Eugyppius managed to discuss IQ without displacing the hornet's nest. Alex takes a different approach. He stomps on the hornet's nest, picks it up, shakes it, then invites the rest of us to come and take a look.
Common sense folk hesitate. Why would the gov try to help me for free or a beer or a donut ? When normally they just screw me on health care and take my money on taxes. What's up?
College grads. Oh, if you say so, ok.
PhDs - ah no, there is always another answer. I have read a lot of books about everything and this is likely a scam of some sort. Let's wait and see.
I am no oracle but those that believe in God and know human health realize our creator’s engineering is eons above what any human could ever do. This is the answer for this group I believe and experience.
The Evils Harari etc know this down deep snd know they will fall short by a million fold but will bluff their way through anyway due to their parents’ lack of upbringing. They are spoiled, over indulged ( Jewish in his case - interestingly ) brats. They will just make up shit and demand! people believe it .
I feel like everybody's just missing the coercion aspect. If you're "more intelligent", you're more likely to have a job that would punish you unless you got jabbed. Even just the social coercion of being unvaccinated in those circles was huge. Maybe it was different in Sweden?
I don’t know if my own experience is anomalous or not, but I’ll throw it out there. I accepted a Moderna two-jab in March/April 2021. Not because I thought I was at any personal risk, and not because I thought the vaccine would be any more effective than flu shots. I knew the paltry track record of previous attempts at vaccinating against aerosol respiratory viruses. At the time I took the shots, my main employer was not demanding them (that would come later and I have more to tell about that.) But I have a part-time job that is really more of a labor of love. I do ground instruction at a flight school, owned by a good friend of mine. I do a *lot* of community building with “rusty pilots” -- old guys who have pilot certifications but who for whatever reason have drifted away from flying. I run seminars to try to bring them back into the fold of flying pilots. And she was convinced that we could not convince these people, mostly 60-80 years old, to come back to in-person teaching if we didn’t give them the reassurance that we were doing everything possible to mitigate Covid risk.
My mistake was in assuming that these shots were just ineffective. I really did not anticipate that CDC and FDA would promote/mandate shots that were actively harmful. My bad; I know better now. And so: NEVER AGAIN.
I disagree. The most intelligent do not take orders from idiot puppets. They do what their own critical thinking tells them. If they need to take their smarts elsewhere they are fine to do it. They have read lots of books and history and human psychology never changes.
Specifically, human oppression and Stanley Milgram experiment results.
I think he was talking about the "smart" midwits, not the truly high IQ. My sister is an NP and fits the head girl exactly. I don't work in medicine so I got shouted down by her and my brother's MD wife. And now they will never admit I was clearly right to avoid the bio weapon jabs. I would have quit a job over it, but thankfully didn't have to do so because I work in software.
My thinking is you need to make them cry uncle, not only for their sakes but others they influence. Just bring the data, paper summaries of the studies and ask them to look it over.
You don't need to even give your opinion. Just present all the facts and the expert opinions. And shrug.
How dare they not apologize to you! Did they not learn to apologize when they were 5 years old and found to be dead wrong? Well now they are dead wrong.
Makes me sick, we work so hard to get the word out and take so much abusé back by these arrogant ignorant know it all idiots. Then, they find out they r wrong and they play head games with themselves, well that is fine, but they cannot play head games with us. Set them straight.
If you had to pick one paper or summary of studies, which one would you print? There's so much, It's hard for me to even know where I would want them to start.
The first would be one piece of paper with Pfizer's bio-distribution graph of the Bioweapon injection. To clarify, this is Pfizer's research data on it's product. This was sent to each country's medical regulating body before they reviewed the shipments. It was very public information end of 2020, only through FOIA interestingly.
Malone, Kirshe ( doesn't know science ) and Weinstein ( sp? not sure he knows science either ) discussed it on a podcast but Malone did not sound any alarms. It shows the poison targeted the ovaries above all other organs or places in the body. They should know what ovary damage means to a population.
I have to review the education background of the people we are presenting this to again but the second piece of paper ( we are doing a quick take down here ) would be a print out of the VAERS data ( which they have stopped the release of recently 😳🤔 ) numbers and one simple VAERS graph of injuries and deaths from this injection compared to all other "vaccines" over the years. Very telling. Alex has published all this here and I certainly have screenshots but can't send them...
The third piece of obvious indisputable evidence I can come up with but numerous educational heros could probably make a good possibly better suggestion. Ed Heros such as Alex or Dr. Michael Yeadon, Igor, Worlds 2nd smartest guy. Take a quick look at their substacks and see what would hit home with the individuals in question subjective mentality.
Could you do me a favor and have them critique my exemption request? I spent a lot of time writing/researching it and then the mandate was lifted before I actually got to use it.
Feel free to present it as "Hey, some idiot posted this on the interwebs, can you take it down, point by point to prove how dumb he/she/they is?"
The head girl phenomenon extends everywhere. (Yes, like tentacles.)
I blame Head Girl Syndrome on What Happened to Journalism: many women took over newsrooms. 15 years ago, a co-worker & I lamented this subject. He said that journalism went downhill when newspapers stopped printing photos of dead bodies. I called it The Girl-ification of the Newsroom.
This conversation took place when we worked for a newspaper managed entirely by women.
I could go on and on. But it boils down to newsrooms were not feminized. Newsrooms were emasculated. The goal should have been to equalize newsrooms.
Please note: I was long ago drummed out of the "women's lib" movement.
Women took over everything, everywhere. Look at the current governors and senators/house reps and UK mps! All useless, low iQ, no common sense women. Most don’t have children so they want to mother us all, after all they know it better. Eg Theresa May, Merkel, Macron…. ;o)
Women, especially young ones were the most bigoted adherents to the ideology, the most ardent swallowers of slogans, and the most likely to turn in the non-compliant.
Yes, whenever I hear "Nobody forced you to take it....", I pivot just a little bit. What if your employer had a rule where you have to sleep with the boss? No coercion because you can always find a new job? LOL!!! (At least the dick comes out!)
I think some of the “no one forced you” folks are those who refused no matter the personal cost to them. Although I don’t agree, I do sometimes wonder: if everyone who didn’t want to get the shots had in fact refused, how differently would things have gone?
I declined the shot, and I would never say that others weren't forced, especially here in Canada. If forcing someone to decide between the shot and their job, or the shot and their ability to see a dying loved one doesn't constitute unlawful coercion, what does? But you're right, if more had refused the shots, and even more refused the useless masks, I think we would have been better off.
That is correct. Also for other countries. Here is the evidence.
The more shots reported the more money you got. Hmmmm....wonder where the error margin appears? Anybody with a statistics class and common sense can answer this question. Yes, there was more over reporting of Injections.
I like the " you must have sexual relations with the boss " analogy.
Very Harry Weinsteinesk.
Then what would most the whiney women say? " I will not !!" and leave and get another job. Not so with the feel good, join the club virtue signaling Bioweapon Injections though. They stayed and got them and then said they were " forced" .
Yes, different mentality in Sweden then USA. Lemmings in Sweden? Since when do people share their medical information on what viruses they have or inoculations they have with others, much less co workers? Oh, hello are you HIV positive ? Oh hello do you have a Hep B vaccine ? How about HPV?
Medical confidentiality in USA...HIPPA. That is not to say that the brain dead Dummycrats didn't run around asking, making it their authoritarian business asking what other people were doing with their private medical business.( And their sex lives. )
In USA we tell people to piss off and mind there own business or in classier ways we tell them we are part of the control group. That usually shuts the brain dead parrot lemmings up.
I'm a pretty smart guy and fairly cantankerous but I'm not sure I would have had the sense to buck the herd and skip the shot if I had not been red-pilled already by my family experience. I have three sons, two with autism and one with ADHD. I became convinced that their handicaps were caused by their childhood vaccinations, so I was already hostile to the vaccine program and especially of the people who run it. I was convinced enough to skip childhood vaccinations entirely for my two (healthy) daughters. For me, Covid shots (esp. mRNA) were just another vaccine program foisted on the public with sketchy studies and plenty of disinfo, i.e., just like the other vaccinations. The coercion with Covid was more blatant but coercion is becoming a standard feature of the vaccination program in general, esp. here in California.
Yep. Same here. Saw nephew “transition” into nonverbal, hand flapping autism with his MMR 20 years ago. Complete paradigm shift for our entire extended family. Once you go down that unfortunate rabbit hole you will never trust again. So sorry you found out the hard away as well.
I think our our society has trained people to lose the ability to focus, look for quick stimulation, and when they realize how empty they are, pharma provides addictive drugs to numb them out. I'm generalizing obviously, but hopefully you get the point.
Hard to explain in a comment, but in the last few decades, corporate commercialism has taken over most industries, pharma is a good example, most institutes of higher learning have been captured, training people to all think one way, the constant reinforcement of instant gratification using advertising, the obsession with sports used as a distraction, the 24 hour News media feeding us with drama breaking news constantly. That's just of the top of my head, there's a lot more.
There is neural damage ( brain damage ) with the toxins, adjuvants and contaminates ( ie. monkey dna) in these " vaccines " . Plus they do not work well, if at all as
Additionally the Drs over diagnose and slap labels on normal but energetic and bored children.
I'm one of those female top IQ people; MENSA tested, top 1% with an IQ of 149 on one test and 157 on another. I rarely mention it because then I might need to explain some of the stupid stuff I've done.
I TOTALLY agree with the statement "But those geniuses, male or female, are not necessarily extroverted or conscientious, and they are manifestly non-conformist. They appear increasingly isolated." This is so me! I could explain why we are like this but it would probably come across as condescending.
I did not get the not-a-vaccine; I did try to convince some people close to me to not get it but I made the mistake of using logic to get people to change their minds when they didn't use logic to make the decision in the first place. I finally decided that I would not be able to influence them to not make an emotional decision and backed off rather than ruin the relationships.
Hi there! Fellow way-out-on-the-right-tail-female!
It’s not considered polite to talk about one’s IQ and so I don’t do it much. But after a battery of tests run on me in high school and my freshman year of college, I was taken aside by a counsellor who said this to me. “We’ve given you a number of tests. The interpretation of the results is of course open to all the caveats one can construct about what is actually being measured and what impact it would have on your day-to-day life. I just want to put this into a context you can understand. If you went to (whatever the next weekend’s sold-out football game was) at Memorial Stadium, chances are that there would be two people in the stands who would score higher on this test than you. You need to figure out how to navigate that world.
I have mostly navigated it by keeping my mouth shut when I’m not absolutely sure my companions want to hear my unhinged ranting.
Yep. The potential they saw as important, not the one you saw. I did well in school without ever studying, for the most part. (Taking an African studies class for poly sci that was taught by the former Sec of State of Liberia at a time that 4 or 5 governments changed in the course of a semester and with little written history anyway is the only one that stands out.) But I am a way out of the box thinker and my superpower is problem solving - I have lived up to that potential and had a much more interesting life than “living up to academic potential) would have provided!
Intelligent people often do stupid things Mari :) Trying to use logic on the galactically stupid was one of those times. I did it too! One cannot FIX stupid either...
I also don't "suffer fools gently". You are correct, it is impossible to reason with someone that reached their decision with their "emotional" intelligence.
My favorite line from "As Good as it Gets" - "How do you write women so well ? I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." Lol
Can’t speak for Mari but apparently having a 4 sigma IQ does not protect you --or at least it didn’t protect me -- from making stupid marriage decisions.
No, not happening. I'm not saying most involved boyfriends but... most involved boyfriends. Those were the fun stupid things.
The stupidest one, though, was all the mistakes I made buying my first house - wrong agent, wrong school district. I have passed these lessons on to many other people so hopefully they learned.
My first house purchase went poof in the 1980s S&L scandal -- didn’t teach me much about finance but it did turn me from a soft-fuzzy-liberal into a balls-to-the-wall libertarian!
This sounds like me as well. (Including the stupid stuff!) I am definitely increasingly isolated, but I also have zero tolerance for willful ignorance. (ACTUAL ignorance or true stupidity, but willing to learn - annoying but tolerable.)
But “I didn’t know!” doesn’t fly when there was AMPLE information to know, and even a drop of common sense plus a very short amount of research (literally, maybe 5-10 min) would have shown you - even at the start. Common sense should have been screaming that there was no way a new tech vax with a common cold virus never before being prevented, in addition to an entire govt/media/industrial complex pivoting on a dime post election, was suspect at best, criminal at worst.
People who change their minds when they figure it out - ok good. You’ve probably made a huge mistake and will have to live with the consequences, and that’s too bad, but you’ve learned. Others who just double down, esp now that there are thousands of studies and millions of personal stories? Nope. I’m done. Thankfully I’m an introvert anyway!
Same here.. nonconformist but I got the two first shots because I’m an immune compromised single parent. I got them but my child did NOT.
Thankfully we live in florida and she goes to a private school. My skepticism was highest as they insisted that EVERYONE should get the shots. There has never been a vaccine for which everyone - regardless of age nor risk profile - has been recommended. That’s not how hers immunity works. The immunity of all those given the vaccine is supposed to protect those who cannot get it. That told me that something else (probably $$) was the motive. They never even tried to convince people to get the shots, they went straight to coercion.
Mari in SC - We sound a lot alike (150+ girls who’ve made some dumb choices…) Plus you read Berenson, so I’m impressed! If you ever get up to VA maybe we could have coffee sometime.
There are many awful things about the woke, intellectually incurious left but I think the worst is the enforcement of conformity in science. It will end the advance of civilization and condemn us to a life of relative poverty and ignorance. I was a patent attorney for many years and the only thing that advanced science and technology was contrarian (usually irritable) people who bucked the consensus. Inventors ignored the teachings of the past and set out in a new direction. They relished disapproval and even cultivated contempt. Once you winnow them out of the system the engine of advancement stops, and that's where we are now.
It'll be ok. The enforcement of conformity is primarily in academia. Most science that matters isn't done there. The conflation of science with academia is a popular past time by academics, but don't fall for it. Science doesn't need the universities.
-guy who works with cutting edge research every day
Glad to hear a contrary opinion, but researchers are trained by universities that teach their students to be conformist clowns. Some escape the intellectual damage caused by a university education, but too many never recover. Few remain in academia but instead take their delusional ideas to private industry. The academic cabal also controls billions of dollars of grant funding that is given only to compliant supplicants (not just universities), and government subsidies only reward industries that serve the approved narrative. This problem worsens as "progressive" ideologies creep into biology and even mathematics, and universities increasingly accept unqualified students who think math is racist. Eventually scientific heretics are just de-credentialied and turned into non-persons (as in the Covid fiasco). You are absolutely right that Science is not Academia, but Academia can still damage Science, and it has.
I too used to believe "it's only in academia." Then, eight years ago, this story about a kindergarten teacher that was prohibiting boys from playing with Legos in the name of gender equity slapped me with a dose of reality. A teacher thinking it is OK to inhibit some students the opportunity to learn and advance their skills based on nothing but their gender is such a twisted moral compass that it could only come from woke ideology--and here it was, leaking out of academia into every community.
Look, I know I'm no genius. That's not false modesty. (Then again, if I know I'm not a genius, would that knowledge be an indicator that I *am*?? But if I am, but don't know it, then I can't be.)
See? Told ya.
Anyway, just anecdotally, I'm sufficiently smart - not brilliant, not a dunderhead - and from the get-go there was NO way I was going to get jabbed. I said, even before Warp Speed concluded, that I would need 5 years of data and more than a billion people jabbed (whoo, did I misjudge how many would be willing guinea pigs) before I would even CONSIDER being jabbed.
I don't think that's my smarts. I think it's my common sense, and I don't think you have to be particularly smart to have enough common sense NOT to start taking wholly untested experimental drugs, using brand-new technology, especially based on the promises of f'n untrustworthy government agencies' bureaucrats, coercive, corrupt politicians, and the g/d heavily-fined-to-the-tune-of-billions-of-dollars pharmaceutical industry.
Two of my siblings still to this day wear "VACCINATED" bracelets on their wrists, a la the yellow Livestrong bracelets or WWJD bracelets.
One is a lawyer. So, no dummy. The other is the head of the English Department at a prestigious, expensive private high school. So, no dummy. (Both far-Left Dems...what a surprise, right?) My third sib, a moderate but leans Left, is a corporate lawyer. 1420 SATs.
But me - lowly 1240 SATs - I'm the one who knew and knows not to get jabbed with this poison sh*t.
My mom too. She emailed yesterday, direct quote, “I can’t get the COVID/flu vax because I’m on antibiotics.” This will be #5 or 6 when she finally gets it. Other than age she has 0 risk factors, and had very aggressive breast cancer at 35, so it scares me to death that she keeps doing this. But no amount of early discussion has penetrated and she still sends the occasional post script: I DO wish you’d get vaccinated. She knows it’s not happening so she deserves it for when she talks about her most recent jab now.
Well, maybe she's immune to the vaccine? lol! It's just too hard for people to believe that the "Health Care System" is just 90% scams and 10% penicillin. The world will crumble. It's more like a religion, "I wish you'd come to church, so I don't have to worry about your everlasting soul...."
It's like how people used to trust he Catholic church..."Priest wants to go skinny-dipping? No problem!"
I don't know how people do it being surrounded by wack jobs. I call them out to there faces. Not always the most populated at parties but... what can one do?
Well...I live 1500 miles away from them, and they skipped my son's/their nephew's wedding in May 2021 because not everyone would be jabbed and because masks weren't required by the venue.
So my interaction - with my own sisters - has been mostly nonexistent.
Well you sound like you have good head on your shoulders and they do not, so poor them actually.
Unfortunately you can’t control others but after trying to enlighten them to a point you could be there for them when they come around. In the mean time, find sister substitutes is what I have found helpful. Adopt other people who you do see I to eye with and it is more gratifying when there is synergy between human beings. It often is not with siblings unfortunately. Don’t beat yourself up over it, that is the way it is.
Every time I see some mention of COMMON SENSE now it takes me to the great remix DAX did of the Oliver Anthony viral video-song Rich men North of Richmond. If you have not seen it it's GOLD and hits hard! Common sense is so underrated for sure!
Was actually my 1st exposure to DAX. I was impressed with his ability to convey direct to the point realities of what IS. Not a fan of re-mixes typically, but this one meshed WELL!
My vet colleagues are intelligent, but it seems that many of them fall into the conformist category. Not only do they not want to answer any questions about mRNA vaccines, they won't ask any either.
As a profession, we have a long history of dealing with corona viruses(corona gonna corona). We should be leading the way in understanding what is happening.....and YET....many of my colleagues are walking in lockstep with the Covidians.....
I refer to Mattias Desmets genius book about Totalitarianism where he basically says that intelligent, educated people are often easiest to suck into a mass formation.
I thank God every day for my contrarian attitude. I have been a questioner forever...much to the aggravation and dismay of most of my teachers and colleagues. I find it has served me well....I even question myself all the makes for better patient care.
Long live the quesitoners.....
The conformists will be the downfall of us all if we aren't careful. People like Alex are so important....the ability to just stand up and say 'Hold on, that doesn't make sense' is so rare and so necessary.
Fascinating insight into intelligence, but perhaps Forrest Gump said it best. "I may not be a smart man, but I do know the injections were never safe & effective" or something similar :) Have to admit as a red blooded male the designation of "head" girls did make my mind stray ever so slightly. Sorry leaves are falling in the rain here and the red wine is flowing
My three brothers, their wives, and their college-age children all got the jabs. I did not. I convinced my husband not to get one...quite forcefully. My young adult daughter chose not to get the jabs despite social pressure. I'm not sure I fall into eugyppius's 10%, but I can say with certainty that I had almost no influence, though I tried and tried. Some people will only learn the hard way.
Girls and women are socialized from an early age to "be nice" and "get along" and "fit in". That's why you'll see idiot women defending men in women's competitions, etc. We would never want some guy to feel bad 'cause we know more than he does or do better in school or at work. One of my aunts told me once that I shouldn't do so well in school or none of the boys would be interested in me. I told her I wasn't interested those boys.
IMHO, intelligence is only one factor that led some to fall for the psyop. Tribalism and ideology weighed heavily.
I'd be interested to know how many of the uber brains actually got the jabs.
No wonder almost no one I know wants to talk about all this—even now. How can they not want to talk frankly? This is what baffles me most. I mean, what about next time?
But I guess they're afraid to find out what's out there, what they missed, what they suspect we know.
It’s because they received a permanent irreversible medical procedure. Now they can’t be unvaccinated, so they don’t want to know how damaging the jabs are.
You're on a roll Alex! and as they say, Truth is stranger than fiction.
I have, many years ago, come to the conclusion that I was lucky enough to have parents that used the question "if everyone you knew were jumping off the cliff would you just blindly follow?" Apparently "herd" mentality which is an emotional response regardless of facts, continues to be the world's most vexing and dangerous action.
Since women (I am one by the way) tend to be more emotionally reactive, E makes some good points. As far as Smart, Smarter, Brilliant, goes as regards academic achievements, I have met many educated fact, the pandemic is not Covid it is Educated Idiot pandemic.
OK people… I need your help… What’s a head girl? I must be missing something.🤣🤣 help me out here people…
So this group of people think they were always so smart are now confronted with information that indicates they were not… They were not superior to the rest of the population, and that they believe themselves to be…
They cannot stand for people like Alex to confront them with facts and figures… It doesn’t matter if it’s on mRNA… Political candidates… Climate change… Fossil fuels… Anything controversial… Anything that would show them to be ignorant, and not the smartest people in the room, especially when confronted by someone they consider to be less educated and less important than they believe themselves to be… In every way, academically, socially etc. … not as Dominick Dunne called them People Like Us…
It’s like there’s so much cognitive dissonance they just completely freak out… Their circuitry is completely overloaded and Blem… They literally can’t handle it… They lose their temper, they scream, they get irate, then the one word, insults or so, they think start… You know, racist insurrectionist denier… Anything they think will stop the conversation because you concede to them because you feel guilty..
Which, of course I never do because I don’t live by my feelings… Most of the people on the Substack obviously don’t either..
It’s Brit-centric terminology, from a culture where the affluent all go to boarding schools. The “Head Girl” (and there is also a “Head Boy”) is the faculty-anointed trusty. Not the same as an American public school “Queen Bee” as they organically rise from the ranks and are chosen based on their aggressive meanness and ability to rally weaker girls in their service with the promise of protection via in/out group enforcement. A “Head Girl” is a simpering devotee of following the rules who is rewarded by teachers and administrators by being given the authority to impose her rule-keeping on others. Hillary Clinton is their patron saint.
There was an article (I think about a year ago) in the Atlantic by Emily Oster titled let’s have a pandemic amnesty. It was a half baked plea for forgiveness about the lockdowns, school closures, families torn apart, etc. I don’t think the vaccine mandates were mentioned. Anyway, Euggypius had a substack about how Emily Oster is the ultimate “head girl”, the slightly above average intelligent girls who do well in school and think they know everything and like to boss people around. I’m paraphrasing as well as I can remember.
Ok, I didn't know either, but kept silent, planning to Google it. Just googled it, plenty of references to Harry Potter, British schools, and oral sex (sorry). But nothing to fully describe this personality type. Help, anyone?
I’d be curious how this shakes out by profession. I am an engineer, and I know a LOT of engineers who didn’t get the jab or got it very reluctantly. (Engineers are generally wary of serial #1.)
So are the PhDs in the natural sciences because we understand how things work. A word or two in a sentence that is off, means someone is trying to get away with something.
The Evils made it totally obvious in this covid1984 case, so much so they were laughing in everyone's face that doesn't understand basic high school biology. For instance they said they were using 8 mice. That is a hilarious inside joke. No scientist or lab assistant or even undergrad student doing research would limit the population to that ridiculously low number. After that claim all bets are off and no one should pay an ounce of attention to them. It would save a lot of time and energy. But alas, everyone is not educated so they keep talking about it instead of moving on.
Same with the BS climate change. We need CO2 to live because it feeds the plants so they can produce our Oxygen. If we don't have CO2, we die of lack of Oxygen. End of Story.
That is what they are trying to do, kill us by reducing oxygen, ie. masks that significantly reduce oxygen intake, coagulating the blood with the Bioweapon Injections so the heart and brain cannot receive enough oxygen and cells stop working. For an engineer, oxygen and glucose ( sugar ) is their fuel for being able to work, called combustion for engineers, called respiration for all animals including humans.
Agreed with the first model or first off the production line. Same with medicines. There oldie but goodies that have well known success ( vs failure ) profiles. And then there are brand new ones, not to mention the new ones that are designed to hurt people or purposely contaminated with toxins, carcinogens etc. They will do what they can get away with now, and then push for more. Planned obsolescence in the engineering world is the closest analogy that comes to mind. The Depopulation ( murder ) movement is ramping up. It needs to be stropped. The answer is simple with Biology, and has been demonstrated throughout history, but are people willing to do it?
Eugyppius managed to discuss IQ without displacing the hornet's nest. Alex takes a different approach. He stomps on the hornet's nest, picks it up, shakes it, then invites the rest of us to come and take a look.
He freakin complicates something super simple.
Common sense folk hesitate. Why would the gov try to help me for free or a beer or a donut ? When normally they just screw me on health care and take my money on taxes. What's up?
College grads. Oh, if you say so, ok.
PhDs - ah no, there is always another answer. I have read a lot of books about everything and this is likely a scam of some sort. Let's wait and see.
How about people with partial college degrees, or common sense & faith in God, looked and said wait a minute. We researched mRNA, did all the others 🧐
I am no oracle but those that believe in God and know human health realize our creator’s engineering is eons above what any human could ever do. This is the answer for this group I believe and experience.
The Evils Harari etc know this down deep snd know they will fall short by a million fold but will bluff their way through anyway due to their parents’ lack of upbringing. They are spoiled, over indulged ( Jewish in his case - interestingly ) brats. They will just make up shit and demand! people believe it .
The concept has been in the meme world for a while...
I feel like everybody's just missing the coercion aspect. If you're "more intelligent", you're more likely to have a job that would punish you unless you got jabbed. Even just the social coercion of being unvaccinated in those circles was huge. Maybe it was different in Sweden?
I don’t know if my own experience is anomalous or not, but I’ll throw it out there. I accepted a Moderna two-jab in March/April 2021. Not because I thought I was at any personal risk, and not because I thought the vaccine would be any more effective than flu shots. I knew the paltry track record of previous attempts at vaccinating against aerosol respiratory viruses. At the time I took the shots, my main employer was not demanding them (that would come later and I have more to tell about that.) But I have a part-time job that is really more of a labor of love. I do ground instruction at a flight school, owned by a good friend of mine. I do a *lot* of community building with “rusty pilots” -- old guys who have pilot certifications but who for whatever reason have drifted away from flying. I run seminars to try to bring them back into the fold of flying pilots. And she was convinced that we could not convince these people, mostly 60-80 years old, to come back to in-person teaching if we didn’t give them the reassurance that we were doing everything possible to mitigate Covid risk.
My mistake was in assuming that these shots were just ineffective. I really did not anticipate that CDC and FDA would promote/mandate shots that were actively harmful. My bad; I know better now. And so: NEVER AGAIN.
I disagree. The most intelligent do not take orders from idiot puppets. They do what their own critical thinking tells them. If they need to take their smarts elsewhere they are fine to do it. They have read lots of books and history and human psychology never changes.
Specifically, human oppression and Stanley Milgram experiment results.
I think he was talking about the "smart" midwits, not the truly high IQ. My sister is an NP and fits the head girl exactly. I don't work in medicine so I got shouted down by her and my brother's MD wife. And now they will never admit I was clearly right to avoid the bio weapon jabs. I would have quit a job over it, but thankfully didn't have to do so because I work in software.
My thinking is you need to make them cry uncle, not only for their sakes but others they influence. Just bring the data, paper summaries of the studies and ask them to look it over.
You don't need to even give your opinion. Just present all the facts and the expert opinions. And shrug.
How dare they not apologize to you! Did they not learn to apologize when they were 5 years old and found to be dead wrong? Well now they are dead wrong.
Makes me sick, we work so hard to get the word out and take so much abusé back by these arrogant ignorant know it all idiots. Then, they find out they r wrong and they play head games with themselves, well that is fine, but they cannot play head games with us. Set them straight.
If you had to pick one paper or summary of studies, which one would you print? There's so much, It's hard for me to even know where I would want them to start.
That is an excellent question.
3 should be chosen.
The first would be one piece of paper with Pfizer's bio-distribution graph of the Bioweapon injection. To clarify, this is Pfizer's research data on it's product. This was sent to each country's medical regulating body before they reviewed the shipments. It was very public information end of 2020, only through FOIA interestingly.
Malone, Kirshe ( doesn't know science ) and Weinstein ( sp? not sure he knows science either ) discussed it on a podcast but Malone did not sound any alarms. It shows the poison targeted the ovaries above all other organs or places in the body. They should know what ovary damage means to a population.
I have to review the education background of the people we are presenting this to again but the second piece of paper ( we are doing a quick take down here ) would be a print out of the VAERS data ( which they have stopped the release of recently 😳🤔 ) numbers and one simple VAERS graph of injuries and deaths from this injection compared to all other "vaccines" over the years. Very telling. Alex has published all this here and I certainly have screenshots but can't send them...
The third piece of obvious indisputable evidence I can come up with but numerous educational heros could probably make a good possibly better suggestion. Ed Heros such as Alex or Dr. Michael Yeadon, Igor, Worlds 2nd smartest guy. Take a quick look at their substacks and see what would hit home with the individuals in question subjective mentality.
VAERS states their data is off by a factor of 40 x, so for real numbers including the expected unreported multiple by 40 x
Could you do me a favor and have them critique my exemption request? I spent a lot of time writing/researching it and then the mandate was lifted before I actually got to use it.
Feel free to present it as "Hey, some idiot posted this on the interwebs, can you take it down, point by point to prove how dumb he/she/they is?"
Hi Brian,
To whom are you addressing with this request?
I love that; "Arrogant ignorant know it all idiots." Hope you don't mind if I put that phrase to use with all the people who deserve it. Thank you!
🤙 Go for it. So many, so little time.
and "head girl" types are more likely to be the ones doing the coercion
The head girl phenomenon extends everywhere. (Yes, like tentacles.)
I blame Head Girl Syndrome on What Happened to Journalism: many women took over newsrooms. 15 years ago, a co-worker & I lamented this subject. He said that journalism went downhill when newspapers stopped printing photos of dead bodies. I called it The Girl-ification of the Newsroom.
This conversation took place when we worked for a newspaper managed entirely by women.
I could go on and on. But it boils down to newsrooms were not feminized. Newsrooms were emasculated. The goal should have been to equalize newsrooms.
Please note: I was long ago drummed out of the "women's lib" movement.
Women took over everything, everywhere. Look at the current governors and senators/house reps and UK mps! All useless, low iQ, no common sense women. Most don’t have children so they want to mother us all, after all they know it better. Eg Theresa May, Merkel, Macron…. ;o)
When was the last time you heard a Pfarma spokesmodel newscaster ask a pol, “What is the factual basis for your belief that ....”
Or even came close to “Who, what, where, when, how” journalism.
The current mean Mean Girls could care less - preferring narrative to information where it easily slides into gossip: “It it shrieks, it leads”.
The Mean Girls/Head Girls all seem to shriek, "IT'S ABOUT THE CHILDREN!" As if that makes it OK.
and most that i see don't have children of their own
Karenmaskkënführers and Vaccine Jane Crows.
As Orwell noted (imperfectly recalled)
Women, especially young ones were the most bigoted adherents to the ideology, the most ardent swallowers of slogans, and the most likely to turn in the non-compliant.
And we ALL know the coercion was real for many
Yes, whenever I hear "Nobody forced you to take it....", I pivot just a little bit. What if your employer had a rule where you have to sleep with the boss? No coercion because you can always find a new job? LOL!!! (At least the dick comes out!)
I think some of the “no one forced you” folks are those who refused no matter the personal cost to them. Although I don’t agree, I do sometimes wonder: if everyone who didn’t want to get the shots had in fact refused, how differently would things have gone?
I declined the shot, and I would never say that others weren't forced, especially here in Canada. If forcing someone to decide between the shot and their job, or the shot and their ability to see a dying loved one doesn't constitute unlawful coercion, what does? But you're right, if more had refused the shots, and even more refused the useless masks, I think we would have been better off.
Some contend that less Americans did take the shot than is routinely “reported”Would love to see a link on this notion if anyone has one to offer.
That is correct. Also for other countries. Here is the evidence.
The more shots reported the more money you got. Hmmmm....wonder where the error margin appears? Anybody with a statistics class and common sense can answer this question. Yes, there was more over reporting of Injections.
Exactly Jasmine. Not as many people would have been murdered and had damage for the rest of their shorter lives. And be rendered infertile.
And the Evils would not have been able to çelebrate success with the numbers. By not refusing it did echelons of harm to the population.
Those same ones will fu...k up again.
I like the " you must have sexual relations with the boss " analogy.
Very Harry Weinsteinesk.
Then what would most the whiney women say? " I will not !!" and leave and get another job. Not so with the feel good, join the club virtue signaling Bioweapon Injections though. They stayed and got them and then said they were " forced" .
This group is highly dependent upon "reputational capital" to earn a living. They protect it at all costs!
The midwits could have stopped mandates dead.
Walk off the job en masse. Game over.
Yes, different mentality in Sweden then USA. Lemmings in Sweden? Since when do people share their medical information on what viruses they have or inoculations they have with others, much less co workers? Oh, hello are you HIV positive ? Oh hello do you have a Hep B vaccine ? How about HPV?
Medical confidentiality in USA...HIPPA. That is not to say that the brain dead Dummycrats didn't run around asking, making it their authoritarian business asking what other people were doing with their private medical business.( And their sex lives. )
In USA we tell people to piss off and mind there own business or in classier ways we tell them we are part of the control group. That usually shuts the brain dead parrot lemmings up.
Yeah, it's not like the differences are THAT big. We're talking about like 10% to 20% of a subset.....
I'm a pretty smart guy and fairly cantankerous but I'm not sure I would have had the sense to buck the herd and skip the shot if I had not been red-pilled already by my family experience. I have three sons, two with autism and one with ADHD. I became convinced that their handicaps were caused by their childhood vaccinations, so I was already hostile to the vaccine program and especially of the people who run it. I was convinced enough to skip childhood vaccinations entirely for my two (healthy) daughters. For me, Covid shots (esp. mRNA) were just another vaccine program foisted on the public with sketchy studies and plenty of disinfo, i.e., just like the other vaccinations. The coercion with Covid was more blatant but coercion is becoming a standard feature of the vaccination program in general, esp. here in California.
Yep. Same here. Saw nephew “transition” into nonverbal, hand flapping autism with his MMR 20 years ago. Complete paradigm shift for our entire extended family. Once you go down that unfortunate rabbit hole you will never trust again. So sorry you found out the hard away as well.
Dig deeper on ADHD - it seems to be an imaginary illness coerced by AMA. Well, all doctors need patients...
Disagree, I have a friend with that diagnosis and it's obvious why every time we talk
Just one case? That proves nothing, only your rights to disagree.
I think our our society has trained people to lose the ability to focus, look for quick stimulation, and when they realize how empty they are, pharma provides addictive drugs to numb them out. I'm generalizing obviously, but hopefully you get the point.
Before I respond, please clarify what do you mean by "our society has trained people". pls.
Hard to explain in a comment, but in the last few decades, corporate commercialism has taken over most industries, pharma is a good example, most institutes of higher learning have been captured, training people to all think one way, the constant reinforcement of instant gratification using advertising, the obsession with sports used as a distraction, the 24 hour News media feeding us with drama breaking news constantly. That's just of the top of my head, there's a lot more.
There is neural damage ( brain damage ) with the toxins, adjuvants and contaminates ( ie. monkey dna) in these " vaccines " . Plus they do not work well, if at all as
Additionally the Drs over diagnose and slap labels on normal but energetic and bored children.
I'm one of those female top IQ people; MENSA tested, top 1% with an IQ of 149 on one test and 157 on another. I rarely mention it because then I might need to explain some of the stupid stuff I've done.
I TOTALLY agree with the statement "But those geniuses, male or female, are not necessarily extroverted or conscientious, and they are manifestly non-conformist. They appear increasingly isolated." This is so me! I could explain why we are like this but it would probably come across as condescending.
I did not get the not-a-vaccine; I did try to convince some people close to me to not get it but I made the mistake of using logic to get people to change their minds when they didn't use logic to make the decision in the first place. I finally decided that I would not be able to influence them to not make an emotional decision and backed off rather than ruin the relationships.
Thanks for an interesting article.
Hi there! Fellow way-out-on-the-right-tail-female!
It’s not considered polite to talk about one’s IQ and so I don’t do it much. But after a battery of tests run on me in high school and my freshman year of college, I was taken aside by a counsellor who said this to me. “We’ve given you a number of tests. The interpretation of the results is of course open to all the caveats one can construct about what is actually being measured and what impact it would have on your day-to-day life. I just want to put this into a context you can understand. If you went to (whatever the next weekend’s sold-out football game was) at Memorial Stadium, chances are that there would be two people in the stands who would score higher on this test than you. You need to figure out how to navigate that world.
I have mostly navigated it by keeping my mouth shut when I’m not absolutely sure my companions want to hear my unhinged ranting.
All I ever got from the school was that I was not living up to my potential. They didn't like my responsive of "ok."
I had to mature into my 30s before I formulated the response: "I'm living up to MY potential. Not sure anyone else gets a vote."
Yep. The potential they saw as important, not the one you saw. I did well in school without ever studying, for the most part. (Taking an African studies class for poly sci that was taught by the former Sec of State of Liberia at a time that 4 or 5 governments changed in the course of a semester and with little written history anyway is the only one that stands out.) But I am a way out of the box thinker and my superpower is problem solving - I have lived up to that potential and had a much more interesting life than “living up to academic potential) would have provided!
Intelligent people often do stupid things Mari :) Trying to use logic on the galactically stupid was one of those times. I did it too! One cannot FIX stupid either...
Exactly but these weren't necessarily stupid people, just liberals who watch the MSM. Oh wait...
I have a picture meme where a little girl is saying "I want to be a nice person but everyone is just so stupid. " I feel like that sometimes.
Yes...MSM only viewing is like super concentrated weed. Just over powers the lib's cerebrum which is of course where common sense emanates from.
I also don't "suffer fools gently". You are correct, it is impossible to reason with someone that reached their decision with their "emotional" intelligence.
My favorite line from "As Good as it Gets" - "How do you write women so well ? I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." Lol
I need that cartoon on my fridge. STUPID (well, willful ignorance/stupidity) raises my blood pressure to unhealthy heights.
I’d like to hear some of the stupid things you’ve done, actually.
Can’t speak for Mari but apparently having a 4 sigma IQ does not protect you --or at least it didn’t protect me -- from making stupid marriage decisions.
Count me in that group, too. Only I made two stupid marriage decisions. They were a triumph of optimism over intelligence.
If I would just apply the same logic to evaluating a potential mate as I do to choosing a refrigerator it would all be so much better.
I know more than one person who did that.
Another one here. :-)
I recommend YouTube’s “Crazy-Hot Matrix” as an, uh, inoculation for this type of virus:
That only works if you have an impartial judge tell you where the woman is in the matrix. Trying to analyze on your own leads to bad data.
As a heterosexual female I think that will be less than helpful in identifying poor romantic choices.
No, not happening. I'm not saying most involved boyfriends but... most involved boyfriends. Those were the fun stupid things.
The stupidest one, though, was all the mistakes I made buying my first house - wrong agent, wrong school district. I have passed these lessons on to many other people so hopefully they learned.
My first house purchase went poof in the 1980s S&L scandal -- didn’t teach me much about finance but it did turn me from a soft-fuzzy-liberal into a balls-to-the-wall libertarian!
This sounds like me as well. (Including the stupid stuff!) I am definitely increasingly isolated, but I also have zero tolerance for willful ignorance. (ACTUAL ignorance or true stupidity, but willing to learn - annoying but tolerable.)
But “I didn’t know!” doesn’t fly when there was AMPLE information to know, and even a drop of common sense plus a very short amount of research (literally, maybe 5-10 min) would have shown you - even at the start. Common sense should have been screaming that there was no way a new tech vax with a common cold virus never before being prevented, in addition to an entire govt/media/industrial complex pivoting on a dime post election, was suspect at best, criminal at worst.
People who change their minds when they figure it out - ok good. You’ve probably made a huge mistake and will have to live with the consequences, and that’s too bad, but you’ve learned. Others who just double down, esp now that there are thousands of studies and millions of personal stories? Nope. I’m done. Thankfully I’m an introvert anyway!
Same here.. nonconformist but I got the two first shots because I’m an immune compromised single parent. I got them but my child did NOT.
Thankfully we live in florida and she goes to a private school. My skepticism was highest as they insisted that EVERYONE should get the shots. There has never been a vaccine for which everyone - regardless of age nor risk profile - has been recommended. That’s not how hers immunity works. The immunity of all those given the vaccine is supposed to protect those who cannot get it. That told me that something else (probably $$) was the motive. They never even tried to convince people to get the shots, they went straight to coercion.
I retired in January 2020 from a Top 50 corporation. Talk about timing. Between the covid stuff and BLM, I think I would have lost my mind.
You're correct though. You can tell it's not a good idea when they try to coerce rather than persuade or convince people.
Great line Mari in SC :
“ I did not get the not-a-vaccine “ ✔️
I need to check my IQ score as this is this would be the only difference in my post on VAXX.
Mari in SC - We sound a lot alike (150+ girls who’ve made some dumb choices…) Plus you read Berenson, so I’m impressed! If you ever get up to VA maybe we could have coffee sometime.
There are many awful things about the woke, intellectually incurious left but I think the worst is the enforcement of conformity in science. It will end the advance of civilization and condemn us to a life of relative poverty and ignorance. I was a patent attorney for many years and the only thing that advanced science and technology was contrarian (usually irritable) people who bucked the consensus. Inventors ignored the teachings of the past and set out in a new direction. They relished disapproval and even cultivated contempt. Once you winnow them out of the system the engine of advancement stops, and that's where we are now.
It'll be ok. The enforcement of conformity is primarily in academia. Most science that matters isn't done there. The conflation of science with academia is a popular past time by academics, but don't fall for it. Science doesn't need the universities.
-guy who works with cutting edge research every day
Glad to hear a contrary opinion, but researchers are trained by universities that teach their students to be conformist clowns. Some escape the intellectual damage caused by a university education, but too many never recover. Few remain in academia but instead take their delusional ideas to private industry. The academic cabal also controls billions of dollars of grant funding that is given only to compliant supplicants (not just universities), and government subsidies only reward industries that serve the approved narrative. This problem worsens as "progressive" ideologies creep into biology and even mathematics, and universities increasingly accept unqualified students who think math is racist. Eventually scientific heretics are just de-credentialied and turned into non-persons (as in the Covid fiasco). You are absolutely right that Science is not Academia, but Academia can still damage Science, and it has.
I too used to believe "it's only in academia." Then, eight years ago, this story about a kindergarten teacher that was prohibiting boys from playing with Legos in the name of gender equity slapped me with a dose of reality. A teacher thinking it is OK to inhibit some students the opportunity to learn and advance their skills based on nothing but their gender is such a twisted moral compass that it could only come from woke ideology--and here it was, leaking out of academia into every community.
Well said!
Very well said, I agree.
Look, I know I'm no genius. That's not false modesty. (Then again, if I know I'm not a genius, would that knowledge be an indicator that I *am*?? But if I am, but don't know it, then I can't be.)
See? Told ya.
Anyway, just anecdotally, I'm sufficiently smart - not brilliant, not a dunderhead - and from the get-go there was NO way I was going to get jabbed. I said, even before Warp Speed concluded, that I would need 5 years of data and more than a billion people jabbed (whoo, did I misjudge how many would be willing guinea pigs) before I would even CONSIDER being jabbed.
I don't think that's my smarts. I think it's my common sense, and I don't think you have to be particularly smart to have enough common sense NOT to start taking wholly untested experimental drugs, using brand-new technology, especially based on the promises of f'n untrustworthy government agencies' bureaucrats, coercive, corrupt politicians, and the g/d heavily-fined-to-the-tune-of-billions-of-dollars pharmaceutical industry.
Two of my siblings still to this day wear "VACCINATED" bracelets on their wrists, a la the yellow Livestrong bracelets or WWJD bracelets.
One is a lawyer. So, no dummy. The other is the head of the English Department at a prestigious, expensive private high school. So, no dummy. (Both far-Left Dems...what a surprise, right?) My third sib, a moderate but leans Left, is a corporate lawyer. 1420 SATs.
But me - lowly 1240 SATs - I'm the one who knew and knows not to get jabbed with this poison sh*t.
Go figure.
They don’t want to be the “kind of person” who’s antivax, even under threat of injury. Better to believe and be injured. My family is the same way.
My mom too. She emailed yesterday, direct quote, “I can’t get the COVID/flu vax because I’m on antibiotics.” This will be #5 or 6 when she finally gets it. Other than age she has 0 risk factors, and had very aggressive breast cancer at 35, so it scares me to death that she keeps doing this. But no amount of early discussion has penetrated and she still sends the occasional post script: I DO wish you’d get vaccinated. She knows it’s not happening so she deserves it for when she talks about her most recent jab now.
Well, maybe she's immune to the vaccine? lol! It's just too hard for people to believe that the "Health Care System" is just 90% scams and 10% penicillin. The world will crumble. It's more like a religion, "I wish you'd come to church, so I don't have to worry about your everlasting soul...."
It's like how people used to trust he Catholic church..."Priest wants to go skinny-dipping? No problem!"
Doing well in school and on standardized tests is no measure of genius...... 😁
News Flash!
They are both dummy's!! And Lemmings ( followers ). Sorry. So NE!
Ideologues, too. "NFW" while it was Trump's baby, "mandate it for everyone" when it became Biden's.
OMG poor you. They are freakin TDS wack jobs.
I don't know how people do it being surrounded by wack jobs. I call them out to there faces. Not always the most populated at parties but... what can one do?
Well...I live 1500 miles away from them, and they skipped my son's/their nephew's wedding in May 2021 because not everyone would be jabbed and because masks weren't required by the venue.
So my interaction - with my own sisters - has been mostly nonexistent.
Poor you 😢
Well you sound like you have good head on your shoulders and they do not, so poor them actually.
Unfortunately you can’t control others but after trying to enlighten them to a point you could be there for them when they come around. In the mean time, find sister substitutes is what I have found helpful. Adopt other people who you do see I to eye with and it is more gratifying when there is synergy between human beings. It often is not with siblings unfortunately. Don’t beat yourself up over it, that is the way it is.
Sorry if I sound like a column in a newspaper.
As my Senior Drill instructor once yelled at me that I was “all G2 and no GT” or I was intelligent but had no common sense in layman terms.
The ability to discern is not only based on intellect.
I think you just made Berenson’s point .
I did...or they did? ;-)
Every time I see some mention of COMMON SENSE now it takes me to the great remix DAX did of the Oliver Anthony viral video-song Rich men North of Richmond. If you have not seen it it's GOLD and hits hard! Common sense is so underrated for sure!
Just found it - excellent. Already shared it.
Was actually my 1st exposure to DAX. I was impressed with his ability to convey direct to the point realities of what IS. Not a fan of re-mixes typically, but this one meshed WELL!
I'm a veterinarian and a contrarian.
My vet colleagues are intelligent, but it seems that many of them fall into the conformist category. Not only do they not want to answer any questions about mRNA vaccines, they won't ask any either.
As a profession, we have a long history of dealing with corona viruses(corona gonna corona). We should be leading the way in understanding what is happening.....and YET....many of my colleagues are walking in lockstep with the Covidians.....
I refer to Mattias Desmets genius book about Totalitarianism where he basically says that intelligent, educated people are often easiest to suck into a mass formation.
I thank God every day for my contrarian attitude. I have been a questioner forever...much to the aggravation and dismay of most of my teachers and colleagues. I find it has served me well....I even question myself all the makes for better patient care.
Long live the quesitoners.....
The conformists will be the downfall of us all if we aren't careful. People like Alex are so important....the ability to just stand up and say 'Hold on, that doesn't make sense' is so rare and so necessary.
Fascinating insight into intelligence, but perhaps Forrest Gump said it best. "I may not be a smart man, but I do know the injections were never safe & effective" or something similar :) Have to admit as a red blooded male the designation of "head" girls did make my mind stray ever so slightly. Sorry leaves are falling in the rain here and the red wine is flowing
My three brothers, their wives, and their college-age children all got the jabs. I did not. I convinced my husband not to get one...quite forcefully. My young adult daughter chose not to get the jabs despite social pressure. I'm not sure I fall into eugyppius's 10%, but I can say with certainty that I had almost no influence, though I tried and tried. Some people will only learn the hard way.
Girls and women are socialized from an early age to "be nice" and "get along" and "fit in". That's why you'll see idiot women defending men in women's competitions, etc. We would never want some guy to feel bad 'cause we know more than he does or do better in school or at work. One of my aunts told me once that I shouldn't do so well in school or none of the boys would be interested in me. I told her I wasn't interested those boys.
IMHO, intelligence is only one factor that led some to fall for the psyop. Tribalism and ideology weighed heavily.
I'd be interested to know how many of the uber brains actually got the jabs.
No wonder almost no one I know wants to talk about all this—even now. How can they not want to talk frankly? This is what baffles me most. I mean, what about next time?
But I guess they're afraid to find out what's out there, what they missed, what they suspect we know.
It’s because they received a permanent irreversible medical procedure. Now they can’t be unvaccinated, so they don’t want to know how damaging the jabs are.
You're on a roll Alex! and as they say, Truth is stranger than fiction.
I have, many years ago, come to the conclusion that I was lucky enough to have parents that used the question "if everyone you knew were jumping off the cliff would you just blindly follow?" Apparently "herd" mentality which is an emotional response regardless of facts, continues to be the world's most vexing and dangerous action.
Since women (I am one by the way) tend to be more emotionally reactive, E makes some good points. As far as Smart, Smarter, Brilliant, goes as regards academic achievements, I have met many educated fact, the pandemic is not Covid it is Educated Idiot pandemic.
also a Useful
Idiot pandemic
Many that took the clot shot were intelligent but lacked any common sense. Buffoons.
OK people… I need your help… What’s a head girl? I must be missing something.🤣🤣 help me out here people…
So this group of people think they were always so smart are now confronted with information that indicates they were not… They were not superior to the rest of the population, and that they believe themselves to be…
They cannot stand for people like Alex to confront them with facts and figures… It doesn’t matter if it’s on mRNA… Political candidates… Climate change… Fossil fuels… Anything controversial… Anything that would show them to be ignorant, and not the smartest people in the room, especially when confronted by someone they consider to be less educated and less important than they believe themselves to be… In every way, academically, socially etc. … not as Dominick Dunne called them People Like Us…
It’s like there’s so much cognitive dissonance they just completely freak out… Their circuitry is completely overloaded and Blem… They literally can’t handle it… They lose their temper, they scream, they get irate, then the one word, insults or so, they think start… You know, racist insurrectionist denier… Anything they think will stop the conversation because you concede to them because you feel guilty..
Which, of course I never do because I don’t live by my feelings… Most of the people on the Substack obviously don’t either..
It’s Brit-centric terminology, from a culture where the affluent all go to boarding schools. The “Head Girl” (and there is also a “Head Boy”) is the faculty-anointed trusty. Not the same as an American public school “Queen Bee” as they organically rise from the ranks and are chosen based on their aggressive meanness and ability to rally weaker girls in their service with the promise of protection via in/out group enforcement. A “Head Girl” is a simpering devotee of following the rules who is rewarded by teachers and administrators by being given the authority to impose her rule-keeping on others. Hillary Clinton is their patron saint.
Love the Clinton comment.....
The movie Election has the main character of Tracy Flick. The ultimate head girl and a fantastic movie.
… that is terribly underrated.
There was an article (I think about a year ago) in the Atlantic by Emily Oster titled let’s have a pandemic amnesty. It was a half baked plea for forgiveness about the lockdowns, school closures, families torn apart, etc. I don’t think the vaccine mandates were mentioned. Anyway, Euggypius had a substack about how Emily Oster is the ultimate “head girl”, the slightly above average intelligent girls who do well in school and think they know everything and like to boss people around. I’m paraphrasing as well as I can remember.
Ok, I didn't know either, but kept silent, planning to Google it. Just googled it, plenty of references to Harry Potter, British schools, and oral sex (sorry). But nothing to fully describe this personality type. Help, anyone?
not a super-genius. just equipped with a top-notch bullshit detector and the pro-jabbers pegged the needle from the get-go.
Mary Shelley was an optimist. And Mark Twain never met Tony Fauci.
You make something very simple VERY complicated.
Look at large Carnegie Mellon University Study from 2021.
High School education and below, very Bioweapon Injection hesitant.
College grads, very Bioweapon uptake happy.
Doctorate students and Post Doc students very Bioweapon hesitant.
This was the response for the study of over 1 million people.
The degree of education is very definable. IQ not so much, very subjective based on test type.
I’d be curious how this shakes out by profession. I am an engineer, and I know a LOT of engineers who didn’t get the jab or got it very reluctantly. (Engineers are generally wary of serial #1.)
So are the PhDs in the natural sciences because we understand how things work. A word or two in a sentence that is off, means someone is trying to get away with something.
The Evils made it totally obvious in this covid1984 case, so much so they were laughing in everyone's face that doesn't understand basic high school biology. For instance they said they were using 8 mice. That is a hilarious inside joke. No scientist or lab assistant or even undergrad student doing research would limit the population to that ridiculously low number. After that claim all bets are off and no one should pay an ounce of attention to them. It would save a lot of time and energy. But alas, everyone is not educated so they keep talking about it instead of moving on.
Same with the BS climate change. We need CO2 to live because it feeds the plants so they can produce our Oxygen. If we don't have CO2, we die of lack of Oxygen. End of Story.
That is what they are trying to do, kill us by reducing oxygen, ie. masks that significantly reduce oxygen intake, coagulating the blood with the Bioweapon Injections so the heart and brain cannot receive enough oxygen and cells stop working. For an engineer, oxygen and glucose ( sugar ) is their fuel for being able to work, called combustion for engineers, called respiration for all animals including humans.
Agreed with the first model or first off the production line. Same with medicines. There oldie but goodies that have well known success ( vs failure ) profiles. And then there are brand new ones, not to mention the new ones that are designed to hurt people or purposely contaminated with toxins, carcinogens etc. They will do what they can get away with now, and then push for more. Planned obsolescence in the engineering world is the closest analogy that comes to mind. The Depopulation ( murder ) movement is ramping up. It needs to be stropped. The answer is simple with Biology, and has been demonstrated throughout history, but are people willing to do it?