Ordered through our local indie bookstore. This will rock their masks.

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Too funny! I promised I wouldn’t buy anymore from local liberal bookstore, but I’d love to rock their masks too! And it’s no worse than giving my money to the other big book giants

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I know the owner. Fabulous lady just with a bad case of NPR cultism. But beat out the big chains in our city, they all folded she survived. Like to support her. I tell her we're the wingnut book people who give her store mental diversity.

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I like to think of Barnes & Noble as the "local" shop for e-books. They are owned by Elliot Management who are moving their HQ from New York to Florida. Read samples on Kindle, buy the books on Nook.

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Good to know! Now I need to see if my Nook still works! Lol I have the original and it’s so heavy! But I have a lot of great unread books on it, so thanks for the reminder as well 😊

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That’s good. I do like to support our local stores. In the 2016 election, the owner put all her views in her newsletter which pissed me off. AZ was totally a red state in 2016 and not knowing who her customers are, I found it offensive so swore to myself if she did it again in 2020, I’d stop shopping there. I’ve gone in with friends but haven’t made purchases. I did give feedback though that I felt politics should be left out of her newsletters as she doesn’t know who’s been supporting her. I was surprised just now the book was actually available for pre-order. It’s good you both can still get along. Hard these days!

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Trust me, I also mostly have a hard time. Even more with the vaccine than Trump and I was always mezzo mezzo about his presidency, but didn't believe in Russian collision which made me a Nazi - sigh. The vax is way weirder with touchiness. Can not talk to some people. At all. But I believe April 2022 will see a huge change. However between now and then … impossible. But supporting an indie bookstore rather than Bezos still makes for neighborly behavior. They do need us. Btw, speaking of AZ, I love a used cookbook store in Tucscon.

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I agree and I’m curious as well what April 2022 proves (seems like a lifetime away, though! Lol). I live in the Phoenix area but will need to look up that store for when I’m in Tucson next as I love to cook. They have a lot of really good bookstores there in general.

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Okay I give — what’s happening in April 2020?

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I think it's only online now but I love their selection - I collect old junior league cookbooks among many others :-) https://www.cookbookvillage.com/

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I really appreciated your remark on “mental diversity” or what used to be known as an “opinion”- opinions or mental diversity are an opportunity for learning and growth. And bookstores, libraries, even social media etc-has the potential to be a bastion of light, in the dark. Much needed during these times.

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Bookstores tend to be liberal because, well, I guess liberals read more books.

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Just two years to slow the spread. We’re all in this together!

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November will be a blockbuster moment in public health history with your book following the RFK Jr. release of The Real Fauci next week. Decades of secrets and lies finally exposed to the light and eternal gratitude to you and the other brave truth tellers leading the way!! <3


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I want to read that as well

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Can't wait! Let's go Pandemia and let's go Brandon.

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Proud founding member. Here for the data and the sass. Onward, Alex!

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First time I have ever preordered a book. Can't wait.

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I’ll do my part and buy it…we’re all in this together! No vax!

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This is awesome! We'll make it a best seller.

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Already ordered. (From Bezos, Inc.)

I take care of my 91-year-old father. I plan to fill his fridge & freezer with re-heatable suppers because I plan to curl up with "Pandemia."

I'm pretty sure Dad will understand.

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Hi thanks again for helping write the story of the Panedmic as it actually happened without the government speak. We as a nation learned more from you than own doctors…. They worked hard but missed the biplane at the shore and it’s trailing sign that said “ COVID is Government speak for totalitarianism “ ps they hate the paperwork especially from the insurance companies!!!!! Lol!

I would like to purchase a signed first addition. Book collector here! Thanks again!

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Missed the biplane at the shore and it’s trailing sign….LOLOLOLOL thank you for the giggles!

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Greatly looking foward to reading! And just in time for Halloween, here’s a bit of related spookiness I did on substack: https://geoffolson.substack.com/p/halloween-health-and-the-behavioural

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Enjoyed the read. Psychological Warfare began with a trickle and ended in a tsunami; and most people haven’t a clue they have been manipulated.

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in fact, will argue stubbornly the opposite! :/

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As I posted under your article: "Yes - A brilliant piece. And I love the photo at the end. Vaccinated holding hands with Unvaccinated. Beautiful!"

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Checked out the article you shared…

Can’t leave the site!…so sharp!!!

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This is s great piece. Thank you.

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Bravo!!!!!!!!!! congrats.. & keep kicking a$$, Alex!

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Ordered it from Amazon just now. Good luck Alex!!!

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Looking forward to it. Maybe you could have a book signing event . Would love to meet you in person and shake your hand ( will use sanitizer first of course ).

;) thank you

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Preordered on Amazon a while ago! Congrats and looking forward to the read! Thank you again for all you are doing!!!

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Ordered when first offered. Can’t wait!

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That is a GREAT cover! Ordered several from B&N for Christmas gifts. I was just thinking- wouldn't it be great to have our young people leave copies scattered around their school libraries? Should be required reading for them- most have no idea what has truthfully been going on here and we're going need their voices to help lead us out of this mess. Thank you Alex!

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Already pre-ordered! Looking forward to getting my copy!

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Looking forward. I wrote a book called Pandemic published by Arbor House and then Berkley. Now out of print. Just an FYI. Hard to find copies and out of print Was a antibiotic. Resistant bacteria causing meningitis. Wish I could go back and insert what I know now

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Checking Audible regularly!

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I hope this come out on audible

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What is a founding member?

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It’s someone who contributed $300 early on.

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I was wondering the same...

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Audio book, here I come!

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I can only hope that truth will eventually triumph, because of people like you who were willing to risk MSM vilification and social media censorship to tell the real story. I'm not entirely confident in this hope... as someone on Twitter noted, Covid (masks, vaccines) might be Too Big To Fail. Which means that the bureaucrats who masquerade as our public health resource will never (ever) back down, regardless of whatever data disproves their narrative. And they have clearly cultivated a following of mask-wearing, vax-boosted, disciples who will never be persuaded to see things differently. But the truth is out there (with a nod to The X-Files!) so we wait and see.

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I'll read this book after reading RFK's upcoming book on Fauci and Gates.

Here's a bizarre site from someone with deep government connections. He forecasts a 70% drop in the US population by 2025! Wonder what will make that happen...


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First, we are taking the word of politicians and government officials, that they indeed took the vaccine. Then a poll comes out that states that it is the doctors and PHDs that have shunned vaccine. Then we hear over 100 politicians took ivermectin. Then illegals are exempt from vaccines. Many countries giving ivermectin instead of vaccines. More than half of blacks in US are unvaccinated. The most devout vaccine takers are white progressives.

Do I think there was a grand plan to kill off millions? I am not willing to go there, but Bill Gates is a creep and buying up all the land in US. Gore said years ago that the earth was in balance before humans. Humans are the problem. We know climate change is a religion to many white progressives.

My science husband and I spoke about the vaccine this morning. Does he think those vaccinated will die because they took vaccine? No, but he is very bothered that government says vaccine is safe for all. People are very unique. Also people today are taking many meds that may not work well, or at all if person’s immune system is tampered with. It will be years before we will know the longer term effects of these vaccines. Normally before vaccines approved, the long term human clinical trials, animal trials before that, would have sorted out adverse effects, safety. That did not happen. So put my husband in the camp that is feeling uncomfortable.

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"It will be years before we will know the longer term effects of these vaccines." We who thought the vaccine was beneficial because we are 80+ are learning Delta won't be fooled. Back to trying to have a robust immune system with hopes for the future. But worried sick about our children and their parents fears.

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All Bill Gates is interested in is his legacy. He sees himself as solving all of humanity‘s woes, while his home town is a sanctuary for homeless drug addicts living in a park next to an elementary school.

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And his private life is a wreck. He’s a dangerously powerful infantile person.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there a Deagel on the founding board of directors of the US Federal Reserve?

Quite a coincidence.

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Here's an excellent Mercola interview with Catherine Austin Fitts about the Great Reset and how Vaccine Passports are the first step to slavery. The link will only work for 48 hours and then Mercola removes the content.


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Outstanding Alex, can’t wait. It’s going to be delicious watching Team Panic ignore/ discredit (in vain) your excellent work….

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I will enjoy reading this in the nz summer shun

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Sorry, comments were garbled and the second came out before the first! But seriously, I'm guessing the ridiculous 2-tier citizen plan is a ploy to get everyone jabbed to 90% by the end of the year? Nonetheless, the illogical discrimination of the un-jabbed will no doubt continue?.... Obviously, the stupid 'Zero Covid' policy didn't work, the 'Elimination' policy didn't work, and now another 'successful' policy to stigmatise/coerce under the false guise that the 'vaccines' will work?! And NZ is a year behind everyone else in this experiment and not seeing reality as reality is?..... It doesn't cease to amaze me how people are unaware to what's in front of them.

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It's like watching a repeat. We all know whats going to happen and then act like we don't. We'll be going into level 3.2 or something like that in a couple of days but when the last 5000 holdouts get their shots we will switch to the traffic light system which is funny as we have no traffic light on the island so won't know what to do. I will be barred from restaurants, cafe's and the barbers. It's a farce abd the only thing holding me off complying is me oppositional defiance disorder. Darwin awards are going to be great this year.

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Glad to hear about the lack of traffic lights there - very handy. Are you on Waiheke?

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Yes and thank goodness I'm surrounded by vineyards with a large moat. Its hard on the batch owners as most of them are stuck off island but they will be clambering here as soon as they can.

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Whilst NZ exports its doubly-jabbed to Tonga to infect a previously uninfected island. Well-done 'team of 5 million', it's working really well!

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That was really unfortunate.

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Or predictable given that the jabbed can become infected and transmit the virus... BUT hey ho, we are all too busy punishing the unvaccinated to notice that gross disparity!

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One things certain were all going to get it. It's just a matter of time. The question is it insanity or cognitive dissidents spurring them on.

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Yes, we are. Why then do we need a mass 'vaccination' campaign? And why are our freedoms taken away if we do not comply? I thought the Kiwis may have started asking these questions as they are a year behind and can see all the stats and data (posted by a few people like Alex - thankfully)

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Unfortunately we're the proverbial sheep. We comply with the narrative and anything thats contrary is outright suppressed. Im one of the demented crazies that asks where's the debate or discussion. The response is illogical given the facts yet they double down and proceed with their plan irrespective of the risks impossed by the vaccine which are becoming more evident.

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For a virus which has a 99.8 % survival rate across most age groups

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Will you have a segregated part of the beach to sit on? I hear 'unvaccinated' are now 2nd Class Citizens - stripped of their freedoms - over there?

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Probably, the way they're making up rules nothing will surprise me. Think we've all gone batshit crazy over here. A bat wins bird of the year.

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This will go down as a historical document to contrast this ridiculous period of hysteria. I'm sure they will try to put it on the book burning pile or at the very least bury it. Greetings Alex from Mullumbimby Australia.

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Hoping you break a

All time sales record, Alex. Can’t wait to read it. Who cares what the Times decides?

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Just ordered and happy to add this book to our personal home library. Amazon says it’s the #1 New Release!!

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If Fauci , shows up at your house for trick or treat in an orange jump suit with Chris Cuomo , as long Covid ask the both for their Vaccine card showing they have been fully Vaccinated .

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Mara Gay of the NYTimes reports today about “intelligence reports” about vaccine “misinformation”. She says, “(f)or the most part, the reports aren’t focused on individual people.” and yet she says these reports include Alex Berenson and Oren Barzilay. I think those two are individual people, although one might surmise, based on Ms. Gay’s article that they could be Russian misinformation bots. I think this is the first time a Russian misinformation bot wrote a book.

Wow, Alex got his own intelligence report? I am impressed. Is that intelligence report as in FBI? CIA?

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Why believe ANYTHING from the NYSlimes? Its become one of many media entities where, whatever they say, the opposite is the truth!

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Why read NYTimes? To learn about new extremes in cognitive dissonance?

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You wouldn’t want to miss another Walter Duranty, Jason Blair, Nicole Hanna-Jones report, would you? The greats at the NYTimes help us develop clear certainty.

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Book has been ordered, can’t wait to read it😊👍

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Yay! I will buy the audiobook…. can’t wait.

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Looking forward to reading it!

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Just ordered!

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Congratulations on the massive pre-sales! I look forward to receiving mine but cannot wait for you to hit the bestseller’s list. Godspeed my friend!

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I’m really waiting for the audiobook, will Amazon support this and if not then who?

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Freaking awesome!

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Ordered the first day you published its availability. Can't wait! Best of Luck!

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Can't wait for mine. Pre-ordered on Amazon about 6 weeks ago.

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Pre-ordered from Amazon Canada 🇨🇦

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Preordered early!!!

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Pre-ordered and looking forward. Best of luck!

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Try "pandemania".

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Great cover!

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I pre ordered as 11/30 is my birthday, so either a book or a booster, tough choice

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Happy birthday...in advance.

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