The mRNA and DNA "vaccines" already released have proven so damaging that it is past time to have a ban on all mRNA/DNA products until in-depth investigations can be done to ensure the public's safety and health. We have been calling for this since January 2023. https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/now-is-the-time-for-a-ban-on-all

Meanwhile, the launch of hundreds of mRNA products is being "supercharged" with over $50 Billion worth of product in the pipeline for 2023 alone. https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/supercharging-the-launch-of-mrna

Humanity is in grave trouble.

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It is in trouble on many levels. The stupidity within a large part of the masses has reached spiritual levels. Society is very weak physically mentally and emotionally.

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I was shocked to hear several friends attack my comments on vaccines - these are women who have gotten degrees, worked for a living, and now praise Fauci and say the pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart. (And Kennedy is a nut case). It was eye opening. I’d gander to say at least 50% of our fine Americans look at it this way.

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You should not be shocked that humans like those women you mention would be corrupt and owned by Pharma. Corruption is part of the human condition.

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Yes, completely stunned,

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Dan - I whole heartedly agree with you here. I had not thought of it quite that way before but it is at a spiritual level.

I still can’t get over the shock of what has happened and how the public participated in it all (much less the medical community). It’s ground hog day every day for me.

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You and me both.

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I am grateful to you both for all you have done and continue to do. Thank you.

I just posted a link to Dr Stephanie Seneff speaking about a year or so ago about the virus and the vaccine (above) and if you don't already know each other, it would be wonderful if you did.

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Thank you KFH. Dr Breggin has done several interviews with Dr Seneff. We look forward to speaking with her again soon.

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Dr. Vinay Prasad nailed it on why "Sadly FDA works for Pfizer and will not ask for randomized data." MONEY.

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Bourla should be fired as head of FDA!!

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I'm not sure this is a true statement, " By the way, as you know, the military implications of virology and to a lesser extent vaccine research are less dramatic than those of nuclear weapons, but they're non-zero, another issue no one is really discussing.)"

The vaxxes may wind up doing far more harm to the general population (in multiple domains) than the nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII.

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But of course. A nuke detonation is basically very localized. But widespread jabs over a large population is seen as no big deal. But the results will be much more devastating.

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Slow but prevalent breakdowns in their bodies.

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Yes! I made this same point a couple weeks ago, about all the rave reviews from the very same people who didn’t hesitate to send us unvaxxed to camps!

“we have spent the last several years up to our earlobes in scientific and medical hubris, and all these same media outlets have spent those same years as the biggest, most unthinking cheerleaders of “science.” How many of these same reviewers tried to do everything in their power to force your child to be injected with experimental technology chock full of completely unknown side effects, for no good reason other than that “the science” made it possible? And now we’re supposed to pretend like none of that ever happened? Christopher Nolan comes out with an atomic bomb movie and all of a sudden we’re supposed to nod along seriously with these supposed intellectuals as they inform us, oh-so-thoughtfully, that the film raises important questions about the moral dimensions of scientific innovation? To quote not Hindu scripture but American tennis, “You cannot be serious!””


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Outstanding post!

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I testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the 1990s about the benefits of biotechnology. One of my fiercest critics was Senator Mark Hatfield (R-OR) who was a long-time opponent of nuclear technology. He thought DNA manipulation had the same potential as nuclear weapons to destroy the human race. He proved to be more right than I was. We have too few people like Senator Hatfield these days (although Senator Rand Paul comes close).

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Hatfield was such an inspiration to me as a college student. I think he faltered a bit near the end of his political career, but still a great man.

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Many of today's virologists are willing to justify exceedingly dangerous and often pointless research, along with unethical conduct, in pursuit of that vague lodestar, The Public Good™.

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The Public Good = the most common Noble Lie, perhaps

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one size fits all - terrifying

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Because that phrase works wonders in securing high$$$ grant(s) flowing to fund said fluffsearch.

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We can also say we have no idea what the long-term risks of offering multiple mRNA doses to healthy adults on an individual or population basis may be.


We actually DO have an idea, because Moderna moved TO vaccines because repeated doses of mRNA were so dangerous.


Exactly one year ago, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel talked up his company’s “unbelievable” future before a standing-room-only crowd at the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference here. He promised that Moderna’s treatment for a rare and debilitating disease known as Crigler-Najjar syndrome, developed alongside biotech giant Alexion Pharmaceuticals, would enter human trials in 2016.

It was to be the first therapy using audacious new technology that Bancel promised would yield dozens of drugs in the coming decade.

But the Crigler-Najjar treatment has been indefinitely delayed, an Alexion spokeswoman told STAT. It never proved safe enough to test in humans, according to several former Moderna employees and collaborators who worked closely on the project. Unable to press forward with that technology, Moderna has had to focus instead on developing a handful of vaccines, turning to a less lucrative field that might not justify the company’s nearly $5 billion valuation.

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I just found a site on Facebook where people are listing the deaths of people younger than I (65). I have only been able to go through the first part, probably over 100. Yes where are the scientists. These people probably did not all die from the jabs, but certainly you did not hear often from 20 16, 19, 14 year olds dropping dead in the street

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Follow @Diedsuddenly on X. He/she lists them all the time.

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thanks for the tip. Here on substack there is also Mark C Miller who has weekly listings of sudden deaths.

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The distinction between then and now is money. I doubt that any of the brilliant physicists working on the Manhattan Project was thinking about patenting their advances. That is all different now. And you don't honestly share with others the secret that you are hoping to get rich off.

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Proof positive that it is all about money not health or science comes with some 30,000 foot stats. The U. S. spends by far more than any other country per person ($10,800) per percent of GDP (18+%) on health care. Some say twice as much as any other country. Yet the U. S. ranks 64th when longevity is evaluated. Conclusion. The U. S. healthcare system is killing people before their time.

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You have to account for the standard American lifestyle in that equation

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I somewhat agree. However, some of the people I know pay no attention to their health and rely on "the best healthcare system in the world" to get them "well". So they eat themselves into gross obesity and/or diabetes. Others will take any pill a doctor will subscribe and even after bad experiences with bad doctors just move on to other doctors and do anything those doctors prescribe without thinking for themselves. In these cases too much faith in the healthcare system causes the health problem and shorter life spans. Example..the covid "vaccines".

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So it's a symbiotic relationship.

Too much faith, or too much ignorance?

A friend of mine says, "Let the dead bury the dead."

I'm inclined to follow suit. You can't help those who don't want to be helped, much less those who won't help themselves.

Not much you can do about the medical cartel, or the amount of money flushed down that black hole.

But you can choose to avoid their "care."

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This link is of Dr Stepanie Seneff of MIT speaking about the virus and the 'vaccines'. Worth a listen all the way through, but especially towards the end where she voices concerns about the impact on children - note: at the time of this video the powers that be had not yet imposed the mRNA covid shots on small children. What she has to say is quite frightening, but she is brilliant, uncorrupted and I believe is telling the truth. You may not want to listen if you are 'fully vaccinated and boosted'.


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I remember this interview WELL and look just how right she and say Yeadon were. What has been hatched thru the massive scale of injections is a pipeline of ongoing profits by creating an abundance of very chronically ill people for a lifetime. Pharma is licking its chops. Look how they have been "normalizing" all side effects like heart issues now and say LONG COVID. 3-5 years from sheep parents will believe it's normal for their children to be screened for heart issues and other immunological compromise, and be suggested meds to treat as all previous injection campaigns have done with all sort of side effects manifesting post injections. Watch remedy.film all 8 episodes. A SICK society is just a better business model. Just sayin...

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As RFKJr points out he can't remember knowing kids who had peanut allergies or autism or asthma or any of the autoimmune diseases so many kids have today. As the number of shots have increased, the health of children has declined with many on drugs for life being taken for chronic lifelong illnesses. I'm 5 years older than he is and I can make the exact same observation. These covid injections should exacerbate the situation further, plus this cohort of young kids may all have underdeveloped or no immune systems foing forward as Dr Stephanie Seneff points out because their thalmus glands were not develped before they got all these mRNA shots that destroyed their immune system. Plus they may all be sterile.

Yes, btw, I think highly of Dr Mike Yeadon too.

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That 1986 ACT signed off on by Reagan opened the FLOOD gates for sure. Talk about ONE thing "if you could" to go back in history and undo!

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"Science" mistakes itself -scientists do - as Truth makers and deliverers. 80 years ago there was enough pushback from morals, perhaps a more "religious" America, to be honest. Except that the bombs were dropped. Science, I think, has a tendency to see how much can be blown up or destroyed as its biggest mission and then criminal politicians who think like that are more than happy to use their inventions. I don't think you and other sane people can conceive easily of the minds of the virologists and others who are totally bent on destroying life- even themselves! The downward spiral from the 40s is dizzying to say the least. But it is the same crazy few individuals with no regard for humanity who go unnoticed and then appear, like Fauci, to be saving the world. Shine a 1000 watt light on them all!

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Definitely more God fearing people then no doubt! That alone is so highly underrated...

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"where are the virologists today"? They are out HERE, but the issue is the wrong ones are hired to do as they are told, by those who orchestrate these intentional crimes against humanity. Until those who hire these types are dealt with and I mean dealt with nothing changes. why would IT?

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Why aren’t they speaking out? Follow the money. They are threatened with either loss of job or loss of peer group support or both. It’s easier to just stay quiet.

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You asked, "Where are the virologists today? Where is any of medical science?". Down at the bank making very large deposits!

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No one talks more than once before being canceled and/or censored.

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