Hey Alex, I’m all about theories (as that’s what I write on my Substack) but here’s one theory: Pfizer ended the commercial to focus on cancer, because cancer is about to skyrocket (as there is talk that the mRNA shots increase cancer). So Pfizer, since they already have notoriety for the shot, may start producing “Cancer shots.” Another opportunity to boost revenue down the line. Just a theory.

But, if you’re interested in an even more interesting theory regarding the virus itself, check out this article: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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I don't think this is a theory. Seems like there's plenty of evidence to indicate just this.

They could've focused on getting people outside, taking vit D and eating healthy, etc., etc., during c19....I wonder why they didn't?

I don't even think Occams Razor needs to be applied.

They have hundreds of millions of people on tilt chasing the "antidote" dragon.

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I tend to agree with this. Pfizer and its CEO have zero compassion or care for this world. All he sees is $$$ signs.

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Once I figured out they don't mind killing us....then it made sense.

"Medical Science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left".

Aldous Huxley

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I just got the 2020 book "Pharma: Greed, Lies and the Poisoning of America" by Gerald Posner. It tells you everything you never wanted to know about the origins of the Pharma companies including Pfizer. And it definitely affirms that it's always about $$$....and always has been. I've only read the first chapter and I'm so thoroughly disgusted by the entire pharmaceutical industry that I can only take this book in small doses.

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Its fairly astonishing Alex does not see that real possibility too as a so called theory. The turbo-cancers autoimmune and, neurodegenerative issues post injection's now should be alarming to all who pay attention. Create the problem and have the solution as the new health issues are normalized and people as always just buy into the narrative over and over. Definitely an assured pipeline of $$$ over the coming years and decades treating all the NEW sickly. Pharma is not that smart are they...yeah right! The orchestrators of all the planning and executing of the great plandemic of 2020 were deliberate and intentional and got away with it all scot-free, and sadly still are "allowed" too

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But that leftwing paragon of truth-telling, Wikipedia, says that turbo cancer is a complete myth and a conspiracy theory. And

How many conspiracy theories have come true in the last four years? The problem will be, how will we ever know if turbo cancer becomes a real thing? I'm sure the leftwing news media will work hand in glove with the CDC to hide any indication of turbo cancer.

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Virtually every conspiracy theory that existed in 2020 has come true in the last four years - except the ones involving space aliens or planted by various intel agencies.

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Established by the cai to lead the narrative and Propaganda.

Full interview Yuri Brev. Surprised they are still on you tube. I guess people keep reposting and it is so popular. There is a 13 min abbreviated interview also if you need it.


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Oh it’s worse than allowed. I just read an article in The Epoch Times about a senator in Rhide Island who I proposing legislation that penalizes people who don’t get vaccinated, boosters and fines parents who do not get kids vaccinated. There’s even a clause that requires vaccine deviants to pay higher taxes, most likely to pay for the additional oversight all this nonsense will cost.

This is bar none the most insane, unconstitutional, unethical and immoral legislation I’ve heard of to date. Can they not read in RI?

Not only is the virus not a significant threat to children but the vaccine is a meaningful threat to children, young adults, and given new data, it may be even more dangerous to seniors. But I’m digressing and preaching to the choir.

I just can’t believe any educated person out there who doesn’t know the truth about the jabs. These lawmakers up there should be audited as I can’t imagine they’re not getting something for attempting this dubious legislation.

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He is being paid off, extorted and threatened or receiving bodily injury to himself or next of kin. This is how the Cabal Mafia is working.

Extremely rarely would any elected person, representing the people's wishes ...be so insane to do what is described. Are they the majority of his constituents wishes? If not he would be torn down and fired.

If we had reporters this would not be difficult to ferret out. Letters, phone calls and visits to his office. He public record of votes, recorded donations hang around the Legislative lunch rooms and fave restaurants. Hang with chief of staff...so to speak. Is there not a reporter in RI left? Anyone else that cares? Drop this info with name and contact to Project Veritas.

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I also heard the RI bill didn't pass due to public outrage, and that as backlash, a series of bills were introduced which would make it illegal for public health agencies to impose lockdowns, closures, masking rules, vaccine mandates, and other violations of civil rights. https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/16/ri-vaccine-mandates-would-be-illegal-with-new-bills-covid-get-jobs-back/70004595007/

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Well my state isn’t much better. We live in a serial blue state but hope to leave once my husband retires. I know there wasn’t much push back at the state mandated rule that all children over 12 had to be vaxxed in order to attend public school. Given the now almost mainstream knowledge that the shots aren’t safe or effective maybe enough parents will revisit these mandates from high and holy teachers unions, county school boards and state Capitol. I wouldn’t hold my breath but one can hope that facts matter.

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Its my point in essence...the swamp and those that own the swamp "allow" it. It's all just allowed, but agree it will simply get worse now...why wouldn't it when absolutely no one ever is held accountable.

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And they call Trump a fascist...

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Commie 101: Accuse YOU of what THEY do...

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The virus is ZERO threat to children. Zero.

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Oh, it’s not just ‘about to skyrocket’ it already is. I personally hear about or know tons of cases, mostly kids and working aged adults being diagnosed with rare or late stage cancers several times a week. And you’re right, there are cancer MRNAs in the works, so that will undoubtedly be their new push and cash cow. I feel very sorry for all the cancer patients who may be tricked into taking yet another poison jab, all in the name of ‘follow the $cience’.

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IKR? Some physician in an interview said that the surge in late stage and aggressive cancers is the result of foregoing regular screenings during COVID and that ppl have gotten out of the habit. There probably is some truth to that but I don’t put much stock in our medical system anymore. After spending the last four years bald faced lying (and are still trying to “sell” the narrative) it’s hard to take them seriously. The open season of mRNA gene therapies should concern everyone. It’s Franken-medicine..

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I have actually heard that is the case. It's so Pfizer to cause one disease, then market the cure. At least they're good at something. It's just not actually helping people.

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It seems to me the solution for “our side” is to identify the point of greatest vulnerability of our “evil” adversary … and then marshall all of our resources to attack this point of weakness.

It also occurs to me that Mike Benz identified the “key to the operation” for our Shadow Rulers - suppressing dissent on the Internet. Achieving this goal was surprisingly easy and ensured that our adversaries would face no serious push-back as they seek to implement the other parts of their unfinished agendas.


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Checking out the domain registry date. That's pretty f*cking good investigative journalism. I think your theory on the focus group is spot on. Either that or the legal team got spooked. My money would be on the former.

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Was going to post something like this comment. Hope it's this kind of hubris pivot rather than the alien cancer chip spore conspiracy theories that I hope aren't true. So many these days turn out to be so...

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Adding to your theory, mine is that the last ten seconds of the original ad featured Science Himself, and that is what bombed with the focus groups.

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Right, and still back to how do you “out do” cancer? Do you kill more children? More elderly?

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Obviously, the way to outdo cancer is to kill more people with your products than cancer kills. :-/

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Yes it is like a bad Freudian slip. Like Biden mixing up the Mexico and Gaza negotiations about “opening the border.” Truth finds a way?

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The “truth” as the radical left defines it.

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I just spoke with a pharmaceutical rep from Memphis whose company sold chemotherapy drugs. Pfizer just bought their company.

Isn't it interesting they are investing in chemo drugs as the incidence of Turbo cancer has taken off?

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Ugh, this is despicable.

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According to Harris, "we need to reduce population". Newsweek called it a gaffe. I call it a Freudian slip.

Seems to me that the mRNA genetic therapy (i. e. It changes the DNA of the jabbed) has already and is continuing to accomplish what Harris said. John Beaudoin, Sr. has intensely analyzed medical data from Minnesota and Masssachusetts. He contends that the "vaccines" have killed far more people already than the virus. Turbo cancer is killing people rapidly. Dr. Russell Blaylock contends that after the first booster a person's immune system is side lined. The immune system normally kills cancer cells. Without the cancer killing immune systems, cancers can grow unimpeded causing people to die quickly. Hence the title "turbo cancer" heretofore not existing often in humans. With a majority of adults vaxxed and having compromised immune systems, cancer treatment will be the new source of mega profits for Big Pharma. Sounds like the arsonist who set the building on fire offering to put the fire out if paid a lot of money! If you are vaxxed and boosted, I hope and pray that you don't fall victim to the "poison" you were probably forced to take by our "government". Godless people worshiping money and power do godless things.

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That was an epic story presented on Epoch Times with Beaudoin! Scary as hell!

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Agree. I watched it and considered Mr. Beaudoin very credible. The "Covid death count" placed Massachusetts at the 3rd highest per capita in the world. This appeared to be caused by the large presence of Pharma companies in the state and their influence through politicians on the medical community to count non Covid deaths as Covid deaths. The PCR test has always been subject to manipulation as described by the inventor before his death in the fall of 2019 from a respiratory illness. Hmmmm! When the test is cycled 40 times many false positives occur. So a gunshot victim who dies but is tested positive, whether a false positive or not, is classified as a Covid death on the death certificate. Doesn't that make it hard to believe and follow the "science"?

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Exactly...the deliberate and intentional orchestration of it all was so obvious wasn't it, and it was all simply "allowed" to perpetuate and still is. Mullis must have rolled a 10,000X in his grave seeing his test used so overtly fraudulently!

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Let's not forget that there were considerable financial incentives for hospitals and even relatives of the deceased to classify deaths as COVID related.

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Amen. I heard an advertisement at least a year ago that several drug makers are working on mRNA based therapies to tackle a variety of illnesses. That was scarier than all the horror movies I’ve seen combined.

They have no idea what damage they might do to our species. How will they make future billions if there aren’t enough ppl left to pay them to kill us. Strange financial strategy. I’ll bet lots of our tax dollars will subsidize the research too.

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Post 2020, it’s good to be in the placebo group.

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They are spraying it from the skies, putting it in our food and shedding is bad and real.

Look at Epoch Times interview with Jan and Dr. Pierre Kory regarding his non injected patients that have lots of si and sy and Spike protein production.

We have to stop this gov and b.Hates from trying to depop us.


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Maybe its less about the commercial then the spending. If you are an advertiser you can threaten to withhold advertising if you dont like the press you get. $14 million makes a dent.

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DMV, 🎯

Exactly. They don't sell drugs with their advertising, the doctors need to write for them remember everybody?

Big Harma buys influence and Mafia clout. They buy or try to buy, a narrative.

The gov wants you dead.

Do not comply.

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Please dont confuse me with a poorly run government agency. LOL

Disagree on one thing. gov does not want you dead. It wants you dependent.

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Have you looked at the CDC VAERS Reports on dead and severely maimed people after taking the DOD shot? Have you looked at same data of dead from shots from other countries? Have you read RFK Jr 's Thé Réal Anthony Fraudci and Ed Dowd's Died Suddenly, documenting with pictures all the dead most of them young and most athletes ? Also documenting large increase of Life insurance payouts after the shot roll out of the young and healthy workforce ( remember the Biden word mandates ...." remember " I had to )

If you have not, please go do your homework before commenting. You just waste our time if you don't know the facts of the murdered by the CDC, FDA and NIH, DOD etc.

Like the last one to get everything in a classroom, when they put their hand up because they did not read the book or do the homework assignment.

Our time us running short and so is our patience. You have had 4 years. If not more.

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They'd call it "collateral damage"

and BTW - be nice

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Wrong! It was Targeted Kill Box by Lot and Batch number.

The most lethal sent to the Red states. Look it up here.


Authoritarians tell other people how to act.

You have outed yourself.

I choose my behavior, not you.

Being an educator I do advise you educating yourself if you want to understand what is happening around you though. Take it or leave the advice. I am well compensated for my advice. I will not charge you.

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what are you even talking about?

Have a nice day, gotta get back to work.

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Great research, Alex. These guys are...I have no words. You said it all.

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"Bourla met Biden again in June, in England at the G-7 summit of world leaders."

where Joe said he talked with Mitterand and Kohl

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If I was Biden I would just double down.

"Hey man, I got one foot in the grave, you know? I see dead people all the time, man.

These guys or ghosts or whatever are always telling me things - my time is almost up, I need to repent of my sins, and the great message from beyond the grave that I need to communicate with the living to bring about paradise on earth is blah-blah-blah & I tell them to shoo. And I throw my shoes at them!

I have secret service shoot at them too, but sometimes those cowards pretend not to hear me or whine that they don't see any ghosts.

What was I saying?"

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makes you wonder how someone who needs an executor is able to legitimately sign executive documents...

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For real, if he was my grandfather I would have already hid his car keys & maybe pleaded with grandma to yell "vroom" a lot so he thinks he's driving her around.

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lolol dude!!!

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Hmmm... strange goings on in the (now not so) great society. I can only speculate at the epitaph on Americas mutual grave but there might not be anyone left alive to read it.

Such an encouraging vision of the future. I’m old now so I don’t worry for my future but I have infant great nieces and nephews that I am very concerned for. Not just about this topic either.

These politicians and crooked CEO’s are messing up on all fronts.

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It's almost like they're doing it on purpose!....:)

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Not to quibble, but did you mean conservator? Executors are appointed for decedents' estates.

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That's the humor of it.

He might as well be dead

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That is hilarious. You have a gift! Biden doesn't lack chutzpah, wonder why he hasn't done this...

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Copying this comment I made on a previous post. Not looking to promote anything, just genuinely curious about your opinion on the rise in pregnancy complications:

Unrelated, have you heard about the rise in preterm births since 2014 in this CDC report released last month?


The average rate of increase is about 2% year-over-year, but there is a 4% jump in premature births in 2021. Add to this an almost 40% jump in maternal mortality in 2021. I’m not saying the mRNAs were necessarily responsible for either of these, but interesting to look into nonetheless, and I think relevant to both your interest in the mRNA products and declining fertility. I gave my two cents here:


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Looking forward to checking out your analysis!

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Where there’s smoke there’s 🔥

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Thant was great and had me laughing. Especially the references to "Vitamin V" as we in the medical profession called it. And on "V"alentine's Day as well.

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It is just pay to play. If you want to be dictating to news media how they should cover issues, then you have to pay up.

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Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden needs all government employees and legacy media to stop taking money from pharmaceutical companies. So they are working for the American taxpayers.

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Buck Fiden

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I got pinged by a recruiter the other day about an open job at BioNtech. I told them that I wouldn't be comfortable working for that particular company. Their response sounded like I wasn't the first person to tell them that.

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I've worked in advertising for 28 years and can say you're probably onto something. The date of registration for the URL is certainly very late for an ad that under the best of circumstances took weeks to get approved and produced (more likely months). And you're correct about focus group testing. Agencies hate such testing but clients tend to be more conservative. I have a saying which is that the typical agency person wants to win a Lion at the Cannes advertising festival and the typical client wants to send his kids to college. In any case, the bigger the client company, the more conservative, so focus group "disaster checks" are a thing. I once had a client reshoot an entire 30-second comercial because a couple of uptight housewives among the dozens recruited objected to the storyline, which featured a man innocently bumping up into his sexy neighbour at the drugstore and getting her lipstick on his shirt. Innocent stuff.

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