How dare that 70 year old man think for himself! Off to the gulag

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The real problem the censors had is that he 'liked' TRUE Tweets.

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What did you expect from the primary jurisdiction in the state that gave us Casey vs Planned Parenthood, Kermit Gosnell, Joe Biden, the venue for Biden’s/Lucifer’s Lament Speech, John Fetterman, and elected a literal dead man to public office? Even hinting at criticism of the approved narrative must be crushed. Ironic because it is also the place where the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution were signed. We really do live in an upside down, evil, time

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Seriously! It really is a dark, evil time

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Yup. And the real oppression is just getting started.

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Likes are seemingly passive, but actually maybe just lazy :-)

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I don't know about anyone else, but I regularly 'like' tweets which oppose my viewpoint, as long as they raise valid points or are humorous.

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I “like” anything that interests me and can be used in discussion class, rather I agree with it or not. Not on twitter though, as I am not on that platform.

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I have to say, the best thing I ever did was get off Twitter. Life is so much better

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Never was on it nor any others until recently with Quora and more recently substack.

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Ditto. Reasoned essays are the impetus to an open mind.

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I have often been called lazy

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Lazy people make the best executives. We know how to delegate and don't get up subordinates' asses about the details.

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I don't necessarily totally agree with you but the premise is quite humorous with most likely a grain of truth.

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Good to know

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LOL same here

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PLEASE... not the DC Goulag... (exponentially worse than the original)

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Ironically, one of the tweets Tycokinski liked was from Elon Musk; it features a venn diagram showing that we're currently living in 1984, Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451.


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Ah shit, by liking your comment while on my vacation, am I going to get fired on Monday and sent to the gulag on Tuesday?

Maybe Susan "The Good German" Synder will help load the cattle car? Celebrity Journalist Facist Cosplay is sooo hot right now.

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Snyder is an obvious ----, I won't use the word. There are plenty of them male and female. You get it. Little by little free speech is taken away. Up here in Canadistan the Turd passed a bill on free speech, it is no longer free. No more saying bad things about the goobermint on social media. Please make the novel 1984 fiction again. Please please pretty please.

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Yeah, but you guys can now come to the USA and go to Disneyland again if you are unvaxxed adlfter May 11, 2023!!!


I have no idea if Trudeau will let you back in.

Avoid the big cities on the West Coast if you don't like needles.

And you might not want to go to DC, the last time a bunch of people went near the Capitol, they were all arrested.

And avoid NYC and Chicago. Apparently, violence is cool, as long it is done against the right people.

My cousin moved to British Columbia about 6 years ago. I want led to visit her, but, I made a sizeable donation to the Trucker Convoy and I wonder what happens when I cross the border, either way. I'm not kidding on this part. I really wonder if I might be denied entry in or out of the States. Nothing would surprise me any more.

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I also made a contribution. A lot of that talk was bullying from the Turd except for the organizers . I have friends in Washington state area that were supporters and cross the border on a consistent basis. Canadistan has not required the clot shot since about August last year you should be good to go. I live in B.C. as well, close to the Alberta and Montana border. The West coast of Canadistan is just an extension of Seattle and Portland area, chock full of Libtards and Woketards plus lots of needles and shit stained side walks. The only places I may visit are Montana and Idaho.

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240 years ago, Canadians preferred to remain loyal subjects of the British Crown rather than jump into the uncertain waters of individual rights. Therein lies the difference.

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I am definitely not one of that category but many up this way are. Very passive with a herd animal mentality.

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Unbelievable. What is it about these shots? It’s like a Jim Jones Kool Aid party.

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"Jim Jones Kool-Aid party".

A great line. That's very clever I'm to quote it in the future. Thanks Bernard!

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It’s true! Use it all you want.

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I meant I'm going to quote it. Argh, the finger clicks send before the brain proofreads.


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Trivia question, was it Kool Aid or Flavor Aid? Society is extremely f--ked for the most part. I hope a reckoning comes for these cretins.

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It was actually Flavor Aid, but I went with the commonly used “Kool Aid”. Either way, it was laced with cyanide and other drugs. Our public health officials have taken over for Jim Jones in the Covid intervention cult, using corporations to do the dirty work.

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I agree totally, you could not make this shit up. The sheeple lapped it up just like the Kool Aid at Jones Town.

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They sure did want everyone world wide to get them, that’s for sure. And given the way they went about getting them done, it can not be said that health is the motivator.

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I'm sure you understand this, Alex, but they actually are fully aware of the principles of free speech. They have not forgotten them, they've rejected them. Free speech is their enemy. There are people who want a totalitarian takeover of this country. Free speech stands in their way, and must be eliminated.

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Why does any of this surprise you when you said you would vote for Biden over Trump? If the Dems win again in 2024 it will only get worse. So either come over to our side completely, or stop complaining about things like this.

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He should have been able to like your tweet whether you were wrong or right. In a free country, people are allowed to be wrong and people are allowed to change their mind. After all, Fauci has changed his position too many times for me to count. But I guess when you are The Science, that is allowed.

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Who said we are still a free country?

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Our freedoms are natural rights. The Constitution doesn't grant us our freedoms, it restricts the government from infringing on our freedoms. When leaders ignore the Constitution and try to infringe on our freedoms, it is our duty to prevent them from doing so -- for ourselves, for each other and for future generations.

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"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." Malcolm X

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THANK YOU! At 75 and a conservative Republican, I remember the campus 60s when "liberals" and "conservatives" had serious and frequent debates about things like the Vietnam war. Maybe I'm absent minded, but I don't recall anyone advocating censorship. If they haven't torn up or burnt every copy, maybe they should read America's Bill of Rights - just right one should be enough -if they need more forceful encourage perhaps read right two.

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Susan Sndyer deserves to be run out of town. What a empty Pulitzer prize winner. Bet she can't face the mirror every day.

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They all need to be run out of town!

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She actually deserves another P. award. Pfizer award this time. Then she can claim P+P awards

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Good work to you and those that amplified your tweet.

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A NY native and former SF resident, I now reside in the Philly 'burbs. We're far enough away from the Karentocracy to make it tolerable, but It still pains me to see the daily Inquirers sitting in the driveways during my morning run.

Not surprising, these are the same folks who made their kids mask up during outdoor play well into the scamdemic. I don't know most of these subscribers, but I can sure as hell tell you who they voted for and how many Fauci votives are on their mantles.

The good news is that WSJ sightings are beginning to outnumber the Philly rag.

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“Karentocracy”. Wish I’d thought if that!

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I would tend to say, “ the somewhat better news…”

are the WSJ sightings

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Until folks like this professor stop apologizing and start defending their right to like whatever they want we continue to give them ground in all of ilus losing our inherent right to free speech.

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I agree! Never apologize for your opinions.

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To repeat my comment to Matt Taibbi’s latest on the outrageous power trip the media has been on for far too long..” who the EFF to these journalists think they are?” ... calling for someone to lose their job and destroy their reputation because you as a political acolyte are carrying out orders for corrupt ridden Federal Health Agencies?!? This woman should have her press pass pulled!

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Cripes, I just liked this Stack!!! Woe is me! Come get me you underhanded, whiney sacks of moldy oatmeal. I’ll like whomever I like. May you rot at your computer.

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When the vast SILENCE of the "middle left" begin to speak up, we might see a turn of events. Until then, we're all targets of the extreme left when we speak of disagreement with their totalitarian perspectives. We live in a country full of spineless pansies on both sides of the proverbial aisle. There are no longer 2 parties, there is only one now. And that's because of people who "go along to get along" instead of speaking TRUTH to stolen power. We have no real statesmen left in the U.S. Bonhoeffer was SO spot on…and the clueless, ignorant, dumbed-down majority of Americans have no idea where we're headed.

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John Cornyn, Texas RINO Republican, is a good example of inclusion into the rotten-to-the-core UniParty group.

Garbage in--Garbage out.

Suzanne Alexander

Savannah TX

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I hate the reality of a uni-party; at the same time, in the voting booth the only thing worse than a RINO is usually the candidate running against him/her.

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Sad but true.

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a/k/a Recycled Garbage that should just be thrown out. (both fuels & supported by the idiotic cult of greenies)

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100% truth. Please note that since Tucker Carlson was silenced, state propaganda organ MSNBC has become (by default) the No. 1 cable news network.

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Back in the old days an editor like Ben Bradley would print the copy, read it, pour himself a glass of something brown, then find Susan and berate her until she packed her belongings in a box and fled the office in tears. Print journalism is dead. Long live substack.

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I am a former Philadelphia Inquirer reader! Cant stand it anymore.

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