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Oct 14, 2022
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A civil apology. How refreshing.

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Nice comment, but lol @ pinned. Just like Alex.

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Thank you, Alex, for pointing out the "letter in August 2021 demanding that colleges and universities impose vaccine mandates on their students and staff." That's a list of names to keep, when the injured college students sue for damages. Wonder how much Uncle Joe paid THEM for their 'advocacy' ...??

I see Slavitt is part of this nefarious organization where the letter is archived.


This org hasn't come up on my radar before now. Need to review ...

Has anybody else looked at these guys?

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Geez. Slavitt, Rick Warren, Barbara Bush. Chris Christie, Robert Gates, Tom Frieden, Tom Inglesby, Frank Luntz, equally left and right, creepy.

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Rick Warren is also a member of the CFR; the CFR wants a one world government. Saw many never Trumpers here!

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Rick Warren was on that Francis Collins call to religious leaders to push the vax.

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I believe Franklin Graham was also pushing the vax

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Talk about a rabbit hole. I may never come back out. Lots of data, not sure if it’s accurate yet. One of the “ dashboards” is IHME- Institute for Health & Evaluation

They are located in my hometown Wa. State

They show “ vaccination hesitation” by states and talk about what states would benefit more from increased vaccine acceptance. ( where to best send resources?)

Something about Delphi Group too. Involves Carnegie Mellon Univ. & they study trends w/ Facebook.

My Univ. of Wa. is shown at bottom, they have been involved from beginning. Remember all the incorrect projections in the beginning? ( sorry can’t remember correct word for stats they worked on)

There’s a contact for hospitals, health departments, & gov. officials


I’m jumping back in. Let me know if I should visit the IHME building in Seattle & ask some questions. Not even kidding. ✌🏼

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Classy post. 🎯

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What did it say? "comment deleted" now...

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In short it was a sincere apology to Alex for doubting that he would continue the fight against gov't instigated censorship after the settlement with Twitter.

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Strange he deleted that. Any idea why?

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Nail the ratbastards

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Now that we know that Gottlieb obviously reads this substack.... Screw you Gottlieb you’re exactly what’s wrong with this country! And Fuck Joe Biden!!

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Hey there might be children reading this. LETS GO BRANDON

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One of my heroes is the guy that was on a televised conference call for Christmas and at the end said Let’s go Brandon and Biden said yeah tell Brandon I said let’s go. LMAO and showed he was clueless about the whole phenomenon.

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PH, yes, that guy said it seamlessly, and it was sheer perfection to watch Biden laughing along, nodding and agreeing, which was so damn treacly yet so damn fun, and on top of everything else wrong about our fraudulent Prez, he was faking like he agreed with the guy even though he had ZERO understanding of what the guy just said. Or... DID he understand, and just wanted to be right for once?

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I saw that too!! FJB is so clueless he had no idea.

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I seriously doubt any children are reading this, maybe some childish people of which I am one at times.

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Biden does not know what day of the week it is.

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:) It was meant to be tongue in cheek. You were spot on.

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Brandon's a great driver, but he's off subject. Fuck Joe Biden!

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Governments and corporations colluding to deprive citizens of their rights.

We have a word for that, people.

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Can you not see the huge conflict of interest when you have FDA commissioners and retired General Officers sitting on corporate boards after they spend their last year or so in “public service” feathering their own nests? It’s just despicable and ridiculous. Then we have Congress and their staffers able to buy and sell stocks that they regulate?

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Same thing happened with the opioid pharmaceutical mess with Purdue. They would hire employees from FDA, FBI, or anyone that needed to get paid off. Watch

“ Dope Sick ” with Michael Keaton on Hulu. It’s based on true stories and really gives you the raw, scary FDA approval process for drugs. Sometimes they just “ trust” Big Pharma. Great job FDA! 🙈 They are not our friends.

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Definitely watch. Then, read the non-fiction book upon which the Netflix show was based. The alphabet government agencies are NOT our friends.

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Surprise! It turns out government doesn't care about you! George Carlin knew it.


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Thank you for the link, I loved it!

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George Carlin is the font of all wisdom.

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This criticism isn't new, but would you prefer people who have no subject matter expertise conduct industry regulation?

Considering that those who fill these positions are generally above average intelligence- and pretty skilled at finding loopholes- what's your proposed solution?

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The solution is transparency. It’s basically what they ( The Great Reset), want to do to us. I say, turn the script on them. Unaccounted tax funds are accounted for and knots are tied in loopholes. Video surv. everywhere. I’m Commi’s worse nightmare!

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Yep- simple and easy.

What's your first step forward on this and what's the timeline?

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It would take a grand scale miracle or a change of evil conscience, by an enemy, to expose the rest. Something that would bring them to their knees. It’s strong & calculated resistance by smart citizens that would do the rest. It’s already happening. It’s the behind the scene whistleblowers & the Berenson’s that will change the course of understanding. Have you ever seen a miracle happen Robert? I have, many actually & it IS possible to change the course of this playbook. It’s unexplainable, the same as 90% of matter in this world is unseen. First step is Faith, Timeline is Now. If Faith & love can move mountains, it can set up a few roadblocks to slow plans of an elite, in-cohesive group of barbarions. It’s already happening- you’ll see.

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Dems and their allies in media corporations posture as opponents of "fascism" - while their main goal is to unite state and corporate power to censor their critics and degrade the internet into an increasingly repressive weapon of information control.

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One of life’s basic truths is that leftists always accuse you of what they are doing, because no one is more afraid of being stolen from than a thief.

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Amen, amen, and amen. Think Judas Iscariot whining about Mary's beautiful extravagance with the perfume she poured over Jesus.

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John 12:6 Judas did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief.

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And our forebears - at least in America - had a solution to that, people.

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Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." — Benito Mussolini

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I admire your work Alex. And I think you're just scratching the surface. Much more collusion happened between gov't and industry, for the purpose of silencing inquiry and pushing the vaccines. Keep it up. If you ever need a California attorney to work for you, I'd be pleased to help, and would never charge for my services in this cause.

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Nice ...!

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There's no way Gottlieb and others haven't been trying to get Substack to throw you off this platform. Keep pushing for more information. This is much bigger than Alex Berenson vs. Scott Gottlieb. This is a fight over the openness of our culture and the power of our metastasizing corporate-state cancer.

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That’s why we must support substack

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You're exactly right. Because they're not going to stop until they kill it.


I want to send out a reminder today that we haven’t won. The tide is turning and we’re gaining allies, but our enemies still have considerable power and seem to be less shy about using it every day. We still need to throw our support behind platforms such as Substack that allow a free discussion of ideas and evidence. So if there’s a ‘Stack you’ve been thinking about paying to subscribe to but have been on the fence, just do it. Even if it’s just for one month, even if it’s a ‘Stack I might find personally distasteful! The biggest impact we have is the ability to vote with our dollar, and when we spend inside the Substack community, we’re voting for the continued ability to speak our minds without fear of being banned for wrongthink.

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The discussion has progressed from the harms of the hysterical lockdowns, to the vaccine fraud, to suppression of speech.

Which is full circle.

It's all about Orwellian information control, and this is what must be defeated by free men and women.

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I hope you totally expose Gottlieb as the snake he is!

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as if he isn't already been known as a pharma snake for years. Nothing new here. The problem is two years from now he will still be a snake working for Pharma and not a scratch of accountability, and probably receiving raises and making money on the injection hybrids being pushed then. Same S diff year...ZERO accountability ANYwhere to be seen. American justice at it absolute finest. Just sayin...

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Agreed but this will at least shine a light on the den of snakes, which may open the eyes of the people who blindly followed...

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I like LIGHT, but there comes a time when the rubber has to hit that road. I hear you "patience is a virtue", but these criminals must be held accountable for what was intentionally done to humanity

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THAT would be a dream come true!!!

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I think Alex is the one who needs a security detail. God speed.

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That’s no joke.

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I'm waiting for the FBI to show up at your house, Alex.

For that matter, ALL of us who comment on this Substack are probably an a list of domestic terrorists ... or something.

And what BULLSHIT that "Tony" needed security b/c he was exposed as a lying, corrupt little weasel.

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And I go to school board meetings too. Living on the edge!

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We seem to be getting a lot of new-to-the-area and recently "trained" (operatives?) school board candidates. How very odd ... watch your local towns. And also watch for new stealth progressive rags in town. They're on the move in the red areas especially. Like ants.

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So it’s not just me noticing that! “Operatives“ exactly correct term. Bankrolled by Soros, Shill-a-Con Valley, and China. Trump and Pompeo were getting rid of those Damn Confucius Institute but Biden is allowing them back in under a different name. He is a money grubbing weasel. His Misadministration is chock full o’ Bolsheviks hell bent on taking our free society down.

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There's some new online "news" site that's actually funded by Dems. These are targeting states with contested races.


I'm in Maskachusetts. The pollsters don't even pay attention here, since Dems have a death=grip on elections.

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You're in BIG trouble.

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A list of patriots....

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He never needed security; I don’t believe he was ever really in danger. He never shared any threatening messages

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He felt "unsafe."

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I wouldn't be surprised if there's central registry of "vax" numbers....but I'd bet everything I owe that there's a database of those of us who comment on this 'stack.

You're right about the FBI & Alex.

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Unbelievable! Keep going Alex!

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My first take away from all this is Scott Gottlieb former FDA commissioner now sitting on Pfizer’s board. How crooked is that? “There ought to be a law ....”.

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Y'all be sure and read Malone's take on twitter. It's just a gov front, just like google.

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Not only that. It’s shameless. They feel and know they’re above the law. He left the FDA job in April of 2019 and was sitting on the baord of Pfizer in June 2019

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Thus the crazed slogan they rage: "No one is above the LAW!"

Always and forever projecting.

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*board -1

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The emails are like smoking guns!!!!!!

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Perhaps the only saving grace of the bureaucracy is the incriminating paper trail left behind.....

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You looked nervous to deliver that one. “Thanks Twitter” kind of works in the end. We all knew Gottlieb was a swine. Now the world should know.

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Great job on Tucker! 👍

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I just cannot thank you enough. Those who were forced to take the shot in the fall of 2021 and were fortunate enough to not have experienced any (known) injury still lost dignity. Those who were brave and fortunate enough to be able to decline the shot at the expense of losing their jobs are still fighting, by and large alone. In Massachusetts, the department of unemployment insurance is initially denying all requests for unemployment (it appears that an appeal often leads to a reversal of the decision), and an EEOC agent has directly stated that the Commission instructed field agents, in general, to dismiss all charges related to religious accommodations to the vaccine mandate with a no fault finding from the commission if the employer claimed an undue hardship. These people are then given a “right to sue” under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but no lawyers will take their cases because the precedent already set in Massachusetts and in the First Circuit is so bad and the courts have been so hostile to these claims in these jurisdictions. We need a win. Your wins are our wins.

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There are still work mandates.

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but they are collapsing... just this past month, the company I worked for quietly changed it's covid policy - removing the vaccine requirement to remain employed.... and lifted it for contract workers. They posted the change as a part of allowing visitors back into company buildings - vaxed or not - but did not send out an email to all employees notifying them of the change...

So those are going away as well.

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In light of the reversal, how do they justify the original decision?

And what steps will they take to raise the bar and avoid poor decisions like this in the future?

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That's good news. But the Episcopal church I've attended for over 3 decades still requires proof of "full" vaccination, specified as all boosters, to be inside the cavernous space.

SAG-AFTRA work in NY requires the same.

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Just posted this to Twatter, I'm already on thin ice with those commies, let's see what happens.

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Good idea... I'll do the same!

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