Sure it is.

No, it’s a pandemic of false positives from a deliberately fraudulent test.


That article will remove all doubt

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Biggest reason why the whole scamdemic grew roots was because of the fraudulent PCR testing no doubt. That and the indoctrination of the false notion of the asymptomatic spreader and or quarantine the healthy. Absolute JUNK science, yet look how many bought IT!

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An acquaintance from China thought the whole thing was a mass delusion. Think boxer rebellion. Then America says to China: Hold my beer!

Either way, we should throw Fauci in the slammer for criminal incompetence.

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He should be riddled with bullets while being hanged.

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Nah that’s too easy. He needs to be subjected to the same cruelty he used on other people - drag it out!

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Kill him like he did those little doggies

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He did horrible things to children too during the aids crisis. I truly hope justice will be served sooner than later!

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Dec 25, 2021
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Good one! 😝🤣

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That would be too kind. I’m thinking hung by the testicles and jabbed in each testicle with his precious shots for each death and maiming he has caused. Just a thought - but I tend to rant.

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🙌 Sounds like a good solution to me.

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Was gonna say something to this but will refrain! Lol at any rate, not punishment enough!

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Chinese torture in public ... not sure what they do but I'm sure it's InHumane

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Bamboo slivers under the fingernails.

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Chinese water torture, dripping water on someone's head every few seconds for long periods of time. (Don't know if this is true or just from old movies.)

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I like the cut of your jib.

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It's good that you said that here. I said that kind of shit JOKINGLY on FB, was promptly put in FB jail for VIOLATING guidelines and for saying fuck off jailed for bullying. ZUCK can get FUCKED

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Agreed! I got off FB a year ago. Besides the censorship issue, I don’t want to give them any traffic

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Dumped FaceBook in 2017. Fuck the Meh-taverse. Probably not going to last too much longer on Twitter. Will probably get account on Gab.

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I hear gab is getting creepy too ... can't wait for Trumps


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Fuk book is a waste of life/time... Cia development "DARPA".... It got shut down ....

NEXT Day Fuk book appeared.....


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me too, FB jail and proud of it.

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He married an agent of China, I heard. Anyone know anything about that?

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He should be injected with all the vaccines that people were forced to take

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Perhaps the Oliver Cromwell treatment.

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The only problem is that he has being using this playback for decades. No one has taken him down. Why?

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it supports their narrative. And he sucked up to people who had power in the party. he sent love letters to H. Clinton

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But he said recently he is not political and has always avoided politics, so who are you going to believe, Fauci or Fauci?

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Deep state devil him and Gates have been doing things in the name of DE Population for decades

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That IS the million $$$ question.

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Dec 24, 2021
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Well he is friends with Billy and Hilly, as long as he keeps them close he won't have to worry about suicide by 2 shots to the back of the head 😁

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He must have Epstein's diary and copies secured well enough to keep him alive.

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Dec 24, 2021
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Try intentional homicide!

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I would say murdering 100's of thousands of people deserves a public execution.

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You mean for mass murder don't you

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Scamdemic is a good one 🤩

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Exactly! That’s why the creator of the pcr test suddenly died of unforeseen reason right before all this Covid stuff started. Nothing to see here!

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And the chemist exposing the dangers of the graphene oxide was arrested while livestreaming... and happened to die while in custody of the German police.

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Interesting . Are you sure? I heard the guy was found dead by his partner/wife apparently from cardiac issue or stroke. I don’t want to spread rumors though. I was not sure about that source. On the OTHER hand there’s was an Italian doctor who, during the early 2020 mass Italy covid surge, treated huge numbers of people with convalescent plasma, very successfully and supposedly committed suicide recently. “The carabinieri are investigating”. https://www.italy24news.com/covid-19/135821.html

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This past May, the US was performing about 400k tests per day. By July, the US was up to 1.2 million tests per day (the Delta Surge). In order to keep the panic going, the US was performing 2 million tests per day by September. Test more, get more.

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If the average sheep would understand you could test any year at any time using fraudulent PCR measures and could get the cases needed...especially during peak cold and flu season. This could be done for any year for the past 10,00 years and the next 10,000. WAKE THE F UP! Casedemic FEAR PORN is designed for one reason!

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Dec 25, 2021
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Excellent book...so well referenced. Could not put it down!

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Dec 25, 2021
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Dec 25, 2021
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What?!? Apples spread COVID!????!! F'ing apples better start masking.

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Not only did the naive buy it, the science junkies still believe it. Like Alynski said, never give up the CON and the RCR test is the CON..

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and the non injected being the problem. Cannot leave that CON out

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Naaahh ... the scamdemic grew roots because it was PLANED .... LONG AGO ... And people were planted in the right places !

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No doubt!

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Dec 25, 2021
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Gotta call a spade a spade exactly right!

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why did they do it? to change the narrative and install a puppet . Now china is in control of the narrative. They have embedded themselves in government and academia. and they strategically wormed their way into countries all over the world to take control of resources to support the CCP military. Notice you don't here about freedom fighters in Hong Cong anymore. everything has worked swimmingly for the CCP and their partners in America .

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This article is another grand slam, thank you tritorch. I will share it, I hope it makes a difference.

The testing fraud is palpable...

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Yet, the MSM propaganda is terrorizing the gullible masses...it's mass hysteria right now. Despite some release into the main street news of Omicron's mildness,aka Cold symptoms, we have a FEARMONGER in Chief and his two little zits, Fauci & Welensky spewing doom and gloom. These are sad ,lonely people trying to ruin Christmas for everyone else. RESIST the BS !!!

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not just doom and gloom but outright lies

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crimes against humanity

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Mullis is rolling in his grave!

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How did he die. Seemed younger.

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Pneumonia....he was in his 70s.

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Do not really know to be honest. Some say he was taken out and others say he did have a cancer like issue he succumbed to

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Well done. False positives drive false-positive "covid" deaths, which drive covid mandates, including more false positive testing, and so forth. Great catch on how they lowered the cycles to make the vaccines appear effective.

Question: Why do so many still worship Trump when he still humps this garbage, STILL claims Operation Warp Speed was the greatest thing since sliced bread, STILL claims the covid vaccines are safe & effective?

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Russ...I agree with the posed question and to this day struggle with why T continues the promotion. Who IS he listening too? Obviously, not people like Dr. Peter McCullough.

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Trump caused this mess because he was gullible and took the "vax" solution hook,line and sinker. Warp(ed) Speed should of never happened, but a full court press for early treatment instead. Trump does not deserve a 2nd look in 2024, move on.

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Considering he was a businessman and not a physician, he HAD to rely on those who were considered experts. Same with Biden.

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Trump is smarter than that. He has good people around him to inform and he made his choice and continues to stand fast on it regarding the championing of OWS an experimental injections. Time will tell IF it comes back to bite him.

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I'll give you that

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He will not run in 2024. He should not run in 2024. He will be78 years old in 2024. If he were to let his immense ego lead him down that path we as a nation will continue to suffer this madness of TD S. Time to thank him for his invaluable service and move on. If DJT is the only hope America has for a future we are screwed. If there is truly no one to pick up the banner that DJT dropped on Jan 6 then this country is done.

In reality does anyone seriously think there will be elections in 2024 considering what the fascist coup has already done to destroy the Republic?

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Salty much?

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Trump is still anti-mandate, so he is still, sadly, the good cop. I know it's an unpopular opinion around here but there /is/ a role for vaccination for the elderly and comorbid. I would never expect a politician to go 100% anti-vax, that's just not feasible.

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I think you and I are on the same side ultimately. This is a battle between Good and Evil, between those who want Truth, Beauty, and Goodness and those who seek to dominate and control.

So I apologize in advance if I come off as too harsh, but Trump is not our man.

1) Trump is still anti-mandate: yes, but . . . . He has not come out and attacked mandates. He has not said how they are a blatant violation not only of the Constitution but of the Rights of Englishmen that predate the Constitution. He has not attacked the 6th Circuit opinion, which he could easily mock.

So while he says he is against mandates, he has put zero intellectual capital into this position. Which means that it would be effortless for him to change his opinion.

And medically, despite having access to Vladimir Zelenko, he is a fool. He had natural immunity but has now been tripled jabbed. Depending on how soon he got the jab after contracting Covid, he may have impaired his natural immunity [Alex has written on this].

Given his ignorance of medicine, it is unclear if he understand how pointless and counterproductive mandates are to national health.

2) Role for Vaccination of the Elderly and co-morbid: The great Robert Malone believed this, but he no longer does. He now feels that the risk even in these groups outweighs the benefits.

Extrapolating from Berenson's arguments, the case for not jabbing the elderly / co-morbid is even greater now that the latest variant if anything seems to prefer the vaccinated (although I believe that the bulk of the data showed that this was true for Delta as well, but when it comes to epidemiology I'm no feline. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/a-cats-tale-how-getting-canceled?r=wwaub&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web ).

And even in a best-Jab scenario, we must remember that the correct measure is not vaccinated elderly versus unvaccinated elderly but vaccinated elderly versus the elderly who are receiving proper prophylaxis. As an example, my mother does not want the jab, so I have her on Vitamin D, quercetin, zinc, Vitamin C, and NAC.

3) Not feasible for a politician to go 100% anti-vax: perhaps, but Trump is no longer a politician. He is a private citizen. He could use his influence to sway public opinion and do real good, a lot more good than another four years of Jovanka.

Admittedly, if Trump were to come out as anti-jab, or I suspect even make effective arguments against mandates, he would likely overnight become buried in criminal charges.

So perhaps he ought to withdraw from the limelight and pass the torch. But he is too much in love with publicity to do that.

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Its important to note that to avoid sub-optimal Vitamin D. Tt is usually taken in a protocol with co-factors to achieve optimal benefits. https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/comments/re48g8/anyone_here_ever_suffered_from_vitamin_d_toxicity/

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Well yes. "Good cop" simply means "lesser of two evils." As a leftist I have never been a fan of the man. As for the elderly and comorbid, to say there is a role is not to say that the vaccines are the optimal standard of care. I think we simply don't know because the prophylactic/therapeutic alternatives have been suppressed. My gut instinct is that prophylaxis is better than vaccine in a healthy elderly individual. Trump did lie when he said that "people don't die with covid having taken the vaccine." The vax do, at least taken on a regular booster schedule, provide better-than-naive immunity, which probably makes them a good tradeoff for people with a major chance of death from SARS-CoV-2. Who also need those prophylaxis.

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I think the 106 studies on the value of natural immunity “trump” (pun intended) the idea that the vaxes supposedly outperform. Brownstone.org at one time had those studies compiled. Between the fact that the vaxes “ablate the natural immune response” (cf Dr Mike Williams) (I.e. destroy it) in order to actually get the stuff past the body’s natural barriers, the post vac response of the body attacking its own cells (cf Dr Mike Yeadon etal), and the obvious bypass of secretory immune response (ie in nasal cavity vs injected), natural immunity, which is “durable, robust and complete” (Dr. McCullough and many others) I don’t think the vax immunity can stand the scrutiny. All you can do is boost the spike antibodies. Does it work? Sure. For a limited period of time and only slightly. They tested a person from 17 years ago who had had SARS-coV (I.e. the first one). That person STILL had antibodies against it.

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Joshua states “ My gut instinct is that prophylaxis is better than vaccine in a healthy elderly individual. ”

I think we have FAR more then “gut instinct “ to go with here. And why limit the assertion to “healthy elderly individual “. The combined use of multiple orthogonal prophylactic treatments has done FAR more then ANY vaccines on their very limited best days, even if one is foolish enough to ignore all cause morbidity mortality studies.

Those prophylactic treatments used broadly ( systemically to all positive testing patients and contacts) in a society, have shattered the viral RO, Covid died, dead, gone, NOT EXISTENT! ZERO lockdowns, masks or societal controls to even consider.

This is not theory, but fact with 240 million test subjects, where, within about two months, the “test positive rate “ went from over TWENTY percent, to .01 PERCENT! And then to ZERO!

This was the cake and the frosting being eaten after 60 plus studies ( FAR more studied then was done on the death jabs on FAR more subjects, over FAR greater time) showed their broad and potent effectiveness, and THEN Utarh Pradesh India took vitamin D, Zinc and Ivermectin combined.

How the HALF DOZEN meta analysis and dozens of real world examples is ignored is astounding! It is inconceivably stupid or evil! There is no excuse. And Effective treatments used systemically are far more effective then sporadic use!

The jabs used incredibly systemically, NEVER came close to breaking the RO. ( Again, even with stupidly or criminally ignoring the vaccine harms, ) the jabs FAILED to break the RO and drove mutational pressure to create vaccine resistant variants.

When you break the RO, like Utarh Pradesh did, via systemic application, you go to ZERO cases.

The mind shakes with incomprehensible astounded horror and confusion at this information being IGNORED and actively SUPPRESSED by Government and media on a global basis.

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I have another longer reply about natural immunity but I wanted to add that both Lena and Sasha on the comments here noted people they know personally who have been proven with antibodies after one whole year via natural immunity, not vax induced.

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Natural Immunity from 2003 SARS was found in the population 18 years later.

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You’ve captured a lot of what I wanted to say here. Your reasoned approach to the Trump question is refreshing. I may like some of his stances but I shake my head in consternation at his knowledge or lack thereof regarding health, both his personal actions (triple jab) and for our nation.

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Trump is no longer a politician? Possibly one of the most unaware things I have read on here.

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Here is one definition of a politician: "a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office."

I meant that he is no longer a politician in the sense that he no longer holds office and is not campaigning for office.

Because he is an inveterate self-promoter, he is always going to be involved in something high profile, be it politics, beauty pageants, or professional wrestling.

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No doubt, in many ways one could argue that Trump is the ultimate politician, if we make a clear distinction between politician and statesman.

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Solid take Joshu! He is 100% against any mandate and yes those who are at greatest risk should be allowed to have the choice to take experimental injections. Its obvious based on real and actual science who would consider taking the injection. The vast amount of the population though fell for the FEAR PORN

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Policy is more important than the person. God uses everyone.

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Why did so many worship Jim Jones? There is no single answer as to why some people are susceptible to falling for con artists. As a "true conservative" convincing Trump worshipers that they've been had is 10x more difficult than convincing Covidians that vaccines are causing harm. Trump is even more divisive than covid. The good news is, more and more people are recovering.

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Trump is a conman. Here he is showing what MAGA really stands for:


Keep educating people and hopefully they will wake up.

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Biggest con artist to have ever walked the face of planet Earth. From a true conservative.

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Art of the Con.

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Don the Con

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Dec 24, 2021
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Yes I am. I wished Trump supporters would wake up, and just this morning, there was news that thousands have indeed woken up!

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T is probably one of the best trojan horse operations ever. there's deception on many levels and TPTB are and will be at the helm. however, nobody's served well by a dysfunctional society as what's happening now. transparency and election integrity is a powerful means to expose the corruption and the erosion of everything in the Constitution that we chose to adhere to.

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Curious Charles...what is your take on Biden?

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Biden is a senile pederast fronting for Ron Klain and Merrick Garland. Thinking about him makes me ill.


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What does that have to do with Trump being a con man?

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Nothing....why would you think my asking it did?

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What's your take on Donald Trump?

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Dec 24, 2021
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I am amazed at how often when I engage with people on substack they blatantly go beyond the facts and try to get me to defend positions I have not taken.

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It is the central core technique of every cult.

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I agree, sure looks like Charlie is Team Biden all the way, getting all breathless when Trump holds up a sheet of paper with MAGA and the names of techies all spelled into it, dayyyyum Charles you like a Pit Bull! Get 'em Charlie boy! Trump bragging on tech companies donating to Veterans is just the kinda thing that needs to stop, right Charles? Although money from the devil for Veterans is probably way better than what you dug deep into your pockets and gave, right Charles? Trump harps on Roberts to put the deal on Fox, holy shit Charles you broke this year old story WIDE. Who's your favorite, Woodward or Bernstein, brutha?? Oh hey while I got ya Charles, what do you think of the Biden/China connection? I never saw Biden harping at Lemon to get his and Hunter's billion dollar China deals on CNN. Cuz he didn't Get with the times, Charlie boy. There was a stolen election a year ago, your boy "won". Your way bigger mistake is in the White House right now, and he sure ain't Making America Great Again. He's real busy shitting his pants, you fucking moron.

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Your language is disgusting, likely a reflection of your character.

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you can not like trump and also not like Biden, the two are not mutually exclusive.

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Kind of funny wording, but I get it and of course agree. I don't like Trump and also don't like Biden. In fact, I despise them both.

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And I bet you cheered when orange man Trump waved the LGBTQ flag at the Republican National Convention.

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/\ This is the biggest problem we face today. People trapped in their own self-imposed binary paradigm. There is no cure.

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No. The biggest problem we have a weak-kneed nihilists telling everyone soft-hearted nonsense like "there is no cure."

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People might over Trump but anyone who is still fooled at this point will just fall for the next "bigger, better" con artist. Been at it a long time, proof is in the pudding.

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Who worships Trump? Personally, I don't like the man, but he helped the middle and lower economic classes more than his predecessors. That's what I did like.

Trump made the unfortunate mistake of listening to Fauci, Collins, Birx. They fed him the vax for all and that's the only way claptrap. I wish he included doctors who actually treated patients with covid in his covid group like Kory, McCullough, Tyson, Fareed etc. We would be much better off if he had.

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Absolutely Bob. We don't vote for people who we simply like or don't like...we vote on policy and its why there were 75 million + who voted for T. In my area I know at least a half dozen Dems who voted for the puppet last election simply based on emotion and the media demonizing T 24-7. These same people are now telling me they are having buyers remorse or having WTF moments realizing just how badly they were duped. Just look at what the independents feel like right now....its a massive swing. Not to mention the HUGE Hispanic shifting to conservative principles. With this said no man is above criticism and I have said all along T messed up in the larger context being so overly zealous on these EUS super rushed experimental medicine injections. I think many T voters feel the same to be honest. To this say he is over the top promoting them. The great thing though is T would NEVER mandate and he does believe in individual choice which means so very much in this current tyranny being imposed. I'm with you Bob on coulda shoulda woulda on including peeps you mentioned. For me, especially McCullough! Can you imagine if it was he who was leading the task force and advising the public? Just imagine how many lives that were lost would still be with us today. Its beyond criminal when one truly thinks about the #'s who have passed who did not have too!

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Policy is critical.

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good question

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Crazy right?

Thank you Russ, I appreciate that!

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Yep. Seems like Bizarro World.

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Yes it does

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FJB & Fauci & Russ

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I am extremely disappointed about this aspect. I don't know if somehow, he is being insulated, which was happening a lot the last year of his term, or this is a product of political PR advisors telling him this way he appeals to more voters? It's not flying, and I don't like how it's playing into the Joe Stolen Cabal admin who want to order everyone dead/dying. I believe truth is the best policy. I want to see him saying he was hoodwinked and sorry. Fwiw or not, I'm sending snail mail and emails, telephoning... I'd put my body in the protests, but I'm disabled by chronic WNV; otherwise, I'd be over at my state capitol while the legislature is in session. Grrr.

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Dec 24, 2021
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After ~7 years in the arena (announced in 2015), if Trump can't find good advice, he doesn't want to. The babe in the woods excuse is tired.

I was a Trump donor-volunteer since his rally on the USS Iowa in Sept 2015, but enough's enough. I'll take DeSantis over Trump. DeSantis isn't perfect, but he doesn't just talk, he acts timely and decisively, as opposed to Trump who babbles and never does. e.g. "I'm watching Twitter closely"; "I'm considering reversing Obama's EO that exempted congress from Obamacare". Apparently he's still watching and considering. Meanwhile, DeSantis can finish a sentence coherently without contradicting himself several times.

Trump claims "people aren't dying from the vaccine."


I'm personally aware of 4 relatives and friends of friends who died from the vaccine, all injury onset within 48 hours, and 4 others who had strokes within 48 hours and survived. All were healthy before the vaccine. Over 10,000 U.S. vax deaths reported. Probably over half a million unreported. At this point, Trump is a lying narcissist and an accomplice to mass manslaughter.

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Anyone who is ignoring the VAERS data at this point is complicit in this genocide. https://i-do-not-consent.netlify.app/media/Pharmacovigilance%20VAERS%20paper%20FINAL_OCT_1_2021.pdf

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So true, many with scabs on their eyes and deaf ears. No wisdom or discernment.

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Donald Trump enacted incredibly effective policy after policy DESPITE criminal resistance of the entire corrupted DC establishment and media. He had just dragged China, against their will, back to the table, established numerous and effective bilateral and trilateral trade agreements, was effectively and closely working with India ( where he was greeted by A hundred thousand people to multiple standing ovations,) to break the back of China’s global robber baron practices, began the revival of US production industry, eliminated thousands of bureaucratic business laws, made the US energy independent, was succeeding ( despite immense internal resistance) in getting Mexico to stop the southern invasion. I could go on and on.

Yet his failure on this one issue will likely doom him, because this issue is THE crime of the century. Yet please consider that he was battling the entire deep state of MORDOR on the Potomac, the entire media and global statist organizations. They were doing anything and everything, legal and illegal to stop him. He was clearly desperate to keep his economic policies going, while facing multiple impeachment’s because he was still breathing, and he took the advice of unelected experts, and aided that advice into production. Had he resisted that storm, in the face of everything else, he would have been rapidly and successfully impeached.

He has consistently supported state rights and no mandates. Yet as others here have said, not with the vigor that is needed. He cannot admit that he fastracked an incredibly deadly and failed vaccine. I wish he would.

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