I wish this Climate Hysteria would “bust-out” like you did‼️ (actually all-in with KQ was a good play😏)

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I didn't have much choice. Very card dead throughout Day 3, played super-tight. Got it all in good with AA v AK for a double up, then lost a flip for AK v QQ to get very short-stacked (under 5 BB). Survived a 4-way all-in with A-8 (!) and got a few chips back, but had to survive that KQ to be sure of getting to the money (had 11 BB at the time, with a BB ante equal to the BB). The only real questionable play was the flip, but it was a flip - I shoved and he was just a little too strong with Qs to lay it down.

I wouldn't have mentioned any of this, but you (sorta) asked.

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Did you see the guy who busted with Aces full of 9’s? The other guy had 4 9’s.

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What happens when everything turns electric and there's a power failure with a hurricane approaching? No way to escape (car isn't charged). No way to hunker down - everything in the house is powered by electric. Has no one thought of this?

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Indeed they have thought of this. If they control the grid, they control you. They could care less about a single one of us. Don't you worry though, they will be able to fly or drive out of any weather event.

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You nailed it! Yet they think we can’t see this?

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There are a large amount of the sheeple with no common sense. They will never see it.

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They don’t care. They will demonize those with eyes who can see and a mouth to speak the truth. Marginalize them, remove/re-educate them, if necessary.

We may see it but their. Et is that there’s nothing we can do about it. They’re racing headlong to oblivion while safely ensconced behind their money and power.

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Every single industrial or medical establishment that needs backup power backs them up with generators powered by diesel or nat gas. Reliable and predictable. They would never leave these to the mercy of the weather, too much money at stake.

Why should it be different for residences? If you pay attention, most people are buying generators to back up the unreliable grid. Solar is less reliable and considerably more expensive.

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I'm wondering if this is so obvious, I shouldn't say it...

TPTB are driving us to a world where nat gas and diesel aren't available. the solution you suggest, B Apple, won't be available if they have their way.

Maybe batteries can affordably get a residence/hospital though a night w/ no wind or solar. Maybe. But I doubt it. Loss of power for multiple days? No way.

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My thought too. The cost of gas was horrendous when automobiles first came out but as more were made and oil companies could economize in scale the price came down. The price goes back up when quantity of gas and diesel sales fall.

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I completely agree that they’re trying their best to get rid of all the refined components of oil. An interesting thing is happening though - a lot of European companies are fleeing to come to the gulf coast where energy is cheap and plentiful. Not sure how it’ll all shake out in the end but companies are investing millions/billions in operations with natural gas being the main driver of the energy and chemical processes.

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The Japanese thought the generators at the Fukushima nuclear power plant would save them if the plant had to shut down its reactor except they were only 50 feet above sea level and the tsunami took them out. I have generators for my home too and I keep in mind that they need protection so they don't get taken out by a falling tree, flooding, buried in snow, etc. etc.

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Another thought, I was in Jamaica after Hurricane Ivan in 2004. One day I came down to the Hotel Lobby and got into conversation with sad looking guest. He was a generator repair technician. He had been sent to Jamaica because out of 125 generators his company serviced, 75 did not start during the hurricane. Nobody bothered to test their generators every week or two to make sure they would run when called upon. So when the hurricane hit, they didn't start.

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Most quality standby units for homes give you the option to choose your exercise frequency (weekly is best) and some even give you the option to do a loaded test where the transfer switch is also operated to ensure proper function. But, if the exercise routine is turned off or the motor sits idle for a while without running, it'll be just like the lawnmower covered in cobwebs that you haven't used in a year - unlikely to start and run normally.

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You don’t think that’s the plan, do you?😱. The more dependent we are on electric as the major, if not the only source of energy, the more readily we can be controlled by a flip of a switch!

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Case in point. A hailstorm hit a major Nebraska solar farm and completely wiped it out a couple of weeks ago.

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Clinging to our Bibles, guns, propane furnaces/ranges, wells, water filters, septics, canning jars, acreages, gardens....while not a conspiracy theorists today, we have given this some thought!

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They don't care. It actually amplifies their fear mongering. And if some people die, all the better.

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They have thought of this and that's exactly the intention. To control where and how often you are "allowed" to travel.

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The whole point of the exercise….libtard billionaire oligarchy funds Demo(nic)rats who annihilate the middle class with various climate and infectious disease scams. Then when the vast majority of citizens are government dependent serfs then they will jail the useful idiot oligarchs. Works every time.

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Question I have been asking is how does anyone run a Hospital here in America on solar panels or and windmills. Will anyone take a chance at that?

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Yes I have and others too who have gotten off grid.

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I doubt it!

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As an electrical engineer, I also get a headache when they claim ditching nuclear, natural gas, and oil (baseload power generators) for wind and solar (intermittent power generators) is the way forward. It is simply not possible with the levels of baseload power needed to run our cities.

The alternative? No heat and no air conditioning at the complete mercy of mother nature. Alex Epstein said it best when he explained fossil fuels have allowed humans to achieve "climate mastery". Exponentially fewer deaths for a supposed slight increase in global temps would be an okay tradeoff for most people.

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I wish I could give you 100 likes for mentioning Alex Epstein. The most logical source of climate information and zero political talk.

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It's not a "story," but I think South Africa already has daily rolling blackouts. How many people has this killed in the year-plus this has been going on? I doubt this issue will be resolved, the blackouts will probably become more frequent - leading to more unreported deaths.

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In china they have rotating days when industry must shut down due to a lack of power.

I am sure if I checked that I would find many places in the world have rotating blackouts and brownouts.

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Yes, thank you for mentioning Alex Epstein.

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I didn’t know Alex Epstein, but loved reading Fueling Freedom a while back by Stephen Moore & Kathleen Hartley White.

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Want to or not, you are probably going to have to keep writing about this topic - only because it is THE "existential issue" that will be used to control every single person on the planet for the rest of our lives.

I mean, respiratory viruses (and the mRNA vaccines to defeat them) will of course still be used as a tool, but "Climate Change" is the biggest hammer in our rulers' tool box.

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I always thought they saw COVID was an unplanned test run. The blue print is now there.

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I don't think it was unplanned. I think it was a warm up trial for the next larger scale viral plandemic after a few other plandemics such as wild fires, bird flus, severe weather, etc.

I think the lab leak might have occured sooner than they thought or maybe it was released during the Wuhan military games on purpose as many think.

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I will never give those idiots that much credit. I think it was unplannned. In their fear to avoid a pandemic they did unleashed one. And when they did, the went all in with their theoretical plans. Once they saw they could get away wioh it and the fellow travelers jumped on the bad wagon, they had their blueprint/

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to my point this is a "conspiracy after the fact" thing

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I agree. It could have been a conspiracy that pre-dates official Covid or it could have just been an "opportunity too good to waste" and the conspiracy kicked in after the fact.

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having lived in chicago learned "never waste a crisis" from Rahm. but the actions do look opportunistic versus planned. Yeah, I think the had a lot of theoreticals, but that does not mean anything was more than just brainstorming. but once they put they lockdowns in place, they saw the opportunity. also, they saw there are plenty of people who would just love to sit at home doing nothing for the remainder of their short, obese lives.

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Agreed that covid was the warmup. They wanted to see how far the populace could be pushed and unfortunately they learned the sheep outnumber the sheepdogs by an astounding margin.

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You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. Anthropogenic climate change is another "wedge" issue that the left uses to manipulate society. The computer models ARE wrong. The data is manipulated, just like COVID data was manipulated. Look at it from an historical perspective: weather data is only 100 or so years old and the climate on planet earth has been changing for billions of years.

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Honestly feels like another money grab to me. Just like Covid.

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I’m not a man made climate change believer but read Alex Epstein’s book Fossil Future and you’ll quickly realize the way we survive climate events is by using energy and really the only energy that allows prosperity are fossil fuels. So if we want mass destruction, devastation and suffering we can give into the climate alarmists and destroy our fossil fuel production before we have a legitimate alternative. Or we choose life and continue to use fossil fuels.

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Who in the northeast was measuring rain 1000 years ago?

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You know, this is actually one of most brilliant observations I’ve ever read!

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The lack of critical thinking skills drives this hysteria. I blame our educational system and the introduction of “experts” for just about everything. Question everything including the data and how it is presented. Then draw your own conclusions. Seems simple enough.

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no, the left and the lamestream media drive the narrative. The people with no citical thinking skills beleive it.

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Alex -- thank you so much for posting this! You are spot on, as usual. I have been following Bjorn Lomborg for years now and he is the real 'voice of reason' in the climate change debate (or is there a debate?). I highly recommend his book: "False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet." Again, thanks for being a voice of reason on yet another topic.

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Nicely said, Alex.

Man made climate change is a scam.

Lets take care of the planet, but not to the detriment of everyone on the planet.

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This is just the climate version of the covid portion of the control crisis. Always the scariest numbers, always blaming you for them.

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Covid was a "trial run" for the climate hysteria that is being ramped up.

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Well said as usual. Yeah, I have fantastical conversations with my 'Chicken Little' friends. Its like speaking with 6 year olds who think the 'store closing in 15 minutes' announcement will lock them in for the night if they don't run out immediately. My 6 year old actually thought that and it was funny...coming from a 6 year old.

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Thanks for crying “help!” for us all. I read Shellenberg, Koonan, Lomborg and others. I’m very tired of the hype and irrational scare tactics. NO ONE screeching out there seems to be able to impartially look at the science behind all aspects of this. Their data juggling and skewing leaves me incensed.

But the Environment, in general, seems to be ignored. Where is the clamoring for clean water? For invasive species? Effective forest management? Recycling in the time of mercury containing lightbulbs and dangerous electric car batteries and solar panels? How about the wind turbine burial grounds for blades and turbines?? ( not to mention dead Eagle). The WSJ had an in depth piece about the communication industry and it’s abandoned lead cables all over the country-in the water mostly- poisoning us. I’m sure Build Back Better has no interest in this! They’d rather subsidize the electric car I don’t want ( with MY tax dollars).

Our government and the elite “thinkers” would rather we “redecorate the house” with exotic new stuff, while the foundation crumbles and the roof leaks.

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Exactly! This past spring we did a marathon drive from PA to AL for business. The GARBAGE along every road in every state was so glaring that I couldn't stop commenting on it. Let's block out the sun, but not pick up the trash🙄

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Go to the Rush Limbaugh archives and find the episodes where he is talking about this subject. He was spot on.

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Rush did make a lot of prescient predictions.

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I'm so glad that you addressed this that I became a paid subscriber today! I'm so sick of this "weather porn" that's causing all the talking heads to hyperventilate. I've lived in Texas for nearly 60 years and seen all kinds of weather. Until it freezes in July, you can't convince me that we're that out of whack. Unless that happens, my winter coat will stay in the closet for 3-4 more months.

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Just like Covid-19, climate change is a grift to money-launder taxpayer funds and gain more power and control over the every man and woman. That’s it.

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Exactly. The wealth extraction method includes inflation. In addition to Climate Change and COVID, you have military spending and social spending as wealth transfer grifts to buy votes, create dependents, and shackle productivity.

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