I was the most adamant pro-choicer for decades. Decades. And then they lost me when the fanatics decided a woman should have the right to abort the baby all the way up until the moment it literally comes out into the world. Utterly barbaric. I never dreamed I would join the pro-life side, but I have. If you have to wait until nine months to abort the baby, you are mentally ill and deserve to be charged with murder.

That said... let the states decide. Which is how it should have been handled in the first place.

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Yep same for me. Almost identical to my beliefs about gay marriage and rights of that nature. Was on board and then it escalated and escalated and here we are.

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If they lost someone like me, they've lost a huge swath. They just don't realize it.

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I'm with you. I was the most adamant pro-choice person but not now. These people who actually CHEER abortion and have cakes and celebrations are downright evil.

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I too, was pro-choice until I came to realize how Machiavellian the left is, and that includes anyone who gets in the way, including children.

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I give a lot of credit for my political conversion to Rush Limbaugh. He showed up on a local San Francisco Radio Station in '83. (My epiphany came from elsewhere.)

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I will remain pro-choice until the first trimester. But at the end of the day it is a democracy. Lets the States decide.

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Wow, this is amazing that so many people went from full pro-"choice" to pro-life. I pretty much did the same a few years ago when I realized that there was simply no moral way to win the pro-choice argument. Life begins at conception, and that's that. All the arguments about viability, etc. make no sense. How viable is a naturally-born infant? If you don't take care of him/her, then he/she dies. Not exactly independently viable.

All that said, I remain uncomfortably pro-choice up through the first trimester, though I realize it's a somewhat immoral position. In this sense, I agree with Alex. The best solution is the morning-after pill, taken literally within days.

And I don't believe the BS about women not knowing they are pregnant. Really? You had unprotected sex with a man and somehow didn't realize it?

I'm a gay guy who has avoided AIDS for 40 years. If I can manage that, women can manage to avoid unwanted pregnancy. And with AIDS, there's no post-hoc fix. Avoiding pregnancy is not rocket science.

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If you don’t want a child, there are many legitimate, painless ways to prevent pregnancy - abortion is not one of them!

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I am someone like you. I can't understand why the pro choice people thought glorifying abortion was a good idea. It's hurt their cause tremendously. I remember when the pro choice zealots used to say that if men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament. That's what they seem to believe abortion is now.

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Remember that old saying "If you're a conservative at 25 you have no heart, if you're a democrat at 45 you have no brain?"

I get it now.

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Same here. Although I have never opposed gay marriage in the eyes of the state, and still don’t. I oppose child sexualization and allowing men to claim to “feel” like women to invade our private spaces and athletic competitions. I oppose child genital mutilation and sterilization.

I still lean slightly towards preferring early legal abortion. Two things make me realize I might still be wrong. One - the people who claimed “safe, rare, early” shifted quickly in my less than 4 decades on Earth to “babies kill the planet, so it’s fine kill fully developed viable babies, and if you have them anyway we’ll sexualize them in kindergarten.” Two - the body autonomy pushing more abortion decided that didn’t apply to experimental mRNA injections as they coerced 18 year olds to the THREE or get expelled from “higher education” even long after the leftist had plenty of evidence to demonstrate the stupid shots don’t prevent anyone from getting or spreading any disease, have a terrible short term side effect profile, are completely unnecessary for any healthy person under 50, at best might prevent severe disease for a few weeks, and come with unknowable long term consequences.

To lunatic leftists - killing another human is good, sexualizing a 5 year old is “social justice,” but rejecting an experimental heart attack shot is deserving of being “othered” and excluded from their society. I guess I am just realizing I don’t want to be on the lunatic leftist side of history.

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Oh my goodness. This is EXACTLY me to the tee! I was so "whatever" until "whatever" was forced in my face and I GOT THEIR AGENDA. It's evil. You are spot on.

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Exactly the same with me!

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Same here!!

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The devil always overplays his hand.

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Exalting parental choice enables abortion based on disability or sex of the unborn. It also allows parents to use technologies like IVF and gamete shopping to create a genetically privileged class. This is already occurring and will intensify as genomic knowledge grows.

This is extremely socially destructive.

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Mark, at some point in time we have to believe that nature will either put an end to this or put an end to us as a result of this.

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I hope and I also believe that Deus sive Natura (God or Nature) will indeed put an end to our sick, twisted, cruel, savage species. The sooner this happens the better.

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The signs are pointing to self-extinction: non-reproductive relationships, the importance of Self over community and environment, avocado toast and other frivolous distractions. In nature, myxomatosis takes care of an over-populated rabbit warren, and deer produce less offspring when food is sparse (they have triplets the season after culling however). It is all self-correcting. Oh and let's not forget Russian TV showing how thermonuclear missiles into the Atlantic will wipe out the UK. We are in End Of Days.

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Just to point out you realize you're part of the species also and all the people you love and care about are also part of it so you're actually rooting for their demise you may want to rethink your position there True there is a lot of savage things that happen but we're also overall a wonderfully good species that have done amazing things We've walked on the moon we've cured amazing diseases they've come so far and so many ways are art science literatureAll of these things are important and can't be swept under the rug

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We killed (still do) folks not exactly like us. We have walked on the Moon 55 years ago......what did we gain? Cured amazing diseases....herbals already did that. Art/Science/Literature are only an echo of the reality du jour. We pollute, mismanage farming, mismanage global equity. Our species is in a delicate cycle. Just don't judge so quickly.

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Leftist’s wild-eyed fantasy to end man caused climate change is coming sooner than they realize… along with the rest of their delusions

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That's right. If you have the right to kill a unborn child for any reason, logic says that would include the right to tweak them in the womb genetically, legality notwithstanding. If they get something wrong, just do a 4th term abortion and start over. Life is cheap, so why not?

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YES!!! I could NOT have been more "whatever" until the past few years and now??? I AM ACTUALLY WOKE. bigly.

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Same exact experience for me. No more wishy washy “whatever” values for me.

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I believed Ralph Nader would confess that

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Sorry, I pressed the post button accidentally. What I meant to say was that I believe that Ralph Nader would confess that tendency to be an example of the “liberals dilemma.”

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I finally became a paid subscriber just to be able to comment and agree with this post. I was also adamantly pro choice until the last few years when I realized how many lies I was led to believe. I’m glad to see there are a lot of us out there!

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Welcome! It's terribly sad when people will fight like mad to save a dog from being killed, but then pay for someone to kill a baby.

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Well, we should fight to save a dog too.

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I was the same. Then came the "partial birth abortion" i.e. the child can actually live outside the womb but we're going to hack it to pieces and cut it's throat...well....makes me vomit.

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And why stop then ; how about they allow the child to be killed up until 3 years of age. Murder is murder.

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The left is full of hate, and murder is in their hearts. They have become more and more depraved. It's horrifying

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If we are using a viability argument, how viable are infants, toddlers or even some adolescents outside the womb with zero support from adults and caregivers?

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Heck, how viable is Brandon?

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Good one😁

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I think any viability arguments should be left to the states. There is no right to pulverize a human being, Constitutional or otherwise. It might be permitted by some states, or many. But there is no right.

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Yep, viability is an invalid argument. Ever watch the reality show "Naked and Afraid?" How many of us if alone on this planet would manage to feed, clothe, and shelter ourselves?

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They're pushing for that now in CA. It's not three years yet (just 28 days), but we're well on our way.

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Excuse me?!

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The new law CA is passing to “protect abortion rights,” which are already “protected” up until birth, will now give mommy 28 days post-birth to make a final decision on if the baby should live or die. Not surprising. This is the state that wants to ban kids from attending school at private religious schools unless they get their useless heart attack jabs. It’s the state that allows planned parenthood to give cross sex hormones to 14 year olds without the parents’ consent, and if the parents find out and object, the state will take the kid and send them to indoctrination homes to ensure they get the genital mutilation surgeries and sterilization drugs the activists claim are moral.

There are already two women in prison pregnant at the hands of other “women” prisoners. No one seems to care at all if this was consensual.

CA in another 15-20 years is going to be nothing but addicted and/ or mentally ill and violent adults making up a majority of the population, with hyper sexualized damaged children a small minority in lots of cities there. Sad

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That's exactly where it's going. And that's where the euthanasia movement gets its impetus. Kill baby? Sure, then it's easy to kill some old geezer.

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Right? The child really isn't that fun or engaging, or able to do much of anything for itself until 3 anyway. Ugh.

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And also the sale of organs. Profitable, but disgusting. As someone said, "The NRA doesn't sell arms. Planned Parenthood does."

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I think that’s why they’re pushing it so much. Organ harvesting. It’s beyond anything I could ever have imagined humans would do.

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In 1974 I ran for the Ga. House. Legalizing abortion came up and I said that in time they will be aborting girl babies because Momma wanted a boy first. I was ridiculed for such a stupid suggestion. "No doctor would ever do that!" Well they do. And sell their organs.

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Unbelievable and no words for what kind of mother would do that or what kind of doctor would perform that procedure. What has this world come to?

I had 4 daughters and never knew or felt the need to know any of their sexes until they were born. I was never going for the boy either. Would love them regardless of their gender.

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Many couples, in their dreaming of the good life, say to each other that they want a boy and a girl. The boy first. Before now they couldn't control that. Now they can.

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Exactly. I believe the CCP sells them too, from Uyghers.

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I became pro-lifer when I realized that my grand child could be killed without my knowledge. Very sobering.

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I was pro choice until my Adopted daughter asked me how any of her friends could be pro-choice. Didn’t they realize that it was her life that could have been taken?, she asked.

Oops, I said. As I realized her question was applicable to me too.

I have been pro-life ever since and when we met her birth mother when she was 18, we both thanked her for giving her life.

There are couples waiting to adopt unwanted child

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There is a waiting list of parents willing to adopt a child with Down's syndrome.

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..then there is Iceland where Down's children have disappeared. Despite its many failings, The Atlantic did run a rather thoughtful piece -- if you skipped the obligatory paragraph about non-binary people -- which ended up demonstrating how a pro-choice mindset really is about doing away with "less-than" children. It looked at European Countries that offer all sorts of "support and safety nets" for potential mothers to little avail.

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I was pro-choice until I saw pictures of aborted babies. Doesn't matter the gestational age - they are all very sobering. Never looked back.

And out of the mouths of babes, Margie. What an amazing encounter with your daughter.

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And after mentioning it to a friend, I was asked to tell my story to the 2000+ people at our church... I realized it was a story to tell...

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And look what G-d did with that story! Amazing.

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And my only chance at being a grandmother was aborted. I didn’t even know until years later. Sad.

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I am SOOOO sorry!!!

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Thank you. I’m more sad for my daughter. 😔

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I’m so sorry, for you. My 7 are my gems

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I can only imagine. 💜

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wow. yes.

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I've always been pro-life but not adamantly so. What changed it for me and made me adamantly pro life was seeing pictures of premature babies. Most notable in my mind were pictures of triplets born at 24 weeks weighing about 1 pound each. They were tiny for sure, but all their parts were there: they were perfect little babies. In Canada, while in the womb, it is legal to kill these babies. Outside of the womb, every effort is made in neonatal ICU to save these babies.

There is no difference.

Having said this, we live in a very imperfect world. I would not make abortion illegal but put serious restrictions on it.

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The Mississippi law at issue only restricts abortions. It bans abortions after 15 weeks but has exceptions for medical emergencies and fetal abnormalities. I find the outrage puzzling when considering laws in other Western countries. In Germany abortion is illegal but not punishable before 12 weeks. France bans abortions after 14 weeks. In Italy abortion is limited to the first trimester. In Ireland, its permitted during first 12 weeks. Sweden, the first 18 weeks....

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There is not a stage of human development where a human is not a human.

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Great comment. Yes, I tell people all the time that our abortion laws are more closely aligned with China and North Korea.

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I suspect most Americans simply *assume* that Europeans have "liberal abortion laws"

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Mississippis law sounds reasonable to me and I am pro choice. Over 90% of pregnancies in US are terminated in first trimester-well under 15 weeks.

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I too was pro life until our daughter was born at 26 weeks weighing 1 lb 12 oz. Saw other babies born at 24 weeks. They are tiny, so tiny. But they are babies and there is no way around that.

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I don’t get it. You were pro-life until your daughter was born? I’m hoping this is a typo

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You mean pro Choi e?

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When Roe was debated in the 1970s and decided by the Court, it was to be only in the FIRST tri-nester. And the baby was said to be just a blob of tissue.

Technology now shows us the truth, even as abortion is permitted until birth

Birth control is available so abortion shouldn’t be necessary except in rare cases.

Is Alex saying the lower income women are unable to cross state lines or to get a prescription. As far as I know, abortion isn’t free. So they too could look at their options, if they decide to kill their preborn baby

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From what I can tell the abortion industry is targeted at poor Black women (as middle and upper class married women with children often demand it legality). I don’t think planned parenthood has strayed too far from its founder’s goal.....

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I have never seen a PP office in an affluent neighborhood

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Me neither.

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Lovely Margaret Sangar wasn't nearly as bad as Alan Guttmacher, a former VP of the American Eugenics Society, who was concerned about rising population, yep, just like the WEF, Bill Gates et al., decided to push for unlimited abortion for population control. In 1966 he told the Post that governments may have to act officially to limit families reproductive rights. Sounds straight out of China. yikes

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And there always seems to be money to "help" low-income/no income/underprivileged people.

It's incredibly cynical to say--as I do--that the US has the richest poor people in the world.

So, so spare me the claims that poor women will be unable to obtain "abortion services."

Besides, I know too many people who seek abortions to shirk responsibility.

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Most aborted babies are Black. The left tries to hide its eugenics, but it is there.

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I thought Black lives matter.

Maybe it's just SOME Black lives that matter.

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Black babies lives DO NOT MATTER! 1 out of every 3 black babies is aborted. Curious why 78% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in black or other minority communities.

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You noticed that, too?

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My husband and I looked long and hard and finally found two different pro-life charities to support because we wanted to "put our money where our mouth is" so to speak. We support a local crisis pregnancy center and then a couple of homes in the NYC/NJ area called Good Counsel Homes. Amazing charity. Supports pregnant women by giving them a place to live, support in finding education/employment and childcare and allows them to stay for up to a year after giving birth. Can't say enough good about it.

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I guess you're familiar with the AB2223 bill by now, which basically allows for a newborn (up to 28 days post birth) to lose its life and the mother won't be questioned or face charges? How exactly is that NOT murder? Where does it end? Young people need to be educated. Lines have to be drawn. Contraceptives are widely available. There's no excuse.

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That is completely abhorrent and criminal and must be strongly opposed.

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Where is that law in effect?

That’s shocking

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Margie, I think it is being proposed in California (of course - though I shouldn't talk because my state of NY lit up the NYC skyline in red on the day our legislature passed our abhorrent abortion bill).

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CA of course.

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Bill AB2223 in California (so it shouldn't be too shocking).

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For me, it was seeing my older son for the first time in utero through an ultrasound. It was no longer an abstract concept.

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So many of US have similar sentiments on the issue...well said!

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Agree. Let's just vote on it, enough with the courts.

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How many mules would add to the votes for that?

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The sheer misunderstanding by so many on this issue in reality is amazing.

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Some misunderstand. Most, I believe, are trying to spread fear by misstating (an understatement) the effect of the ruling. Never let a crisis (even a make-up one) go to waste.

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I agree totally though about the "never letting a crisis" lever the commicRATs use at every turn or availability

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Just the one aspect of "why and how" this original case was brought forth amazes me. Very few even understand how it went down and never should have been ruled on in the 1st place. It's that one aspect that MOST have no clue about

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The more ghoulish the left got about this, the more people they pushed to just want to get rid of abortion or let states decide.

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Couldn’t agree more. I too have been conflicted over when/if it should be allowed in cases of rape and/or incest. Same as with the health of the mother, BUT then what were legitimate questions didn’t matter anymore when they decided an inch wasn’t enough. They wanted not just a mile but basically let’s just legalize murder. Abortion is even ok AFTER a baby is born?! I wish we could go back to some common sense. Some compromise. Unfortunately, time after time, the left proves it has zero tolerance for anything but what they want. Not only that they constantly act in bad faith. We give an inch and we think both sides will be unhappy they turn around and make fools out of us! So, you begin to say NO! NONE! Not because we can’t compromise but because they always take the mile plus!

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Well said, Margaret B. This is the Left's playbook. And we reasonable people have tried compromise, and have failed over and over. And now threatening violence to Supreme Court justices? The Left wants to silence all debate and dissent. And our President calls MAGA extremists?

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Couldn’t agree with this more!! I was hanging on to pro choice mostly for cases of rape/incest until I started looking into how small those numbers (as a % of total abortions) and realized my thinking was very flawed on this. My pendulum has now swung the opposite way- to your point… no! None! No more.

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Alex lost me at "banning". Is that what overturning Roe vs Wade is?

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Roe v Wade banned any state restriction on abortion in the first 3 months. Casey got us out of the meaningless trimester construct and allowed some limitations. This decision, if it comes to pass, will return the issue to the states and the politics of the states where the voice of the people will be heard through their elected representative. Just as Ruth Bader Ginsburg said should be the situation.

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If this is in fact true, all it does is allow individual states to decide, which is very Constitutional.

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Agree, and taking the issue out of presidential politics will be a relief.

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The votes of Americans CITIZENS would actually count for something. What a novel idea.

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Be careful what you wish for and recall what we got with other votes like prohibition. To quote Mencken: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

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Mencken said that about voting for crooked politicians, not about protecting mothers and babies.

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Killing is a strange way to protect mothers and babies.

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I trust the average voter much more than professional politicians & agenda driven jurists.

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Abortion will become so gruesome in the states that legalize it, that it will never leave the national conscience until it is outlawed altogether by federal law.

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That's correct, and many states have already enacted their abortion legislation in anticipation of Roe's reversal. The only states impeded were those wanting more restrictions.

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But why should the state get to decide? Let the citizen decide.

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