Until the rest of the remaining men stand tall and do something about it, the progressive march through the institutions will continue. There needs to be an antithesis to the AWFULs.

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Agree - but women who aren’t complete ideological fools need to also stand tall and do something about it! We have to get to the point where we speak up against things that make no sense and are corrosive not only to the individual but to society as a whole. (The ugly and base intro to the Paris Olympics is a case in point. Men in women’s sports is another. The Boy Scouts. There is so much more that reeks of cultural suicide and all of us know this.) Yes, indeed, take a stand. I am sick of it.

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If people keep voting for dems, our country will be destroyed within a decade. Look how quickly and easily obama has begun the “fundamental transformation of America.”

Remember when they put old, catholic joe biden out in front of the “legalize gay marriage” movement? They didn’t put obama on it, they used an old, Catholic guy to do it so all the older people of faith would think, “oh, if biden is for this, we should be too!” Kamala is just obama 3.0. Now they have outspoken support [see Eliz. Warren from this weekend] for legalizing all the border crossers who have inundated our country illegally! What a slap in the face of everyone who did it the right way—and had to wait years and jump hoops to do so. Talk about deplorable!

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This strategy - which is what it is - to allow 10 to 20 million illegal immigrants to pour into America is getting some belated attention, but not enough.

IMO Trump's greatest accomplishment was highlighting this program and the country-destroying aspects of same.

The problem, though, is worse than even Trump probably thought it was. The level of coordination of numerous governmental agencies and NGOs to pursue this program is also jaw-dropping.

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I remember, maybe twenty years ago, when the argument between the left and the right was if the number of illegals here was 10 or 20 million. Considering that few if any left we are probably looking at more than 10% of the current population being illegal now.

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8 million came in under Biden

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To the practicing Catholics out there: you may want to think twice before making a donation to Catholic Charities, speaking of NGO's coordinating with governmental agencies to assist illegal immigrants.

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Possibly…previously practicing Catholics.’.

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They even knew in 1958 the path we’d go down as a country. Uncanny.. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs1xQ1tLxM6/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

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I would not argue that with you Elizabeth. Sometimes it's nice to be 85 except for my son and our grandchildren. While we all came here from somewhere it is out of control now. My father spoke of his father coming here in a canoe from Canada around 1900 and on my mother's side the first one came from England via Barbados around 1680.

The worst part is that the people holding the door open for the world to come here have no idea what the people will do when they get here. Then of course Europe is not the same anymore either. Consider those countries whose roots go back beyond the Stone Age being overwhelmed now, just in the last generation or so.

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what a slap in the face to those who are still waiting for it

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Well said. I have had enough with keeping my opinion to myself in order to "keep the peace." I'm done. If for no other reason than to save our kids.

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I try to make that point too, Holly. It's a cliche' but it's true: We have to engage in this fight for our children and grandchildren's future.

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Use that feeling to give you energy on the hard days. Know that we are with you.

We have some men-work to do, partly to save the idea of "a Man." It is worth saying that this (kind of, more real) Men's Liberation is necessary. But it is worth saying again and again. Male and Female go together. If either is bent or hurt, it affects the duad.

I do not know if you are a Mother. Pardon if what I say next is not relevant to you (now). Or if I do not hot your target.

Sometimes men feel they must back off, so strong is the Mother's instinct to raise the children. But it must be done together. The Father must educate the Mother, and vice versa. And both the sons and the daughter need real Men and real Women.

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I actually see more brave women pushing back and leading important counter-movements than brave males. Every female is not the proverbial woke and meek "Karen."

Females, perhaps, might have more influence than males because (heterosexual) men want to impress women.

This said, there's plenty of brave males who are fully engaged in what really is an existential battle for the type society and culture we're going to have going forward.

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Bill, not sure why you think I intimated that every female is a proverbial woke and meek Karen. (Actually I never think of meek and “Karens” in the same sentence, but whatever. Try obnoxious, authoritarian, and self righteous instead.) What I was saying is that women who aren’t completely woke had better wake up. The woke are complete ideological fools.

But - Feminist women have caused the beat down of men and too many have acquiesced in this - men and women. What I’m saying is that ALL of us need to take stock of what’s going on and take a stand. I do have more women friends who wouldn’t think of pushing back (Too rude to argue, they’d say. Leave it alone, they’d say.) And yet I have others who are fearless - nicely so but fearless.) My men friends tend to be less engaged because it’s not really what they do. We are talking alpha males - not betas.

Anyway, the bottom line is that ALL of us (but perhaps particularly women for whom it may be uncomfortable culturally) need to start pushing back. I truly believe our way of life depends on this.

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No, I was not saying that you thought every female was the proverbial "Karen." I was trying to making the opposite point. For example, you are definitely not a "Karen." Nor are any of the many other women posting here.

I think one negative consequence of the "feminist movement" was that many more women started acting like men (or trying to). We actually need women as a counter to fight some of the more negative proclivities of men.

We need women to act like traditional women - don't (always) try to emulate the men. (Somewhere there's a future column in this thread ... but it's a work-in-progress thesis).

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Oh, good!

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Bill with all this “brave” opposition why are we so screwed?

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Because our leaders don't control any of the important organizations.

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Right we knew that. But we have all these people standing up. Is this rocks being thrown at tanks? And hey I know we are the same side here. I am just pointing out we are in real trouble and a few more conservative voices showing up an event is not going to save us. And btw, I am not sure what will TBH.

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Jul 30·edited Aug 2

Let us blame less, and encourage more.

Often men speak more with actions than with words. Notice everything that is important. And let us give Kudos where deserved. To Alex and to Heather, for example. [Fixed typos, good grief!]

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I don't. I don't think you do either. I think that that's just some brainrot crap you're saying because in the anglophones world, we all just worship vaginas for some reason.

It's an objective fact that young women make up the base of the democrat party.

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Yep, women who see the problem need to stop taking the Left as honest brokers and trying to "be understanding". If they're not willing to stand up, then they need to at least support male forces who will.

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It was a group started by women - those who started NO College Mandates - that played a very important role in getting all colleges (except about 25) to end said vaccine mandates.

This group is now expanding its mission to question the efficacy of all vaccines and/or promote real "informed consent."

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Well, that is a heartening example. Brava!

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Women are the problem.

They are the ones voting democrat.

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I am standing up for men and I am roaring about it. I will not be silenced. And if I’m left alone without a single friend because of it, it will be worth it. I will sleep content in my spirit at night that I never clammed up about what needs to be said, everywhere.

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Juju, these are my thoughts exactly. In standing up for men and pushing back on the shrill idiocy, we stand up for our way of life - which has been so successful and the envy of the world. We were doing so much right and we need to get back to that.

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This Comment Thread inspired quickly served as inspiration for a column on all the women who have helped lead our cause, with several specific examples.

This story allowed me to tell the inspiring story of Capt. Emily Rainey.


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Conservative women are just as goofy.

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Women are all complete ideological fools.

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The "march through the institutions."

Man, that happened ... for a REASON, a reason(s) which, by now, should be clear to all sane-thinking people.

The rapid growth of the Censorship Industrial Complex is simply a "protection" operation/racket designed to muffle dissident voices who are trying to expose this "march through the institutions."

The good news is more citizens are starting to pick up on this program and connect a few more dots.

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It is one thing to say that your pronouns are blip/blop/bloops, but another one to make it criminal for others (harassment) to not go along with that. The former is an ask for tolerance. The latter is oppression. We need to be tolerant to the trans movement, but we also do need to end the oppressive trans pharmaceutical complex. Check: https://www.wildhorsewisdom.xyz/p/a-single-horse-doesnt-make-a-herd?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Tolerant as long as they leave children alone

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Of course. By 'tolerant' I mean they can do what they want to do, as long as they don't get the false impression that they are in a place to tell others what to do, which is exactly what the medico pharmaceutical complex wants.

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Here's the young lady I reference in posts below (highlighted In a local 2-minute TV report from North Carolina.) This then captain in the U.S. Army cut down the police tape at a local park and let her toddler son slide down the sliding board during the lockdowns!

It wasn't exactly the "Boston Tea Party," but I still say, "You go, Emily Rainey!"

P.S. she later "voluntarily" resigned from the U.S. Army after she booked a bus trip for private citizens to go to D.C. on J-6. Emily was also once a guest on a Tucker Carlson long-form interview and documentary about J-6 when Tucker was still with Fox News.

Emily's father, Scott, is one of my best friends.


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Way to go Emily!

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Wow. Just wow. Where there is one willing to fight more will be brace and follow

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

You know, it's all about the individual. But these movements are the opposite. Women who get swept up in these things are certainly unattractive to most males. As such, one would think (and hope) after a generation or two, these movement-joining man-haters will naturally "extinct" themselves :)

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I agree. But … in the same way, men are not attractive to the really good women out there when they don’t stand up for us as we are marginalized and attacked by things in the women’s rights movement that we disagree with or the trans and LGBTQ+^%#cyz movement. Men who don’t stand their ground and protect us, and allow themselves to sit quietly by leaving the fight to us, are the most unmanly and unattractive in the world. Many of us DO stand up to the man-haters, but nobody is protecting us as we do it. We should be a team the way God intended.

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Bravo Juju!

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You're not marginalized by anything. Some committee banned transwomen in women's sports. I think it was the NCAA.

Literally there is a massive cultural wave against you ding dong.

I mean jesus. It's like a horde of a billion souls could rally around fighting for women and they'd still say they felt marginalized.

It's simply deranged.

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We are in a spiritual war. The darkness of the people that have taken over our government, media, entertainment and churches is obvious every day. Until Christians stop just trying to get along and stand up against this, the march to depravity will continue.

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The Christian religious denominations and organizations are captured as well.

I remember no religious sect that fought the lockdowns and the "vaccines." The lockdowns kept everyone out of church for many months or even years. The shots are killing off members of the church. That's why pastors are officiating at so many more funerals in the last three years.

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There was a church, (California of all places), that refused to close its doors. It faced stiff fines that accumulated for keeping the doors open. Recently, they won a court battle against those fines. But yes, most put the government before God. And they claim it was out of fear and trying to keep people safe. I guess they forgot that “faith drives out fear”, and what the early disciples faced if they were caught worshipping.

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If enough of the churches - and their "leaders" - had pushed back (hard), much of what happened might not have happened.

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The cowardice of my own Roman Catholic diocese was astounding. Not only closing the church doors, but suspending or outright refusing to provide the sacraments, especially Anointing of the Sick. My wife, who worked in a hospital and had all kinds of protective gear, tried to get special permission from our diocese to give communion and anointing of the sick to suffering/dying patients. The diocese didn't tell her "no," but "hell no" and "don't ask again."

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Yes the Catholic Church including the Pope behaved very badly during COVID. I really lost respect for them as a group.

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I agree bill. The secular world has been forcing their ways and views into our churches for a couple decades now. We left our church because of the nonsense of them trying to be appealing to those that believed differently. I believe in keeping doors open to them and allowing them to hear our teaching any time they want, but I don’t agree with changing our beliefs, our interpretation of God’s word, just to appeal to them. That’s where so many lost their way. It saddens me and we are still hunting for a church near where we live that holds to the truth in the Bible but does so with true humbleness and love, without compromising to avoid conflict with the world or community.

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Agreed! 100%!

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That would be Destiny Christian Center in Rocklin, CA. They held their ground and kept the faith.

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That's the one I mentioned above! They provided religious exemption certificates to those who needed them to avoid the vaccines.

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I remember that - which would be about 1-in-5,000 churches "fighting back."

What if 1-in-5 had fought back?

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There was a very large church I know of near Sacramento that invited people, member or not, to go there and they would give a religious exemption to those who wanted it to avoid forced vaccination. My daughter got one.

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There is a good short interview on the Daily Wire with Meagan Basham, who wrote "Shepherds for Sale", about not just church leader capitulation but actually suborning by Left-funded atheist groups (e.g. Soros founds a "Christians for Niceness" to inject social doctrines under the guise of church teaching).

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Some churches held services outdoors and we arrested of course.

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Important social movements can come out of the churches. For example, the Civil Rights movement came from MLK, Jr. and the black churches. (This movement started in Montgomery, Alabama where I lived for 10 years. On a daily basis, I drove by the church where it started.)

The colonists believed in "freedom of religion," which came from the churches and helped spur our break-up from the British Empire, which was getting a tad controlling and tyrannical.

So if Big Brother can keep the churches silent, he can probably do whatever he wants to do. Conversely, if millions of people in pulpits are mobilized, the Establishment has a problem.

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Nothing seems to exemplify this better than the opening ceremony for the Olympics. Instead of focusing on athletics, it seems more of a satanic mockery of the Last Supper.


Why does everything have to be about debauchery and deviancy these days? God will not be mocked as I'm sure these people will soon find out.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

It was a mockery of Christianity. Christians are the only religious group that are fair game. Did Paris forget what happened when cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo mocked the prophet Muhammed? 12 People were murdered.

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Matt: you may like my podcast “Are We Under Satanic Attack”: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack

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I’ve been reading Heather’s columns for years and was a Boy Scout long ago. I’ll skip this one because the whole thing makes me so angry I’m afraid…I run out of words. But thanks for raising awareness.

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Another taboo topic journalist Heather Mac Donald broached is debunking the idea that whites are more likely to commit violent crimes on blacks. The opposite - by approximately 10-fold - is actually the case.

If "racist" motivations inspire some crimes, this racial component is far more prevalent among blacks who target whites because of their race.

It's NOT racist to state, accurately, that whites are far more likely to be victims in crimes committed by citizens of a different race.

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I've got a good friend from high school who was once a pack leader in the Boy Scouts. He picked up on this woke agenda many years ago. In fact, he took his son out of Boy Scouts and led an effort to create a non-woke Boy Scouts organization.

So this topic was on my radar thanks to my friend's experiences.

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Bill, bravo for your friend. This is Exactly the type of thing people need to do.

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My friend, who graduated from West Point in 1987, also educated me on the lasting influence of the Rockefeller Foundation and this new notion that there was a "pill for every ill."

... Also, the apple didn't fall far from the tree with this contrarian friend. His daughter also became an Army offficer, but was run out of the military when, during the lockdowns, she took her 3-year-old son to the local playground, pulled off the yellow police tape on the playground equipment and let her son slide down a sliding board. She then video-taped this and put it on social media!

As a private citizen, she also organized a group trip to the J-6 election protest. She never went into the Capitol, but these two events finished off her military career.

I later interviewed her. She told me she was happy to be out of the woke military and, in another anecdote, told me she was increasingly spending time as a company commander dealing with troops who were transitioning to another gender. Apparently, our tax-payer dollars pay for these surgeries.

Local TV clip of Emily Rainey's citizen protest:


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Good for your friend’s daughter. I’d like her.

My husband is a Naval Academy grad and he and a couple of groups of other USNA grads have been working against wokeness at the academies. It is a slow slog and will only be changed with a new U.S. president - if then because it has become so institutionalized.

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I often write that we need a purge of all "leaders" in all important organizations. But, in fact, we've already had such a purge. Our rulers have been purging people who thought like me, my subscribers and Alex's subscribers, for decades.

This purge really ramped up - especially in the military and the service academies - in Obama's two administrations.

We need a counter purge.

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This isn't new. Remember "Girl Power"? "Girls Rule, Boys Drool"? It seemed harmless back when my 30-something daughters were kids. Society has been lifting girls up and degrading boys for decades. It's no wonder they are suffering.

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Of course I repeated all those same lines when I was young. Then my 2nd grade boy (in Portland Public Schools, the worst) began asking questions about why the girls in his class were allowed to join a run club at recess and get candy to bring back to the classroom. His teacher, who led the run club, told him that girls had always been discriminated against so now he wasn't allowed to join their club or get the candy because he's a boy. We pulled him for that and a million other little things he was up against... (I wasn't aware at the time but told later that a different teacher had forced his 1st grade class -- SIX YEAR OLDS -- to write letters to then Pres. Trump telling him how they were afraid of him making their teacher carry a gun in their class or some sort of nonsense. It was a school just full of idiot teachers and admins)

I have story after story of little moments that they would cut my son down. It really is death by a thousand cuts. We put him in a Christian school and he immediately began thriving. The teachers there actually do love children.

Now our son has been in Boy Scouts for a couple of years, a way to get him connected in our new community when we moved and began homeschooling. We rejected the first troop when the troop leader said they didn't follow gender ideology "yet" but expected they would be forced to eventually. Found a different troop where all the parents were simply ignorant to the gender stuff, asking my husband incredulously if that stuff was really happening when he asked his probing questions. So we're there now, and I'm watching the last two covers of "Scout" magazine come through with women on the cover, and waiting for the moment we need to pull him out. It's hard when you know it's going to happen but he's also enjoying the experience as it is now (still normal in our specific troop) and I try to keep him as ignorant as possible to all the crazy swirling around him in the culture. The woke ruin everything.

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Oh my gosh, what kind of teacher (or person for that matter) tells a little boy that? Good for you!

I've been repeatedly asked why I refuse to join "Women's" professional societies... and my answer is always the same... my gender has absolutely nothing to do with my abilities as an engineer. This effort to constantly and permanently divide everyone is only harmful. And the only person's actions we are responsible for are our own.

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Portland, Maine or Portland, Oregon? Because they're both leftist hell holes.

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And that was just the warm-up. Now your lifted-up if you claim to be something that doesn't biologically exist. Whats next?

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

I remember reading a kids magazine back in the day, and they made a POINT out of how unfair it is that boys are always portrayed as stronger and able to lift more and be better at sports than girls can. And, by consequence, why many sports adverts were aimed at boys, not girls.

Then came the "we have to let girls play on the guy's football team because equality!"

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Who’s is “Society?” I’m certainly not doing this to myself.

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The Boy Scouts used to prohibit gay scout leaders. Makes sense, doesn't it? Progressives sued the Boy Scouts for discrimination against gay men. So, the Boy Scouts were forced into accepting gay Scout leaders. Then, surprise surprise, the Scouts were massively sued when those gay leaders molested Scouts. The Scouts then had to file for bankruptcy and are now controlled by progressives.

This was an engineered takeover by some of the most disgusting excuses for human beings since Hillter.

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deletedJul 29
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Gay men are not automatically pedophiles. But a male pedophile who molests boys is automatically gay.

And I have to wonder about Girl Scouts. What is their policy about lesbian Girl Scout leaders? No matter what, there is a double standard. Either they don't allow them, yet have not been sued as were the Boy Scouts. Or they do allow them, and have not been sued, as were the Boy Scouts. The third possibility is highly unlikely, that lesbians are allowed, but they haven't molested any of the girls.

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gays are certainly overrepresented amongst child molesters

over 90% of sexual child abuse is committed by men, but fully 1/3 of the victims are male

ergo, gays are 3% of the population but commit 33% of sexual child abuse which has them 1000% more likely on average to commit sex crimes against children

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No, 90% of child abuse is not committed by men.

A feminist statistic.

There are female pedophile websites ya know. You've never heard of them because, a feminist culture would never tell you.

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Not every attack on men is feminist propaganda. Men are wired to be predators. That's not a bad thing, but it must be held in check, and the only one who can help is God himself. Otherwise it leaks out in other malicious (and sometimes feminine) ways.

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Saying "men are wired to be predators" is one of those brainrot feminist statements that has been normalized by our feminist culture.

Imagine saying that about any other group of people. Dehumanizing.

If it's an attack on men, it's feminist propaganda. Yes most pedos are men, acknowledging that is not misandry.

But the leap from that to "men are wired to be predators" is fucking gigantic. And it's just not true that it's as high as 90%.

Women are predatorial in their own way. They DO molest children more than people think, and they also materially alienate the father, commit DV.

It's a historically common position that women are actually less ethical than men because they don't value justice and fairness the same way (e.g. feminism).

It might not be a complete perspective, but I actually think it's more realistic than your view of men, which is slanderous and plays on feminist caricatures.

Women nowadays act more predatorially than men societally.

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Is it just me or was the recent failure of the Secret Service the first big death knell for DEI? I feel like since people saw a relatively average female try and shield a very tall Donald Trump it really pulled the veil off. Hopefully this sort of stuff slowly dies out and merit again becomes the ultimate goal.

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I'm a woman and I believe there are a lot of things in which women can compete equally with men. But not everything. The SS by definition needs large, tall, strong men to protect a person. There just aren't women who can physically match such men. As we saw, part of the protection was to create a wall around the protectee, but while the men protecting Trump were fairly equal in size, the shorter woman left a hole in the "wall" around Trump. Nor should women be in combat with men. They can do other things in the military, but not combat. I'm so sick of the whole DEI idiocy.

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Good comment and I agree. I would even argue Trump’s protective detail should exceed his height so that his head is not fully visible. If someone meets the physical requirements for the job they should get it. It just so happens virtually all women will be disqualified and about 99% of men will also be disqualified. The whole point is to be discriminatory and picky, not to coddle everyone’s feelings.

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I bet any talk, strong, capable females they have were all protecting the First Lady and Kamala that day instead. Trump got the sloppy seconds that truly do not belong in the SS in those particular roles.

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No one has been fired yet, Unbelievable! Let’s hope Congress and Senate will continue to closely follow so that they don’t get away with this. It makes me so damn angry, no words for allowing the complete ineptitude.

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Tall* not talk

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It's amazing that we need to give women this endless catharsis.

Women are athletically inferior to men. Big effing whoop.

No, women should not be allowed to be SS agents.

The problem with western culture is that it sycophantically wants to make neurotic women feel ok.

"I'm a woman and I believe there are a lot of things in which women can compete equally with men." I'm sure you do.

No one has ever implied otherwise. Furthermore, it's not even true. Sexual dimorphism means that men and women generally aren't as good as the other in their respective masculine/feminine tasks. Women are not capable of being as good at being masculine as men.

Women don't even value strength as a virtue. Do they compete with one another like men do? Or do they just dote on each other?

They don't value strength and yet do so much posturing.

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Failure is a feature not a flaw.

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Heather has indeed produced a large volume of excellent journalism on taboo topics. My thesis is that all "important" organizations are completely captured. That is, DEI wokeness is endemic in all large and influential organizations. The (former) Boy Scouts are perhaps more important because this woke indoctrination begins the brain-washing process in CHILDREN/adolescents. The same thing happens in K-12 schools and accelerates in higher education.

It's almost like this is a nefarious and intentional program to destroy the most important organizations in society.

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“….It's almost like this is a nefarious and intentional program to destroy the most important organizations in society….”

Exactly. No more calls, folks. We have a winner.

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They were patient. They waited for the "endgame" - which hit us all at once around March 2020.

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I am an Eagle Scout, Class of 1975 and credit the Boy Scouts with keeping me out of Juvenile jail as I grew up in a dysfunctional, divorced single-mom household. The role models provided by my Scoutmasters and the camaraderie amongst my fellow scouts was priceless. It's a shame that the organization was infiltrated over the years by communists (see the switch to red berets in 1973 along with the new Boy Scout Manual) and finally overtaken by the feminization of society.

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Boys Scouts saved my father and if he knew it was destroyed, he’d be very sad. My three boys were in Scouts and had great experiences before it was ruined.

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I don't know that it's the feminization of society becuase now they don't even recognize real women. It's whatever their delusions produce to test people. Men were the first to be attacked, then women (especially white men and women), now gay people who don't support the sexualization of children... I can't even imagine what is going to happen next.

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I heard they became too reliant on corporate donations that came with woke strings attached.

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Thanks for sharing, Alex. This is most relevant. I for one am sick of all the useless, harmful, and completely irrelevant categorizations they divide people into. I hope someone out there starts a new version of the boy scouts, and girl scouts for that matter, that teaches our young people values and life skills instead of hate and wokeness.

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And we forget how much we all have in common. We let the bad guys divide us rather than have good guys unite us.

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And to be comfortable in their own skins & of service to others.

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I have 2 daughters and I watched them LAVISHED with STEM education opportunities and money.

I see friends and families sons...GET ZERO encouragement or Money!

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As the mother of two sons and grandmother of two boys I watch what is happening with horror. I am convinced there is an evil force trying to tear the very fabric of humanity apart. God help us.

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Yes!! Aren't more of these "AWFLs" moms & wives to white men & boys? How can you support something that could harm the males you love? Esp innocent children you're supposed to nurture & guide. I don't get it.

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As a former boy scout in the 60’s this really saddens me. What used to be a fine, character building organization for males has now become just another victim of DEI, Woke, and progressives imposing their ideology on us at will. When will it stop? Perhaps the better question is how will it stop?

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How will it stop? Perhaps mass boycotts. Let the "market" say, "Enough already."

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Alex, thank you for posting this article. Great find.

This woke agenda is Orwellian double-speak, pure and simple.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. DEI is strength. Sex/gender is a choice.

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We saw it with the Olympic Opening Ceremonies - which allegedly were "celebrating Inclusion."

Other say they were forcing a woke agenda on people who just wanted to watch some sports.

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And they have to have “ gay” scout masters although they just paid out a fortune in “ homosexual “ child abuse claims. I know all gays are not child predators but it is like leading a horse to water and expecting them not to drink.

Why have we surrendered common sense ?

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Heather MacDonald does excellent work. I learned of her while watching Tucker and now that Fox threw him off the air, I am sure Heather's influence via MSM has plummeted. I will look for her on substack - my increasingly go to resource for honest voices. I am the mother of 2 young men in their 20s. They make me proud. I considered myself a "feminist" until I realized I had to hate men to support women. Then I learn that men who pretend to be women should be celebrated but real men remain deplorable. Hence, I no longer consider myself a feminist.

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Feminism does not require hating all men. It's not even recommended. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise, they are not feminists, but just haters.

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“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Yes, there is strong strain of anti-men in feminism. Not all feminists, but many.

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It's all feminists.

Women like are part of the problem.

This is why no one can ever make any fucking progress.

Because women like come out of the woodwork to say "NOT ALL FEMINISTS".

You live in absolute female supremacism on the daily you nincompoop.

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I mean you don't have any genuine goal in mind with feminism.

It begins and ends with emotionalism.


Just female wiles/shenanigans.

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Feminism does require hating all men.

Do tell, what even is feminism?

You live in a western culture that is evident female supremacist.

Women need to lose their privileges under the law, and it is men's rights that are trampled over on a daily basis.

Let's be honest, you support feminism because you're a ditzy woman, who is obssessed with her womanhood.

You don't know why you're a feminist, it's just because you wanna giddily support woman like a clueless child.

It's amazing the brainrot women will engage in for emotional catharsis.

Truly amazing.

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It's amazing that you were intellectually pathetic enough to be a feminist in the first place.

But I guess the average westerner can't be expected to have any good sense.

Do tell, what made you be a feminist first? Supporting women? Supporting women to do what? Make them happy? Dote on them? give them unearned privileges under the law?

What exactly was your goal in being a feminist in a world that has been dominated by gynocentrism since 1970?

Giddily supporting women like a child with no endgoal in sight because it makes you feel good? Seems like that's the dominant majority of most women's reasons.

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Alex, meet another angry white guy!!! The woke joke is alive & well. Take the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Doing a mock of the Last Supper by arseholes from the "Drag Queens" I'll never give to the Olympics again. Drag queens are the epidemy of what's wrong with America!! Joe Biden let this happen. some catholic he is!! His wife actually praised the open ceremonies..

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And let us not forget Mit Romney who said the opening ceremonies were "Imaginative, inventive and memorable"


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