You’re milking the rubes? As opposed to the $billions made on vaccines that provide no benefit (at best).

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Mike... Everyone knows Substack is the place to get FILTHY RICH! [And please subscribe to mine so I can buy another Gulfstream...] ;)

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Isn't that just infuriatingly ironic?

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Arieh Kovler 73K Tweets.....that...is all you need to know.

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A lot of Twitter posters are paid by liberal PACs to post the bullshit narrative. I call them out on Twitter all the time about how much are they being paid. There are thousands of accounts like that. Just keep poking at them that you know they are on the take.

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Berenson has tried hard to convince people vaccines don’t work. That is totally false. Speak to your doctors about how many lives have been saved. Very sad that misinformation is still out there. 😞

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Wrong. My daughter had her first child one year ago to the day. Of the five women in her birthing group... two had miscarriages within 48 hours of having the vaccine. Another grind almost died. Was in agony for six weeks. Never a Rx prescription drug user he had to be on opioids for those six weeks in order to walk and talk and sleep. The idea of eating food the entire time was out of the question. That vaccine almost killed him. I could go on and on about adverse reactions that don't get media attention. Don't tell us these RNA vaccines are safe.

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My wife didn't even eat deli meat or drink caffeine when pregnant, I can't imagine getting an untested vaccine. I feel sorry for these people.

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Oh, I could go on and on as well. My friend's 25yo firefighter son died within 6 hours of getting the shot. My brother-in-law had a heart attack 6 days after the booster. My daughter's friend is an NICU nurse and she said that they maybe lose 6-8 babies a year and by the end of Sept last year, they had already lost 20 from clots and strokes. She thought it was mostly from vaccinated moms who were nursing. My daughter is a physician..and NO way will she get the shot. My other daughter is a dental hygienist and she has many stories of people developing shingles in their eyes after the shot. I am very part of a group hoping to get the vaccine injured some public notice. It's very sad the stories that I've heard from these people.

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Insane. I used to feel sorry for myself because I was fired for refusing to state my vaccination status, to say nothing of actually getting the vaccine. Now I realize I’m the lucky one, and I feel sorry for all the Kool-Aid drinkers that unquestioningly took the “vaccine” in anticipation of the return of the Hale-bopp comet, I guess.

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I feel worse for those who took the shots in order to stay employed and keep eating and paying rent, etc.

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Jesus! Those poor babies.

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I'm so very sorry to hear of your experiences. So much tragedy and such a travesty that we're all being gaslighted and censored over this injection to such a degree that nobody knows who/what to believe. I think that was the point. My heart goes out to you and all those suffering in this hellscape.

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A friend told me recently that her Cross Fit gym owners are part of a community with other Cross Fit owners. All are seeing unprecedented numbers of members and trainers having heart attacks- mostly males in their 50’s. My friend knew one of the victims who got boosted, worked out and dropped dead.

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I totally believe that. My daughter's boss' 18yo son's best friend suffered a heart attack and died while playing intramural bball. The son had to give CPR to his best friend!

My sister-in-law has tinitis ever since the shot and another brother-in-law developed high blood pressure. It's crazy and scary stuff.

I have another friend who was a triathlete and now can no longer walk without a walker.

I was a research scientist for 20 years, so that's what I'm good at....research and this so-called vaccine is pure evil.

There's so much more to it than we have been told.

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When people finally wake up to what’s been done to them, their loved ones and their children, there’s going to be hell to pay. Awareness of all-cause excess deaths, chronic covid, and surge in cancers is just around the corner.

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Absolutely. My daughter who is a radiologist, just told us last night, that she had a 21yo patient who had a history of bilateral pulmonary embolisms, that had to be removed surgically, along with multiple clots in her legs that needed to be surgically removed as well. This all happened after the shot.

My daughter always looks at a patient's vax status when she reads a scan.

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So sad.

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Apr 14, 2022Edited
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They don't mention safe so much because the killing part is no longer so safe for them. Too many people are noticing.

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Apr 14, 2022
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My view on safe and effective is;

"Its safe because the plebs don't notice and it's effective because it kills them"

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Unfortunately, that is actually a true story! Lady has a husband who is triple vaxxxed, he gets the wu-flu. He dies. She explains how thankful she is he was vaxxxed because it would have been so much worse for him.

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You do not know whereof you speak, Lez. Peruse the VAERS database and then multiply those cases. I’m still recovering from a stroke which came on 45 minutes after my Moderna vax. Worst mistake I’ve ever made.

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So sorry to hear. My husband was in the hospital having quintuple bypass surgery shortly after being jabbed. The clotting problems and myocardis are REAL. I hope you are recovering well.

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So sorry what happened to you. My ophthalmologist (early 50's, very healthy and athletic, never a problem before) was hit by very debilitating arthritis a few days after his 2nd vax. He suffered for over a year (often felt like he could barely get out of bed), and it's only just now better. No way anyone would convince him it's NOT the vax that did it.

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Wonder if his issue is similar to this person https://dontbelievehype.co.uk/life-of-a-scientist/f/i-am-a-covid-scientist-i-had-a-severe-chronic-vaccine-reaction (she was vax injured yet still planned to get boosted - I see edits now but it's confusing because her edits bleed into the original text - she was pro-booster but now has doubts is the best I can figure).

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This UK gal seems to be suffering from a serious case of cognitive dissonance as well. She understands the Covid vaccine caused her great suffering, yet she’d recommend it to others and also wants to take another. Afraid to oppose her sciency crowd. Sad.

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Agree. I read this a while back and re-read the edits she added in the meantime. The edits show she is starting to doubt, so I find that hopeful. (I also noticed that the edits are hard to discern from her original writing -- possibly her brain fog and exhaustion.) Also saw another post that shows her mind is changing: https://dontbelievehype.co.uk/covid-%26-vaccines/f/changing-views-on-the-spike-protein-toxicity ... trying to keep up hope that more people will wake up.

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I’m so sorry.

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Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, you are not alone:


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The COVID vaccines DON'T WORK - I suppose you believe the opposite???

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The prospect of Alex returning to Twitter is bringing out pro vaccine trolls.

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Please don’t feed the ducks.

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sometimes its fun and useful too e.g. i wish she come and troll my substack ;)

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or the quacks

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If it ducks like a quack…

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I laughed out loud at that! Hope you don’t mind if I steal that line?

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With trolls, you don't feed the ducks, but duck their feed.

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She's back!! I missed her..... 🤦🤦

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Like a bad dream??

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Like a groundhog day nightmare!

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That's bad.

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Obama’s messaging (lives saved, jobs saved) for the weak-minded among us. No proof offered, just empty rhetoric served up for the moron class.

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He’s an empty suit and always was.

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yeah, but he ruined healthcare and insurance with obamacare...you see the direct effects beginning in 2020! Clearly part of the plan. Corrupt the Doc's and take over healthcare with a govt program...never works out. And turn loose all of the ABC govt beauracracies to spend lavishly and brew up total chaos against the taxpayer/citizens. Set up all of your crooked cronies to ready themselves to take gross financial advantage from the damage that you caused. Satanic and will be delt with supernaturally.

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Yes, all happened on his watch, but he wasn’t the brains behind that operation, just a guy who could be bought.

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I love that…the moron class!

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We are talking about a serious medical situation. Don't bring your petty unwitty political views into it. Vaccines work or they don't work. That is the topic. Nothing more. .

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fun fact: among nobel peace prize winners, barrack obama holds the records for most drone strikes of civilians AND most hospital bombings

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Steve, who are you, the hall monitor now? The topic is wherever it goes. If you're not crazy about it why don't you set your phone down and go outside for some fresh air, then tell a bunch of kids to keep it down.

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They have to work AND be safe. Both should be in play here. We need to trust that the risk-benefit calculation makes it more likely than not to be a net plus to my health. We do not have that, and Alex has been key in exposing that fact.

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Covid vaccines absolutely work! Ask all the dead people who would have died of the coof if the vaccines hadn't saved them by killing them first!

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Fuck off.

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I thought it was witty.

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arrogance blocks truth.

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Excellent read: Dissolving Illusions

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For the woke uninformed, what he said is all that matters. No follow-up to see if his promises ever materialized or if any of his drivel was accomplished.

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Berenson is correct. The experimental jabs don’t work and they are harmful.

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When you get on a plane, are you concerned about getting polio from your seatmate? No, you are not. Why? Because THAT vaccine works. See the difference yet?

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Hang on... the polio vaccine IS A VACCINE. This shit is NOT a vaccine.

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Exactly my point.

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I dont just like this comment. I LOVE IT and will be stealing it.

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I have a meme of an iron lung I keep in my garage, in case my polio vaccine fails. I love sarcasm

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You would appreciate reading Dissolving Illusions and ponder the efficacy of ALL government ordered remedies.

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man, these moderna stockholders are really panicking

this is why it's so important to diversify your portfolio, kids

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You absolute shill. doctors no longer work for individual patients. Their PAYING CUSTOMERS are their clients their clients are the government FOR the most part and the large insurance companies who for the most part are also in bed with the government. You have to be particularly obtuse to not recognize the doctors’ fail after this past two years. They all read from the same discredited CDC playbook. go get the vaccine is the best protection blah blah blah. Not one of THOSE docs has seen a 10th of the data compiled by Alex over the last year.

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Nor do they want to. They just want to collect their large fees with zero liability.

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For the most part, doctors nowadays work for corporations. The individual doc has little say in what he does outside corp. policy. It is the corp. calling the tune and making the contracts with Big gov., big Pharma and big insurance.

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I don't know why I can't like your reply but here's a ❤.

Lately I hate the Substack platform. I can't like replies.. I hate the changes to the feed. I can no longer tell which articles I've read, can't like from the feed, don't get the you're caught up message. It's terrible.

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Actually saying they’re not working was not Berenson’s directive…he basically offers us the MATH on whether or not they’re effective. As time went on he has pointed out the MATH that they do, indeed, appear to be ineffective against omicron, and that math is not really debatable.

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Nope, math is invalid because it's not possible to calculate "what would happen without a jab" after taking this harmful liquid. Use common sense.

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And besides, math is racist. Don't you read Twatter?

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Favorite response of the day

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There is a control group. The millions who didn’t get the jabs.

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It is not as if there are any control populations who didn't take the jab to make a valid statistical comparison!

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Your post proves you didn’t read my post, so you’re now just trolling.

The math is the only truly valid measure when determining effectiveness in the field, and we were discussing whether the vaccines were effective v. Covid, specifically omicron. Any harm caused BY the jab was not part of my discussion.

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Again, math doesn't help to evaluate effectiveness of these toxic jabs.

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…..again, you’re wrong. Seriously, if ten million people take the four jabs, and 8 of 10 them get it, it’s clear they don’t work in the real world. Put down the shovel.

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Berenson hasn’t tried to convince people vaccines don’t work, the scientific data proves they don’t work.

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They not only don’t work, but it was certain they’d be toxic long before they received their corrupt EUAs from regulators.

Some of us have been around the block for a few decades & were very clear about the kind of design principles which lead to failures & toxicitues.

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Are you The Dr Michael Yeadon, if so thank you. You helped me say NO to the vaccine

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That’s me alright 🤗

Your feedback makes the absurd levels of effort worthwhile.

Best wishes


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Thank you. Best wishes to you!

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I’ve listened to hours of your interviews. Your work with Reiner Fuellmich was eye opening…and terrifying. Thank you for your courage to voice your truth in the face of monumental groupthink. We need courage and integrity to go viral.

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Lezlieliberty, you seem to know a lot. Of course, since I never had an independent thought and don't like reading, I've trusted Alex to do the thinking for me. Here's what I want to know, and an authority like you should be able to fill me in. With the percentage of infection and deaths currently happening in the USA, is it mathematically possible for the majority of deaths to be in the unvaxed? Do we not have the majority vaccinated here? Isn't it so that Dr Fauci said we will never get rid of covid; it is here to stay? What about all these mutations? Without the vaccines, I reckon there'd be more mutations. Right? And since USA is well-vaccinated, we know that the vaxed covid victims are less dead. I want information. And I know there is no such thing as misinformation; there is information and there are LIES.

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Its the vaccines which force virus to mutate

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Virology 101 but the “science” has changed don’t ya know!

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Congratulations for being 100% wrong! Wow. It’s not easy to be that blind. Hurry and get your 12th booster before they run out.

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Thanks for the good laugh. Needed that.

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Lezlieliberty I suggest you do more research independently. My Husband is vaccine injured. The day of his 2nd vaccine he could not walk up stairs on his own. Since that day, Multi-inflammatory damage. He’s had 4 level 4 spine surgery’s, blood clot, slurred speech (possible tiny stroke) major nerve pain, infection (staph), is still walking with a cane, lost 100 lbs, 65 of those in a short 6 weeks. I know tons of people who are vaccine injured. You my dear are very naive. I am not vaccinated and just got over Covid. Was no big deal. In fact it basically lasted 2full days where I didn’t feel well. People are being hoodwinked, including you. Are you a troll?

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So sorry. Hope things improve. My RA which was in total remission for last 7 years came back within weeks. I'll die before I'll let them touch my kids.

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Tombritt, I to have autoimmune disease MS. I have been in remission for over 30 years with absolutely NO big Pharma. There was NO way I was going to play Russian Roulette with my health!! No vaccination for me. I just got over the Rona and was a joke!!!!! Very mild cold!

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The irony is we went against our better judgment and like everyone else hot it anyway. Damn good for you. Continued good luck...

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Tombritt you are so right. I hope there are many more out there who feel the way you do about your kids. I've got two and I am so lucky that they decided on their own to skip the jab and live with the mandate madness in their respective colleges. I think it's genetic, cuz they are adamantly opposed and had no idea that I was praying for them to come to this decision cuz they're 18 and 22 and I'd've felt powerless to stop them. Turns out there is a very sizable group of their friends who saw the nonstop lies early on, unlike many of my (older) friends (I look 37) (lie). Maybe my prayers were answered or maybe their generation has seen the breathtaking hypocrisy in our politicians. I know one thing they didn't like: the whole "rules for thee" phenomenon. How can many of my friends not see how scared and sheep like they are? Sure, mass formation psychosis, but it seems worse than that somehow. It's like they are different people... but I think, fingers crossed, they are waking up. One of them made fun of a masker the other day, hey I'll take it! Ok Im done venting. Back to guarding our kids!

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Very sorry to hear of your husband’s vaccine injuries. All the best for his recovery. I ended up with heart issues ten days after the Pfizer shot last year. “Experts” said it was coincidence! Only good thing about it is my family and I declined any further injections. So far I am still here and my family is okay. No longer any confidence or trust in the medical establishment. As for our Canadian governments, suffice to say they have revealed their Totalitarian dark souls.

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Philip he is on the mend. Slowly, but surely getting stamina back. It’s been almost a year now. He’s decided to work part-time just to give him something to look forward to. He loves the Company he works for and has worked there for over 40 years. He did it because we went over 6months with NO paycheck. Then the bills come. 1st one 245,000. Thank God for insurance!! On that one we only had to pay 748 dollars. Thank God , my husband is a tried and true saver. Otherwise we’d be in the streets!!

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I think if peeps like Lez had someone close to them go thru what your husband and my ex father n law has suffered they would see things differently. There are so many people maimed for life after taking this injection they had over a 99% likelihood of surviving just fine anyway

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Brogan12 I couldn’t agree more. And of course just in time for retirement!! Some retirement and I just get to go along for the ride!!!! Many are jumping ship, the Dem ship. I predict a mass reckoning come this fall!!

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Hope so Elliot in the fall!

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So sad you still believe this. Not only do they not work (5th shot? Anyone with a bit of logic skills will realize this is evidence they don't work) they are causing enormous damage.

https://openvaers.com/covid-data shows the sad, true story of vaccine-generated spike proteins running amok.

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It is not only sad but tragic beyond words. This is an unprecedented, existential threat to the survival pf our species.

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Hey LezLib, check out the VAERS data, almost 27,000 post-Covid vaccine reported deaths (just the tip of the iceberg). A good friend with a stable lung condition died shortly after his shots but gosh, there's NO way it could be related to the miracle "vaccines" never used before in the human population, right? Did you know that doctors are being threatened by state medical boards with fines, loss of license and shaming in the medical community if they provide medical exemptions, which is considered a form of "misinformation"? ALL MUST BE INJECTED, no exceptions! ONE SIZE FITS ALL! Does that sound right to you? My new PCP denied my valid request for a medical exemption for this very reason. Why would he want to risk his career and reputation for little ole neurologically impaired me? That's totally normal, right? NO QUESTIONS ALLOWED, SHUT UP AND ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES!


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My father in law died of a series of strokes 6 weeks after injection. Not in vaers.

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So sorry!! 😢

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Medical personnel being subjected to mafia like coercion in essence or were

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well said and so very true!

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Absolutely, the prevent you from getting COVID, they prevent from spreading it, they prevent you from getting sick, they prevent you from getting hospitalized, they prevent you from dying. Four shots and you're 100% safe.

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Sarcasm in r serious? It's getting I (we) can't tell anymore. My natural immunity and my wife's and our kids snd our 84 year old granny and our 1 year old grandchild... our natural immunity... works. More than I can say for any of the vaccines.

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If you get all 4 vaccine shots and you still die from covid, it's a blessing because "it could have been worse". (sarc)

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Experts say that if you die from the shots, you are less dead than if you die from Covid. Therefore they are effective at saving life!

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Five shots and you might be even better! Actually, make it six, why not?

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One-A-Day Multi Vax!

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Lmao. Fauchi and Gates had multiple orgasms reading your post.

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Just wait till they incorporate the covid stuff with those other mandated vaccines. Like small pox, diphtheria, pertussis and others.

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I’m confident that that’s a line that they will think twice before crossing. They are trying but would probably like avoid civil war. Best not to completely awake the sleeping giant.

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Are you sure it’s four? Maybe five? Maybe one per month will be the ticket!

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Maybe they should combine it with the annual flu shot that doesn't work effectively.

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It's already in development.

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"Absolutely, the prevent you from getting COVID, they prevent from spreading it, they prevent you from getting sick, they prevent you from getting hospitalized, they prevent you from dying. Four shots and you're 100% safe."

true, but the immortality they bestowed comes with a terrible price.

while it's true that you can only die if someone cuts off your head, the other immortals will soon learn that they add your powers to their own if they decapitate you.

"there can be only one" is the solemn phrase that will soon be adopted.

at the very end - that is, after all other immortals have been vanquished in "the quickening", the last one is able to lay claim to the ultimate prize. in a twist, they will finally regain their mortality and be able to age and leave the world naturally.

[pretty sure i either learned this either from reading a respected medical person's substack or when i fell asleep watching the highlander.]

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This is 100 percent religious faith. Nothing in the real world could possibly verify this statement.

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Oh the irony!

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when they have no real argument against you - then they stoop to disparagement....

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Rule: NEVER argue with a half-wit (idiot). They drag you down to their level then beat you senseless with experience. OR lies.

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Mark Twain... right?

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It could very well be. I wouldn't want to claim it so and turn into a liar. I have heard it or similar to since & elsewhere. I suppose could look it up however ...

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In a just society, you should be able to defend your name.

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I am beginning to come around to Elon Musk. Wasn't sure about him at first but love the man's chutzpah! Can you imagine the whining and gnashing of teeth going on in the "Fact Checker's" offices right now? Love to be a fly on the wall in there... Absolutely glorious.

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"Private companies can do whatever they wa...............WAIT, NOT LIKE THAT!"

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DOJ now investigating Musk to give Twitser an excuse not to sell. Unreal.

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yes. Afraid so

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How about winning the lawsuit for free speech and then displaying some dignity by refusing to dive back into the cess pool?

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What a mature comment you've posted ! To speak of "dignity", and being able to resist getting in the mud with the rest of the pigs...well, don't see much of that on these types of sites which is exactly the problem with the whole concept. Allows people to bring out the worst that is in them without having to say anything face to face. It only contributes to our rapidly deteriorating society, but, people love it. How does that old saying go ? Something like: Never wrestle in the mud with a pig; you BOTH get dirty and THE PIG LOVES IT !

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-or as my mother would tell me at age 16:

“Lay down with dogs, and you get up with fleas!”

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Exactly... interesting the real depth of truth in some of these "old fashioned sayings".

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Don’t you think it would make an epic closing scene, though? Gavel slams down, court decides in his favor, and then he says cooly, “Free speech is exonerated. Now I’ll take my speech elsewhere.”

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I pick Tom Cruise to play him in the movie.

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I call it "bumper sticker mentality".

About pigs... another good saying: (I used to raise hogs in college. I 💕 pig jokes... including this one: ..."don't try to teach a pig to sing... it doesn't work... and it annoys the pig".

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These blue checks are great at projection

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YES! That's what they do: they project their lies and illegal activity on those with whom they disagree.

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EXACTLY and I want to hurl!

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Projection and inversion

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Soy face and douche hat combo, so predictable and tiresome

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He looks like Greta.

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looks like his wife's sunhat.

he should buy a bigger size. right now it looks like an oscillating fan on a medium setting would just blow it off.

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I've spoken to Kovler. Guy's a bit sketchy. He's shady.

I can't be sued for libel.

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he told me he molests goats.

i told him i try not to judge people, but in my mind i kinda judged him a lot.

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Don't need the courts; don't need Elon. Anyone that believes in free speech should dump twitter NOW - particularly the heavy conservative hitters. Problem solved.

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Alex, if your sole 'goal' is returning to twit, these are the turds you'll be swimming amongst. Is having 100k followers THAT important to you?

Do you not think regular, normal common people can't discern idiots, morons, imbeciles and politicians from this bullsh*ting wannabe?

Look at it this way ... 100000 lickers CAN be WRONG.


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Yeah...but how will they KNOW unless the OTHER side of the story can be told, too?

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I've already bought a Gulfstream on my Substack earnings............... ;)

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They don't even lie well

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He's being roasted right now, and it is glorious.

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The smell must be really bad, though...

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I know: This has got to make Alex feel really good by now. What I mean by that is that people do chastise Alex sometimes on this site, BUT, THIS DUMBASS PAVLOR, has attacked one of our own……Not good.

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go on...

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It sure is convenient that he can make his claims knowing that you can't challenge his lies on Twitter. What an idiot!

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Done. Linked to this Substack, too, in Twit.

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He's starting to get a flurry of questions about when he spoke with you and oddly enough no response.

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Yeah, Kovler is getting roasted in the comments/replies to his post.

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Maybe he’ll explain how he didn’t mean it literally, but only meant to convey that he’d once thought about talking to Berenson, and that he got the vapors from the whole thought of it, yada yada yada.

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Twitter has become a waste land of buffoons following other buffoons. This clown is a great example of that. What a snappy dresser, lovely chapeau he is wearing.

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You've just described social media, in general. It has its value. However, it is largely a haven for narcissists and those seeking their hourly dopamine fix.

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Twitter is like the CNN of social media.

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Dude probably has no hair.

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Alex - can't you sue "Arieh Kovler"? He is claiming an action that is untrue - which is that he spoke to you. I thought Public Person defamation lawsuits were only limited if an opinion was involved, not a demonstrably false statement of action?

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Very high bar when you are talking about a public figure e.g. Speaking of Arieh, I heard he likes getting humped by a goat and humping sheep......

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True. Reckless disregard for truth/falsity (actual malice) needs to be proven.

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How do you know it's untrue? Alex is defaming others. And that is a fact

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The claim that he spoke with him is incorrect but not actionable (people lie all the time but you need to prove something defamatory) but the claim that he is a professional liar could be actionable (assuming it is not true!). ; > )

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He can't even spell.

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the letters in his name look like an unfinished word scramble

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He has a nifty hat. Does he come from the government plantation?

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sadly it looks like it's 2 sizes too small

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Now, that was funny.

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Maybe it’s Wordle...or however you spell it.

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if it truly is an anagram of some sort the best i can do is "hi, rake lover"

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I noticed that too!

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Name-calling is the resort of those who have no argument. It is a child's game. Unfortunately, we now live in a world over-populated with permanent adolescents.

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ad hominem use means he is losing the argument. When you don't have the facts, attack the man.

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Kovler calls himself a “media personality” and “consultant”. In other words, he has a fancy degree from a fancy school but has no wisdom…

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Berenson is an idiot on most topics. Nailed COVID tho, for the most part

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Berenson writes about his mainstream takes on election fraud, Ukraine, Malone and ivermectin as if only morons would disagree. From the comment sections, it's clear that most of his readers strongly disagree. A bluecheck calling attention to this weird dynamic should not be a surprise to anyone.

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You should introduce yourself to him in a Complaint. I'm all for your lawsuit against Twitter, but until that's successful (and even then) you may need to individually address those who libel you, especially those with a wide audience.

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Add this clown to the lawsuit, Alex.

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Has he deleted the tweet? Ican't seem to find it?

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It’s a reply to another tweet.

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Gave him my regards on Twitter. I wasn't my usual polite self.

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Looks like a drudge wannabe probably got a stack for jab promotion.

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Don’t know who Arieh Kovler is, but what a first class liar and coward.

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I'd tell him you said hi, but unfortunately I am not on Twitter (see: rube).

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Yea, I said hi to him for you Alex by asking if he had any specific examples of you lying or if he was just into ad hominem attacks. I couldn’t spend much time on his snarky, ill informed and obviously low intelligence Twitter feed because my blood was starting to boil.

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The courts don't care. Elon may if he's serious about using billions to keep twitter nonsense alive.

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you're one of my favorite news contributors. after posting this comment, i'm telling everyone we're best friends.

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“We” are amused. That’s the empiricle WE.

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I have an overwhelming urge to kick dirt on Kovler.

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Lucky for you, no one trusts a guy wearing a fedora. So I wouldn’t worry about it.

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Still hilarious to me how people think the science community understands the long term side effects of the covid shot, yet somehow it took them several months to declare you can still be infected and transmit covid even if you get the jab. If you think this makes any kind of sense, God help you. I saw someone say I don't know what's in a McDonald's cheeseburger but I still eat it. Nobody is forcing you to eat a cheeseburger to work at a place, or get a transplant for an organ. It's beyond goofball shit at this point. I always believed if you were at severe risk you should roll the dice, but the idea of college aged kids being forced to get it in order to attend is lunacy. I feel bad for them all

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The below is from a long, detailed piece from the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

Below are just grabs I am finding. Now ANYONE with ANY critical thinking skills will read this and ask what the heck is going on. The rest will dismiss it and just do what the medical establishment and media tell them.

[PEG, used in the longer quote below: " A solution presented itself in the form of the widely used pharmaceutical ingredient polyethylene glycol, or PEG."]


In an article published in May 2019, prior to large clinical trials involving these PEGylated vaccines, Mohamed et. al. (2019) described a number of concerning findings regarding PEG and the immunological activation it had been shown to produce, which includes humoral, cell-mediated, and complement-based activation. They note that, paradoxically, large injection doses of PEG cause no apparent allergic reaction. Small doses, though, can lead to dramatic pathological immune activation. Vaccines employing PEGylation utilize micromolar amounts of these lipids, constituting this potentially immunogenic low-dose exposure. In animal studies it has been shown that complement activation is responsible for both anaphylaxis and cardiovascular collapse, and injected PEG activates multiple complement pathways in humans as well. The authors of one study conclude by noting that “This cascade of secondary mediators substantially amplifies effector immune responses and may induce anaphylaxis in sensitive individuals. Indeed, recent studies in pigs have demonstrated that systemic complement activation (e.g., induced following intravenous injection of PEGylated liposomes) can underlie cardiac anaphylaxis where C5a played a causal role.” (Hamad et al., 2008) It is also important to note that anaphylactoid shock in pigs occurred not with first injected exposure, but following second injected exposure (Kozma et al., 2019).

The presence of antibodies against PEG is widespread in the population (Zhou et al., 2020). Yang and Lai (2015) found that around 42% of blood samples surveyed contained anti-PEG antibodies, and they warn that these could have important consequencesfor any PEG-based therapeutics introduced. Hong et. al. (2020) found anti-PEG antibodies with a prevalence up to 72% in populations with no prior exposure to PEG-based medical therapy. Lila et. al. (2018) note that the “existence of such anti-PEG antibodies has been intimately correlated with an impairment of therapeutic efficacy in tandem with the development of severe adverse effects in several clinical settings employing PEGylated-based therapeutics.”

Sellaturay et. al., after reviewing 5 cases of anaphylaxis they link to PEG exposure, one near-fatal and involving cardiac arrest, write, “PEG is a high-risk ’hidden’ allergen, usually unsuspected and can cause frequent allergic reactions due to inadvertent re-exposure. Allergy investigation carries the risk

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research2(1), May 10, 2021 Page | 49of anaphylaxis and should be undertaken only in specialist drug allergy centres.” (Sellaturay et al., 2020). In fact it has already been demonstrated that pre-existing antibodies to PEG are linked to more common and more severe reactions upon re-exposure (Ganson et

Anaphylaxis reactions to vaccines prior to these COVID-19 vaccines were generally reported at rates less than 2 cases per million vaccinations (McNeil et al., 2016), while the current rate with the COVID-19 vaccinations was reported by the CDC to be more than 11 cases per million (CDC COVID-19 Response Team, 2021, January 29). However, a published prospective study on 64,900 medical employees, where their reactions to their first mRNA vaccination were carefully monitored, found that 2.1% of the subjects reported acute allergic reactions. A more extreme reaction involving anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 247 per million vaccinations (Blumenthal et al., 2021). This ismore than 21 times as many as were initially reported by the CDC. The second injection exposure is likely to cause even larger numbers of anaphylactic reactions.

Net from me: This crap is lethal, they knew and know this crap is lethal and that it gets MORE lethal the MORE of it is injected and they STILL are telling people to get vaxxed and boosted.


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A cursory internet search reveals this libellous person to be a societal non contributor of anything useful. A typical Leftist who projects his own faults onto innocent others. There is nothing moral about the censorship employed by Twitter, however it does provide a means for the Leftist bullying cowards to reveal their true amoral selves to the world outside their bubble.

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He's getting torn apart....he's had to "clarify" twice now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Social media breeds liars. People lie for attention. They lie when they don't have to. They lie as a rule not an exception. They claim to know things and people they don't. They claim to go places they haven't been. They claim their lives are more, better, happier, etc etc than everyone else's. And you know that a lie because if it were true, they would not have to spend so much time and effort proving it to everyone on social media.

They lie so much and so often that they now believe their own lies and have lost the ability to distinguish the truth from fantasy.

Read the Crucible. That's where we are. Again.

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I am a paid subscriber here and don't always believe everything A.B. states, however - The "Vaccines" are not by result a "Vaccine" at all and to claim so proves they don't work. They are a therapeutic that, I believe, will help many at risk people. Much like a flu shot. You will catch Covid after taking these shots (proven over and over with great data and despite what Joe Biden said) therefore they cannot be a vaccine. Have they saved many lives? Probably but I don't know how many. Have they killed and injured way more people than a typical vaccine / therapeutic? Absolutely ... !!! (proven over and over with great data) Therefore my conclusion is take these shots at your own risk after talking with your doctor (if you trust them anymore) but no one should ever be forced into something like this. That crosses a line into criminal coercion. One last point - I had the original Covid and was fairly down hard sick for three weeks. Once recovered now 13 months gone, I have had no further infections or illness despite being exposed to Covid several times through friends and family who became infected after taking the shots and boosters. Anecdotal I know but I'm comfortable with this position based on my own data acquisition process. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST. And FJB.

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Alex - if you're raking in the rubles howz come you had to take the subway to the Nets game recently? Wouldn't you have a limo? And why did you have to take Jet Blue instead of your private jet to Florida? A Blessed Passover and Easter to all. Keep fighting. Don't let the Founders down.

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Dude a Brit? Spells skeptic with a “c.” He probably subscribes to this substack and commented on something to which Alex replied. Twit.

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When I look at this guy, all I see is stale corn chips and snicker wrappers stuck in the corners of a frayed paisley couch from the 70's! I can't stop laughing. Compared to Berenson, Kovler looks like grade-school paste.

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Sent @ariehkovler a msg—#Coward!

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People should request he provide details to back up his claims. Name calling back at him is equally unfruitful.

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Would be interesting what exactly these 'lies' entail. They never counter the facts as provided by Alex. Calling someone a liar is a kindergarten level discussion.

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