And yet, Alex, you believe every word this same group of corrupt bureaucrats says when it comes to literally every other vaccine on the childhood immunization schedule. "Safe and effective. Safe and effective. Correlation does not equal causation. Autism is not on the rise. We just never noticed all the kids flapping their arms and walking on tiptoes until recently."

You got your kids all the other vaccines on the CDC schedule and continue to brag about having done so.

Cognitive dissonance, anyone?

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As I have said before, I haven't looked at the data around the other vaccines, which have been used for far longer and have far simpler biological mechanism of action. Until I do, I am willing to accept they work as promised and at low risk, though I have to admit the last couple of years haven't been good for the "work as promised and at low risk" hypothesis.

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You really need to look at the lack of a saline placebo used as a negative control in all the other childhood vaccine trials. Sometimes another vaccine is used in the “control/placebo” arm. Also, ask yourself why the necessity of a chicken pox vaccine, when the disease is harmless for the vast array of children? In fact having wildtype chicken pox around provides an immune booster for those previously infected, thus reducing the chance of shingles later in life. After the chicken pox vax was introduced, cases of adult shingles rose. And lo and behold, a shingles vax was introduced. Who’d have thought 🤷‍♀️. It’s a heck of a rabbit hole to go down. Take it from a mom and former biotech research scientist and then biotech patent litigation attorney. But the truth does set you free, and you’ve never struck me has one who is afraid of the truth.

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The covid vaccine has made me skeptical of all the others. Why is it taboo to look into this subject? It may be that the risk is small for most, but I’d feel a lot better if there was serious research rather than hand waving debunkers.

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Alex has kinda been busy. Giving him more than a pass on this.

Let’s focus on the suggestion that 18 new Covid shots are going to be forced on kids. Negligible risk to kids. Wrong to approve.

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Quick question to you (your comment was very thought-provoking BTW)...I am 52 and WAS considering the shingles vaccine until the COVID jab BS of the last 2 years. Does having chicken pox as a child reduce your chances of getting Shingles?

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Way back in the day, before chickenpox vaccines were introduced, shingles incidence was low and was known to strike later in life. After recovering from chicken pox, the virus lies dormant in your body, and can reactivate later as shingles. As almost all children had chickenpox, everyone was constantly exposed to a child that had chickenpox brewing and the telltale rash had not yet erupted. This exposure served as a natural “booster” [shot] of sorts. This is why shingles occurred late in life, when elderly no longer were often exposed to children with the circulating chickenpox virus. By removing “wild-type” chickenpox from the general population by introducing the chickenpox vaccine, people were bo longer getting this exposure that kept the virus dormant in their bodies, and incidence of shingles exploded, creating the perfect opportunity for a shingles vaccine for all people. (Actually, two doses of the shingles vaccine, and a high incidence of very uncomfortable side effects with the second dose).

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I had uncomfortable side effects from the first shingles vax and decided not to get the second dose (I've had shingles and my doctor still wanted me to get the shingles vax). This was just as the covid vaccines were rolling out early 2021. I ended up not getting the covid vaccine either and will be wary of any other vaccines from this point forward.

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Very well said!!

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Not really. The virus is in your body, is dormant, and can emerge as shingles when you're under stress or your immune system is weak.

I never had chicken pox as a kid, neither did my parents or brothers, but I must have come in contact with it because I got shingles as an adult. It was mild, and the doctor gave me pills which made it go away and I hadn't had it for 20 or more years. During the covid pandemic I had it twice, and it was slightly more painful but no rash. I didn't feel stressed so I've wondered if it was related to vaccine shedding as I haven't had the covid shot or covid myself.

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You probably did have sub-clinical chickenpox (as did I). Only way to have known that would have been to have checked your antibody status before shingles, but it remains true one cannot get shingles without having prior contracted chicken pox in some form.

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If it lies dormant in your body isn't your body being exposed to it? So doesn't that mean you would be building up immunity?

A "dormant" virus is, presumably, the same as a vaccine - harmless but able to teach immunity.

So how could the virus reactivate and cause damage?

So there you go.

Literally everything we've been told about immunity is abject lunacy.

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No, it's hiding out, chilling back, so your body doesn't target it as a threat. When it activates I suppose your body does see it as a threat. Why repeated bouts doesn't make you more immune I couldn't say, you would think it would. I don't think our immune systems can kill it off, its evolved to be like a parasite with the host leaving it be as long as it causes no trouble. But I'm not an immunologist so that's my best guess.

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No, it increases it. Having had chicken pox, the virus remains inactive in ones body. I am not certain, but think that the same occurs for those who received the chicken pox vaccine. I took the "old" chicken pox vaccine about 6 years ago after my sister-in-law came down with a bad case of shingles. My (then) PCP was pushing the new vaccine, Shingrix. There was such a demand for a limited supply of that vaxx that I could not even get on a waiting list. I later was grateful, see warning label on Shingrix. If you were vaccinated for Covid, you need to do research before committing to receive this vaccine. BTW, I am 73, had chicken pox at age 5, which I caught from my grandfather, who was suffering A shingles outbreak.

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No, having chicken pox as a kid is what may produce shingles later. The virus lurks in your nerves and expresses itself as shingles when your immune system is weakened by stress or fighting other diseases. But, being exposed to chicken pox virus on a regular basis may cause the immune system to remain alert to the virus and thus may help prevent a shingles episode. I have had shingles; not pleasant, but obviously survivable.

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See this website for state by state exemptions to K-12 immunization requirements (public and private schools): https://www.nvic.org/law-policy-state

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And I had adult chickenpox and it’s worse than juvenile chickenpox. But I did get a smallpox vaccine and polio on a sugar cube.

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The government has refused to study a vaccinated vs. unvaccinated group; therefore, their claims about the safety of the vaccine schedule are empty. The official indifference to the explosion of childhood disabilities (most involving the immune system) suggests that they are afraid of what they might find.

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Or how few govt. Officials look into it because there are a few who have been outspoken and who believe that the jabs create death and disability. For me, I am disheartened that with potential damage being done, our representatives don't look into it themselves but just go along. Wish they had been taught the difference between a Bystander and an Up-stander. (Yes, my kids go to school in CA -for now).

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I've had all the childhood vaccines. Even got the whooping cough shot before my nextdoor neighbor had a baby (she didn't ask, I just thought it was something I should do). Now my eyes have been opened to the corruption in the system and I feel as if I need to review the FDA data on every drug / medical device I put in my body (of course, I can't do that because the raw data isn't available.) Apparently, "Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" is a good place to start regarding vaccines.

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Also: “Dissolving Illusions - Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History “

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The spectacular failure of the COVID "vaccine" and the accompanying mass vaccination campaign, together with the zealotry of media and big tech censorship of anyone questioning the "safe and effective" mantra, have led me (and many others) to question vaccinations in general. Once I began looking into it, I discovered that the scientific underpinnings of vaccination policy are surprisingly weak, and that long-term side-effects of some of the most common and trusted vaccines have been swept under the rug by the pharmaceutical manufacturers and their allies in the public health agencies.

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ALL vaccines are inherently dangerous, because of the adjuvants and a process called molecular mimicry, which leads to autoimmune disease. There is nothing "simple" about any vaccine. Turns out that trying to trick the body into thinking it has contracted a particular virus is not straightforward at all. The inventors of vaccination understood this. From the outset, they said that vaccines should only ever be used if death was imminent and there was absolutely no other good option. Big Pharma warped the concept, with the help of many corrupt public health officials. As always, the motivation was money. The companies got complete immunity for the death and disability that their products cause (circa 1986 law), and a revolving door was set up behind government and industry to ensure that all the right people looked the other way while the damage was done.

Time to roll up your sleeves and do your research, Alex, or use some of that hush money from Twitter to hire people to do the research for you.

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The funny thing is, a clear benefit hasn’t even been proven for cattle vaccinations. That’s as controlled a population as it gets. You could have neighbouring farmers with the exact same animal living conditions and compare the all-cause mortality difference between cattle, depending on whether they took the vaccine. The bottom line: mass cattle vaccination would only be beneficial if it produced more and/or better meat. And this is directly measurable in free markets. So, even in a much more controlled environment, where the only metric is amount and quality of meat - it’s still not clear that vaccines are of any benefit. If they were of benefit, they’d require no government subsidies: farms would just rationally purchase the vaccine on the basis of improved meat production.

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21 years ago I innocently called the CDC to ask about the long term safety info on the newly mandated Hep A and B shots for my two teenage sons. I thought the doctor who took my call would be able to tell me, "Yep. These are totally benign and safe". He tried to at first, though he immediately told me, "There is NO long term safety data on ANY vaccine. We don't do those studies". I was shocked . After 20 minutes of conversation he abruptly asked me to "hold" and I guess switched phone lines and said, "If I were you, I would not get these for my sons"(!)

(I was stunned and thought, well what the heck do I do now? Like, how do I get exemptions? With great difficulty I found out.)

Our teenage neighbor immediately had seizures after his shots and his parents were super pissed.......

I still have that CDC doctor's name. I wonder if he's still alive.

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Fascinating story. He was probably forced to resign, as truth-tellers are a liability to most government agencies.

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Yeah All true.

I'd gotten all four sons their mandated-for-school-shots as late as possible - right before starting kindergarten. Only the DT (You could ask to leave out the P (Pertussis) back then, the MMR and the Polio shots were required. I never felt good about the shots at the time and now I wish I hadn't let them get any.

I wasn't going to argue the newly mandated Hep shots, I thought I was just doing my due diligence by making sure they were "safe".

The chapter back in 2001 was super difficult with school administrators threatening me and me trying to figure out how and where to get exemptions.

It was a subject I NEVER wanted to revisit.

And here we are..........

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The retort is always that the studies are too small for significance. Of course, the feds won't do a larger study. They are wicked but not stupid.

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Baseline healthy people seldom get sick.

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Have you watched the movie : “ Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics”? It explains all of this with a tongue in cheek humor that makes it less devastating to hear. Seriously watch this, it will put more people on your shirt that have “ worked” together. Most are dead now so that’s kinda disgusting but it’s worth the watch. Vaccines on the school schedule exploded in numbers after the National Childhood Immunization Injury Act of 1986.

This was such a sham of a law that protects Big Pharma from paying anything over $250,000 for injury or death, due to vaccines. It’s a horrible law that never should have passed. Civil litigation is also limited. It’s like they were sitting on a large number of unnecessary child vaccines until this passed and then Whammo! Here we are.

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Doctors typically refuse to diagnose or test for the disease if the patient is vaccinated so the diseases have been renamed not reduced.

Rates of paralysis and congenital defects and sterility have increased since the polio and rubella and mumps vaccines.

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Excellent Point!

We're led on a merry chase following "their" false and baseless "studies" funded by sheer chicanery.

Thank you.

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Please, I am begging you to take a closer look. You will not be able to unsee the harms that have been done to so many children.

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El gato malo wrote a post this past summer making a good case for the standard childhood vaccines in general. I’ve always found his work to be intellectually honest, with rigorous data analysis as well as appropriate humility about potential unknowns and the limits of what a given data set can realistically prove.

Many here will have already read the article since there’s a good deal of overlap between his and Alex’s subscriberships, but for those who haven’t:


No one is perfect though, so if anyone identifies any weaknesses in that post’s analysis, I’d be interested to hear them.

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I agree. El Gato does excellent work. However, I read that article when it was published and, unfortunately, he/she is not well-informed on this issue. For starters, an assumption was made that measles is a deadly disease for all children and that the vaccine saved the day. Wrong on both counts. Measles was NEVER a deadly disease for otherwise, healthy well-nourished children. It was always only a threat to severely malnourished and/or immunocompromised children. And the vaccine did not save the day. Measles deaths in the U.S. had already declined by 95 percent before the vaccine was even introduced.

In reality it takes a great deal of focused time and brain power to learn the truth about childhood vaccines. Unless someone truly dedicates him or herself to the task, it's not going to happen.

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Oct 19, 2022
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Last time I checked (albeit a few years ago) - the most aggressive schedule in the world.

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Give him a break. We can’t agree on everything. There are things I disagree with Alex on, but Alex has done so much to push the issues forward in this area. I’ll support him whatever way I can. I’m in Australia and in the darkest days of the lockdowns, reading this blog comforted me when I was in despair. I’d read Alex and hope that someday those that perpetrated crimes of humanity would someday be held to account.

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We - the vaccine risk aware - are trying to open Alex's eyes; the same way he has been diligently trying to open ours. No breaks given - just facts he needs to check on pronto. You know, for the sake of his children.

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Me too 🇦🇺🙏🏻

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Must we reject all vaccines because we reject this one? Does it have to be that black and white? Do I doubt the truth of the safety of other vaccines now, I sure do, but that doesn't mean I am going anti-VAX. I am more willing to consider the anti-VAX position now for sure. If I had kids today would I be less likely to have them have their standard vaccines? I would ask a lot more questions, but no.

That's not cognitive dissonance, that's thoughtfulness.

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Anti-vax is a pharma marketing term. We should retire that term. People are allowed to be skeptical and ask questions. Pharma doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt (see Vioxx, etc.). And the FDA trying to hide Pfizer clinical trial data for 75 years isn't a ringing endorsement. Drugs should only be deemed safe and effective if proven so with transparent data, replicable results and honest peer review from experts without conflicts of interest and before the drug is on the market. I hope there are major changes at the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc. The American people and people around the world deserve much better.

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I prefer "informed consent specialist" when someone hurls the anti-vax insult.

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Not bad. I tell everyone I know that got the jab that they were denied informed consent. No one has hurled anti-vax at me yet, but I would be inclined to say that insulting people reflects poorly on them and if they were confident in their position they wouldn't be afraid to have a discussion.

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Just as is vaccine-hesitancy. Marxists and totalitarian regimes often use this verbiage to divide and pit people against one another. election-denier is another. Many other examples too

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Yep, and I wonder if division based on vaccination status was really just meant to distract us while governments around the world were spending insane amounts of taxpayer funds on supposedly Covid.

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Far more nepharious than we can imagine.

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Go to Parler and watch go to Candace Owens page and watch the 11 videos where she thoroughly explains what each vaccine is for, what the risk for the disease you are vaccinating for, what’s in the vaccines etc. She explains it all where you can understand. I completely changed my tune on all of the childhood vaccines after watching them all. I suggest scrolling down and go in order from her video #1. They are lengthy but very enlightening.

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Thanks. I watched the first one already. Listening to her recent birth experience at the hospital was eye-opening as well. I have zero trust in our health regulatory agencies, hospitals, etc.

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That’s exactly what I said! I have zero trust in anyone in the healthcare industry along with the CDC and FDA!

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I got covid a few weeks ago for the first time. Since I am fairly young I decided to weather it without any major meds, but then my temp spiked so I called my PCP. The nurse just spouted off a bunch of CDC BS. I told her the CDC has zero credibility and that I would go elsewhere for care. Luckily my fever broke overnight so I was ok. But now I have to find a new primary. Ugh.

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Let's HOPE far more people now are in fact AWAKE on just what Pharma and the Government agencies have been doing far longer than since 2020. The corruption and deception is surreal

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The ONE true silver-lining of the scamdemic created to get injections in arms is that this is NOTHING NEW. These same perps in these same agencies had corrupted data and science and paid off all the right people for literally decades...was just far more obvious this time around. Just sayin. The average child now gets 75 injections by age 7 (3x the amount 30 years ago). How the hell do these developing organic life forms stand a chance of being truly healthy? Just sayin...again!

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Yes but there’s a prohibition on asking the questions we all now have. Asking makes you anti vax by default.

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No problem asking questions surely......

I am finding people are either vaccine ignorant or vaccine horrified.

Depending on their willingness to ask questions.

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Never too late to ask those questions and honestly research the "standard vaccines".

You may end up like a lot of us.

I have never been anti-Vax.

I simply went from vaccine ignorant to vaccine horrified.

Call me "Vaccine horrified".

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If people would truly use their critical thought and see just how long science has been hijacked for Pharma profits they would indeed be horrified. With many medications and not just injections over past 25 years

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If you question even one of the vaccines, you're officially an anti-vaxxer according to the newly revised definition. The media did the same thing with people who questioned Al Gore's global warming hypothesis, calling them "climate deniers" in order to conflate them with holocaust deniers.

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Oct 19, 2022Edited
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Wasn't there also some simian virus in polio vaccines that they now find can cause cancer in adulthood?

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No immunity means no vaccines. There is a compensation bureau for those injured by vaccines. Ignore Covid and ask if Merck would manufacture any vaccine without liability protection . There are more profitable areas ( again let’s ignore the fortune from the Covid vaccine).

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The book Vaccines: Truth, Lies and Controversy by Peter C. Gotzsche (formerly with Cochrane) presents in great detail the story of the retracted paper purporting that the measles vaccine causes autism. It turns out the author of that paper was well-paid by a law firm to find harm *before* he started the research AND he applied for a patent on a different vaccine to replace the one he studied.

Research out of Denmark, where they keep careful records, failed to find any link between the measles vaccine and autism.

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Consider the multimillion dollar out of court settlement with the Poling family, in whose child vaccination resulted in autism. Her father is a neurologist and mother a lawyer. Thousands more cases would be won or settled if they had that on their side. I believe the parents who saw it happen before their eyes. I believe the elderly clinicians who say when they were in training, they never saw a case of autism and could only learn about it theoretically. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/family-to-receive-15m-plus-in-first-ever-vaccine-autism-court-award/

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I have and read this book. It’s excellent. He is one of the earliest proponents of EBM.

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Ok good. One study, one vaccine. Is that enough though?

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Three studies: two involving hundreds of thousands of kids, the third involving 956 with autism. None found a link between thimerosal and autism.

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Did they only look at thimerosal or did they look at the vaccines themselves?

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Oct 19, 2022
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Wow interesting

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I just said the book covered in detail the whole Wakefield fraud.

This isn't MY first rodeo with junk science: cherry picking, selection bias, small sample sizes, financial conflicts of interest, and in this case, fraud.

Wakefield fanboys--miss me with your nonsense.

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I’m 67 years old. When I was young I never heard the word autism. I never saw anyone in school that displayed autistic symptoms. I have an autistic child. I know many autistic young people.

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1 in 44 (children) now show signs of autism. NO connection that the schedule of vaccines by age 7 a child gets currently has increased 3X in 25 years right? Yeah it could never be tied that could it. People need to understand Occam's razor, This say's nothing about the huge upticks in allergies, early cancers, autoimmune issues either in those 25 years

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probably 90% of what the health care complex does, including surgery, is untested for effectiveness, ineffective, or dangerous. we dump 1/6 of gdp into the health care complex, mostly through govt spending and insurance. its a racket. probably the worst and most evil one ever created.

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Hopefully far more people see what you say more clearly now having witnessed just how corrupt Pharma and it's bought and paid for agencies in the government did the past 3 years since wuh-flu lab release in CHINA. Many of us know as you stated just how long this hijacking of science and corruption of data or no data has been going on wayyyy before 2020. If people still remain sheep after what we have witnessed these past 3 years...there is no hope for them because you simply can't FIX stupid...

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maybe...but some vaccines work better than others. Lets say 1% of those who take an MMR get damaged. What are the damage percentages from those who took 2x or 4x mRNA shots for Covid? My hunch is 10%. And maybe 1% death.

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Got a cite for the 1% figure?

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BOOM! How can anyone in their right, logical mind not see the connection? Since the 86 Act, Pharma has added one after another. It's the perfect money maker. The shots kids are receiving are triple what they were two decades ago. There are combined shots that have never gone through clinical trials. The ingredients??? Aluminum, aborted fetal tissue from the 70's, peg, etc... Unvaccinated children are by far healthier. Paul Thomas MD, is the first and only to conduct a study comparing his vaccinated patients to unvaccinated and the results were clear. Why do you think so many kids today have autoimmune disorders, autism, allergies, asthma, eczema...their tiny little bodies are overwhelmed with toxins! Then add in glycosophate MSG, additives , fluoride, poisoned water, air etc... Kids today are so burdened.

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Yeah, the CDC was trustworthy with those, but not with these. Lol. How much more evidence does anyone need that the evil alliance between pharma and our regulators is corrupt beyond repair?

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ALL ANY BLUE STATE (Republican) Challenger (Such as Zelden)( has to do is tell parents VOTE for ME and I will not ALLOW your child to get the Jab without your written approval, nor will it preclude that child from attending NY Public schools if you choose not to.

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Yes, that is obvious, or at least it is to anyone who seriously wants to get Hochul and the rest of the corrupt Democrats careening us into totalitarian insanity out of office. And yet, just listen to the Republicans campaign, You'd think it's the 1980s, all crime and lower taxes. Yeah, I know, people care about those things, but they've heard Republicans bloviate about that forever, they know it's hot air, and that won't get them out to vote. Why are Republican candidates mostly refusing to discuss the mandates and the incredible damage caused by the unscientific and reckless reactions to "covid"? Why are they mostly ignoring the plight of workers out of work because they wouldn't let themselves be injected with mRNA poison that never protected them or anyone else from the magical virus? Most damning, why are they staying mum about Hochul's efforts to institute internment camps, and various forms of legislation and Board of Health regulations designed to strip citizens of constitutional rights and parents of any power to protect their children? When voters learn about what Hochul and their state representatives are up to, they are shocked and will be motivated to get out and vote. Parents and workers affected by the mandates will get out to vote for a candidate who will stand up for them. One really does have to ask oneself why most Republican candidates are avoiding the issues that could get them elected. We should be asking them, too. Is it incompetence or design?

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It’s because most Republicans belong to the ruling class uniparty and benefit from the way things are. Most aren’t a true alternative to big Blue. But the present anger creates a desire to throw the current bums out. IMO whatever Republican surge we see in the near future won’t be sustained unless the party is transformed. The bums are in both parties.

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Ok by me as long as

Children are not harmed a vote for that candidate is warranted

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I disagree. Zeldin has public ally opposed mandates from the beginning, consistently, and repeatedly. Statement by Zeldin August 4, 2021: “This over the top, ‘government knows best’, authoritarian mandate is wrong and must be immediately stopped in its tracks.

“New York imposed some of the strictest economic regulations in the nation throughout the pandemic. Now, as these struggling businesses are desperately trying to get back on their feet, Democrat politicians like Bill de Blasio are telling them they have to turn down customers.

“This policy will create practical and legal challenges that could lead to chaos in the government’s efforts to enforce this mandate. The decision of whether or not to get the vaccine should remain an individual choice

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I think many individual people running have stood up to mandates, but the party as a whole has steered clear of it. Zeldin should be elected. I hope he is.

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It’s been a major part of the platform in every race I’ve looked at. What platform are you looking at to say it’s not a priority for the Party? It’s mostly a state level issue and it’s been a cornerstone in every state office race I’ve looked at (granted, that’s heavily weighted towards NC, but certainly not exclusively NC). I have not heard of a single Republican who supported mandates, and definitely not kiddie mandates, and many have spent the last 14 months railing against them.

We get screwed when people forget it matters immensely who is setting policy. Political leaders are absolutely not all the same, and, importantly the outcomes and rules are vastly different based on who gets elected. Elections do have real consequences.

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p.s. Remember Trump was touting how great the vaccines were even though he was sort of anti-mandate. So many people had trouble getting a good narrative on it. I knew that vaccine would come back to bite Trump eventually and the more side effects come out, that's who will get the blame. But they also didn't want to piss Trump off. So it was dicey.

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I’ve been calling the vaccine biting Trump since July 2021 when it was clear they didn’t work and we’re going to kill people yet he was still claiming they were a “miracle.” Disappointing that he didn’t trust actual numbers and got played by big pharma. Trump was always 100% anti-mandate. The EUA law has anti-coercion rules in it that are going to be the basis of massive class action lawsuits in a few years. Biden and Democrats hold full responsibility for their mandates but Trump fell way short fighting back and acknowledging harm.

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Not all that many Republicans talked about it much. Not like DeSantis did. And not as much as they should have because they didn't link it to freedom the way I wanted them to. And really, these vax nuts crossed party lines, so they had to sort of not be against vaccination, just mandates, but they were worried they could turn off some people. DeSantis comes out against the vaccinations for some people, but this was a bit of a dicey issue for many of them. Even on Fox they came out for a while pro-vax. Those that weren't were quiet a lot. Tucker was quiet. Now they are talking openly about the side effects and more openly than ever about mandates.

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Fox has a conservative tilt, but it’s an agent of the industrial-political complexes just like WaPo and NYT and NBC/ CBS/ ABC. I’m honestly shocked they let Tucker go off script about vaccines at all (though full disclosure I don’t watch much tv so I only see Tucker a couple times a month, which makes up 75% of my tv watching). I can’t speak for every race everywhere, but Republicans in NC have been screaming about the mitigation and the mandates since the start but they get silenced by media that simply doesn’t report on their statements/ comments/ positions on the issues except when forced, and then it’s in passing.

Republicans definitely aren’t perfect , but Republicans today are light years better than Democrats today. I’m unaffiliated. The political party of the people I vote for in any given election is not part of my personal identity and I have probably voted for more Democrats than Republicans in my 2 decades of being old enough to vote. I am concerned about the not at all true narrative that Republicans are “just like” Democrats on issues they are polar opposites.

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I am with you. But in NY Zeldin has not taken on kiddie mandates forcefully. At all. So he will lose. If he did take it on he would win. Full stop. (I’m a dem and would vote for him if he spoke these words. But he is weak here)

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Good point NC Mom.

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Pharma $$$

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I agree with you. But I think the Republicans are still afraid of it because there were a lot of pro-vax conservatives. They don't want to lose them. I can't figure out why people would want these mandates, but there quite a few conservatives who were ok with it...

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Zeldin for one has repeatedly, from the beginning, been outspoken against mandates and coerced vaccination. I posted his comment from August 4, 2021 in another spot in this conversation thread.

The media, including “conservative” media doesn’t cover it because media is “brought” to us by “Pfizer.”

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What he said in 2021 is not now. This is the home stretch. The CDC is voting now to add to kiddie schedule. He needs to man up and take this on right now. Or else he loses.

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That’s a great way to keep the governor you have. He has said it, but ignore that, ensure no one will ever be good enough to actually support, and keep the lunatic you have, screw the kids, then complain more. It’s the New York way!!!

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But you are right about the mandates. That will just help conservatives.

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Abortion is now a top priority of about 5% of the electorate. Any imbecile knows that it is not illegal. It’s a state decision. Any victory which is contingent upon embracing abortion is a victory not worth having. Baby killing is reprehensible and so is anyone supporting it.

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Astonishing how so few do not know it's always been a state issue

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America is filled with imbeciles so we’ll see how it works in November. Some people respect The Constitution and some are idiots…. I live in a red state, but in a sea of many woke idiots in a big city…

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As a purple state conservative I support early abortion access (I’m that concerned about bodily autonomy) though I also think abortion is the taking of a human life and at some point towards the end of the 1st trimester becomes a blatant and horrific barbaric murder. I don’t buy the argument women are too hapless to figure out they are pregnant and make a decision for three, four, five months. We are responsible for our bodies (even if someone violates them) and that responsibility comes with time passage realities.

That said, NC could ban abortion (I doubt it). Even if every state did I am FAR more concerned about the future for my living children whom are my world than my access, or my daughters, to abortion even if one of is raped. I don’t think any woman should have less rights to her reproduction than her rapists sperm. I see loosing that access as the least potential evil in loss of bodily autonomy between the parties. I find it far more likely the Democrats, under the guise of a climate emergency, would force my daughter to abort a wanted pregnancy and take dangerous faux vaccines than Republicans are to end her access to a safe early abortion if she’s raped.

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Agree 💯%! Inflation, loosing democracy, and crime are well above abortion in almost every poll they've done (if we can even believe the polls). A very small percentage consider abortion, or even climate change, a deal changer but those people are pretty much out of touch and tone deaf to the majority of people.

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It’s not simmering fury. It’s rage, pure rage. Our government is now telling us to give 5 year olds a completely untested injection for a disease that doesn’t harm them. Without bothering to run basic tests to see if it harms their fertility. And the evidence is mounting that YES , it does harm fertility. All of my adult children were forced to get the jabs to keep their jobs. I am enraged that I may never be a grandmother because of our government. Do you think I will vote Democratic this year? Hell, hell no.

My only solace is the history books that describe what the French did to the collaborators after the war.

This week I got another call that a friend under 40 had died. I am now up to 6 vaccine deaths, 5 of them under 40 just in the last 10 months. Statistically impossible if the vaccines are safe.

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IF the Covid shots are put on the children's schedule by the CDC, which could happen today or tomorrow (the committee is meeting Oct. 19-20), in that case, Pfizer can sell their vaccine to every child in the country forever, every year AND at the same time, get permanent complete shielding from any lawsuits from any deaths or injuries. Schools will put the vaccines on their required lists, pediatricians and Child Protective Services can help to enforce - but for a child ages 0-19 years, per CDC data, the survivability of a Covid infection is 99.997%. The chance of a child dying of Covid is miniscule, and the only ones known to have died of Covid are children who already had a serious illness like cancer and THEN got Covid. Kids are not going to die from Covid, and they typically are well within 24 hours or so, it's a short, mild illness in a healthy child. On the other hand - thousands of adverse reactions, many of them serious, things like cardiomopathy etc., and too many deaths. The risk of dying or having long-term complications is way, way, way higher from the vaccine compared to the virus. If you do not want Pfizer to get permanent liability protection, if you do not want them to have a way to keep on injuring people with no consequences - write a pulic comment to the CDC TODAY. They are accepting public comments on this with the last day for submission tomorrow, Oct. 20, but the committee is meeting the 19th-20th, so it seems best to get the comment in asap. It's very easy to do, it can be very brief, and in my opinion, if this issue is important enough to warrant a comment here, it's important enough to say something where the CDC can read it, rather than only talking to each other here. Here's the link: https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/CDC-2022-0111-0001 Thing is, I'm entirely convinced that the ONLY reason they would put this on the childhood vaccine schedule is to help Pfizer keep the money flowing with that total liability protection - that is the whole entire reason. Because it's obvious that kids are not in danger from Covid, and further, it is now abundantly clear that the mRNA vaccines do not prevent transmission, so the idea of kids being vaxxed to keep them from transmitting the virus to Grandma just doesn't work now. It was never true, and now we know. And the adverse reactions and deaths - clearly, the vaccines are all risk and no benefit where children are concerned, no question. The CDC says, 99.997% survivability for children. Anyway, think about posting a comment at the government website at the link I just gave.

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Don’t worry, they tested the new vaccine on a total of 8 rats. Sounds safe and effective to me.

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I love your comment, I hit like but wish it was love. "Rage" is the key word.

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We are only acknowledging the tip of the iceberg. It will be clear once 2021 and 2022 death numbers are finalized. In years from 2000-2019 the total gross number of children in the US that died per year from heart-related causes was fewer than 600 for the entire population under 19 years old. That number includes the kids that were very very sick. Watch out for “revisions” as the CDC recently revised 2020 for the 10th time.

We know 5 dads under 55, 3 of whom were college athletes that stayed active until their last breath - one of them dropped dead 2 hours into a mountain biking accident (1 track and 2 soccer). All 5 were active with no health issues. Two brain bleeds, 2 heart attacks, 1 catastrophic pulmonary embolism. The most recent was a dear and close friends’ husband. The 6th person we suspect was a friends’ mom who was in her late 60’s but she worked out 7 days a week, was extremely healthy, and got Covid early, like May 2020, with barely a fever. Her mom passed at 98. A year later, 3 months after her second dose, she had a crazy stroke that killed her within an hour. I’ve never seen a stroke kill as fast as it did her. She was fine, having normal conversations, picked her grandson up from school, and an hour later totally brain dead. Sad.

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We'll never completely know. Dads under 55, probably the vaccine, but probably no one did an autopsy, and most likely they will never be counted as vax deaths. Generally, the VAERS system only includes a small percentage of the actual cases. There are many adverse reactions that occur very close to the time of the injection, but for those that are delayed a bit, it is harder to pin it on the vax even though it certainly may be the vax. I think whatever gets reported as far as deaths from the vax, it will underestimate the true numbers which will be impossible to know. I know, it's terrible.

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None that I know were in VAERS. One we did get an autopsy. He died on a Sunday afternoon in a fiery single car crash. The insurance company actually required the autopsy. The results came back a couple of weeks after his funeral and the autopsy is how it was discovered he was actually dead before impact from a brain bleed. They called it “natural causes.”

A friend is a mortician. He said the blood of some people since the vaccines looks “different.” He is seeing “tons” of blood clots and lots of younger / healthier people. Business is booming. He is vaccinated, and is very up front he was 99.99% it was the vaccines by last October.

The anecdotal stories are too vast, the numbers too hard to hide, the correlation to the vaccines too evidently causation to hide. The scale will take time to admit because it’s hard to admit our society allowed this.

We may or may not get exact answers, but we do know it’s the vaccine. And we do know we are capable of it - look at the evidence today - it’s being allowed to get added to a childhood vaccine schedule even though nearly everyone openly acknowledges there is no point in giving this crap to kids and it’s all risk, no reward.

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Well, for Pfizer ALL reward, and NO risk. It's we the people who have paid for this in the first place, and many have paid again with our lives and our health. For 2021 and 2022 together, Pfizer will have made more than 60 billion on vaccines alone, probably 65 billion dollars, and if they put this on the children's vaccine schedule tomorrow, the cash just keeps flowing, at least for now. And no liability.

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I live in a red state and abortion is nowhere. I’ve literally never heard anyone talk about it. It will no be even a blip in anyone’s election choices except hard lefters. Even in the biggest of our 2 liberal cities, the only people who care are already blue voters.

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My favorite thing is that people still think we stayed in Afghanistan for 20 years for any reason other than money laundering , and that people still think these medicines exist for any reason other than money laundering …

They will get liability protection forever, because they have too. Hard stop. It’s amazing how naive we all still are…

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“They” are naive because it hasn’t affected them yet. We lost our livelihoods. It has affected us. But, we don’t have poison from the jab floating around in our bloodstream. I trust NO doctors...now.

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Seeing Alex Jones has to Pay Millions of dollars for lying about Sandy Hook. What is Fauci & Gottlieb & Slavitt & Bourla & CNN & Twitter & Facebook & The elite media & CDC going to Pay for their lies!?

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Was Alex Jones even lying? Once you start digging into the details of that (and so many other motiveless mass shootings) there are always a lot of unanswered questions.

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I believe what they will pay cannot be quantified in human terms, but in spiritual terms...far, far worse, in my opinion.

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I started my career to be a research immunologist and after my MA, went to medical school and became a pathologist. I never questioned either the efficacy or safety of vaccines and dismissed as drivel the claim that the increase in autism was vaccine-related. After all, the FDA said there was no correlation. I am now embarrassed to have been so naive for so long. I challenge you or anyone who reads TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN to not only question the safety of ALL vaccines but even the contribution they have made to reduction of disease mortality and morbidity.

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Amen! I am a nurse and I was the exact same way. I’m embarrassed I never looked into it more. I’m ashamed I let my kids be immunized without ever questioning it, even when I felt uneasy about it. Or when the chicken pox vaccine came out and I wondered why do we need this? Did I look into it further? No! I just went along with it. Thankfully my kids didn’t suffer any severe symptoms, but who knows about long term. What about all the other babies and kids who were killed or are now autistic? Makes my blood boil!

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It makes my blood boil with you. Truly.

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That's what I'm saying!

It appears that one is either vaccine ignorant or vaccine horrified.

I admit, its not a fun journey.......and most people don't want to take it and don't have the time.

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Wow. Please Preach this!!

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The left never sleeps. Like acid they continue to erode in the smallest ways. These shots are part of a bigger plan. Look at the numbers around SADS since the rollout. Do you see the MSM or any public health official making the connection? Why not? It is certainly an interesting phenomenon if nothing else. But no. Now they want you to be required to give these dangerous experimental shots to little kids to be able to attend your taxpayer funded public school. Disgraceful. This also gives them license to label you an anti-vaxxer if you question the school policies. Look out. Here it comes again. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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It doesn't matter how I vote, when I cast my ballot next week (early voting). I'm in a DEEP BLUE state where I feel disenfranchised. "Call your congressman." "Call your senator." WHO can I call? That dim-witted harpy Elizabeth Warren? Or that doofus Ed Markey?

Abortion will remain legal here, regardless of the pseudo-Catholic population. The TEACHERS UNION has a death grip on the state. (It's striking now! They want MORE money!)

So whatever the CDC says will be accepted without question. I doubt anyone will balk when their kids visit the pediatrician.

There's still a ridiculous number of people wearing masks. Many idiots continue to roll up their sleeves for yet another booster.

And in January & February, they'll all bitch that the heating bill is bankrupting them.

But this state will remain DEEP BLUE.

Ya think I"m just a little frustrated?.

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Oh Rosie, come south where it’s warmer and redder.

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As soon as my father no longer needs me, I'm outa here.

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I'm in Purplish Blue Michigan and I can't go 5 minutes without seeing or hearing a Twitmer advertisement. She is boasting about planned spending billions more on public education - umm, you idiot - that is our money. And throwing money at a problem like public education has shown to be a fool's errand as the Teacher's unions just waste it.

I'm hoping the deluge of advertisements backfires horribly for having to see that ghoul's face so much. Oh, and her big promise for getting elected the 1st time - "Fix the damn roads."

Yep, still broken. Also, frustrated - we have 2 complete idiot senators - Debbie Stabyounow and that equally moronic Gary Peters.

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The CDC is currently accepting public comments on the issue of whether mRNA vaccines should be on the childhood vaccine school - and they have a committee that is considering this in a meeting being held today and tomorrow, Oct. 19-20. The link to comment is here: https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/CDC-2022-0111-0001 Public comments can still be made either today or tomorrow, Oct. 19-20. It's very easy to do, and if it is worth saying something in Alex's comments, it is also worth saying to the CDC.

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They don’t care. It’s pointless.

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I’m in a deep blue part of Commifornia. I feel your pain, believe me. Although, I think more people are veering to the right than you realize. I know Commifornia is RED.

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We can hope.

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OMG. I have 9 grandkids. It’s hard enough for me to keep them from jabbing the kids, let alone the damn school requiring it. Time to put the hammer down. F*cking insanity.

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You can make a public comment at a government website - let the CDC know your opinion on this. It's very easy to do and the link is here:


There is a committee that is considering whether to put the mRNA vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule, they are meeting on Oct 19-20, and this is being considered. They are accepting public comments on this through Oct. 20, though I would think make the comment as soon as you can. Keep in mind, if they put it on that list for children, Pfizer gets permanent liability protection whether the vax is used for kids and adults, as long as it is on the vaccine schedule for children - AND this gives a basis for states to mandate and enforce the shots for school attendance, plus even Child Protective Services might consider lack of vaccination as "child neglect" - so a lot of pressure can be brought to bear on parents. It needs to be kept off the list. For children, the risks far, far, far exceed any benefit. For kids, ages 0 through 19 years, survivability is 99.997%, per the CDC data. The risk of a child dying from Covid is miniscule, and the only kids who have had died, rarely, have been kids who already had a serious illness like cancer, then got Covid, then died. Kids are not at risk from the Covid virus and vaccinating kids does not prevent transmission to Grandma because as everyone knows by now, the vaccine does NOT prevent transmission. There is no good reason to force this on kids other than just to keep the money flowing to Pfizer so they can keep injuring people without any responsibility. They made $36 billion dollars on their mRNA vax the first year, and set to make 29 billion this year. If they (eventually) get full approval by FDA but not on the kiddie schedule, they can sell but they don't have the liability shield. The ticket to sell with no liability is to be on the kiddle schedule. If you want to help keep them off, make a comment at the link at the start of this post.

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The corruption is just staggering. Hard to know how complicit CDC is or if they are just completely incompetent. Likely a combination. How can there ever be any trust in public health, FDA, CDC and academic institutions again? One way or another they are all in on it. Unfortunately, most people have no idea. They listen to and heed mainstream media who parrot the corruption as do the vast majority of practicing MDs, my colleagues! Most of them are just dupes but the result is the same.

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My bf’s aunt got a booster last week. He thought he was going to lose it! He lost his career of 17 years (after just being promoted) for refusing the jab. These people are honestly asleep! It’s pathetic.

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Thank you Martha!! I did! And have passed the link on to many!

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I don't think abortion is the hot button in red states that you think it is. The Kansas vote had some anomalies attached to it, such as the usual ballot shenanigans and a disinformation campaign. It's not the straight up win you think, so don't use it as a benchmark.

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Abortion is not dragging down Republicans in red states or swing states because Lindsay Graham actually helped out the narrative. We are NOT for barbarism and anything past TWELVE weeks is really just that. And the fact they are calling his proposal a "ban" on abortion tells you all you need to know about these people. It's on the ballot with no limitations in Michigan, for instance, so if people want to vote for it, they can, but that doesn't mean they have to vote for Whitmer to do it, for instance. And she got killed in her first debate. People know they can get limited abortion legislated in states like should have been done all along. So you are wrong about that part. Women aren't that concerned about it in those states. And it's far down the list.

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Yes, the Democrats seem to be going with "Any restrictions at all on abortion are basically a ban", which is NUTS considering that a very very tiny percentage of people want limitless-abortion.


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Abortion was a drag on conservatives for about 4 weeks

Public sentiment is going to shift, and our grandkids will never believe it was legal for a brief period in human history

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You gotnto hand it to them, the Democrats are consistent, they just want to kill kids. Abortion, close the schools tonincrease isolation and suicide, vaxx upon vaxx upon vaxx, the Democrats sure love child death.

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And abusing them. I don’t see any Libertarians or Republicans supporting tranny kid friendly drag shows or teaching pronouns or supporting “minor attracted” individuals.

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Minor attracted, such a nice term for a pedophile.

My 4th grade teacher was minor attracted, ended up spending time in prison, and one of his victims killed himself. I was lucky, my mom and dad watched my brother and I like hawks, but a bunch of guys I grew up with weren't so lucky. God forbid teachers can't sexualize kids.

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Everyone seems to understand that the regulatory agencies have been captured by sociopathic corporate felons. So why the question ? Stop straddling the fence.

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You can make aomment to the CDC here, today or no later than October 20. It's really, really easy. Tell them you are opposed to putting the mRNA vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule:


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Martha, thank you for this link. I just finished posting my opinion. I pray to God these psychopaths do the right thing.

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They won’t.

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