates. He's a pro-vax, right-in-the-thick-of-vaccine-science, advisor-to-the-government mRNA pioneer who got the COVID-vax himself -- and in his calm, collected, confident way, he's saying "STOP. This vaccine using mRNA technology I pioneered *is not working right.* We need to STOP what we're doing and figure out something better."

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He's had a successful scientific career following a line of research that's proven viable. That's what makes his credentials impeccable. He took the vaccine because he thought it was safe. If he was some sort of deep state operative, I don't think he would have done that. It might be that he's lying about having taken the killshots. But if he isn't lying, he's just a good scientist with impeccable credentials.

I think you're basically accusing him of being a normal person with a good career who's found himself in the middle of a shitstorm, like we all have. He was a scientist on the scientist track, not a "deep state/pharma infrastructure" operative of some sort. At a certain level of analysis, we're all Federal Reserve operatives, deeply involved in the central banking/deep state infrastructure. Most people never even glance in that direction, though. Some of those people have impeccable credentials. C'est la vie.

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Just because someone like Malone *researched* mRNA vaccines in the 80's and 90's doesn't mean the fruits of that research have yielded the intended or hoped-for benefits. Although many experiments were conducted with mRNA vaccines over the years, none has been distributed on a global scale like this one has. There were good reasons they never made it to market before. It's hard for Malone to complain about a technology that had never been deployed in this way, before a decision was made to actually deploy it.

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Check out his substack from yesterday. He lists all the mRNA experiments in which he is credited and it's quite extensive - and, well...

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The inventors of many weapons, later express regret and that their inventions were not used as intended. Malone knows this technology was still at prototype level. Not ready for widespread use.

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Jan 15, 2022
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Janti, I think you need to fully consider the fear that gripped the world in the spring of 2020. At this point we have loads of data that cause us to see the dangers of the gene therapies - 20 months ago it was just fear and panic.

Also, I sympathize with Doc Malone's willingness to avail himself of a novel and "curative" technology that sprang from his own research. As a psychiatrist would say: he was ripe for that choice.

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Jan 15, 2022
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He also thought it might help him with his long covid

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You can't cross borders without a jab. I took one to bury a family member in another country.

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He explains it in a substack article. Having to travel for work is a lot different than wanting to go on vacation.


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Jan 15, 2022
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I too wish I understood Alex's doubts. Dr. Mal one's reaction to Alex on his Substack seemed over the top. I don't know what to think so I'm reserving judgement.

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That just gives him more credibility. It shows he had no pre-existing bias against the shots. And he is addressing the concerns that have come from Real World data

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Yep, unnecessary low blow. Who among us hasn't said or did something later regretted? (Hint: not Alex). Doesn't discount Dr. Malone's central message.

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I think you have exaggerated the nature of the interaction between Dr Malone and AB out of all proportion..It was not that antagonistic or unduly combative. Accusing AB of hubris is just plain silly.. While Dr Malone's very close and long-term involvement with the technology and the commercial and govt entities involved, plus his extreme ambivalence at the beginning of the vaccine rollout and sudden Damascene conversion to early-treatment protocols has always waved a few red flags for me and still does.. But I do not doubt his motives. It's just early on I believe he was still trying to protect his standing within a scientific community and industry that he now realizes has no regard for ethics and is determined to chew him up and spit him out...

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Calling someone a liar about their accomplishments on national tv, in a completely unsolicited ambush is not "that antagonistic or combative"?

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He didn't call him a liar. He questioned the claim of 'inventor'. Malone himself replied that his was one of the names on the patents - yes, not the only one! And those patents were filed decades ago... A lot of development has happened since then...Look, I admire Malone and his stance..

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I was disturbed to see Alex go after Dr Malone. What possible purpose could that serve?

Maybe he (Alex) thinks Malone is a fraud in some sense; maybe he (Alex) is himself controlled opposition; maybe he (Alex) wants to be the Big Resistance Dog ...? Whichever, it did him (Alex) no credit and harmed the sceptical movement. If he (Alex) had a beef with Malone he should have said it to his face OFF camera - he could have used his Substack to make some allegations if he so wanted to. Overall not good.

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Am I the only person anymore who finds listening to or watching 1 hour+ videos and podcasts an unreasonable time commitment requiring a quiet environment and absolutely nothing else to do when I could read that content in 1/10th of the time?

It takes SO LONG to get the information I want. Some of these things are 2+ hours long and could be presented with maybe 2 pages and a couple of charts.

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Yes and no. I typically listen to a pod when I’m doing stuff around the house. It’s double productive, gotta fold the laundry and do the dishes might as well listen to a good long form pod. I also enjoy a long form article though. Pods are better for two people debating. Long form article is better for a person presenting a view.

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Same here, I recently started listening to pod casts, I too listen while getting things done around the house. No time for TV.

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in my cave I have talk radio, TV and puter on at all times...when home of course lol

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The only kind of podcast I can listen to like that is comedy or inane topics like pop culture. I can't imagine focusing on a detailed explanation of breakdowns of vaccine efficacy by state or nation while triple-tasked.

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I can't focus on factual details of any kind even while double-tasking. I much prefer to read than to listen to podcasts. As for triple-tasking, I can't even imagine what that would be.

I'm sick of having noise around me all the time. We're meant to experience relative quiet most of the time. Our nervous systems didn't evolve to be constantly processing noise of all kinds, every day, for nearly every minute we're awake.

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Try listening to the Bible. It comes on audio or mixed audio/DVD formats. Love my audio/visual. Brings peace and understanding.

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Same, Truthbird.

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But look at some of the reactions on here. This happens whenever I bring this (or social media use) up. It's like people feeling compelled to defend liking Trump or the Red Sox or something.

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I hope that is sarcasm GM

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Nope, it isn't. I actually, genuinely can't absorb detailed information about complex scientific or academic subjects while running around my house multitasked. I can enjoy light subjects in that context because it isn't important for me to remember every detail or focus in a sustained way.

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GM and TB

You must be much older than I.

I can at least balance one tennis ball in the air.

Generally I can still remember what I went down the hall to fetch.

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Everyone has different learning styles. Some get details through written (me and Guttermouth e.g), others verbal, others through doing. For many 2 forms are helpful (like reading the treatise on auto mechanics then having a hands on mechanic show you how to fix your car). No one is the same. God created us unique for a reason and we all contribute to this discussion (I’d say even the stinkin ‘ trolls..... 😀 who often galvanize us to defend our tribe, not necessarily a bad thing... ).

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I'm well under 50.

I guess I'm just stupid and incompetent.

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Why? It was obviously serious and logical.

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Still no excuse for not providing a transcript.

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I would PAY extra, gladly, for folks like Rogan to offer print versions of important speech.

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I use wireless ear phones and listen while cooking, cleaning, doing dishes, etc. These tasks are excruciatingly boring without something intellectually stimulating to listen to. A good interview, of any length, is one of my favorite things. I do appreciate transcripts when they’re available.

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I think this and the many other comments like it so far highlight the fundamental personality difference that causes such a big division: I'm comfortable being bored while performing manual labor. In fact, I love it.

Doing barn chores, washing dishes, or cleaning house are basically the only times I don't have competing demands for my attention and I can empty my mind. It is invariably an incredibly mentally productive time for me: I come up with ideas for better versions of our completely new writing projects, I untangle a complicated argument from a few hours ago, or I reflect on something I didn't have time to respond to fully in a meeting or conversation prior.

With continuous stimulation, that level of reflection just wouldn't be possible for me.

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Hey, you've got a way that works for you, that's what counts. Even listening to interviews, podcasts, etc. a lot, I have a fair amount of "open time" for my mind especially when doing outdoor chores, driving by myself, etc. One of the things I like to do with this "open time" is write haiku and tanka...this invites me to look for and focus on things that are beautiful, unexpected, intriguing, humorous, etc. It's a good practice in "opening to the essence."

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I much prefer these than two minute interviews on news programs where the interviewer talks over you and then cuts you off with a commercial break.

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me too

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I actually like hearing other humans. I spend a lot of time alone now. 😢

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Try church. I know mine would even welcome someone who didn’t agree but wanted just to talk. Hope.org if you want to see.

Jessica Rose, Phd, commented on her substack the numbers of suicides on VAERs, yes, VAERS if I read her correctly. But also just in general population.

She made me cry. She posted her personal email and said she didn’t know how much she could help but to contact her if someone needed to talk. We should all reach out to one another in this crisis. Thanks Jessica if you read this.

You are not alone. Jesus cares. You can talk to him. Even if you don’t believe in him (hi Guttermouth 😀) he’ll listen.

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Kennedy is an excellent writer and I'm grateful for the Fauci book (on page 50 or so at present) but listen to him talk? Mind if I don't?

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I drove me crazy until I found out that he has a medical condition that causes his voice to quaver like that. After I read his book, I was so impressed that I hang on his every word no matter how it sounds to my ear.

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Kennedy's vocal injury was caused by a severe vaccine reaction many years ago (some time in the 1990's, I think). He spoke about this in a segment of the vaccine colloquy which the National Vaccine Information Center produced in the fall of 2020. I believe it's still available on their website: nvic.org

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yes, I mind ;-))

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Lol, no, he is not what I would call a public speaker.

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but he IS a very gifted speaker, even catering to great crowds of anti-cov protesters here in Europe regularly too (London; Italy). his organisation publishes a valuable daily newsletter - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/welcome-to-the-defender/

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I'm glad you brought up the CHD email newsletter. When I recommend to people that they broaden their sources of news re: the pandemic, the CHD newsletter is the No. 1 non-MSM news source I suggest. I particularly like that their articles contain many links to sites for more information or for science/sources backing up their statements. Some of the TV shows on CHD's channel are excellent -- Dr. Brian Hooker's "Doctors and Scientists" program is my favorite. Kennedy and his CHD team also do brilliant legal work.

Del Bigtree's Highwire program (weekly news live and past episodes available on video) is another really good news source, but some people don't like Del's energetic, passionate, informal style. But the cites for everything Highwire covers in an episode are emailed out to newsletter subscribers every week. And Del's ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) is doing first-class legal work.

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And if you are hearing impaired or deaf like me, they are utterly useless, regardless of time constraints.

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This is why I like the time stamps on Youtube. I can jump ahead to something specific or of interest that I may not already know about. Any article on the net if it starts with a video I INSTANTLY close. Walking or driving is the only time I can listen to a podcast if I'm not fully concentrating. Those who say they multi task I bet don't retain all that much. Its basically a misnomer.

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I've seen a lot of the really good non-pop research on multitasking by industrial safety and media folks and, if you know even about little bit about cognition, is pretty indisputable: anyone who says they losslessly multitask ANY information-bases task is lying to themselves. And, in true human form, the folks who tend to rate themselves the best multitaskers are the ones with the most performance loss, making the self- measure more useful as a flag of low self- awareness.

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Yes, agreed. I'm a retired pilot and the job IS multi-tasking, especially in a single seat aircraft. And it's hard. One of the hardest things for students to learn is being able to fly while listening to and talking on the radio. Heck, it's hard sometimes even when you're experienced. You very quickly tune out everything else while concentrating on the manual task. Many more examples I could point out.

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Yep. We absolutely CAN do it, and there are many specific modern processes that bake it in, but you are ALWAYS diminishing both. And simultaneously, everyone believes they are the superhuman exception, like drunk driving.

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I listen while I am working. It does take sometime to get use to it. This is what works for me. Thankfully I’m self employed.

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Totally agree. I’d much rather skim an article than try to navigate a video!

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Thank you! I wont watch podcasts or videos. I am a reader.

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They're ENORMOUS time commitments and because they're typically unscripted, you feel like up to a half hour or so of your life is stolen by long meandering tangents or uninteresting bits you can't speed through, whereas something professionally written is at least marginally composed.

I hate that I have to sit through 2-hour long YouTube monologues, 90% of which isn't information at all, to keep up with something someone important has said. I hate the decline of reading.

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The minute a YouTube video starts with “hey guys” - I close the browser and move on with life outside of the digital world.

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"We've got a lot to cover, but first a 35-minute series of shout outs to random people you don't know about from social media because you're not 18 years old."

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I watched the interview of Drs Nagase and Bruchet from Canada yesterday. It’s about 22 to 30 minutes of some American Indian “inspirational” at the beginning. I recommend the interview but really was hard to fast forward!!!!

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Jan 14, 2022
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And now a 10-minute unstamped block about my crypto trading sponsor!

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It seems like you're referring more to the decline of your own attention span.

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Sure, go with that.

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You're 100% correct. Maybe people with lots of time on their hands are ok with it, but I've got young kids and a company to run. Give me a summary please!

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Exactly this.

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Jan 14, 2022
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I've noticed a weird defensiveness about this.

When I worked for a marketing agency a few years ago and the CEO got obsessed with YT and IG video and I casually mentioned to the creative team that I don't personally like video and find it low-fi information transmission, you'd have thought I talked about rounding up Jews.

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Hey Guttermouth, you and I are on same page on how we get info. Definitely on your side on this argument despite my snark a moment ago about Something else, you’ll probably see it, I assure you the snark was meant in good humor.

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I recall my father remarking in the 1960s (I was a kid back then) that listening to speech (via the radio) was a much slower way to receive information than was reading. That remark stayed with me. He was right.

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Yep, but look at all the attitude about this. It's interesting.

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On many YouTube videos, you can see a transcript by clicking the '...' to the right of Save and select "Open transcript" It won't be properly formatted or spell checked, but it might help. They seem to be derived from the option for captions, which is not always selected by the uploader.

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It's a good tip, but much more often than not I find it completely unreadable gibberish, the kind of speech-to-text transcripts I used to get paid to wade through (before 99% of that work became outsourced at 1% of the cost to non-fluent English speakers to cheaply do a sort-of adequate job) and turn into readable copy.

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You can also speed up the audio if you can follow it that fast. (I can't.)

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Hmmm...I don't make time commitments to videos or podcasts. If I'm cooking or cleaning and my listening life is being wasted by tangents etc., I stop and switch to a different video or podcast. I choose carefully in the first place so I seldom have to do this. I don't listen to long monologues, unless you count well-prepared lectures/presentations intended for educated audiences.

If there's technical stuff I can't absorb, I either stop my house-task, sit down and concentrate and take notes, or decide to just "get the gist" and make a note of links to written sources that I'll obtain and study later.

When I need to learn technical material, I get written sources (on paper, not screen!), clear my desk except for essentials, and study at a quiet time of day. I growl at anyone or any object that makes noise. I certainly agree that multitasking doesn't work in this situation.

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One of the reasons I like Peter McCullough. He usually comes straight to the point. Not always but usually.

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Dr. McCullough's interviews and presentations are dense with information and he has cites for everything. And he's one of those doctors with great integrity and deep concern for people. Listening to him is nourishing for the heart as well as the mind.

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yes, it's a shame really. i don't have the time or the focus to sit through talking heads longer than for a short while, but hey, we're all different ;-))

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I typically prefer reading but do listen to and enjoy podcasts while doing other chores, out walking, or driving. I typically listen at 1.5x speed to save time. I agree that videos are often overly time consuming and less preferable than reading for me.

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Agree 100%. It feels like a chore 30 minutes in.

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Like these other commenters, I also do household chores while listening to podcasts. If its Spring/Summer, I listen while working in the garden. It's a great way to use your time while doing chores. Or you can work out- lots of options. I am too hyper to sit down and listen to something. Helpful to have pen and paper around in case you need to jot some notes down. Looking forward to listening later as I clean the kitchen.

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Yes, me too, to everything you've written here!

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I can get chores done or do some exercising while listening. I love to read, but I’m trying not to sit too much. So I mix it up.

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Multitasking seems to be everybody's reason for liking podcasts. But I hate multitasking.

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agree. so-called multitasking takes us away from the moment. paradoxically using our senses and to focus on any activity at hand gives an enormous freedom in the mind, with ideas that pop up seemingly at random. however, we're all different I suppose.

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I think a lot of people who don't like to "waste" time doing anything without listening to something actually just don't want to allow themselves to abide with their own thoughts. They've become addicted to having their minds continually distracted by outside stimuli.

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I agree on a lot of them. I’m pretty decent at maintaining attention but even Dr Peter McCullough’s impassioned speech at AAPS about medical and scientific nihilism, while awesome, I just couldn’t find s solid hour and half. But he and others often have loads of information to convey.

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The clip is hard to watch. Alex’s face seems blank, like a zombie or a sock puppet (absent expression, unnatural eye blinking), as if he had been “programmed”. Could not wait to spit out his poison.

The host asked one simple question (about the Joe Rogan show) and, totally off-topic, Alex blurted an unwarranted attack on Dr. Malone without any data to back up his accusation:


Dr. Robert Malone backs up his mRNA creation and patents with actual DATA:


Alex shows NOTHING. He just screwed himself up and is going off the rails. Good way to mess up his work and part ways with his audience!

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If fox had asked you what you thought about malone.

If fox had asked you what you thought about ivermectin.

If your credentials and contributions were so much above malone's or if malone has been misleading the public on substantive matters.

If you and malone were brought on to represent opposing sides of a topic.

If you weren't undermining a leader for our side, as well as alternative treatment options, which then takes away arguments against the vaccines...

Then i could give you a pass.

But as it stands, it sure looks like private berenson and general malone were headed out to battle, and you turned and thrust your sword into him.

The least you could have done was talk to him about this in private first, and go from there.

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well stated

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If you're interested in first hand knowledge of Anthony Fauci I suggest you avail yourself to the writings/discussions of Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of the covid vaccine technology...not to be confused with inventing the current vaccines). He has worked under/with Fauci going back decades and shares very revealing anecdotes of him and his Mafia Boss style approach to the bureaucracy he over sees. He's a little tyrant.

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Dr. Malone really speaks frankly on Joe Rogan and goes way back to the beginning.

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Probably same discussion I heard on Michael Savage podcast...very revealing.

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I am sorry, but I won't be following you anymore. I saw the interview between you and Dr. Malone and I think at such times as these, we are all so fractured and fragile, that when we do all gather via an interview with a large audience, or around your articles, the last thing we should be doing is attacking one another. There is no gain to this. Unity is how we get through this. Not divide. I wish you well.

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It’s perfectly rational for reasonable people to disagree. I don’t agree with everything Alex says or does, but I’m going to keep looking to him as a source of information in this new world order of censorship. Yeah, it was weird that he led with an attack on Dr Malone, but I’m not done with him because of that. In this beautiful country of ours, we’re allowed to disagree and engage in debate. I’m certainly not going to cancel AB because I disagree with him.

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It is entirely one thing to disagree with someone’s viewpoint but one shouldn’t attack his character. He basically said he was a liar. I bought his book and will still follow him but he dropped a notch or two in respect.

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Yes, it was strange and I’d love to hear AB give an explanation. But I’m not participating in cancel culture.

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You are conflating two different things. A response to blatant defamation is not even remotely the same as "cancel culture."

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No but I think Elizabeth meant cancelling subscription to Berenson over this, not the defamation itself.

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I have stated it several times here. Malone can defend himself. He does it well and I appreciated his short verbal response to Berenson.

But the re-attack on ivermectin by Berenson was absolutely false and uncalled for with no factual basis.

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Jan 15, 2022Edited
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I found it really really easy.

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Jan 15, 2022
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Tactics maybe?

Everyone looks a little crazy. This issue is too big not to. Probably not a good time to be getting associated with someone like Malone while you are in the middle of a lawsuit the other side would surely use against you.

The segment was not a good look, for sure, to many here. It seems like Alex is still waiting for his data to uncover a simple reasonable explanation and everyone will all of a sudden say, "oh, my bad, let me fix that".

But big picture Alex is in the middle of a fight that will positively affect Malone as well.

Alex is still a great source of information. People should not worship other humans. They will let you down.

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I’m going to continue to repeat myself so that someone realizes this: Berenson ALSO attacked the efficacy of ivermectin. Ivermectin has been proven multiple times by studies and observational data. What is his motive in that? He had zero proof.

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Well from his point of view as a data analyst, maybe there just is no controlled data that backs up those claims? I didn't hear him attack ivermectin, just that the claims, however positive they may be, are not backed up by trials or published /controlled data. I could have missed that part though.

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Amen. Humans all are somewhat crazy at different times, in different ways. That's the only thing I know for sure.

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I am repeating this for effect: Berenson also attacked Ivermectin and it’s efficacy, did no one hear that? I posted the links before and happy to do so again. Ivermectin has been proven by many many years to be safe and by multiple recent studies and verifiable world data to be effective.

I personally believe Malone defended himself adequately.

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I'd like to hear from Berenson what he thinks about why he did it. It was a personal attack that didn't need to be done because it had nothing to do with the question asked of Berenson by the reporter.

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I saw that before I watched the clip and I thought it was over the top. A bit of "me thinks thou doth protest too much" defense.

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Alex: What's going on with you and Dr. Robert Malone? I just received a Substack from him regarding an interaction with him on Fox where you claimed he did not invent RNA vax technology. I'd like to hear your explanation on all this.

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Alex’s attack (on Dr. Robert Malone) shows his true colors and indicates that he lacks knowledge, wisdom, self-awareness and integrity. Very disturbing and unfortunate. A turning point for Alex and perhaps a necessary wake-up call for his subscribers.

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Certainly does look like a serious unforced error.

All he has to do is say he's unconvinced by some of Dr. Malone's claims, but he supports his ability to make them and to have open debate. Instead, he personally attacked, and he's wrong on the full body of evidence in the process.

Oh well, both are anti-mandate, anti-authoritarianism, pro free speech and that is literally all that matters to me anymore. Whatever other quibbles about who gets credit for what or what therapies they back are trivial distractions that I wish neither would engage in at the moment until we are at least free from the current state of medical tyranny.

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You two need to kiss and make up. No time to be shooting each other across the circle. Did Diesel "invent" the internal combustion engine or does Ford get the credit as he was first to make a mass- usable version. Who cares.. they all do. Frankly, I wouldn't want any professional association at all with these child-killing clot shots. Apologize with grace. Please.

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Dr. Malone has nothing to apologize for.

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That might be a good analogy but..... look at the dates on Malone’s patents. I’m not saying others didn’t contribute to the “invention “ or “discovery” but I’ve never seen a date THAT early (Malone 1989) on anyone else’s documentation or assertions.

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Alex, I have followed you faithfully over the past two years, but no more. Your comments made about Dr Malone are wrong, factually and morally. I have done my own research on Dr Malone and he is in fact one of a small group of researchers who developed the lipid nanoparticle platform back in the late 1980’s. Shame on you. Thomas Fletcher, MD

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Alex once defended Dr. Fraudci on Tucker Carlson Tonight. He said he was sure the Fraud didn't know about the funds granted to EcoHealth. I was curious why he said that, but even more curious now on what's really going on with Alex.

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Agreed. Alex has gone on record proclaiming that no election fraud occurred on Nov 3rd 2020 and that the events of Jan 6, 2021 were an act of insurrection. He is certainly entitled to his opinion. He is entitled to express his opinion and I would defend to my death his right to express his opinion. Curious he uses his platform of Unreported Truths to promulgate his version of truth on issues far afield of the virus and the vaccine.

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Until recently, you didn't have to agree with someone to have a conversation. Now, opposing viewpoints are met with vitriol, censorship, and very public attacks & smears. I want more speech, not less, and will sift through it and make my own judgement to the accuracy. We need more Berenson/RFK type dialogue, and soon.

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Jan 14, 2022
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If someone decides to block someone else for whatever reason, that is a decision that they make for themselves. I don't want Big Tech deciding what I am "allowed" to hear or see. I want every bit of data, medical opinion, or other pertinent information that gives me what I need to make informed decisions.

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Jan 14, 2022
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Nope. I am merely pointing out that I want more speech, don't want anyone deciding for me (Big Tech), and appreciate that Alex and RFK were able to share their different perspectives. Both men have had an uphill battle trying to educate people, and I am grateful to hear their POV without someone filtering it.

If Alex blocked someone, I was not aware of it, and figure it is his choice. I want everyone to be heard, period.

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Reading his book now. Eye opening is an understatement.

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the fact that you had some disagreements was the best part. and, I think the distance between the two of you is shrinking through mutual exposure to each other's research

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Agreed on all counts. That's when America was at its greatest, when people of mostly different views could find common ground on the truth. Today the truth is a subjective commodity to too many Americans - predonminantly on the left - lest they be forced to put country ahead of political party. Coid policies are the paradigm example. Halfanation of mindless puppets, led by the ultimate one. You used tobe able to t ell the difference between the ventriloquist and the puupet, but now that has become far more difficult, especially at the White House.

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You assume, for the sake of argument, that Fauci thought China had released a truly deadly virus and acted out of caution. Then you ask, "why did he act like that in the months after?" That's the key issue here. If they thought this was an accident and the goal was to avoid death, they would have jumped on Ivermectin immediately. Instead they spent all their effort on ventilators, Remdesivir, vaccines and stifling dissent. That's the smoking gun. Fauci wanted death, not death avoidance.

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The prevention of treatment is the smoking gun.

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And covid has just been one part of what's been happening. When I heard about covid I was like "right on time". Look at what's happening in the USA and other countries with the creation of "domestic terrorists" out of thin air, then pushing the people who rightly question your authority into that category! That started back before 2016 (think Hillary and her deplorables comment) but really took off once Biden took office. It's plain to see if you step back. They are pushing the citizenry to either compliance, or action so they can "respond" to the domestic terror threat. The expected result would be the same. Whomever is left will comply.

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And he’s STILL doing it. He should have reversed course by now.

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Why the heck did you turn on and intentionally seek to humiliate Dr. Malone on the Ingraham show tonight?? The - credible - truthful - lead doctor, who continuously battles the despotic creators and extenders of these bioweapons , destroying our entire world is enough. My God in Heaven, did you join that satanic club? I pray not. I will be cancelling my order for your book, as well as unsubscribing. You went too far. I’ve lost respect, as I’m sure others watching did so, as well.

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Unsubscribing. What you said to Malone is beyond the pale.

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Just saw a push notification to my work laptop about "doctors" complaining about Joe Rogan spreading "societally harmful" misinformation about covid19. And by societally harmful they mean factually correct.

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The problem is the doctors and boards actively pushing the real misinformation themselves (I.e. the vaccines are “safe and effective” misinformation rhetoric) and tearing down those who are promoting what they consider misinformation even in the face of overwhelming scientific veracity. I.e early treatment and vaccine injuries. It’s lunacy what we’re seeing.

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If it were just lunacy I would feel so much better. For me the lunacy ship sailed long ago. I'm expecting something really bad from Brandon in his speech one Wednesday. Not necessarily covid related, but it's all part of the same plan.

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To understand Fauci’s long history of unethical behavior, I highly recommend researching Peter Duesberg, Kary Mullis, Christine Maggiore, & many others. Recommended reading-“Inventing the AIDS Virus” by Duesberg.

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RFK Jr's book covers all of these people pretty well. When I finish I'll be doing a deeper dive into the HIV/AIDS rabbit hole. Had no idea what it's really all about. So tragic and so revealing about what we're currently going through. Essential reading for subscribers of this substack!

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I feel the AIDS crisis was a trial balloon for what’s going on now. They used a group of people that wouldn’t garner much sympathy at the time. These murderers need to hang.

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Check out Celia Farber’s work. One of her articles in 2020 was what sent me down the AIDS rabbit hole. Having never questioned the HIV theory, it was quite shocking & honestly, difficult to wrap my head around initially.


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I actually came across this article when it came out and then completely lost track of it. Thank you for bringing it back to my attention!

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ARP thank you for the referral. Many of us have been researching this by March 2020 and some before us. This eugenics trajectory almost unfathomable that this is the generation that the Olivet Discourse will be fulfilled. Best source people who seek the truth go to the Gospels and John 17.

God has His Plan.

God’s will be done.

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I'm piling on here. I respectfully suggest that you publicly apologize to Dr. Malone. You were beyond rude in that Fox interview. The facts on his accomplishments - clearly so, and on Ivermectin - less clearly so, are not on your side. If Ivermectin has nothing more than a placebo effect, if it's enough to keep one out of the hospital - where they will euthanize you for 50K, like they did with my brother in law, then it is a fucking "wonder" drug.

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Yes Alex, the key word in this encouragement to apologize is *publicly.* The fact that you started your comments by attacking Malone's credibility was totally inappropriate and beneath you. Adding the comments about IVM showed how under-informed you are on both subjects.

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Alex did this same thing to Naomi Wolfe when she was deleted from Twitter. He basically said good riddance. Then he got deleted. Kharma... is... well, what a b*tch.

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I’m so sorry, why is it that everyone continues to denigrate ivermectin? The studies and observational data ARE clear. While it is not 100%, studies have shown a MINIMUM of 65% effective, more when used for early treatment protocol. Usually upwards up 85%. And ivermectin is safe (decades of safety profile). Remdesivir has 58% effectiveness but it’s safety profile is abysmal. It harms the kidneys.

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Dude. What the eff on Robert Malone? You're on the same team. Surely you could have done a quick check on his patents. Man. So disappointing.

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At a minimum he should have at least addressed it with him privately first. Alex if you did address it with him privately first, and you have reasons of for your accusations, we would love to hear them

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Bingo. I think he likely will be.

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Please, please please, apologize to Dr. Malone. Or risk your own reputation.

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I just read Dr. Malone's response to Mr. Berenson's appearance on "The Ingraham Angle." https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/bushwhacked-by-alex-berenson-on-fox?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTA3OTU3NywicG9zdF9pZCI6NDcxNTIzMTQsIl8iOiJ2TUNLNSIsImlhdCI6MTY0MjI1MjM3MCwiZXhwIjoxNjQyMjU1OTcwLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNTgzMjAwIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.0g5-QODzGeqIsfIL7xpn9x_XlNG02fjHsdcrNEfpx_Q

While I have not yet viewed the segment and as a journalist will do so to get all sides of the story, is it ever a good idea to publicly accuse someone with proven medical/scientific background who has worked to expose the truth of dishonesty?

I am also concerned that Mr. Berenson says he sees no evidence of fraud in the November 3, 2020 presidential election despite the existence of evidence now reportedly leading to formal investigations: https://fox28media.com/news/beyond-the-podium/georgia-opens-investigation-into-ballot-harvesting-claims



The "81 million votes" Biden reportedly garnered is also inexplicable, given that never before have that many votes been recorded in any election (including the approx. 74 million Trump allegedly received). The numbers just do not make sense: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/12/09/fact-check-joe-biden-won-most-votes-ever-and-fewest-counties/3865097001/

Where are all of Biden's supporters now?

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I agree the election was fraudulent but.... don’t roast me on an open flame please... (1) Republicans have not called out voter fraud when their own side won, and (2) Trump elicited such venomous antagonism in The other side I can see huge numbers voting blindly for Biden. That many? No, I doubt, but still huge numbers were just voting against Trump. I am ver conservative but I also questioned some of his crazy comments and actions. Some of those actually might be proven in historical context to be good while others were just scratch my head and wonder what in the world he was thinking????

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We need to seriously do some boycotts. I love Columbia Sportswear, but this is ridiculous.

Report: Nike, Columbia Sportswear Will Fire Unvaccinated Employees


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This is awful to say but I have such a hard time listening to him because of his wonky voice. I'll give it a try.

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You get used to it

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He's stuck with a form of partial paralysis to his vocal cords. Ironic and tragic both.

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How so on the partial paralysis?

I guess ai must investigate how it happened or if it was from birth.

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Kennedy suffers from spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological disorder that affects the muscles in the voice box.

When a person speaks, air from the lungs is pushed between the two vocal folds, causing vibrations and, therefore, sound.

With spasmodic dysphonia, the muscles inside the folds move involuntarily and spasm, interfering with the vibrations. As a result, the voice sounds strained and shaky. It can vary from a sufferer’s voice breaking every few sentences to every word in severe cases.

Researchers consistently have identified abnormalities in brainstem reflexes and other aspects of disordered neurological function in people with spasmodic dysphonia.

Genetic factors may also put some people at greater risk of developing spasmodic dysphonia, particularly those who have family members with any form of dystonia.

While some evidence may suggest that symptom onset follows an illness such as viral infection, head trauma, bronchitis, surgery, or a stressful event, it has not been scientifically proven and the medical community has not reached agreement on whether illness or stress plays any part in the onset of SD.

Non-Clinical Explanation : It could also be a result of the universe saying to the family that its recent ancestry had too much to say.



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Kennedy talks about this injury in a segment of a vaccine colloquium created by the National Vaccine Information Center in 2020. He developed this condition after receiving a vaccine some decades ago.

Here's the web address for the conference:


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Thank you.

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I wish more people were aware of this! It seems that very few are aware of it.

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You do get used to it and his voice sounds worse at the start usually, then he warnms up a bit. Although that could be down to the listener no longer noticing cause the conversation is so interesting.

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You really do get used to it pretty quick.

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I think it is called spasmodic dysphonia. The NPR broadcaster Dianne Rehm has it as well.

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And Katherine Hepburn had it too.

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Thank you for the proper terminology CV

Look at the best source for anything Medical here at Cleveland Clinic


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When RFK Jr. spoke outdoors in Italy last year (on a fantastic sound system--Oracle films), his voice was quite pleasant. More importantly, his content was gripping & crucial to the moment, very much needed: childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rfk-jr-covid-measures-switzerland-italy/ (His speech starts at the 28:00 mark.)

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Not awful, but not nice.

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Self-flagellating right now. And ironically my hubs is an ENT doc.

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Part of the issue is his recording equipment. He needs to work on that.

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Jan 14, 2022
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DT I’m listening to the conversation now. My only critique is both of them speak way too quickly. Both must be Yankees.

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Alex, you need to make a public apology to Dr. Malone quickly or your credibility will be destroyed. I do not know what you thought you would accomplish, but your hubris is starting to rival that of Tony Fauci.

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Meanwhile, 34 year old, perfectly healthy, athletic Bachelorette contestant Clint Arlis just dropped dead. Happens all the time, apparently.

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Jan 14, 2022
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The "brilliance" of these shots is that they cause all sorts of problems over varying amounts of time so it will be a challenge to convince people who are true believers what is really happening. The disregulation of the immune system will cause problems from controlling all sorts of viral infections to cancer that will show up sometimes within weeks and sometimes not for years to come. The blood clots and heart problems are showing up earlier but even those are dismissed.

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"What is Janus?!!"

(that's my obscure reference. It's Friday)

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Jan 14, 2022
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I hope you're right but I fear that there are millions of brainwashed people who cannot be reached.

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Alex--you deign to not speak in terms of 'conspiracy theories' here, but when you draw lines to the players you find it was major domos like Incutel (CIA investment arm) and Palantir Pete (Peter Thiel,) who put up seed money for Facebook and so many other tech firms of such profound influence. Omidyar, Eric Schmidt, Apple, Microsoft all have conjunctions with NSA-CIA-DARPA let alone their own Facebook investments. It's a Blob within the larger Blob and they have their fingers on and in everything of importance in modern society/civilization The major universities in the MIC such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale and MIT are all prominently joined at the hip with these über-techies too, out of whose labs and on-campus "spook" communities these draconian Brave New World diktats and policies have so magically arisen in their democracy-dooming takeover. Just the facts, man. Not a theory, conspiracy or otherwise.

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Journalists with nannies must talk in code.

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Alex, give it a few more years and a bit more research, and you'll be in agreement w RFK on almost everything.

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I had exact same thought.

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I hope it doesn't take a few more years for Alex to allow himself to become aware of what's happening. There's no excuse for him to be so unaware at this point.

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ESPECIALLY about the election fraud geez get real Alex

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These are the kinds of conversations we used to have - before hyper-partisanship exploded.

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Frankly, I don't understand why you felt the need to make obviously false statements about Dr. Robert Malone given his background, experience, and journey to speak out about these mRNA vaccines. Also, your comment about ivermectin is provably false given that front line doctors in the US and other countries have used it successfully to treat COVID patients. I bought and read your books. And I've followed you here because I thought you were presenting facts. Now, I'm wondering if your research can be trusted. Or are you part of the controlled opposition? I'm feeling betrayed by you. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/bushwhacked-by-alex-berenson-on-fox?r=jxl18&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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My 2 cents. Kennedy is coming form the perspective of a lawyer who has dragged corporations into court. He's seen how they've operated over long periods of time. I think he has their playbook. If i were 25 and exposed to his current ideas i'd probably think he was nuts. But i'm in my 50's now. Seen a lot more life.

I think it's hard to swallow some of Kennedy's ideas for most people. These are very threatening and fear inducing ideas....war on democracy, people like Fauci being both psychopaths and in charge of public health (that's my term for fauci not kennedy's : ) ). But this fight is always going on. mostly the good guys win enough so that the rest of us can just live normal lives. Sometimes they don't. when that happens society goes off the cliff for a while. Kennedy has the type of courage and conviction that is rare. I am so glad people like him are around. Hate to think what things would be like absent these types of people. Alex is in this group as well. And glad to see so much unity on the side of truth, courage, and decency.

I think what's important is that both of them are committed to decency and getting to the truth.

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What on earth, Alex?

Information--real information--about this so-called pandemic is too damned important to have two of its biggest contributors at each other's throats.

How about an appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast--you and Dr. Malone can clear the air.

Please! Too many people are depending on BOTH of you.

(And there's too many people who are giddy-happy that you & Dr. Malone are feuding.)

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Covid DID NOT cause excess mortality- he says "no question about it."

Patently false.

He then goes on to state that 35% of the "covid deaths" occurred in nursing homes.

These were not "covid deaths" these were deaths of medical malpractice. Forced medical treatments (vents, remdesivir, midazolam, fentanyl etc.) that guarantee death are not viral events.

Add the neglect and abandonment that occurred in the nursing homes to the list.

This isn't even getting to the fact that "covid" is determined by the phony PCR scam.

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I am very pleased with what RFK Jr has done in this fight against these dangerous posions masquerading as vaccines. I never agreed with the Kennedy's on much, but I am firmly aligned with him on this issue. And I am grateful that he brought to light the crimes of Fauci and why this evil mad scientist should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity instead of lionized for funding the creation of a virus that has killed over 5 million and supported drugs that appear to be responsible for the deaths and disabilities of perhaps as many as hundereds of thousands of Americans.

What has surprised me - and I am not easily surprised - is how much luster has faded from the Kennedy name. I guess out of sight, out of mind, they were the American monarchy for a different age. I can't help but wonder what the public reaction to the entire government response to Covid would have been if his Uncle Ted still was alive and worked along side his nephew in fighting the use of these unsafe and ineffective lethal drugs the government is trying to force into peoples' bodies.

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You have the wrong relative. Uncle Ted would be the least likely to assist him.

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Actually Ted Kennedy gave the famous speech in the senate that shed light on the decades long infamous Tuskegee syphlis experiment. He would have been right alongside RFKjr.

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I believe so as well, and it would have been interesting to see if today's liberals who so blindly run to get shot up with these poisons would have thought differently if their patron saint was advising against it.

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Sadly, Bobby Kennedy, Jr's family is very opposed to his work on the vaccine issue. They have publicly made statements against him. It's very unfortunate that the Kennedy's refuse to back one of their own.

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Yes, the ringleader, ( a daughter in law I believe) is…..A PEDIATRICIAN. She makes a fortune from giving shots. No conflict of interest there…and of course she is afraid to debate the science…this predates the ‘Rona, but she must privately be having major second thoughts now(or her head is WAY up her….)

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If his family is against him then he must be OK.

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Yes, that's a very good point. It is said intelligence skips generations, but in that family its hard to find the generation that was not skipped. The oldmanwas socrooked that the first Securities Acts were written to prevent his schemes in the future, JFK nearly got the world into a nuclear war, Teddy had a lot of problems with women including driving one off a bridge to her death, and the latest generations have done nothing of much value save for RFK Jr's efforts to stop these poisons from being injected into the arms of children.

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My how times have changed. That family was famous for speaking with one voice.

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Jan 14, 2022
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Alas its true. Even though only 12 years removed, Ted is a distant memory to most in today's America.

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Alex, have you read RFK's book? I would be interested in hearing your take. I've read both yours and RFK's - both great. Also, you've often emphasized your disagreements with RFK, but I've never heard you engage with the content of those disagreements except to say "other vaccines are safe and effective." Obviously, I'm not saying you can't disagree, but RFK makes some good points and it would be interesting to hear your response (not just the safe/effective mantra). Edit: Okay, just listened to the whole podcast and you responded to several of these points. Very interesting discussion!

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Yes, I agree. I was injured by those safe and effective vax(s). One size never fits all. RFK, jr knows the deal. So does Meryl Nass etc.

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Sorry to hear that. This is what I mean - RFK discusses liability shield for the childhood vaccine schedule, lack of double blind placebo trials. Also, just the fact that the same agencies promoting a product (and mandating for school children) are given the task of monitoring safety. There are clear conflicts of interest. Many other countries around the world (UK, Scandinavian countries, Canada) had laws banning vaccine mandates pre-COVID. Also, this seems to be the direction the whole debate on COVID vaccines will move in as they become normalized - towards medical freedom in general.

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Okay, just listened to the whole podcast and you responded to several of these points. Very interesting discussion!

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The fact that our 4 grandchildren got the vax is beyond devastating to us, adding to that, our 2 13 yr old grandchildren got the same “amount” of vaccine that a fully grown adult would get (when even the amount of Tylenol is adjusted per age/weight), is even more horrific. I thought “one size fits all” was for buying socks. My husband and I are wrecks with worry.

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It doesn’t even work well with socks. Lol. I’m scared to death my grandkids will be mandate but school. Hopefully the mother will agree to pull them out if so but my kids like seeing friends at school etc. unbelievable

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One of our daughters is a teacher so the “fear” is oversized! The “fitting in” and “being allowed to participate” is hitting children very hard. Such a shame…I’m hoping your grands can escape it!

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I think he emphasizes that his disagrees with JFK every time JFK comes up to distance himself from aligning with a *gasp!* "antivaxxer! 🙄

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Okay, just listened to the whole podcast and you responded to several of these points. Very interesting discussion!

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Okay, just listened to the whole podcast and you responded to several of these points. Very interesting discussion!

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Okay, just listened to the whole podcast and you responded to several of these points. Very interesting discussion!

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Okay, just listened to the whole podcast and you responded to several of these points. Very interesting discussion!

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Thanks both!

1A - Free Speech.... we should be able to debate together, great ideas.

Happy New Year and God Bless

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Amen in full agreement NJEA

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UNSUBSCRIBING!!! Ironically, you just earned yourself HUNDREDS OF CANCELLATIONS for your completely random comments on a segment about being cancelled… LOL!!! There’s countless studies on the efficacy of Ivermectin; and patents are patents… So you were patently false on both fronts. Doc Malone is a leading warrior against the greatest crime in world history. You looked like an Ape in a zoo pulling shit out of your ass and hurling it at the video camera. Luckily Doc Malone is used to it and handled it professionally and politely. Wow… What a shame.

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You need to do your research. You have lost credibility by going after Robert Malone and trying to ruin his reputation by basically calling him a liar. He has done more to wake people up than you ever will. Perhaps you wanted to take him down a notch?

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What the fuck? Malone is on your side. Why the public humiliation?

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I love your work Alex but you are still reluctant to look at what happened before November 2019. There is a huge level of certainty that this was all planned years before. And still after thousands of testimonials and scientific evidence (look at FLCCC) you still have doubts in Ivermectin.

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What I like about you Alex is that you don't jump to conclusions or represent facts where there is just circumstantial evidence. I believe you provide one of the most honest and well researched sources of information on everything related to Covid that is available anywhere.

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Greetings Alex,

I'm a new subscriber and respect your commitment to TRUTH and the sacrifice you've made in the battle we're in for free speech and for our democracy. I too recently saw you on Fox...

Q. What prompted your attack on Dr. Malone? That totally caught me off guard. Dr. Malone is an honorable man who, like yourself, has had his reputation trashed by mass media. He is indeed one of the key inventors of mRNA technology? Here are a few of the Patent Numbers:

7,250,404 / 6,867,195 / 6,710,035 / 6,673,776 / 6,214,804 / 5,703,055 / 5,589,466 / 5,580,859

Dr. Malone is an ally - not an enemy! By attacking him, you risk discrediting yourself. I think you owe him a [public] apology. We're fighting an enemy who's bigger than all of us. We have to stick together here.

Also, regarding Ivermectin (IVM) and [Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for that matter...] Both are indeed extremely effective antivirals and have been successfully used world wide in several countries against Covid. Please look into this further before attacking this prophylactic regimen. There has been a concerted effort by Big Pharma to demonize both HCQ and IVM as early treatments because it would obliterate their vaccine market and the need for hospitalization.

I want to have faith in you Alex!! We need you!!

Steve Bitar

Electrical and Computer Engineer

Worcester, MA 01609

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Alex, the topic was censorship and how you and Malone have both been booted off Twitter. Why you took those few min. to attack Malone is beyond me but it was rude, disrespectful and shows you in a very poor light. I've followed you since the beginning and bought your e-book almost two years ago. I echo comments below about hubris. Looking into Malone is one thing, but that stunt was just an ugly ambush. Really disappointed you would do this.

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Yes, I think Alex launched an unnecessary provocation. Poorly timed as well. "Ugly ambush" is a good description.

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Your unproved attack of Dr. Robert Malone was, seemingly, totally out of character and unnecessary. Please retract or lose your credibility. Malone's bona fides are beyond question.

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Alex, I'm thrilled that you and RFKjr are in contact. I personally think he's spot on with all that he says about vaccine safety, although it was a huge shift in my worldview! Regardless of how you feel on vaccines as a whole, I truly admire you for sitting down with someone who you don't totally agree with. We need more of that kindness in our world.

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Always relegated RFK Jr. in the retinue of antivax cranks--that is until I read his book which was one of the most thoroughly documented treatises I ever read. He certainly revealed how the sausage is made up there in the CDC, NIH together with big pharma.

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Alex...if you do not believe this scamdemic and everything involved was planned you need to do some real research. It has been planned for decades and all the players trained and coached. This global plan to depopulate and control ALL human activity by a central government started long ago and is well documented if you take the time to study it but it is deep and you have a lot of catching up to do They are gaining control of our bodies (forced medical procedures) our money (digital currency), our mind (transhumanism/metaverse), our food supply, and abolish all private ownership and that includes your body and your mind (By 2030 You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy). All that is left in order for them to implement the Great Reset (UN Agenda 21/2030 Agenda, Green New Deal, Build Back Better....all different parts of the same plan) They would love to disarm the American people but they really don't need to do that. They have many ways and believe me this COVID is not the end. The quickest way for them to take control is coming. I hope you are still around so I can say "I told you so."

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Dr David Martin has done a lot of work in this regard, and has prepared the legal charges that he is trying to convince State Attorneys General to pursue that show the entire crisis was planned and was a criminal enterprise. He wants the States to pursue the guilty in a way similar to how they pursued the tobacco companies. One of the great benefits of this strategy would be that if a criminal aspect is proven involving the makers of the Covid treatments, their legal waiver from product liability would be eviscerated and they could be held civilly liable for all injuries their drugs caused.

Here is the document that describes all the misdeeds of making SARs 2 into a bioweapon :


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Dr David Martin fan here :-))

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I hope he is successful in getting at least one State Attorney General to take this case in some form if not the way Martin has laid it out. Fauci must be made to pay for his crimes, along with the co-conspitators and the pharma companies who violated multiple procedures and ethics rules that exist to provide for public health in the provision of medicines. And in so doing, by proving a criminal conspiracy to weaponize Covid so as to profit from a vaccine, the immunity against liability for the pharma companies for these poisonous drugs they produced will evaporate, allowing those injured to seek relief that will punish the companies severely for what they have done instead of making their Directors and shareholders billions of dollars from the suffering of hundreds of thousands of other people around the globe.

Once that veil of immunity is pierced, the doctors and hospitals that refused to treat Covid patients with Ivermectin even though its a legal drug proven to stop Covid also will face civil penalties. That will be an ironic twist to this whole matter as the doctors would not go up against the government'slawkessbanson Ivermectin use for fear of losing money in legal fees as well as losing their jobs if they lost their cases. Well now they can lose everything if the immunity shield is lifted, which would be poetic justice considering they violated their oath to do no harm and prioritized their own financial benefit over the lives of their patients.

The day of reckoning is coming for all those who caused and contributed to the worst intentional harm done to the world'speoplesince thelast World War. The Covid criminals deserve to be punished in ways similar to the Nazi criminals, otherwise everything that was supposed to be learned from their crimes will now be viewed as acceptable government action. politicians like those in charge of the vaccine terror in Austria, Australia, and the United States must be held accountable for their crimes as well, lest Lincoln's words at Gettysburg that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" indeed will perish.

The theft of the individual rights of people stripped by these little feckless dictators in their cause to enrich the pharma companies upon whom they rely for campaign donations while concurrently demanding unquestioned obedience to their illegal and authoritarian policies cannot go unpunished or there will be worse dictators in the future who will implement even worse totalitarianism against the people who they are supposed to serve.

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beautiful summary, TQ

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Thank you. Like they used to say on the television show "Dragnet", "Just the facts m'aam."

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putting all our separate facts together provides a fairly complete picture, very inspiring. GB

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Alex is reluctant to look at what happened before November 2019. Reluctant to look at the ivermectin efficacy explained multiple times in FLCCC with thousands and thousands of testimonials. And reluctant to look at the Millions of mail-in harvested ballots and irregularities in the Presidential election as a reason to recount the votes

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The fact he's doing this *at all* is incredible. Remember: Alex was a NYT reporter. So let's celebrate his work and agree to disagree on the rest for now.

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I hope you are nutty’r than squirrel turd and totally wrong but I’m really starting to see this as true

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