Hmmm... so this coronavirus with a 99% percent survival rate can only be defeated by:

The consolidation of state and corporate power

The strip-mining of personal liberties

The mandating of masks, social distancing, and stay at home orders

The outlawing of criticism of public health officials, big pharma, and uncensored speech

The deification of science, and the persecution of anyone debating or questioning it

The proliferation of contact tracing digging into the communications, associations, and actions of all Americans

The destruction of the world’s economy, supply chains, and work ethic

And the repeated forced injections of untested gene expression modifying concoctions into the veins of every person on the planet?

The hell with it, I'll put up with the virus, thanks.


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Check out what is in that link... Holy crap that is a grand slam..... O_O

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That was fantastic...

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After reading that I poked around the author's site a little. Let me just say that the guy writing has a way with words, and manages to blast right through the BS and get to the heart of the matter. Gonna share some of those articles. Sources are great as well

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Which link?

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I am pretty sure they mean the link at the bottom of the OP, here:


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Just Found This Website...


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Thanks for the link!

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The suppression of inexpensive, safe therapeutics and the “hunting” (Dr. Malone’s word) of truth-telling, escape-variant Doctors.

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Glad you know that about Malone. :-]

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and the "science" they deify ISN"T SCIENCE. It is a fabrication by shitty gooberment bureaucrats who love power and paid off by pharma.

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The word "science" comes from Latin "Scientia/Scienza" which in sum means "practical knowledge." Thus they deify "dark practical knowledge".... and yes Big-Pharma has become quite powerful. We are entering into a techno-fascist/communist big-pharma/medico bio-security state.

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We are already there...

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If we were already there, we wouldn't have access to the internet because we wouldn't agree to having permission by the state to use it.

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You have a good point there! 👍

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The cyber-security state loves the internet where they can easily track everything you do and say. Why in the world would they shut it down?

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We are certainly on our way!

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Say that ten times!

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Gooberment! Ohhh. I've needed that term for decades!

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That's right. It's not science. It's propaganda. Masks don't work. Vaccines don't prevent transmission nor do they prevent you from getting sick in the first place. And the PCR is prone to false positives (up to 97% false positivity rate, particularly with the high cycle count 40 or higher). It's not science but there is an agenda and therefore we cannot question their authority or their dogma.

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Well stated. Thus "The Great Reset" = "New World Order."

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Excellent summary.

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Well said!

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The end of protecting Personal Health Information under HIPAA law

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Once HIPAA law is no longer will anyone get to know your medical background? Will insurance companies be able to use that info or see if you have a pre existing co diction and charge you for insurance accordingly?. Will employers be able to find that out also and possibly not hire you if they feel you are too mush of a risk or cost them too much in medical insurance coverage as many companies subsidize the health insurance of their employees. So many concerns.

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Fact check on a couple of items. Survival of COVID-19 is well north of 99% and the vaccines are injected intramuscularly, not into veins. Other than that, you're spot on.

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Its not very hard to comprehend where the vaccine goes from the muscle. Just because the location of injection is different than a vein, does not mean that it will not travel from the blood vessels in the muscle into veins and from there to everywhere else in the body. Injecting into a muscle is simply a technique to gradually administer something into the bloodstream without using a rate controlled IV bag.

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But have leaked into the blood stream...

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When administered improperly, yes.

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Except when some overworked pharmacist hits a vein....

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Unfortunately inept medical assistants- and they are legion- can easily hit a vein when injecting.

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Correct. They are supposed to pull the plunger back a little to see if they draw blood. They are not doing this and this *MIGHT* be *PART* of the adverse event story.

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It's just a pause, just like in Global Warming, they will never stop coming at us.

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Hawaii was hit with global warming last week.al gore must have been there

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99.997% survival rate for my demographic and geographic location.

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Survival of the virus, or of the gov't's 'response'?

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The mandates are NOT deifying science. They abuser the word. Science is about facts and searching for truth. "Researchers" living off GAIN OF FUNDING and who numbers and papers to support their funders are doing science. They are producing propaganda to help bring billions to BigPharma and to help build authoritarian governments around the world. I have cancelled all subscriptions to BigMedia; I can't abide their never ending stream of lies.

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"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it".

H.L. Mencken

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Amazing comment, thank you. I added it to the top of the article version of the OP, here


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Joel Kallman, the 54-year-old Oracle APEX software developer who designed the CDC vaccine tracking system, is dead after the mRNA shot

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unfortunately, he was probably a democrat voter, which means now he will probably have 2 votes - somehow

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Very respectfully, while I understand the feeling, my thought is that we're all in this together.

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99.99% survival rate even without any of your magical vaccines (which as thinkers know don't work anyway)

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Yeah, and Bob Dole will be voting democrat in the next election......

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Only two? Uhhhh....

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Wow... see how that works? You reap what you sow.

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Karma is a bitch.

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Well, the company I work for - also a large software company decided to require vaccination (2 doses) in order to continue to be employed, with a Nov deadline, after which all unvaxed employees were terminated that month.

I was quite disappointed with that decision - especially given how we have seen the lack of effectiveness of the "vaccine" to prevent vaccinated people from spreading the virus. Now only vaccinated employees can enter the buildings and the do not have to wear masks. While I am totally convinced by the data that masks don't work, I find it quite contradictory given that vaccinated people can spread as well as unvaccinated - and vaccinated people seem to be quite able to contract the Delta variant.

I was fully vaccinated, so this mandate did not cost me my job, and I have since gotten the booster.... HOWEVER, I am DONE with these Spike Protein shots. Having listened to a number of trusted medical doctors relate the devastating information about the damage that the Spike protein is causing and is capable of causing to various systems in the body, I'm no longer going to participate in the Booster Roulette. If it costs me my job in the future, so be it. But I will be planning legal action against my employer when the time comes.

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It doesn't matter now. You already cucked. Enjoy OAS and ADE.

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Glenn Beck on Tucker “A Must Watch”


documents point to Fauci and Moderna partnering on a Covid vaccine in 2015 !

The whole thing is a fraud - the biggest pharma fraud in the history of the world.

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YouTube will no doubt censor it. They censored Robert F. Kennedy's full interview on 'Tucker Carlson Today'

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Even Kennedy eh? Well it only further reveals who the enemy is.

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You should check out Glenn's longer episode he did on this not long ago, you will understand the interview he did with Tucker is a cliff notes version. I do not necessarily agree with some points due to my investigation but overall still a bunch of hard facts that blow one's mind. Indeed it would seem plausible this is the biggest pharma fraud in our history if one doesn't know about the Rockefellers are who played a huge role in Western Allopathic medicine since the 1930s/40s.

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Yup, Big Pharma broke their own fraud record of the STATIN scam!

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Video of Dr. Maryanne Demasi de-pantsing the Statin fraud is more than seven years old. When will they ever learn?

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Thanks for sharing. Much appreciated.

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Dec 9, 2021
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Do you have a source so may know more on this part? Please and thank you.

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It's all in RFK Jr.'s recently published book:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.

This monumental work is essential reading for everyone who truly wants to understand what we are up against.

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I talked to a friend last night that is a pharmacist. She was told by her employer she had to get the jab and she said well I'll just quit then because her husband (also in the medical field) left his job and found a private practice not mandating it. Her employer kept delaying the date, by a week, then a couple weeks, then a month and now they're so desperate they said it would be postponed if she could please find childcare so she could work in January 😂

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Perfect! Need to hold the ground 👍👊😁

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Atta girl!

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As someone who works for a huge software company, this is HUGGGGGGGE!

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I'd imagine this *might* help Oracle compete for tech talent. Maybe.

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It is the reason I stayed, they never seemed pushy. Just follow the rules- upload you vax , your medical exemption or your religious exemption.

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That's an infringement of your rights in itself in my view. They have no right to that info.

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Yep..I might have to go work for them!

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It’s disappointing that it’s gotten so bad that a company is celebrated for not violating the constitution. I have to go now, I need to congratulate my wife for not sleeping with our neighbors.

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Don't forget to buy. your son a present for not robbing the bank!

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Now, that is funny...🤣

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This is my former employer. Just retired in July. I live in Texas! Good for Oracle!!

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I think they're doing it to limit their legal exposure not because they are righteous.

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Probably, doing it for this reason but so what? The simple fact is that they are now heading in the right direction. That's what counts.

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They're not doing the "right thing" in their view... they're doing what appears to be legally necessary at the moment. Big difference.

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Correct - companies were not given the sweetheart immunity deals Pharma was given; and Gubmint pukes already have Sovereign Immunity.

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They are led by Marxists, that's why it takes a court order.

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Who cares the reason. Just as long as they stop....

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The reason is important because if courts rule differently they'll just return to what they are doing. Reasons always matter.

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And when they do return to a mandate maybe enough employees walk out to really damage them financially. Then watch them tell the Feds where to put their mandate.

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Did that happen already? Not to my knowledge. Tech people tend to be Leftist and they tend to be sheep.

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But not all are.

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Enough are to make it count.

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Not when their friends start dropping.

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Maybe then but it'll take a lot of them logging out.

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Sure hope you didn't take the killshots.

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I didn’t! And won’t.

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CDC just said that some may require a 4th shot.

With 3 more by March.

Mandate or not, I’m gonna be 7 shots behind.😱

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In the not-too-distant future, you will require an injection every 15 nanoseconds.

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Ha! That'll be the lofty goal of the next generation of experimental injections...'time released' by nano-bot technology. Every three months or so, get a re-filled nano-bot injection to auto-administer the latest magic v00j00 every week/day/hour/etc.

Much like self-driving cars...what could possibly go wrong?

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So, there seems to be some literature on a wearable patch that will inject on a time schedule. I’ll

Try to find that link.

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Yikes! Be careful what you wish for, I was just goofing around.

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My wife wants the perpetrators taken out into middle of ocean on rubber life craft and then have the craft stabbed with a giant needle.

Safe and effective.

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I like the way your wife thinks...

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My god! Even the brainwashed have got to get sick of this at some point.

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Not my ultra screwed up MSM neighbors. They still spray everything down before bringing inside

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Neighbors will be all lined up ready

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Even the wording of this "pause" from the corporation is creepy, because it gives credence to an unimaginable demand from the government to stick an experimental drug in your arm that will alter the way your immune system functions in a way that is still unknown into the future. It's so over the top, I still have trouble believing it's happening in the USA. I wake up each day realizing my own government has become a threat to my health, and that is horrifying.

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Not just the government. Much of corporate America - those running corporate America, that is - as well. Our enemies are many.

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But without government, we wouldn't have corporatism. Government is the root of all evil.

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A lot of them are also their own enemies. It's coming for a lot of them too.

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Well expressed, and indisputably true as documented evidence shows, thank you for that.

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Josef Mengele has yet to heard from. Undoubtedly musing that he was born too soon.

Tuskegee scandal was more recent. Surprised we haven't heard more about that.

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More and more are learning about the Tuskegee scandal and even Fox News recently did a piece on it if i remember correctly.

Menguele came at the time that was chosen by Him who decides where we show up in earth's history and which our time on this earth is all part of incomprehensible greater plan of the eventual victory of the sole Creator over His arch nemesis.

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Part of what's been going on is a bluff. First Brandon announces that at some point in the near future USG will make vaccination mandatory for employees working for companies with more than 100 employees.

Then large corporations - nearly all of them in the US - inform their employees that they have until X date to get vaccinated because soon it will be law.

Guess what? 50% of the holdouts go and get the shots.

Belatedly, there are lawsuits resulting in Federal Judges putting injunctions on such mandates which have yet to make it through the Court system. There is still no law from either Congress or unlawful EO from WH mandating vaccines. But there is enough buzz about it to pressure more people.

USG says that now children are approved so there is pressure to have children take it. A high percentage of Dem types are in mass formation about all this and immediately line up even though there is no mandate and also no evidence their child will benefit.

So it goes.

Irony: originally herd immunity meant that if about 30-40% of the population got infected that the pathogen would lose ability to be a great threat. Soon that changed to 70% and now it is 100% targeted. But the idea is well established: once you get herd immunity the threat is over so that same herd immunity from the pathogen is the goal.

However, because of the terrible inoculations they have been given along with withholding normal health care, employment, recreation, family gatherings and so on, more and more people are getting sick. Now the main danger to society is from the herd of those in mass formation who are willing having needles stuck into them every few moments and screaming for everyone else to do the same or, in some countries, get locked up in quarantine camps.

So instead of rightly developing herd immunity from the pathogen unfortunately what we need now is immunity from the herd of pathogen-bearing victims who have been stampeded into mass formation group psychosis!

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No law from congress?

Dead on arrival, even if they did.

Individual rights belong to the individual, irrespective of legislation.

Beginning to think they should have left the razor wire up.

Sooner or later, they're gonna need it.

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ATTN Alex Berenson: I just got word that the army is being moved in to Maine to assist with a Covid outbreak and they are requesting nursing staff from New Brunswick Canada. I believe it is in homes for the elderly. Which means they would likely all be fully vaxxed and up to date.

This would be highly worthy of a report from you if you care to look into it.


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Thank you! I think now its all over the news. In fact its 3 or 4 states. My guess is, if Mr. Berenson feels its worthy of looking into, he is by now.

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I work for Avanade and they are NOT backing down. It’s no longer about the mandate, “but for my health” 🙄 I will be fired soon and have never been more excited.

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Hold the line! Don’t quit. Make them fire you. Godspeed.

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I wish they'd fire me. In my case they will consider that I have resigned at the end of the month if I don't get jabbed. Cowards

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Likely it's legal wording to avoid liability. Consult a lawyer for an adequate response so as they're still on the hook.

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That is so gladdening you are excited you will be fired, which shows you have chosen truth, righteousness, courage, morality over the opposite! Trust in the true Lord and you will find other work by His hand.

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What “The Ungovernable” said! Best of luck to you.

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Similar to: …”for your safety.”

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A little too late for those who felt forced to harm their bodies when they didn't want to but felt they had to feed their families. I would also like to know if the narrative over the 4.2 million people who've left their jobs is being covered up by reporting it's their desire to find other work instead of the truth, which is likely because they were forced to quit because they didn't want to get the vaccine. Seems strange that the news would report 4+ million workers have quit their jobs lately with no mention of vaccine mandates.

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Keen. Agreed.

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My best friend, who is 47, manages a large, new apartment complex. He gets his sweet pad as part of the work. Then they mandated the vax. His second dose landed him in the ER. He only did it to keep his job and home. Ridiculous.

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It's so sad that many people will likely suffer with other issues sooner or later in life because of this unproven shot. I've had one cousin have a severe stroke 2 days following his, another nephew's girlfriend go into convulsions the evening after hers, and another ex brother-in-law die not too long after his with no prior medical issues (a cop then sheriff). And now I'm reading that 111 pilots have died in the last 9 months, according to one of their magazines, with 6 pilot deaths in 2020 and only 1 in 2019, so something is particularly scary about this forced madness.

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What about alllllllll those injured people? Fired people? Stressed out people? This whole attempt at TOTAL control should merit a GLOBAL rebuttal and punishment.

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What about them? Well the Lord declares we reap what we sow, not only in this life if we do not repent truly, but the next. So if it is the Lord's will that in this life they will suffer, they will indeed, and if they still repent not at death, it will be their own fault they end up in ineffable, inescapable, indescribable and incomprehensible eternal misery, pain, suffering and torment for eternity.

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It's exactly what we experienced throught THE WHOLE OBAMA ERA! Complete disregard for law, for history, for sanctity of ppl's lives and traditions. Obama and obamacare ruined insurance and medical fields and here you see it working hand in hand with big pharma and the wealthy. Not to mention all the cop shooting and riots and disregard for authority(real godly authority not tyrants). OBAMA IS COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MESS...one skinny weasel who's self hatred is only trumped by Gates, Joe Boy and Soros types. No amount of money or title will ever make them happy...they will continue to spew their self hatred and lack of reverence to God. It is self created and self fulfilling because of their arrogance, just like satan.

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If only these companies had had the courage to not cave to this idiocy from the beginning, so much stress and turmoil would have been avoided. Sure hope they smarten up & refuse to comply going forward. I feel awful for people who needlessly were coerced into taking jabs that they did not want.

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I notice no mention of how their 54 y.o. head of software development died shortly after his 2nd COVID shot last spring. https://noqreport.com/2021/06/04/oracle-vp-dies-of-covid-after-receiving-second-vaccine-injection/

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GE too

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I am smelling a shift in the tide......

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Lord I hope so

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Come to my work, and you'll smell something that rhymes with "shift." Mandate came on Monday from school president. Only for staff. Not students. So I just enrolled as a student to take a class. A loophole? Will find out.

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Just got "religious exception" ... I gave the company excuse to not fire me and they took it.

But there are probably more WOKE companies out there. This must be finalized in Supreme Court and NEVER COME UP AGAIN!

And these guilty of the coup on the democracy must be prosecuted. I hope Republicans don't do their usual stuff and 'forget' and 'focus on the future' instead of making it right (and avoid dealing with the same issues over and over again)

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I'm happy for you, but a religious exemption shouldn't have to be used due to the Constitution etc. If you work for the "WOKE", if you do not leave you will go broke (in more ways than one, spiritually, mentally, morally etc.) Yes Supreme Court must finalise this as severe Constitutional violation so they will be charged unto jail for a long long time.

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I think at some point - though not because forced - people working for 'woke' companies like that should try to move on for their own as well as larger society's sake. In that vein, expect tens of thousands moving into Red States next few years....

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I think there will be a surge in republican wins next election, or at least anyone championing for free speech and civil liberties. I think we need to not focus on Red or Blue because I hate to tell you, the system is just broken. Both sides are totally corrupt. We need to take our country back from the corporations. There are more independent voters in the US than Republicans or democrats, they both just suck. Let's do a third or fourth or fifth party. Let's bring some democracy back to our democracy. Debate is not hate. We only get through this together.

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We need to take our country back from the CCP who own our companies.

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I wish the CCP owned our companies. Don't be fooled. It is the ultra rich who we need to fight. They own the CCP, the US, Europe, Russia and everywhere else. They want you to fight other countries because it works for their agenda. Don't buy it. It's the ultra rich against everyone else in the world.

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Indeed the most wealthy and powerful in the world, so much so that they can hide their own existence from most of the world.... the hidden hand.

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A variation of Adam Smith, I always figured that too.

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Moved to Arkansas in August (no more Chicago woke-ness)

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My religion is that I own my body and shouldn't be coerced into putting something I don't want into it.

Not sure that will fly in this permanently masking state.

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Good for you! I'm glad right prevailed. I'm still waiting to hear if mine will be accepted.

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Freedom always wins!!

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Apparently not in my lifetime.

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now we need to have more lawsuits against masks. those stupid fuqing things gotta go. I don't want my kid muzzled 8 hours a day in snoot and phlegm. the mask has got to go!

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all honest science on masks done prior the scamdemic conclude they don't work

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Truth! There is mountains of hard factual honest scentific evidence to what you state if those maskites just actually took the time to grow courage and look into it and see the masks are hypoxia and hypercapnia body destroyers.

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Including in surgeries. Now scrubbed from internet.

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Been radio silence out of my Fortune 500 company for a while now, not requiring it only encouraging but also struggling to get much beyond 50% vaccinated. Did the insurance surcharge for unvaccinated and allowed religious and medical exemption applications for surcharge but were written by lawyers clearly to allow them to deny exemptions. Problem is the folks with buyers remorse from vaccines want everyone else to suffer and be forced to take them

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Still a 🤡 world. Do these vaxxed types realize their “status” expires every 4 to 6 months for infinity? We could have 100% noncompliance by mid 2022 if no one got a booster. Are companies going to do a “quarterly purge” going forward?

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exactly. Vermont only has 45% uptake on boosters. People are not going to get them.

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Concur, I actually wonder if companies are starting to rethink this since they will constantly be chasing their tail on “fully vaccinated” forever. They’ll become the de facto vaccine police for something mutating into a common cold

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They have their heads in the sand if they don't think boosters will be mandated too. After six months the vaxxed and unvaxxed are both "unvaxxed."

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Totally agree, hope enough wake up to the fraud that’s being perpetrated on them

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Big Pharma member McKesson also just "paused" for employees today, except they are continuing to mandate the non vaccine - vaccine for any employees that travel for business, work in an office, or have any direct contact with clients. Translated - status quo for thousands.....

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Are they headquartered in FL? I can’t read it so not sure it’s there.

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Austin, TX. Moved it there from Silicon Valley during the pandemic

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So they are free to make this decision! Let’s go Brandon

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This should come with an apology, and the dismantling of the vaccine passport and exemption approval process.

All of this information is unnecessary for corporations to have, and a violation of GDPR.

Shocking how it got this far.

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Horrible violation of Nuremberg Principles. The worst kind of coercion. People invest their lives in companies, many whose home values depend on employment, never mind paying mortgage and hyperinflated college costs.

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100% correct. It’s time to go on offense an stop groveling for our rights.

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I can only imagine my employer's disappointment. I'm a pariah there. They've given me a religious exemption but were very unhappy with it. They're very woke and love complying with Biden's diktats

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Yet another constructive notice of termination when my company failed to respond to my exemption request by the date on which they promised to respond. They are too woke to grant them.

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If they don't respond could that be construed as granting the exemption by default?

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System says status pending. They can jump. I am gone as soon as I get my bonus. I can't take their poor decisions and ironic talk of inclusion (in literally same sentence where they talk about mandated exclusion of those who don't comply). They are clearly infected with group think and only want diversity when the diversity embraces the group think. Diversity includes diversity of thought, not systemic exclusion of diverse view points.

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We must work at the same place! “Inclusion” and “diversity” are the most common utterances on the all hands calls….

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My firm as well. 5500 employees. Received this email today:

[FIRM] continues to monitor and address developments regarding the EO 14042: President Biden's Safer Federal Workforce COVID-19 vaccine requirements, known as the Federal Contractor COVID-19 vaccine mandate. As promised, we want to keep you updated as things change. The firm encourages employees to be informed about COVID-19 vaccine options and consider getting a designated vaccine if you are not vaccinated. Boosters are also encouraged for those who are vaccinated.

On December 7, 2021, a Federal judge in Georgia issued a preliminary injunction pausing the implementation of the contract provisions and enacting an immediate halt “in all covered contracts in any state or territory of the United States of America.” In consultation with our Office of General Counsel and outside counsel, [FIRM] will comply with the preliminary injunction and pause the implementation of the Federal Contractor COVID-19 vaccine mandate requirements in the Domestic U.S. and territories effective immediately. This means you will no longer be required to provide proof of vaccinations or request an exemption, and we will not terminate anyone who does not comply with the Federal Contractor mandate while the preliminary injunction is in place.

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I've been told I have until the end of March to comply.

I will not comply.

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F them and the horse they rode in on

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Apply for religious accommodation, then file with EEOC after they fire you. I believe all of the RA cases will prevail in the end.

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I’m right there with you.

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What’s the name of the firm?

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I don’t really want to say. I received and exemption from them prior to this backpedaling and I don’t really want to disclose anything. It’s an engineering consulting firm.

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Ellison has always been super savy

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Slowly, but surely.

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Keep pushing back freedom loving Americans!

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HCA Heathcare has 275,000 employees and is no longer mandating vaccines due to the various court orders.

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Alex - Northeastern University is mandating boosters? Any ideas on how to pushback ? Its wrong and a complete overstep ...keep in mind they test everyone weekly.

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Call their bluff. It's illegal. The BLA can be enforced but it's not available


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Let this be the start of the mandate death knell.

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There is some logic coming to light!

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hmmm not with my client, the blue thumb up. they still require proof of vac for those who work on site.

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Let’s be clear, it’s paused.

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Ughh right! Maybe encouraging but we aren’t victorious yet! 🙏🙏🙏

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Though hospital in NY just fired 100.

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Elderly population there. Who cares if the die there.Their a drag on the system

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More companies need to stand up to the taking away of our liberties.

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they are NOT vaccines. they are a fraud. And now evidence shows clearly Fauci, Moderna and Gates planned the whole thing as early as 2015.


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All of the takeover has been planned since the 60’s. Hard to believe but true.

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Amen, they are NOT vaccines, but gene altering synthetic mRNA poison injections aka bio-weapons aka GMO/Franken shots etc.

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Way to go Oracle! Good to see a big tech firm that isn't drowning in the cool-aid like so many others.

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I’m horrified by the university and colleges right now. My husband works at one. He got it cause he had to not by choice and now 3 plus months later making another mandate? WTF for all of them.

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Are they forcing the college kids to get a booster too ?

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At many schools yes. Not his yet but if they do it will be kids too. Which is beyond unbelievable.

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I know, its absurd.

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Can anyone in the UK answer me how they can legally force you to wear masks when the law was revoked in July 2021 as per https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/791/regulation/9

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This. After the initial deadline was set for Nov 24 to receive dose 2 toward a reporting deadline for being fully vaxxed by Dec 8. So I'm already fucked, and this doesn't do shit to help.

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I read that Oracle has the contract to process all CDC vaccination data.......

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Oracle is known for being very evil, but this is actually way more reasonable and decent than many of the other tech companies with better reputations

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Yes they are known for being very evil, the name Oracle has everything to do with it.

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Great and I am running Oracle Linux on my servers right now.


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Good - your servers won't need to be vaxxed...

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well good!

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