I have known Tony Fauci since I was a medical student on his service for a quarter in 1976-77.At the time,he was known primarily for work he and his mentor,Dr Sheldon Wolfe had done on the treatment of Wegener’s Granulomatosis.He was enormously and notoriously ecotistical even then.The running joke at the time was “Tony is the world’s greatest doctor- just ask him”. I returned to NIH in the early 80’s as a fellow,at which point,he had become director of the NIAID.With the advent of HIV(whose causative agent was co-described by Dr Robert Gallo at NIH) Tony moved wholly into political hackery and pushed himself forward front and center as the face of the government response to the virus,stabbing Reagan in the back all the way.You have correctly stated that he was behind the effort to convince the American people that everyone was at risk of acquiring HIV,not,as most physicians already knew to be the case,primarily those practicing receptive anal intercourse or IV drug use.He sponsored this public health deception,because he suspected the public would be less supportive of HIV research if they understood who was truly at risk.From Ebola to the the Wuhan virus pandemia,he has practiced deception and deceit,and in the later instance has stooped to the most gross demagoguery in implying that he,the mighty Fauci,is actually the living embodiment of science itself.He is nothing but a political hack,and to my knowledge hasn’t had personal responsibility for the care of any patient in over 40 years.Quite frankly,he should be sacked…

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Wow! Thanks for that. It's very interesting to get a perspective of someone who has known him all these years.

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Thanks for your information, Theo. You are brave.

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Theophilus, please add my thank you as well. And my appreciation for the simple fact that you're willing to put this in a public sphere.

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"he was behind the effort to convince the American people that everyone was at risk of acquiring HIV" I remember learning about HIV in elementary school, trying to keep up with the special presentations about 'immunodeficiency' on the overhead projector, filling out the word scrambles and whatever other cute presentations they made to us.

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That is quite the perspective!

And, it is an indictment of my colleagues who will not take action against flagrantly impaired ‘peers’ who put the public at risk.

But, as long as accountable people do nothing, it leads to disaster.

Thank you very much for your comment, but, as a physician, it just reinforces to me, we are doomed…

Really, almost 40 years of this scum bag being in this position of power, and nothing being done about it, again, what a hideous indictment about the medical profession!

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Theophilus, much thanks 👍

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Questioning Fauci isn’t questioning science. Questioning IS science.

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Rebecca Pettigrew - absolutely perfect and succinct! Thank you!! I'd like a couple score of bumper stickers please.

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Me too!

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Brilliant! I hope you don't mind, but I quoted you today in another realm of "science deniers" because they don't like the answers. thank you, Rebecca! I withheld your attribution as I had not obtained permission, but it was too perfect not to use. :)

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Meanwhile, they still don’t get it. 😞

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That's perfect Rebecca. Is it OK to quote you on another forum?

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Sure. 😌 Warning though: nobody ever listens to me 😂😂

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that changes today

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Quite frankly Facui is a quack snake oil pedler. Quite frankly NOT a scientist. BTW I have a doctorate in the sciences and I know a lot of what he says is quite frankly bullshit. Frankly speaking.

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I also have a PhD and conduct preventive health-related clinical trials for a living. I am aghast and apoplectic at where we are today. Fauci and his peers have maligned the scientific method, public health, scientists at large and “science” itself.

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Have you listened to any interviews of Robert Malone, MD, PhD, the inventor of mRNA technology? I have a background in molecular biology as well and he is the "real deal." Here is one... https://www.theintellectualpeoplepodcast.com. Go to latest episodes and you will see it.

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Malone shows up a lot on Bannon's War Room as well (you can watch this on rumble and just fast forward to the Malone bits). Malone will actually do guerrilla media "pirate radio" style with a lot of different people - he is really trying to get his message out.

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I agree. Last half hour is enlightening and discomforting. If you don’t have 2 1/2 hours just watch the last half hour.

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I saw an interview with Dr. Malone by Steve Bannon. In the interview, it seemed that Dr. Malone was saying that the approval by the CDC of the vaccine was not of the vaccine currently available from Pfizer. Dr. Malone said that the media is overlooking this fact. Anyone have info on this?

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https://www.brighteon.com/cfde7636-7079-44b4-9109-3f09b345ced8 https://www.fda.gov/media/150386/download

Atleast no possible federal mandate since still EUA. President Biden overtly lied to the American public yesterday.

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Absolutely unbelievable! It looks like governments and companies are moving forward as though it has been approved fully. Where is the pushback from anyone in the main stream media?

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Click at the bottom of the latest blog entry to see Dr. Malone's analysis of the vaccine "approval." https://www.rwmalonemd.com/news

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Hi Sarah

That is one of the most important 40 minutes of podcast I have come across in many, many months.

⏩ Required listening IMHO....


Robert Malone: the last 40 minutes of this podcast at https://www.theintellectualpeoplepodcast.com

That last 40 minutes...really valuable, thanks for the tip Geedub 👍

01:59:40 The idea of enforcing the Noble Lie

02:05:13 Algorithm based fact-checking

02:11:03 Lost our faith in public health

02:15:39 Can FDA approves the vaccine & reformulate the vaccine?

02:22:14 Governments at risk

02:28:43 Concluding statements:

1. Noble Lie 02:30:07

2. Bioethics 02:31:25

3. Evolution of viruses become less pathogenic & highly infectious

02:32:44 Media likes oppositional relationship and misses the information

02:35:49 Wrapping Up

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It is amazing. Just found his blog/website https://www.rwmalonemd.com/news

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Much thanks. Wild times we find ourselves in!

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Dr. Malone is my Fauci

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I listened to the whole thing. Thanks, Sarah. Dr. Malone is an interesting guy.

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Thanks for the link. I like Malone quite a bit and have seen a few interviews with him. In the last forty minutes he does a great job of distilling down the essential issues and problems of the current approach to the pandemic. Here is another interview with him that is worthwhile: https://www.theepochtimes.com/dr-robert-malone-mrna-vaccine-inventor-on-the-bioethics-of-experimental-vaccines-and-the-ultimate-gaslighting_3889805.html

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Thanks for that link. So informative!

Don't you wish Malone had Fauci's job?

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I like the way Pfizer gave their “control group” the jabs because “they felt badly leaving them out and exposed.”

If this is “science” I am a tomato plant.

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there is a stipulation that if the drug you are testing in a trial is proved to be "extremely effective" you have to inform the control group of it and give them the option to take it. i suspect they scared their control groups into taking it by telling them how safe and effective it was, nevermind that you can have no idea how effective or safe it is after only a couple months...but destroying your blind studies is a great way to cover up the fact your product is neither safe or effective

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Abbybwood: hello NON-tomato plant. Agreed.

This is politics and genocide, not science.

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The fundamental truth of vaccines is it takes science to develop them, but deployment is tactical, not science. A quick check in March 2020 ( science talk - Phase 1 trial) showed Moderna vax was reasonably safe. If it have been deployed immediately, many of the 4 million who subsequently died, and of the hundreds of millions sickened, would have been saved. Yes, a few would have been harmed, but sacrificing a few to save millions is the only rational approach. They died to support lawyers and self absorbed "scientists."

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Agree. It really upsets me as well. Unfortunately I see an erosion of the scientific method. The company I work for has a “ research” group that can’t even set up a trial with a control group. The “research” they do is simply an extension of marketing.

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Absolutely agree. Profit motive makes it more and more difficult to work for “for-profit” companies as an ethically-trained scientist who might insist on a proper control group (roll eyes).

The problem with the CDC/FDA is that they are meant to exist to protect the American people, not for profit. Instead they seem to be completely captured and are functioning as THE primary marketing arm for Pfizer.

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I just listened to Reiner Fuellmich (German lawyer) interview David E. Martin, PhD, patent expert, on patents related to SARS-COV-2. It will blow your mind. Another must listen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihjNDf32_Ac

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I am a licensed MD and I agree 100%. I've dealt with a lot of quacks during my career and Fauci absolutely belongs in that category. I hope he goes to jail someday for all the damage his incompetence, greed, and arrogance has caused.

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Sadly, at 80, he won't do enough time to much matter. He has had a good run and gotten away with it.

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That's what Dr. Malone says (more politely though). Compare how Malone and Fauci speak. Malone is so thoughtful - only saying what he can back up with evidence. Fauci will say anything.

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Carey Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, said that Fauci is a bold-faced liar who has no problem going on TV and lying to the American public if he thinks it will advance his own career/agenda.

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I just listened to Reiner Fuellmich (German lawyer) interview David E. Martin, PhD, patent expert on U.S. patents related to SARS-COV-2. It will blow your mind. Must listen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihjNDf32_Ac

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Thank you for posting Sarah, I’m listening to this now.

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He may be Gollum... May be.

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Well done. 👏

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It’s Rockefeller snake oil

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Here's a new one. Pharmacies in my area (Northwest Chicago) will not fill legitimate prescriptions for Ivermectin if it's for a diagnosis related to Covid! I called 4 different pharmacies, and some of the pharmacist were nasty, and I am a physician! They argued over studies! They have it, but won't fill it even if you want to pay cash! Unbelievable. They said it's off label, and I said so what! If I am a licensed physician and choose with my patient to use a drug off label, that's between them and me. Physicians do that all the time.

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Here in California it’s exactly the same. Pharmacists think they will get fired if they fill prescriptions brought to them, ordered by local doctors who are willing to prescribe it in difficult cases.

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It shouldn't be like that. But with that being said, it's possible to get Ivermectin from the pharmacy (in Florida) that is associated with America's Frontline Doctors. But it's not cheap. I paid $180 for a bottle of Ivermectin. Sorry, but I'm not at home and can't remember how many pills I got in the order.

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I'm hearing from Covid19Crusher on Twitter (excellent source I think) that the supply of Ivermectin is being throttled. Customs is looking for people bringing it in. They can't stop Fentanyl but they can can stop Ivermectin. Go figure.

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FDA has ordered USPS to destroy shipments of it

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Maybe that's why I wound up paying what I did for it. You know, supply and demand. Geez, now I'm glad I bought it. I have a lot of it left. I took 2 doses (4 pills on Day 1, 4 pills again on Day 3). Felt much better 2 days after the second dosing, so I stopped.

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Before long, someone will calculate how many died from the irrational politicization of medicine. Millions for sure. No one will be punished. Too many to prosecute. Maybe a few scapegoats will be symbolically criticized, but the only competent conclusion should be to get government out of the medical approvals business. They're useful for standards and testing, like supermarket chicken, but consumers should have absolute control of what they use.

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what can you do to fight this? How is this blocking of a drug by a pharmacist legal?

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Pharmacist's have a legal right to not fill any prescription they feel is dangerous. But in this case that is silly. I was shocked as I called different pharmacies that I got the same answer and I suspect that the FDA sent our some notice to try and stop it, although I have no proof. But the same message form different competing pharmacies really surprised me. It is a safe drug.

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OMG, unreal. This is apocalyptic. The FDA is killing people.

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Call your congressman. I call mine every day now.

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I only have one in the state of Delaware. I call, email and I never get a reply. I'm in a dreadful blue state and it's truly hell.

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How is a vaccine mandate and a vaccine passport legal? It’s not. Here in So California most of the pharmacies are in big box stores or are a minor piece of huge chains where employers and their corporate boards make the rules. Kind of like requiring masks on kindergarten kids regardless of parent wishes. I think it’s all part of information control as required by the government narrative. And of course, Follow The Money….which operates behind the scenes.

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Governments have abused their populations throughout history. Legal is whatever they say is legal. Success, and survival, comes from learning to get around them.

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You can prescribe in Texas. Prices have shot up though due to demand. Also, I am not sure if it is insurance or specific pharmacy chains restricting it, but I had a pharmacy ask specifically if the patient diagnosis was COVID before dispensing. I am guessing they would restrict for prophylaxis or hoarding. This may be because of the high demand with the current wave.

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The pharmacies I talked to said they would not fill the prescription for any covid diagnosis. It is running short in supply. Who knows the motivations driving the folks who are making the policy decisions for the pharmacies.

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The vax mob is threatening license revocation for pharmacists and doctors who defy the political orthodoxy. It's not the pharmacists' fault. They know better, but their own survival is more important to them than yours.

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Clutching my Ivermectin I got back in July after listening to Dr Kory on Dark Horse. Glad I got it back then.

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He’s saying the pharmacists are refusing to fill the prescriptions

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I was able to get a 32-pill supply of Ivermectin at a local independent pharmacy (Mississippi) for $160.

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Our local CVS on the Philly Main Line declined it. The compounding pharmacy affiliated with the doctor is on a three week delay. A CVS 20 minutes north filled it for my son, so I just had mine transferred there. We'll see.

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Try a pharmacy near Devon.

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Am I the only one who believes Fauci took a placebo?

Give me some love if you agree…or believe it's highly plausible.

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Saline for the elites, spikes and liquid nanoparticles for the plebs.

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Absolutely. Vaccines are for plebs and useless eaters.

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Saline filled syringes, not wearing masks, and telling you who you are based on definitions that are projections of the accusers.

Learn the defenses of the immature and pathologically inept: denial, projection, displacement, deflection, and in the end, pathological rationalization.

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Agree. Given the amount of corruption, lies and intentionally misleading statements by Fauci, would anyone be surprised if he were secretly taking HCQ or Ivermectin? Likely prescribed under a fake patient name and filled in a government pharmacy. My guess is that Biden and the Dem leadership in Congress are on it too.

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Silverbullitt: that was my thought, too. Especially when our political elites (democrats) began trotting out numerous video clips showing them receiving the jabs proudly. My bet is that it was either a saline solution or a Hollywood movie prop-needle.

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Good Lord, what are we doing? I’m beyond perplexed by our government’s rational. I can’t wrap my head around what’s going on. And I can’t wrap my head around the sheeple that won’t take a few hours to look at the data themselves. It’s all so bizarre.

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Al, "Good Lord" is right. This is part of a movement toward a one-world government, religion and economy. America (with the help of a few good allies) and Christianity stand in the way of that and must be removed, neutered or subjugated.

The Cvd ID cards, along with the hyped-up panic, inure the world's sheep into not only accepting but *eagerly* seeking the subject of the last few verses of Revelation 13. Can't buy, sell, or even move about without them. This isn't "it" yet, but it's awfully **** close.

This is Biblical. Isaiah 5:20 (evil is good, good is evil) comes to mind as does Romans 1's depraved/deranged mindset. It's really the only explanation that makes sense.

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On my bad days I try to remember that, when we win, we will have freedom again, and we will treasure it. We can vanquish this evil.

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Amen, EO 9066, amen!

Personally, I think that day is coming soon, very, very soon. Keep looking up, keep watch, keep looking up, maintain a supply of "lamp oil" full and ready - I want to be one of the wise, rather than the foolish in Matthew 25.

Revelation 22: 20-21 !!

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brainwashing is real.

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It doesn't reconcile, and maybe that's the intent. It really does seem that those driving this lunacy need to be removed immediately as they are threating life & limb, the spiritual & psychological and emotional. Its now an all out assault and abuse.

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Reconciliation failure IS a large part of their intent. It creates chaos. It confuses the mind(s) of their enemies. Confusion of their enemies weakens their enemies. Weakened enemies either makes it easy to conquer / subjugate them ... or ... it makes them dangerous like wounded animals backed into a shallow cave.

Right now, I'm seriously ticked off but I am also without a pragmatic strike back plan. Voting "them" out two to four years from now is completely insufficient, especially with the voting fraud (which we're forbidden to mention), and gives them two to four years to continue their chaos and indoctrination plans.

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The alternative is anarchy. But that has drawbacks, too. The hope is always for benign supervision to help us prevent "bad things" happening, and otherwise leave us alone. That never happens because it's contrary to human nature -- power corrupts. Always. All we can do is try to reduce their power now and then, or hope the current tyrants think like us. But since you and I and everyone else wants different things, most of us lose, most of the time. The real objective is minimizing our losses.

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Fauci is sloppy and makes and changes public health pronouncements that impact 300,000,000 people by sticking his finger in the wind. To hell with him.

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Better places exist to stick his finger.

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his head is already there

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CargoShortGuy - far, far more than 300 million. He has affected our entire planet.

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Yes - I was being too provincial in my estimates of his damage.

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Cargo - quite understandable. My focus is often too close to home, but, recently, it's been expanded.

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I'd like a good explanation of why Rand Paul "doesn't know what he's talking about". Fauci should be sat down in a chair, and not allowed to leave it until he gives a detailed, coherent explanation for his extremely disrespectful response to a U.S. senator.

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Fauci strikes me as someone who can't really be told anything he doesn't want to hear, and he resents open public forums where anyone will contradict him because, at root, he can't defend his position. That's why he prefers media talking heads to academic forums. We might learn something from this. It seems to me public health agencies with such sweeping power over our lives shouldn't put individual executive authority at the top. Every elected executive politician in the country (mayors, governors, presidents) should be able to hear independent scientists debating their advice.

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Attacking these people by making it personal, making it demeaning, and going to the core, like basically reminding those around him how he has failed miserably at truly impotent at any major accomplishments that genuinely improved the human condition.

What lies subconsciously will come out, this guy is a Powderkeg, he is eventually going to say something publicly if he’s pressed that will be truly embarrassing and reflective of what an utter scumbag he is.

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By the way, do you want a trip up Joe Biden?

If you had a moment in the public eye to say something in front of a camera to him, I would say basically this:

“hey, you are never going to see your first wife and daughter, much less your son Beau ever again if you believe there is an afterlife! There is no way except in hell you’re going to benefit from any after life experience, and those family members are not down there with you!”

His dementia processes alone will make him rage like a rabid dog!…

Just watch out, Secret Service will attack you as Biden attacks you first…

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Only two problems:

1) it's too long. He'll never hear it all -- let alone understand it. "Treasonous Coward" comes to my mind, spoken with extreme bile in the back of my throat.

2) it also applies to the huge majority of the Democrat Party and (at least) the majority of the current Republican Party.

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True, but, the silence by all these alleged tens of millions of caring concerned invested Americans who claim to care about the country is not just pathetic and disgusting, but, in the end deserving of being destroyed.

Remember, it’s not the politicians who suck, but, the public…

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DividedUpWorld - I'm going to disagree with you on this one. The failure of the "alleged tens of millions of caring concerned invested Americans" to have already succeeded at correcting this horrendous problem is NOT "pathetic and disgusting."

You must remember that those "tens of millions" (I think it is much larger than that) are extremely diverse, scattered across the land, and have NOT YET COALESCED into an identifiable group.

You must remember that this is pretty much calling for a mutiny and that is fraught with danger and carries a huge likelihood of failure.

You must remember that, while "our side" probably has more guns, their side has the White House, the huge majority of Congress, the even larger share of the Congressional minions, servants, restauranteers, barbers etc in DC. Their side has the higher Courts, many of the Judges and DA's.

You must remember the police and especially the military has it DEEPLY ingrained in them to obey orders from their superior with a snappy attention and salute. AND you must remember that we have lots of guns, but they have armored vehicles, more powerful weapons, the ability to shut off electrical power, water supply, waste water treatment, food supplies, ... that list is LONG.

You must remember that "we" have yet to see a person or group with the skills and the "plan" to coalesce a very large of diverse people and prepare them to move, simultaneously, with a well defined purpose/goal at some signal.

We are not going to unify behind an invisible, unknown Q-Anon or even el Gato Malo. We need a George Washington or a Patton or someone out front.

I'll ask you, seriously and respectfully, what have YOU done beyond commenting anonymously on websites and, maybe, voting?

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If Fauci is an egomaniac, a narcissist perhaps, what would drive him nuts? Ridicule? Pity? Both pierce his pompous and inflated ego. Mock him, deride him. Deny him any shred of respect. Instead of "F***ed up" perhaps say "Fauci'd up" when something is totally FUBAR'd? Make "Fauci" a synonym for incompetence?

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Make that a stainless steel chair, bed, and toilet with bars around them ... and him and you'll have my vote.

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How about tied to a chair and then rushed to a balcony on the 10th floor that does not have a railing…

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Anthony Fauci is a megalomaniac.. it’s time for America to put him on the shelf, along with his fellow (as they rub elbows, unmasked) Nancy Pelosi, whom is 81 years of age. ITS TIME AMERICA, THEY ARE SO OUT OF TOUCH!

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Israel to Grant “Green Passports” Only to Triple-Vaccinated

sorry, double-vaxxers, you will soon be named "anti-vaxxers"

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The use of a booster shot after 8 months will force verification to be problematic with the CDC vaccination cards. A business owner in New York will need a chart to indicate when vaccinations are no longer up to date. On Nov 1, a 2nd dose on or before Feb 28 no longer meets the requirement and the customer must be denied access. What happens next year after the 4th shot? The vaccination card only has 4 rows. I expect smart phone apps to replace it, but more people will begin to realize that the CDC really does not know (or admit) the long-term efficacy or dangers of these shots and is making everything up as they go along. I prefer to stay with my natural immunity acquired early last year.

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Daniel Teal: How about a smart microchip embedded in our right hand or forehead with all our "current" data on it. Far simpler that way. Automatically read the chip as we *try* to enter an establishment's door ... or, eventually, to try and leave our own.

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Microchips are poor solution. The technology in the microchip will be outdated the day it is implanted. People will not want to update their embedded chip at the same frequency as their smartphones. The larger issue is that the communication channel between an embedded microchip and the reader can be subverted. Many RFID and NFC readers in use today have known vulnerabilities. Here is a short 4-minute overview of RFID and NFC attacks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSyFGFIprQU

Remember that electronic medical records can be accessed/modified/deleted by unauthorized individuals, companies, and nation states.

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Daniel, I reckon you're right about the obsolete nature of them and I KNOW you're right about the unauthorized accessing/hacking.

Question, could the first issue be resolved (at least partially) with the microchip simply storing a lengthy ID number that would be accessible by the the business(es) and tied to the "cloud" storage with our data which is continuously updated?

The ID string could easily be updated by appending a prefix or suffix of "666" (or something similar) when those unfortunate souls take a knee to the AC.

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Boo hiss. None of their business!

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GREAT comment. I prefer mine as well.

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I believe Microsoft (Google and Apple too?) already have the vx passport software ready to go. And I think there are OS updates coming this fall to Google, Samsung and Apple phones to accommodate it.

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EO - I wouldn't be a bit surprised and I suspect it'll be an automatic roll-out.

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Though Israel - at the very least - is still treating those who have infection-conferred immunity as “fully vaccinated” (whether that means 1 shot, 2, or 3+). Whereas the US is moronically acting as though infection-conferred immunity doesn’t exist.

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And they're only good for 6 months. What does that tell you?

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The plan is you need a subscription to live.

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Ha! That is so rich!

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I wonder what Fauci would say about this:

Trying to find the US numbers, but here are the Canadian numbers:

From Gov of Canada's website about 27,000 reported Covid deaths in 2020:

Average age of Covid death in 2020 = 84.

Average life expectancy in 2019 = 76.

That's right. The average person with Covid lived around 8 years longer than the average person dying of other causes.

When the sample sizes are large enough to remove bias over a year, doesn't this little nugget of fact mean the covid patients had lower or same all-cause mortality than the non-covid patients? If you have two statistically similar groups, and the only thing different between them is Covid, doesn't a higher average age of death have some correlation to all-cause mortality? We use all-cause mortality as the gold standard in all kinds of trials to decide if a treatment is good or not, how about to decide if a certain disease is a lethal one or not?

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Fauci is a smug evil little man, and I pray that he gets his just desserts.

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He will, Katie, but it might not be in my lifetime.

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At a recent public meeting in I think Central Massachusetts the official talked about "respected doctors like Dr. Fauci" and the whole audience roared with derisive laughter. Destroy Fauci's reputation - it's what he cherishes most. Burnish Dr. Malone's reputation - Malone gave up the Nobel Prize to go public with his real concerns about our health and our children's health.

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Fauci, Biden, Harris, Austin, Milley, Pelosi, Newsom, De Blasio, Cuomo, Psaki, Wallensky, Gates, Daszak, Soros, Pfizer, Moderna - all that Dem/Davos galaxy really makes you sleep well at night knowing you matter so much more than their egos, power and off-shore bank accounts.

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Demon-craps, the party of evil, sociopathy, and the rotting soul.

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I have lived in Vietnam for 5 years and my wife is Vietnamese. I don’t know how life was effected by lockdowns in America or other western countries, but here it is like this :

Police are on the roads 24/7 - seriously , they stopped people at 4am from ‘walking for exercise’ and fined them around $130. Any movement that is not for emergency reasons is fined at this level or higher.

The only reason people can use a bike or car to travel is for food, and only 1 person is allowed to go food shopping. Me and my wife were sent home by the police because there were 2 of use going to the food market.

In our city, and I assume it’s the same in the capital, the police are locking down districts, so that people can only travel within a 1-1.5km area. You must get a special card/permit that gives permission for travel across city districts, and as with all bureaucratic products, access to one is neither easy nor universally possible.

To travel between cities you need a certificate evidencing that within the 3 days before showing the certificate to the police you have tested negative for Covid 19.

Early on in lockdown we could get most foods, but now, basic foodstuffs are running out.

Also, early on in the lockdown if you needed something outside your district of the city you could call a motorbike courier who had a card/permit and he/she could bring you the stuff you needed, be it food, or other ‘essentials’ not sold in your neighbourhood. But now , the government stopped these couriers (even though they had the permit).

In HCMC (Saigon) the homeless have been rounded up and put in one location. I have no idea if they are being fed.

In the capital HCMC (Saigon) ALL food shopping is banned, so there is absolutely no reason for leaving one’s house. The army and other government workers are bringing rice and other foods to people’s houses.

I asked my wife if this applies to the rich residents as well as the poor and she said she didn’t know. I assume the most wealthy will have some loophole they will be using to get better food than the government ‘gives’, but maybe I am wrong.


The reality of lockdown here in Vietnam made me realise something that is so obvious I am embarrassed to admit it, but here goes : “lockdowns are an unsustainable strategy”

And if lockdowns cannot last forever, if they are a non-sustainable solution, then their utility is negligible.

I saw the UK ‘new case’ numbers rising whilst the UK was in lockdown in June and July, and the same in other countries at different times in their cycles of C19, but the meaning of this didn’t hit me until I felt it here in my own life in Vietnam.

The new cases and deaths in Vietnam are rising all the time DESPITE this ‘wartime’ style lockdown.


So, if lockdowns are unsustainable and appear to show little efficacy in reducing ‘new case’ numbers, the only rational ‘solution’ is to go the way of Sweden :

Let life continue as normal, and suffer a big spike in cases. Take the consequences of a ‘disaster’ in the short term to mitigate a prolonged disaster in perpetuity. The Swedish experience shows that after the majority of the population have gotten C19, their natural immunity plays a reasonable role in controlling the virus in the population.

Following this strategy would mean Vietnam (and other countries) would still have C19 cases in society, just as flu still exists, but the natural immunity would mean the incidence of C19 would be manageable by hospitals and other healthcare services.

In conclusion, lockdowns are not sustainable or efficacious, and therefore an irrational and illogical strategy. Moreover, the substandard painkillers they call ‘vaccines' are a proven failure, and concentration camps for the old, unvaccinated and homeless are grotesquely immoral. Therefore what other strategy than ‘natural’ herd immunity is reasonable and has any utility ?

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That sounds awful, so restrictive. I live a short ride from DC and recently took my kids in to the zoo, crowded with people. Had to wear masks indoor exhibits. On the drive in we rode by at least 4 homeless encampments where they’re living in tents, makeshift bathrooms, charcoal barbecue grills, trash cans, street furniture, litter, fully homeless street life. Meanwhile DC has an indoor mask mandate. Guess that doesn’t apply to ⛺️ tents 🤔

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Does it seem like the police are enjoying themselves? I have trouble understanding how both citizens and police are able to comply with these new regimes when in most countries the police state "infrastructure" of terror isn't nearly strong enough to sustain them. If you don't have gulags the police can just throw a praetorian coup any time they get tired of the garbage coming from up top - I think it's what we'll see in a lot of Europe soon, as well as some red states whose governors are acting like they are in NY.

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The accepted image of the police in Vietnam is that most are very brusque and ‘follow-the-rules’ types, to the extent that when a police officer is nice to someone it is always spoken about. For example, on the day me and my wife were sent home for going to the food market as a couple, my wife commented with surprise that the police officer had spoken to her nicely. My point is, everyone here assumes the police will treat them badly, and any officers that have some social skills and civility are very much the exception.

Famously in the first 2 weeks of the lockdown, in a coastal town called Nha trang, an officer sent someone home because he said “bread wasn’t food”. The individual had explained that their reason for travelling was to buy bread .

It was caught on film and there was big outcry on social media. After the fuss, his boss suspended him, and after that the officer offered an apology. The official reason given for his behaviour was that he had virtually no education and didn’t know what bread was.

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I suppose that's fair. I remember switching schools in fourth grade and they had already covered bread whereas my former school had not; I was behind the whole year.

I'm split between CA and Baja. There's hardly any police in CA, so the lockdown is entirely self-enforced in LA and The Bay. Hard to see how CA is still a coherent state a year from now. In Mexico the police basically compete for legitimacy with cartels, but locals here are also very into the lockdown theatre.

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Elder will restore coherency.

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The cultural incompatibility is baked into the LA+Bay+SD / elsewhere divide. Replacing a government that is only legitimate to the first citizenry with one that is only legitimate to the other still leaves a half-illegitimate gov. Same as with US elections; but at least we ostensibly still have federalism even if the media pretends that their scripted portrayal of Washington represents and rules over America™.

California must federalize or die.

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Might work. Some want to split them down the middle. Both just shift the problem. What the urban cesspool dwellers are finding, though, is they're losing their enthusiasm for nirvana. Better to fix the plumbing than run away. They say conservatives are liberals who have been mugged. That's pretty common in the cesspools.

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New Dune movie coming out soon. Classic story about a society enduring difficult times, held together by a group of women on drugs who use special insights to control things. The male hero is the first to apply diversity to this tenured group, and takes over the women and the world. The known universe in this case. They maintain their power with constant self discipline, which they reinforce by chanting "fear is the mind killer, the little death. I will not fear."

The reactions we see to this routine virus (e.g., hoarding toilet paper, ammunition, and ivermect8n...) are driven by fear. We're told if we don't cover our face and avoid talking, we'll die, and cause others to die. We're ignorant enough to be desperately submissive. The demands are proven to be ineffective but we're required to comply anyway, because they don't want us to talk, and do whatever they demand.

The solution to our fears is to learn about what frightens us. The first lesson is the self determined authorities are as ignorant as we are, but want to control the rest of us. Once we understand that, the task of learning what we need to do becomes easier. Aside from being the mind killer, making us stupid, it hides the fact that it's unnecessary. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

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Sociopathy, the real pandemic across earth…

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Re enforcement via corporate vax mandates, the whole return to office only for the vaxxed is backfiring. I just came out of a company wide HR meeting where many people openly said they are scared to return to the office as they realize just being vaccinated won’t protect them. The cat is already out of the bag on declining efficacy. What happens if ADE kicks in this fall and it’s clear the sickest are the vaxxed?

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Hopefully the result will be magnitudes of the sheeple waking up and standing next to us as we end this nightmare, once and for all.

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I was part of a small informal "focus group" about how we felt about "trusting the experts." A clip of Fauci saying that disagreeing with him is attacking science is played around 1:27 minutes in...and my response to it follows. I had to restrain myself to keep from swearing. The kind of grandiose yet abusive language Fauci uses is similar to what cult leaders do to followers. You can watch the focus group video below:


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Good discussion. You should swear away. :)

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