Thanks, I continue to be stocked with Ivermectin for friends and family who I have helped. It's a well known drug with a high success rate in billions of applications around the world without bad side-effects. I'd choose Ivermectin over Pfizermectin, a poor facsimile any day.
Have you ever heard of a ChiCom virus rebound by people who were treated with Ivermectin? Anywhere? Ever?
We got our first prescription of ivermectin from our WA pharmacy. Days later, it was outlawed in WA pharmacies, so we got our next one on-line. I have friends who’ve gotten it on trips to Mexico, etc. I’m wondering if people are still getting it on-line to have it as back-up. It got us through Delta last year so do we need it? (Yes…we have the 🐴 paste…which kept us away from 🦠 for almost a year!).
That's Ivermectin for livestock! The human version is in pill form. And has been given to over a billion people in the past 40 years. What in God's name is your point here?
I bought Ivermectin from India. One out of three shipments seems to have been lost or mailed improperly and I never used that supplier again. The other supplier was reliable. My IVM stash helped twice, in Dec 2021 for my wife and this August for two young adults.
There are docs in several states who will prescribe it. Not all yet, unfortunately. Or check FLCCC website. Plenty of docs who will. Or international shipments.
I got a large stockpile from India. Hoping it’s legit! When I had COVID I took the script an MD via telehealth prescribed for me, but wanted back up for family. No one else took it though!
Well, I don't expect they will take my advice. They would need to wake up to what is going on. Most likely they would take the paxlovid which won't work super well given they've had 4 shots.
1: They only started freezing ivermectin shipments into the U.S. late last year. 2: our customs agents are probably too overwhelmed and/or incompetent to stop them. I received my ivermectin shipment from India this January, lucky me. 3. Ivermectin prescriptions for covid are legal, at least in most states. The tricky part is finding a dr who will prescribe it, they other tricky part is the dr finding a rx that will fill it, many won’t. 7 cells pharmacy in Florida (so many wonderful things about FL) will prescribe ivermectin, nitazoxinide, hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine, azithromycin, methylprednisolone and other treatments for covid over the phone. They’re able to mail it to most states. They don’t recommend taking all those meds, but they’re available in various combinations.
Email AFLD or FLCCC for it or take a vacation to central or South America or almost anywhere were it is cheap and easy to get. It is OTC most places. Like you are ordering ice cream. The human pills - should higher quality.
Definitely would want Ivermectin instead of parasites! People have plenty. Africans especially and kids/adults around animals.
A number of docs saw a parasite like form under the microscope when looking at the injection ( not a vax ) contents. That is likely one reason the Fraudster did not want us taking it. The parasite serves the purpose of penetrating the BBB and bringing the graphine oxide to the CNS. Remember when they wanted all the poor saps in the population to stick a cotton tipped applicator ( with carcinogens and a microscopic parasite - seen in some online tube videos) way up to the superior portion of the sinus area right next to brain?
Why would the Instructions say this? If they were looking for a shedding virus a sampling of the drip or mucous in our nose would be all that was needed. No better the higher you go, at all. Food for thought. Please look into why this was necessary. Maybe Pfizer could make up an answer for us. Why hadn't any one asked? Or have they ?
Alex writes, "Highly mRNA vaccinated countries that did not have earlier Covid waves, such as Australia and New Zealand, have had some of the highest death rates this year, suggesting that immunity from earlier infections rather than the shots is crucial to reducing deaths;"
This is one interpretation. But it seems doubtful given that prior strains were more lethal than the current version of Omicron. To me it suggests that there's a certain number of folks in the population who are uniquely sensitive to covid in general. So I'd proffer that in places like the USA, Great Britain, etc, those people were killed off early by covid. Australia and New Zealand are only catching up. Right? How could these folks dying of omicron have possibly survived delta or the original wild-type? My guess is they wouldn't have.
One of my issues was when was when he appeared to purposely get rid of all the smart medical people. Physicians etc. Why would he do that? Unless he did not want to deal with their knowledgeable feedback. I thought the feedback was valuable. He does have a difficult job hosting this site and balancing everything and everyone. He does seem to be doing a good job handling the fraudulent twitter. As much as any one person could do, if you don't have Elon's billions. Although I have not been keeping up with twitter blogs, except a very recent update so u may know better.
You make an excellent point and I do appriciate skeptisim. But if we do have so many "smart medical people" why would all these medical facilities force patients to wear makes that do nothing. Corporations run medicine now. It's not about smart or dumb or " We're all in this together", it's about profit and doing what the CEO and his or her board members decide is fiscally better.
I recently went for my annual physical and the doctor's office was STILL making people wear masks. It makes me wonder what kind of medical care I'm getting if they can't even read the studies showing that they're doing literally nothing. The only thing I can think of is it's just gotten so widely-accepted that to NOT make people wear a mask opens them up to criticism they don't want to deal with.
In Wilmington NC the only game in town is Novant Health. Their CEO used to work for Psizer. All of their facilities require doning of the face diaper. One and one can equal five if your the guy using the calculator.
So I can't comment too much on how he's been trending over the past year because I'm a new subscriber here having just red "Pandemia", BUT I think a willingness to not condemn everything Big Pharma does is evidence of an open mind more than anything. If a drug works, it works...ignoring that fact would just make him biased in the other way.
Exactly. It has one of the WORST drug interaction profiles. Versus Ivermectin. Nobel prize-winning. Around for years. Proven results in multiple countries. Cheap (not counting the folks who are currently making a killing on mail-order due to the CDC/FDA and especially GATES scams about how bad it is - see Tess Lawrie ivermectin). On the WHO list of essential medicines for godssakes. But yeah, carry on with the pavlov med and the pharma pushing. Carry on.
Totally agree: the Government / Pharma Industrial Complex has blown any semblance of trust, and that includes the 'wonderful' Pax (not to be confused with the other 'Pox'). If yer not jabbed then life goes on; can't get ivermectin up here in Emperor Blackface's Kingdom anyway. While rona deaths are falling apparently (oh remind me again how do they test for the rona when the PCR test has been so discredited anyway?) it deaths by jab that are the issue. Keep Truckin'.
People I know who have taken Paxlovid suffered a “rebound,” previously called a relapse. Rebound sounds positive. Relapse is accurate. I’m not sure why anyone is prescribing it, especially since other medication is available. Now that the CDC has sort of backed off, maybe doctors will be less afraid to provide proper treatment.
Just as "breakthrough infection" sounds like just some bad luck, whereas it used to be called "vaccine failure" which would've put a dent in Pfizer's profits if people were told that the so-called vaxxes actually fail regularly.
Exactly. It's all a word game for Fauci and Friends. Because it's all just propaganda. There is no science to support anything they've done for the past two years.
Thank you so much, Connie, for pointing out the rebound vs. relapse trick. I noticed that little trick months ago. I am surprised that no one else (other than you) has brought attention to it. The correct terminology here is indeed "relapse." In the medical field the term "rebound" traditionally means someone was sick and got better, whereas "relapse" means someone was better and then got sick again. No one should be using the term "rebound" here, because "rebound" is not accurate. No doubt pharma and friends are using this term to confuse people and make the Paxlovid-inspired relapse sounds not as problematic as it actually is.
Mask might even be appropriate, as in symptoms are masked so the patient feels better when they’re actually still sick. Let’s face it, almost all cold medicine does that. I sometimes wonder if the stuff we take for colds lengthens the time we’re ill. I’d make an exception for something like Zicam, which I have found does reduce and shorten a cold.
No because their standard response is "thank goodness otherwise I would have died"..........I always respond "I had covid, I am not vaccinated, and I didn't die" and they stay mute.
My and wife and I visited friends in Iowa a week or so ago. Both vaxxed. She got sick a month or so ago and took about a week to get over it. My wife told her I got sick as well and was down and out for about a week but took another week to get my strength back. "Well you guys are not vaxxed and the vaccine helped me recover more quickly". Our friends are very successful professionally and no idiots, but? The Kool Aid was that strong.
You should let them know about my one day recovery. Body aches were the only symptom. Fine, a day and a half. These people are insane. If you want to see how deep that Kool Aid goes, go on to New York Times on facebook and check out the comments on Fauci stepping down.
I left FB in the summer of 2020. Couldn't take it anymore. But I am sure they are all gloating on a special person he is and that he will be missed. UGH!
Oh, I believe it. I know plenty of them. I'm one of the only ones consistently talking shit about this response. It's criminal, it's ineptitude, it's the mentality of followers. What's nice about this entire fiasco is now I know how unique I am. You too!
I think recovery time just depends on the individual. No one can prove a negative. I’ve had Covid twice. Both times started with a headache. The worst of it (where I had a low fever) was basically 48 hours both times. The first time I had a headache for about a week, popped that fever for a bit, then I was fine. The second, I got a fever right away, then it was gone after 48 hours. I did get that awful cough/congestion the second time which lasted a few weeks. Hard to tell because allergies kicked in at the same time. Once the pollen was gone, so was the cough. About two years lapsed between Covids. Non-jabb’d. Took basically zinc, vit D & C. Other family members who had it either had similar symptoms or went the sore throat route. I will note that my test showed positive right away. For one of my vaxxed relatives, it took 5 days after symptoms appeared, and then many more before the test was negative (I’m not even sure if that happened or if they just stopped testing). I don’t believe in testing until negative, but some employers insist. In fact , I don’t really trust the tests much. I went by antibody testing the first time, and then symptoms the second. But I did test for my employer because I knew they’d ask.
You basically just described how mine went. Twice as well. I never test though. Don't see the point as they are highly inaccurate and wouldn't change what I do anyway.
Yep, it does. I think my first bout was quick for a few reasons (Dec 2020). I've had lyme disease in the past so I was already on a lot of good supplements, like Zinc, C, Glutathione, Quecertin, etc. After that first bout, my antibodies were jacked up, and not disabled (which is what the vax eventually does). Immune system is always ready to pump antibodies on command now. Sure omicron evades natural, but it was a joke, at least for my body (46 year old, pretty healthy person minus the lyme). That was the 1.5 day affair. But, even my first bout with Covid was unremarkable besides pissing me off by taking my smell and taste -
My wife’s sister in law (does that make her my SIL too?) is mid-40s and healthy. She just came down with Covid and is taking Paxlovid. As far as I know she had mild symptoms to begin with but they are handing it out like candy. My sister is a nurse practitioner and she won’t prescribe it to anyone. She said there’s a number of side effects and people have to stop some of their current meds to take it as it will interfere with them.
Yes.....paxlovid definitely cannot be taken with a statin. I am recovering from covid. 13 days out. I began Ivermectin the day after testing positive. My doc put me on a z pack and steroids which I took along with the iv. Felt horrible for about 5 days....lost 7 lbs. Doc prescribed Paxlovid but I elected not to take it. One of the main side effects is stomach distress and diarrhea. I was not suffering with either and had no desire to inflict more misery than I was dealing with at the time. My two biggest symptoms after the first few days of low grade fever and chills was loss of appetite and exhaustion. Really is like having the flu. I am almost back to normal. Still tire out easily but I expected that. I think it is your immune system working on your behalf. My husband is now sick. And he refuses to take we shall see how long it takes him to recover Oh...neither one of us are vaccinated....and never will be under any circumstances.
Check FLCCC protocol for treating a case of covid. They recommend holding off on the steroids, only use if covid advances to moderate to severe. The steroids can reduce your immune response, something you don't need if you're just coming down with it.
I took them because I was a little short of breath. They helped tremendously. I also was having a pretty good episode of diverticulitis at the same time. The steroids help with colon inflammation so I killed two birds with one stone. Five days of prednisone. I recovered pretty quickly. I was also taking 3000 units of Vit C daily. But I had read they recommend waiting on the steroids. I think you have too evaluate your set of circumstances and proceed.
So if you were short of breath you were already advancing along to a more serious illness. I'm a lifelong asthmatic and for some odd reason never got short of breath with covid both times that I had a significant case of it. If I'd had trouble breathing I'd have taken something like that. This virus can go sideways fast and whatever helps is fair game.
Holy smokes! I just looked at the interaction list. At this point you’d be better off with the original treatment of “go home and take Tylenol.” Seriously, do that and grab the remote. You’ll be enjoying streaming your stories for a day or two.
Update: I just found out that my SIL’s doctor would not prescribe her Paxlovid since she is not considered high risk. She got it somewhere else so there apparently is now a black market for Paxlovid.
I believe you can get it from a pharmacist in some places without a prescription, but it’s not OTC. I know someone who took a trip to Europe who asked her doc for some paxlovid to take with her, just incase. He said no. When she got Covid overseas, they gave her ivermectin. I found that interesting.
My 43 year old vaxxed daughter took it when she got covid. I actually asked why, since she’s young & not at high risk (took lots of patience not to say AND VAXXED). She told me because of asthma?????? I never knew she had asthma…been her mom for 43 years! It’s like the more of any of this, the better to their minds!!!
Ivermectin is more effective, cheaper, and less adverse effects. You won't find "studies" proving that because it's forbidden. The world is fundamentally insane.
"178 ivermectin COVID-19 studies, 125 peer reviewed, 90 comparing treatment and control groups. Recent:Bramante Al-kuraishy Kory Chellasamy Croci Schilling Hazan. Ivermectin has been officially adopted for early treatment in all or part of 22 countries (38 including non-government medical organizations). Submit updates/corrections."
Alex is right about the Vax & wrong about everything else. He doesn’t know how to interpret science, either that or he is willfully ignorant. Literally hundreds of studies on Ivermectin. It is the best drug we have for fighting C19. We’ve used it for years to fight forms of leukemia, inflammation & viruses. C19 is hardly the first virus we’ve used it for! Alex seems to think it’s just for equines. One of the safest drugs ever manufactured.
How do you know parachutes work? Most things, and particularly in medicine, we have historically made advances with smart people thinking something will work, trying it out, and finding it does. Experience is the best teacher, much better than academic games.
In the case of ivermectin, it has been proven repeatedly in real world cases. The occasional report that it doesn't work were all poorly done, some to the point of apparent fraud. Those who insist on rejecting a life saving therapy, because their revered academics said so, are either hopelessly ignorant, or inherently psychopathic, or part of the scam. That's never been done before, so competent people should look for the reasons for the psychopathic resistance, not endorsement by the people who created the panic. This is a workshop in Stockholm syndrome.
If your plane is about to crash, you really should give the parachute a try. Or you could wait for the study.
I suspect "studies" was put in quotation marks because the reference is to official, government-funded and government-approved "studies" that government "forbids" anyone to undertake if they want to continue to suckle at the government pig's teat.
There is plenty of evidence out there (see Tommy's links in this thread), evidence NOT sanctioned by government, and so probably more reliable than anything we can expect from government allies these days.
Pavloxid promotes reinfection. Alex becomes a shill for pharma. How much testing was done on P Alex? The years and years required for other drugs? No. And you know it. Pathetic.
You know what else works?? Just naturally fighting the virus. I’m a semi active 50 something that’s been taking vitamin c, zinc, and vitamin d daily for years. Spend a lot of time outdoors, live in Florida. I had 1 bout with covid in Jan 2022, felt like shit for a day and a half. Then was pretty much fine after that. Was 100% probably about 5-6 days later. Now all the jabbed I know are getting there 2nd and 3rd go around. I’ll take natural immunity over anything the big pharma scumbags produces all day any day.
61, live in Puerto Rico, desk job (CPA) but we have 2 dogs and I play golf, so "semi active" (I think!). C, D3, zinc, daily multi, Quercetin regimen for about 18 months. Tested positive in late April. 36 hours with a low-grade fever, NO OTHER SYMPTOMS. Was prescribed Pavlovid but took my IVM instead.
Never have taken experimental drugs, and I had (no jabs) and have (no Pavlovid) no intention of starting now. There's no E big enough for me to trust the government and Big Pharma with EUAs.
Me too! I think if I had not been taking ivermectin from the get go and a proper dosage....I would still be sick. Friends of mine who took Paxlovid were for the most part in bed for at least five days. I spent the first two days in bed but by day 3....I pretty much followed my normal routine. And I am over the moon about now having natural immunity. T cell immunity. I want to scream it from the roof tops but have so many friends who lined up to be vaccinated..
He’s trying to show the blue checks on Twitter he’s not “anti-pharma”. Or “anti-vax”. Now if they try and paint him this way he can say” I shared the paxvloid data, I’m not biased against pharma cos.” It’s a joke. 1 shitty study doesn’t prove anything. When I see multiple different studies all pointing the same way, get back to me. Like you say, he dismissed ivermectin for the same reason he’s defending paxvloud.
Within the past week, I have tried to order monoclonal antibodies for 2 patients who were relatively high risk and the hospital system said "must try paxlovid first." This situation stinks of financial incentives & corruption.
So a brand new drug issued under EUA is now the more "conservative" approach (which is what I'm assuming given they want that tried before administering MCA)?
Yes. Last week, I treated my 89 yo dad with ivermectin, zpak, hydroxychloroquine, aspirin and pepcid. Praise God, he seems to have turned the corner. No way was I giving him paxlovid.
Quite right. No reason to believe it at all. In fact, there is a long documented history of just how captured the "investigators", people who design and run trials, and the journals themselves are (not to mention the media). This study does not seem to me to prove that "paxlovid works", which is the study's conclusion and which Alex is propagating here. The primary endpoints they used were ALL CAUSE ER visits hospitalizations and death. Not ER visits, hospitalizations and death from COVID or COVID complications, but from ALL CAUSES. How on earth can we know the significance of any of this unless we know why they were in the ER, hospitalized or dead? If one of them broke their leg or got bit by a dog and ended up in the ER... counted. What does that have to do with paxlovid's effectiveness?
Ridiculous. To propagate this ruse as showing how paxovid is "effective" (against ALL CAUSE ER visits, hospitalization and death) without seeing the data (which we will never see) is ridiculous for Alex.
However I have also spoken to several who have taken paxlovid after being 3-4x vaccinated and getting covid, and that paxlovid did not work and actually prolonged the covid symptoms much beyond the normal recovery date........
Paxlovid is problematic for many reasons. When stopped, people get rebound symptoms. There are numerous possible side effects and contraindications. Once again the message from all of this seems to be: work on wellness
We watched both Biden and Fauci, the unflushable turd, both have relapses. So, now use that head of yours to imagine how many others are having relapses. Also, Paxlovid is an inferior (to ivermectin) two part product with a 3CL protease inhibitor (that has less binding affinity than ivermectin) and an HIV drug called ritonavir, one with a black box warning and interaction with with 32 CLASSES of other medicines. Cool. Yum yum yum.
Don’t understand how you can cite to a retrospective study rather than an RTC in support or Paxlovid and continue to discredit ivermectin. Even if this study proves anything re: mortality, (1) what are the side effects and (2) what is the net benefit given the rebound effect.
Thanks, I continue to be stocked with Ivermectin for friends and family who I have helped. It's a well known drug with a high success rate in billions of applications around the world without bad side-effects. I'd choose Ivermectin over Pfizermectin, a poor facsimile any day.
Have you ever heard of a ChiCom virus rebound by people who were treated with Ivermectin? Anywhere? Ever?
My wife and I also have a stockpile of Ivermectin. As the WHO has said before, one of the top 10 drugs EVER made!
We got our first prescription of ivermectin from our WA pharmacy. Days later, it was outlawed in WA pharmacies, so we got our next one on-line. I have friends who’ve gotten it on trips to Mexico, etc. I’m wondering if people are still getting it on-line to have it as back-up. It got us through Delta last year so do we need it? (Yes…we have the 🐴 paste…which kept us away from 🦠 for almost a year!).
Is anyone really even getting seriously sick anymore? I know tons of people that have had Omicron and none that had more than bad cold symptoms.
That's Ivermectin for livestock! The human version is in pill form. And has been given to over a billion people in the past 40 years. What in God's name is your point here?
How do you get Ivermectin? USPS freezes all shipping to US citizens for more than 2 years now! This is in Pill form I am talking.
Mexico and India and here in the US at compounding pharmacies
I bought Ivermectin from India. One out of three shipments seems to have been lost or mailed improperly and I never used that supplier again. The other supplier was reliable. My IVM stash helped twice, in Dec 2021 for my wife and this August for two young adults.
There are docs in several states who will prescribe it. Not all yet, unfortunately. Or check FLCCC website. Plenty of docs who will. Or international shipments.
I got a large stockpile from India. Hoping it’s legit! When I had COVID I took the script an MD via telehealth prescribed for me, but wanted back up for family. No one else took it though!
I just picked up some for my vaxxed parents, but who knows if I could get them to take it.... But I figured better safe than sorry
Very kind and considerate child.
Congratulations and thank you.
Well, I don't expect they will take my advice. They would need to wake up to what is going on. Most likely they would take the paxlovid which won't work super well given they've had 4 shots.
Well that's what the livestock version comes in. It's the same thing but cheaper and more available
Wait, you got the purple liquid for your parents?
I take those compliments back. 😂
I tried it out, tastes bad but it's a small blob of white goo. But anyway I think it's approved for sheep as well as horses
1: They only started freezing ivermectin shipments into the U.S. late last year. 2: our customs agents are probably too overwhelmed and/or incompetent to stop them. I received my ivermectin shipment from India this January, lucky me. 3. Ivermectin prescriptions for covid are legal, at least in most states. The tricky part is finding a dr who will prescribe it, they other tricky part is the dr finding a rx that will fill it, many won’t. 7 cells pharmacy in Florida (so many wonderful things about FL) will prescribe ivermectin, nitazoxinide, hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine, azithromycin, methylprednisolone and other treatments for covid over the phone. They’re able to mail it to most states. They don’t recommend taking all those meds, but they’re available in various combinations.
You can get it at many compounding pharmacies in the us
Email AFLD or FLCCC for it or take a vacation to central or South America or almost anywhere were it is cheap and easy to get. It is OTC most places. Like you are ordering ice cream. The human pills - should higher quality.
Many compounding pharmacies are providing ivermectin . I get mine in Texas ( but I live in TX, not sure if they will cross state lines. )
I think he is just entertaining. Seriously.
I have thought that you were Berenson's alternative login for a while (pretending to be slightly hick-ish). This reconfirms my suspicion.
Definitely would want Ivermectin instead of parasites! People have plenty. Africans especially and kids/adults around animals.
A number of docs saw a parasite like form under the microscope when looking at the injection ( not a vax ) contents. That is likely one reason the Fraudster did not want us taking it. The parasite serves the purpose of penetrating the BBB and bringing the graphine oxide to the CNS. Remember when they wanted all the poor saps in the population to stick a cotton tipped applicator ( with carcinogens and a microscopic parasite - seen in some online tube videos) way up to the superior portion of the sinus area right next to brain?
Why would the Instructions say this? If they were looking for a shedding virus a sampling of the drip or mucous in our nose would be all that was needed. No better the higher you go, at all. Food for thought. Please look into why this was necessary. Maybe Pfizer could make up an answer for us. Why hadn't any one asked? Or have they ?
Thanks MarSol.
But it is off patent and costs about $1.90 a pill. It has to be more than about big pharma.
My immune system was free, and so far it's undefeated.
Mine too Danno, herd immunity rules!!
Alex writes, "Highly mRNA vaccinated countries that did not have earlier Covid waves, such as Australia and New Zealand, have had some of the highest death rates this year, suggesting that immunity from earlier infections rather than the shots is crucial to reducing deaths;"
This is one interpretation. But it seems doubtful given that prior strains were more lethal than the current version of Omicron. To me it suggests that there's a certain number of folks in the population who are uniquely sensitive to covid in general. So I'd proffer that in places like the USA, Great Britain, etc, those people were killed off early by covid. Australia and New Zealand are only catching up. Right? How could these folks dying of omicron have possibly survived delta or the original wild-type? My guess is they wouldn't have.
Kim G
Roma Sur, Mexico City
Here. Right here!
Do you think he just does it for a lot more comments? Is he paid per comment. 🤷♀️
One of my issues was when was when he appeared to purposely get rid of all the smart medical people. Physicians etc. Why would he do that? Unless he did not want to deal with their knowledgeable feedback. I thought the feedback was valuable. He does have a difficult job hosting this site and balancing everything and everyone. He does seem to be doing a good job handling the fraudulent twitter. As much as any one person could do, if you don't have Elon's billions. Although I have not been keeping up with twitter blogs, except a very recent update so u may know better.
You make an excellent point and I do appriciate skeptisim. But if we do have so many "smart medical people" why would all these medical facilities force patients to wear makes that do nothing. Corporations run medicine now. It's not about smart or dumb or " We're all in this together", it's about profit and doing what the CEO and his or her board members decide is fiscally better.
I recently went for my annual physical and the doctor's office was STILL making people wear masks. It makes me wonder what kind of medical care I'm getting if they can't even read the studies showing that they're doing literally nothing. The only thing I can think of is it's just gotten so widely-accepted that to NOT make people wear a mask opens them up to criticism they don't want to deal with.
In Wilmington NC the only game in town is Novant Health. Their CEO used to work for Psizer. All of their facilities require doning of the face diaper. One and one can equal five if your the guy using the calculator.
So I can't comment too much on how he's been trending over the past year because I'm a new subscriber here having just red "Pandemia", BUT I think a willingness to not condemn everything Big Pharma does is evidence of an open mind more than anything. If a drug works, it works...ignoring that fact would just make him biased in the other way.
My two cents...
If you gave Fentanyl for a headache it would work.
I don't trust Paxlovid and anything the CDC or FDA has to say about it. I'll stick to the Ivermectin.
Exactly. It has one of the WORST drug interaction profiles. Versus Ivermectin. Nobel prize-winning. Around for years. Proven results in multiple countries. Cheap (not counting the folks who are currently making a killing on mail-order due to the CDC/FDA and especially GATES scams about how bad it is - see Tess Lawrie ivermectin). On the WHO list of essential medicines for godssakes. But yeah, carry on with the pavlov med and the pharma pushing. Carry on.
Totally agree: the Government / Pharma Industrial Complex has blown any semblance of trust, and that includes the 'wonderful' Pax (not to be confused with the other 'Pox'). If yer not jabbed then life goes on; can't get ivermectin up here in Emperor Blackface's Kingdom anyway. While rona deaths are falling apparently (oh remind me again how do they test for the rona when the PCR test has been so discredited anyway?) it deaths by jab that are the issue. Keep Truckin'.
Me too.
Isn't it weird that all these quad-vaxxed people are taking Pax, when it's only approved for high-risk individuals?
Do they even realize they're admitted the vax doesn't work?
People I know who have taken Paxlovid suffered a “rebound,” previously called a relapse. Rebound sounds positive. Relapse is accurate. I’m not sure why anyone is prescribing it, especially since other medication is available. Now that the CDC has sort of backed off, maybe doctors will be less afraid to provide proper treatment.
Just as "breakthrough infection" sounds like just some bad luck, whereas it used to be called "vaccine failure" which would've put a dent in Pfizer's profits if people were told that the so-called vaxxes actually fail regularly.
Exactly. It's all a word game for Fauci and Friends. Because it's all just propaganda. There is no science to support anything they've done for the past two years.
Past 40 years
Thank you so much, Connie, for pointing out the rebound vs. relapse trick. I noticed that little trick months ago. I am surprised that no one else (other than you) has brought attention to it. The correct terminology here is indeed "relapse." In the medical field the term "rebound" traditionally means someone was sick and got better, whereas "relapse" means someone was better and then got sick again. No one should be using the term "rebound" here, because "rebound" is not accurate. No doubt pharma and friends are using this term to confuse people and make the Paxlovid-inspired relapse sounds not as problematic as it actually is.
Mask might even be appropriate, as in symptoms are masked so the patient feels better when they’re actually still sick. Let’s face it, almost all cold medicine does that. I sometimes wonder if the stuff we take for colds lengthens the time we’re ill. I’d make an exception for something like Zicam, which I have found does reduce and shorten a cold.
No because their standard response is "thank goodness otherwise I would have died"..........I always respond "I had covid, I am not vaccinated, and I didn't die" and they stay mute.
My and wife and I visited friends in Iowa a week or so ago. Both vaxxed. She got sick a month or so ago and took about a week to get over it. My wife told her I got sick as well and was down and out for about a week but took another week to get my strength back. "Well you guys are not vaxxed and the vaccine helped me recover more quickly". Our friends are very successful professionally and no idiots, but? The Kool Aid was that strong.
You should let them know about my one day recovery. Body aches were the only symptom. Fine, a day and a half. These people are insane. If you want to see how deep that Kool Aid goes, go on to New York Times on facebook and check out the comments on Fauci stepping down.
I left FB in the summer of 2020. Couldn't take it anymore. But I am sure they are all gloating on a special person he is and that he will be missed. UGH!
You got it. They love him. "What a wonderful public servant"
Servant seems funny because he makes over $500,000/year from the government (taxpayers) and who knows how much from NIH patents.
Exactly. It's all funny. The guy is a full of shit muppet. That's all he is.
I had a brainwashed acquaintance call Fauci a "mensch" if you can believe it.
Oh, I believe it. I know plenty of them. I'm one of the only ones consistently talking shit about this response. It's criminal, it's ineptitude, it's the mentality of followers. What's nice about this entire fiasco is now I know how unique I am. You too!
Yes, indeed!
no thanks, my stomach is a little unsettled any way!
I think recovery time just depends on the individual. No one can prove a negative. I’ve had Covid twice. Both times started with a headache. The worst of it (where I had a low fever) was basically 48 hours both times. The first time I had a headache for about a week, popped that fever for a bit, then I was fine. The second, I got a fever right away, then it was gone after 48 hours. I did get that awful cough/congestion the second time which lasted a few weeks. Hard to tell because allergies kicked in at the same time. Once the pollen was gone, so was the cough. About two years lapsed between Covids. Non-jabb’d. Took basically zinc, vit D & C. Other family members who had it either had similar symptoms or went the sore throat route. I will note that my test showed positive right away. For one of my vaxxed relatives, it took 5 days after symptoms appeared, and then many more before the test was negative (I’m not even sure if that happened or if they just stopped testing). I don’t believe in testing until negative, but some employers insist. In fact , I don’t really trust the tests much. I went by antibody testing the first time, and then symptoms the second. But I did test for my employer because I knew they’d ask.
You basically just described how mine went. Twice as well. I never test though. Don't see the point as they are highly inaccurate and wouldn't change what I do anyway.
Me too!!! I only had a test the first time, which was silly because I lost taste & smell. But my symptoms were the same!
Yep, it does. I think my first bout was quick for a few reasons (Dec 2020). I've had lyme disease in the past so I was already on a lot of good supplements, like Zinc, C, Glutathione, Quecertin, etc. After that first bout, my antibodies were jacked up, and not disabled (which is what the vax eventually does). Immune system is always ready to pump antibodies on command now. Sure omicron evades natural, but it was a joke, at least for my body (46 year old, pretty healthy person minus the lyme). That was the 1.5 day affair. But, even my first bout with Covid was unremarkable besides pissing me off by taking my smell and taste -
My wife’s sister in law (does that make her my SIL too?) is mid-40s and healthy. She just came down with Covid and is taking Paxlovid. As far as I know she had mild symptoms to begin with but they are handing it out like candy. My sister is a nurse practitioner and she won’t prescribe it to anyone. She said there’s a number of side effects and people have to stop some of their current meds to take it as it will interfere with them.
I was just wondering to myself, what medical condition will develop after people take Paxlovid. No doubt something Pfizer could find a way to treat.
Yes.....paxlovid definitely cannot be taken with a statin. I am recovering from covid. 13 days out. I began Ivermectin the day after testing positive. My doc put me on a z pack and steroids which I took along with the iv. Felt horrible for about 5 days....lost 7 lbs. Doc prescribed Paxlovid but I elected not to take it. One of the main side effects is stomach distress and diarrhea. I was not suffering with either and had no desire to inflict more misery than I was dealing with at the time. My two biggest symptoms after the first few days of low grade fever and chills was loss of appetite and exhaustion. Really is like having the flu. I am almost back to normal. Still tire out easily but I expected that. I think it is your immune system working on your behalf. My husband is now sick. And he refuses to take we shall see how long it takes him to recover Oh...neither one of us are vaccinated....and never will be under any circumstances.
Check FLCCC protocol for treating a case of covid. They recommend holding off on the steroids, only use if covid advances to moderate to severe. The steroids can reduce your immune response, something you don't need if you're just coming down with it.
I took them because I was a little short of breath. They helped tremendously. I also was having a pretty good episode of diverticulitis at the same time. The steroids help with colon inflammation so I killed two birds with one stone. Five days of prednisone. I recovered pretty quickly. I was also taking 3000 units of Vit C daily. But I had read they recommend waiting on the steroids. I think you have too evaluate your set of circumstances and proceed.
So if you were short of breath you were already advancing along to a more serious illness. I'm a lifelong asthmatic and for some odd reason never got short of breath with covid both times that I had a significant case of it. If I'd had trouble breathing I'd have taken something like that. This virus can go sideways fast and whatever helps is fair game.
My daughter got diarrhea…she said from vaxxed covid…also did paxlovid…hmmmm.
Holy smokes! I just looked at the interaction list. At this point you’d be better off with the original treatment of “go home and take Tylenol.” Seriously, do that and grab the remote. You’ll be enjoying streaming your stories for a day or two.
Update: I just found out that my SIL’s doctor would not prescribe her Paxlovid since she is not considered high risk. She got it somewhere else so there apparently is now a black market for Paxlovid.
I believe you can get it from a pharmacist in some places without a prescription, but it’s not OTC. I know someone who took a trip to Europe who asked her doc for some paxlovid to take with her, just incase. He said no. When she got Covid overseas, they gave her ivermectin. I found that interesting.
"Quad-vaxxed" LMFAO
Perhaps quad vaxxed people are actually high risk now....
How could it be otherwise?
My 43 year old vaxxed daughter took it when she got covid. I actually asked why, since she’s young & not at high risk (took lots of patience not to say AND VAXXED). She told me because of asthma?????? I never knew she had asthma…been her mom for 43 years! It’s like the more of any of this, the better to their minds!!!
Ivermectin is more effective, cheaper, and less adverse effects. You won't find "studies" proving that because it's forbidden. The world is fundamentally insane.
Even Alex has said that the efficacy of Ivermectin isn't backed by data.
So if you won't find studies proving your claim because they're forbidden, what proof do you have?
"178 ivermectin COVID-19 studies, 125 peer reviewed, 90 comparing treatment and control groups. Recent:Bramante Al-kuraishy Kory Chellasamy Croci Schilling Hazan. Ivermectin has been officially adopted for early treatment in all or part of 22 countries (38 including non-government medical organizations). Submit updates/corrections."
Alex is right about the Vax & wrong about everything else. He doesn’t know how to interpret science, either that or he is willfully ignorant. Literally hundreds of studies on Ivermectin. It is the best drug we have for fighting C19. We’ve used it for years to fight forms of leukemia, inflammation & viruses. C19 is hardly the first virus we’ve used it for! Alex seems to think it’s just for equines. One of the safest drugs ever manufactured.
How do you know parachutes work? Most things, and particularly in medicine, we have historically made advances with smart people thinking something will work, trying it out, and finding it does. Experience is the best teacher, much better than academic games.
In the case of ivermectin, it has been proven repeatedly in real world cases. The occasional report that it doesn't work were all poorly done, some to the point of apparent fraud. Those who insist on rejecting a life saving therapy, because their revered academics said so, are either hopelessly ignorant, or inherently psychopathic, or part of the scam. That's never been done before, so competent people should look for the reasons for the psychopathic resistance, not endorsement by the people who created the panic. This is a workshop in Stockholm syndrome.
If your plane is about to crash, you really should give the parachute a try. Or you could wait for the study.
I suspect "studies" was put in quotation marks because the reference is to official, government-funded and government-approved "studies" that government "forbids" anyone to undertake if they want to continue to suckle at the government pig's teat.
There is plenty of evidence out there (see Tommy's links in this thread), evidence NOT sanctioned by government, and so probably more reliable than anything we can expect from government allies these days.
Well, many studies prove the effectiveness, but don't get published unless they conclude the opposite. Crazy town.
Pavloxid promotes reinfection. Alex becomes a shill for pharma. How much testing was done on P Alex? The years and years required for other drugs? No. And you know it. Pathetic.
And in particular paxlovid was not tested on vaccinees. Why? Because it works very poorly on them.
You know what else works?? Just naturally fighting the virus. I’m a semi active 50 something that’s been taking vitamin c, zinc, and vitamin d daily for years. Spend a lot of time outdoors, live in Florida. I had 1 bout with covid in Jan 2022, felt like shit for a day and a half. Then was pretty much fine after that. Was 100% probably about 5-6 days later. Now all the jabbed I know are getting there 2nd and 3rd go around. I’ll take natural immunity over anything the big pharma scumbags produces all day any day.
61, live in Puerto Rico, desk job (CPA) but we have 2 dogs and I play golf, so "semi active" (I think!). C, D3, zinc, daily multi, Quercetin regimen for about 18 months. Tested positive in late April. 36 hours with a low-grade fever, NO OTHER SYMPTOMS. Was prescribed Pavlovid but took my IVM instead.
Never have taken experimental drugs, and I had (no jabs) and have (no Pavlovid) no intention of starting now. There's no E big enough for me to trust the government and Big Pharma with EUAs.
Exactly, especially we have never once been given a thorough explanation of how this qualified as an emergency.
Me too! I think if I had not been taking ivermectin from the get go and a proper dosage....I would still be sick. Friends of mine who took Paxlovid were for the most part in bed for at least five days. I spent the first two days in bed but by day 3....I pretty much followed my normal routine. And I am over the moon about now having natural immunity. T cell immunity. I want to scream it from the roof tops but have so many friends who lined up to be vaccinated..
T-cell immunity is more important than the antibodies everyone was obsessed with.
Me too. 36 hours last January. I'm 62.
Alex hates ivermectin so he must feel compelled to promote pax.
He’s trying to show the blue checks on Twitter he’s not “anti-pharma”. Or “anti-vax”. Now if they try and paint him this way he can say” I shared the paxvloid data, I’m not biased against pharma cos.” It’s a joke. 1 shitty study doesn’t prove anything. When I see multiple different studies all pointing the same way, get back to me. Like you say, he dismissed ivermectin for the same reason he’s defending paxvloud.
Within the past week, I have tried to order monoclonal antibodies for 2 patients who were relatively high risk and the hospital system said "must try paxlovid first." This situation stinks of financial incentives & corruption.
So a brand new drug issued under EUA is now the more "conservative" approach (which is what I'm assuming given they want that tried before administering MCA)?
Yes. Last week, I treated my 89 yo dad with ivermectin, zpak, hydroxychloroquine, aspirin and pepcid. Praise God, he seems to have turned the corner. No way was I giving him paxlovid.
That speaks volumes.
What happened to “first do no harm”?
And we should believe this study, because?
Quite right. No reason to believe it at all. In fact, there is a long documented history of just how captured the "investigators", people who design and run trials, and the journals themselves are (not to mention the media). This study does not seem to me to prove that "paxlovid works", which is the study's conclusion and which Alex is propagating here. The primary endpoints they used were ALL CAUSE ER visits hospitalizations and death. Not ER visits, hospitalizations and death from COVID or COVID complications, but from ALL CAUSES. How on earth can we know the significance of any of this unless we know why they were in the ER, hospitalized or dead? If one of them broke their leg or got bit by a dog and ended up in the ER... counted. What does that have to do with paxlovid's effectiveness?
Ridiculous. To propagate this ruse as showing how paxovid is "effective" (against ALL CAUSE ER visits, hospitalization and death) without seeing the data (which we will never see) is ridiculous for Alex.
However I have also spoken to several who have taken paxlovid after being 3-4x vaccinated and getting covid, and that paxlovid did not work and actually prolonged the covid symptoms much beyond the normal recovery date........
Paxlovid is problematic for many reasons. When stopped, people get rebound symptoms. There are numerous possible side effects and contraindications. Once again the message from all of this seems to be: work on wellness
Not an RCT?
Are the results of this study more reliable than the observational studies done with Ivermectin, HCQ, etc.? And, if so, why?
Ivermectin does not feed pfizer coffers and has, by far, proven efficacy. Would that be a better/safer/moral choice Alex?
Paxlovid and Ivermectin both work, but Iver works better, is safer and cheaper.
We watched both Biden and Fauci, the unflushable turd, both have relapses. So, now use that head of yours to imagine how many others are having relapses. Also, Paxlovid is an inferior (to ivermectin) two part product with a 3CL protease inhibitor (that has less binding affinity than ivermectin) and an HIV drug called ritonavir, one with a black box warning and interaction with with 32 CLASSES of other medicines. Cool. Yum yum yum.
Don’t understand how you can cite to a retrospective study rather than an RTC in support or Paxlovid and continue to discredit ivermectin. Even if this study proves anything re: mortality, (1) what are the side effects and (2) what is the net benefit given the rebound effect.