"climate change is real, and carbon dioxide from fossil fuel admissions is the primary driver."

Eh, not a big fan of unfalsifiable hypothesis, whether they're dealing with vaccine effectiveness (it would have been worse!) or with "climate change".

I figure if climate change is real, they wouldn't have fudge the numbers from the past to make today's numbers look hotter. Or make adjustments to the current temperature data that is the opposite of what's expected. Or use statistical tricks like upside down Tiljander. Or say stuff like "Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it."

The whole covid/vaccine playbook was created from the "climate change" playbook.

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Agreed. The "climate change" hoax was the first test shot at large-scale control by the WEF elites. If it were truly a problem, they'd have sacrificed their private jets long ago for the "common good." Apparently those special-human-super-powered WEF elites have invisible carbon footprints.

Besides, weren't we supposed to have melted all the glaciers and flooded the world by now? Never stopped the Gores or the Obamas from buying insanely expensive beachfront homes. Guess they simply have money to burn--despite the emissions.

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Roger Hallam from extinction rebellion says in this podcast greenland will be completely free of ice in 12 years. Interview was a year ago so 11 more years to go. I have this saved. I'm going to start pinging him in 5 years to see how he feels about his prediction

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Al Gore promised me beach front property by 2015, yet the Atlantic Ocean remains ninety mile away.

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They started taking the signs down at the National Parks that were put up in 2010 and were telling people the glaciers there would be gone soon. Now they just say the are receding at a slower pace than first predicted.

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That was Glacier National Park. I think they were up before 2010... they sign claimed the glaciers would be gone by 2020... so they just took them down in 2018 or 2019

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don't forget that that global warming ended when obama was elected

it had just stopped warming

so they changed the way they measure temperature!

instead of ocean buoys & satellites, they nixed the satellites & reprogrammed the buoys

just in time for 2015 to have record-breaking temperatures about every day leading up to the Paris Climate Accord

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Feb 24, 2022
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His land is about six feet above current sea level at high tide...

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Feb 25, 2022
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Do you think he will still have his Obama phone to call his private yacht?

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Before reading your comment, I just made the same point in my comment. It drives me crazy that all the propaganda from the past 30 years has been so effective that even conservatives and R's take as received wisdom that "climate change" is caused by humans.

It is nuts. The climate has changed MUCH MORE DRAMATICALLY in the past way before fossil fuels were even imagined in the mind of man.

It is a HUGE CONCEIT that man thinks he can affect something as large as the earth's ecosystem. The emissions from a decent volcano eruption dwarfs anything we can generate with out internal combustion engines and power plants.

Also, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics ought to have a say in this argument, right? Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed? Did I remember that correctly? (Not a rhetorical question, I am old and did NOT major in a hard science. I majored in fiction. I have a degree in journalism).

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Agree with your comment entirely, except it has actually been 37 years that they've been banging on about this. When I heard it first, I was a sophomore in college, back in 1985. It was called the Greenhouse Effect then. Then it morphed into Global Warming sometime in the 90's. When that didn't pan out as expected they switched to Climate Change. That also didn't work, so they gave Climate Chaos a test run for about 6 months in the 00's. That was about as popular as New Coke (also from 1985), so they quickly went back to Climate Change. All along they kept predicting the ice caps would melt in 10 years. They'd make the same prediction every year. Plus, the ever present "Global Average Temperature" is rising hysteria.

Did anyone ever even question the fact that they keep referring to "Global Average Temperature?" What the hell does that even mean for a planet where temperatures can range from 130 degrees above freezing to 70 below? I'll answer my own question here. It is because a single number is easier to scare the common folk with. That's pretty much all you need to know about "Climate Science."

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It actually started off 100's of years ago as "global cooling".

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Didn't they even try "climate weirding" for a spell in the late-90s or early-aughts?

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You're right about energy, but you're forgetting about what *carries* the energy. Burn coal, and you get coal ash and heat - but you can't burn coal ash. Burn oil, and if it's a clean burn, you get CO2 and water and heat - but you can't burn CO2 or water, not even if you're a bachelor cook...

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Or use fake studies like Mann’s or Monnet’s ridiculous polar bear study.

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Temperatures today are measured with thousands of sensors in oceans, mountains satellites, ice caps all over the world.

Where did temperature readings come from 50 years or more in the past? By back-fitting historical temperatures to match the curve researchers needed for the desired result.

How can a reasonable person believe historical temperatures used are comparable to recent measurements?

And the de-growth movement figured out the chokepoint of industrialized progress is carbon. That’s the driver.

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Not to mention the urban heat index that they fail to account for nowadays

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90% of temperature monitors fail basic scientific standards. Don’t be so impressed.

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Unicorns don’t make money, but fossil fuels do.

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I remember in 1970 we was talking about this Global warming nonsense even back then like AOC they said if we don't do something now we are all going to die in 12 years. This is when Raytheon mid 70's came out with Solar panels a school Mate of My Mother was a Big shot for Raytheon he was the first to put the experiment on his own house. They had 2 children the wife is full of arthritis and Cancer issues the Husband has Alzheimer's disease the 2 children have issues as well they have moved from that home in the mid 80's went on to try windmills didn't work so they had to get 2 big Propane tanks and ran them shortly not doing what they was Promised to run a single home with 4 seasons. I have on our own Place when Regan was President it was a Tax Program if you put the glass Panels on your house it would heat cool and power the home it done none of these things in a few Years the company was out of business. A few Years after that most of the glass fogged up or broke like a car windshield. Oil Gas Natural Gas and Coal is the only way to go if you try any other way it is a National security risks for the country.

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I remember in school it was a new ice age coming

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The same fools then and today. If we don't spend millions today it's billions of dollars we are all going to die.

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I do too. Alex is too young to have lived through that.

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There’s a video with Leonard Nimoy from the 70’s that’s about the ice age that was supposedly coming that never materialized. It’s quite laughable. You can Google it.

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And the Population Bomb.

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Bill Gates picked up that baton... and now he is vaccinating everyone. Problem solved?

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As a little kid, the pending doom of devastating ice age was very frightening. But since my parents weren't worried about it, I wasn't either. I can only imagine how frightened kids must be in this climate "panic" at the thought of physically burning up or drowning as their cities are claimed by rising seas.

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Back in the early 70's they also said Whales and dolphins would be close to North Dakota.

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Perhaps they meant the Miami Dolphins?

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In 1971 I attended a Give Earth a Chance rally at my high school. They handed out buttons (remember buttons?) and flyers at the door. Guest celebrity speaker to punctuate the whole thing was Eddie Albert. A farmer of sorts. He banged on the table and declared that we had about 10 years to live because automobile and factory pollution would cover the skies, block the sunlight and produce a new ice age. Chicken Little will always be with us.

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If climate change were truly anthropogenic AND they truly believed it to be so:

They wouldn't be buying oceanfront property AND they'd be pushing nuclear power to the nth degree. But they do neither.


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The whole “Green” movement is nothing more than modern-day Catholic indulgences. Same schtick, and every bit as profitable and oppressive.

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Ha! I was going to comment the same thing but saw that you took the words out of my mouth. Thanks for saving me the effort.

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Regarding "Let’s all agree; climate change is real, and carbon dioxide from fossil fuel emissions is the primary driver.": if there's anything I have learned in my late 40s, it's that you should question even things you think you "know". For example, real-world "science" is VERY political, because funding for science comes from politicians. Simple, once your eyes are open.

The Freakonomics guys, Levitt & Dubner, took a swing at estimating humanity's impact on global warming; their estimate was that 1% of the warming is due to our activities. That's the most bias-free estimate that I'm aware of, and it hardly matches "emissions is the primary driver". Furthermore, yes the climate is changing, but it has ALWAYS changed. Even the chemical makeup of the atmosphere has changed radically during the earth's existence. So "climate change" isn't bad per se; in fact it's normal.

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Climate naturally do change but not in the level Liberals & Greta Thunberg are shrieking about. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/the_coming_modern_grand_solar_minimum.html The Earth is after all 4.5 Billion years old, it has its own mechanism for regulation... and Sun's activity has a lot to do with it too. Mere human can do anything about it? I kinda doubt that.. that does not mean I am against cleaning up the Earth, but, not the level that would kill human population or make our lives miserable like those Globalists (WEF)) are attempting to. This coming winter's debacle in Europe is totally their own making. (Ours too for that matter.). Meanwhile rich globalists are flying all over the planet with their pretty private jets, and buying up beach side mansions, why are we the ones having to go without power, you wonder? If you have EpochTV subscription, watch this. https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-climate-change-is-a-lie-hiding-an-agenda-for-social-control-gregory-wrightstone_4791812.html and also you can watch this Michael Moor's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk11vI-7czE

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Those books do seem to read very similar. Does cause one to wonder...? 🤔

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Don't you know? Covid was caused by climate change. Fauci has published a paper in cell on this important topic. We are in the "pandemic era". Climate change is covid!!!! https://futurism.com/neoscope/fauci-warns-earth-entered-pandemic-era

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You lost me at "climate change is real".

Ya, but so what?


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The climate changes all the time!

The last guest I heard on the Joe Rogan podcast says that humans drive maybe 50% of it

if this climate change (green energy) industry is as honest & reliable as big pharma, then it's probably closer to 0.50%

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Global Warming happens every year by Summer, for which I am really happy it does.

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Nah. Summer in the northern hemisphere is winter in the southern hemisphere, and vice versa. The same amount of solar energy impacts the earth all year round. That makes me happy too.

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That was Steve Koonin who is reasonable. Joe followed up with Andrew Dressler of Texas A&M who is a full on Michael Mann disciple and claims 100% caused by Man. Questions on how to de-carbonize given issues with rare earth minerals, grid reliability and limited battery life were met with hand waving “the market will figure it out” answers. NOAA and NASA have made changes in the historical records to enhance the warming trend. See Tony Heller at realclimatescience.com. He tracks historic events and shows the alterations done by record keeping agencies like NOAA.


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I also like how Dressler called for needing backup zero carbon "firm" energy sources for Solar and Wind. Hey genius, why do we need to build 2 power grids then? Lost just about all logical credibility with me with that statement.

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Carbon dioxide is Plant Food and is greening the Earth per NASA's own Sat Data.

Carbon Dioxide cannot warm a planet.

A planet's atmospheric temperature is determined two things....Density of Atmosphere and/or Distance from Heat Source. CO2 by its self warms nothing.

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you mean he didn't lose you when he dismissed that BS Malaysian horse paste study?

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You dont use horse paste Ivermectin for head lice?

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Feb 24, 2022
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"We all voted correctly, and Kamala Harris is charming..."

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Feb 23, 2022
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Bingo - measure the trends on geological time, not stupid human concepts of time.

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And 160 million years ago it was warmer when there was more carbon, more biodiversity, more oxygen too

I always wonder, do people think the Dino’s had coal plants, or do they just not realize we are t anywhere near that level of CO2 today?

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Just as science was obviously hijacked in perpetuating the whu-flu narrative it was being used with CC for a long time before 2020. Just as Mao used subjective or as some say political science to advance the narrative in the great famine of the 1950's the CCP of today and many followers of the CCP model like Gates, WEF, Fauci etc, advance agendas like CC and implementing or entrenching the Pharma-Government industrial complex upon humanity. Objective science has been thrown aside. One cannot use objective science to control an ongoing narrative based in deception and lies. The very premise and existence the CCP is built upon. Yeah right...the perfect model.

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Facts are so inconvenient to so many leftist agendas. I think our sophisticated European friends are in for some inconvenience!

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Let them freeze in the dark.

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No need to go back 160 million years. The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was only about 55 million years ago. A new ice age is as likely at that.

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True………. I wonder how the climate alarmist are going to explain the dropping temperatures in coming years that started with the 2019 “polar vortex” that actually resulted from a decrease in sun spot activity expected to continue for at least a couple decades??????

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climate is gonna climate

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And once there was so much oxygen in the atmosphere and so little CO2 all the plants died. Look it up.

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The Earth is coming out of a CO2 starved cycle;Plants die off at less than 150ppm.

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Didn’t realize this. Interesting.

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First Ivermectin, and now this? "Let’s all agree; climate change is real, and carbon dioxide from fossil fuel admissions is the primary driver." Come on, Alex. Get your head out of the sand. Do a tiny bit of research about "climate change" and you may be shocked to discover the lies about that are right in line with all the Covid whoppers.

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it's like that quote, from I think Michael Crichton

something along the lines of:

'when you read a newspaper write-up about your industry - you are amazed at how many basic facts they have wrong & how poor the information is. then you read their write-ups about other industries & assume they are giving you good information.;

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Yup, Crichton. He called it the "Gell-Mann Amnesia effect".

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YouTube " Michael Crichton states of fear science or politics? " Watch it and relate it to today.

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spot on. only thing I would change is: they must be as wrong about the industries i'm not too informed on

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I'm praying that once more people realize that the gov't has lied to them about CV19, they'll start questioning "cLIMatE sCiencE!(tm)"

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Who needed the whu-flu to know what the Gov does and has been doing for decades and decades. Only thing diff now is its amplified and more brazen because they know not ONE of them has been held accountable! Kids in a candy store being told to take what they want because no one is stopping them. Kind of like California now!

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Alex is surprisingly naive when he gets out of his lane.

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If we are aware that the media and their scientists are misrepresenting data, fudging numbers and outright lying regarding covid data, why are we still assuming they are being truthful about climate change?

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Tara - you saved e the trouble. Thank you.

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I believe in the Climate Change models and scientists as much as I believed Niel Ferguson's Imperial College London model on the Rona in February of 2020 that was off by orders of magnitude. Sure, the weather changes. Always has. Just run across a news clip from 100 years ago, or read a book - lots of floods, droughts, tornadoes, etc. the Green Energy thing is 100% a con and always has been.

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It's just the new crippling hobgoblin that should keep us all cowering in our homes, waiting for the government to tell us when we can go out and how far we can go. A means of control and a convenient way to tank the wealthy economies of the West as they fall into the Green trap for the sake of virtue.

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Same type of people spewing the same kind of hijacked science and calling it REAL

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People have been aware of and concerned about the heat-trapping property of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere since the late 1800s. That is not a typo. 1800s.

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and you know that if they had kept records for centuries and centuries before that it would be the same. Climate always achangin. Climate gonna climate...

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I'm well aware that both the earth's climate and the composition of its atmosphere have been continually changing for eons. That's not the point I was making.

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Climate warriors who ignore nuclear power aren't serious.

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Especially when wind and solar are environmental hazards, eyesores ,and kill off local wildlife. Green Energy is a Myth funded by Tax Dollars.

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Climate warriors who promote renewables haven’t a clue about ecology either.

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I agree.

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Putin making power plays. Senile Joe shuffling around with a diaper on both ends.

It’s so bad you almost can’t believe it.

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You forgot about that lunatic in Canada.

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Blackfacehitler making Canada more like China

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senile Joe is just doing as he is told. Makes no decisions in moving agenda 2030 forward

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what people are missing is Putin and the puppet getting what they want. This is all intentional

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the puppet could give a rat's arse about driving inflation and energy costs thru the roof. That is the point to advance the 2030 WEF agenda. How many times did Trump warn this would happen?

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I don’t agree that carbon dioxide emissions are the primary driver of climate change.

First off, by definition the climate is always changing.

Secondly, the only driver strong enough to significantly alter the climate is the SUN.

That is the SIGNAL. All the cries of man made climate change is just NOISE from a bunch of indoctrinated zealots.

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that's why bill gates is trying to block out the sun

(true story)

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Love the quote of an aoshq commenter from a long time ago:

"If only there were some... natural explanation for falling and rising temperatures.

Such a hypothetical source of warming would have to be massive, however. On the order of magnitude of our own Sun."

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wuh...what? Bwahahaha!

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“ Let’s all agree; climate change is real, and carbon dioxide from fossil fuel admissions is the primary driver.” Ummm. No. We don’t understand weather, and we don’t understand all of the confounding natural elements that impact climate. When you create a model that’s targeted at discovering the evils of CO2, well, you get answer that exposes that very specific signal. But the weather is a mix of completely chaotic and inputs, one (only one) of which is CO2. To say that this single thing is the heat switch is bananas. Does it contribute to an increase in temps? Maybe - probably. Is it going to kill us, or bake us off the world? There’s zero scientific evidence that supports catastrophe.

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i would maybe pay a tiny bit of attention if obama wasn't buying oceanfront property everywhere & our climate czar (john kerry) wasn't flying everywhere in a private jet

if those guys aren't worried then i'm not worried!

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Plus there are over a 100 government patents for weather control.

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Why does anyone pay attention to that mouthy Swedish brat?

Lots of people think nuclear = Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukishima. That was then. This is now: nuclear is much safer than ever, and the hazardous spent fuel can be safely stored.

It's not your father's nuclear. It can work--but I guess we need to wait for Greta to tell us it's OK.

Not that Bezos needs the money, but...


An excellent read.

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How Dare You! : )

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…mouthy Swedish brat… 🤣

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It's painful looking at her squawking face. Can't fathom what made anyone think she had anything to say.

What's going to be funny is watching her grow up.

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Makes me ask, "Where are her parents?" Would YOU let one of your kids behave this way?

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This is intentional by the WEF. Their goal is to impoverish the world. No one with a brain can actually promote renewables as environmentally friendly - they are ecologically destructive. The Earth was much warmer for most of the reign of the dinosaurs. There was more carbon much more oxygen and a much greener planet. Carbon is not the problem (methane and oceanic micro plastics are with the latter being a huge problem).

If these WEF/ liberal/ Democrat idiots cared about clean, safe energy then newer nuclear plants would be springing up around the world.

If they cared about the environment they wouldn’t be pushing poverty. I once said travel to a poor country and glance in any river or stream or green area and it’s evident why poverty destroys the environment. Now I just say go to LA, look around, gander in the river, you’ll get the point.

A greener Earth with more biodiversity (and food and prosperity) is far better for the environment than the dystopian hell with a blacked out sun and mass suffering the WEF seeks through the likes of Germany, blackfacehitler, and Biden.

If people will stop voting for this and give the innovation that served humans well for thousands of years this would end.

But alas are masses are stupid people who vote for this and seem to enjoy the idea of impending doom as they co-sign our children to slavery to the fascist left.

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"climate change is real, and carbon dioxide from fossil fuel admissions is the primary driver."

Good grief, what a disappointing thing to read here.

I won't cancel you Al, but I won't be renewing

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Good to see Alex finally reference the WEF. Hopefully he will now investigate their role in the Vaccines, Vaccine Passport, Digital ID agenda as they are every bit as culpable in that as they are in the 'Climate Crisis', 'Green' Energy, De-Carbonization agenda.

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Maybe don't let autistic teen girls dictate energy policy? That's my takeaway.

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Just want to get some facts straight " Let’s all agree; climate change is real, and carbon dioxide from fossil fuel admissions is the primary driver". Yes, the climate is goona change no debate there. But there is no proven link between human activity and Co2 levels and there is no link between rising CO2 levels (low to begin with) and temperature as is borne out all over. Ye see a few years ago the cunning profs at the University of East Anglia were asked (paid) by the Global Warming Gods to find the link between us evil humans and CO2 levels / climate change and could not (remember the email leaks?) - then like the good gutter press they were the MSM buried it, ye know like adverse affects from the jabs, that kind of thing. The biggest factors are the sun (Galelleo knew that!) and the ocean. We can drive our wee cars all we like but sadly we're not even close to the impact of these two. No Co2 - no life!

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The idea that government would even know the 'optimum' temperature is crazy.

The idea that government can get and keep Earth there with enough money and power is stark raving mad.

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They have no idea what that temp is. None. Climate Change is the original technocrats wet dream. This is the original “if only people would listen to us so we can save the world” scheme. But they failed. Then arrived COVID. People are now primes for the next state managed emergency “for your own good.” The climate catastrophe peeps are gonna try real hard to control society, much like we controlled for COVID. It’s going to be declared an existential threat with all the models that show us literally living on a frying pan, and the government will attempt to curtail your energy use and:or your lifestyle. They are the COVID response as model to manipulate the people as we move on to the next great catastrophe.

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"Let’s all agree; climate change is real...."

Umm, no. It is not. I'm pleasantly surprised that many other commenters have already beat me to this observation. Alex, I encourage you to be open-minded enough to consider that there are other narratives that are just as false as the covid one.

I do find everything else in your post to be fascinating food for thought.

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Why do we need to manage a transition away from anything?

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