If Covid has taught us anything it is the entire medical profession is corrupted and has an agenda counter to reality. I no longer trust 98% of doctors. I always knew doctors lacked common sense which was a prerequisite of getting into medical school, but now we find out they do not actually live in reality. With apologies to the 2% of doctors like Dr. Atlas who have common sense and live in reality.

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It takes a special kind of scumbag to downplay the danger of fentanyl in the midst of a raging opioid epidemic.

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They are likely paid shills. Didn’t a FOIA uncover some influencers the govt was pushing? Not only assholes but greedy assholes. In a normal world they would have no customers and have to find a different line of work.

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As a statistician, one mystery to me is why MDs are automatically considered "experts" on things like analysis of vaccine side-effect, effectiveness, etc. Most papers in this field are pure data analysis: here is the data we collected, here is our analysis, here are our conclusions - pure stats. MDs get very rudimentary training in stats, and someone who worked an ED doctor for many years has likely forgotten what little they knew to begin with. I am happy to (try to) patiently explain to them the stuff they do not know, but it is beyond me why some clueless MD feels they can lecture to the rest of us.

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Is Dr. Marino even real? Is Med Twitter real? With real doctors? Sounds like more bots created or paid to push a narrative.

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This guy spouts injurious nonsense and it's not "misinformation" and nothing happens to him Yet reputable doctors who for 2 years have attempted to use repurposed drugs to treat Covid have lost their jobs and branded heretics. The world has truly turned upside down

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I am SO finished with the medical profession. I have 2 doctors who rebel against the status quo, and I love them for that.

This Marino character is the reason I’m finished; any trust I had was destroyed from the Covid lies we were (and still are being) told!!

P.S. Thank you Dr. Scott Atlas. You are a rare hero!!

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This "doctor" is an ass and no one should be following him or any of his stupid rants.

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If I remember correctly this mother was shaming other mothers and people that decided not to get vaccinated before her son went down….its horrible what her son has gone thru and even worse that doctors like this idiot UH doc has ridiculed and bullied here. She doesnt deserve it but I sure hope she’s learned a valuable lesson about medically shaming people for not wanting to put something in their body if they dont want to…..

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Having worked in a physicians office that had at one time up to 7 doctors, I can confirm. They’re all a special kind of stupid and always think they’re the smartest ones in the room. Insufferable. And it’s only going to get worse.

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Doctors only now what they are told. If you "trust your Doctor", you are a fool. You can do your own research and after a few days reading white papers, you'll know more about your specific health than your doctor will. Ask them open ended questions and just see how they repeat what they have been told - primarily by the Pharma rep that they met with.

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I was told a joke one time... A physician died and went to heaven, and St. Peter was showing him around, He noticed a person in medical scrubs working on a body. He asks, "What is that guy doing?" Saint Peter said, "Don't pay attention to that, it is just God, he thinks he is a doctor."

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He seems like an insufferable narcissist.

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is the left ever happy?

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Obviously, Dr. Jen needs to go to school herself since she says the Congresswoman is "incredible uniformed". 😂

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