I’ve been watching you on Tucker Carlson since the contrived pandemic was launched. It’s nice to see that you are finally arriving at where many of us have been for some time now … which is that the cause of everything going on is evil in nature. The lies, the censorship, the mindless stupidity … it all has the same root. Until we all acknowledge the root and start calling it what is is, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to effect the changes necessary to stop it and turn it around. Most people are inherently good, but the psychological terror tactics being employed add os much confusion & noise that it’s difficult for people to see the truth. Individuals like yourself are the only thing that is going to stop this. It seems like you understand the stakes now.

Thanks for all you do.

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Well said. Of course, those who view alternative sources of news (intelligently!!, of course, with sound judgement and a well-honed sense for BS!!!!) have understand that none of the government promoted COVID-19 regulations have anything to do with public health/safety. At first they were a trick to undermine Trump. Beyond that, a means to concentrate power in Washington, to create fear so that citizens will increasingly look to government for solutions (as is now with Biden and his helicopter dollars). Sooo, yes, nice to see Alex B is catching up. AND that Tucker gets it as well.

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Dont forget huge $$$ going from Govt into Big Pharma for the "vaccines" and the compensatory large kickbacks into the politicians hands.

With the "vaccines" protective effects waning and the possibility of Antigen Dependant Enhancement causing the vaxxed to be more vulnerable this is going to turn into an even worse sh@t show.

Where it all ends up is anyone's guess.

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As far as I'm concerned Alex and Tucker have known this for quite a while.

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The only useful thing we can do with the Holocaust at this point is not to set it apart as some sort of uniquely awful historical anomaly, but rather to learn as many lessons as possible from it about what Man is capable of, and apply them to our own moment.

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You are so right. Sadly, the Holocaust is but one horrific example of the cruelty of our species, enabled by ignorance and fear. The history of man is littered with genocide, which should prove to us how surprisingly easy it is to engage in mass killing.

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As uniquely horrific the holocaust was, it is sadly completely un-unique in the course of human history when totalitarian regimes gain control. It continues in more recent times with the CCP. It continues in our country with 40% of African Americans perishing in the womb under the lie of abortion being a mere medical procedure.

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God sent you here for a purpose Alex , and we need you and Love you.

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Could take a generation, maybe two, before they finally admit the truth. I don't have faith in our institutions, our press, or our government. My husband is a physician. He does not toe the party line. Physicians like my husband, researchers who tell the truth, are being silenced, just like you are being silenced. It's a weird weird day when I, a Jew, agree with Louis Farrakhan on vaccines.

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Thanks for staying strong. I'm retired ICU RN and can't believe how the medical community has failed. A few weeks ago my doctor told me there's no early treatment protocols, only the vaccine and maB since I'm high risk. I handed her one by Dr McCullough published last year in a medical journal and she proceeded to dismiss the vitamins and say antivirals were disproven! Now that Pfizer & Merck are coming out with one, I'm sure that opinion will change. This is crazy!

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I've had covid. Yay antibodies! Not getting vaccinated. I suspect, based upon prior research done in Israel on MERS, that I will have long term immunity. Interesting how Israel ignored their own research- the info came out early on during the pandemic then vanished. My sister's family use Ivermectin as a prophylaxis as they work in their community. Low and behold, my brother-in-law, who drove a car with a covid patient for 12 hours, no masks, didn't get covid. My husband, who cared for me for those two weeks of covid, uses Doxycycline for a skin condition and he did not get covid. In fact- when my condition worsened around day 7, I started Doxy twice a day and pow! Better within 24 hours. There are options! The way the government and health agencies respond to covid makes no medical sense! I'm an ICU/CCU nurse as well. You stay strong too!

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I've got a Ivermectin story too. Bunch of us in a small room and one has an occasional slight cough which turned out to be covid. About 40% were on ivermectin flccc.net protocol and we're the ones who didn't get sick. Early treatment can save lives. Thanks for what you do. It's never been more challenging! God bless.

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Vitamin D too. A lot of studies in the non-western world show a clear relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and COVID outcomes. It makes sense considering what Vit. D does for you. There’s also a reason why that vitamin is one that’s tracked in yearly broad spectrum blood tests. But we all know what’s going here. Technocrats believe they must do this for us. It’s viewed almost like a birthright. They went to school, damn it! How dare all these unschooled “trumpers” explain to me that they don’t need this! They know they dug themselves a hole and they feel it’s easier to keep digging then add it the credentialed classes weren’t as right as Trump. And I’m being today serious here. That’s what they think. That’s ow they view the world. They feel entitled to tell us how to be and what to do.

I have some family that are in this highly credentialed “class.” And the credential doesn’t matter. It could be a masters in graphic design talking to a masters in health administration. They both view themselves as above having to explain their position on any idea they espouse. They are right, not because they can explain and particular data point, or carry on a reasoned discussion about a topic of interest to us all, but simply because they align left and get their news from an authorized source - BBC, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo. That’s all that’s required. Read some thought pieces there, or watch those channels, absorb those talking point, and you’re in the inner circles. The confidence in their rightness is bewildering to see. Their automatic comeback when a question is beyond their knowledge, which most are (unless it’s whatever the fuck is going on with Brittany Spears, or that dude that’s an Olympic weight lifter that competing against females in Tokyo), is to launch into some sort of ad hominem attack, or make some emotional plea for all of us to stand together and fight against the Ronna. Then they look at each other and laugh like the noble classes of old as they watch a peasant dig through trash. There are no greater lemmings on this earth then the woke. And they actually think they’re talking truth to power, It’s fascinating to watch. It’s also scary because they’re in control right meow.

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Dr. Desmet states that people are vulnerable mass-formation, a psychological state where they are socially isolated, have loss of meaning in their lives, feel free-floating anxiety, and accumulated frustration and anger. Covid gives them a narrative to explain their anxiety and a target for their frustration--the unvaccinated. They also have a shared community which addresses their social isolation. They feel morally justified in their actions. To change their beliefs (which government won't allow to be challenged through its mass censorship) is almost impossible because they will lose their community if they do so. And now Biden is trying to make sure they will lose their jobs as well.

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Sorry, I meant that "mass-formation" is the answer to the isolation, meaninglessness, anxiety, frustration. It provides a narrative to explain the cause (Covid!) and a solution (vaccines!) and a scapegoat(the unvaccinated). It is very powerful. People feel altruistic when they get vaccinated. Hence the appeal to unvaccinated people to get vaccinated to protect their communities.

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Just getting over covid here and we followed FLCCC after my son was not getting better - Ivermectin/Doxy/Dexamethasone + Budesonide - fever gone in 12 hours. The rest of us took Ivermectin. It's not pleasant but "mild cases." Hopefully antibodies for life... My kids are on board with not getting vaxed for now. The pressure is unbelievable on them.

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Having had covid I would not get the vaccine. My choice. I'm so glad you are all better. We all need to make informed choices- weigh the risk-benefit.

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How are you going to avoid the jab? My doctor husband had Covid and is under a mandate to get at least one dose by 9/1 and he won't claim a religious exemption, he's too honest, despite the fact they are all getting granted. He IS going to hold out until the last minute.

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Well, we live in Montana where there will not be a mandate. In addition, my husband no longer sees patients. He's a consultant. If your husband had covid he should definitely get checked for antibodies and/or T-cell immunity before getting the jab. If you have antibodies, you have antibodies- there is no difference between covid-produced antibodies and vaccine-produced antibodies. It's T-cell immunity that is really long-lasting. I have some concern about reactions to the shots when it comes to people who have recovered from covid. Israel is working on a new oral vaccine that targets other proteins, not the spike proteins. I suspect it will be widely available next year. And I'm thinking it will be safer and more reliable. My daughter did get the J&J as she recently traveled to South Africa. She waited 2 months post vaccine to fly such a long distance. Keep in mind- and I know this because I had a rotator cuff repair on May 28, covid, just like the vaccine, can cause clotting issues. I had to put off the repair for ten weeks post covid to try to avoid clotting problems and I still ended up with a superficial thrombophlebitis in my right elbow- I give all credit to covid and the immobilizer as I have no underlying clotting issues or preexisting conditions! If I were your husband, I'd either find religion or become a vegan.

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There is no exemption for past infection so proof of antibodies won't give him a hall pass. Neither of us have had any evidence of clotting issues and we are both 9 months post infection.

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I am so sorry. What a dilemma! I agree with your husband, to try to postpone as long as possible. This is such an awful situation for so many people.

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I'm a physician, trying desperately to follow my oath--to my patients and to myself. It's likely I will be soon be forced into vaccination to maintain a license, and increasingly worrisome that said license could be in jeopardy if I continue to (quietly and with my patients) share my concerns. After 10 years of school, three years of residency, a number of years in practice, and a mountain of debt, it's a frightening thought that I could lose it all with almost no recourse. But conscience...what is the cost of our soul?

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There needs to be a way for people like you to connect with people like us. I would love a doctor like you!

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Oh, thank you! I agree that we almost need an underground network. I'm actually a pediatrician, so I'm in a bit of a different situation, in that I'm talking to parents about the decisions they are making for their children. I'm so, so surprised at the number of parents who immediately jumped to vaccinate their 12+ children at the first opportunity, though I am in a deep blue state--the fear has been palpable. I'm just very worried of what's to come, when the FDA will (undoubtedly) give EUA for children under 12.

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I live in a blue area of Texas and today found out one of my son’s friend just got the shot - the parents lied about their child’s age (only turned 11). I was listening to parents talk about how they plan to lie for kids who look old enough and so eager to get the shots for their younger ones as soon as the EUA is issued. Among that crowd, I am definitely in the minority. I can only hope that it won’t be something they will regret down the road.

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I'm not at all shocked. So many parents are terrified of their children dying from COVID. Fear is absolutely driving many of these questionable decisions. I also hope their little ones will be ok!

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Please follow Dr. Robert Malone. He’s the inventor of the mRNA technology while at the Salk Institute in the 1980s. He’s a hero and warrior in challenging this, along with some others. What makes his opinions unique Is he knows Tony Fauci (not a fan) and does government work. He has been outspoken on bioethics, the Nuremberg Code, Helsinki Covention, and informed consent. I believe he’s going to be in the history books someday, as someone who helped save this nation, God willing.


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Yes, I've seen some of his videos and he is intriguing. Maybe they're are still a few good souls left in academics! Thank you for sharing.

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You need to read my approach to this same dilemma. It is ballsy and it is working: https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/a-doctor-and-patients-stand-up-to

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Speaking of doctors, I recently heard that the AMA is recommending that references to biological sex be removed from birth carts, or some idiotic crap like that. I also read a med school professor apologize to his students after he ha presumed a difference in the genders. It seem like the elites that we trust not to move away from scientific truths, are themselves running to get as far away from truth just so that a bunch of a-hole students don’t protest, and he wont get mean tweets. I don’t know you, and I’ll look at your substack, but in all honesty, I totally blame your peer group - the highly credentialed amongst us that are supposed to be guardians of scientific truth. This is literally all “your” fault. No regular citizen, woke or not, ever went to the doctor and said, “wait, doc, how dare you assume my gender!” until some highly placed credentialed-up-the-yang-yang person said it first.

I’ll read your ballsy approach, but this is your task upward. You’re a doctor, you need to shout UP, not down to me. What do you honestly expect me to do? Or any of us other than we stop voting for democrats? The AMA is you and other docs. So shout the other way. And if you are, great. But if you think me going to my local INOVA acute care facility and demanding they stop calling Bruce Jenner, Kate, I think you’re chances of forcing change are destined for failure. And I bet a paycheck that you know a ton of our peers that say, “pssst….hey…you’re right about all this and I wish I could help, but those mean tweets are brutal…” I’m oversimplifying their dilemma, but I also don’t give a shit about their dilemma. All those doctors are cowards. This isn’t about whether someone gets fired from Home Depot or WalMart because their boss found out they said something against trans. These are doctors. They don’t have the moral or ethical luxury of staying silent otherwise they’re DOING HARM.

Urge your fellow AMA docs to get their shit straight.

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I fully understand where you are coming from and agree that the medical community has not only been complicit, but is furthering much of this madness. The gender garbage has hit my patients, too.

Medicine is not as simple as a community of physicians who all share equal standing. The academic side of medicine, the "ivory tower" as they are often termed, really dictate policies and standards of care. They also run most professional organizations, (AMA, AAP, etc.), and almost exclusively control research and public health. Those of us in private practice, the "community providers" are often the heart of medicine in most parts of the country, but have very little say or input in policy creation. We, too, are at the mercy of the academics.

What holds so many of us hostage is licensure and board certification. It can take a year to be approved for a license in a new state, and docs who have lost or surrendered licenses in other states may not get approved at all. Most malpractice insurance carriers require that physicians maintain all professional affiliations for coverage, and it is typically illegal to practice without insurance. See the catch?

Physicians who have publicly spoken out have lost not just jobs, but their licenses. In other words, one could find themselves facing student debt (often more than $250,000), practice costs/debts, and usually a mortgage/family to support with NO ability to work, ANYWHERE.

And it's more than just financial ruin. We have dedicated our lives to this profession and most of us genuinely care for our patients and are still committed to serving our communities. Knowing we are leaving thousands without care if we were to leave medicine weighs heavily on the heart.

Cancel culture in medicine is incredibly malignant and will contribute to the destruction of private health care in this country. Yes, I still believe physicians have an obligation to do no harm, and at the end of the day, each of us has to live with the moral consequences of our actions. But, it's not as simple as showing up at a rally or tweeting about ivermectin. The bigger issue is totalitarianism, which controls medicine, and this is no different than any other field. We are ALL fighting the monster of government overreach--this is just one beastly head.

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It sounds like there’s all the more reason to band together and seek out a fix. How is it possible to lose your license for speaking out? Anyway, you can all suffer in silence and watch medical science dwindle back to some Middle Ages myth-based treatments, or you guys can stand up as a group and protest. It’s insane that a radical minority viewpoint, held by a handful of powerfully placed intellectuals can shift the countries scientific foundation. It seems to me that it’s only possible because we’re not fighting back.

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Licensure is granted on the condition that physicians agree to provide the "standard of care" for patients. Right now, the standard of care is to promote the vaccine, encourage masks, prescribe testosterone for confused young girls, and refer minors for abortion without parental knowledge or consent.

Deviate from this script and you can be hauled in front of your state medical board for discipline. Just read about Dr. Paul Thomas in Oregon, who found himself in exactly that position. Of course, they decorated his case with a lot of other "concerns," but what triggered the hearing was his stance on COVID. Lost his license. A number of Frontline docs have also seen similar actions taken against them, and to their credit, (like Dr. Thomas), are still trying to find ways to speak out. A number of docs in Michigan were disciplined for prescribing HCQ and ivermectin, (against the state ban), mostly turned in by pharmacists. Very troubling.

Yes, physicians need to band together to demand states remove their stranglehold on free speech and freedom of conscience. We need to tell our professional boards we are done paying $1000/year for them to further this control. But...a LOT of physicians actually believe all of this is good and progressive. Sadly, I just don't think the numbers of dissenters are there.

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arbeit macht frei ????

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I looked at your website. You are gutsy and such an inspiration! And clearly, you've been harassed. I'm really sorry that we find ourselves in this place. Right now, I have been able to have meaningful conversations with families about benefits and risks, but I'm not optimistic I can stay under the radar for long. I admire your strength!

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Light Love and Truth - I'm sorry, I meant to also add that I am on Gab social network too. They just sent me a very interesting e'mail with a link to one of their pages.


It provides access to a number of PDF files that people like you and me can download and, hopefully strengthen our ability to say NO to the vax. It's worth a look.

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Thank you for your comments and resources!!!

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Light Love and Truth - my heart really goes out to you and others in your position. I am pretty much by myself so I don't risk as much. All of my hope and trust is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I am reminded of Paul when shipwrecked as a Roman Prisoner on the island of Malta and a viper bit him. Since one of our nicknames for the vaccination is "the viper" the scripture seems interesting.

I don't know God's plan for all of this and I cannot begin to offer advice beyond the following -- I sincerely believe that regardless of your situation and your decisions, if you seek Him, He will see you through it all. That is my prayer for you for what it's worth. These are truly strange and very, very trying times! Stay strong and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ!

Acts 28:3 says: Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live.” But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead, but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god.

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Thank you for your kind words and reminder to rely on faith. I, too, fear we are headed for dark days, but I'm just trying to remember we are loved and always cared for by God. There is always a reason.

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I'm so sorry! You are not alone. Some are fighting the good fight, some are caving to pressure- being not-doctors. This is a challenging time to be a physician, for so many reasons. Maybe tell all your patients to claim to be vegans?

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No kidding!

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They MUST grant you a religious exemption if you claim one. None have been denied where my doc husband works.

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Someone else posted this, but if you missed it, it’s worth watching. It’s not very long.

The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?


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Yes! I saw this today.

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Please also follow Dr. Robert Malone. He’s the inventor of the mRNA technology while at the Salk Institute in the 1980s. He’s a hero and warrior in challenging this, along with some others. What makes his opinions unique Is he knows Tony Fauci and does government work.


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Mr. Berenson:

Powerfully stated! And like the French commandos you referenced, you too, “look into the camera” without fear.

But know they fear you and way more than any of us can imagine…

But truth is a powerful thing…

Thanks you!

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So much to say...but a reader below points out that we should imagine where we'd be as a country if Gillum had beaten DeSantis in the last FL gubernatorial election. Really scary to contemplate. Just to bring that home to what Alex is talking about...Hitler LOST an election in 1932. LOST. Eleven months later, Germany passed the Enabling Act and Hitler was essentially a dictator. ELEVEN months. You can lose your country in the blink of an eye. Here in the US we are not out of the woods, we are even looking to get out of the woods. We had an election in 2020 that 40% of us don't trust...shall we say... had the same level of integrity as in the past. One party is trying to perpetuate all the holes in the system rather than fix them and use a VP tie-breaking margin in the Senate to alter the country in fundamental ways that we've never contemplated. All done under the blanket of fear they've thrown over us with a shitty little flu-like virus. Fear equals their ability to operate unchecked, thus the variants, thus the never ending newfound direness (all contrary to basic virology, which tells us that viruses die out/humans adapt). Unless we aggressively confront these lies - all the time in our own lives close to home - we are headed for the same fate as totalitarian states of the past. Alex is spot on.

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This time it is far more terrifying, because the whole developed world is being captured by the same tyrannical forces. What countries are left to fight back against it? China? Where have the good guys gone?

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This is going to sound unhinged, but I assure you it is not. This is precisely the moment that our 2nd amendment was designed for. In Australia they've brought out the army...in the US, they wouldn't dare do so bc of the consequences. It is unspoken, underneath the radar...but there are 300 million private firearms. We will work this out difficultly, messily, but the people are actually still in charge when it comes down to it. So have hope...you live in a country where maybe 50-60% of us will fight for our freedom and are equipped to do so.

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I wonder how far the government has to go in order for that scenario to take place. I don’t feel like it’s as obvious as you think it may be. The government knows that it doesn’t need to do anything anymore. All it has to do is leverage Amazon, or SM and we all fall right in line. The government doesn’t need to enact a national vaccine passport - they’ll just telegraph to private I’d try and they’ll do it. And so far we’ll let them do it. And only two things will stop any of this - a constitutional challenge and/or congress gets its shit together and drafts laws that don’t allow private industry to become defectors governments. That’s it. Because what I’m seeing right now is that people are just fine with free shipping from Amazon in exchange or censorship, and showcasing pictures of your dinner out also in exchange for censorship.

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I appreciate the reply. I should clarify - I do not live in America. I am in Canada. I am in a conservative province but I am struggling to find the hope that you have - not out of cynicism but pragmatism.

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AB or Sask?? I do a lot of biz in Canada and know it well. Not sure I have good read on things there except I have never met one single person, and I talk to Many, who likes Trudeau. So maybe I talk to the wrong ppl or there is hope for you all too.

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Yeah I'm in Alberta but in the capital which is a very liberal pro-Trudeau island. There was just a pro-lockdown protest here against the easing of lockdown restrictions so that has been black-pilling me recently.

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Thank you for that hope.

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First, thanks Alex for your persistence to report the truth no matter the personal cost.

My second comment will not be popular. Here goes. You are not helping the homeless by feeding them with no strings attached. You are only enabling them. The vast majority of homeless are addicts and/or mentally ill. So many cities feed and shelter them which enables them to continue their self-destructive behavior. They should be given the choice of rehab or the mental health aid needed depending on the person. Allowing them to camp out and eat for free only helps them to slowly commit suicide.

My blue state allows the homeless to camp out and supplies all their needs including looking the other way at possession of narcotics. They then beg the homeless to get sober. Surprisingly, the homeless take the handouts and ignore the social workers. Property crimes and car break-ins have soared. Overdose deaths have also soared.

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Expecting slack to come my way... I fundamentally believe in nature and its process of selection; perhaps nourished by Darwin's Process of Selection. For the those survivors whose fortune is down, ONLY THEY can make it temporary, as many have exemplified it ("ask and ye shall receive..."). In this Republic where abundance reigns, some chose to work for it, some ask and others, sadly, demand to be provided without earning it. There are vast numbers of people who "started" with nothing and achieve results equivalent to the effort invested. "Great efforts, Great results; Good Effort, Good Result; Poor effort, Poor Result". I apologize to those whose feathers I ruffled... sincerely.

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Vee, I think there are no easy answers to the problem of homelessness. What can we do about the problem? Many wealthy addicts have enough money for rehab or mental health treatment. And yet they don't get better even though they are not homeless.. It can take years to get treated. Meanwhile we are paying their rent and food while they get treated which just adds the cost of treatment to food and housing. So I doubt that this approach would be cost effective. They need low rent housing and a job. I don't know if this link will work, chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fnationalhomeless.org%2Fpublications%2Ffacts%2FWhy.pdf&clen=231100&chunk=true

The National Coalition for the Homeless blamed poverty, loss of affordable housing, and loss of jobs. A few years later they estimated that 64% of the homeless used alcohol or drugs. Some started using after they lost their home.

I am going to be literal and say that allowing the homeless to camp out and eat for free prevents death from starvation or over exposure. Maybe suicides would even increase if people were not given any public assistance.. However, I do agree with you that the current approach is inadequate. Do you agree that providing jobs might be better than providing therapy? And yet how many homeless (addicted homeless!) would be able to hold a job. But what if we focus on PREVENTING homelessness rather than rescuing the already disabled homeless? Again, no easy solutions. But I agree with you that rising crime, disorderly conduct, threats to public health--such a concern. And states don't have enough money. And real estate in NY is destroying low cost housing building expensive pent houses that only wealthy people (usually from overseas) can afford to rent.

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The state is the problem. Their answer to politically complicated problems is to kick the can down the road with piecemeal, often counter-productive solutions. How about turning the problem over to the churches? When the government fails, the solution is often privatization. Someone smarter than I might come up with detailed solutions in this direction. That's all I got.

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Now that we know the vaccines are not "perfect", as we were told, you would think we would hear something about natural immunity. I took an immunity test at Lab Corp 6 months after getting and beating the virus (no doctor, no hospital, no icu, no ventilator, no cost to society). A score of anything over .7 means you have an immune response to the virus. My score was 424.6, which would suggest I have a very powerful immunity to the virus. My son, who is in the military also took the immunity test. He had never tested positive. His score was .4. That tells us something about natural immunity. In addition there have been many studies that suggest immunity from getting the virus could last decades, even a lifetime. However, we continue to hear nothing about this. It seems so obvious that the way to true herd immunity, is through natural immunity. The complete silence on this would lead one to believe that herd immunity is not really a goal. Consider this: The full court press for everyone to get the vaccine (one size fits all) is pay back by the democrat party to Pharma companies that withheld the vaccines until after the election while dumping millions into the democrat campaign coffers. This relationship is very convenient for both sides. Big Pharma helps fund the democrats. The democrats in turn mandate that we take medicines. Tax payer dollars go for those medicines (Covid Vaccine). Democrats are funding their campaign with tax payer dollars. Big Pharma is getting rich.

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It's either vaccinated or unvaccinated. They leave out a pretty important and LARGE group...the naturally immune!

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Thank you for standing up against the totalitarians and liars. Their hypocrisy and quest to dominate and destroy all opposition is horrifying. I can't believe this is the USA.

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Recently saw the documentary Final Account which features interviews with members of the last living generation of people who participated in the Third Reich. Their accounts of how they became members of The Hitler Youth and how easily they were indoctrinated into Nazism is scary. To this day, it is hard for some of them to see how wrong they were. Remember when there used to be bumper stickers saying "Question Authority"? The powers that be are not looking for herd immunity, they are aiming for herd conformity. Let's not be sheep.

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I agree 100% please watch this and share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdzW-S8MwbI&list=LL&index=5&t=334s

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Ah, yes, the liberals and many leftists of old were fond of those stickers. Now that they are the authority they’ve changed their tune.

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I've been following you for over a year, have read all your booklets, pre-ordered Pandemia, and finally joined Twitter in May after years of swearing that I never would.

I've been red-pilled for some time, but I knew something was very wrong in the world when CDC and the "public health experts" started pushing jabs for children and pregnant women several months ago...and there was no push back.

I wrote this comment in response to an article by el gato malo (bad cattitude), and I think it applies here.


Why do they blame the unvaccinated when the fully vaxxed infect the fully vaxxed?

Why do they continue to push the jabs when they've just admitted they don't work as advertised?

Why are they advocating another dose of the jab for last year's virus to protect against next year's virus?

Why do they continue to advocate for "vaccine passports" when they've just admitted the jabs don't prevent infection or transmission?

Why do they push mandates when they've just admitted the jabs don't prevent infection or transmission?

Why are they claiming that the Delta variant is more dangerous when the data from the UK clearly show it is less deadly?


As of 7/19/2021...

Unvaxxed: 121,402 cases/165 deaths/0.1359%

Unvaxxed <50: 119,063 cases/34 deaths/0.0286%

Unvaxxed 50+: 2,337 cases/131 deaths/5.606%

Fully Vaxxed: 28,773 cases/224 deaths/0.7785%

Fully Vaxxed <50: 15,346 cases/4 deaths/0.0260%

Fully Vaxxed 50+: 13,427 cases/220 deaths/1.6385%

24,952 Unlinked Infections

54,091 Partially Vaxxed Infections

28,773 Fully Vaxxed Infections

121,402 Unvaxxed Infections

There were 59 more deaths of fully vaxxed than unvaxxed.

124 more deaths of fully/partially vaxxed than unvaxxed.



Why do they claim that breakthrough infections are rare when they are not?


"Another estimates that there are 35,000 symptomatic infections per week among 162 million vaccinated Americans."



I don't know if money and grift and cya are sufficient to explain the reality we live in right now.

Is it failure or is it a plan?

Why are they doing this? 'Cause it isn't about a virus or health.

What is the end game?

How do we stop them?

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At the top it is either incompetence or a power-trip or a plan to trap the entire planet onto the antibody dependent treadmill. At all the levels below the top, especially "science journalism," it is probably just fear of losing access to the self-importance-validation club and corresponding dopamine/identity-affirmation drip of constantly being paid attention to. To leave that club is ego death; they are happy to watch humanity feed itself into a wood-chipper as long as it keeps them in the club.

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cmpalmer - good points. As to the "why," I think I have three possible explanations. Even the better "journalists" ask the "why" question quite often, but then they dance around these three possibilities without ever once mentioning them.

1) Romans 1: 28-32 -> Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to *a depraved mind,* to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, *deceit* and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, **they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.** [NIV 1984] (sorry for the asterisks. I wish I knew how to underscore or bold face selected text. These verses cover a LOT of ground in today's world!)

2) Money and Power - and an intentional collapsing of our society into Globalism where they think they'll come out on top. Covid (including the vaccines and the vaccine passports) is just one of their weapons.

3) Climate Change. This is part of #2 above. Reduce the world population and we don't pollute as much. Presumably. It's just one of their weapons. Ditto the racist blame game and the vaccination passport.

Btw: I, personally, do NOT believe the vax passport is the "mark of the beast" but it is definitely bending people's mindset and inuring "us" to the point that far too many of us will, eventually, actively SEEK the mark of the beast. Read Revelation 13, especially the last few verses. Just about everything is in place today. I think it's coming soon.

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I've been down quite a few rabbit holes these last several months, and I've heard some pretty scary theories. I have put each "crazy" theory on a shelf in my mind, not making a determination one way or another.

When they started pushing the jab...for children (injecting infants in their "trials") who face statistically zero risk from this virus...for pregnant women who were excluded from the trials...for previously infected people who are immune...I realized something was really wrong. When they ignored the blood clots and myocarditis and neurological injuries and deaths, I became very alarmed. None of it made sense.

I don't know that I'm ready to embrace the WEF/Gates new world order theory, but people are not acting right and, imo, it cannot be explained by greed or avarice or cowardice or ego or cya.

We are face-to-face with evil.

They know the jabs are hurting people.

They know the jabs are killing people.

They know the jabs won't stop the virus.

They know the fully jabbed can be infected.

They know the fully jabbed can transmit.

They know the virus does not justify any of their NPIs or the jabs.

Why are they pushing jabs for last year's virus to protect against next year's variant?

I really like Dr. Marty Makary and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. I think they are good men who genuinely want to help people. They have pushed against the narrative and taken some heat.

But every time I read one of their articles or hear them speak, I want to scream...

"We don't live in that world any longer. I'm not sure we ever did."

People keep trying "to understand what is impossible to understand". But they can't, so they're left with cognitive dissonance. It doesn't make sense because people keep looking for a reason that fits nicely into the paradigm, into the reality we thought we lived in.

I remember watching the Sarajevo Olympics in 1984...my first glimpse behind the Iron Curtain. It seemed liked a beautiful city with wonderful, friendly people...maybe a little exotic but not so different from us. Ten years later, a portal to hell opened up. In fairness, I didn't realize that Yugoslavia was a cobbled together country held together by force...but the devolution to cruelty and (all-to-human) inhumanity was shocking.

It can happen here. It can happen anywhere.

And half the world is in a trance or wholly captured or too cowardly to speak out.

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cmpalmer - again, I think you're right on the money. My "sanity," if I have any left, is maintained solely by my belief in God and in His Word (the Bible).

Your first bullet point, if I can call it that, is probably the most precisely true comment of all. We ARE face to face with evil. Your final sentence is also spot on!

In addition to the other comments I've made here today, I'll say the following: The apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6: 10-20 "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." or, more fully quoted:

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should."

The last paragraph makes a pretty good prayer for Alex and for all of us!

The bible is the only thing that explains all of what's happening today. Isaiah 5:20 is another magnificent verse for today.

All of this would drive me nuts, except that I truly believe that, regardless of what happens between now and my final breath on earth, we remain in God's hands and there is no better place to leave it. I only pray for discernment, wisdom and strength.

I'm getting too long winded so I'll end with: God bless and Godspeed!

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Thank you! I love that scripture, and I agree that we are in God'a hands. I'm not afraid for myself. I'm afraid for my children and my niece and nephews...for their future.

I wonder sometimes if any of these people who are pushing the narratives really understand where we may be headed. Do they really want to live in the world they are helping to create? I don't think they do, but so many are asleep...trusting that life is as it has always been...that the people in whom they've placed their trust are trustworthy...they don't see it coming.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding;in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

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YES. So well written. We are not in the same world, and the truth is, probably haven't been for some time. We're just now realizing that the water is actually boiling.

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Oh, I also want to say that I agree with you and like Dr. Marty Makary a lot. I'll have to look up and pay attention to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. Thanks for that!

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Jay Bhattacharya is from Stanford. He's one of the three authors of the Great Barrington Accord (along with Suneetra Gupta from Oxford and Martin Kuldorff from Harvard). They've taken a lot of heat.

I'm sure I don't agree with them on all things (I haven't had a vaxx), but I believe they are well intentioned, good people who are advocating what they actually believe.

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Thanks. I'll look for and into him. Sounds interesting. Like you, I don't always agree with any of these folk, but then again, I sometimes disagree with myself. Go figure! ;-p

You're right again with Proverbs 3:5-6. While I often remember (most of) the words, I rarely remember the actual reference.

On a lighter note, I chuckled at one of the links in your profile "Bad Cattitude." I had a Tortoiseshell Cat once that absolutely defined that phrase. I'll have to look into that site too.

Cheers and I'm glad to have made your acquaintance. You help me smile!

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Glad to make your acquaintance as well.

Definitely check out el gato malo. I found him last year when I was following Berenson's public account. He's a welcome source of sanity spiced with just the right amount of snark and humor. He eschews capital letters, which takes some adjustment.


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Alex: Right on the money. I was raised right after the war in Holland by a psychiatrist father whose specialty was Post-KZ-syndrom (post concentration camp syndrome), which was later generalized into PTSD. I was also raised with the stories of the city under nazi occupation and endlessly saw movies about it and the war in general. The stories of my father living in hiding, for else he would have been drafted in the German army. On and on. When I saw the shutdown of my lovely street here in the Bronx after the lockdowns, i had flashbacks. I realized gradually that most younger people have completely forgotten that experience. But, the more you realize that this is but a serious flu season, and that almost all interventions have made things infinitely worse, the more you realize that those flashbacks were fully justified. Including the extreme ways some people have responded to the idea that I should be questioning the narrative.

You are right on the money, as you have been throughout. You have made few mistakes, and you correct them when you find out, as people should be doing.

It has been painful to watch how censorship has eviscerated the media completely. Apparently fact checking is only for the opposition.

What has been interesting is seeing how this single issue has resulted in people crossing political lines, such as Jenin Younes and DemocratsForDeSantis, or a friend of mine who left the GOP) when Trump was elected, but given the repressive regime by team Biden, including the complete failure to honestly assess the information. If only we remembered how 25 deaths and 1100 cases of GBS shut down swine flu vax under Ford.... but we seem to have forgotten that too.

Thanks for your great work, your spirit, and your wonderful sense of humor.

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what's happening in Australia now - indefinite martial law and mass house arrests - is what would be happening in the US too, if a few bold leader like Desantis had not stood in the way. I was staunchly antiTrump until Feb 2020, when like many I took the "red pill".

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I should add that the Hippocratic principles of do no harm, the Nuremberg Code outlawing of involuntary medical experiments and mandatory informed consent were drilled into me since early on and to see almost the entire medical profession abandoning these time-honored principles is beyond belief. "Never again!" So why do we embrace ronazism? All the lessons and even the laws seem to have been forgotten in one brief moment of panic.

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Aha so that's what got you popped: impfung macht frei. The fact that you got banned testifies to the strong emotional resonance of those three words. It summarizes the cruel lie of having to take a mostly-useless experimental shot in order to "regain your freedom" - only to have to take another shot after six months. And then another. And then another. They say "Impfung macht frei", but in truth, you will never, ever leave the COVID camp. By design, as far as I can tell. Did anyone involved in running this COVID camp ever mention covid-recovered natural immunity as a way out? No? Curious that. I wonder why? I'm gonna try the phrase out on facebook and see what they say. :)

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I think you are correct regarding who knew about the Holocaust, however I would add the political elites in US were aware also. Vaccines, masks, etc will not save us. It's all propaganda. We must learn from our past rather than follow the masses as stupid sheep.

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I wish I could share your optimism Alex, but it’s highly unlikely the truth will ever be known. Obviously, it will take people like you to help us get the truth; however. I would not expect those who are holding power to give it up so easily. Yes, we’ve known a lot of things for a long time: privatization of profits and socialization of losses by big banks; weapons of mass destruction by Iraq; debt fueled economics. The list goes on. Even today we still haven’t received the full accounting nor have we held the perpetrators who unleashed the greatest transfer of wealth in human history during the 2008 GFC. It’s business as usual for those institutions. I hope I’m wrong, but the prosecution of lies and false promises never get an honest accounting when it matters most—the present. Instead we wait decades after to find it buried somewhere in history textbook.

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Just a quick side point: the greatest transfer of wealth in human history took place over the past 18 months, and makes 2008 look like child’s play in comparison.

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Thanks for correcting me. Indeed, that has happened under the purview of the entire world to see a scrutinize. Instead of asking question and exposing the corruption that’s driving everything else wrong with our society, we are fighting amongst ourselves about a disease we think we can eradicate as of this is the greatest threat to human society. Matt, we need you to expose this once again.

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The fact that these censorship ghouls compartmentalize their brains and refuse to see what's been happening to our most fundamental freedoms in the West, is a classical case of 'cognitive dissonance'.

They blame everything on Hitler now but there were millions with cognitive dissonance in the 1930s in Germany and abroad- heck 97% of the German physicians were Nazi party members in the 30s. They refused to see how freedom of speech eroded away in in Germany and refused to see the increasing censorship, propaganda campaigns etc. If they had opened their eyes and saw the preludes to WWII and Holocaust, perhaps those catastrophes would never have happened.

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