We were right about everything and they were wrong about everything. Literally.
I don't think that's an overstatement. For the amateur's, it's the equivalent of playing a couple years of Pop Warner football and then coaching an NFL team to win the Superbowl. The PHA's are the equivalent of a PGA golfer having the shanks on every single shot for 3 years on the tour, and acting like the scorecard doesn't matter.
Every single one of the PHA's were hacks all along. This applies to all our institutions.
Wait until they climate change narrative falls apart. If you think you've seen gnashing of teeth...well...c19 will make it look Bush league.
Dr. Robert Malone posted an op-ed from WaPo about ten days ago that made my jaw drop. The author posited that we are getting warmer because of less air pollution, not CO2. I can't wait for that scam to be exposed.
But don't trust the temp data because it is being manipulated by shutting down 3000 out of 4500 temp measurement stations. Guess where they were. Naturally in the cooler areas.
Good points, but you forgot about the autism epidemic. 1-7/10,000 to 1 in 36 with no end in sight. Effectively zero before 1930. All the “experts” say it’s just “better diagnosing” but those claims are based on the flimsiest of evidence. Some of us have spent 20+ years rebutting that silliness (I avoid the word “debunk” it’s a censor’s word) but the numbers keep going up. Your failure to mention it is part of your own expert biases.
Also allergies, though some are probably neuroses in disguise, but many are real. Same as everyone is gay because they were previously repressed. And obesity is suddenly a "body type". It's amazing, the blindness to simple observation.
Rule of Thumb: Whenever a media piece leads off with "Experts Say" and:
they don't name the expert(s) (giving you no chance to research their bona fides nor challenge their assertions) those experts most likely do not exist.
We need to all understand that deferring our own views to those of "experts" or "elites" is not just unwise but foolish. Just because someone has studied a subject and is considered an "expert" in their field, does not mean their judgement is any better than yours or mine. This includes everyone, including doctors, lawyers, accountants, scientists, pharmacists, etc. While there are people with skills and experience that are valuable for obtaining advice, they are not infallible. People need to stand up and think for themselves. For example just how much of the US population is taking prescription drugs on a daily basis? 85%, 90%, 99%, 99.9%? Is the health of our population better off than 20-30 years ago? Are people feeling better, having a more positive outlook? I think not.
I am one of the few that avoid medical interventions unless I feel really unwell. I have watched as the "experts" have lowered and lowered the acceptable blood pressure, to the point that almost everyone over 40 years old is told they need to take daily medication. Well I'm not doing that. If my blood pressure gets really high, yes, I will do something about it, I don't want to risk a stroke; but I'm not going to be pushed into medication by experts shifting the goal posts. I'm sort of a unicorn these days, I look at the facts and stats for myself, listen to advice, then do what I think is best. I try to avoid getting drawn into all of the fear mongering which is used to exert control over a gullible population. I don't know how it can be accomplished, but those using coercive means to achieve massive damage to our country should face real consequences, even if they are self deluded and think they are being helpful. The harm being done could end up being catastrophic.
I didn't panic with COVID-19. I knew it could infect me, and I could get sick or even die, but being afraid and hiding in my house wouldn't help anything, so I went about my life albeit sometimes frustrated by the stupid rules the "experts" got gullible politicians to put in place that forced me to wear a mask or prevented me from going into public places. We need to get back to taking personal responsibility for our choices, engaging in critical thinking, and put the supposed "experts" on the sidelines (where they offer their views, but they need to persuade not order others around). I am hopeful for the first time in many years that others see the same thing I do, and that's why President Trump was elected both in 2016 and 2024. As for losing in 2020, in dealing with COVID-19 President Trump got mislead by the "experts", and locked our country down. That was a mistake, and a huge one, but I think he now sees that accepting "expert" opinions as fact is a terrible idea. Each and every citizen needs to think for themselves, and the "experts" and "elites" need to be taken out of power, and sent back to their ivory towers. We need to rely on our own good judgement, and the collective judgement of our citizenry must prevail once again.
Alex you use the word populist like it's a bad thing. Populist just means he hears the peoples concerns and he is for them. The first populist president was Andrew Jackson and he upset the elites of his time, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, etc, mightly. Populist means that the "peoples" problems and concerns are being heard and handled.
“….it is no accident that Trump has made attacking fentanyl, the dangerous synthetic opioid, one of his central policies….Like all successful populist politicians he has an intuitive understanding of what matters to his base….”
I suspect any addiction like this also matters personally to Trump. Remember that his older brother died in his early 40s of a heart attack, brought on by severe addiction to alcohol.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
- Gustave Le Bon
I just don't think they thought it conceivable that a good portion of the people would assert their will and not give into apathy they try to create through demoralization.
Well, it became personal when they made it hard to earn a living, tried to queer our kids, tell us to love black thugs over Western culture, and strip mined the economy everywhere but in urban elite cesspools.
So it's not exactly that we're all that noble and insightful. We're just ******* sick of it.
Excellent piece! I remember the advent of "pain specialists" and I thought at the time we might be heading the wrong way. Someone used the term "iatrogenic" in a post yesterday. Sadly it applies to much of the chronic disease in this country.
Me too and when I asked what their treatment consisted of, opioids were the answer. There were so many other options available.
Cannabis is among them. I know Alex is not a fan, but I used cannabis infused soda, drops, gummies and cream to manage pain for my Dad during his cancer palliative care phase, and it worked quite well. Dosing was tricky and had to be adjusted frequently but we gave him a comfortable three+ months until he passed, while keeping him alert (not stoned- only happened twice by accident), and enjoying food and the company of family and friends. No morphine needed and no opioids. It can be done!
i long thought the secret to being an effective politician would be to basically do the opposite of what we have witnessed in my lifetime, and i'm probably not the only one.
now we get to see how that plays out through trump!
Yes but politicians generally don't want to be successful in any real way, they just want to be personally successful (get reelected, be liked by their colleagues, be feted by the press, amass power and influence, be seen as doing good (not doing good just being seen that way)).
President Trump isn't really a politician, he's a businessman, and he wants to actually get things done. He's going to make real change, one way or the other, and won't stop until he has achieved his goals. He's after real success for our country, he doesn't care about the elites, the politicians, the experts or the rest of the world. That makes him unique and singularly qualified to make the changes our country so badly needs. I hope and pray he succeeds and our country and people are on a better path going forward. It would be wonderful to see the USA having a bright, secure and prosperous future, instead of the slow and steady decline we have been experiencing over the past few decades.
part of his genius is that even though it's fair to say that trump understood television as a medium fairly well - he is also the first to really grasp the fact that we live in a post-television world.
he is literally bypassing the media which basically all politicians have relied on for hundreds of years now to get their message out.
it's just as seminal a change as when the JFK won the first televised debate against nixon in no small part by being better looking.
Well, I re upped my subscription so I can rant about COVID, Trump and the Media. The New York Times is confused….its not one step forward, two steps back…. But it seems they are retreating back to their void of truth trenches. One, I’m angrier than ever because Mr. McFarland has been diagnosed with Post COVID Pulmonary Fibrosis now on supplemental oxygen… so the vaccines didnt work, COVID patients were regarded as lepers and there were no treatments. Well, actually there were and we all know it. So two, here’s my prediction, Trump is going to apologize to the nation for his management of COVID because Fauci, O Connor, Birx etc conned him. I know a lot of people don’t see it that way, but like many of his Round One cabinet members and advisers, Trump thought he could trust him. Trump “ it became crystal clear to me when Biden pardoned Fauci “.
For better or worse, Trump doesn't apologize. He might explain, and many of us initially believed Tony Fauci since he was supposedly the most knowledgeable person in the country about respiratory disease epidemics. Little did we know his connection to the Wuhan research facility from which COVID came. Because of Alex and a few others, we now know Fauci was wrong about everything and hiding the truth about the pandemic's origins.
We shall see. I think he’s learned a lot about to what lengths “people” have done to make him go away. We shall see. It’s be great if he was the one to expose what was really going on… or maybe Patel … I have his personality on mute and seeing what he actually accomplishes. The fact that more evidence emerges daily as to how Biden was not running the country and the entire DNC covered for him… Trumps on steadier ground now. The Democrats look pretty inane going against an anti war stop killing people agenda.
Thanks! Love your name! Actually next week we have a telemedicine consultation with an “integrated medicine “ physician who is treating Long COVID and Post COVID pulmonary fibrosis with a combo of things including Ivermectin… from my own anecdotal statistics, the people who took the most shots have compromised immune systems and have a multitude of medical problems .
Good luck next week! Ask the physician what he/she thinks of nicotine treatments for long covid. Some French researchers claimed that they “cured” four people of long covid using nicotine patches for 6 days. We need to do much bigger studies, but it sounds interesting.
Thank you!! Actually, his local pulmonologist mentioned this, but this guy is young, fresh out of residency or whatever and I think he has to be careful with his advise… the specialist has been practicing medicine for 35 years. We shall see.
Well, lots of luck! I think most MDs are afraid to stick their necks out for fear of reprisal. I have been reading a book by a chiropractor named Dr. Bryan Ardis. He makes the case that the Covid 19 virus (and I believe "vaccine") has enzymes that are similar to those found in the venom of Chinese krait and the Chinese King Cobra, and that nicotine may be the treatment to cases of long covid and symptoms. Who knows? I hope you and your husband find the answer next week.
I started following Dr. Ardis a few years ago. I believe he started his crusade after the death of his FIL? He’s got amazing & interesting perspectives.
I've thought and said Trump will apologize at some point. After hearing Barron say his Dad never apologizes made me think Trump will apologize. Trump likes a challenge and probably likes to prove people wrong and I think by doing so would definitely elevate him even higher on that pedestal and his ego. It's like Neo from the movie Matrix, it would be the final thing that proves he is the "one". The one protected by God to protect "We The People" and the world. I'm just not sure how that apologize will sound.
Interesting you believe Trump will in fact come out in this way at some point on the PLANdemic. That would in an interesting tact for sure. From what I have seen all along is he doubles and triples down on how great OWS was. I've never seen him waver on this, but perhaps there comes a time where he will for political reasons perhaps
I hear you, but you do realize its 5 years now and he has been championing OWS still. Sure he could have been hoodwinked early on, but seriously 5 years in? I was cussing at the TV that fateful day in May of 2020 when he announced OWS
I don’t disagree at all. And it’s not that I think he’s all the superlatives , but I do sense this time around , he’s playing chess and everybody else is playing checkers. And if he had changed his narrative while Biden was in office, the media would have exploded with “sore loser” “ revenge seeking” “ can’t take responsibility “… maybe better to let some of the “settled science” become more unsettled and underscore the travesty and outrage suffered by the country…also I’m sure RFK Jr has filled his ear… stay tuned.
Well I HOPE you are right on Trump coming around in time with this so called CHESS play. Perhaps I am a tad biased losing a extended family member to the dangerous EUA gene therapy meds, and seeing friend lives forever altered. This the one REAL issue I've had with Trump all along. If most of US know the realties of what these experimental medications did to humanity I give NO latitude on Trump NOT knowing and long ago with what has been made KNOWN to date. Hard to swallow thinking this is just CHESS at this point with so many lives lost and maimed
This is the brainwashing that our government does to it's people, it's called mass formation. Basically, they want you to believe that your too dumb to figure things out for yourself, that you need the experts to guide you in your life. This includes issues such as global warming ( bullshit), climate change ( bullshit ), your body, the food you eat, how you speak, your political affiliation, how you think and everything in between. They want total control of your life. In their eyes, you don't have the education, pedigree or problem solving skills to make the proper decisions . You just toooo fuckin stupid!!! This is the basic mentality of democrats who are essentially government lap dogs. That's why democrats believed everything the government said about Covid, and Republicans did not, because most Republicans are not government lap dogs, they can actually think for themselves. So, let's face it, ALL THE EXPERTS, MOST OF WHICH WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT, GOT COVID COMPLETELY RIGHT!!! Wait, they got nothing right. Better luck next time? I can't wait to not believe them again!!
Whew, I totally agree Larry! My narcissistic family member worked for the government for years! A Covidiot, global warming “expert”, and instructor/teacher/dictator to conservatives - or less educated peons that they assume need liberal instructions and guidance. And they TRULY believe it.
One is bad enough, my ENTIRE FAMILY thinks like that. Needless to say, my lines of communication with them are cut. Even in the face of total humiliation and being completely wrong, they don't have the intelligence or intestinal fortitude to admit it. That's millions of people living in a alternate universe.
"In 2008, the global financial crisis caused massive economic pain to nearly everyone — except the bankers and hedge fund managers who caused it." You forgot government - Barney Frank " we need to roll the dice on affordable housing" and the Fed who accommodated with artificially low rates for far too long.
Exactly this - the rates were too low, for way, way too long - and we are paying the consequences of it both in terms of economics & cultural ramifications.
Thomas Friedman. Ick. Stopped reading his work years ago. Something is going on in that mind, but I do not know what it might be. Maybe professional help is needed.
Finally they did report something important and accurate on The NY Times the Daily--
How Tariffs Are Shaking up the War on Fentanyl—for the better!
The New York Times conducted an undercover investigation with Mexican drug cartels, revealing that President Trump's threats of imposing 25% tariffs on Mexican imports have instilled genuine fear among cartel members.
This fear stems from concerns over potential U.S. military action and increased economic pressures. Also, the CIA has drones flying around over Mexico to locate fentanyl labs, further intensifying the cartels' apprehensions.
You know when The NY Times says something good about Trump’s actions, it’s pretty significant. I bet the fentanyl overdoses will drop dramatically.
Facing another rotator cuff repair surgery, on my left shoulder this time.. Right one was repaired 4 years ago. Now 65 & very concerned the opioid disaster will curtail my Ortho Surgeon from being able to prescribe the badly needed pain medications, post surgery. It was a 11 out of 10 for the first couple weeks, lots of PT, weened off meds & got fantastic results! Now I’m just putting off the left repair.. Some pain is truly acute & being able to provide some relief, is worth keeping in mind.
First, let’s stop calling them experts. Second, let’s acknowledge that they are partisan hacks.
Yup. 100%.
We were right about everything and they were wrong about everything. Literally.
I don't think that's an overstatement. For the amateur's, it's the equivalent of playing a couple years of Pop Warner football and then coaching an NFL team to win the Superbowl. The PHA's are the equivalent of a PGA golfer having the shanks on every single shot for 3 years on the tour, and acting like the scorecard doesn't matter.
Every single one of the PHA's were hacks all along. This applies to all our institutions.
Wait until they climate change narrative falls apart. If you think you've seen gnashing of teeth...well...c19 will make it look Bush league.
Dr. Robert Malone posted an op-ed from WaPo about ten days ago that made my jaw drop. The author posited that we are getting warmer because of less air pollution, not CO2. I can't wait for that scam to be exposed.
But don't trust the temp data because it is being manipulated by shutting down 3000 out of 4500 temp measurement stations. Guess where they were. Naturally in the cooler areas.
Figures don't lie but liars figure!
Good points, but you forgot about the autism epidemic. 1-7/10,000 to 1 in 36 with no end in sight. Effectively zero before 1930. All the “experts” say it’s just “better diagnosing” but those claims are based on the flimsiest of evidence. Some of us have spent 20+ years rebutting that silliness (I avoid the word “debunk” it’s a censor’s word) but the numbers keep going up. Your failure to mention it is part of your own expert biases.
Also allergies, though some are probably neuroses in disguise, but many are real. Same as everyone is gay because they were previously repressed. And obesity is suddenly a "body type". It's amazing, the blindness to simple observation.
Rule of Thumb: Whenever a media piece leads off with "Experts Say" and:
they don't name the expert(s) (giving you no chance to research their bona fides nor challenge their assertions) those experts most likely do not exist.
We need to all understand that deferring our own views to those of "experts" or "elites" is not just unwise but foolish. Just because someone has studied a subject and is considered an "expert" in their field, does not mean their judgement is any better than yours or mine. This includes everyone, including doctors, lawyers, accountants, scientists, pharmacists, etc. While there are people with skills and experience that are valuable for obtaining advice, they are not infallible. People need to stand up and think for themselves. For example just how much of the US population is taking prescription drugs on a daily basis? 85%, 90%, 99%, 99.9%? Is the health of our population better off than 20-30 years ago? Are people feeling better, having a more positive outlook? I think not.
I am one of the few that avoid medical interventions unless I feel really unwell. I have watched as the "experts" have lowered and lowered the acceptable blood pressure, to the point that almost everyone over 40 years old is told they need to take daily medication. Well I'm not doing that. If my blood pressure gets really high, yes, I will do something about it, I don't want to risk a stroke; but I'm not going to be pushed into medication by experts shifting the goal posts. I'm sort of a unicorn these days, I look at the facts and stats for myself, listen to advice, then do what I think is best. I try to avoid getting drawn into all of the fear mongering which is used to exert control over a gullible population. I don't know how it can be accomplished, but those using coercive means to achieve massive damage to our country should face real consequences, even if they are self deluded and think they are being helpful. The harm being done could end up being catastrophic.
I didn't panic with COVID-19. I knew it could infect me, and I could get sick or even die, but being afraid and hiding in my house wouldn't help anything, so I went about my life albeit sometimes frustrated by the stupid rules the "experts" got gullible politicians to put in place that forced me to wear a mask or prevented me from going into public places. We need to get back to taking personal responsibility for our choices, engaging in critical thinking, and put the supposed "experts" on the sidelines (where they offer their views, but they need to persuade not order others around). I am hopeful for the first time in many years that others see the same thing I do, and that's why President Trump was elected both in 2016 and 2024. As for losing in 2020, in dealing with COVID-19 President Trump got mislead by the "experts", and locked our country down. That was a mistake, and a huge one, but I think he now sees that accepting "expert" opinions as fact is a terrible idea. Each and every citizen needs to think for themselves, and the "experts" and "elites" need to be taken out of power, and sent back to their ivory towers. We need to rely on our own good judgement, and the collective judgement of our citizenry must prevail once again.
Agree. "Experts say" and "according to scientists" are often signs the reporter knows little if anything about whatever is the topic of the story.
sources familiar with the thinking of dark thomas agree with this statement
Alex you use the word populist like it's a bad thing. Populist just means he hears the peoples concerns and he is for them. The first populist president was Andrew Jackson and he upset the elites of his time, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, etc, mightly. Populist means that the "peoples" problems and concerns are being heard and handled.
Exactly, Ken.
But it’s more than that, Alex -
“….it is no accident that Trump has made attacking fentanyl, the dangerous synthetic opioid, one of his central policies….Like all successful populist politicians he has an intuitive understanding of what matters to his base….”
I suspect any addiction like this also matters personally to Trump. Remember that his older brother died in his early 40s of a heart attack, brought on by severe addiction to alcohol.
They were used to this:
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
- Gustave Le Bon
I just don't think they thought it conceivable that a good portion of the people would assert their will and not give into apathy they try to create through demoralization.
Well, it became personal when they made it hard to earn a living, tried to queer our kids, tell us to love black thugs over Western culture, and strip mined the economy everywhere but in urban elite cesspools.
So it's not exactly that we're all that noble and insightful. We're just ******* sick of it.
Oh I forgot the wildly obvious disparate treatment, justice, and confiscatory taxation.
AKA property taxes.
Excellent piece! I remember the advent of "pain specialists" and I thought at the time we might be heading the wrong way. Someone used the term "iatrogenic" in a post yesterday. Sadly it applies to much of the chronic disease in this country.
Me too and when I asked what their treatment consisted of, opioids were the answer. There were so many other options available.
Cannabis is among them. I know Alex is not a fan, but I used cannabis infused soda, drops, gummies and cream to manage pain for my Dad during his cancer palliative care phase, and it worked quite well. Dosing was tricky and had to be adjusted frequently but we gave him a comfortable three+ months until he passed, while keeping him alert (not stoned- only happened twice by accident), and enjoying food and the company of family and friends. No morphine needed and no opioids. It can be done!
When the smiley face/angry face chart was posted in every exam room I knew there was a problem.
i long thought the secret to being an effective politician would be to basically do the opposite of what we have witnessed in my lifetime, and i'm probably not the only one.
now we get to see how that plays out through trump!
Yes but politicians generally don't want to be successful in any real way, they just want to be personally successful (get reelected, be liked by their colleagues, be feted by the press, amass power and influence, be seen as doing good (not doing good just being seen that way)).
President Trump isn't really a politician, he's a businessman, and he wants to actually get things done. He's going to make real change, one way or the other, and won't stop until he has achieved his goals. He's after real success for our country, he doesn't care about the elites, the politicians, the experts or the rest of the world. That makes him unique and singularly qualified to make the changes our country so badly needs. I hope and pray he succeeds and our country and people are on a better path going forward. It would be wonderful to see the USA having a bright, secure and prosperous future, instead of the slow and steady decline we have been experiencing over the past few decades.
part of his genius is that even though it's fair to say that trump understood television as a medium fairly well - he is also the first to really grasp the fact that we live in a post-television world.
he is literally bypassing the media which basically all politicians have relied on for hundreds of years now to get their message out.
it's just as seminal a change as when the JFK won the first televised debate against nixon in no small part by being better looking.
Well, I re upped my subscription so I can rant about COVID, Trump and the Media. The New York Times is confused….its not one step forward, two steps back…. But it seems they are retreating back to their void of truth trenches. One, I’m angrier than ever because Mr. McFarland has been diagnosed with Post COVID Pulmonary Fibrosis now on supplemental oxygen… so the vaccines didnt work, COVID patients were regarded as lepers and there were no treatments. Well, actually there were and we all know it. So two, here’s my prediction, Trump is going to apologize to the nation for his management of COVID because Fauci, O Connor, Birx etc conned him. I know a lot of people don’t see it that way, but like many of his Round One cabinet members and advisers, Trump thought he could trust him. Trump “ it became crystal clear to me when Biden pardoned Fauci “.
For better or worse, Trump doesn't apologize. He might explain, and many of us initially believed Tony Fauci since he was supposedly the most knowledgeable person in the country about respiratory disease epidemics. Little did we know his connection to the Wuhan research facility from which COVID came. Because of Alex and a few others, we now know Fauci was wrong about everything and hiding the truth about the pandemic's origins.
We shall see. I think he’s learned a lot about to what lengths “people” have done to make him go away. We shall see. It’s be great if he was the one to expose what was really going on… or maybe Patel … I have his personality on mute and seeing what he actually accomplishes. The fact that more evidence emerges daily as to how Biden was not running the country and the entire DNC covered for him… Trumps on steadier ground now. The Democrats look pretty inane going against an anti war stop killing people agenda.
Peter Marks may be even more to blame. I still believe most “long COVID” is truly vaccine injuries. Please check out this trailer!
Thanks! Love your name! Actually next week we have a telemedicine consultation with an “integrated medicine “ physician who is treating Long COVID and Post COVID pulmonary fibrosis with a combo of things including Ivermectin… from my own anecdotal statistics, the people who took the most shots have compromised immune systems and have a multitude of medical problems .
Good luck next week! Ask the physician what he/she thinks of nicotine treatments for long covid. Some French researchers claimed that they “cured” four people of long covid using nicotine patches for 6 days. We need to do much bigger studies, but it sounds interesting.
Thank you!! Actually, his local pulmonologist mentioned this, but this guy is young, fresh out of residency or whatever and I think he has to be careful with his advise… the specialist has been practicing medicine for 35 years. We shall see.
Well, lots of luck! I think most MDs are afraid to stick their necks out for fear of reprisal. I have been reading a book by a chiropractor named Dr. Bryan Ardis. He makes the case that the Covid 19 virus (and I believe "vaccine") has enzymes that are similar to those found in the venom of Chinese krait and the Chinese King Cobra, and that nicotine may be the treatment to cases of long covid and symptoms. Who knows? I hope you and your husband find the answer next week.
I started following Dr. Ardis a few years ago. I believe he started his crusade after the death of his FIL? He’s got amazing & interesting perspectives.
I've thought and said Trump will apologize at some point. After hearing Barron say his Dad never apologizes made me think Trump will apologize. Trump likes a challenge and probably likes to prove people wrong and I think by doing so would definitely elevate him even higher on that pedestal and his ego. It's like Neo from the movie Matrix, it would be the final thing that proves he is the "one". The one protected by God to protect "We The People" and the world. I'm just not sure how that apologize will sound.
I think Fauci is supposed to testify under oath to Congress… or was scheduled to. Reveal his lies publicly…..🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
He already did a couple times & lied under oath anyway…. 😩🤬
Interesting you believe Trump will in fact come out in this way at some point on the PLANdemic. That would in an interesting tact for sure. From what I have seen all along is he doubles and triples down on how great OWS was. I've never seen him waver on this, but perhaps there comes a time where he will for political reasons perhaps
I agree except that when he taking all the credit he didn’t know that Fauci etc were complicit. We shall see.
I hear you, but you do realize its 5 years now and he has been championing OWS still. Sure he could have been hoodwinked early on, but seriously 5 years in? I was cussing at the TV that fateful day in May of 2020 when he announced OWS
I don’t disagree at all. And it’s not that I think he’s all the superlatives , but I do sense this time around , he’s playing chess and everybody else is playing checkers. And if he had changed his narrative while Biden was in office, the media would have exploded with “sore loser” “ revenge seeking” “ can’t take responsibility “… maybe better to let some of the “settled science” become more unsettled and underscore the travesty and outrage suffered by the country…also I’m sure RFK Jr has filled his ear… stay tuned.
Well I HOPE you are right on Trump coming around in time with this so called CHESS play. Perhaps I am a tad biased losing a extended family member to the dangerous EUA gene therapy meds, and seeing friend lives forever altered. This the one REAL issue I've had with Trump all along. If most of US know the realties of what these experimental medications did to humanity I give NO latitude on Trump NOT knowing and long ago with what has been made KNOWN to date. Hard to swallow thinking this is just CHESS at this point with so many lives lost and maimed
The experts pushing opioids were bought and paid for by Purdue Pharma, and others. This was a Pharma marketing ploy, nothing more.
This is the brainwashing that our government does to it's people, it's called mass formation. Basically, they want you to believe that your too dumb to figure things out for yourself, that you need the experts to guide you in your life. This includes issues such as global warming ( bullshit), climate change ( bullshit ), your body, the food you eat, how you speak, your political affiliation, how you think and everything in between. They want total control of your life. In their eyes, you don't have the education, pedigree or problem solving skills to make the proper decisions . You just toooo fuckin stupid!!! This is the basic mentality of democrats who are essentially government lap dogs. That's why democrats believed everything the government said about Covid, and Republicans did not, because most Republicans are not government lap dogs, they can actually think for themselves. So, let's face it, ALL THE EXPERTS, MOST OF WHICH WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT, GOT COVID COMPLETELY RIGHT!!! Wait, they got nothing right. Better luck next time? I can't wait to not believe them again!!
Whew, I totally agree Larry! My narcissistic family member worked for the government for years! A Covidiot, global warming “expert”, and instructor/teacher/dictator to conservatives - or less educated peons that they assume need liberal instructions and guidance. And they TRULY believe it.
One is bad enough, my ENTIRE FAMILY thinks like that. Needless to say, my lines of communication with them are cut. Even in the face of total humiliation and being completely wrong, they don't have the intelligence or intestinal fortitude to admit it. That's millions of people living in a alternate universe.
"In 2008, the global financial crisis caused massive economic pain to nearly everyone — except the bankers and hedge fund managers who caused it." You forgot government - Barney Frank " we need to roll the dice on affordable housing" and the Fed who accommodated with artificially low rates for far too long.
Got to love the Sackler's! "Empire of Pain".
Exactly this - the rates were too low, for way, way too long - and we are paying the consequences of it both in terms of economics & cultural ramifications.
Thomas Friedman. Ick. Stopped reading his work years ago. Something is going on in that mind, but I do not know what it might be. Maybe professional help is needed.
Finally they did report something important and accurate on The NY Times the Daily--
How Tariffs Are Shaking up the War on Fentanyl—for the better!
The New York Times conducted an undercover investigation with Mexican drug cartels, revealing that President Trump's threats of imposing 25% tariffs on Mexican imports have instilled genuine fear among cartel members.
This fear stems from concerns over potential U.S. military action and increased economic pressures. Also, the CIA has drones flying around over Mexico to locate fentanyl labs, further intensifying the cartels' apprehensions.
You know when The NY Times says something good about Trump’s actions, it’s pretty significant. I bet the fentanyl overdoses will drop dramatically.
Thomas Friedman needs to get with the program!
Brilliant analysis your spot on. They have been so wrong about so much. The NYC to Washington DC elites have destroyed this country.
So WRONG, but never held accountable so they are ALLOWED to continue their ways
Facing another rotator cuff repair surgery, on my left shoulder this time.. Right one was repaired 4 years ago. Now 65 & very concerned the opioid disaster will curtail my Ortho Surgeon from being able to prescribe the badly needed pain medications, post surgery. It was a 11 out of 10 for the first couple weeks, lots of PT, weened off meds & got fantastic results! Now I’m just putting off the left repair.. Some pain is truly acute & being able to provide some relief, is worth keeping in mind.
Also include the partisan hacks masquerading as save the planet crusaders who have hijacked environmentalism to enrich themselves
Eco terrorists