It's tempting to blame the Deep State/Left Wingers/Democrats for the vax gaslighting.

But I'm no less infuriated by Republicans who turn a blind eye. Big Pharma hands out bi-partisan bribes, called campaign contributions.

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The SWAMP just continues to swamp doesn't IT

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The word is out. My son & DIL, “we’re not worried that (4 year old Granddaughter) gets sick as much as we are that giving her vaccines could potentially make her never the same again.”

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My elderly father believes every bit of propaganda the NYT spews, and has set aside a few days this fall "in case of" a reaction to the latest shot. Finally after years he will hug me without wearing a mask :|

However much you hate the 5th column media, it is not enough.

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This is the ONE aspect that get's me the most. WHAT the government intentional did to the fabric of family in the plandemic agenda. What was allowed to occur with the elderly and children is beyond criminal.

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i'm so sorry to hear about the precious time wasted from your father's life. i agree. no punishment would be slow, torturous and bloody enough. my loathing for these people has no limits.

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You are correct about not trusting vaccines. I had usually taken a flu shot every year, but I refuse them now because I don’t trust the medical system to only give me a flu shot when they could include a Covid vaccine without my knowledge, and there would be nothing that I could do to hold anyone accountable for it.

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I haven't had a flu shot in decades. I started reading Alex when he sounded the alarm about Covid vaccines. As soon as I heard the pharma companies could not be held accountable for damages I knew I wanted nothing to do with mRNA.

Now I won't get vaxxed for anything lest the health industrial complex insert mRNA into all the vaxxes for "the greater good".

Besides, at 79 why would I want to be another dementia statistic like Joe Biden?

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I can say I am 61 and I have never had a flu shot. Maybe had the flu once or twice that I can recall

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It’s Double dementia for that clown

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CDC recently came out with the stats that this year’s flu shot is approximately 35% effective. Is that supposed to inspire confidence? I haven’t taken a flu shot in over 15 years after taking it for two years and getting the flu each year. I figured I’d take my chances. Had it once since. Had COVID once- very mild and no vaccine. Just say no!

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I will never trust the government or Media again. The story of CBS editing out Harris’s 60 Minute interview by cutting out her real answer to a question and inserting another answer to another question as the answer is pure lying. NPR NBC MSNBC CNN ABC CBS etc all lie.

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Ban the mRNA jabs now, and we demand accountability!

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Almost 2025 Nick and STILL not ONE person on the entire planet has remotely FELT actual accountability. The single greatest crime ever perpetrated against humanity in human history in scope, and not ONE. The most perfect executed crime against humanity ever...

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Alex comments "They are hurting confidence not just in the mRNAs, not just in all vaccines (I know many of you want that, you know I am not convinced) . . . "

If Alex is not convinced of the extensive harm done by the "one-two punch" of the (1) ever expanding CDC vaccine "schedule" and (2) complete Big Pharma legal immunity, then he hasn't looked into it. He might want to start by looking into HPV "vaccines", or even the MMR shot. The medical establishment and Public Health work hard to hide it, but anecdotal evidence abounds . . .

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Agreed. There’s also plenty of investigative and scientific evidence as well. Books such as “Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies” (summaries of 400 studies) by Neil Z. Miller takes a look at many commonly used vaccines like HPV, Measles, MMR, Chickenpox, Polio and Hep B and some of the ingredients and side effects.

Excellent investigative journalism has also been done by Sharyl Attkisson on this topic for many years, links here: https://sharylattkisson.com/2019/04/resource-links-to-vaccine-and-medical-stories/

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read also books by Forrest Maready

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What I would like to know (and, of course, Google is not helpful) is what NON-COVID , if any, are mRNA based. I have become vaccine-reluctant because I simply don't know and I am damned if I will get another mRNA-based vaccine after getting bullied into the Covid one so I could take a very expensive cruise I had already paid for. I had already had Covid, BTW).

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don't get any. the non-mRNA shots generally have aluminum in them, something you don't want. eat good real food, get outdoor exercise, keep your vitamin D levels up. i never take a flu shot and i rarely get the flu. when i do, i drink lots of (filtered) water and homemade bone broth, take hot epsom salt baths to drive up my fever and i'm better in 1 to 3 days.

i did get covid from a fully vaccinated and boosted friend who was feeling bad and asked if she could come use my sauna. unlike the demons who advocated casting out the unvaccinated (jennifer aniston, jimmy kimmel et al), i was happy to accommodate her. she didn't suspect covid because, after all, she had had 3 shots (she now has very aggressive ovarian cancer which i am blaming on those shots).

for me, it was the most mild of flus. i only know it was covid because my BF brought home some rapid antigen tests (for the life of me, i can't figure out why anyone would test to see if they had a flu! fever + body aches = flu; it's pretty simple). i was completely fine in 2 days. i treated it as i would any flu.

you sound like my brother. he took the 2 shots because he wanted to go back to his gym. "you mean the gym for which you have a fully paid membership with a signed contract that has no vaccine stipulation whatsoever in it?" i asked him. that got him thinking. he started "doing his own research," passed on the booster and now goes down deeper rabbit holes than even i could imagine!

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Most likely you would have caught some version of Covid notwithstanding the sauna.

But your poor friend - takes 3 jabs and ends up with a bonus surprise ! of ovarian cancer .

In hindsight not that surprising.

Add up the iqs of aniston and kimmel, then subtract 50 and the total becomes 50.

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none... they are working on cancer mRNA vaccines with mixed results (surprise?) which is why moderna stock is down... we should all hope for success there as I would gladly an mRNA vax if it worked for cancer (benefit >> risks)... but seems unlikely that will ever be the case... mRNA and moderna will go down in history as a bizarre and crazy one-off oddity used to basically punish DJT followers. It was very effective for that, though I think it ended up sacrificing some of their own to achieve that end game

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Thanks. It's often hard to figure out and my Doc knows, well, nothing.

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Amazing how little they know

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I started slowly early this year, but now I don't hold back from telling my healthcare providers very matter of factly that I have no trust left in the system. They sit and nod, with nothing to say at this point. Of course not.

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And in them ?

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Multi-dose vials of flu vaccine still contain mercury. Injecting mercury into anyone (much less a pregnant woman) is medical malpractice.

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I disagree about flu shots. In 2018 I took one in the fall and had the flu the following spring. I was down on the sofa for three days and had an irregular heartbeat for 10 months. I believe I had antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). All that is needed is a high serum Vitamin D level to keep the flu at bay. Every vaccine taken harms the immune system.

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my cancer researcher friends still repeat the "COVID vax saved millions" line, and I think they really believe it. they also wont admit that most of the cancer drugs invented over the past 10 years are useless b/c the US system still pays millions for them (keytruda being an exception - a terrific drug that has real world benefits).. so they are invested in the lie... they are also super left wing, and like most academics live in a fantastic world by believing in the narratives of climate change, covid, white supremacy, democracy at risk from far right people like us, and other "current things"... they drive their $100K EV to work (with $10k subsidy) and cheer the next DEI event

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i like your down to earth responses. You sound like a kid off the block who has a terrific intellect. Plus you have an advantage over these other students in that you don't live in a fantasy world like they do.

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To your point, here are more than a few studies detailing autoimmune damage from the C19 "vaccine"

Oncogenesis and autoimmunity as a result of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination


(“In this paper, we have provided an extensive review of the role of Treg cells in the immune system, with a particular focus on the apparent disruption of their behavior caused by the mRNA vaccines. It appears that the vaccines typically induce an intense IgG antibody response due to the toxicity of the spike protein, along with an extreme inflammatory response through cytokine release by T cells, and, ultimately, the potential for autoantibodies to attack the tissues through recognition of non-self spike protein on the cell surface.” Explanatory article here.)

The Potential Role of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccines in Multiple Sclerosis Onset and Reactivation: A Case Series and Literature Review


(Authors reported numerous cases of either flares of existing MS or de novo disease in patients who either had SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccination, and likely both. It is well known that other viral infections can flare MS, however, there were clear-cut cases of mRNA vaccines causing new cases of MS. Paper suggests some de novo cases were completely avoidable by declining COVID-19 vaccination from the start. Explanatory article here.)

Safety of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: results from the EULAR Coronavirus Vaccine (COVAX) physician-reported registry


(A rheumatologic database published in the BMJ showed that 37% of patients had an adverse response to COVID vaccination, and 4.4% of those vaccinated experienced an exacerbation of a pre-existing autoimmune condition. Explanatory article here.)

Autoimmune inflammatory reactions triggered by the COVID-19 genetic vaccines in terminally differentiated tissues


(The conclusions are inescapable, mRNA vaccines will cause autoimmunity in all applications. "Numerous studies report the onset of autoimmune reactions following COVID-19 vaccination. The histopathological data provide indisputable evidence that demonstrates that the genetic vaccines exhibit an off-target distribution, causing the synthesis of the spike protein and thus triggering autoimmune inflammatory reactions” Explanatory article here.)

Role of the antigen presentation process in the immunization mechanism of the genetic vaccines against COVID-19 and the need for biodistribution evaluations


(All cells that take up mRNA express foreign proteins on the cell surface inviting an immediate auto-immune attack on cells harboring the mRNA and it’s protein products.)

New-onset autoimmune phenomena post-COVID-19 vaccination


(Conclusion: emerging evidence has indicated that new onset of autoimmune manifestations including VITT, autoimmune liver diseases, GBS and IgA nephropathy appears to be associated with COVID-19 vaccines. The plausible mechanisms include molecular mimicry, the production of particular autoantibodies and the role of certain vaccine adjuvants. Further studies are warranted.)

IgA Vasculitis Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A French Multicenter Case Series Including 12 Patients


(The major points of this paper are: 1) auto-immune disease will happen after genetic vaccinations of any type and IgA vasculitis is just the tip of the iceberg, 2) skin rashes can be the only clue to internal organ damage and the need for treatment. Explanatory article here.)

Autoimmune inflammatory reactions triggered by the COVID-19 genetic vaccines in terminally differentiated tissues


(Production of a foreign protein in the human body has turned out to be a disaster as illustrated in paper. Reasons why: 1) each cell that takes up the vaccine expresses the protein in the cell surface initiating autoimmune attack, 2) the tissue distribution appears to be wide involving organs where this attack could be lethal (heart, brain, bone marrow, etc.), 3) both the genetic material and the Spike protein are long lasting (months to years) which is long enough to cause an autoimmune syndrome which may be permanent. Explanatory article here.)

Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and mammalian proteomes: implications for the vaccine


("Finally, this study once more reiterates the concept that only vaccines based on minimal immune determinants, unique to pathogens and absent in the human proteome, might offer the possibility of safe and efficacious vaccines." In other words, vaccines need to eliminate the regions of the Spike protein that mimic human proteins in order to avoid triggering autoimmunity.)

Incidence of Guillain-Barré Syndrome After COVID-19 Vaccination in the Vaccine Safety Datalink


(explanatory article: The incidence rate of confirmed cases per 100,000 person-years was 34.6 during the 1 to 21 days after administration, much higher than the historical background rate of 2 per 100,000 person-years.)

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity


(The COVID-19 vaccination program causes Disease Enhancement, likely via numerous possible means: from molecular mimicry leading to autoimmunity, or antibody-dependent enhancement. Explanatory article)

Pathogenic antibodies induced by spike proteins of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV viruses


(Preprint article found that “these pathogenic antibodies, through a mechanism of Antibody Dependent Auto-Attack (ADAA), target and bind to host vulnerable cells or tissues such as damaged lung epithelium cells, initiate a self-attack immune response, and lead to serious conditions including ARDS, cytokine release, and death. Moreover, the pathogenic antibodies also induced inflammation and hemorrhage of the kidneys, brain, and heart. Furthermore, the pathogenic antibodies can bind to un-matured fetal tissues and cause abortions, postpartum labors, still births, and neonatal deaths of pregnant mice.”)

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You have so many interesting papers here. Some are very long- immunologists must have very precise personalities. It is truly a fascinating field. The molecules in the system are vast.

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Thank you so much for documenting and sharing this - for your hard work. Maybe some of my family members will listen.

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You're welcome! I hope they do. None of mine did. :(

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A friend, 60, has now had 6 shots and knows 5 friends with life-threatening conditions, all new. I finally had to tell him about the link. Not one word back.

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Denial…or fear.

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Probably denial, then fear, then "uh oh, that's it."

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Alex!!!! Please, please read Dissolving Illusions!! Then Turtles All The Way Down & get familiar with www.nvic.org

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Many thanks, Alex. Your work is appreciated beyond measure by those of us seeking the truth.

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