Eugyppius managed to discuss IQ without displacing the hornet's nest. Alex takes a different approach. He stomps on the hornet's nest, picks it up, shakes it, then invites the rest of us to come and take a look.

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I feel like everybody's just missing the coercion aspect. If you're "more intelligent", you're more likely to have a job that would punish you unless you got jabbed. Even just the social coercion of being unvaccinated in those circles was huge. Maybe it was different in Sweden?

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I'm a pretty smart guy and fairly cantankerous but I'm not sure I would have had the sense to buck the herd and skip the shot if I had not been red-pilled already by my family experience. I have three sons, two with autism and one with ADHD. I became convinced that their handicaps were caused by their childhood vaccinations, so I was already hostile to the vaccine program and especially of the people who run it. I was convinced enough to skip childhood vaccinations entirely for my two (healthy) daughters. For me, Covid shots (esp. mRNA) were just another vaccine program foisted on the public with sketchy studies and plenty of disinfo, i.e., just like the other vaccinations. The coercion with Covid was more blatant but coercion is becoming a standard feature of the vaccination program in general, esp. here in California.

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I'm one of those female top IQ people; MENSA tested, top 1% with an IQ of 149 on one test and 157 on another. I rarely mention it because then I might need to explain some of the stupid stuff I've done.

I TOTALLY agree with the statement "But those geniuses, male or female, are not necessarily extroverted or conscientious, and they are manifestly non-conformist. They appear increasingly isolated." This is so me! I could explain why we are like this but it would probably come across as condescending.

I did not get the not-a-vaccine; I did try to convince some people close to me to not get it but I made the mistake of using logic to get people to change their minds when they didn't use logic to make the decision in the first place. I finally decided that I would not be able to influence them to not make an emotional decision and backed off rather than ruin the relationships.

Thanks for an interesting article.

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There are many awful things about the woke, intellectually incurious left but I think the worst is the enforcement of conformity in science. It will end the advance of civilization and condemn us to a life of relative poverty and ignorance. I was a patent attorney for many years and the only thing that advanced science and technology was contrarian (usually irritable) people who bucked the consensus. Inventors ignored the teachings of the past and set out in a new direction. They relished disapproval and even cultivated contempt. Once you winnow them out of the system the engine of advancement stops, and that's where we are now.

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Look, I know I'm no genius. That's not false modesty. (Then again, if I know I'm not a genius, would that knowledge be an indicator that I *am*?? But if I am, but don't know it, then I can't be.)

See? Told ya.

Anyway, just anecdotally, I'm sufficiently smart - not brilliant, not a dunderhead - and from the get-go there was NO way I was going to get jabbed. I said, even before Warp Speed concluded, that I would need 5 years of data and more than a billion people jabbed (whoo, did I misjudge how many would be willing guinea pigs) before I would even CONSIDER being jabbed.

I don't think that's my smarts. I think it's my common sense, and I don't think you have to be particularly smart to have enough common sense NOT to start taking wholly untested experimental drugs, using brand-new technology, especially based on the promises of f'n untrustworthy government agencies' bureaucrats, coercive, corrupt politicians, and the g/d heavily-fined-to-the-tune-of-billions-of-dollars pharmaceutical industry.

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I'm a veterinarian and a contrarian.

My vet colleagues are intelligent, but it seems that many of them fall into the conformist category. Not only do they not want to answer any questions about mRNA vaccines, they won't ask any either.

As a profession, we have a long history of dealing with corona viruses(corona gonna corona). We should be leading the way in understanding what is happening.....and YET....many of my colleagues are walking in lockstep with the Covidians.....

I refer to Mattias Desmets genius book about Totalitarianism where he basically says that intelligent, educated people are often easiest to suck into a mass formation.

I thank God every day for my contrarian attitude. I have been a questioner forever...much to the aggravation and dismay of most of my teachers and colleagues. I find it has served me well....I even question myself all the time....it makes for better patient care.

Long live the quesitoners.....

The conformists will be the downfall of us all if we aren't careful. People like Alex are so important....the ability to just stand up and say 'Hold on, that doesn't make sense' is so rare and so necessary.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Fascinating insight into intelligence, but perhaps Forrest Gump said it best. "I may not be a smart man, but I do know the injections were never safe & effective" or something similar :) Have to admit as a red blooded male the designation of "head" girls did make my mind stray ever so slightly. Sorry leaves are falling in the rain here and the red wine is flowing

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My three brothers, their wives, and their college-age children all got the jabs. I did not. I convinced my husband not to get one...quite forcefully. My young adult daughter chose not to get the jabs despite social pressure. I'm not sure I fall into eugyppius's 10%, but I can say with certainty that I had almost no influence, though I tried and tried. Some people will only learn the hard way.

Girls and women are socialized from an early age to "be nice" and "get along" and "fit in". That's why you'll see idiot women defending men in women's competitions, etc. We would never want some guy to feel bad 'cause we know more than he does or do better in school or at work. One of my aunts told me once that I shouldn't do so well in school or none of the boys would be interested in me. I told her I wasn't interested those boys.

IMHO, intelligence is only one factor that led some to fall for the psyop. Tribalism and ideology weighed heavily.

I'd be interested to know how many of the uber brains actually got the jabs.

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No wonder almost no one I know wants to talk about all this—even now. How can they not want to talk frankly? This is what baffles me most. I mean, what about next time?

But I guess they're afraid to find out what's out there, what they missed, what they suspect we know.

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You're on a roll Alex! and as they say, Truth is stranger than fiction.

I have, many years ago, come to the conclusion that I was lucky enough to have parents that used the question "if everyone you knew were jumping off the cliff would you just blindly follow?" Apparently "herd" mentality which is an emotional response regardless of facts, continues to be the world's most vexing and dangerous action.

Since women (I am one by the way) tend to be more emotionally reactive, E makes some good points. As far as Smart, Smarter, Brilliant, goes as regards academic achievements, I have met many educated idiots.....in fact, the pandemic is not Covid it is Educated Idiot pandemic.

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Many that took the clot shot were intelligent but lacked any common sense. Buffoons.

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OK people… I need your help… What’s a head girl? I must be missing something.🤣🤣 help me out here people…

So this group of people think they were always so smart are now confronted with information that indicates they were not… They were not superior to the rest of the population, and that they believe themselves to be…

They cannot stand for people like Alex to confront them with facts and figures… It doesn’t matter if it’s on mRNA… Political candidates… Climate change… Fossil fuels… Anything controversial… Anything that would show them to be ignorant, and not the smartest people in the room, especially when confronted by someone they consider to be less educated and less important than they believe themselves to be… In every way, academically, socially etc. … not as Dominick Dunne called them People Like Us…

It’s like there’s so much cognitive dissonance they just completely freak out… Their circuitry is completely overloaded and Blem… They literally can’t handle it… They lose their temper, they scream, they get irate, then the one word, insults or so, they think start… You know, racist insurrectionist denier… Anything they think will stop the conversation because you concede to them because you feel guilty..

Which, of course I never do because I don’t live by my feelings… Most of the people on the Substack obviously don’t either..

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Many Head Girls have media induced TDS.

Calling Alex




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not a super-genius. just equipped with a top-notch bullshit detector and the pro-jabbers pegged the needle from the get-go.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Mary Shelley was an optimist. And Mark Twain never met Tony Fauci.

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