That’s odd.

Here in America, we don’t avoid “conflict of interest.”

We elect it.

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More precisely, it is installed. But more on that later. One institutional overthrow at a time.

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Amen to that! Woops--is that considered a religious, biased remark?

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Lol....Awesome John!

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Lancet couldn't afford yet another blow to credibility. That's fine. That means one less potential official whitewash, but there will be others. At least there will still be some diffuse/crowdsourced investigations, which is how we'll actually get the truth. Although seems pretty obvious, the research for which Dazsak applied to DARPA for funding clearly went on/progressed despite DARPA demurring on the $15mm.

Everyday is a new sh**show for which I can only shake my head. All we have to do is surge HC capacity to meet the very manageable c19 numbers and keep critical care capacity intact, instead via vax mandates places like NY will see 10-20% of HC labor walk out the door and bring the system closer to collapse. Australia is defending its inhumane, illiberal nonsense while Scandinavian countries declare all is normal.

My favorite headline of the day tho was Harvard Business School going back to online classes due to c19 case surge among their 95% vaxed "community". Is it uncharitable to say "Suck on your leaky vax you self-righteous prigs"???

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Not uncharitable. In fact, you can say that again!

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"surge HC capacity" - as staff evaporate over the vaccine mandate? No wait, we have the National Guard available. A few hours of training and they will fill in for those nurses. Surge?

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No its not uncharitable at all, its accurate

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After a careful, thoughtful, and thorough investigation, the fox has determined that he did not, in fact, eat the hen. He does recognize and acknowledge the risk of a perception of bias, however, and has thus decided to disband further investigation.

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Except he hasn’t explained the chicken feathers stuck between his teeth.

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Thank you, this analogy I understand.

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Maybe he’ll choke on a bone?

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"If the spike protein don't fit...."

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We Gen X'ers fully appreciate your analogy, Alex.

But who could have worn the gloves??

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If the Bat Lady don’t fit, you must acquit

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Ok. I'm laughing uncontrollably now guys.

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Oh gosh, me too, Randy R!

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Good one

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ok, there's some Johnny Cochrane trademark infringement going on here -- see my comment above :)

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I’m an old millennial and I got it

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And I'm a boomer that got it! It spans generations!

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OJ before the gloves shrunk from the wet blood.

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The government has rules, fines and prison time to combat self-dealing corruption within the governance-control of private corporations. But self-dealing corruption is the acceptable norm in government.

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Yeah I remember when hospital compliance had to worry about all the OiG and DOJ guidelines that didn’t allow pharmacy reps to provide lunch to their docs or allow samples to be given to patients because it could be seen as “kick backs” or conflict of interest. Feds: “Rules for thee not me”

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Also vaccines for thee not for the White house and Congress. They are exempt🙄. Is that because you need to be human to get a “ vaccine” ?

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Yep, I remember when nurses won’t even allowed to accept pens and other swag from the pharmaceutical companies.

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Forget about lunch...it's the Cayman Islands all the way.

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Those were the good ole days!

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Science is real! Men can get pregnant!

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Trust the science, except that XY chromosome stuff, that stuff is just all bullshit.

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That's right... I may just start using this!

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Now you’re just trying to piss off AOC. The term is “birthing people.”

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"...so we just won't investigate at all."

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All these official "investigations" are a scam to shut the peasants up and make them think justice is on its way.

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Warren Commission, 911 Commission, Jan 6th Commission. All to hide the real truth !!

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And of course, the COVID-19 Commission run by the same dude from 9-11

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nothing ever gets done for now until the servant class gets to the boiling point and explodes.

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Needs to organize first.

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...SOCIAL justice, that is!

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You got it. Justice only comes when the people are fed up.

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Those vaccinated people are going to see re infection(doesn't work) numbers start to sky rocket in the very near future( I would say at exactly the same time as flu season comes). As a matter of fact, some of the MSM say it only serves as a symptom reliever at best. What is our government going to say when the numbers rise?

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They will flip the narrative and say the “ flu is back” or they will say it is a variant or new disease.

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I think they will use the "flu season" as a last resort to convince us how terrible Covid is and they will think we are stupid and don't know that its just the flu. The problem they will have is that the vaccinated will get reinfected. If we stay strong and together during this flu season, it will send a major message that we will not give in.

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Or they will round us (unjabbed) up, and keep blaming us for the plandemic. I've seen photos of quarantine facilities being set up in the Pacific NW. Orefon has one of the most tyrannical governors. So, who's to say what new excuse they make up to "save us all"?

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All 90 million

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Exactly! Great post

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More like what will they DO: lock very down again, that’s what. Australia here we come!

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Maybe we can write a grant proposal to DRAPA and see if they’d be willing to fund an investigation??

Hey, it’s an idea!

Oh yea, they were part of it. I forgot…

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LOL!!! Very good!

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And who said we can’t poke fun at other peoples’ expense!

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"I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on here!"

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Colonel, your winning!

Oh yes, thank you!!

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Great and very pertinent quote from Captain Louis Renault!

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Again, Just another case of the Fox guarding the Chicken Coop!! They surround the wagons until they're caught and then disband...move on...nothing to see here !!

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These are the same guest that we all see on CNN Chris Cuomo , Peter Hotez and are taking taxpayer money from Fauci and Collins . For many years now .

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So we all get it now that the virus was made in a lab. But not too many people had a lot of skin in the game over that lie. But what about if it became clear that the (hypothesis that) vaccinated individuals actually spread more virus is true? I think probably the CDC would just spin this somehow; after denying it as long as absolutely possible. And what if it eventually became clear that (the hypothesis that) vaccinated individuals are at heightened risk for enhanced infection? Again, CDC will hold onto the lie but then how will they spin that? And lastly, what if it became clear that the (people that say that the) vaccine has actually KILLED people and you were most likely better off without it? I'm not even saying I'm certain of all these things, although I personally lean that way. But my bigger question is how will the spin go down? And will it bring relief to the vaccine mandates or will they just somehow double down? If these counter-interpretations ARE true, then people will have to grapple with the possibility that this was the greatest public health mismanagement of all time, and that under the guise of public health many human rights violations are being committed.

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Heres a question - what happens to people who trust dad to protect them and guide them and then they find out they have been lied to? How do people reCt to that? The same varying ways we have all reacted to parental ( authority) lies and BS in our lives. Its not pretty🤬

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And so the age of teenage rebellion begins!

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Exactly-- defying rules, making our own path. And the anger that comes with it.

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They go into a deep funk

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No that's current teens, teens of the past defied

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I was thinking of Jack Nicholson who in adulthood found out his mother was actually his sister. He went into a deep depression from the deception. Same happened to Bobby Darin.

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Excellent point. But most people rebel and get angry. Depression is the other side of anger. You keep the anger in --depression or let it out--defiance etc.

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The only viruses made in labs are for the vaccines unnaturally jabbed into you and your kids…thus perpetuating more sickne$$ and di$ea$e, keeping folks in the medical $y$tem needing more big pharma…. We are just the guinea pigs. Gotta take care of yourself and avoid the medical and pharma cartels…sadly

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Alex, have you read the Spartacus letter? Zero Hedge published it 9/27. Author(s) anonymous, but obvious they know virology & the players involved in creating a bioweapon and “vaccines.”

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Lancet is a joke. They publish opinions masquerading as science. They think men playing dress up are more oppressed, historically and today, than actual women.

This is far from the first time objective facts proves their idiocy. Many more will follow.

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Alex, There some good stuff here from this Neurologist from Canada.


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"Oops, there was still too much intact evidence implicating the Wuhan lab"

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And Pentagon's Defense Threat Agency. Appears they were doing work with University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Any ties with the evil boll weevils with that section of the Pentagon head?

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One big psychological op by the BIG G and to many fell for it but all seem to be waking up and are smelling the scam

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OMG this is a treasure trove of disaster! There are so many additional links inside here. I DARE any pompous blowhard to denounce these personal accounts in public.

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It’s possible that it gave the wrong impression when all the investigators started wearing “I ❤️ Xi” lapel pins.

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Supposedly, so many of America's hospitals are at risk of staffing shortages because it's health care heroes are declining the vaccine. If you have witnessed the horrors of Covid first-hand, how could you possibly turn down this miracle vaccine?

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The perception? It isn’t perception at all. It is bias in the most ‘bias-y’ way possible. Kinda like having Daszak as one of the investigators for the WHO gathering info on COVID origins in China…

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That's almost as crazy as having a drug company with no liability do the tests on their own drugs.

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you guys all laugh at this - but this is the way academic medicine works and the way most major medical systems work. There is no attempt at objective findings. Its all promotional and cover your butt stuff. The money is too big now. The heads of major medical systems make 5-10 million a year and they stuff another 5 or so into this split dollar life insurance policies - where they avoid "paying their fair share". When the money gets that big - the lies get even bigger.

They get rid of people that defend patients and are interested in quality and performance.

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That truly could be an Onion Headline.....

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Panel of scientists with vaginas!

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Ha. In the meantime, roll up your sleeve, stick out your arm, lock that step.

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Shell game. Where is the origin of the virus? They’ve really thrown us off track now!

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The boldness factor of what’s happening in our world is fueled by the majority not taking a stand for what we individually believe. Acceptance of mediocrity allows those pushing boundaries to keep pushing, inches at a time. And eventually we’ve been pushed ‘miles’ down the path of loss of freedom. Then hundreds of miles, then countries fall from freedom.

And now we see the boldness of a ‘world’ momentum taking away our freedom.

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Fun fact, if you tweet on Peter Dsazk’s Twitter account and say “‘you belong in jail” he blocks you.

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Reminds me of the newest Goliath mini-series with Billy Bob Thornton about Big Pharma. To close to home for a streaming series.

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Funny I just started watching season 4 about 15 minutes ago. Lol

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The next crazy thing is someone will realize Ivermectin will fix the world.

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Oh noes, not the perception of bias!

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Perception - does that mean there really isn't any bias, it's only in the minds of conspiracy theory nuts?

Then why disband? To give credence to such nuts?

Or because it's true and the nuts will soon be proven right. Which happens more often than not

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Is half the country hypnotized or am I having a nightmare. If it fits you must not acquit!

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Do healthcare professionals aspirate before they inject the IM Covid shot? You may be surprised when you see this video and learn about a study done on mice.


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On its face, a conflict of interest isn't bad as long as everyone knows what the conflict is and can decide their positions based on knowing the conflict. The problem is that the leftwing media cover up the conflicts so you can't know about them.

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Alex, your comment is worthy of the Babylon Bee! It's hard to be satirical when reality is ludicrous.

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Not that odd when you realize that the the globalists plan is global and that the 2 powers we are most afraid will get into a hot war actually collude in many areas, at least at the globalist level. PERCEPTION CREATED, DECEPTION ACHIEVED!

Mind you if it suits their purpose, global control that is, a hot war could still happen. And then perhaps regional world leaders created, still under the globalists central plan of course, who knows.

But with the USA/ Global monetary system essentially broken and economies around the world failing because of it. so maybe a WW1 or WW11 scale will be averted, let alone nuclear, wouldn't want to decimate resources right.

Not that people won't be killed, because obviously, with C19 they don't care about people, we are more of a pesky liability, very expensive to service and way too many of us apparently.

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The world will never get a clear answer on the origins of Covid. The virus arrived so conveniently while the world was having massive protests in nearly every developed nation. Hong Kong had millions of protesters in the streets while America burned. People were desperate for a reason to change the election process so they could oust the president. Then poof, we had a global crisis of blurry origins that provided the vehicle for governments the world over to make their needed changes. There are no coincidences.

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I did NAZI that comin.

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We live in insane times. Absolutely insane.

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Yes, we live in the time at the height of billionaire and corporate influence. Why are we surprised this is happening.? We "sell" them lax laws governing their businesses, we allow them to buy/fund public world organization, we permit them (by buying off Congress and the Senate ) to write legislation regulating (sic) their industries and allow them to evade/avoid taxes. Why wouldn't this happen? We gave it to them/ Why-- because most of us don't give a fig about govt, we just live our lives.

This resulting environment and the sociopathic/psychotic mindsets (country leaders, heads of corps, educational institutes etc-- see "The Corporation" documentary) and VOILA -- here we are. The US in particular created the definitive environment and as it loves to do it exported its "business model" (sic) to the rest of the world.

Add to that a shamed sociopath/eugenist Bill Gates after his antitrust monopoly lawsuit (he accelerated his buying of "world" institutions) and his ties to Epstein's sordid blackmail/ sex rings and there is your tipping point.

They are now extremely brazen and are intent on control and increasing their power through buying people off (or blackmailing-- looking at you Justin Trudeau). There are less and less independent govts left in the world. Most are controlled by donor funding through corporations or "lovely" groups like UNESCO, WHO etc. Problem with their plans is that they aren't truly human and don't really understand the human condition. They will fail because they don't have a clue on how to really do this. That is the problem with theoretical technocrats. No practical experience just theory -- which is why ALL the public health "doctors" have never seen patients. Sure they can blackmail, bribe, bully and shame but like all bullies when you call them out, expose them or ignore them and go about your lives (not following their push) and its clear they get flustered and angry and they try another tack-- hence the increasing authoritarian push. Wait and be patient if we continue to not play ball they will eat each other alive.

People need to understand there is more of us than them. They have badly misjudged people who have lost ALL trust in their "institutions"-- whether it is MSM, Institutional medicine (hospitals HMS etc), research science (NIH, CDC, FDA etc), governments, PHARMA etc. They will never recover. To go all out like that and not be able to hide and protect part of their industries tells you just how desperate they are.

Have faith and be patient. 💗

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I worked for a guy at a major Asian electronics firm who said: corporations are psychotic. People will do things in the company they would never do on their own

The problem is we let them get away with it.

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Agreed-- they have cover-- they can risk showing their truth face. There is NO humanity in corporations.

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ON ANOTHER SATIRICAL NOTE, THE BABYLON BEE NAILS IT IN THIS SATIRICAL SKIT: Progressive Couple Thrilled With Latest Mandates - Joe Biden's mandates sure are tough on Covid. But will his never-ending list of mandates stop the spread or will it forever trap you in #TheMatrix?

VIDEO (ON THEIR YOUTUBE CHANNEL): https://youtu.be/0a2sqMLhGNM

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If the glove fits….

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Stupid fools are nucking futs!

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Truly, things like this just defy imagination.

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These people have become “mad” with much learning. The truth is far off from them but the blood cries from the ground that they have helped spill.

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Bought and paid for.... the magnitude of Chinese hostile moves in lots of segments of our society is frightening

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I don't consider this a crucial issue at this point. There have been MANY reports now indicating it was some sort of criminal act. Most here don't realize what the actual situation of this planet seems to be, but if you did you would probably be concerned but not surprised at all these shenanigans.

Earlier we had a situation where, though a criminal group (we would consider them criminal) was overseeing this planet, we were allowed to remain fairly free and to keep our own criminals under control to the best of our abilities. This is no longer the situation, and our local criminals seem to be actively helped by "non-local" ones, abetted by our own ignorance and failure to grasp the situation.

I realize that I have no intellectual traction here, so I don't mind stating the following: The earliest warning about this outbreak that I could find on the internet was from Billy Meier on his organizations' website (FIGU). The most reliable remote viewing of the origin of this outbreak was done well over a year ago by Courtney Brown's group Farsight. Courtney has since brought us a host of larger revelations, and has become very adamant about how we should respond. Meanwhile, I remained relatively unimpressed, as I was a student of Hubbard.

From my point of view, we can continue to stew about how many rotten folks seem to live in high places, or we can begin to work more seriously about freeing ourselves (at least as a species) from this situation. I follow Alex and others because I refuse to watch mainstream news. I consider that a form of slow suicide. But as we attempt to track the truth of what is going on, we should not lose sight of the fact that there is a larger truth at work here, and for once in our lives - and in the life of this planet - we have a chance to deal with it.

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