The book as of this moment is among the top nonfiction sellers on Amazon. It has already sold enough copies there before and after pub day to crack bestseller lists easily. It’s among the bestselling Amazon books in AUSTRALIA, for feck’s sake!
But try to find PANDEMIA in a Barnes & Noble. You can’t. B&N has effectively refused to stock it.
How about independent bookstores, those bastions of free expression, our last refuges against Amazon’s evil monopoly?
Yeah, about that…
At Powell’s, in Portland, Oregon, one of the largest independent bookstores in the United States, YOU CAN’T EVEN BUY PANDEMIA ONLINE. Search for it, either by the title or my name, it doesn’t come up.
Mein Kampf, however, is just fine. Powell’s has plenty of those available.
You can even pick which cover you like best - do you prefer ol’ Adolf himself, or are you more a swastika type?
PANDEMIA, however? NFW.
Oh well. I guess some ideas are just too dangerous to allow readers to see.
Never thought I’d say this, but thank you, Amazon.
He is the Mengele of Hitler's time. Fauci is ours Digging into Fauci's past. Dr. Fauci tortured and medically murdered of at least 85 orphan minority children in New York, children who were vulnerable, could not consent, and who would not be missed.
I despise that smug sack of shit. These people live in a different world with no repercussions for anything. I mean come on, he lied to congress but nothing will happen. If I did that, the FBI would have my wife and young children at gunpoint within minutes and I’d be thrown into the gulag, smeared and labeled as a white supremacist, racist, extremist.
My wife’s Colombian and my kids, especially my daughter look like gringos. Leftist heads will explode when they’re older and start speaking Spanish while “appropriating the culture”. They’re definitely whiter than the traditional George Zimmerman “white hispanic”.
Never in my lifetime have I witnessed anyone with such a cold, dismissive god-complex... and that includes the folks who literally believe they ARE God.
His insistence that AZT be the ONLY drug to use on people testing positive for HIV(a test that produced many false positives) killed at least 300,000. Horribly toxic drug but highly profitable at the time. He was the champion of AZT.
Amazing how many don't even know this fact. Guys a f killer and a savage with beloved pets. Imagine harming puppies? That's one ruthless p¡ece of sh¡t.
Interesting but disturbing read & most people will never think it has happened here. Kudos to G.Rivera, he did something right. The Last Great Disgrace: As a result of Geraldo Rivera's 1972 investigation of Willowbrook, a federal law was passed to protect people in institutions. Excerpt taken from article.
So I've always thought the evil on the inside of people eventually manifests in their outer appearance. When I saw St. Fauci of the Wuhan on TV yesterday, his face looked quite haggard. Also Queen Nancy is looking quite haggard.
The more I see and hear of them, the uglier and more haggard they seem to look. I think you're onto something with the evil inside manifesting on the outside idea.
A well written, cited piece from one of Substack’s best that connects covid injections to these historical examples of drug testing on humans could be a powerful, shareable piece of content.
Something I learned during my 28 years in the Military. It is something few people can wrap their head around or just cannot believe. It is that we live with psychopaths. A true psychopath has absolutely zero empathy for other people or animals. Psychopaths are very intelligent and very quickly learn how to walk among us undetected. The only people who can readily detect a psychopath is a true empath. Not all psychopaths are what we would call evil, but the ones that are, like Fauci are truly monsters. Most people cannot comprehend that a person can repeatedly commit horrific acts of cruelty without any guilt or remorse.
We have a good friend (Vietnam vet) who became a teacher, and for a time he taught inmates in a prison. He said the experience showed him (with some degree of shock) that there is a subhuman group of people out there. Not all of them are in prison, however. Some are even in government.
Former Teacher…all levels including adults & empath here. Lifetime spent in the trenches of mental health. I absolutely concur/support what Maxx states above. I have observed thought patterns of psychopaths. They are “brilliant” at deception & absolutely void of a conscience. Evil personified folks. Fauci & many many others in the matrix are psychopaths.
I continue to be astounded at how current leaders and media people blithely lie with total impunity. Perhaps it has always been this way to some extent and we didn't realize it, but so many of them don't seem to have any sort of conscience about telling blatant lies to achieve their ends. I wonder if experts who can detect lying from facial expressions and body language could see anything going on with all the liars we are surrounded by.
I wonder too😕 Would be a great challenge to find said “experts” who would be willing to do just as you suggest, wouldn’t it? Now that would be some super helpful data & applicable science - would it not?
... am a super-empath... can barely handle what’s happening... great article (excerpt) in ‘thinker’ by Iain McGilchrist ‘The Master & His Emissary: The Divided Brain & the Making of the Western World’... empaths reside on the right, psychopaths on the left... whew...
The puppy thing is my worst nightmare. I had to get off Twitter until the pictures settled down and went away. Americans love their dogs so much that outrage over killing their parents in nursing homes isn’t enough to take him down but puppy torture may be! Now the media (WAPO and others) is trying to cover and attack animal rights groups they had actively praised before Fauci. I spend actual time contemplating just how long he will be on this earth. Tick tock old narcissistic bureaucrat. I am sure that God has a hot place for people who can do such damage to people and innocents-canine or human.
This why when the left says the words "Meaningful Dialogue" around any topic, I just laugh. Even my workplace survey yesterday asked - "Can you express your opinions freely to your leader?" Of course not. I just have to put up with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion messages raining down on us before every meeting not to mention the LBGTQ propaganda. I really love seeing the passionate videos about drag queens being free to express their real self at work. There is only one side to any conversation these days and it had better be the correct version. Cancel is the new normal. Keep fighting Alex. We appreciate you and your work. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.
It's the same in my workplace. They're always talking about "being yourself" at work and "diversity" ... diversity in only in skin tone / sexual/gender ID. Full disclosure, I'm a gay man and I could give a shit less if I work with other gay people. Who cares? All I care about is that I get paid, my work isn't too stressful and my coworkers are respectful, if not friendly. I miss the old days when we were encouraged to be professional, and not share our political opinions with our coworkers.
And share my coworkers do. (co-wokers is more like it). They espouse things I find horrible, like giving their kids this fucking vaccine, or claiming their five year old son is now their daughter because he liked dolls or some stupid shit. Sorry for cursing, it just makes me so angry that they can say whatever ridiculous thing because it's trendy, while I have to sit silently because if I expressed my true opinions I'd be fired.
Lizzard, most of us here are the same as Big Grey. We really don't care who you fuck but the LGB community really don't need those superfluous corporate letters. But the more of us opposing Vaxx World the merrier. Let's just get these corporate shites out of our, and everyone else's, lives shall we?
Interesting point- I have been hearing the term “meaningful dialogue” a lot as well. Which just means a lecture from an approved talking head. I am in the nonprofit world and ALL of our training/ continuing education is now DEI. They hire very well paid “experts” who do Zoom meetings where they open the meeting by making everyone announce their pronouns, tell us we are on stolen land, then tell us we are racist and then divide us into small groups to discuss how we are racist.
I pre-ordered mine too! So grateful to have this piece of history. I have experienced censorship too, not on your level but disturbing nonetheless because it is censorship within a healthcare field.
I was censored on our statewide dental forum for discussing natural immunity. I have been extremely active in research and educating people about our missed opportunity to encourage prevention and early treatment for COVID. I am also seriously concerned about the current push by our profession to promote vaccination to our staff and patient population. Based on how these vaccines were designed, choosing to be vaccinated is an individual's choice because their only benefit to the recipient is to at best mitigate symptoms. Since they cannot stop contraction or spread, there is no public benefit to mass vaccination with a novel therapeutic that has no long term safety data.
Like many dentists, we returned to full operation and treatment of patients in the midst of the pandemic. We had no other option, we had to choose faith over fear because unlike all of the telemedicine visits doctors were offering, dentistry is hands on, with masks off. Our profession is highly educated on sterilization and PPE and returning to patient care was not very different considering pandemic implications. I spent a lot of time studying how to keep my staff, my patients and my family safe but became frustrated by the lack of dialogue amongst our profession about prevention and early treatment of COVID. Especially since dentistry prides itself on these regular discussions with our patients about their oral care.
When I was censored on our statewide forum for promoting natural immunity and citing The Lancet, I challenged the other dentists about how we could be an OPEN Forum if we can't discuss emerging science. Eventually my post was restored and I took to task the topic of vaccine efficacy and safety. The ADA for months had been suggesting it is our moral obligation to be vaccinated and to educate our patients. In a field that encourages adequate informed consent before any procedure, I was disappointed to learn that vaccine recipients are not warned of possible SERIOUS adverse effects. Those willing to speak on the Forum called me tin foil hat wearing and suggested that I should have my credentials stripped for promoting anything other than the vaccines are 100% safe and effective.
Several brave souls reached out to me privately and we have formed a group to work on an open letter/white paper to the ADA and other downstream dental organizations that are in lockstep with the mask up and give everyone a vaccine narrative. Recently the ADA came out with an update to their ethical standards of practice, in which they made the suggestion that denying treatment to an unvaccinated patient is not considered unethical and perhaps is a responsibility in some cases, for the safety of the community.
The group of us are appalled at the position of the ADA on masks, vaccines and the ethical denial of treatment. We are hoping by reaching out to individuals with a broad population base, we can find other dentists to join our effort.
Here in NZ our libraries have been disturbingly getting rid of books for about 5 years or so. And now they're starting to lock the unclean out of them as well.
Jason Whitlock was on Marc Levins show a couple Sundays ago and he put all of these issues we're facing together very succinctly. We are a Judeo Christian society, and we as a nation have forgotten God. Most of us, I think, still follow a creator God and believe this nation was founded on His principles. We can still make a difference. Be calm and peaceful in our discussions, avoid violence, it solves nothing. VOTE and press for candidates who are honest and support tried values. and pray, this may all sound hokey and trite but we are up against a powerful forse. The enemy is at the gate so we have to be vigalant and resolute.
The New World Order is here. Mandatory military jabs soon with quarantine camps on the way. Think I’m being hyperbolic? Take a peek at Australia. Good luck everyone.
There was a sign at the recent protest in Melbourne which drew several hundred thousand protestors to the CBD (which was actually a functioning CBD until a few years ago) and it was along the lines of "Hey Dan you're going to have to build a larger camp"
Alex--reading Pandemia on Kindle. Chapter 9 where you write about Milan shutting down...did you not know that China owns the fashion industry in Italy? The vast majority of the clothing factory workers are Chinese nationals who were encouraged to return to Italy after attending New Year celebrations in China, January 2020. That was the probably source of contagion causing the shutdown of Milan and the area around it. The virus didn't just migrate to Italy, it was planted.
Ironically, Pandemia is available for order on the B&N website and is shown as a bestseller. Having worked for them in the past, and the general leftism of booksellers notwithstanding, I would chalk their lack of presence in stores up to ignorance. I'd also check with Regnery, and see if your publisher made a special effort to make their buyers aware of the sales potential of the book. In my local (Raleigh, NC area) B&Ns, the new Robert Kennedy, Jr. book is on shelves along with plenty of other contrarian titles.
The corporate media is only part of the corporate problem here. The Billionaire Boys Club owns most major corporations... and then have been buying up all media and publishing at a higher rate. This is all part of their Globalist Great Reset project. COVID is part of their PLANDEMIC. You Alex the Truth Teller, are one of their key enemies that threatens this plan.
LSHTM is the domain name holder (London School of Health and Tropical Medicine). Neil Ferguson's school. Also Siouxsie Wile's (ask any NZr who this idiot is) school. And Anders Tegnell's school as well.
I'm so excited to have received my copy and I just bought my copy on as well! I wrote a 5-star review on, and which can be seen below. Interestingly however, Indigo says the book is out of stock online and unavailable in stores (which is disappointing for shoppers who want to support Canadian retailers). Weirdly, when I refresh the pages, it says it has zero reviews.
My review:
This is Journalism with the highest level of integrity.
I’ve been following Alex Berenson – a former NYT reporter – for some time now. He’s been a trusted voice of reason amid the sh*t show that has been our media which only continues to spread fear.
Alex backs up his work with concrete data published from globally respected and publicly available sources of scientific evidence. There hasn’t been ONE source out there that has been able to discredit him, because he is relentlessly honest and meticulous in his work. Although they do try… When a reporter of this caliber gets booted off Twitter for speaking the truth, we should pay attention.
I’m thankful for Alex and the very few other courageous truth tellers out there who truly follow the science, because they’ve kept me sane in these insane times.
No matter which camp you’re on in terms of your medical decisions or whether you necessarily agree with all that is written in this book, it is brimming with the very best investigative journalism out there and is a MUST read. Or listen. I have both the hard copy and audio book!
pre ordered several copies at local B&N haven't been called that they are in, had an interesting experience, since I am buying several to give away, I was in a small town and went in to local book store, I ordered it and the owner asked me about it. I then went to another small town book store and did same thing. I decided to do this in a few more areas, it peaks interest in people unaware of Alex's research
Ordered mine from which supports independent book stores - should get here today, also got the RFK book from them. You can setup a special Alex Berenson store on
Thank you for that information. I would really prefer to order from there or other small independents instead of "Not Amazing" or "BA& Noise". Going to check it out this morning. I love books!
Let's not forget you can always order a book from the publisher. That's how I got a copy of "When Harry Became Sally". Ordered from Encounter Books, publisher.
Maybe Amazon is sniffing the wind and is positioning to take full advantage of the red-hot back-draft that's about to blow up the CDC and drug lords.
I called Powell’s to verify. Within 30 seconds the girl said there were multiple copies in their warehouse and could ship out today. Additionally, I was able to find it myself by searching “alex berenson pandemia” on and this is the direct link:
I checked at my local independent bookstore in Flagstaff, AZ for the RFK book and they said they could special order it but it wouldn't arrive in time for holidays. They said it is because AMAzon gets preferential treatment over independent booksellers. I checked with B&N in Corpus Christi, TX and they didn't have it either. It is active censoring.
Hang in there Alex, your doing great work. Big Gov't, Deep State, the establishment or whatever name you want to use, is doing all they can to suppress truth and push their pandemic, must be vaccinated narrative, so that they have control. This has zero to do with health and everything to do with power and control of the populace, not just in the US, but world wide. The US just happens to have a small problem;1. The constitution along with people who understand liberty and 2. The second amendment. They have pretty well killed the First Amendment and they will be pushing the second hard over the next few years. There are many twisted agendas working together to take down the US republic.
I pre-ordered mine on Amazon and got the day it came out! You can order it online on B & N. They probably want to give the “appearance” of compliance with the left. But B & N knows it’s a moneymaker, so…
I bought the B&N Nook version the day it came out. Just checked them online and it’s available in hard copy, but NONE of my local stores in the northern Virginia area have it in stock. Bastards!
Two things they don’t want us to know the truth about…COVID and Biden. Miranda Devine’s Hunter Biden laptop book came out yesterday also…B&N doesn’t stock in stores and it is already “temporarily out of stock” online…I pre-ordered it from Amazon: delivery has already been delayed and if you were to order it even yesterday, delivery isn’t for 3 to 5 weeks. I order a lot of books and have never seen this.
I went online to Powell's and your book is there - you have to scroll down through lots of "Pandemia" titles to see it. It is also online on the Barnes & Noble website. I guess from a previous poster's comment it is not on the shelves in the actual bookstores.
Here’s hoping Alex’s book appears in the appropriate genre/category so that it can be found in-store. My friend was in Powells’ last weekend looking for Heather Heying & Bret Weinstein’s (Dark Horse) new book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century. After searching the science sections of the store she went to the Information Desk. They referred her to the Self-Help area and sure enough…
When private businesses do the bidding for things like "censorship" and "vaccines," it's called fascism. I believe that is where we are now. I'm not surprised by the fact that Pandemia is being censored. It is not available at Half Price Books, but you can find it on Ebay.
Anecdotally, my husband has expressed interest in the new RFK Fauci book. That is unavailable everywhere except on Ebay. My thought is that it's a bestseller and people are gobbling it up. After reading about what is happening with Pandemia, I would not discount that they have simply decided to limit the copies of books available nationwide.
Business and government working hand in hand to control you.
Yes, the bookstores are indeed surprising in their reluctance or outright refusal to sell the Mercola, Fleming, Kennedy, or Atlas, and, now, Berenson, books. Congrats on selling books! However I am EXTREMELY disappointed that, when asked about early treatments, you mentioned the Pfizer pill. Weird. You failed to mention all he proven early treatments that work, including the protocols developed by Dr. Peter McCullough or the Zalenko protocol. If your project is to sell books, but not to save lives, why should I buy your book? Just wondering.
Observation: I notice many on this thread are choosing purchase convenience or lower cost (Prime free shipping, Apple ebooks) over taking a stand against the modern day oligarchs. Wow.
Yes, I completely agree. It's long been obvious that the MSM and the social media big boys are not our friends so why do we lament them and or feed them? We're being pushed to the sidelines so it's high time we started to make the sidelines thrive!
My experience, unfortunately, is that most independent bookstores are owned and run by progressives. The one in our town certainly is. They had BLM signs painted on their windows and promoted Anti-Racist Baby and other such books, but when I ordered a book on Fauci that came out months ago (can't remember the author), it somehow never arrived.
I just ordered it from Powell's. I love the idea of a blue haired wokester having to pack that up for me! And seeing the Portland address and being confused. HAHAHAHA.
So accurate. Also the local independent book store is Dallas is owned by a Perot so I don't feel bad about not wanting to financially support them they're not exactly hurting for money
Do not forget - Portland, OR is very proud of their motto "Keep Portland Weird". And Powell's is one of the founding traditions in Portland. It is NOT as surprise that a 'bookseller' in Portland would be proud of the fact that they support censorship. Being self contradictory would NEVER occur to them!
It may help the sales of your book to advertise the fact that it is "Banned At Powell's" - just a thought.
Came to say this! They buried it in the search results but it is visible both by searching Alex Berenson and by searching Pandemia. You just have to scroll and scroll.
I’m guessing it won’t be available in airports either. I don’t even recognize this country😢 But the Lord is good and doesn’t need “independent” book sellers to get the truth out. “Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4) Keep on keeping on🙏🏼👍
Easy solution…Call it, Mein Kamf 2 - The Fauci Years
He is the Mengele of Hitler's time. Fauci is ours Digging into Fauci's past. Dr. Fauci tortured and medically murdered of at least 85 orphan minority children in New York, children who were vulnerable, could not consent, and who would not be missed.
These children were buried in mass graves at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, NY in Westchester County and otherwise forgotten.
The Hideous Truths Of Testing Vaccines On Humans
Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study - HISTORY
I despise that smug sack of shit. These people live in a different world with no repercussions for anything. I mean come on, he lied to congress but nothing will happen. If I did that, the FBI would have my wife and young children at gunpoint within minutes and I’d be thrown into the gulag, smeared and labeled as a white supremacist, racist, extremist.
Realistically you don't need to do anything for the white supremacist, racist, extremist part. You are one just by dint of being white.
My wife’s Colombian and my kids, especially my daughter look like gringos. Leftist heads will explode when they’re older and start speaking Spanish while “appropriating the culture”. They’re definitely whiter than the traditional George Zimmerman “white hispanic”.
Maxine Waters never gets accused of appropriating white culture by chemically straightening her hair.
Gringo. Haven't heard that in ages. Ha
Never in my lifetime have I witnessed anyone with such a cold, dismissive god-complex... and that includes the folks who literally believe they ARE God.
Blame the population. He knows he’s lying and has been doing so for years. Culprits get haughty w/ego when their feet aren’t held to the fire.
His insistence that AZT be the ONLY drug to use on people testing positive for HIV(a test that produced many false positives) killed at least 300,000. Horribly toxic drug but highly profitable at the time. He was the champion of AZT.
Amazing how many don't even know this fact. Guys a f killer and a savage with beloved pets. Imagine harming puppies? That's one ruthless p¡ece of sh¡t.
Interesting but disturbing read & most people will never think it has happened here. Kudos to G.Rivera, he did something right. The Last Great Disgrace: As a result of Geraldo Rivera's 1972 investigation of Willowbrook, a federal law was passed to protect people in institutions. Excerpt taken from article.
But he's remained Silent since
Except when he's on The Five and spouts incomprehensible nonsense most days. Geez.
Agreed but why is "I represent science" not made accountable
Same Tribe that forcibly starved 10-20M Kulaks in the Ukraine. You know, the real Holocaust, the one never mentioned.
So I've always thought the evil on the inside of people eventually manifests in their outer appearance. When I saw St. Fauci of the Wuhan on TV yesterday, his face looked quite haggard. Also Queen Nancy is looking quite haggard.
The more I see and hear of them, the uglier and more haggard they seem to look. I think you're onto something with the evil inside manifesting on the outside idea.
A well written, cited piece from one of Substack’s best that connects covid injections to these historical examples of drug testing on humans could be a powerful, shareable piece of content.
Scientists Claim ‘Smoking Gun’ Link Between Covid Vaccine and Lethal Blood Clots
Note the date: Dr. Fauci Worse than Dr. Josef Mengele
Friday, 28 May 2021, 23:21 PM2021
Something I learned during my 28 years in the Military. It is something few people can wrap their head around or just cannot believe. It is that we live with psychopaths. A true psychopath has absolutely zero empathy for other people or animals. Psychopaths are very intelligent and very quickly learn how to walk among us undetected. The only people who can readily detect a psychopath is a true empath. Not all psychopaths are what we would call evil, but the ones that are, like Fauci are truly monsters. Most people cannot comprehend that a person can repeatedly commit horrific acts of cruelty without any guilt or remorse.
We have a good friend (Vietnam vet) who became a teacher, and for a time he taught inmates in a prison. He said the experience showed him (with some degree of shock) that there is a subhuman group of people out there. Not all of them are in prison, however. Some are even in government.
Former Teacher…all levels including adults & empath here. Lifetime spent in the trenches of mental health. I absolutely concur/support what Maxx states above. I have observed thought patterns of psychopaths. They are “brilliant” at deception & absolutely void of a conscience. Evil personified folks. Fauci & many many others in the matrix are psychopaths.
I continue to be astounded at how current leaders and media people blithely lie with total impunity. Perhaps it has always been this way to some extent and we didn't realize it, but so many of them don't seem to have any sort of conscience about telling blatant lies to achieve their ends. I wonder if experts who can detect lying from facial expressions and body language could see anything going on with all the liars we are surrounded by.
I wonder too😕 Would be a great challenge to find said “experts” who would be willing to do just as you suggest, wouldn’t it? Now that would be some super helpful data & applicable science - would it not?
... am a super-empath... can barely handle what’s happening... great article (excerpt) in ‘thinker’ by Iain McGilchrist ‘The Master & His Emissary: The Divided Brain & the Making of the Western World’... empaths reside on the right, psychopaths on the left... whew...
The puppy thing is my worst nightmare. I had to get off Twitter until the pictures settled down and went away. Americans love their dogs so much that outrage over killing their parents in nursing homes isn’t enough to take him down but puppy torture may be! Now the media (WAPO and others) is trying to cover and attack animal rights groups they had actively praised before Fauci. I spend actual time contemplating just how long he will be on this earth. Tick tock old narcissistic bureaucrat. I am sure that God has a hot place for people who can do such damage to people and innocents-canine or human.
Wait till the KIDS are dying. Then both sides scream. AUSSIE: Video: Australia Forcing People Into Quarantine Camps Despite Negative COVID Tests
This is so disturbing
Like serial killers wiping out hookers because they won't be missed. Sure. A real prince.
Why have liberals become Covid fascists?
That was interesting. Thank you for posting it here.
Stunningly accurate portrayal.
Fauci's would be Meine Hunde: The Beagle Sand Flea Diaries. or Meine AZT Babies.
Vee have vays of making zee take ze shot.
Haha that’s good. I heard he also wears Spikes
Hey “Paula”- get a life!
This why when the left says the words "Meaningful Dialogue" around any topic, I just laugh. Even my workplace survey yesterday asked - "Can you express your opinions freely to your leader?" Of course not. I just have to put up with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion messages raining down on us before every meeting not to mention the LBGTQ propaganda. I really love seeing the passionate videos about drag queens being free to express their real self at work. There is only one side to any conversation these days and it had better be the correct version. Cancel is the new normal. Keep fighting Alex. We appreciate you and your work. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.
It's the same in my workplace. They're always talking about "being yourself" at work and "diversity" ... diversity in only in skin tone / sexual/gender ID. Full disclosure, I'm a gay man and I could give a shit less if I work with other gay people. Who cares? All I care about is that I get paid, my work isn't too stressful and my coworkers are respectful, if not friendly. I miss the old days when we were encouraged to be professional, and not share our political opinions with our coworkers.
And share my coworkers do. (co-wokers is more like it). They espouse things I find horrible, like giving their kids this fucking vaccine, or claiming their five year old son is now their daughter because he liked dolls or some stupid shit. Sorry for cursing, it just makes me so angry that they can say whatever ridiculous thing because it's trendy, while I have to sit silently because if I expressed my true opinions I'd be fired.
...thankful to hear your thoughts💕🐱💕...
Sadly, you’re 100% correct, without an uprising for the ages, we’re fucked!
This is about the pandemic and the lockdowns, not LGBTQ people who most want to be left alone. This is why there is so much ‘us’ and ‘them’
It's all the same. Propaganda. I don't care about your skin color or about your sex life. Just leave everyone alone including me.
gender life, Big, gender life.
Lizzard, most of us here are the same as Big Grey. We really don't care who you fuck but the LGB community really don't need those superfluous corporate letters. But the more of us opposing Vaxx World the merrier. Let's just get these corporate shites out of our, and everyone else's, lives shall we?
I agree with both of you! Both things can be true.
Interesting point- I have been hearing the term “meaningful dialogue” a lot as well. Which just means a lecture from an approved talking head. I am in the nonprofit world and ALL of our training/ continuing education is now DEI. They hire very well paid “experts” who do Zoom meetings where they open the meeting by making everyone announce their pronouns, tell us we are on stolen land, then tell us we are racist and then divide us into small groups to discuss how we are racist.
(I prefer to call it DIE, not DEI.)
Yeah it's quite the lark for those orgs.’s a shakedown scam, the lecturers have no moral compass... don’t know how you tolerate it...
It’s another race biased industry of scammers like the Rev Jackson and his ilk
I pre-ordered mine too! So grateful to have this piece of history. I have experienced censorship too, not on your level but disturbing nonetheless because it is censorship within a healthcare field.
I was censored on our statewide dental forum for discussing natural immunity. I have been extremely active in research and educating people about our missed opportunity to encourage prevention and early treatment for COVID. I am also seriously concerned about the current push by our profession to promote vaccination to our staff and patient population. Based on how these vaccines were designed, choosing to be vaccinated is an individual's choice because their only benefit to the recipient is to at best mitigate symptoms. Since they cannot stop contraction or spread, there is no public benefit to mass vaccination with a novel therapeutic that has no long term safety data.
Like many dentists, we returned to full operation and treatment of patients in the midst of the pandemic. We had no other option, we had to choose faith over fear because unlike all of the telemedicine visits doctors were offering, dentistry is hands on, with masks off. Our profession is highly educated on sterilization and PPE and returning to patient care was not very different considering pandemic implications. I spent a lot of time studying how to keep my staff, my patients and my family safe but became frustrated by the lack of dialogue amongst our profession about prevention and early treatment of COVID. Especially since dentistry prides itself on these regular discussions with our patients about their oral care.
When I was censored on our statewide forum for promoting natural immunity and citing The Lancet, I challenged the other dentists about how we could be an OPEN Forum if we can't discuss emerging science. Eventually my post was restored and I took to task the topic of vaccine efficacy and safety. The ADA for months had been suggesting it is our moral obligation to be vaccinated and to educate our patients. In a field that encourages adequate informed consent before any procedure, I was disappointed to learn that vaccine recipients are not warned of possible SERIOUS adverse effects. Those willing to speak on the Forum called me tin foil hat wearing and suggested that I should have my credentials stripped for promoting anything other than the vaccines are 100% safe and effective.
Several brave souls reached out to me privately and we have formed a group to work on an open letter/white paper to the ADA and other downstream dental organizations that are in lockstep with the mask up and give everyone a vaccine narrative. Recently the ADA came out with an update to their ethical standards of practice, in which they made the suggestion that denying treatment to an unvaccinated patient is not considered unethical and perhaps is a responsibility in some cases, for the safety of the community.
The group of us are appalled at the position of the ADA on masks, vaccines and the ethical denial of treatment. We are hoping by reaching out to individuals with a broad population base, we can find other dentists to join our effort.
...appalling... “ethical denial of treatment” is literally an oxymoron... praying for your success...
Thank you!
I've felt for decades that my dentist's office was the absolute most clean/sterile/safe medical office that I go to.
It likely has always been our priority and why little changed with this "pandemic"
I both called and wrote to my local library asking them to please add your book to our collections and I encourage everyone on here to do the same!!!
Here in NZ our libraries have been disturbingly getting rid of books for about 5 years or so. And now they're starting to lock the unclean out of them as well.
Send g*&^s
By way of consolation, Alex, there's a great review at LifeSiteNews.
I know. I wrote it.
Great review article! I’m also impressed that you have 9 kids and are still sane - lol!
Loved it.
Jason Whitlock was on Marc Levins show a couple Sundays ago and he put all of these issues we're facing together very succinctly. We are a Judeo Christian society, and we as a nation have forgotten God. Most of us, I think, still follow a creator God and believe this nation was founded on His principles. We can still make a difference. Be calm and peaceful in our discussions, avoid violence, it solves nothing. VOTE and press for candidates who are honest and support tried values. and pray, this may all sound hokey and trite but we are up against a powerful forse. The enemy is at the gate so we have to be vigalant and resolute.
Whitlock is amazing!
The New World Order is here. Mandatory military jabs soon with quarantine camps on the way. Think I’m being hyperbolic? Take a peek at Australia. Good luck everyone.
There was a sign at the recent protest in Melbourne which drew several hundred thousand protestors to the CBD (which was actually a functioning CBD until a few years ago) and it was along the lines of "Hey Dan you're going to have to build a larger camp"
Alex--reading Pandemia on Kindle. Chapter 9 where you write about Milan shutting down...did you not know that China owns the fashion industry in Italy? The vast majority of the clothing factory workers are Chinese nationals who were encouraged to return to Italy after attending New Year celebrations in China, January 2020. That was the probably source of contagion causing the shutdown of Milan and the area around it. The virus didn't just migrate to Italy, it was planted.
Ironically, Pandemia is available for order on the B&N website and is shown as a bestseller. Having worked for them in the past, and the general leftism of booksellers notwithstanding, I would chalk their lack of presence in stores up to ignorance. I'd also check with Regnery, and see if your publisher made a special effort to make their buyers aware of the sales potential of the book. In my local (Raleigh, NC area) B&Ns, the new Robert Kennedy, Jr. book is on shelves along with plenty of other contrarian titles.
The corporate media is only part of the corporate problem here. The Billionaire Boys Club owns most major corporations... and then have been buying up all media and publishing at a higher rate. This is all part of their Globalist Great Reset project. COVID is part of their PLANDEMIC. You Alex the Truth Teller, are one of their key enemies that threatens this plan.
You are too.
Here's our enemy:
The Vaccine Confidence Project
Early detection of and timely response to
vaccine concerns can prevent loss of
public confidence in immunization,
program disruptions, and potential
disease outbreaks.
Very interesting list of sponsors there. I love England but it does seem to me that a lot of this mischief originates there.
And sure enough
LSHTM is the domain name holder (London School of Health and Tropical Medicine). Neil Ferguson's school. Also Siouxsie Wile's (ask any NZr who this idiot is) school. And Anders Tegnell's school as well.
You know what might inspire more 'vaccine confidence'? Returning liability to vaccine makers. Who wants to tell the Vaccine Confidence Project?
Vaccines make you immune to understanding the Streisand Effect
If you want to sell more copies slap a sticker on them that says BANNED FROM POWELL'S BOOKS IN PORTLAND
Great idea!!
I'm so excited to have received my copy and I just bought my copy on as well! I wrote a 5-star review on, and which can be seen below. Interestingly however, Indigo says the book is out of stock online and unavailable in stores (which is disappointing for shoppers who want to support Canadian retailers). Weirdly, when I refresh the pages, it says it has zero reviews.
My review:
This is Journalism with the highest level of integrity.
I’ve been following Alex Berenson – a former NYT reporter – for some time now. He’s been a trusted voice of reason amid the sh*t show that has been our media which only continues to spread fear.
Alex backs up his work with concrete data published from globally respected and publicly available sources of scientific evidence. There hasn’t been ONE source out there that has been able to discredit him, because he is relentlessly honest and meticulous in his work. Although they do try… When a reporter of this caliber gets booted off Twitter for speaking the truth, we should pay attention.
I’m thankful for Alex and the very few other courageous truth tellers out there who truly follow the science, because they’ve kept me sane in these insane times.
No matter which camp you’re on in terms of your medical decisions or whether you necessarily agree with all that is written in this book, it is brimming with the very best investigative journalism out there and is a MUST read. Or listen. I have both the hard copy and audio book!
Congratulations Alex, on this great body of work!
pre ordered several copies at local B&N haven't been called that they are in, had an interesting experience, since I am buying several to give away, I was in a small town and went in to local book store, I ordered it and the owner asked me about it. I then went to another small town book store and did same thing. I decided to do this in a few more areas, it peaks interest in people unaware of Alex's research
Both Pandemia and The Real A Fauci are on order at the Seattle Public Library and copies are arriving.
Ordered mine from which supports independent book stores - should get here today, also got the RFK book from them. You can setup a special Alex Berenson store on
Thank you for that information. I would really prefer to order from there or other small independents instead of "Not Amazing" or "BA& Noise". Going to check it out this morning. I love books!
Learned about bookshop from John Michael Greer ( He said the authors do better than on Not Amazing.
That is good to know. Just as we should support small businesses, we need to support authors, as well.
Let's not forget you can always order a book from the publisher. That's how I got a copy of "When Harry Became Sally". Ordered from Encounter Books, publisher.
Maybe Amazon is sniffing the wind and is positioning to take full advantage of the red-hot back-draft that's about to blow up the CDC and drug lords.
I called Powell’s to verify. Within 30 seconds the girl said there were multiple copies in their warehouse and could ship out today. Additionally, I was able to find it myself by searching “alex berenson pandemia” on and this is the direct link:
I checked at my local independent bookstore in Flagstaff, AZ for the RFK book and they said they could special order it but it wouldn't arrive in time for holidays. They said it is because AMAzon gets preferential treatment over independent booksellers. I checked with B&N in Corpus Christi, TX and they didn't have it either. It is active censoring.
Hang in there Alex, your doing great work. Big Gov't, Deep State, the establishment or whatever name you want to use, is doing all they can to suppress truth and push their pandemic, must be vaccinated narrative, so that they have control. This has zero to do with health and everything to do with power and control of the populace, not just in the US, but world wide. The US just happens to have a small problem;1. The constitution along with people who understand liberty and 2. The second amendment. They have pretty well killed the First Amendment and they will be pushing the second hard over the next few years. There are many twisted agendas working together to take down the US republic.
I pre-ordered mine on Amazon and got the day it came out! You can order it online on B & N. They probably want to give the “appearance” of compliance with the left. But B & N knows it’s a moneymaker, so…
If they put it "in" the store, some triple-masked, drinking-the-latte-with-oat-milk-with -a-straw- lunatic will cause a big ruckus....
Yep. And the more it sells online the more likely they are to put it in stores for casual browsers to find and buy. Money talks!
I bought the B&N Nook version the day it came out. Just checked them online and it’s available in hard copy, but NONE of my local stores in the northern Virginia area have it in stock. Bastards!
Book sellers banning books. That’s where we are.
Two things they don’t want us to know the truth about…COVID and Biden. Miranda Devine’s Hunter Biden laptop book came out yesterday also…B&N doesn’t stock in stores and it is already “temporarily out of stock” online…I pre-ordered it from Amazon: delivery has already been delayed and if you were to order it even yesterday, delivery isn’t for 3 to 5 weeks. I order a lot of books and have never seen this.
I went online to Powell's and your book is there - you have to scroll down through lots of "Pandemia" titles to see it. It is also online on the Barnes & Noble website. I guess from a previous poster's comment it is not on the shelves in the actual bookstores.
Here’s hoping Alex’s book appears in the appropriate genre/category so that it can be found in-store. My friend was in Powells’ last weekend looking for Heather Heying & Bret Weinstein’s (Dark Horse) new book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century. After searching the science sections of the store she went to the Information Desk. They referred her to the Self-Help area and sure enough…
When private businesses do the bidding for things like "censorship" and "vaccines," it's called fascism. I believe that is where we are now. I'm not surprised by the fact that Pandemia is being censored. It is not available at Half Price Books, but you can find it on Ebay.
Anecdotally, my husband has expressed interest in the new RFK Fauci book. That is unavailable everywhere except on Ebay. My thought is that it's a bestseller and people are gobbling it up. After reading about what is happening with Pandemia, I would not discount that they have simply decided to limit the copies of books available nationwide.
Business and government working hand in hand to control you.
Yes, the bookstores are indeed surprising in their reluctance or outright refusal to sell the Mercola, Fleming, Kennedy, or Atlas, and, now, Berenson, books. Congrats on selling books! However I am EXTREMELY disappointed that, when asked about early treatments, you mentioned the Pfizer pill. Weird. You failed to mention all he proven early treatments that work, including the protocols developed by Dr. Peter McCullough or the Zalenko protocol. If your project is to sell books, but not to save lives, why should I buy your book? Just wondering.
Powell’s are straight up nazis. I bet antifa screens what goes in their store. Look at poor Andy ngo.
Observation: I notice many on this thread are choosing purchase convenience or lower cost (Prime free shipping, Apple ebooks) over taking a stand against the modern day oligarchs. Wow.
Yes, I completely agree. It's long been obvious that the MSM and the social media big boys are not our friends so why do we lament them and or feed them? We're being pushed to the sidelines so it's high time we started to make the sidelines thrive!
Of all people you would think those here would be the last to support the Corporatist overlords. We are doomed.
My experience, unfortunately, is that most independent bookstores are owned and run by progressives. The one in our town certainly is. They had BLM signs painted on their windows and promoted Anti-Racist Baby and other such books, but when I ordered a book on Fauci that came out months ago (can't remember the author), it somehow never arrived.
Yes. Did you ever see the skit about the independent bookstore on Portlandia? It depicts these stores perfectly.
feminist book store it's a real store in Portland
Those places are my nightmare
I just ordered it from Powell's. I love the idea of a blue haired wokester having to pack that up for me! And seeing the Portland address and being confused. HAHAHAHA.
So accurate. Also the local independent book store is Dallas is owned by a Perot so I don't feel bad about not wanting to financially support them they're not exactly hurting for money
Try They have for $25.00.
(FYI, AbeBooks has been a subsidiary of Amazon since 2008. I use them a lot too.)
Do not forget - Portland, OR is very proud of their motto "Keep Portland Weird". And Powell's is one of the founding traditions in Portland. It is NOT as surprise that a 'bookseller' in Portland would be proud of the fact that they support censorship. Being self contradictory would NEVER occur to them!
It may help the sales of your book to advertise the fact that it is "Banned At Powell's" - just a thought.
Keep up the good work!!
Purchase multiple copies wherever you’re able to buy and give as Christmas gifts to those who have curiosity and an open mind. Same with RFK’s book.
Just ordered it from Powell's online.
Do a google search for title + powell's to find it easily.
Just imagine the look on the face of the blue-haired wokester that has to pack it up for you! HAHAHAHA. In your face, idiots!
Thank you , for the new word of the day, “ wokester” , I wonder if it will be in the Oxford dictionary this year with nee words along with zim.
If you search by your name it comes up as an option on Powell’s website.
Came to say this! They buried it in the search results but it is visible both by searching Alex Berenson and by searching Pandemia. You just have to scroll and scroll.
I’m guessing it won’t be available in airports either. I don’t even recognize this country😢 But the Lord is good and doesn’t need “independent” book sellers to get the truth out. “Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4) Keep on keeping on🙏🏼👍