The ONLY good thing about this unfolding calamity is that more and more people are waking up to the harsh reality that the so-called coincidence of perfectly normal, healthy children becoming extremely sick and then descending into autism following vaccination may not be such a coincidence after all.
Alex, I remember the story about this guy, and I remember the vitriol spewed against those, like you, who were merely asking legitimate questions. This endocrine report makes me that much more afraid for the children, knowing as I do what a complete joke the Pfizer clinical trial was for this age group: A grand total of 4,600 kids were enrolled -- NONE with diabetes -- vs. over 600,000 children enrolled in the 1954 polio vaccine trial.
You can read about the Pfizer farce for the 5-11 age group here:
For me personally, this is one of Alex's more significant posts.
I have Type 2 diabetes. I control it reasonably well, but not perfectly.
He's spot-on. Ketoacidosis is not something I've come close to experiencing. From everything I know, it would take really high, uncontrolled blood sugar levels for several days, if not weeks, to bring it on.
On the other side of it, the comorbidity aspect of diabetes would seem to indicate the vaccine makes sense for me. Add to it my age. I'm 65 and have all of what I call the old people's diseases- hypertension, acid reflux, enlarged prostate, high cholesterol. That said, I take reasonably good care of myself (exercise, sunshine, overweight yes, but not obese) and control my ailments with medications. Better living through chemistry. When I weigh MY risks, I choose to take a chance on a covid infection over the vaccine.
Now, another data point. It appears the vaccine may cause previously unrecognized risks to people with diabetes- the opposite of the conventional thinking. The vaccine has been out for over 1o months. Why hasn't this come up before now? I know why. Y'all can form your own opinions.
More than ever, I'm comfortable with the choices I've made.
I knew absolutely nothing about diabetes. Then my beloved Savannah cat was diagnosed with diabetes. How? It apparently is not rare with cats and dogs. It is because of what we feed them. It is dry food. Anyway my very expensive vets set me up with insulin. I had to give shots. I never could regulate him, as these vets had poor understanding of disease. I was learning, but He had so little time. I watched him die of keto acidosis. We did everything to save him and bring him out of coma. 💔
Our fur children are so special to us . I’ve lived with animals my whole life and when they suffer with illnesses it’s heartbreaking. We do
our best with the vets , and when it seems to much we must let go and it’s always devastating. I know this began with a person , people , our loved ones . Loss is loss , it hurts . We need to stop this agenda that we need 100% vaxxed and then we can go back to normal?? We are allowed to be more compassionate with our fur babies . When they suffer we can hold them and let them go . What has happened to us , our parents and grandparents were dying in isolation without loved ones with them .. The virus 🦠 was unleashed , from a lab , in China with USA , NIH , Approval and funding . It’s a crime , treason , whatever, but what’s the saddest to me , we lost our humanity, our caring for others and the resident in the WH and his Obama leftovers have succeeded in dividing us . WE LET THAT HAPPEN !!
Global Reset , NWO , call it what you want and yes it’s all a Plan/Scam demic ! We are the only ones who can heal this , us the citizens of America 🇺🇸 💕
I have nearly wrecked my health taking care of our beloved mutts. What makes it so compelling is their complete trust and devotion to us. Putting one down ruins my life for several weeks. Then I think I see them in my dreams. I figure if God thought they were worth creating, maybe they'll be brought back in the Resurrection. I want to see them (and my Siamese cat, Lily) come running to me again someday.
We need to torture him and be as sadistic as he has been . When I first heard of his torture of animals , I recalled that young boys who torture animals are often diagnosed as budding psychopaths ?? If the shoe fits ….
I have had to put down many animals over my nearly 70 years. A few years ago we lost my horse, 3 cats, 1 dog in 1 year. Putting horses down is the worst. I have had to put down 3 horses. Just killed me. My one mare was NOT a huggable type. I adored her, but she was a complicated horse because of her 1st year that was just so wrong lacking human love. In my dream, the day after putting her down, she came to me and let me just hug her as much as I wanted. It helped me a lot. Bless her she just could not release to a human while alive.
The fifteen year old malamute I put down two years ago was a very pigheaded guy, difficult! And I saw him in a dream not long after I put him down. He made two passes by me and let me stroke his knobby head then gone. It's the difficult ones that may hurt the worst!
Your story of your horse bright tears to my eyes. Hugs
I see all my fur babies in the clouds at different times and it always makes me HAPPY ! I live in Fla with dolphins too . I understand how you feel ! 💕
I'm genuinely sorry for your loss. I know how those critters can get under your skin. Had a cat a few years ago... Petey was really special to me. I bawled like a baby when I had to put him down.
Siamese can be as intelligent and protective as dogs. I had one that was my heart as a girl. Now I'm deathly allergic to cats. But she'll be a part of me forever.
INdeed. When I feed my dog dry food her tummy seems to swell up. When I feed her canned food or even better, give her table food, she does not have that and she is much livelier. In the garbage with that dry food. PS and most treats contain sugar. Why would dog treats contain sugar?
Between sugar and salt food producers are trying to kill humans and animals. We now have a feral indoor cat. He is still wild, but loves company. The noises that come out of his mouth are scary. Just do not touch. No dry cat food.
Early treatment would have made the roll-out of the current vaccines impossible under the EUA. That is why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were vilified and the benefits of adequate Vitamin D-3, zinc and Vitamin C were never widely published. It was get tested, isolate and wait for the results (3-4 days) stay home if the results were positive and only go to the ER if you had trouble breathing. Criminal behavior under any reasonable measure!
I am so glad to read this from someone else. I've said the same thing from the beginning. So many are so entranced that they can't see what is in front of them. It is a tragedy.
Yep! But your death will have served a useful purpose: You helped raise the fear level without which most Americans would have never taken these vaccines.
I'm adamantly opposed to all vaccine mandates, and just as adamantly supportive of anyone who makes the choice to get vaccinated. I personally don't think the C19 vaccines cause adverse effects for everyone, but quite possibly so for some, perhaps only a relatively small percentage. Natural immunity is likely better for those who contracted covid previously.
For some time now, I have wondered if vaccines given by anybody, have been hitting blood vessels and even nerves. Now I see many are wondering same. It could explain the severe reactions by some. I am married to a science guy that hates conspiracy beliefs. My son another science guy reacts the same. They push back hard that these vaccines are slowly degrading our immune systems. I share with husband how hospitals are flooded with patients not Covid patients. Anyway both are unvaccinated. Both worked for pharma. Still they cannot bring themselves to think we may have forced vaccinations on people that will harm them. Worse they would know big pharma was fully aware these vaccines would do little to help stop this pandemic since vaccines are leaky vaccines. Pfizer has admitted they will make 36 b. Money is the root of all evil. It just is.
Yeah, the blobs in the scrubs who don't know to aspirate the needle. Read openVAERS fire the reports of botched injections. Duh.
Subcutaneous blasts of mRNA monkey crap, overdoses, shots consisting of expired (mercifully) toxin, and that was his among the first 72 VAERS reports I read yesterday. Pathetic.
I understand that the next step for these clinicians is a week's training in brain surgery. Seriously you and Graygirl are onto something that can explain a lot of the variation we see with vaccees.
Gray girl, you are right. They r wrong. They are not researching the evidence and keeping an open mind which ALL real scientists must do. And have been trained to do. Always an open mind then examine all the evidence objectively. Send them the above 4 links. But don’t say anything to them. Then sit down and watch Planet Lockdown videos.
Dr. Michael Yeadon Ex Pfizer VP Immunologist. Also available on and THIS WILL OPEN THEIR EYES IF THEY ARE OPENABLE.
I think everyone has to decide themselves, but with full knowledge of what is in these things. I have a dear friend who runs as soon as a vaccine comes out, even though some are very painful, probably more than the disease. They will not believe me when I tell them about the dangers, the heavy metals, the mercury. Maybe they are immune to the poisons... it is their choice and I warned them. If you want to believe in Santa Clause you can. But don't expect to meet Rudolph.
I agree with most of your post, but must take issue with "adverse effects"
statement. There is at best, perhaps 20 months of history of COVID-19 "vaxxes" use in humans. By what I've read, the medical fraternity has not exactly been diligent in long-term studies of their effects. Quite the opposite in fact. And even if rigorous study was being conducted, < 2 years use of a novel technology is by no means enough time to vet these products for safety. Harmful side effects may not develop for years, decades even. Unless all the "suppressed" reports (VAERS etc.) are total fabrications, we can already safely say the mRNA jabs are far more dangerous than any prior vaccines, to say nothing of their falling short of early promises of efficacy.
I think we may be in total agreement. I just avoid the injury debate wit people who concluded the vaccines are safe (for them). Personally, i feel confident that VAERS captures only a fraction of adverse events, and that we still have not yet begun to see possible long-term afflictions that could result from vaccination, again, perhaps, suffered only by some fraction of the larger group of vaccinated.
Evil, good you take care of yourself and avoid the vaxxes. Make sure your vit D3 levels are high, take vit C, zinc, quercetin, NAC for baseline support. I take all those, and about that many more...
My child is T1D, and we spent a week in the hospital for DKA upon first diagnosis. That’s pretty much when I have heard about it - it’s how kids first get diagnosed - at least until recently. This year I have heard of two cases of established T1Ds back in hospital for DKA.
You won't experience Ketoacidosis because you have type 2 diabetes. You aren't at risk, but you are at risk for HNNK-Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome, very serious but not as common or serious as ketoacidosis. A Type 1 diabetic (no longer fashionable to differentiate between type 1 & 2 in medicine today) can be subject to an extremely rapid decent into ketoacidosis if they experience an infection, or any unusual disruption in blood sugar levels. One common instigator is a dislodged insulin pump needle. Thus the old term used for diabetes was "brittle". A younger nurse friend of mine was frequently in and out of the hospital with ketoacidosis. She was in the ER as a patient in as little as 4 hrs of a dislodged pump needle and eventually died after a surgical procedure. She was in her mid 30's.
The bottom line on this is that BOTH diabetic classes are very serious. Type 1 is unavoidable and Type 2 IS avoidable for the most part. Type 2 diabetes cases have triple in the past 40 yrs. When you have diabetes, your entire system degrades, heart, kidneys, vision and vascular. I'm not positive what someone who is diabetic should do about the vaccine but I suspect I would certainly vaccinate if I had either type of diabetes. I'm genuinely sorry for the death of Mr. Kaminsky. I believe researchers should look closely at all possibilities for causation between the vax and Type 1 diabetes. Sadly, sometimes in life you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I appreciate your comment. You're telling me things I didn't know before. That's always good.
Not trying to be argumentative, but you wrote. "You won't experience Ketoacidosis because you have type 2 diabetes. You aren't at risk, but you are at risk for HNNK-Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome, very serious but not as common or serious as ketoacidosis. "
You're saying if I ignored my diabetes and left it completely untreated, I wouldn't have a risk of ketoacidosis?
I'd never do that, but I know at least one person who did. Didn't stay in her orbit long enough to see how that turned out. I hope she got some sense and changed her ways.
I'm also interested in the idea that it's no longer fashionable to distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2. I can just imagine why that is. Rather than me speculate, can you say?
Well it's the difference between the 2 forms of diabetes. in Type 1 your pancreas no longer makes insulin. in type 2 your body becomes resistant to the insulin it makes, or that it doesn't process glucose properly. Type 1 diabetics can fall into ketosis very rapidly, over a few hours. The liver begins to process the fat in your body in an attempt to compensate for no fuel reaching the cells. this doesn't (usually) happen in type 2. In Type 2 diabetes the body responds to very high glucose levels of 600 or more and a person's electrolytes become disturbed causing thirst and excessive urination. The thing that causes the ill effect is severe dehydration. Type 2 patients can tolerate HNNK for days or weeks before the condition becomes a threat to life. Of course this is a quick and dirty description but no time for
Sorry, I kicked myself off before finishing. Like I said it's a quick and dirty description of differences and doesn't begin to cover it well at all. As for my statement about "fashionable", Type 2 diabetes is such a big problem, (over 90% of all diabetes cases are Type 2) that splitting the 2 types may be interpreted to some as being less serious. Maybe less "fragile" in the immediate term but all diabetics suffer chronic health issues that adversely affect one's physical health in the long run. Because Type 2 is a long haul disease, it's easy for many people to ignore. Sadly, pediatricians are seeing Type 2 diabetes in 8 and 10 years olds now, due to horrendous diet, inactivity and obesity and they will likely have a shortened life of very ill health.
One not need mention autism to be attacked by the mob in connection with any of these concoctions. It’s like questioning a talisman. A heresy. Committed against people so afraid of dying that they are afraid to live other than to lash out and inflict misery at selected others. They are cowardly but monstrous tyrannical hypocrites or idiots or both.
I'm an old lady who remembers this country before every tenth child was autistic. Seeing this Holocaust and the lying CDC I now think vaccines did this.
I recently read an article from a California lady who had a day care for autistic children for many years. At first, she had 3 children, then she had 30, then she had to open more centers, now she has 3 centers with multiple educators. It might not be only the vaccines, it might also be bad air, poisoned food, depleted earth growing our food, but it certainly is part of all the misery. Children are the future of this country. If you poison them, the country will just vanish.
I agree with you, Zade. I have made the same comment to my children, who then say, "Oh, mom, it's environmental." My foot! Really intelligent people are so stupid these days.
Unfortunately schools do not learn children how to think for themselves. They teach them to parrot. May be that is a dishonor to the parrots, for which I apologize.
MDs and their income seeking HMOs and hospitals introducing foreign agents into Every Small Child are part of the environment. Used to be they would’ve said it’s genetic, so progress.
NIH and fauci did the same with foster children used them like Ginny pigs to see if HIV vaccine would work total disaster 2005. Genocide. Look CBS 2005 trials on foster children by John Solomon. Doing evil again with Covid shot. The FDA even said we don’t know what will happen to these children but must do it to find out. Great idea line them up kill the future on a genocidal whim.
I was talking to a Pediatrics resident who has a young male s/p COVID vaccine with myocarditis on her service. The attending physician won’t entertain the idea that the vaccine was responsible because the patient was diagnosed three weeks out instead of two. Brain dead.
There is a truth about testing something - a vaccine, paint, new ski design or anything else: THE TESTING ALWAYS OCCURS. It is either rigorously done by the manufacturer or it is done by the consumer. So the only choice by the maker is which method will be used for the test. Most companies today learned a long time ago that it is far, far less costly to use the former method. The mRNA crowd chose the latter, conned the FDA into going along with it (no surprise there), and convinced Congress and the President to hold them harmless when bad things happen. This is why we are in a shit-storm today.
We used to be able to think critically. Doctors are like cats. We’re wary of one another. I was surprised (not pleasantly either) by the behavior of the majority of my colleagues.
I'm an lpn, I drank too much water and gave myself hyponatremia a few years ago. The doctors and nurses even 24 hours later thought I was drugged. My brother who does sleep studies for a living called the nurse and said the kid drank too much water he'll be fine after iv fluids. No disrespect to your profession but I've encountered many doctors who are not that smart. I'm an lpn myself and the reality is many of my classmates were just passed through so the school could get as much money as possible.
You once had independence. Now most doctors have become employees and have to kowtow to the whims of the organizations they work for. Thank the Feds and the onerous record keeping for that.
Don’t feel badly about being called a “filthy liar” Alex. My own brother called me a right wing nut job who should have her medical license revoked for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to COVID patients. Wait until he finds out that I’ve cut him out of my will and I’m leaving everything to my cat.
My son feels the same about me. Was qualified to treat every imaginable injury and disease to come through an ER door for 40 years. But when it comes to covid and common sense, I'm a moron. Who knew?
I'm guessing here that you don't worship your telly? I don't watch TV at all, haven't for many many years. Thus I don't understand a lot of what is going on in the world. I didn't get the Trump Derangement Syndrome, or the COVID panic or now the vaccine mania. The TV is literally brainwashing people.
Same here. We gave up cable a long time ago. I am overloaded with info, interviews are podcasts to watch that are saying the truth. I have to remind myself that lots of people are not doing research and only turning on their TV.
Exactly. The only problem is that when you want to argue with someone, and you have to say, "this anonymous Gato on the internet said..." or "this doctor who got fired from UCI said..." you realize how the MSM 100% owns the "legitimate" news in their minds. Not much you can say at that point. People have to discover the truth for themselves.
I don't watch TV either, and recently took a bold step to remove myself from the Matrix: I threw my Apple Watch and iPhone into a drawer and haven't touched them or turned them on in over two weeks now. (Told my children I was "going back to the future without smartphones." LOL)
We lived in Seattle (Ground Zero for COVID) in the winter/spring of 2020. About mid-way I noticed something peculiar: all the people who watched CNN/MSNBC/etc. were scared out of their minds. But the people who didn't consume mainstream media were going about their lives pretty much normal.
Another amusingly weird thing I noticed: the closet conservatives suddenly became noticeable due to their lack of fear. They still didn't dare admit not being Progressives, but you could suddenly tell who they were. LOL
Now, the war on disinformation policies are picking up to discredit people questioning the party line. You’d think people would rise up to support the First Amendment and immediately mistrust corporations and government that tell you what to think...
Thank you for helping people. One of my close relatives died of COVID recently and it is maddening that no early treatment was provided. No Ivermectin, Hcq, Budesonide, fluvoxamjne or anything.
Same here hospital told not too doctors have hired on has employees and hospitals followC D C. They are offered more money to only treat as told regardless if they these other therapeutics or loose their job unethical
I am so sorry for your loss. I empathize with you. My folks both had COVID in August 2021. When they were first diagnosed, I had my dad (who was less diseased at the time and had a clearer mind) ask for iver immediately. The doc who saw him said he didn't know how to prescribe it. I told him I'd SEND the doc the dosing.
Then, they sent them home for 24h with NOTHING. They did, however, agree to monoclonal antibodies when my dad demanded they both be infused. My mom, by this point, was scary sick. I found a friend that had iver and dosed her myself after she had a reaction to the antibodies; she had a seizure and wasn't able to stand. The paramedics gave her some fluids and LEFT HER AT HER HOUSE. It was a total shit show. This isn't a pandemic of the unvaxxed, but it is a pandemic of medical neglect and pharmaceutical deception.
Amen same here except he died in the hospital death camp. genocide.
what I have noticed with people and family members yes it's bad that these things happen but as long has it doesn't happen to,s ok such .
Now the children according C D C numbers not mine it's estimated that 112 childernwill die tosave ONE. Reasoning from F D A "web really don,tknow what the reaction could be so we must give the shot to the children to find out"
I'm a nurse of 33 years, and sadly, my brother too, thinks he is omniscient in all things COVID related. He berated my mother, and included me in his tirade of hate. I really think the vaccine does something to people, and I'm not being facetious here, but the rage and anger is pathologic. I'm hoping my mother cuts him out of her will, but since she doesn't have a cat, I'm thinking her grandkids will do.
Honestly it seems to me the people who have been jabbed who really BELIEVE are the ones who get angry. They were waiting for the ONE. Prior to being jabbed, they were most likely exhibiting symptoms of neurosis. I think they know in the back of their minds that they are being deceived, and they lash out. I know plenty of vaccinated people who were totally normal before being vaccinated and have remained so.
I think you are right. I think more and more jabbed people are starting to realize what kind of crap they are having in their bodies and freaking out at us who did not get it.
Brain washing does do this to some. If he did make the mistake and get the vaccine he might only dig his heels in more so he won’t be proven wrong.
You could buy Dr. Mercola’s book The Truth about Covid 19 and leave it on the table every time he comes in the house. It has good detox chapters for those who have taken the injection.
The anger is understandable if you believe in cause and effect, and that people are ignoring a threat that will have devastating consequences.
The Branch Covidians believe the threat is the virus. They don't understand it's the media and the governments that are causing all of ill effects associated with the "virus". They think we need to eradicate the virus in order for freedom to be restored. So they get upset at people who don't seem to be taking this seriously.
Others believe that the threat is the governments. That the governments created the virus as well as the vaccines, and that the vaccines are part of a sinister, totalitarian global agenda to transition the world into a completely new economic and medical system, a tyranny much closer to China than the US, in future in which no one will be free. Furthermore, they are likely reducing the population of rich countries by a huge percentage, at the same time.
To someone who understands this is happening, it elicits similar feelings of rage when people just blithely accept the vaccines and go along with their own destruction.
If you're not angry, you don't yet understand enough.
Just be careful: you cannot will directly to a pet, but you can indirectly via a trust for your pet. Check with a probate attorney.
You are brave; I personally know that you are risking certification and even licensing by working for your patients instead of the pharmaceutical industries that run the medical establishment.
The “cat as heir” was a joke guys. What I am really saying is that no one is obligated to endure toxic behavior just because it comes from someone who shares some DNA with you.
Nonsense. Having the same parents doesn’t make you “family” but let’s not get off topic. Physicians who actually practice clinical medicine and are trying to keep COVID patients out of the hospital ( Fauci hasn’t seen a patient in over forty years. ) are being attacked and second guessed by laypeople who get their “facts” from CNN. I’m commiserating with Alex.
Try to stay out of hospitals. Most have resistant bacteria and funghi that, on top of the virus, will kill you. And otherwise they will put you on a ventilator, which will too.
Well Alex I have been practicing medicine for 25 years. As health systems have become more organized - there has been less and less objective review of quality and practices. For instance, autopsies which were once very frequent are exceedingly rare these days. No one really wants to find out why so and so died. Its sad - but few physicians are really interested in finding the truth. So thats how we got to where we are now. Medical staffs became streamlined - no independent physicians - if you disagree with the narrative - they fire you. Then you have to move your family, pull your kids out of school and start all over.
Hospital committees are made up of company men who get paid millions of dollars - unbelievable amounts of money - to agree with policies that make absolutely no sense. Like temperature screenings during covid. Its all a show. And no outcome data. People think the CDC is following this vaccine rollout. They have no idea what these vaccines are doing to people and how many complications they are causing. None. Thats because after approval there should have been a post-approval analysis of about the first 500,000 doses. Then complications and efficacy could have been examined in an accurate method.
I cringe when I think about children getting these vaccines, and the inevitable child getting the jab and then seizing or something....I know that video is coming.
Have you seen how Sesame Street is reaching out to the children? Apparently "Elmo" and "Big Bird" have both been vaccinated. Everything's GREAT! (If this is not diabolical, I do not know what is. Sesame Street has been used to promote lock-down and the Great Reset as well. We live in a sci-fi horror movie.)
110% although I would say not "organized" but "corporatized" or "managed" or "consolidated"
I was actually in the hospital setting this weekend for my of difference bt Drs over, say, 50 and under 50. Younger docs are drones, older docs more human/wise. When the oldest cohort of docs retire, the system will have lost nearly all it's human touch.
yeah - we are losing the "greatest generation" of physicians - they are almost gone. everyday they are leaving in droves and vaccine mandates will only hasten the process.
Wow. My response: I was done over a year ago when I had Covid. My case was mild, and no one in my household got it but me. I would NEVER wish I could give it to someone else just to make them ill, nor would I wish her children harmed. There is some thought out there that says the jab is making people mentally unstable. I think that the lockdowns just revealed people’s true character. A little OT: why is an adult posting on TikTok?
I also had a mild case in early June 2020, and have not been sick with anything since. The rest of my family members got the vaccine and have had colds, sinus infections, etc. M niece is an emergency room nurse and is now going to get her 8-year-old vaccinated. This tears families apart. And who would willfully want to get someone sick...ugh!
Wow! So many unfortunate kids in the world today. I can’t imagine what their lives will be like after being raised by such deranged parents. Our society, and maybe our species, will be dealing with the fallout for many years to come.
Yeah, it's a cult. They suspect, they know, deep inside their brains, that they've been conned. A little tiny voice is saying...."look at all those people who never did anything about COVID, look at them all, still alive, unvaxxed, happy --the ones who took vacations, visited their family, went to work. The ones who aren't paranoid and deranged; the ones who don't wear three masks while jogging; the ones whose children are happy and succeeding at school; the ones who didn't get sick for two weeks with the vax; the ones who don't have to worry for the rest of their lives about the shot; the ones who aren't worried that their kids will die of a heart attack....look at them all, so happy and normal....what if they're right and you're wrong? What if you got brainwashed from your TeeVee like a simpleton? What if all your education and all those certificates on your wall mean nothing when it comes to the real world? What if your hypochondria and chronic anxiety was exploited by politicians and pharmaceutical companies just to rip you off? What if *you're* the clown?"
That's why they explode on people like us, like Alex -- they are already having this argument in their heads, with themselves, all the time. They're one more crisis away from walking down the street yelling at the themselves, "I told you not to take that shot, that it was a trap! No! The shots are good! They want to helps us! You fool, you damn fool! You did it all for nothing!" God help them.
You nailed it. Every time I walk into the office, mine is the face that reminds all of the Kool-aid drinkers: I told you so. (They respond with weeping and gnashing of teeth.) Same psychology affects our leaders. Collectively they are the proverbial cat that has managed to climb to the top of the tree and now doesn’t know how to get itself down. Pray for these unfaithful people because they are under the assault of the evil one that is allowed to rule over the unsaved of this world.
Scooter Jones - I am reading "That Hideous Strength" by CS Lewis. One of the characters mentioned that humans are really appalled by use of using "experiments" on people. However, they line up in droves for "experimental" treatments.
Lewis also skewered the way children are experimented on in the classroom, in one of his non fiction essays. You can say your child is in an experimental learning program... Or say your child is being used in an educational experiment. The educators know which expression to use.
Just finished rereading - everyone should get a copy and read it now to understand what is happening. To quote Radiohead: “this is really happening, happening”
45% of us have arrived at natural immunity. And now 190mm fully vaxxed. We should be all done by now, yes? That easily blows past 330mm (USA population). What’s with the never ending narrative? Might not be about Covid anymore. Maybe?
On point. Actuary tables are now showing a reduction in live expectancy. Could it be population control? Why so much talk climate change according to the liberals it was caused by our activity and we only have 12 years or we all die. In the 70 s there was a book written and the author stated that if don’t control the world population growth civilization will be gone by year 2000.
According to some the world should have long been gone. But they forget the great repairing possibilities Mother Earth has! And as to her anger, we can see that too. Look at all the volcanoes, earthquakes etc. I wonder how so much oil can be extracted and the world does not collapse. Or are all these holes falling everywhere, and the large crack in Africa, a result of it? We know very little of all this. Remnants of tropical forests have been found on the pole. What do we really know about earth?
They want everyone to get the shot. Well everyone except Congress and other select groups they rely on for power. Everyone else has to get thge shot and they will any and all measures to ensure we are. But why?
Absolutely not about Covid;Give authorities an Inch, they grab a Mile, The Princess Cruise study shows it is closer to 80% natural immunity, something completely ignored, going forward ! Profit over"public" Health! ( And CONTROL ).
Yeah but don’t forget........the CDC has at least one article to reference that vaccine immunity is stronger.....even though they set up the study according to their criteria (called the Kentucky study). Forget about the other 60plus studies from all over the world that clearly show robust and stronger natural immunity. As Alex always says......nothing to see here folks.
As well articulated by another reader, remember Princess Cruise with one of the first contained outbreaks? Everyone on board was naturally immunized within days. Makes the 45% number flying around MSM seem sorta low, no? More like 80% possibly. So are we vaccine the already immune? And with a jab for which there is no longer an “original” virus? What a world. Dystopia is all I see around me lately. I just want to be back in Kansas...........LOL
It has all the attributes of a cult: no contrary information gets in and, so, no one gets out. Beyond sad, especially in families with folks in different camps. In response to one in ours that there was “zero” evidence that Ivermectin was effective, I sent her a well-footnoted study analyzing in detail no less than 63 trials that found just that. Response? Crickets. Excruciating to have to choose between keeping the peace and telling the truth, but with many in the mandatory vax camp there is simply no possibility of rational dialogue: they are right and you’re an idiot. We hear “you’re being misled by QAnon” a lot. He/she/it/they must be very, very busy. Pray without ceasing.
One of my most intelligent sisters told me there was nothing to ivermectin except my naive faith in it: "if you thought chewing bubble gum cured your covid there's about as much evidence for that". This from a woman with a MSEE. Then she tells me she doesn't have time to do all the digging and reading I do. My answer was just that the nih says ivermectin can be prescribed for covid. I have to leave it at that. Did tell her I have two backup tubes of horse paste for when her vaccine fails.
Our family has tried to tell my sister the truth for over a year. She will not listen to anything. "We aren't doctors so we are wrong". Have begged her to research before she nabs her 5 and 8 year old. She has told us to stop interfering about her kids. We now have very strong suspicions that they were part of the clinical trial. Both children in the past 2 months are having sudden unexplained problems with breathing, supposed allergy attacks and are both now going to a Pulmonologist and Cardiologist. She claims no shot yet, but both were perfectly healthy a few months ago. Either way she insists that they will get the shots because "The Children's Hospitals are full of children who need them". Oh and Alex is "A quack on some Chinese website ".
Nothing to see here, folks. Just keep on moving. I am an MD and I find it interesting that these reports of POSSIBLE COVID reactions seem to be occurring mostly in young healthy men. If the medical community had any honesty they would be looking into this and putting a hold on vaccinating these groups as Sweden has done.
40 years in emergency medicine myself. Medicine has become corrupt. Not all, but most. It's tragic. Hundreds essentially refused treatment by physicians. Patients should consider their doctor's advice from three perspectives: worldview, financial incentives, and medical advice. Painful to hear, but increasingly true.
I saw an interview with Dr. Drew where he talked about how terrified physicians have become. It is, according to him, the reason for the opioid epidemic. Doctors got so scared of being accused of not treating pain that they sent their patients to pill doctors who got them addicted - and millions of them died. Now doctors are terrified of being accused of being "anti-vaxxers". What happened to doctors?
I have lost a lot of respect for doctors. Over the last few decades they seem to have jettisoned any moral compass or intellectual curiosity in favor of being worker bees for Pharma. Many, if not most, have abandoned real private practice and instead work for large medical-provider companies as obedient employees. As a profession, doctors have acquiesced to this, so despite their constant bellyaching about how bad things are for them—and they are bad, being a Pharma drone with ten minute appointments all day resembles prostitution—I hold their lack of will, organizing, silence, and general cowardice responsible.
I honestly think the mandated electronic medical records portion of Obamacare is what has caused doctors to lose their ability to treat other human beings with decency and compassion. It’s a very rare doctor these days who will come into a room and look you in the eye and have a conversation with YOU, not ask you questions while staring at a screen and typing/clicking. That screen has become a wall between the doctor and patient, and in most cases leads to them treating the patient like a cog in a machine rather than an individual with unique needs. All of the information that MUST be computerized and submitted for every patient takes the majority of a regular visit. That means any doctor who chooses to spend that visit having a human interaction instead of computer interaction is adding that much more time to the end of his/her day to complete those required entries, and for most of them, that isn’t compensated work. Neither is doing the research that many of us put several hours a day into doing.
March of 2021. My doc is independent and paper based. He offered me the Jab at the time as he received authorization and freezer necessary to dispense it. I explained the seasonality and told him cases would crash in a month or so so I passed.
His response to my rejection of the jab was respectful.
My mother goes to the same doc and she's 95. He offered it to her and she said her time is extremely short and would rather not lose a day or more to a potential bad reaction. Time becomes more precious when it's limited.
I wonder about the pharmacists who are essentially practicing medicine without a license by self-righteously refusing to fill prescriptions for ivermectin. Did they happily fill all those scripts for excessive opioids that killed so many? Thought so.
If you believe the vast majority of people dying of opioid overdoses are those who had prescriptions (excessive or not) for them, boy do I have a covid mRNA vaccine to sell you. Note my comment above to Z-Twig. The opioid crisis is no more accurately being reported on and handled by “public health” than covid is.
Sorry, that was not my point. I know while many do abuse them, many if not most opioid scripts are legit. I remember when my mother was at the end of her road with lung cancer, and needed them. When she died at home, I was with her and called the hospice to tell them. They came right over, and helped me pick up her body and lay it in her bed. The next thing they did was go to her fridge and pull the rest of her opioid prescriptions.
Do you think it's ok for pharmacists to decide which prescriptions to fill and which to refuse? We've seen it with some refusing to fill scripts for birth control, too.
To be fair, there have been pharmacists refusing to fill legitimate opioid prescriptions for *years* and when those directly affected by those pharmacists have tried to draw attention to this, no one bothered to listen to them.
1. I think there are genuine ethical and moral reasons a pharmacist could decline to fill a certain legitimate prescription that ought to be respected and allowed under the 1st Amendment, provided the patient has readily available access to get the same prescription filled without unreasonable hassle or delay (either by another pharmacist in the same building or at a nearby pharmacy which will fill immediately). Essentially, I have no problem with a pharmacy which can tell me “I’m sorry, we don’t carry/have or are not able to order this, but ______ pharmacy 4 miles south carries it and can fill this prescription for you.”
2. I do not believe any of the Covid early treatment options are/have been refused - either to be filled or to be given/prescribed - for genuine moral or ethical reasons. In fact, I believe that hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands, of patients have incurred life-long harm or died as a result of this refusal and those who denied them these medications need to be held legally and financially responsible for the egregious harms they have caused.
3. I think opioid prescriptions ought to fall under my second point. Similar to the principle of criminal justice, where “it is better for 10 guilty men to go free than for 1 innocent man to pay the penalty for a crime he did not commit” I think that it would be morally wrong to deny a legitimate medication to someone who needs it, even if we have to allow multiple people who don’t need it to also get it.
4. I’m probably the wrong person to ask regarding pharmacist refusal to fill a birth control prescription. First, because there is scientific evidence which backs up those who refuse to fill it for moral/ethical reasons. Second, because I’ve done several years of research on birth control and think a strong case can be made that every form of chemical birth control causes long-term harm to the girls and women who use it, and that there are better, much safer options available - both for actual birth control, and for birth control’s off-label uses - which do not risk a woman’s physical and psychological health, and better preserve her fertility. Third, much like the Covid vaccines, the vast majority of those who are given a prescription for birth control are never actually given anywhere near the full amount of information necessary to make an “informed decision” to take it. For those reasons and several more I will not get into for the sake of brevity, I am perfectly fine with all prescription birth control falling under my first point.
Have you watched "Dopesick" on hulu? It's a documentary about the opioid crisis and purdue's role in it. They talk about what you referenced - doctors who were scared of being accused of not treating pain and/or getting negative reviews online. It's absolutely infuriating to see what purdue got away with and how many lives were impacted by their deception. And the show itself is great - Michael Keaton is amazing as a doctor who reluctantly prescribes oxy. Check it out!
Take it with a grain of salt. The opioid crisis is NOT what Netflix is telling you it is, nor is Purdue’s role really what they’re leading you to believe. Just like every other medical issue, there’s a side not being told, and a lot of people being terribly harmed by this particular narrative. Check into some of the articles Josh Bloom has written on the subject and prepare to go down a whole new rabbit hole:
Wow, thank you. I got made to feel like dirt starting around 2013 at the pain center I'd been at since 2007 ( a university center, not a pill mill) for the opioids I was using. This was just before second and third spine fusions. They were actually talking about being forced to put pain patients on POT!! Cannabis! Which I've seen turn human beings into drooling scarecrows! They pushed methadone at me .oh ..HELL no! Well I've been much better since I dumped the useless (Pfizer) Lyrica (neurontin tweaked so it could be sold at $900 for 60 75 mg capsules per month without insurance). My goal is be off all this by next spring. Physical training made that possible. But how many pain patients got dumped on the street and had to turn to heroin? Because I'll tell you what, tapering is a slow process and the cowards who prescribed had zero understanding of that. All my tapering has been done by my own design.
I use opioid pain meds. They had the fewest and mildest side effects of any of the drugs pushed at me when the chronic pain from a damaged spine set in twenty years ago. Hiring a strength coach has cut WAY down on the pain. I don't get high. I get maybe an hour or two of relief and the pills were simply stopgap till I realized I could take responsibility for my physique and get it better. I think the trouble with blaming others for one's drug use is that it won't help cure you.
IMO, opioids have had an overall negative impact on our society. I acknowledge that they are invaluable to people with chronic pain, but their ability to be abused is just too strong. I have personal experience with this, and I would not wish what I went through on my worst enemy. I put the blame squarely on the pharma companies - if they'd been less interested in profits it might have been possible to achieve the best of both worlds - i.e. help the legitimate patients while also making them very hard to get on the street. But this is not what happened - they encouraged over-prescribing, and this has caused misery for tens of thousands of people and families. I took my 12 year-old to get his wisdom teeth out and they offered us vicodin - when I tried to say no thanks they said sorry but our policy is to prescribe vic and we have to give you the script. I threw it away on my way out.
You’re allowing your personal experience to distort the reality on this. “ I acknowledge that they are invaluable to people with chronic pain, but their ability to be abused is just too strong.” The data does not support this contention at all. Statistically, those who have a prescription for an opioid at exceptionally low risk for abusing the medication.
One of the points that Dr. Bloom frequently makes is that this potent medication that is supposedly almost certain to addict anyone who takes it, somehow manages to sit unused in hundreds of thousands of medicine cabinets for days, weeks, months, even years, before it ends up getting stolen and abused by others for whom it was never prescribed.
Read the links she provided. It's not as simple as that. Everyone who uses the stuff for chronic pain develops physical dependence. That happens with any med. The real mess came when the bumbling idiots at CDC pressured doctors to cut off patients cold turkey. That sent desperate people in withdrawal to the streets. It's happened to people I know with legitimate need for pain management. The morons at CDC even floated the idea of cannabis as a substitute. Would I let my twelve year old have Vicodin for oral surgery? No! Just as I didn't when our 16 year old had it. It wasn't used when I was
Not to absolve Dr. Death of responsibility, but the medical, public health and all other government bureaucracies, did it to themselves. The lying, manipulation and the sheer disregard for real outcomes as they play god with people's lives is so in your face, it's impossible to ignore and even more impossible to forgive. Oh, and lest we forget -the corporate media and big tech - which bear as much, if not more responsibility for the craven, pathological lying and censorship. So, it's a perfect storm of sorts. They went too far, tried to grab too much power, and fully exposed themselves.
Carolin - and a new study came out that argues that in vaccinated first trimester miscarriages are 7-8 times baseline...... yikes. Not sure if it's true, but certainly it'd be nice if our govt. oversight committees cared the tiniest bit to check this out.
Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences.
The ONLY good thing about this unfolding calamity is that more and more people are waking up to the harsh reality that the so-called coincidence of perfectly normal, healthy children becoming extremely sick and then descending into autism following vaccination may not be such a coincidence after all.
Alex, I remember the story about this guy, and I remember the vitriol spewed against those, like you, who were merely asking legitimate questions. This endocrine report makes me that much more afraid for the children, knowing as I do what a complete joke the Pfizer clinical trial was for this age group: A grand total of 4,600 kids were enrolled -- NONE with diabetes -- vs. over 600,000 children enrolled in the 1954 polio vaccine trial.
You can read about the Pfizer farce for the 5-11 age group here:
For me personally, this is one of Alex's more significant posts.
I have Type 2 diabetes. I control it reasonably well, but not perfectly.
He's spot-on. Ketoacidosis is not something I've come close to experiencing. From everything I know, it would take really high, uncontrolled blood sugar levels for several days, if not weeks, to bring it on.
On the other side of it, the comorbidity aspect of diabetes would seem to indicate the vaccine makes sense for me. Add to it my age. I'm 65 and have all of what I call the old people's diseases- hypertension, acid reflux, enlarged prostate, high cholesterol. That said, I take reasonably good care of myself (exercise, sunshine, overweight yes, but not obese) and control my ailments with medications. Better living through chemistry. When I weigh MY risks, I choose to take a chance on a covid infection over the vaccine.
Now, another data point. It appears the vaccine may cause previously unrecognized risks to people with diabetes- the opposite of the conventional thinking. The vaccine has been out for over 1o months. Why hasn't this come up before now? I know why. Y'all can form your own opinions.
More than ever, I'm comfortable with the choices I've made.
I knew absolutely nothing about diabetes. Then my beloved Savannah cat was diagnosed with diabetes. How? It apparently is not rare with cats and dogs. It is because of what we feed them. It is dry food. Anyway my very expensive vets set me up with insulin. I had to give shots. I never could regulate him, as these vets had poor understanding of disease. I was learning, but He had so little time. I watched him die of keto acidosis. We did everything to save him and bring him out of coma. 💔
Our fur children are so special to us . I’ve lived with animals my whole life and when they suffer with illnesses it’s heartbreaking. We do
our best with the vets , and when it seems to much we must let go and it’s always devastating. I know this began with a person , people , our loved ones . Loss is loss , it hurts . We need to stop this agenda that we need 100% vaxxed and then we can go back to normal?? We are allowed to be more compassionate with our fur babies . When they suffer we can hold them and let them go . What has happened to us , our parents and grandparents were dying in isolation without loved ones with them .. The virus 🦠 was unleashed , from a lab , in China with USA , NIH , Approval and funding . It’s a crime , treason , whatever, but what’s the saddest to me , we lost our humanity, our caring for others and the resident in the WH and his Obama leftovers have succeeded in dividing us . WE LET THAT HAPPEN !!
Global Reset , NWO , call it what you want and yes it’s all a Plan/Scam demic ! We are the only ones who can heal this , us the citizens of America 🇺🇸 💕
Well said! Vaccine deaths children from CDC
I have nearly wrecked my health taking care of our beloved mutts. What makes it so compelling is their complete trust and devotion to us. Putting one down ruins my life for several weeks. Then I think I see them in my dreams. I figure if God thought they were worth creating, maybe they'll be brought back in the Resurrection. I want to see them (and my Siamese cat, Lily) come running to me again someday.
Which makes me really want Fauci punished hard.
and everyone who needlessly puts animals through hell. There will be a special place in hell for these monsters
We need to torture him and be as sadistic as he has been . When I first heard of his torture of animals , I recalled that young boys who torture animals are often diagnosed as budding psychopaths ?? If the shoe fits ….
I have had to put down many animals over my nearly 70 years. A few years ago we lost my horse, 3 cats, 1 dog in 1 year. Putting horses down is the worst. I have had to put down 3 horses. Just killed me. My one mare was NOT a huggable type. I adored her, but she was a complicated horse because of her 1st year that was just so wrong lacking human love. In my dream, the day after putting her down, she came to me and let me just hug her as much as I wanted. It helped me a lot. Bless her she just could not release to a human while alive.
The fifteen year old malamute I put down two years ago was a very pigheaded guy, difficult! And I saw him in a dream not long after I put him down. He made two passes by me and let me stroke his knobby head then gone. It's the difficult ones that may hurt the worst!
Your story of your horse bright tears to my eyes. Hugs
I believe that is real - your horse let you know how much she loves you. Touching story.
They will stand at the gates of heaven ! They will be our brothers and sisters in a next life ! They are more caring souls than most humans !
I see all my fur babies in the clouds at different times and it always makes me HAPPY ! I live in Fla with dolphins too . I understand how you feel ! 💕
It's a terrible, terrible pain, never goes away…
I'm genuinely sorry for your loss. I know how those critters can get under your skin. Had a cat a few years ago... Petey was really special to me. I bawled like a baby when I had to put him down.
Savannah cats are unbelievably intelligent. Yes, I sobbed for days. Still cannot talk about him without sobbing.
Siamese can be as intelligent and protective as dogs. I had one that was my heart as a girl. Now I'm deathly allergic to cats. But she'll be a part of me forever.
INdeed. When I feed my dog dry food her tummy seems to swell up. When I feed her canned food or even better, give her table food, she does not have that and she is much livelier. In the garbage with that dry food. PS and most treats contain sugar. Why would dog treats contain sugar?
Between sugar and salt food producers are trying to kill humans and animals. We now have a feral indoor cat. He is still wild, but loves company. The noises that come out of his mouth are scary. Just do not touch. No dry cat food.
My precious cat, E.T., developed diabetes, she munched on dry food at will…as she was older i chose not to give her shots or medication…
xxx embraces to all who lost their sweet animals (and humans). When my dear dog dies one day you will hear me wail all to way to where you are
My heart goes out to you
Be prepared with an early treatment protocol if you do get covid. Early treatment is the key. ❤️
Early treatment would have made the roll-out of the current vaccines impossible under the EUA. That is why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were vilified and the benefits of adequate Vitamin D-3, zinc and Vitamin C were never widely published. It was get tested, isolate and wait for the results (3-4 days) stay home if the results were positive and only go to the ER if you had trouble breathing. Criminal behavior under any reasonable measure!
I am so glad to read this from someone else. I've said the same thing from the beginning. So many are so entranced that they can't see what is in front of them. It is a tragedy.
Yep! But your death will have served a useful purpose: You helped raise the fear level without which most Americans would have never taken these vaccines.
I completely agree. Already have Ivemectin on hand for me and my family.
Same here. The peace of mind alone is worth the the effort to obtain. Unfortunately, most docs in the USA won't help you.
I'm adamantly opposed to all vaccine mandates, and just as adamantly supportive of anyone who makes the choice to get vaccinated. I personally don't think the C19 vaccines cause adverse effects for everyone, but quite possibly so for some, perhaps only a relatively small percentage. Natural immunity is likely better for those who contracted covid previously.
For some time now, I have wondered if vaccines given by anybody, have been hitting blood vessels and even nerves. Now I see many are wondering same. It could explain the severe reactions by some. I am married to a science guy that hates conspiracy beliefs. My son another science guy reacts the same. They push back hard that these vaccines are slowly degrading our immune systems. I share with husband how hospitals are flooded with patients not Covid patients. Anyway both are unvaccinated. Both worked for pharma. Still they cannot bring themselves to think we may have forced vaccinations on people that will harm them. Worse they would know big pharma was fully aware these vaccines would do little to help stop this pandemic since vaccines are leaky vaccines. Pfizer has admitted they will make 36 b. Money is the root of all evil. It just is.
Their admission is in the fact that they don't trust the clot shots, as they remain unvaxxed. They know.
You mean the cracker jack box poorly trained clinicians that pop up out of nowhere to JAB us?
Yeah, the blobs in the scrubs who don't know to aspirate the needle. Read openVAERS fire the reports of botched injections. Duh.
Subcutaneous blasts of mRNA monkey crap, overdoses, shots consisting of expired (mercifully) toxin, and that was his among the first 72 VAERS reports I read yesterday. Pathetic.
I understand that the next step for these clinicians is a week's training in brain surgery. Seriously you and Graygirl are onto something that can explain a lot of the variation we see with vaccees.
Gray girl, you are right. They r wrong. They are not researching the evidence and keeping an open mind which ALL real scientists must do. And have been trained to do. Always an open mind then examine all the evidence objectively. Send them the above 4 links. But don’t say anything to them. Then sit down and watch Planet Lockdown videos.
Dr. Michael Yeadon Ex Pfizer VP Immunologist. Also available on and THIS WILL OPEN THEIR EYES IF THEY ARE OPENABLE.
I think everyone has to decide themselves, but with full knowledge of what is in these things. I have a dear friend who runs as soon as a vaccine comes out, even though some are very painful, probably more than the disease. They will not believe me when I tell them about the dangers, the heavy metals, the mercury. Maybe they are immune to the poisons... it is their choice and I warned them. If you want to believe in Santa Clause you can. But don't expect to meet Rudolph.
I agree with most of your post, but must take issue with "adverse effects"
statement. There is at best, perhaps 20 months of history of COVID-19 "vaxxes" use in humans. By what I've read, the medical fraternity has not exactly been diligent in long-term studies of their effects. Quite the opposite in fact. And even if rigorous study was being conducted, < 2 years use of a novel technology is by no means enough time to vet these products for safety. Harmful side effects may not develop for years, decades even. Unless all the "suppressed" reports (VAERS etc.) are total fabrications, we can already safely say the mRNA jabs are far more dangerous than any prior vaccines, to say nothing of their falling short of early promises of efficacy.
I think we may be in total agreement. I just avoid the injury debate wit people who concluded the vaccines are safe (for them). Personally, i feel confident that VAERS captures only a fraction of adverse events, and that we still have not yet begun to see possible long-term afflictions that could result from vaccination, again, perhaps, suffered only by some fraction of the larger group of vaccinated.
Evil, good you take care of yourself and avoid the vaxxes. Make sure your vit D3 levels are high, take vit C, zinc, quercetin, NAC for baseline support. I take all those, and about that many more...
My child is T1D, and we spent a week in the hospital for DKA upon first diagnosis. That’s pretty much when I have heard about it - it’s how kids first get diagnosed - at least until recently. This year I have heard of two cases of established T1Ds back in hospital for DKA.
You won't experience Ketoacidosis because you have type 2 diabetes. You aren't at risk, but you are at risk for HNNK-Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome, very serious but not as common or serious as ketoacidosis. A Type 1 diabetic (no longer fashionable to differentiate between type 1 & 2 in medicine today) can be subject to an extremely rapid decent into ketoacidosis if they experience an infection, or any unusual disruption in blood sugar levels. One common instigator is a dislodged insulin pump needle. Thus the old term used for diabetes was "brittle". A younger nurse friend of mine was frequently in and out of the hospital with ketoacidosis. She was in the ER as a patient in as little as 4 hrs of a dislodged pump needle and eventually died after a surgical procedure. She was in her mid 30's.
The bottom line on this is that BOTH diabetic classes are very serious. Type 1 is unavoidable and Type 2 IS avoidable for the most part. Type 2 diabetes cases have triple in the past 40 yrs. When you have diabetes, your entire system degrades, heart, kidneys, vision and vascular. I'm not positive what someone who is diabetic should do about the vaccine but I suspect I would certainly vaccinate if I had either type of diabetes. I'm genuinely sorry for the death of Mr. Kaminsky. I believe researchers should look closely at all possibilities for causation between the vax and Type 1 diabetes. Sadly, sometimes in life you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I appreciate your comment. You're telling me things I didn't know before. That's always good.
Not trying to be argumentative, but you wrote. "You won't experience Ketoacidosis because you have type 2 diabetes. You aren't at risk, but you are at risk for HNNK-Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome, very serious but not as common or serious as ketoacidosis. "
You're saying if I ignored my diabetes and left it completely untreated, I wouldn't have a risk of ketoacidosis?
I'd never do that, but I know at least one person who did. Didn't stay in her orbit long enough to see how that turned out. I hope she got some sense and changed her ways.
I'm also interested in the idea that it's no longer fashionable to distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2. I can just imagine why that is. Rather than me speculate, can you say?
Well it's the difference between the 2 forms of diabetes. in Type 1 your pancreas no longer makes insulin. in type 2 your body becomes resistant to the insulin it makes, or that it doesn't process glucose properly. Type 1 diabetics can fall into ketosis very rapidly, over a few hours. The liver begins to process the fat in your body in an attempt to compensate for no fuel reaching the cells. this doesn't (usually) happen in type 2. In Type 2 diabetes the body responds to very high glucose levels of 600 or more and a person's electrolytes become disturbed causing thirst and excessive urination. The thing that causes the ill effect is severe dehydration. Type 2 patients can tolerate HNNK for days or weeks before the condition becomes a threat to life. Of course this is a quick and dirty description but no time for
Sorry, I kicked myself off before finishing. Like I said it's a quick and dirty description of differences and doesn't begin to cover it well at all. As for my statement about "fashionable", Type 2 diabetes is such a big problem, (over 90% of all diabetes cases are Type 2) that splitting the 2 types may be interpreted to some as being less serious. Maybe less "fragile" in the immediate term but all diabetics suffer chronic health issues that adversely affect one's physical health in the long run. Because Type 2 is a long haul disease, it's easy for many people to ignore. Sadly, pediatricians are seeing Type 2 diabetes in 8 and 10 years olds now, due to horrendous diet, inactivity and obesity and they will likely have a shortened life of very ill health.
Read Dr. Lustig's book Metabolical. Your diseases are not diseases of old age -- they are diseases of processed foods.
What does he know that Biden doesn't?
Everything is pointing to a COVID CLIMAX.
Of the USA people diagnosed with diabetes, 210,000 are children and adolescents younger than age 20 years, including 187,000 with type 1 diabetes.
Let’s hope they’re not the first ones receiving the jab. Ouch.
One not need mention autism to be attacked by the mob in connection with any of these concoctions. It’s like questioning a talisman. A heresy. Committed against people so afraid of dying that they are afraid to live other than to lash out and inflict misery at selected others. They are cowardly but monstrous tyrannical hypocrites or idiots or both.
I'm an old lady who remembers this country before every tenth child was autistic. Seeing this Holocaust and the lying CDC I now think vaccines did this.
I recently read an article from a California lady who had a day care for autistic children for many years. At first, she had 3 children, then she had 30, then she had to open more centers, now she has 3 centers with multiple educators. It might not be only the vaccines, it might also be bad air, poisoned food, depleted earth growing our food, but it certainly is part of all the misery. Children are the future of this country. If you poison them, the country will just vanish.
I agree with you, Zade. I have made the same comment to my children, who then say, "Oh, mom, it's environmental." My foot! Really intelligent people are so stupid these days.
Unfortunately schools do not learn children how to think for themselves. They teach them to parrot. May be that is a dishonor to the parrots, for which I apologize.
MDs and their income seeking HMOs and hospitals introducing foreign agents into Every Small Child are part of the environment. Used to be they would’ve said it’s genetic, so progress.
NIH and fauci did the same with foster children used them like Ginny pigs to see if HIV vaccine would work total disaster 2005. Genocide. Look CBS 2005 trials on foster children by John Solomon. Doing evil again with Covid shot. The FDA even said we don’t know what will happen to these children but must do it to find out. Great idea line them up kill the future on a genocidal whim.
Good points. Also, I don't believe in coincidence.
And the "Safe and Effective" narrative is still preached like gospel despite thousands dying within 14 days of the Jab.
Greatest Conspiracy of All Time !
I was talking to a Pediatrics resident who has a young male s/p COVID vaccine with myocarditis on her service. The attending physician won’t entertain the idea that the vaccine was responsible because the patient was diagnosed three weeks out instead of two. Brain dead.
What about 3 months out or 3 years out? I guess long term studies don't matter anymore.
There is a truth about testing something - a vaccine, paint, new ski design or anything else: THE TESTING ALWAYS OCCURS. It is either rigorously done by the manufacturer or it is done by the consumer. So the only choice by the maker is which method will be used for the test. Most companies today learned a long time ago that it is far, far less costly to use the former method. The mRNA crowd chose the latter, conned the FDA into going along with it (no surprise there), and convinced Congress and the President to hold them harmless when bad things happen. This is why we are in a shit-storm today.
Most doctors are smart in a dumb sort of way.
We used to be able to think critically. Doctors are like cats. We’re wary of one another. I was surprised (not pleasantly either) by the behavior of the majority of my colleagues.
I'm an lpn, I drank too much water and gave myself hyponatremia a few years ago. The doctors and nurses even 24 hours later thought I was drugged. My brother who does sleep studies for a living called the nurse and said the kid drank too much water he'll be fine after iv fluids. No disrespect to your profession but I've encountered many doctors who are not that smart. I'm an lpn myself and the reality is many of my classmates were just passed through so the school could get as much money as possible.
You once had independence. Now most doctors have become employees and have to kowtow to the whims of the organizations they work for. Thank the Feds and the onerous record keeping for that.
Virtue signaling, bioluminescent ,
luciferin, enzyme luciferase, , band-aid mit
custodiebantur ovis ad lupum Gain - of - function , h chips fall covid religious cult symbol superpower mask omnes enim mori. LETS GO BRANDED.
The Latin word phrase starting with custoiebanter translates who is the guard of the sheep ( not the shepherd),,,,,,it’s the wolf
I have a friend - not diabetic before the shot, HbA1c shot up & she's now on metformin. Similar.
And "coincidental" virus mutations are the leading cause of vaccines!
Just saw this....
The Covid Vaccine is like a box of chocolates....You Never Know What You're Gonna Get:
It's the Gift that Keeps on Giving !!
I’m stealing this.
Speaking of Covid Vaccines and Absolute Risk ( The REAL way to determine Public Health Value)
Should be stopped.
FDA officials said last they really don’t what the effect will be so we need put shots into children too see what happens.
Thank you for sharing this.
Finally a reasonable response other comments emotions are high just that twitter thing.
Someone should send this Video to the Slowly decomposing Bag of bones in the White House. Please Like and share and thank you.
Don’t feel badly about being called a “filthy liar” Alex. My own brother called me a right wing nut job who should have her medical license revoked for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to COVID patients. Wait until he finds out that I’ve cut him out of my will and I’m leaving everything to my cat.
My son feels the same about me. Was qualified to treat every imaginable injury and disease to come through an ER door for 40 years. But when it comes to covid and common sense, I'm a moron. Who knew?
I'm guessing here that you don't worship your telly? I don't watch TV at all, haven't for many many years. Thus I don't understand a lot of what is going on in the world. I didn't get the Trump Derangement Syndrome, or the COVID panic or now the vaccine mania. The TV is literally brainwashing people.
I think that’s why they call it programming.
Same here. We gave up cable a long time ago. I am overloaded with info, interviews are podcasts to watch that are saying the truth. I have to remind myself that lots of people are not doing research and only turning on their TV.
Exactly. The only problem is that when you want to argue with someone, and you have to say, "this anonymous Gato on the internet said..." or "this doctor who got fired from UCI said..." you realize how the MSM 100% owns the "legitimate" news in their minds. Not much you can say at that point. People have to discover the truth for themselves.
So true.
I don't watch TV either, and recently took a bold step to remove myself from the Matrix: I threw my Apple Watch and iPhone into a drawer and haven't touched them or turned them on in over two weeks now. (Told my children I was "going back to the future without smartphones." LOL)
We lived in Seattle (Ground Zero for COVID) in the winter/spring of 2020. About mid-way I noticed something peculiar: all the people who watched CNN/MSNBC/etc. were scared out of their minds. But the people who didn't consume mainstream media were going about their lives pretty much normal.
Another amusingly weird thing I noticed: the closet conservatives suddenly became noticeable due to their lack of fear. They still didn't dare admit not being Progressives, but you could suddenly tell who they were. LOL
Now, the war on disinformation policies are picking up to discredit people questioning the party line. You’d think people would rise up to support the First Amendment and immediately mistrust corporations and government that tell you what to think...
Good pickup! Zero network TV-zero. Watch some Fox, much less than we used to. Wife watches the veterinary shows. That's it!
No prob. We think you’re brilliant. 👍
"Pandemic of the UNTREATED" The virus hasn't killed and destroyed like the government policies put in place to "protect" !
Congratulations to you. Stand by your choice. Wish you were my doc. And my sister. 😀
Thank you for helping people. One of my close relatives died of COVID recently and it is maddening that no early treatment was provided. No Ivermectin, Hcq, Budesonide, fluvoxamjne or anything.
I am so sorry that you lost a loved one. You don’t need to thank me. I can’t stand by and do nothing.
Nor do I stand by this virus was planned and manufactured there patents awarded I have copies of them for gain of function can’t tell you the anger but it’s being directed properly. Good listen
that was a great interview! Thanks for sharing.
Your welcome part 2 is good listen 44 minutes
This interview is awesome. Thx for sharing.
"Pandemic of the UNTREATED" The virus hasn't killed and destroyed like the government policies put in place to "protect" !
Same here hospital told not too doctors have hired on has employees and hospitals followC D C. They are offered more money to only treat as told regardless if they these other therapeutics or loose their job unethical
I am so sorry for your loss. I empathize with you. My folks both had COVID in August 2021. When they were first diagnosed, I had my dad (who was less diseased at the time and had a clearer mind) ask for iver immediately. The doc who saw him said he didn't know how to prescribe it. I told him I'd SEND the doc the dosing.
Then, they sent them home for 24h with NOTHING. They did, however, agree to monoclonal antibodies when my dad demanded they both be infused. My mom, by this point, was scary sick. I found a friend that had iver and dosed her myself after she had a reaction to the antibodies; she had a seizure and wasn't able to stand. The paramedics gave her some fluids and LEFT HER AT HER HOUSE. It was a total shit show. This isn't a pandemic of the unvaxxed, but it is a pandemic of medical neglect and pharmaceutical deception.
Amen same here except he died in the hospital death camp. genocide.
what I have noticed with people and family members yes it's bad that these things happen but as long has it doesn't happen to,s ok such .
Now the children according C D C numbers not mine it's estimated that 112 childernwill die tosave ONE. Reasoning from F D A "web really don,tknow what the reaction could be so we must give the shot to the children to find out"
pregnant women who've taking the shot over 2482 feta death death according CDC adverse reporting which is not reliable many scientist have said it's really about 20 times more. Mothers having clotting problems and death while the babies that do survive have all sorts nerve damage nursing difficulty. click on link anywhere.
So sorry for your loss.
😢 I'm sorry for your loss
I'm a nurse of 33 years, and sadly, my brother too, thinks he is omniscient in all things COVID related. He berated my mother, and included me in his tirade of hate. I really think the vaccine does something to people, and I'm not being facetious here, but the rage and anger is pathologic. I'm hoping my mother cuts him out of her will, but since she doesn't have a cat, I'm thinking her grandkids will do.
Honestly it seems to me the people who have been jabbed who really BELIEVE are the ones who get angry. They were waiting for the ONE. Prior to being jabbed, they were most likely exhibiting symptoms of neurosis. I think they know in the back of their minds that they are being deceived, and they lash out. I know plenty of vaccinated people who were totally normal before being vaccinated and have remained so.
I think you are right. I think more and more jabbed people are starting to realize what kind of crap they are having in their bodies and freaking out at us who did not get it.
The definition is fanatic.
Brain washing does do this to some. If he did make the mistake and get the vaccine he might only dig his heels in more so he won’t be proven wrong.
You could buy Dr. Mercola’s book The Truth about Covid 19 and leave it on the table every time he comes in the house. It has good detox chapters for those who have taken the injection.
The anger is understandable if you believe in cause and effect, and that people are ignoring a threat that will have devastating consequences.
The Branch Covidians believe the threat is the virus. They don't understand it's the media and the governments that are causing all of ill effects associated with the "virus". They think we need to eradicate the virus in order for freedom to be restored. So they get upset at people who don't seem to be taking this seriously.
Others believe that the threat is the governments. That the governments created the virus as well as the vaccines, and that the vaccines are part of a sinister, totalitarian global agenda to transition the world into a completely new economic and medical system, a tyranny much closer to China than the US, in future in which no one will be free. Furthermore, they are likely reducing the population of rich countries by a huge percentage, at the same time.
To someone who understands this is happening, it elicits similar feelings of rage when people just blithely accept the vaccines and go along with their own destruction.
If you're not angry, you don't yet understand enough.
Thanks for being one of the good guys
Just be careful: you cannot will directly to a pet, but you can indirectly via a trust for your pet. Check with a probate attorney.
You are brave; I personally know that you are risking certification and even licensing by working for your patients instead of the pharmaceutical industries that run the medical establishment.
The “cat as heir” was a joke guys. What I am really saying is that no one is obligated to endure toxic behavior just because it comes from someone who shares some DNA with you.
Thanks for all you do.
Don't let your last gesture be vindictive over stupid hyperbole. He is still family.
Nonsense. Having the same parents doesn’t make you “family” but let’s not get off topic. Physicians who actually practice clinical medicine and are trying to keep COVID patients out of the hospital ( Fauci hasn’t seen a patient in over forty years. ) are being attacked and second guessed by laypeople who get their “facts” from CNN. I’m commiserating with Alex.
Try to stay out of hospitals. Most have resistant bacteria and funghi that, on top of the virus, will kill you. And otherwise they will put you on a ventilator, which will too.
Another joke. I noticed the last few days that Newsweek is giving a series on Jonestown. Very appropriate.
😳😬 🐱
All cats are malignant narcissists. I adore them. It must be trauma bonding.
Well Alex I have been practicing medicine for 25 years. As health systems have become more organized - there has been less and less objective review of quality and practices. For instance, autopsies which were once very frequent are exceedingly rare these days. No one really wants to find out why so and so died. Its sad - but few physicians are really interested in finding the truth. So thats how we got to where we are now. Medical staffs became streamlined - no independent physicians - if you disagree with the narrative - they fire you. Then you have to move your family, pull your kids out of school and start all over.
Hospital committees are made up of company men who get paid millions of dollars - unbelievable amounts of money - to agree with policies that make absolutely no sense. Like temperature screenings during covid. Its all a show. And no outcome data. People think the CDC is following this vaccine rollout. They have no idea what these vaccines are doing to people and how many complications they are causing. None. Thats because after approval there should have been a post-approval analysis of about the first 500,000 doses. Then complications and efficacy could have been examined in an accurate method.
I cringe when I think about children getting these vaccines, and the inevitable child getting the jab and then seizing or something....I know that video is coming.
Have you seen how Sesame Street is reaching out to the children? Apparently "Elmo" and "Big Bird" have both been vaccinated. Everything's GREAT! (If this is not diabolical, I do not know what is. Sesame Street has been used to promote lock-down and the Great Reset as well. We live in a sci-fi horror movie.)
I saw the clip and was absolutely horrified and disgusted.
110% although I would say not "organized" but "corporatized" or "managed" or "consolidated"
I was actually in the hospital setting this weekend for my of difference bt Drs over, say, 50 and under 50. Younger docs are drones, older docs more human/wise. When the oldest cohort of docs retire, the system will have lost nearly all it's human touch.
yeah - we are losing the "greatest generation" of physicians - they are almost gone. everyday they are leaving in droves and vaccine mandates will only hasten the process.
My community is just as you describe...very sad no real medical system here anymore
I found this on Zero Hedge. Chilling.
Wow. My response: I was done over a year ago when I had Covid. My case was mild, and no one in my household got it but me. I would NEVER wish I could give it to someone else just to make them ill, nor would I wish her children harmed. There is some thought out there that says the jab is making people mentally unstable. I think that the lockdowns just revealed people’s true character. A little OT: why is an adult posting on TikTok?
I also had a mild case in early June 2020, and have not been sick with anything since. The rest of my family members got the vaccine and have had colds, sinus infections, etc. M niece is an emergency room nurse and is now going to get her 8-year-old vaccinated. This tears families apart. And who would willfully want to get someone sick...ugh!
Wow! So many unfortunate kids in the world today. I can’t imagine what their lives will be like after being raised by such deranged parents. Our society, and maybe our species, will be dealing with the fallout for many years to come.
That kid in her lap has been muzzled for half her life. Tell me there won't be consequences for that down the road.
One of the best comments that I have read concerning the reality of how our modern western health care system works. Make that 'works'.
It's a weird dynamic that the vaxxed have when it comes to admitting that these experimental gene therapy drugs are injuring and killing people.
Almost like they're convinced if they ignore it or downplay it as rare, it won't happen to them or a loved one, until it does.
What's even weirder to me is the insistence and obsession some of them have with demanding the unvaccinated join them on the sinking Titanic.
Just leave me the fuck alone already! Okay?
It's become a religion, a sick twisted cult. Almost literally they need others to drink the Kool Aide
Indeed it is a religion. Let me save Mark the trouble and post the best article you will find making exactly that point.
That pretty much sums up in a cognitive way what I've known intuitively since the beginning of all of this. Thanks for sharing.
Interesting video I linked above. Worth the few minutes it takes to watch.
MASS PSYCHOSIS- How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally ILL.
Excellent! Really well done, and spot on - with solutions. Thank you!
Very obvious this is what is going on. When it came to the anxiety, I remembered this Medium article, that helped me realize that the flight impulse inside me was indeed that.
After that, I calmed down and then I found you all, who are on this side of reality. Thank you all for being here.
Welcome to the party!
Very good! thank you.
A spiritual Ponzi scheme. Totally twisted
Yeah, it's a cult. They suspect, they know, deep inside their brains, that they've been conned. A little tiny voice is saying...."look at all those people who never did anything about COVID, look at them all, still alive, unvaxxed, happy --the ones who took vacations, visited their family, went to work. The ones who aren't paranoid and deranged; the ones who don't wear three masks while jogging; the ones whose children are happy and succeeding at school; the ones who didn't get sick for two weeks with the vax; the ones who don't have to worry for the rest of their lives about the shot; the ones who aren't worried that their kids will die of a heart attack....look at them all, so happy and normal....what if they're right and you're wrong? What if you got brainwashed from your TeeVee like a simpleton? What if all your education and all those certificates on your wall mean nothing when it comes to the real world? What if your hypochondria and chronic anxiety was exploited by politicians and pharmaceutical companies just to rip you off? What if *you're* the clown?"
That's why they explode on people like us, like Alex -- they are already having this argument in their heads, with themselves, all the time. They're one more crisis away from walking down the street yelling at the themselves, "I told you not to take that shot, that it was a trap! No! The shots are good! They want to helps us! You fool, you damn fool! You did it all for nothing!" God help them.
You nailed it. Every time I walk into the office, mine is the face that reminds all of the Kool-aid drinkers: I told you so. (They respond with weeping and gnashing of teeth.) Same psychology affects our leaders. Collectively they are the proverbial cat that has managed to climb to the top of the tree and now doesn’t know how to get itself down. Pray for these unfaithful people because they are under the assault of the evil one that is allowed to rule over the unsaved of this world.
Cat analogy is spot-on!
Loved this comment!
Scooter Jones - I am reading "That Hideous Strength" by CS Lewis. One of the characters mentioned that humans are really appalled by use of using "experiments" on people. However, they line up in droves for "experimental" treatments.
Lewis also skewered the way children are experimented on in the classroom, in one of his non fiction essays. You can say your child is in an experimental learning program... Or say your child is being used in an educational experiment. The educators know which expression to use.
Just finished rereading - everyone should get a copy and read it now to understand what is happening. To quote Radiohead: “this is really happening, happening”
Love that book! So prophetic.
45% of us have arrived at natural immunity. And now 190mm fully vaxxed. We should be all done by now, yes? That easily blows past 330mm (USA population). What’s with the never ending narrative? Might not be about Covid anymore. Maybe?
It was never about COVID it has always about control & money. Period.
On point. Actuary tables are now showing a reduction in live expectancy. Could it be population control? Why so much talk climate change according to the liberals it was caused by our activity and we only have 12 years or we all die. In the 70 s there was a book written and the author stated that if don’t control the world population growth civilization will be gone by year 2000.
Title of the book population control by Paul erlick.
According to some the world should have long been gone. But they forget the great repairing possibilities Mother Earth has! And as to her anger, we can see that too. Look at all the volcanoes, earthquakes etc. I wonder how so much oil can be extracted and the world does not collapse. Or are all these holes falling everywhere, and the large crack in Africa, a result of it? We know very little of all this. Remnants of tropical forests have been found on the pole. What do we really know about earth?
They want everyone to get the shot. Well everyone except Congress and other select groups they rely on for power. Everyone else has to get thge shot and they will any and all measures to ensure we are. But why?
Absolutely not about Covid;Give authorities an Inch, they grab a Mile, The Princess Cruise study shows it is closer to 80% natural immunity, something completely ignored, going forward ! Profit over"public" Health! ( And CONTROL ).
Yeah but don’t forget........the CDC has at least one article to reference that vaccine immunity is stronger.....even though they set up the study according to their criteria (called the Kentucky study). Forget about the other 60plus studies from all over the world that clearly show robust and stronger natural immunity. As Alex always says......nothing to see here folks.
That’s what I said the numbers would make you pretty close to full immunity even with overlap. So it just gets even crazier.
As well articulated by another reader, remember Princess Cruise with one of the first contained outbreaks? Everyone on board was naturally immunized within days. Makes the 45% number flying around MSM seem sorta low, no? More like 80% possibly. So are we vaccine the already immune? And with a jab for which there is no longer an “original” virus? What a world. Dystopia is all I see around me lately. I just want to be back in Kansas...........LOL Good listen
Looks like it requires a sign-up.
Well there is a never ending steam of new folks flooding the boarder ;)
Maybe they came here for the jab. After all I’m sure they heard it’s safe, effective AND FREE.
It has all the attributes of a cult: no contrary information gets in and, so, no one gets out. Beyond sad, especially in families with folks in different camps. In response to one in ours that there was “zero” evidence that Ivermectin was effective, I sent her a well-footnoted study analyzing in detail no less than 63 trials that found just that. Response? Crickets. Excruciating to have to choose between keeping the peace and telling the truth, but with many in the mandatory vax camp there is simply no possibility of rational dialogue: they are right and you’re an idiot. We hear “you’re being misled by QAnon” a lot. He/she/it/they must be very, very busy. Pray without ceasing.
One of my most intelligent sisters told me there was nothing to ivermectin except my naive faith in it: "if you thought chewing bubble gum cured your covid there's about as much evidence for that". This from a woman with a MSEE. Then she tells me she doesn't have time to do all the digging and reading I do. My answer was just that the nih says ivermectin can be prescribed for covid. I have to leave it at that. Did tell her I have two backup tubes of horse paste for when her vaccine fails.
Our family has tried to tell my sister the truth for over a year. She will not listen to anything. "We aren't doctors so we are wrong". Have begged her to research before she nabs her 5 and 8 year old. She has told us to stop interfering about her kids. We now have very strong suspicions that they were part of the clinical trial. Both children in the past 2 months are having sudden unexplained problems with breathing, supposed allergy attacks and are both now going to a Pulmonologist and Cardiologist. She claims no shot yet, but both were perfectly healthy a few months ago. Either way she insists that they will get the shots because "The Children's Hospitals are full of children who need them". Oh and Alex is "A quack on some Chinese website ".
Beyond frustrating and heartbreaking.
Worse for us. Not only are we not doctors, but both H&W are medical types. “Embedded” to put it mildly. Heartbreaking indeed.
Jabs not nabs lol
I thought "nabs" was perfect
We, the unjabbed, are holding up a mirror reflecting their bad choice. They do not want to have to face the unintended consequence.
...and the masks too....
We will certainly manage in our rubber boats
Nothing to see here, folks. Just keep on moving. I am an MD and I find it interesting that these reports of POSSIBLE COVID reactions seem to be occurring mostly in young healthy men. If the medical community had any honesty they would be looking into this and putting a hold on vaccinating these groups as Sweden has done.
40 years in emergency medicine myself. Medicine has become corrupt. Not all, but most. It's tragic. Hundreds essentially refused treatment by physicians. Patients should consider their doctor's advice from three perspectives: worldview, financial incentives, and medical advice. Painful to hear, but increasingly true.
I saw an interview with Dr. Drew where he talked about how terrified physicians have become. It is, according to him, the reason for the opioid epidemic. Doctors got so scared of being accused of not treating pain that they sent their patients to pill doctors who got them addicted - and millions of them died. Now doctors are terrified of being accused of being "anti-vaxxers". What happened to doctors?
I have lost a lot of respect for doctors. Over the last few decades they seem to have jettisoned any moral compass or intellectual curiosity in favor of being worker bees for Pharma. Many, if not most, have abandoned real private practice and instead work for large medical-provider companies as obedient employees. As a profession, doctors have acquiesced to this, so despite their constant bellyaching about how bad things are for them—and they are bad, being a Pharma drone with ten minute appointments all day resembles prostitution—I hold their lack of will, organizing, silence, and general cowardice responsible.
I honestly think the mandated electronic medical records portion of Obamacare is what has caused doctors to lose their ability to treat other human beings with decency and compassion. It’s a very rare doctor these days who will come into a room and look you in the eye and have a conversation with YOU, not ask you questions while staring at a screen and typing/clicking. That screen has become a wall between the doctor and patient, and in most cases leads to them treating the patient like a cog in a machine rather than an individual with unique needs. All of the information that MUST be computerized and submitted for every patient takes the majority of a regular visit. That means any doctor who chooses to spend that visit having a human interaction instead of computer interaction is adding that much more time to the end of his/her day to complete those required entries, and for most of them, that isn’t compensated work. Neither is doing the research that many of us put several hours a day into doing.
When's the last time a GP asked to examine your tongue? Look in your ears? Check your D level?
March of 2021. My doc is independent and paper based. He offered me the Jab at the time as he received authorization and freezer necessary to dispense it. I explained the seasonality and told him cases would crash in a month or so so I passed.
His response to my rejection of the jab was respectful.
My mother goes to the same doc and she's 95. He offered it to her and she said her time is extremely short and would rather not lose a day or more to a potential bad reaction. Time becomes more precious when it's limited.
I wonder about the pharmacists who are essentially practicing medicine without a license by self-righteously refusing to fill prescriptions for ivermectin. Did they happily fill all those scripts for excessive opioids that killed so many? Thought so.
If you believe the vast majority of people dying of opioid overdoses are those who had prescriptions (excessive or not) for them, boy do I have a covid mRNA vaccine to sell you. Note my comment above to Z-Twig. The opioid crisis is no more accurately being reported on and handled by “public health” than covid is.
Thanks again, Mom!
Sorry, that was not my point. I know while many do abuse them, many if not most opioid scripts are legit. I remember when my mother was at the end of her road with lung cancer, and needed them. When she died at home, I was with her and called the hospice to tell them. They came right over, and helped me pick up her body and lay it in her bed. The next thing they did was go to her fridge and pull the rest of her opioid prescriptions.
Do you think it's ok for pharmacists to decide which prescriptions to fill and which to refuse? We've seen it with some refusing to fill scripts for birth control, too.
To be fair, there have been pharmacists refusing to fill legitimate opioid prescriptions for *years* and when those directly affected by those pharmacists have tried to draw attention to this, no one bothered to listen to them.
1. I think there are genuine ethical and moral reasons a pharmacist could decline to fill a certain legitimate prescription that ought to be respected and allowed under the 1st Amendment, provided the patient has readily available access to get the same prescription filled without unreasonable hassle or delay (either by another pharmacist in the same building or at a nearby pharmacy which will fill immediately). Essentially, I have no problem with a pharmacy which can tell me “I’m sorry, we don’t carry/have or are not able to order this, but ______ pharmacy 4 miles south carries it and can fill this prescription for you.”
2. I do not believe any of the Covid early treatment options are/have been refused - either to be filled or to be given/prescribed - for genuine moral or ethical reasons. In fact, I believe that hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands, of patients have incurred life-long harm or died as a result of this refusal and those who denied them these medications need to be held legally and financially responsible for the egregious harms they have caused.
3. I think opioid prescriptions ought to fall under my second point. Similar to the principle of criminal justice, where “it is better for 10 guilty men to go free than for 1 innocent man to pay the penalty for a crime he did not commit” I think that it would be morally wrong to deny a legitimate medication to someone who needs it, even if we have to allow multiple people who don’t need it to also get it.
4. I’m probably the wrong person to ask regarding pharmacist refusal to fill a birth control prescription. First, because there is scientific evidence which backs up those who refuse to fill it for moral/ethical reasons. Second, because I’ve done several years of research on birth control and think a strong case can be made that every form of chemical birth control causes long-term harm to the girls and women who use it, and that there are better, much safer options available - both for actual birth control, and for birth control’s off-label uses - which do not risk a woman’s physical and psychological health, and better preserve her fertility. Third, much like the Covid vaccines, the vast majority of those who are given a prescription for birth control are never actually given anywhere near the full amount of information necessary to make an “informed decision” to take it. For those reasons and several more I will not get into for the sake of brevity, I am perfectly fine with all prescription birth control falling under my first point.
They got paid by drug companies to promote the drugs.
Have you watched "Dopesick" on hulu? It's a documentary about the opioid crisis and purdue's role in it. They talk about what you referenced - doctors who were scared of being accused of not treating pain and/or getting negative reviews online. It's absolutely infuriating to see what purdue got away with and how many lives were impacted by their deception. And the show itself is great - Michael Keaton is amazing as a doctor who reluctantly prescribes oxy. Check it out!
Take it with a grain of salt. The opioid crisis is NOT what Netflix is telling you it is, nor is Purdue’s role really what they’re leading you to believe. Just like every other medical issue, there’s a side not being told, and a lot of people being terribly harmed by this particular narrative. Check into some of the articles Josh Bloom has written on the subject and prepare to go down a whole new rabbit hole:
Wow, thank you. I got made to feel like dirt starting around 2013 at the pain center I'd been at since 2007 ( a university center, not a pill mill) for the opioids I was using. This was just before second and third spine fusions. They were actually talking about being forced to put pain patients on POT!! Cannabis! Which I've seen turn human beings into drooling scarecrows! They pushed methadone at me .oh ..HELL no! Well I've been much better since I dumped the useless (Pfizer) Lyrica (neurontin tweaked so it could be sold at $900 for 60 75 mg capsules per month without insurance). My goal is be off all this by next spring. Physical training made that possible. But how many pain patients got dumped on the street and had to turn to heroin? Because I'll tell you what, tapering is a slow process and the cowards who prescribed had zero understanding of that. All my tapering has been done by my own design.
Wow! Thanks again!
I use opioid pain meds. They had the fewest and mildest side effects of any of the drugs pushed at me when the chronic pain from a damaged spine set in twenty years ago. Hiring a strength coach has cut WAY down on the pain. I don't get high. I get maybe an hour or two of relief and the pills were simply stopgap till I realized I could take responsibility for my physique and get it better. I think the trouble with blaming others for one's drug use is that it won't help cure you.
IMO, opioids have had an overall negative impact on our society. I acknowledge that they are invaluable to people with chronic pain, but their ability to be abused is just too strong. I have personal experience with this, and I would not wish what I went through on my worst enemy. I put the blame squarely on the pharma companies - if they'd been less interested in profits it might have been possible to achieve the best of both worlds - i.e. help the legitimate patients while also making them very hard to get on the street. But this is not what happened - they encouraged over-prescribing, and this has caused misery for tens of thousands of people and families. I took my 12 year-old to get his wisdom teeth out and they offered us vicodin - when I tried to say no thanks they said sorry but our policy is to prescribe vic and we have to give you the script. I threw it away on my way out.
You’re allowing your personal experience to distort the reality on this. “ I acknowledge that they are invaluable to people with chronic pain, but their ability to be abused is just too strong.” The data does not support this contention at all. Statistically, those who have a prescription for an opioid at exceptionally low risk for abusing the medication.
One of the points that Dr. Bloom frequently makes is that this potent medication that is supposedly almost certain to addict anyone who takes it, somehow manages to sit unused in hundreds of thousands of medicine cabinets for days, weeks, months, even years, before it ends up getting stolen and abused by others for whom it was never prescribed.
Read the links she provided. It's not as simple as that. Everyone who uses the stuff for chronic pain develops physical dependence. That happens with any med. The real mess came when the bumbling idiots at CDC pressured doctors to cut off patients cold turkey. That sent desperate people in withdrawal to the streets. It's happened to people I know with legitimate need for pain management. The morons at CDC even floated the idea of cannabis as a substitute. Would I let my twelve year old have Vicodin for oral surgery? No! Just as I didn't when our 16 year old had it. It wasn't used when I was
This may be one of the best ones to start with. (FYI: Kolodny is to those with actual pain what Fauci is to those who understand Covid.)
Thank a lawyer.
It really is tragic, The damage done to the medical and public health community is severe. I hold Fauci hugely responsible but he didn't do it alone.
Not to absolve Dr. Death of responsibility, but the medical, public health and all other government bureaucracies, did it to themselves. The lying, manipulation and the sheer disregard for real outcomes as they play god with people's lives is so in your face, it's impossible to ignore and even more impossible to forgive. Oh, and lest we forget -the corporate media and big tech - which bear as much, if not more responsibility for the craven, pathological lying and censorship. So, it's a perfect storm of sorts. They went too far, tried to grab too much power, and fully exposed themselves.
Should have said hundreds of thousands, sorry.
Absolutely correct even for common cold access is a joke honest truthful treatment dangerous check this out.
Since the naonparticles go to the ovaries, I would strongly advise any woman of childbearing age against the vaccine as well.
Carolin - and a new study came out that argues that in vaccinated first trimester miscarriages are 7-8 times baseline...... yikes. Not sure if it's true, but certainly it'd be nice if our govt. oversight committees cared the tiniest bit to check this out.
It is not in the best interest of any gov agency to ‘check this out’.
Read the Comirnaty label (a legal document) posted on Pfizer and FDA web sites. It states that they don't know whether it could cause male sterility.