"What on earth is going on?" People are dying from a virus. Been happening for millions of years. As much as we'd like to, we can't prevent and control everything. We certainly could have done a much better job at addressing overall health of the population rather than creating doughy, pale hypochondriacs who look at you through terrified eyes over masks while they sprint to avoid coming close to anyone or anything.

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It’s certainly looking like the vaccines are more therapeutic then preventative. Like a more expensive, but longer lasting version of Zycam, it serves only to reduce symptoms in the healthy pop, with some pretty serious second dose side effects. But like Zycam, probably can’t save the life of the most frail. I’m puzzled by the push for vaccines. It’s more and more insidious. But it’s also global. The global elites are using this so hard. I can only logically link this with elites attempting to acquire as much power as possible for other “emergencies.” This is the test case to see if the public will run along with it. It sounds crazy, but if you look at places like Canada and Australia, those governments are unquestionably totalitarian in regard to COVID issues. Europe is trying it but the people are genuinely pushing back in the streets. Canada and Europe elites are also very dedicated to government emergency actions to thwart climate change. I honestly sense this owner grab as a pathway for the technocrat elites to realize their goal of emergency powers that bind us “for our own good.”

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It would be cheaper and less risky to give ivermectin prophylactically.

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This has been on my mind for a while now. Sure, it *could* just be a coincidence that every western nation just totally lost its mind randomly at the same time. Every one but Sweden just totally dropped all previous established science in favor of suspending natural rights and protections and impoverishing much of the world in the process. I’m sure it is all organic and only has the appearance of coordination.

One thing that sticks out to me when it comes to our situation here in the US- it appears that mostly Democrat politicians have been pushing the most destructive policies and more Democrat aligned polity are going all in on the vaccines. The Republicans as usual are just going along to get along. If this is all a depopulation, economic destruction ploy by some elites, why would they be so keen on wiping out their own constituents?

If they don’t care that they wipe out their voting base, what exactly do they have in store for the survivors? Perhaps after the reset, they won’t need to worry about that anymore?

Tinfoil hat off.

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even if this international exercise called covid was coordinated eventually such things get out of the hand and everyone is loosing the plot.I thing that is what transpires now.

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Yes I agree that such a massive operation would be nearly impossible to coordinate. What I am seeing now is a ratcheting effect, though, as more and more restrictions on liberty are slowly being imposed. Even if the “plan” goes awry, what does it matter? Many Americans have known for a long time the absolute corruption in our institutions. What has been seen as apathy I believe is more likely a feeling of powerlessness. What can we do about it? Protest? It almost seems to me that the authorities are amused by such demonstrations. Will the current manifestations in France actually change anything?

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I agree that the current vaccines look more like therapeutics. Which makes me wonder whether therapeutics can be legally mandated?

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We live in a bizarre world. Modern medicine is ~140 years old and for some reason no democracy on Earth seems to have put it into their constitution that the state cannot force citizens to take a given drug (in the US this applies to individual state constitutions; the only 14A attack that can yet be tried against state mandates is cruel and unusual punishment, which is difficult if the punishment is only cruel but not unusual; and all constitutions just become dead law during "emergencies" anyway).

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I think they look far worse than therapeutics. Vaccines seem to be doing the dirty work , actually spreading the virus with the spike protien in the vaccine actually INCREASING the viral load, hence actually killing ppl. None of the therapeutics kill anyone, they only heal. Vaccines are FAR FROM THERAPEUTICS, they look much more like poison.

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Vaccines are biologics technically and usa mandeted them previously(after full FDA approval tho).Robbert Kennedy on his children defender chanell explaines how those legislative tricks work for vax producers-check him out.

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If we look at trends in statistics we see that the “Malaria Belt” (sub Sahara Africa )has some of the lowest death rates in the world. Widespread use of Hydroxy chloroquine. Next, why were we in the medical field directed to not treat Covid infected patients? Not even a palliative treatment? Now look at Sweden’s Covid graph. Mild uptick and virtually no deaths for months. They also have a low vaccination rate. Their herd has arrived.

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"What on earth is going on?"

Meaning...why are they pushing jabs that they know don't work?

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Precisely, "Why are they pushing jabs that they know don't work?" Because "they" know pale, doughy hypochondriacs will buy any type of snake oil.

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Without even knowing that answer, the need to even ask the question is the reason why nobody should even consider it.

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they spent the money lol now they want you to take it

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Hi Eric (and Alex)

I think this recent article by Ben Hunt from EpsilonTheory (Aug 4th) helps shine a bit more light on the question of "What on earth is going on?":


"...Nudge is a book by Nobel prize-winning economist Dick Thaler and law professor Cass Sunstein, wherein they describe a system of “libertarian paternalism” for State-directed “choice architectures” to improve public policy outcomes by influencing our behavior through clever framing techniques.

To be clear, I’m not applying the word “paternalism” to their work. ➡That’s their word.⬅ Because that’s what they think good government is, a father-knows-best apparatus where we unruly teenagers should be pushed and prodded into making better life choices...."


"...At the heart of the Nudging State is the intentional misuse of language. You’re not using “counterspeech” to say what you actually believe. You’re using counterspeech instrumentally, as a means to an end of “raising doubts” about a narrative you believe to be harmful to ➡your conception⬅ of social welfare..."



It may be subscriber only possibly, but if you are able, it is well worth the subscription cost, as the article hits the nail on the head IMHO.

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What's going on? The phony narrative is falling apart and the sociopaths are dropping their masks and coming out in living color. When the pretext for all you espouse is a lie, the only thing left is force.

Many of us believe this was never really about CovidCold, but about getting as many unsuspecting people as possible to take the experimental gene therapy. I'll leave it to people smarter than myself to figure out why this is, but it seems than a mass awakening is going on to some extent.

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Just look at MRNA and BNTX stock price over last 18 months. Scary thing is the questionable news coming out seems to be pushing them ever higher!!! Boosters must be coming.

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Boosters are already in stock and ready to be rolled out. How much money does P-harma need????

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Buisness is buisness ,its about earning more and more not less and less lol

If you look at pfizer top 10 best selling drugs-no 1 is a pnemococal vaxx they force on kids, no3 is blood anticoagulant.

So now they producing a vaxx that is forced on virtually everyone(maybe even every 6 months lol ) that causes bloodclots that require to be treated with anticoagulant (for years often).

Isn't it genious?

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Thats right -insider info plus shares buybacks

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This needs to be addressed: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-95025-3#Sec2 New study showing how the mass campaign of non-sterilizing vaccinations can produce vaccine-resistant and potentially more virulent strains, about which many experts have been warning since the beginning. There needs to be a multi-pronged approach, now more than ever. The singular focus on leaky vaccines is a huge mistake.

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Thanks for the interesting link, Jennifer. Technical though it is, the point seems to be that combining high vaccination rates with high transmission rates increases the risk that vaccine-resistant strains will emerge. If that's the case, one would think that "vaccine passport" initiatives (like the one NYC announced today) are a big mistake. They will only facilitate transmission of the disease among the vaccinated, increasing the probability of vaccine resistance.

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Thats why vaccines should have been focussed on the vulnerable - not everyone.

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That's what it looks like. And there should have been a simultaneous focus on therapeutics and chemoprophylaxis in conjunction with behavior modification (masks, etc). Unfortunately there has been a myopic focus on one solution which seems to be failing with potentially disastrous consequences.

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not to mention the craziness of vaccinating people who have already had the disease!

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Behavior modification should include losing weight and regular exercise.

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Wow that's some mathy math. However,

"We also assume that the immune response provided by the vaccine is more permanent and that immunity provided by infection, is lost at rate μ, on average after 0.5 years after recovery"

means their whole model must be either no good or only correct by accident. It is natural immunity that is long-lasting, and vaccine immunity which disappears after 180 days.

In fact I think there probably can't be Covid-vaccine escape after all, now that it turns out the Covid vaccines stop working to prevent infection and spread on their own (unless everyone is dosing with boosters like crazy).

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The RNA vaccines aren't magic, just target a specific spike protein that represents the target virus, and your immune system learns to develop antibodies that work on that specific virus. As the virus naturally mutates, that protein may become less indicative, allowing the focused immunity to fail. Natural immunity uses broader recognition, so its more likely to catch the mutations. For a while. Best solution is to maintain healthy immune system so you can survive the mutations the same way you survived the original. Most of us did. The 21 Day Immunity Plan is a good primer.

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They aren not magic, and they are not "vaccines" at all. They do not produce actual viral replication or cellular destruction, so they do not lead to true "anti-viral immunity."

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Vaccines aren't antivirals. The immune system uses special cells that hunt for cells that don't belong there, including pathogens, tumors, and other cells. It takes time, and it's a race between viral replication and mounting the body's defenses. If you're faster, you win, possibly with varying amounts of discomfort. If the pathogen is faster, you lose. Vaccines speed up the recognition by training the immune cells to recognize the invaders without being exposed to actual pathogens. Traditional vaccines used various forms of "dead" non functional virus particles for the training. RNA vaccines are different, invoking production of a specific protein that is characteristic of the target virus. Same result if the virus doesn't adapt by ditching the target protein. Which is another kind of race - can we adapt the vaccine to keep up with the viral mutations. Apparently not.

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Ha, I don't even remember replying to your above comment when I woke up at 4am but apparently I did. I did not mean "anti-viral" in of itself but as in the category of immune response programmed in reply to the presentation of the antigen. The mRNA "vaccines" appear not to generate functional antibody ramp-up or cellular immunity in all recipients - so they stop working as soon as antibody levels begin to fade, probably due to lack of cross-signaling cues during the initial antigen-script/antigen bomb imo. Normal immunity is not only more broad-spectrum wrt antibodies but more tolerant of persistent mild reinfection, thus removing antibody escape pressure. So as regards the first race, normal immunity calibrates the speed of neutralization to favor spreading the virus without getting seriously ill. As regards the second race, it ceases to occur when normal immunity accomplishes the first thing.

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thanks for this one.

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Alex, is there a typo somewhere here?

"But how many of those people are vaccinated?

The vast majority. Israel has broken out the data in various ways at various times, but throughout July most new patients were not vaccinated."

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I was thinking the same thing. It must be the case that most new patients were vaccinated? This is an important thing to fix!

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Well pretty clearly some Stakeholder wants the entire country to get the shot. As with the clinical trials, if there is no control group, you cannot point the finger at the vaccine for any bad outcomes. But - no worries - they're importing a new labor force even as we speak. It is odd they aren't requiring the new labor force to get the vaccine as a condition for entry. It is all very curious.

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Maybe the only way to avoid the jab is to go undocumented ;-)

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Please let me know if I have this right regarding the mRNA vaccine?

They are narrowly focused on the Alpha

The Vaccine leaks

The Vaccine has limited durability

The Vaccine causes injury & death - VAERS

The vaccine is non-sterilizing

As an American I have right of Informed Consent, why are we not using that right?

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They are narrowly focused on the spike protein. Alpha wasn't even around in June 2020 which appears to be when Pfizer finally chose the final protein script from their own trial protocol, but the script-induced antibodies do seem to score higher against Alpha than Delta.

The vaccines certainly appear to cause death and are affirmed as causing at least one type of injury - myocarditis - in high amounts among the young.

The vaccine appears to be sterilizing at first and then cease to be so. Of course, with functional natural immunity, there's no need to worry about sterilizing/not sterilizing. This obsession over neutralizing antibodies as the way to define "immunity" is part of the really apparently intentional propaganda in "science journalism" denigrating natural immunity and normalizing nonfunctional "vaccine" immunity. All the articles arguing why the already-infected should get the Covid vaccines imply that losing "neutralizing" status is the end of functional immunity despite all the studies that show that post-infection immunity persists well beyond 6 months.

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Myocarditis and pericarditis are highly visible among the young (normally, it almost doesn't happen), but that does no mean that heart problems do not happen with the older crowd. There are many unexplained heart attacks among otherwise healthy older males - Bob Odenkirk and Jay Picket being the latest examples. They both had been vaccinated a few months prior to their respective incidents.

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The other day I was wondering if the reason they don't give 2 sh*ts about Natural Immunity and just want them to get vaxxed to is because they actually don't know who REALLY had covid since the testing has been a flaming pile of poo. (Which served their purposes at the time, to inflate case # s.)

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Oh - I just answered your other comment on exactly those lines.

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Yes, for the JJ. Certainly the signal for neurological harms from the mRNA vaccines among young recipients in VAERES is not weak. Either there is a ton of falsified reports, an epidemic of mass psychogenic hysteria, or these things are messing up kids’ brains.

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Why get a vaccine when masks work or why wear a mask when vaccines work?

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I believe the answer to that question is: Shut up and do what we say.

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And NY announces the setup of the green pass for indoor dining. Still no talk of natural immunity.

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You'd think they would want to keep SOME of us unvaccinated to determine how effective natural immunity is. Four of my five family members are still holding strong against the vaccine but husband is a doc under a mandate, he has until 9/1. Daughter is going back to New Jersey (NYC basically) in October, she won't be able to do anything out there without the jab. Son is 20 and a junior in college, just waiting for the college mandate. And no scientific reason for ANY of us to get a medical procedure we don't need as we were all infected, and all of us had symptoms, including loss of taste/smell.

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"determine how effective natural immunity is." - great point. I suspect that this is the point though - they don't want any control group.

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That is a complaint of "true" anti vaxxers - that the control group is typically eliminated since the vaccines are "so good and important".

OR, they don't care about a control group at all because this was never about a pandemic. Only about gov't control over us.

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I truly think we should be measuring inflammatory factors in the serum of those with severe illness. Because the vaccine acts at the S1 protein only ( antibodies and T cells) and that is where the variants mutate (weakest part of the virus) Antibody Dependent Enhancement cannot be ruled out. Enough time has passed now for antibodies in those vaccinated to significantly reduce in number. This has been a concern all along, though “they” assured us this would not happen. I hope so, but we need to know so we can prepare for a backlash in those vaccinated without having natural immunity. Natural immunity gives widespread T-cell immunity and diverse antibody protection instead of the very narrow protection from the vaccine alone. Alex, we need to know when these people were vaccinated as well to really compare severity, just like the Thai study did. I don’t know a single person who had Covid who is getting Delta. I’d love to know that number and why aren’t we really making great efforts to determine that. To me, that is the answer we need!!!

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I’m not sure I’d carry the assumptions about flu vaccines over. Look how many died after getting vaccinated in nursing homes - they couldn’t handle it but still got it. I think less healthy people are more scared.

That said, forcing vaccines on people at low risk is just authoritarian. It’s not science.

Eventually we will realize we need to focus on indoor air filtration and early and effective treatments. Until then many will be destroyed by the mandates, the virus, the isolation, the collateral cost to health.

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How many ‘positive’ cases of OG covid were actually false positives (based on incorrect use of the PCR test)? The millions of ‘positive’ case numbers were used to corral us into fearing this virus and contact tracing/exposure kept those without symptoms cowering under quarantine. The stage was set for the vax to save us. But the vax does not work. Looks like we have been played from the start.

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I was thinking along the same lines, sort of.

The other day I was wondering if the reason they don't give 2 sh*ts about Natural Immunity and just want them to get vaxxed to is because they actually don't know who REALLY had covid since the testing has been a flaming pile of poo. (Which served their purposes at the time, to inflate case # s.)

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The question of whether a positive PCR test truly corresponds to "an infection" really doesn't need to be answered. Previously testing positive in a PCR test has been found to indicate substantial unlikeliness of testing positive again in every study. So it turns out that we can treat PCR tests as very likely infections for all intents and purposes. What served to hype up alarm in the beginning can be used to spread confidence now (except for those who have already been tricked or pressured into getting the vaccines despite prior infections) https://unglossed.substack.com/p/the-natural-immunity-illusion-illusion#footnote-anchor-10

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hmmm thanks for this... via other sources I thought flus and other influenza like illness were somehow being counted as covid through PCR testing with (probably) too high cycle threshold... but perhaps not?

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No clue - I haven’t developed a theory on flu-gate yet or even looked into the data.

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The control of the narrative around Vaccine Failure/Adverse Reactions is now an important front in the war. Will "they" be able to blame this debacle on the "unvaccinated"? Or will the house of cards collapse?

Alex, have you interviewed Dr. Robert Malone?

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There's another possible explanation here: The results Alex is quoting are dependent on Israel having an accurate number for total cases. What if delta cases are being drastically undercounted, compared to previous strains of covid? That would cause it to appear that a much higher percentage of delta cases are being hospitalized when that not actually be true.

Anecdotally, we know that many delta cases in those who have been vaccinated are asymptomatic. The results quoted could just as easily be indicative of a 10x increase in the number of asymptomatic cases that are missed because the person isn't getting tested. If that's what is really going on, we'll know soon enough because the delta case spikes will fall much faster than previous rounds of covid.

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The Delta variant swept through England in a matter of weeks.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England/Technical briefing 19/July 19, 2021

This report from Public Health England shows an increase in the spread of the so-called Delta variant. This variant now accounts 99% of sequenced and 96% genotyped cases from July 4 through July 10, 2021 in England. It has a Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of ~0.2% - 0.3%. By comparison, the Alpha variant (formerly known as the UK variant) has a CFR of ~1.9%.

As of 7/19/2021...

Unvaxxed: 121,402 cases/165 deaths/0.1359%

Unvaxxed <50: 119,063 cases/34 deaths/0.0286%

Unvaxxed 50+: 2,337 cases/131 deaths/5.606%

Fully Vaxxed: 28,773 cases/224 deaths/0.7785%

Fully Vaxxed <50: 15,346 cases/4 deaths/0.0260%

Fully Vaxxed 50+: 13,427 cases/220 deaths/1.6385%

24,952 Unlinked Infections

54,091 Partially Vaxxed Infections

28,773 Fully Vaxxed Infections

121,402 Unvaxxed Infections

There were 59 more deaths of fully vaxxed than unvaxxed.

124 more deaths of fully/partially vaxxed than unvaxxed.

We don’t have the prior health status of those who died in any of the cohorts.

We don’t know the breakdown of “vaccines” taken by the vaxxed.


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Per the stats you cite, 98% of cases in the UK since delta became covid have been in the under 50 crowd where deaths would be rare. As the virus starts to infect more of the plus 50 crowd I expect the cfr to rise. I believe this is starting to happen in the UK and Israel and elsewhere.

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"This variant now accounts 99% of sequenced and 96% genotyped cases from July 4 through July 10, 2021 in England."

According to the following sites, it would appear that Delta has already peaked in England and the UK:




While the vaxxes seem to have reduced infections (at least discernible infections) in the vaxxed <50, the CFR for <50 vaxxed and unvaxxed are essentially the same.

The CFR for 50+ unvaxxed cohort has a high CFR, but I find the low number of cases to be suspicious. It defies logic that the highest risk cohort would have the lowest number of infections, even if a significant percentage of that population is vaxxed. The high CFR could be a result of risk since many in that cohort may not be able to take a vaxx for health reasons.

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Perhaps there's reason to find the low number of cases to be suspicious. For now I'll take it at face value.

It'll be interesting to see if Technical Report 20 shows a shift in infection demographics to a higher average age. I see deaths and serious cases rising in the UK and suspect it's because higher numbers of older people are getting infected and will be looking at the data as if become available to see if in fact this is what's happening.

If you compare low vaxxed Palestine to high vaxxed Israel, delta being covid in both places, you get 2 starkly different pictures. If delta is the same in both places the big difference is vaccination rates. So I do not accept that delta is to blame for the case surge. I think it's more likely to have something to do with the vaccines.

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Good observation thanfullynotron

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Alex, thanks for continuing to do the good work of trying to get at the truth and posting this information for us to consider and act upon accordingly.

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It's starting to feel a lot like ADE. Looks like Dr. Malone was right.

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And Geert Vanden Bossche.

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I'm not so sure it's ADE as much as it's immune escape.

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Possibly. But there are now some reports of vaxed patients with covid nasal titers over 1000X that seen in "normal" covid patients which might indicate ADE.

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1000x? That's shocking. Do you have a link to that?

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This is a single anecdote: https://twitter.com/arkmedic/status/1422305076794716160

Theorize what you will from a study of N=1. ;)

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Looks like they've removed that...

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Without the 1000x claim https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19vaccine/93830 says high viral load. Elsewhere I have seen the 1000x claim but I would need to search all the news reporting to find it. The 1000x claim is considered here https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/93717. The comments to the MedPage stories reveal that a huge number infected but vaccinated were men who are assumed to have attended a gathering that period for "Bear Week". Not having attended such an event I image a bunch of men in closed areas where one infected, unvaccinated person could be like the lady in Korea responsible by tracing for 50+ cases from a church service in early days.

The other faction is that PCR is used to estimate viral load AND estimate infectivity in lieu of a confirmed culture of the swabs. The viral load was obtained by getting detection at 20 +/- cycle count; infectivity was assessed based on cross studies PCR-Culture for rubella and ebola. (Chart 17 from https://context-cdn.washingtonpost.com/notes/prod/default/documents/8a726408-07bd-46bd-a945-3af0ae2f3c37/note/57c98604-3b54-44f0-8b44-b148d8f75165.#page=1). Truth is children are shown to also have high viral loading yet don't spread infection well. Further, recovered people show positive detection for a long period post recovery even at 20 cycles. See https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/infectious-positive-pcr-test-result-covid-19/>

All this stuff is to induce a peeing in pants on fire reaction so we can return to masks forever. I suspect because a few of our superiors don't trust that we are obeying the mask request if unvaccinated. So in addition to the obvious disregard of the unvaccinated they must be cheating as well. They SHALL not be permitted to coexist among the smart, caring vaccinated crew.

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Isn’t a key question just how deadly the current circulating Virus is (regardless of version)? UK data seems to show that they are 12 days past peak cases now and they reported only 65 deaths yesterday. 18 days past peak cases = peak deaths historically (see Ethical Skeptic), so if we are not seeing people dying nearly as often from the Virus now (for whatever reason: vulnerable already taken, better therepuetics, vax, less harmful version, no suffocation by ventilation, etc), this seems to me to be a very important point. Even less justification for the harms vax can cause. If mortality rate is in fact less than one-tenth (among both vaxed and unvaxed) for instance, and more akin to flu levels, we should focus on this.

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I totally agree Brian. I've been waiting for Alex to start focusing on this. Cases in the UK started increasing 3 months ago and spiked 12 days ago at about 80% of the previous daily case levels peak in early January, yet the daily deaths have only reached about 6% of the previous peak in late January. For whatever reason (including possibly a much less lethal Delta variant) deaths are not following increases in cases. Combine this with the "breakthrough" cases of the vaccinated and there should not be any reason for the current push for more vaccines and other mandates. We need to focus much more on deaths because what the UK has experienced will undoubtedly be the same experience in the US. The 99.8% survival rate of the original Covid strain is now even much better = Flu.

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