I was watching the game live when this happened. I am heartbroken. His mom was there (I am a mom, my son played football for 10 years and I can only imagine how she feels.) I am sick about this. We don't know the cause. And unfortunately, I doubt anyone in the establishment will be honest about the cause. That's the problem. There are no ethics anymore, and everything feels like a cover-up. "It's not the vaccine because the vaccine is safe and effective." Period. That is always the answer and anyone who doesn't accept the answer without question is crazy, a conspiracy theorist, a lunatic. ... Praying for Damar Hamlin and his family, and praying for truth.

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"It's not the vaccine because the vaccine is safe and effective."

Pair that with another current maxim that is similar:

"We can't have unfair elections In America because this is America and elections here can't be unfair."

I share your consternation.

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In the Kari Lake election challenge, the judge said that it was fine that the election was unfair, the votes weren't counted, and the results weren't trustworthy because Lake couldn't prove that there was any INTENT to make the election unfair.

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Judge overlooked the election official's perjury on day one to day two. Sad.

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An appellate court may not be so generous.

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Comey said Hillary didn't intend to expose confidential information on her private server. I guess she set up the server by accident.

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Comey didn’t want to die mysteriously, so he recommended Hildabeast not be prosecuted.

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Intent always intent——SURE!

It’s getting up there with “I can’t recall”. 🧐

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clown world

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I used to like clowns.

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There were a lot of people/things we used to like/trust.

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Agreed. I said a couple of months ago that it’s going to take someone dying(I am praying he doesn’t) live on TV for this to finally become an issue. Now if the body count starts to climb they will have no choice. Then finally maybe it will be looked at seriously to see if there’s anything that can be done to reverse the affects. You can tell though that people are nervous and probably scared now.

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I've been following a few scientists with specific specialties (like Jessica Rose) and I don't see how you can reverse what's been done. However, NOT getting anymore shots is the first step because the problems are cumulative (that's why the booster has been so dangerous.) And because the doses have little quality control, some are essentially harmless while others are far more deadly. (I think it was Jessica who outlined why this is ... but I might be wrong as to who talked about this. Maybe Dr. Ryan Cole?)

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I have a friend just had his second round of Covid and he was pretty sick. More sick than the first time. Fully boosted the whole nine yards. Otherwise very intelligent person. He did finally start to question why he was getting the shots. I just shake my head at what is happening here.

The fact that our government is still pushing this is beyond criminal.

The body is an incredible thing. My hope because like you said it’s probably not reversible is that most people repair themselves. If you stop trying to kill it your body may repair on its own.

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Aunt had the bivalent a few weeks ago. Very very very sick for two weeks. She's someone who otherwise is never sick. I hope she and her family stop taking the next rounds offered. For their sakes.

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Many of these people will keep getting vaxxed until they die from a shot

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Sounds like my Mom who has only had four...FOUR....she promised not to get another. I made her swear to God not to....I had to do it. I feel like the adult around her, and not her child. I have tried, but it is like speaking to a brick wall...I cannot get through. She is so trusting of these institutions; she cannot understand my scepticism. Welcome to the rest of my family of origin....once the black sheep....sigh.

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But that’s why it is important to investigate whether the shots have caused widespread damage to hearts and other organs- so that people can get proper testing, be made aware of potential risks from vigorous activity and also put money and research into finding out how to heal the damage!

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I agree, though taxpayer money shouldn't be used. Let's have the billions that Pfizer and Moderna have made through their fraud and deception be used to research how to fix the problem they created.

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Dr Cole has talked about the impurities in the vaccine that he has observed under a microscope.

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Like Dr. McCullough, he's been very good -- reasoned, clear, calm, apolitical. One of my biggest problems with some of the commentary about the vaccines is that it gets too political.

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Jessica is just wonderful..I have so many accolades to give her. I feel so proud that she is Canadian, however, she is the only reason at the moment to feel proud of the land of my upbringing. Brilliant mind, mixed with just the perfect amount of humour.

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Dr. Cole did a video about the lack of quality control on scale-up of the vaccines, and that the vials can have too much or too little mRNA/DNA, or even fragments. This would explain some of the differences in response. You cannot scale up to such large volumes with such delicate material.

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That must have been what I watched -- I try to keep up every morning before I start work so that I don't miss too much, but there is SO much information out there sometimes it blends together. I have watched several of his videos. I like him because while he's obviously smart and an expert in his field, he speaks plainly so the average person can understand without talking down to anyone. It's refreshing (a lot like Dr. McCullough's communication style.)

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Haven't you heard. Global warming causes strokes

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Soccer players all over the world have been collapsing on live tv for over a year. The Branch Covidians just deny that it’s happening.

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While I do not know what happened to the young man, and wish him a recovery, the establishment will never, ever, admit what it has done with COVID and the vaccines.

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They will be forced to, is my feeling...no way out now.

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I hope you are right but how can they possibly turn around and admit the vaccines are lethal and have permanently damaged your health? There would be revolutionary uprisings. The political and medical establishment would be ruined. They will never allow that to happen

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

It will not be their choice..it will happen. Already 48% of the American public know the truth, even if they have a hard time admitting it. "When" is more the question, not if, in regards to admitting the shots are lethal. The medical establishment as well as other formerly trustworthy institutions ( Why, hello Academia!!!) are already ruined for many, and they need systemic change. I have not seen a doctor in more than two years, and research on my own. If the doctors can read all that stuff, so can I. I do not trust them anymore. The shots were not a mistake; it was all planned long ago, just like the virus, and sadly, our antiquated educational system helped to make sure we had few dissenters to their evil program. I have been a teacher for almost 30 years, and have witnessed the decline of critical thinking, and indeed the loss of curiosity in kids. They do not ask questions, they do as they are told. They have forgotten how to ask. That's why I left the system years ago...I tried hard to change it, but knew I would make more of a difference on my own. You see, almost none of this would have happened unless we had a willing and obedient majority who went along to get along. Education, or the lack of the right kind, is the crux of the problem. When I think about how many are truly aware of what is going on, it makes me want to cry. Bad times are coming, and there won't be much we can do to stop it now. I believe though that in the end, the truth will set us free. Blessings to all of the warriors....as Dr. Toby Rogers likes to say. You are not alone.

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In my opinion, the government and industry vaccinators would be wise to try and let the bad news out in dribs and drabs, always carefully monitoring the reaction using cellphone/smart TV/automobile spyware, and social media. The objective would be to keep the outrage at a slow boil while finding scapegoats to sacrifice and hope for the best. So far, though, their strategy seems to be a risky one of censorship and suppression. And, you're right, if it goes sideways on them too quickly to cover up, there will be people in the streets with pitchforks.

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Yes, never underestimate the ability of these masters of mass mind control. They have most convinced that war is peace, that supporting Nazis in Ukraine is in our best interest, that no effort to improve quality of life here at home and particularly in our cities is bearable and even necessary and that in spite of overwhelming data to the contrary that the shots do nothing but put us all at grave risk we still demand no immediate halt of this fraud and for accountability. Have these incredibly powerful sociopaths finally pushed their hand too far? Let’s hope so. The first to run for cover will be their paid sycophants as they will be the first to feel the heat. Then with any luck there will be a full rout. It will not be pretty but all too necessary.

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I respectfully disagree...dribs and drabs of info are exactly why we are in this horrible mess. People usually do not act until they must, they don't change until they feel there is no alternative. Most people are quite lazy and will choose the path of least resistance. By all accounts, it is smart. Why waste the energy.

We are talking about a complete makeover of our current paradigm, in all aspects; most people will need to be shocked into the truth. It won't be pleasant, but real learning takes place when one is uncomfortable. This needs to happen. This is war without the normal weapons.

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Julie, can they hold their relentless grip about our throats? Up to this point their limitless corrupting money has trumped the forces of truth’s numbers. Damar’s horrific tragedy may be that tipping point, the vivid rallying point that crushes this fraud.

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You would think. But they have learned that a powerful and relentless offensive against even the hint of vaccine involvement always works. Stand by for the assault for its coming. Perhaps, this tragic event now witnessed by 10’s of millions will be the event the reverses this tide.

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It will take more than one event like this one for them to change course, sadly.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

The Bills' team doctor said he wasn't dismissing it. There's that.

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The doctors treating him could be in a real pickle. If he survives and it’s myocarditis or similar the pressure will be enormous. They will be pressured by the powers that be to say it’s not vaccine related while having to treat him knowing it is.

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Well written, thank you. Isn't it amazing what the American left has done to the concept of truth? It's nothing more than group intention to them. As is voting. Worse yet, the damage they've done, perhaps irreparable, to the PURSUIT of truth.

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It's heartbreaking that any young person was coerced to take this therapeutic shot. That's where we as a nation can be sick together. We can also pray for Damar.

And, at the same time, we can absolutely ask the question, "What led up to this tragic on field event?" We can hold two thoughts at the same time and remain dignified for the individual and his mom and his family.

What a good guy. May G-d bless him exponentially and us with him pulling through.

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I'm seriously hoping Damar's mom sees through the BS and demands a real investigation.

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She’s going to have to take care of her son for the rest of his life. They’ll give her a choice she can’t turn down, money to take care of her kid

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NFL already has insurance policies for that.

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Cordis is still a possibility, but that still doesn't preclude mRNA from setting the heart up for failure. Admittedly I first thought the jab, because the hit didn't look that hard.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

A possibility in conjunction with the clot shot as Dr. Peter McCullough noted while hoping for Damar's complete recovery, "If Damar Hamlin indeed took one of the COVID-19 vaccines, then subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis must be considered in the differential diagnosis."

The Leftists are spitting mad triggered at the mention of the clot shot featuring in any possibility of Damar's situation. The players on the field were distraught and they knew this was no ordinary injury. They did not want to play. The NFL reportedly tried to order them to do a five minute warm up but they with their coaches refused and went to the locker room.

We know Damar is in critical condition. We don't know much more than he suffered a cardiac arrest and was revived. Many people are praying for him and his family. That's the good here. Discussing this is to be expected. After all, Leftists don't wait for mass shooting victims to be given any space before issuing hopes that the shooter was a white Trump supporter. Like clockwork.

At least raising a question with Damar's tragic circumstance offers some possible value in the hopes of helping/saving others. That's not a small tradeoff.

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True. Perhaps this will wake people up.

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I would love for this to happen, however, witnessing my own family deny their own health issues due to multiple injections, I don’t hold out hope for the collective to wake up. Many are in absolute denial and refuse to admit that they may have seriously damaged their own health. And I get it, that’s a big truth to try and wrap your mind around. Almost as if their psyche is protecting them.

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I know! What can you do? Just keep telling loved ones to not get the latest clot shot?

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all the soccer players and other athletes in Europe didn't wake them up, except Sweden and Denmark, kinda

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i wonder if the public would see a montage of the 1400+ athletes collapsing, would they wake up? A few weeks ago Italy had more than 30 people collapsing and dying in the streets, in the store, while driving, hunting, gardening. If you see these list of MC Miller, don't you wake up? Some people must be zombies!

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seriously? Do you have any link I can show my relatives to the Italian story?

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just check out Mark Crispin Miller here on Substack. there are weekly died suddenly items

here is a link to the last one https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-7e8?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=383085&post_id=93454480&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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I had not heard about Italy. Is that true?

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I’m afraid there will be a flood of pro-vaxxers pressing the mainstream narrative. Unless people dig a little and get their info from sources other than MSM, they won’t consider this a vaxx injury. Hope I am wrong.

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I just had an interesting thought.... if Damar Hamlin was vaxxed and boosted and did have an inexplicably heart attack, it would be PR wise for the NFL to question the vaccine to coronary arrest connection rather than let the media turn it into a the NFL is responsible for all these injury causing hard hits...

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I like said to another Substack the NFL better throw the vax under the bus before their bus sinks under the waves. They’ve been after the NFL for years. But either way the NFL is screwed because the mandated the vax and the boosters.

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Did the NFL actually mandate the vax, or just coerce by forcing unvaxxed players to jump through all kinds of hoops? Legally there may be a difference.

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I bet some of their lawyers are telling them this right now, but there's already a liability problem with the NFL's official stance on it in 2021, when most of the players got vaxxed. I'd like to be a fly on the wall in some of the boardroom meetings.

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I read this too. The doctor was courageous to at least not dismiss the possibility.

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Exactly. That tackle was not straight on, but more of a rolling tackle to the side. Question moving forward is, who in the medical establishment is going to be brave enough to tackle this issue and come up with some type of screening to help prevent this from continuing to happen?

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He was tackled, but stood back up after. So how was that so severe as to be the cause? His fall after that was flat on his back with no physical attempt to break it.

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True. Though I was reading this morning that the average age is 15 and it's super rare in someone over 20.

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Bingo. Super rare for a 24 year old.

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Subclinical means undiagnosed and by virtue, uncountable.

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Like, if the heart was working harder because of something like myocarditis and then got hit?

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Something like that, yes

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At the moment we have so many cases of "dying suddenly" that the vaxxine is the first explanation in any one's mind, any one with a little of common sense. What else can explain a professional healthy athlete having a heart attack just like that?

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Good article! How about JJ Watt having an irregular heart beat and then announcing his retirement at 33 years old. Might be more to that story as well.

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Yet JJ is still playing this season.

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"J.J. Watt announces retirement after 2022 season: NFL community celebrates legacy of perennial All-Pro"

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He announced his retirement for the end of the season

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Explain further, please.

He did announce his retirement, but I suspect what you are really saying is that it wasn't his choice.

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I have no inside information, but he is having one of the best season's of his career. More than likely he wants to go out on top, but it is strange timing to say the least. If you watched Hard Knocks it appears he was having very serious health issues with his heart.

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He announced he’s retiring. Do you not follow the news?

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What does his 5 tackles have to do with retiring? He announced he’s retiring. That’s a fact Brad.

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I stand corrected. Apologize for saying otherwise.

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It’s all good :)

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Has anyone ever seen Commotio Cordis on an injured reserve list?

For those who haven't played football that was a 3 out of 10 on the rung your bell scale.

At what point in that tackle did he get hit in the part of the thorax that would result in CC?

I don't see it.

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With the cessation of breathing, it seemed as if he'd sustained a high cervical spinal cord injury. At the point of collision with the ball carrier, you could see how Damar's head slammed forward, with both players' helmets making frontal contact. And with that sort of abrupt acceleration and stop, like you see in a car accident, there's increased risk of concussion, as well. I also agree, it was highly inappropriate for Dr. Reiner to stick his oar in; not his patient, stay out of it.

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When he recovers (I certainly pray that he does) his family needs to leave no stone unturned to find out what happened. If he received COVID vaccinations, that should not be ruled off the table. I watched and thought the same thing but felt it’s best to let him recover and not play into any hype. There have been far too many young healthy people dying this last year with no prior medical history or issues, but a common thread has been the vaccine.

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“We” are not saying it was vaccine caused, but the “experts” should not be so rushed to dismiss it..

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I'm sure Big Pharma will provide an endowment in his name or a trust fund to help with his decades of care to come.

This young bright athlete was without a heartbeat for roughly 9 minutes? That's what I'm hearing.

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They’ll be paid off to shut up.

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Okay, and that shit has to stop too. That’s just sinister.... 🤬🤬🤬

I need to proof read more! No alcohol involved!

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Unfortunately pHarma and the NFL have verrrrry deep pockets. And every incentive to keep his family quiet. I pray for Damar and pray for his family as well. Hard times.

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We shall see. Damar clearly has a moral compass and sense of civic responsibility. Versus Pharma and the NFL.

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The problem we all have - and all of us here know it - is that IF it was the Covid shots then it will be covered up. We all know it.

Maybe it was something else. Maybe he had a congenital heart defect. Maybe it really was CC. BUT. If it was the Covid shots, no one in the corporate media is going to admit it. His doctor isn't going to come out in a press conference and say the vax shot got him. That is the problem.

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Not to mention the potential legal liability of the NFL -- which was militant in forcing the shot as a condition of employment. They have every incentive to cover up and deflect. Including probably a quick settlement/payout with an NDA.

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I can't imagine the NFL doesn't screen their athletes for heart problems in advance.

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They do screen them all!

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a Congenital heart defect would be screened for before having someone play professional American Football, no?

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I don't know exactly what kind of screening is done. Maybe somebody on here knows more details? I was thinking about Sergei Grinkov, the Olympic champion pairs figure skater who died at age 28 of a sudden heart attack back in the 90s. He was found to have a genetic variation that caused his blood to clot more easily.

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Yes. That is a sad case but a very different situation.

The NFL is a huge money making business that wants to avoid liability for their employees. They have extremely thorough physicals. Wouldn't that include testing the heart? Of course it would. They invest a lot of money in their athletes and want to avoid their investment not making it.

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Yeah, I was reading a bit more about it and it seems like NFL players are screened for all sorts of potential heart ailments. You know the NFL is in a tizzy right now trying to figure out what to do about this situation. If Hamlin was a perfectly healthy 24 year old at the peak of his physicality then how did the type of tackle that happens ALL THE TIME in the NFL take him to the brink of death? If he wasn't perfectly healthy then why was he playing? If the vax got him then the NFL has a very very big problem because they are part of the government "Covid-19 Community Corps" - which means their official policy is to push the "vaccines".

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This event makes the issue of vaccine injury impossible for the public to ignore. The vaccinators' attempts to hide the issue only makes it more obvious. It's the talk around every water cooler in America today.

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You must have missed the part where calling it a vaccine injury is the equivalent of a hate crime?

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I'm afraid you're right. Big Brother frowns on all thoughtcrimes.

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Here is the part I don't understand, maybe someone can help me with this. If a blow to the chest in the right location at exactly the right time caused the cordis, how was that Damar was able to get up from the ground, stand up straight adjust his helmet then just fall straight back? My nephew about 15 years ago suffered from a Cordis event. The instant the impact occurred he was absolutely lifeless. He did not move at at all because his heart had stopped. Fortunately they were able to get his heart to start beating and after weeks in the hospital, months of recovery, therapy and dealing with the side effects of his heart being starved from the lack of oxygen, he is okay now. So, hopefully we will know exactly what happened to Damar Hamlin, but for some reason I really doubt it.

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I was wondering the same thing. How did he get up, have the presence of mind to adjust his helmet, then collapse. Very strange.

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It is possible that a person struck by CC could take a step or two before collapsing. That isn't unheard of. What is virtually unheard of is for a 24 year old man at the peak of his physical strength to get CC from a tackle. CC happens in young people (under age 18) because their chest wall is pliant, not fully matured. By the time a man hits the age of 24, his chest wall should be rigid and strong. Even in teenagers, CC is almost exclusively caused by a hard projectile like a baseball or a lacrosse ball. Getting CC from a tackle is rare. Getting CC in an adult male from a tackle is virtually unheard of.

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Thanks silverbullitt.. now it makes more sense..

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Excellent point.

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I've been saying for 2 years that it would probably take an athlete dying on live TV in a game on "Monday Night Football" to maybe get people to accept that the vaccines could be dangerous. I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened in a high-profile college or pro game in America yet. For some reason, it seems to be more common in soccer.

Another point that's never made: In three years, I am unaware of ONE professional athlete who died from Covid. Nor am I aware of a college athlete who has died from Covid. So the odds of Covid killing a college or professional athlete are (per observations over three years) .. 0-in-millions. That is, there is no need for a vaccine to "protect" these athletes. There never was such a necessity. And yet the commissioners, owners and presidents of these sports leagues pretty much mandated these shots. I believe 99 percent of NFL players are now vaccinated.

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The difference between US football (and basketball) and world soccer is that soccer is flat-out with few breaks, in comparison. Football is a lot of all-out for a few minutes, stop, start. IMHO.

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Yes...BUT... the vaccine cause inflammation of the heart, throw in adrenaline.....

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Exactly. We tend to think of medical conditions as categorical. However, they are actually on a spectrum. The categories of different diseases are just the way doctors have figured out how to name things and they're always changing based on research actually (though we wouldn't necessarily 'know' this because science is usually presented as a static objective 'fact').

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Exactly.. and I have witnessed over the years, “ specialists “ look for what they are specialized in. I have diagnoses horror stories out of the ever so revered and prestigious Mayo Clinic...

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They did seem to be in lockstep with the agenda the past two years.

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I am inclined to wait until we find out more information. No one has announced a diagnosis, yet, and it's kind of ghoulish to immediately jump to conclusions either way.

But I am also inclined to think critically and - from what I understand - ask why would it happen only now in a 20 something NFL player but has never happened in the 120 years of football previously in more susceptible persons with lesser medical care, lesser physical fitness, and lesser effective protective equipment.

JJ Watt had heart issues and had to retire. Other players had have mysterious illnesses in football and other sports.

Something is going on and this kind of speculation and bravery is why we subscribe to Alex Berenson on the first place, even when everyone else wants to put their head in the sand.

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JJ is still playing although he announced his retirement for the end of the season.

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The NFL is woke and corporatist. The medical industry is woke and corporatist. The media is woke and corporatist. If you think that the public will ever get a true and factual account of this being mRNA clot shot related, you must be dreaming. They simply cannot allow that to happen even as the number of young male athletes dropping from heart-related symptoms continues to explode.

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The bigger the insults the closer we come to this all unraveling.

I note that the most vocal doctors use insulting words and descriptions of those who even question whether this could be vaccine related.

These are the very same doctors who violated their Hippocratic oath by shunning the use of preventative medicines and marching their Covid patients off to the hospital to die.

Ok - now heading back to climb under my rock

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AA fire is always more intense in proximity to the target...

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Does Dr. Reiner also care to explain Uche Nwaneri, 38, former Offensive linemen of the Jags. Nwaneri was found dead from an apparent heart attack on Monday morning. From the FoxNews Article:

"[coroner] said there were no signs of foul player and a preliminary investigation determined that the former NFL player died of a possible heart attack"

All we ask is that there are comprehensive studies done to prevent future harm when the next pandemic strikes. Of course, this is all anecdotal, but how many 20 and 30-somethings do you know that have dropped dead due to heart attacks? Now, how many have we heard about over the last two years?

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He is on record pushing to jail "anti-vaxxers", so we know he got the booster, right?

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If you had dared to protest against lockdowns, and mandates in March ‘21 there was a ready boot to your face; handcuffs; arrest & jail time. Now that it’s self-apparent that E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. the tyrants did was wrong; it’s “vile” to ask the vax status of those who are dying left, right, in front, & behind.

And those are just the celebrities; no one gives any fuxatall about murdering my mother.

She won’t make the news cycle, which is now crowded with entertainers, athletes and know-it-alls who called for passports & denied access to medical care to the great unwashed & unvaxxed cretins who refused to comply.

Forgiveness? Probably not while I’m alive.

I’m not watching with relish. I’m watching in the horror of suspecting that you lack the backbone it will take to hold the sons of bitches accountable.

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Many of us who had loved ones killed off in an inaccessible ER room--left to die alone without any family members allowed to be present to protest the CDC prescribed preferred Remdesivir poisoning of the unconscious for pay--share your sentiments.

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I was just complaining about the ERs and then saw your post. great minds.

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I'm so sorry. 💕 My heart goes out to you. A friend of mine died 4 days after the first jab. My Dad has been unwell since. (lots of emergency room visits which they won't allow people to follow relatives into (firetruck them).

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That is terrible.. I am so sorry. You, your dad and your friend's loved ones are in my prayers.

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Thank you. The friend's widow threw herself off a high rise in the midst of the lockdowns.

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Oh my...that is just...I cannot find the words...the despair...all I can say I will pray...I am so very sorry.

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I’m sorry. Perhaps I shouldn’t have related that but it still hits me so hard.

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No, please do not apologize. I am glad you were honest and up front. I am thankful you shared this tragedy with me. HUGZ. When we share our pain with others it helps lighten the load on our shoulders and in our hearts just a little. I did this after losing my first son. The pain is never forgotten. It cannot be. But we can be here for each other, share our pain and pray for each other. It cannot being back those that we lost but it can bring us a little comfort and know that some day, we will see again those that are so very precious to us. We can gain strength from the support of each other to help us meet each day and move forward.

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fuxatall. did you make that one up?

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If I could only play guitar and sing as well.

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Practice. would love to hear you play/sing

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Ha! Thanks- that’s kind. 50!yrs of practice & I only play & sing (or hum & strum) for my living room.

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These kinds of incidents are not exactly exceedingly rare in soccer/European football. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_association_footballers_who_died_while_playing

However, the Medical Establishment have not earned themselves the benefit of the doubt with their prior actions. Thus, they should expect their actions around this incident to be treated with suspicion. And of course the possibility mRNA played a part has not at this time been ruled out, no matter what they say or tweet.

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