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Jun 29, 2022
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The court's decision did not ban abortions! It gave the responsibility back to the states, where it belongs. Most states allow abortions if the mother's life is in danger or if the pregnancy is not viable.

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Because ol' J.Roc here doesn't think in those terms. He's still stuck in the Democrat mental vice that results in regrettable mistakes but having no idea of the root cause. He only knows he'll course correct after being burned by touching that hot stove, but can't figure out how to avoid the burn in the first place.

Still trapped in the verifiably anti-science and obtuse Democrat talking point that the body inside the mother is the same as the body of the mother. Conflation of true bodily autonomy issues such as vaccine mandates with blatantly false bodily autonomy issues such as the taking of the life and destruction of body that is not the mother's life or body to take. As such, he has no interest in sending it back to states or limitations on abortion, he's only interested in guaranteeing the "right" to take the life of the unborn as birth control as some kind of virtue on par with individual liberty.

Just a guess, but I'm guessing the ol' wife is pretty hard core "women's right to abortion" and he knows where he needs to be on it if he knows what's good for him.

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Wow I really dislike it when people mind-read someone they disagree with. The woman who gets pregnant is facing the prospect of raising that child for 18+ years. Guess why there were so-called shotgun marriages. How about we bring that back. The man who contributed the sperm needs to step up if we’re going to require that child come into this world. If you’re against that, you’re dooming that baby you so self righteously saved. If you’re ready to step up and adopt a child, then I’ll listen to you. Otherwise not.

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I really dislike it when people strip women of all agency for who they decide to be impregnated by and then resort to absurdly obtuse false choice logic in order to justify their lust for killing babies in the womb.

How about we bring back making the father part of the decision related to his own unborn child and then maybe you can talk about restricting his choice to leave?

I don't need to step up and do anything to have a valid opinion on killing babies in the womb. I'm not responsible for the choices and actions of complete strangers no mater how much you wish your lizard brain logic made any sense there. I also don't need to be ready to adopt since there is a long waiting list of people trying, wanting, praying to adopt babies that outstrips supply. If you'd been anywhere near this situation in your life rather than spending your life with your head firmly implanted in your ass, you'd know this.

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Agreed. The father should be required to have the same responsibility as he also exercised agency. How about we have a lien put on all his assets for the next 18 years? Sounds fair to me. (You might not care what happens when that unwanted child is born, but I do.) If the father wants to help arrange the adoption and the new family agrees to let him off the hook, fine. But pretending this is simple is a luxury one only has when one is not pregnant. It’s pretty easy to look on and shout murderer! How about fix it instead? I say criminal penalties for men who contribute to that child’s existence without taking responsibility for it.

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You care so much about what happens "when that unwanted child is born" you want it's mother to kill it instead. What a guy/gal!

You can't tell the man he has no say in what happens to his child before its born, and clowns like you do, and then tell him that if it's born it's his responsibility. If the baby is truly "unwanted" by it's parents, that does not mean the baby is unwanted. This is the abortion as birth control cult rhetorical tactic designed to get the abortions they want instead of the baby to parents that want it. There is no shortage of waiting parents out there who either can't or don't want to have their own but are literally buried on wait lists waiting anxiously for months, sometimes years, on end for the phone to ring.

Finally, can't help but comment on your last bit of lizard brain logic, where you favor no criminal charges for killing babies in the womb while making a criminal out of a men who've been told they have no say in the matter and walk away. Once again, what a guy/gal!

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Child support already exists in all 50 states, and not paying it can result in jail time. I can't speak to other states, but in Florida (and probably many other states), a father can't just decide to give up his parental rights to his kid either. Even if he and the mother both agreed to it, a judge won't grant a termination of rights unless there is someone stepping up to adopt the kiddo in his absence. We are in the process right now, so my husband can adopt our kiddo, since he has been her daddy for most of her life.

You seem to think the conservative platform is "no abortion" AND "no responsibility for fathers", which is... not a thing. We believe in personal responsibility on the part of both the mother and the father of the child.

You also seem to think conservatives aren't willing to adopt, which is statistically incorrect. The vast majority of adoptive families lean right. There are 38 sets of adoptive parents for every newborn available to be adopted in the US. Furthermore, if the government eases the requirements (especially cost) of adoption, many more would adopt.

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That's racist.

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Temper temper.

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Lizard brain, lizard brain.

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Ever heard of "contraception" or "abstenance" ?

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There are long waiting lists for adoption of these "unwanted" babies. Many states have laws allowing the mother to drop the baby off at a hospital and walk away. The men should step up... you betcha! But only as far as the women do. Adoption is a loving answer.

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The pro-abortionists either know this and don't care or don't know this because they don't care. Either way, they have a morbid preference for killing babies in the womb over more ethical options.

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Too bad older kids aren't as cute as babies...they need love... So, lots of children ready to be adopted but they aren't cute babies.

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You are definitely right, in that it is harder to place children than babies. I see the comment by Hornit that explains it very well. If more people who were not really ready (or would never want kids at all) would put those kids up for adoption when they were babies, it certainly would be easier on everyone! (My husband was adopted at age 2; he was in foster care until then. We have never looked for his biological parents, but we are eternally grateful that they made the choice they did.)

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This is a disingenuous narrative. People going through the baby adoption process are NOT the people who bring home new puppies because they're cute and then abandon them when they become inconveniences. And they are not the people who do foster care for the money. The process of adopting a baby is grueling and often heart breaking, not to mention expensive.

The problem with adopting children that are not given up for adoption as babies is that they are primarily children that have been taken from their parent(s) by the state. They have already been born and raised for some time in complete dysfunctional, often abusive environments and now there are also all sorts of other complications that come with attempting to adopt them and be parents to them with other or another parent and family looming in the background. Yeah, they need love but now they need a whole lot more than just that.

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As a conservative, your terms are acceptable to me. I also agree we should not presume someone's motivation for supporting abortion, but the rest of his argument is still solid, even if delivered with a crappy attitude.

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So, she should have known she was pregnant by 8 weeks...why would she wait any longer? Most likely missed a period, so maybe better education...miss a period get pregnancy tested...

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The test strips cost as low as $.50/each. The "women are toddlers" crowd insist telling us all the reasons women didn't know they were pregnant, so since they are admitting there's no way to know from one's symptoms, if one is sexually active then test once/week year-round. That can cost about $24/yr and problem is solved.

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Stop it...

...being logical is not allowed

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I think they have a word that sums it up perfectly...


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Anyone who wants an abortion can get one. You know that. However, if you don't want the clot-shot, you can lose your job, lose your career, and, if you have no income, maybe lose your home. Have a little perspective.

The sticky part about abortions is that it's not just your wife's body; there's also the body of the person growing inside her. That is not a religious issue; it's a legal one. If a pregnant woman is murdered, and the baby inside her also dies, the law considers that a double murder. The constitution doesn't address abortion, so now the people can work it out through the voting process.

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And, unlike catching COVID, there are actions that can be taken to avoid pregnancy in the first place. Most of these mitigations have zero negative side effects, so there's no excuse for not using them.

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I'm game as long as I don't have to wear a condom.

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Condom or Child Support - it's your body, your choice . . .

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Oh God…you’re one of those.🤦‍♀️

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Well, up until a couple of days ago, big daddy government said that it was okay! No worries, go for it! Now you are inconvenienced even more! Not fair!

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It’s also a scientific reality - it is alive at some point in the gestational process. I personally don’t think that “life” starts at conception, but I know there’s life there well before birth. And reasonable people agree that this general framework is true - just look at the polling. Even Roe had a “viability” clause. So the middle ground is widely supported across the board. It’s the assholes on the ends of both spectrums that are drowning out a reasonable agreed upon solution. I’d go as far as saying that the ‘73 Roe ruling was part of the problem if not the worst thing that happened to the conversation that needed to occur around the topic. And it gave false hope to a few generations of women, leading them actually to believe that the constitution supported the (unexpressed but obvious) viewpoint that there was a split view on human life.

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Maybe those people supporting abortion at any age, even post birth, disgusted so many people that they made the abortion issue what it is today.

Denying a fetus is alive. Saying it is just a bunch of cells makes people sound like ghouls. Every human couple is attatched to the baby as soon as it is a bumb in the womans stomach, and people morn the loss of the fetus no matter how early it is in developement. So hearing people celebrate the destruction is just disgusting to the public.

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Did you see the very noticeably pregnant protester that wrote across her stomach, "Not yet a human!" And another female protester had her two kids with her and a sign saying, "don't force this on anyone!" I'm sure those two kids will love seeing that picture in a few years.

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Why are they so upset about ending Roe vs. Wade? It is just a bunch of words, after all!

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yup the left wing overreach was epic on abortion

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I am not an asshole just because I don’t agree with you. Life starts at conception and the baby is pretty much developed by 12 weeks. Heart beating way before that. Just look at any ultrasound, please. If you want to kill babies because it’s convenient then at least be honest about it.

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Looking at a picture is not the best way to make a judgment since the human embryo looks very similar to other mammalian embryos. This is why pig embryos are used for dissection. Since you state life starts at conception then it follows you would want to make IVF illegal. An embryo is an embryo, whether fertilization/conception happens in a dish or in the fallopian tubes. The fetus isn't "pretty much developed" by 12 weeks but the neural system is starting to develop and most Americans (and almost the entire western world) support 1st trimester abortions and IVF.

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I guess I'm one of the assholes, then, because I know that the middle-ground still fails to deal with the reality of abortion - i.e. the killing of an innocent, defenseless human being. While I recognize there may be a different political reality, the physical reality of abortion is death of a human being.

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Well stated. I believe the assholes at both ends of the spectrum are trying to destroy this country, and both ends treat women as morons unable to add 2+2. If one is sexually active then do a strip pregnancy test once/week year-round. That can cost as low as $24/year. That eliminates the "I didn't know I was pregnant" until too late argument.

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In a search of state level abortion laws I couldn’t find one that didn’t have a carve-out for saving the mothers life. There’s obviously states that don’t have exceptions for rape/incest. Interestingly I found that most states, even blue states, had a “until viable” clause which is set around 24 weeks. Only Oregon didn’t (I admit that CA may as well). So this hub-bub seems more political to me than real in broad terms.

Bottom line, the constitution was twisted to some oboe support the idea that there was a difference between born and unborn humans. A preposterous assumption. That’s why abortion can’t be “constitutional.” It’s actually as simple as that.

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I believe my state of Massachusetts allows abortion up until 9 months. Or later. It’s appalling.

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That's how it is in Maryland too. They tried to pass an Infanticide bill, where the mother had twenty-eight days to abort her baby after it was born. That bill didn't pass.

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There are 6 states including Colorado, the state I currently reside in, that allows an abortion during the entire gestational process, ie up to and until the baby's head "crowns". Colorado uses weasel words in their law to spare their ignorant voters. Such states are not concerned about the mother or the unborn.

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New Mexico Also. Dr. Curtis Boyd is the late term abortion doctor in our state. Late term abortion capital, Albuquerque, NM

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And the states that dont have, say a rape/incest clause, if the people dont like that, its on them to change it. States now have the right to fine tune the law to fit the conscience of their people, rather than having people on the coasts, who decorate the Empire State Building in pink lights to celebrate late term abortion passing in NYS tellling people in the Bible Belt what their abortion law is to be.

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The court's decision was not about abortion, but about legislating from the bench, magically discovering principles which were never enshrined in the constitution, which resulted in opening the gateway to a lot of other bad laws and interpretations of the law in entirely unrelated matters. It was about the Constitution, which protects the rights and liberties of people of both sexes against government overreach.

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Roe was a cancer, it was bad law masquerading as legitimate law and metastisizing to infect other parts of our body politic.

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That's the problem of the left. They don't know, or care, what the law actually says. They only care what some hyped talking head says it says. They're lazy.

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Everyone is lazy. That's why talking points, heuristics, and smear campaigns are so effective. It gives people the justification for making snap decisions without effort.

... and we can all be scammed and guilty of making bad decisions, especially when we are afraid and under pressure to act quickly.

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SCOTUS said the Constitution had no opinion, so it's up to the states, but the Founding Fathers didn't think it warranted even mentioning since abortion was codified into law in the early 1600s in England. Heck, it was totally legal into the late 19th century in America when the AMA decided to oppose it....

There has ALWAYS been contraception and abortion and always will. Abortion isn't easy, but neither are lots of things about the lives we live. We should be allowed to live those lives without undue interference by pontificating narcissists.

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Did you learn your history from AOC? Most of what you said is either blatantly false or lacking the useful context to actually be true.

Contraception isn't even part of this issue, so you need not include it at all. People have (mostly) always taken measures to prevent pregnancy. And abortion has been a thing for a long time. What's newer is abortion as a form of contraception, which is of course, what this is all about.

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Don't follow AOC, but I was drawing from memory. Apparently abortion was codified in England in the 13th century rather than the 16th.

"The first references to abortion in English law appeared in the 13th Century. The law followed Church teaching that abortion was acceptable until ‘quickening’, which, it was believed, was when the soul entered the fetus. The legal situation remained like this for centuries." https://abortionrights.org.uk/history-of-abortion-law-in-the-uk/

But my memory was on point re America's history.

"In U.S. history, abortion wasn't always controversial. In fact, in colonial America, it was considered a fairly common practice, a private decision made by women and aided mostly by midwives. But in the mid-1800s, a small group of physicians set out to change that."


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100% revisionist and creative history from your abortion activist sources that depends on the abject ignorance of their minions to understand any historical realities outside the context as what they know as their personal, current reality. The absence of formal law does not equal the "codification" of it in law, which is willfully conflated in such propaganda. England did not exist in any shape, manner or form in the 13th century as it does today, which is again what the propaganda depends on you thinking. There was no formal central government of England to codify such "rights" or laws. There was a semblance of a monarchy that was constantly in flux and challenged and an array of mostly independent kingdoms that were also constantly in flux and challenged by perpetual civil war. Such social rules and laws changed as the local rulers changed. And the concept of individual liberty and rights, such as rights to life, didn't exist on any meaningful scale. It was essentially a feudal system of lords (tiny elite minority) and serfs (masses) with very different standards of "justice."

Attempting to compare some imagined codified right to an abortion in 13th century England to the world we live in today is a fool's errand, which again is what the propaganda depends on. Suffice it to say, "quickening" was simply when a woman first became aware there was a life inside her in those times. They didn't know what they didn't know, of course, so rules and mores were extensions of what they knew or understood. And Saxon mores at that time were very Christian and very unfriendly to the ideas of sexual and reproductive liberties.

If there is a God and he had any sense of humor, he'd drop these clowns back in 13th century England and tell them to behave in the manner they believe (assuming they actually believe it) people and society did back then.

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Always ,always trust NPR as your only news if you want to confirm a left-wing bias. Happens every time.

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Who says I either "trust" NPR or use them as my only news source?

We are not debating POV or agendas in this small thread. We can disagree on that, but to disagree that abortion has always been practiced and largely tolerated in North America, the British Isles, and the rest of the world in previous times is akin to denying that conception is a result of sexual intercourse.

"The earliest written record of abortion is more than 4,000 years old... " https://truthout.org/articles/abortion-is-as-old-as-pregnancy-4-000-years-of-reproductive-rights-history/

"Instructions for inducing an abortion appear in the Bible. In Numbers 5:11-31"

BTW: I disagree that abortion is being used as a form of contraception. No woman would chose abortion (or Plan B) over the pill, a condom, or diaphragm.

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He knows that. He comes off as just another over the top, garden variety Prog grievance collector.

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Yup, legislating from the bench is not Supreme Court Justices job contrary to what liberal justices believe. A lot of these people who are upset about Roe v Wade decision don't seem to understand this point. Also to J.Roc, the difference of bodily autonomy in these two cases is.. that the latter involves another life.. see those murder cases when victim is pregnant? murderer gets to be charged for two murders? One for the mother, and one for the baby in her womb. So, it is not the same with the bodily autonomy of the vaccine case. People on the right is fighting for the life of unborn who does not have the voice. (my personal opinion is.. women should be given the choice of abortion up to say 12 weeks. or till the baby has heart beat. You are fully aware the chance of your pregnancy if you miss your period!).

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I remember when Roe vs. Wade was passed, they said in forty years the states will have the responsibility for abortions. This has been the plan al along.

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For those who have intellect, all the rest need not try!


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That's a nasty thing to say. I listened to it. You really think that's for intellectuals? It's just a bunch of angry lefties belly-aching about things they clearly don't understand. I think I lost some IQ points just listening to that nonsense. Now, I'm going to have to read some Thomas Sowell, some Walter Williams, and some Milton Friedman just to get my IQ points back. But, if you like that sort of thing, more power to you.

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Mdog, the definition of intellect is the faculty of objectively reasoning and understanding, especially regarding abstract or academic matters. Your learned comment is; “...lefties belly-aching about things they clearly don’t understand.” Which directly implies that you’re more intelligent than three law professors and John Stewart? I think that’s called delusions of grandeur: an inflated sense of intelligence. Although it doesn’t surprise me, libertarians don’t live in the real world.

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Buch of sophistic nonsense punctuated by the standard lizard brain leftist appeal to authority canard,

"Lefties bellyaching" is a verifiably accurate account of what that display of anti-intellectual histrionics was. Mdog may or may not be "more intelligent" than those three law professors and John Stewart. But he is one thing for certain. Correct in his assertion that they don't understand this Constitutional issue. They, apparently like you, are capable only of feeling it. This is self evidently true of anybody who imagines a right to abortion where none exists simply because they want it to.

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Hornlt, so you’re the arbiter of what is a constitutional right. In the original Roe v. Wade decision, seven of the nine judges concurred. In 1989, 1992, 2007, and 2016 the Supreme Court upheld the essence of Roe versus Wade. 330 Human Life Amendment proposals have been introduced in Congress, but only one made it to the floor of the Senate in 1983, and it failed. The above belies your assertion: “This is self evidently true of anybody who imagines a right to abortion where none exists simply because they want it to.” For almost 50 years, abortion was a constitutional right until the Republicans decided to have a theocratic Supreme Court that believes in a theocracy instead of a democracy

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I have certainly noted that extended college stays have lately resulted in a marked reduction in intelligence and reasoning skills.

These people make assertions, say its "insane" or "old white men" "dead people" "fundamentalism" ... I do like how one equivalated reverting abortion to states to "slavery" "Its a form of rape" Compare this to something like Robert Barnes who drops truth bombs. "A state believing that life begins at conception" is a "laugh test"

"pass the laugh test" its all "theocratic" "Returning this to the states is pure gaslighting" "The people can't decide" "Minority rule" "The Senate is affirmative action for rural white Christians" "We made the states supermajorities [for republicans]" I cant take any more of this i am done.

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DSkzzz, you were forewarned that you needed, Intellect: (the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters.) Your comment indicates you have difficulty with abstract thinking: (Thinking characterized by the ability to use concepts and to make and understand generalizations, such as of the properties or patterns shared by a variety of specific items or events.) Better luck next time.

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If you think that was an exhibit of intellectualism rather than hysteria, you are a verifiable lizard brain fool.

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Yes indeed, Hornlt, I can hear a superior intellect saying: “...you are a verifiable lizard brain fool.” I mean, it’s so witty, definitely scholarly.

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It's not witty nor scholarly. It's simply accurate and true.

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Holding up some random college professors and a washed up comedian as the end-all intellectuals is hilarious. I've known FAR too many professors from my time at the university to believe they have the end say with their "scholarly arguments". 🤣 What a hoot.

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It's the standard leftist "trust my experts" reasoning, which is just their preferred confirmation bias orgy, because they are absolutely incapable of independent, objective thought. We see this in the COVID and vaccines debacle too, of course, because it is the indelible mark of leftism.

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So much vocal fry and uptalk which makes listening to them difficult.

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They didn't celebrate the loss of bodily autonomy. They celebrated the return of the issue to the People, where it belongs.

They also celebrated, because it's NOT about bodily autonomy. It's about bodilies autonomy. There's a second body involved, and it's about time the People speak up for the second body.

Some People will still allow that second, innocent body to be killed - the People of NYS and California, for example. They who celebrated the "loss of bodily autonomy" understand that.

I find it hard to believe that you cannot tell the difference between government DEMANDING that you shoot up your children with experimental, untested drugs, and government LETTING the People in the 50 separate, discrete States decide what will happen inside each State.

Because remember, if the federal government mandates jabs for kids, there's no OTHER federal government you can go to and still remain in America. If a state government bans your wife from having an abortion, she can go across a state line and get it done.

I find it hard to believe you cannot distinguish the difference between the two.

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I’m always fascinated by liberals who get upset when a pregnant woman is murdered (think Scott/Lacy Peterson), and the murderer can face two murder charges, yet aspirating a viable fetus on demand is not a problem.

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Because this would be called thinking critically. Reasoning from first principles. Rational consistency.

You know, all the intellectual qualities that are anathema to leftists who seek only "their" truth rather than the truth.

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I’m glad to finally see someone else point out the absurdity of the “my truth” “his truth” “her truth” “their truth” language that has become annoyingly pervasive in today’s speech. I’ve yet to see someone point this out, outside of my own personal conversations, until now.

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"Their" truth doesn't hold water in a ocean. How did this happen? I get 10-15% of the population acting and speaking as mental cases, but almost 35%?

Someday maybe we'll wake up from this nightmare.

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“…doesn’t hold water in an ocean.” I like that. I’m going to add that to my own phraseology, if you don’t mind.

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And that day can’t come soon enough, God-willing.

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"Their truth" = lies

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Delusions from mental cases. There's no other way to sum it up. Real honest to goodness mental cases.

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And delusion via self-importance.

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My Truth is that I am Napoleon Bonaparte. Now give me command of ze French army!

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I chuckled a bit.

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B-I-N-G-O Bingo!

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viable fetus=baby

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Yeah, I’ve pretty much struck the word fetus from my vocabulary. Someone once so poignantly pointed out that in the unfortunate case that a woman has a miscarriage, one wouldn’t say “Oh, I’m so sorry you lost the fetus.” No. You’d say “I’m so sorry you lost the baby.”

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Also, I've never been invited to a "Fetus Shower"...only Baby Showers.

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Exactly. I’m going to add that to my pro-choice conversation refutation arsenal, thank you very much.

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Baby = person.

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Interesting point!

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What is worse is the hard pro-lifers who actually vote against those double murder laws. That happens A LOT. Though I guess you have to give them points for consistency

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Please cite examples of this so called "a lot."

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I would also love to see examples of this.

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Of course, it's also a cynical method of getting people fired up enough to vote. No one has my vote. Pelosi worth $141 million, Schumer $69 million (I think it's mostly in his wife's name), McConnell worth $150 million. Do they have your interests at heart or is it only their continued wealth they're worried about?

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It most certainly is. Most of these women up in arms don’t realize they’re tools for these political aims. I saw someone post on that little blue fowl truth-squelching platform that women have been brainwashed, at one turn, to allow men open access to their bodies (sexual revolution, female empowerment) and, at the other, that a growing baby can be excised from their bodies at will by insidiously linking the word abortion with rights. Of course, this propaganda was carried out over time via repetitive language and it was all wrapped up in the god-forsaken bow of feminism, you know, to give it some real demonic staying power.

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the funniest part of feminism is that in several communities it has been completely co-opted by men wearing dresses & all the women who protest this are kicked out

it's like some strange play on female compassion that they have to stand for the mentally ill man at the expense of their more logical (and less compassionate) sisters

if i had a scholarship-eligible daughter i would be upset, but if i had sons i would celebrate that their opportunities doubled!

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The irony of the backfiring is not lost on me. I, too, find it comedic. And I don’t feel bad about it. You take up the false mantle of feminism, a movement intended to undermine and dismantle the nuclear family, you get your just desserts. Good old reaping and sowing.

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yeah, it's like you're more of a woman if you work on powerpoints in an office than if you're a mother raising her kids somehow or if you have casual sex with random men with no consequences

whose ideas were these?

men's! they were obviously men's idea in the first place & the first women decided to feel bad for the mentally deranged men that brought them forward instead of standing with their more logical & less compassionate sisters, and i can't wait to see what happens in the next generation

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here's another one to tickle your irony bone. It strike you yet that all 3 of Trump's judges were approved by less than 60 Senate votes? I.e. because the Dems blew up the filibuster.

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The rich have eaten the left and men dressed as a crude caricature of women have eaten feminism. But if you disagree with them, then you are a follower of the only German Chancellor worse than Angela Merkel (can we say the 'H' word here?) Clown World!

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lol blue fowl truth squelching forum

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Bastards are so beholden to China...we have to drain Congressional leadership, as well as the Intelligence and Bureaucrat garbage..

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That Lindsay Graham is first on my list. How many needless deaths has he caused?

He's a walking pharmaceutical company without the drugs.

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He’s a walking something. He reminds me of a guy you’d see at a rest stop men’s room who puts his hand under the stall. Ewwww!

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Imagine Adam Schiff's ping-pong ball eyes appearing under the stall. Blech!

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Of course they don’t care about America! We were sold out during Woodrow Wilson’s term. Everything the government does is not legal (property taxes, income taxes, mortgages, etc.) I want to become an American National (it takes time and lots of research, court filings, etc.). We should be called The United States FOR America, not OF America…it was changed. Thirteen families run America.

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1913 is cringe worthy

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Do you refer to the Federal Reserve act, alleged ratification of the 16th amendment which provided no new power of taxation, popular "election" of Senators, or what? Yep; the diabolocrats had a heyday!

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So, you think Blackrock et al. should own all property? Read Henry George's Progress and Poverty.

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I don’t understand the ? Her stance wasn’t favorable to these players.

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Renee thinks Blackrock's holding cost should be zero. (It's already zero cost to create currency.) You will own nothing, and you will be happy!

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Whew. Nice reply!!!👍

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I go round and round with this very issue with Dems in my area. How is it not easy to understand. Its what democracy is.

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What a great, reasonable comment. There's no way you attended college after 92, no way.

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LOL, escaped in '83.

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Great response!!

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The decision belongs with the mother with guidance from her physician.

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At what child's age does that decision NOT belong with the mother with guidance from her physician? One-week-old newborn? Six-month-old baby? 20-week-old fetus? Two-year-old toddler?

At what age, and WHY at that age?

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There is no easy or happy answer, here, but since when has life been all easy and happy?

I believe the Catholic Church once regarded male masturbation as akin to murder. It has certainly felt that way about the Pill and other female contraception.

"Quickening" which is at about 20 weeks has been the traditional response. I can live with that. I can't live with women having unsafe abortions that could kill them or make them infertile or being forced to have an unwanted child that they can't properly care for and for whom they sacrifice their lives.

That said, I respect the pro-life position and wish they'd respect the pro-choice position because, again, there is no easy or happy answer.

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There sure as heck ARE "easy" and "happy" answers.

One-week-old, six-month-old, two-year-old - those are EASY answers. You don't kill children who are those ages.

You don't find those to be easy answers? If not, then that's disturbing.

"I can't live with women having unsafe abortions that could kill them or make them infertile or being forced to have an unwanted child that they can't properly care for and for whom they sacrifice their lives." is an enormous straw man, NONE of which would have to happen with the issue being returned to the States, as it has been. Abortion will *never* be banned nationally.

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I suggest a parameter is 20 weeks gestation and you equate it with a 2 year old? That's a red herring.

Having states make the decisions isn't a totally unreasonable legal process, it's just a totally unnecessary increase of polarization within our already beleaguered country.

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Your daughter can still get an abortion... she just has to put more effort into it than making a next day appointment down the street. I find it demeaning and disrespectful that people look at women and assume they all need abortions and can't figure out how to handle their own lives - as if they are too dumb to do so.

If an on demand, next day abortion is your highest priority, then, yes, you need to remain with the Democrats. I hope that is consolation in the event the next forced school closure, lockdown and vaccine mandate occurs. They showed their true colors and will do all this again to us.

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Just how many women are truly trying NOT to get pregnant as well as the men involved being responsible "in the moment"? Where is self responsibility? How many pregnancies could easily be avoided on responsibility awareness alone? Sure things happen, but just sayin. Kind of similar to the over reliance on medications for so many Americans who are so overly prescribed...it's lunacy. Where is the self accountability and personal responsibility for living well in healthy ways. Every time I shop in a supermarket I am taken aback by what people are doing with their bodies and then fall into the big Pharma bowl of "here you poor thing take this med and it will take care of it" Just sayin...there endeth the lesson.

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Spot on. People act as if the modern women getting pregnant is a case of ‘Oops. How did that happen?’ Have all the brain cells of those with this 1+?=2 thinking been uploaded to the cloud?

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Exactly, abortion is NOT birth control.

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Why don’t they get this? I find it exasperating.

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Me too. They say, "my body, my choice so why can't they choose birth control?

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Right. Especially when the methods of such are so plentiful.

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When I was growing up, being on welfare and get an abortion was abhorrent (and people fall on rough times). My how times have changed! Where’s the shame? There’s your problem!

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I hope this results in an abstinence wave and women shunning the embracing of whore-culture spread by the media and groups invested in keeping their coffers fat with the selling of the body parts of murdered babies from mothers who drank the embrace your sexuality/sexual freedom kool-aid. The more they brainwash women with this, the more they can keep the discards of their bad decisions coming. ‘Come on ladies, get with the times. You’re a modern women and we need the cast-offs of your progeny to make us unethically rich.’

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Men need to step up too as we all know it's a two way street. Sex is wonderful and a gift from God, but he gave us all a mind to use and choose how to live a life of abundance through living responsibly...

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Indeed. Men and women have to work in concert to turn the tide on this issue.

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Agree, Brogan12. There is no pregnancy without a male involved, however that involvement may occur. Women were created with the physical capacity to bring new life into the world ... but we can't exercise that capacity without assistance. Just because we were chosen as the child-bearing gender, doesn't give us the right to ignore the "participation" of either the father or the unborn child in the project. We can't get pregnant by ourselves, and once pregnant, are no longer by ourselves. Sorry, ladies. Time to GROW UP and accept responsibility for PREVENTING pregnancy if you don't want or aren't ready for it. Yes, guys should also be responsible, but if you roll the dice with some dude you just met, it's on you. It's really not at all complicated. Pick a birth control method and practice it consistently like an adult, and voila! ... no pregnancy.

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One thing is certain (it goes both ways), if you’re single, good luck finding someone that wants to screw you after you’ve been jabbed four times. Hell no!

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Believe me as one in the dating pool...the world of dating has changed HUGEly

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I did enough dating to last me two lifetimes-lol! I’d NEVER go out with a guy that was jabbed. Luckily, I have a wonderful bf (he lost his job because of not getting jabbed, I retired years early for the same). Dating was great growing up in the ‘80’s on…now? No thanks!

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Lucky YOU.! I am still in the new world of dating. As a man it's interesting what is now in profiles women post. I'm sure women could say the same of men's. It IS what it is though. I remain hopeful though there is that special woman who is on the wavelengths I need to endure :)

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I love being a Pureblood!! I feel horrible for the people that allowed themselves to be duped or were ordered to take an untested treatment.

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Let's hope "they" do not use mosquito's, water or food to make sure the pure-bloods cannot escape the EUA gene therapy meds

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I used to be a Dem. After how they've done in the past 27 months, I won't ever vote for another. even for dogcatcher..

Scamdemic, to the hilt, victimizing the young. I'll never forget it.


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I hope you are 18 yrs + 27 months old. Because if you were a Dem as an adult male prior to 27 months ago then, my goodness, being a slow learner is a tough slog through life. Unless you were on the "inside" as are our adult male politicians, bureaucrats, media, or entertainers. The number of non-government employee/non-lawyer white male taxpayers who vote democrat is vanishingly small. Adult male blacks, asians, and hispanics are showing this same tendency as they mature. Real men don't eat quiche and real men know how to vote.

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Welcome, brother! Live and let live!

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Great response!

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also abortion is not outlawed it is just turned over to the states to be voted on by state....that's called democracy.

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Oh great, with that logic, whether I am directed to get a vaccine should be left to a majority vote of fellow citizens or the government of the state I live in. The analogy is apt: medical autonomy My body my choice should lead, but not be the last word. We should all focus on health and getting rid of unwanted pregnancy so we don’t need vaccines or abortions, so choice is 100% and life is 100%. That should be where we put our efforts, not on restriction or prescription.

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No, you have the logic backwards. States are not *mandating* abortion so it’s not analogous to states mandating vaccination. The proper analogy is having states permit abortion and having states permit vaccination. But not mandating either one of them.

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No you have the logic backwards. This would be like states mandating that you COULDN'T take a vaccine just as they are mandating you cannot have access to your bodily choices via abortion bans. Desantis tried this overreach with masks, initially trying to mandate NO mask wearing, then backtracked because of the obvious backlash and contradiction. Choice is where you don't have the vaccine mandated FOR or AGAINST, or abortion FOR or AGAINST. Get it now?

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Your logic is clear. The only variable is the unique unborn child. Roe vs Wade was ultimately struck down because of the Left's complete unwillingness to allow the unborn child any protection, at all.

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True that. There must be moral and legal weight accorded a being entering this world. Historically, even among Catholics before the Industrial revolution, this line was midterm, around 18 weeks or so, defined by the quickening. That’s reasonable, but then we must make not only the fetus viable but the raising of the child, with affordable child care, raised salaries for moms and dads, and universal, accessible medical care. That will get serious pushback from corporate interests which control both parties.

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I pray that in the very least, women won’t pretend they want the baby until 6 months and then have a late term abortion...actually I’m not necessarily against the Abortion Pill as it is only used earlier in pregnancy, but personal awareness and responsibility need to be taught and WITNESSED.

Very few women don’t know they are pregnant at 8 weeks and instead they wait months and months because they are taught this weird progressive “total life system” where the government guarantees “equity”..

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Shoot, I forgot to add that the “day after” pill would cover rape and incest...they wait months to decide they don’t want the rapist or daddy’s child...

They go on and on about these two, but they should never require late term abortions, unless it’s a child and being held captive by the family...

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One might hope that a woman who is raped would have the presence of mind to get a morning after pill, well, the morning after. Hopefully. Some will be too traumatized to think about that, especially if they're very young.

Incest is a completely different matter, in that it usually involves young girls and is not a one-time thing. Dad starts raping daughter when she's 11 years old. At 14, she finally winds up pregnant. I don't see how a morning after pill would figure into it. She'd need to keep taking the thing on a regular basis, and if it's on a regular basis, she might as well just take the regular pill. "Doctor, could you please prescribe the pill to me because daddy likes to fool around with me?" Err, right.

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Hopefully people like school counselors will give up the pronoun debate and start caring for children…

I imagine many incest victims do get found out early…

…obviously at significantly young ages, that may be the case, but then whose doing abortions on 10yo without notifying police

Anyways I imagine they will always allow for incest…

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Guttmacher Institute, which is pro-choice, informs us that more than 92% of abortions are elective. Fewer than 1% involve fetal abnormalities. So that argument really doesn’t get you very far.

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This should be the constant retort for those raging about the extremes. There’s also the disturbing revelation that the abortion industry keeps the traffickers in business. I learned that disturbing aspect fairly recently. Haven’t been the same since.

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Love how you pinned this divisive garbage, Alex, to drown out the top comment. The FDA and CDC trying to inject their lethal vaccine into babies and toddlers is maybe a little more important than this red vs blue mind control political toxic waste, eh?

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i think alex himself is conflicted

"i've been a good person for supporting abortion & the ukraine this whole time & i couldn't possibly be wrong, right? RIGHT?"

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Looks like Alex found a new bestie in JRoc.

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It’s all the same spirit for their genocide

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"forcing my daughter to carry a malformed baby to term when she is likely to die if she does so" LOL, like that ever happens....

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I suggest you get your facts straight. If a baby is malformed, or the life of the mother is at risk, an abortion is suggested. I speak from experience.

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A friend's baby was "malformed." She did not abort her daughter rather she held her lovingly in her arms before she (the baby) passed.

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That is beautiful. What a loving soul(s).

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I agree with Dennis. It is back to the States. And whatever happened to birth control?

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And personal responsibility (for both woman AND men.)

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Crucial point. I wonder if the words ‘responsibility’ and ‘accountability’ have been erased from the lexicon and I didn’t get the notice.

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Dear J.Roc, I have faith that reflection will resolve what you currently regard as a dilemma.

The most important priority is to make sure that the government can't force you or your child to be injected with a drug that has caused injuries and death.

The next priority is to be involved in the democratic process. I have no idea what state you are in, but are you reacting to your present situation or the concept that citizens of individual states have had their rights to determine the laws of their states returned to them?

If there is one thing that is a fact, abortions are still accessible in the United States of America. Let's make sure that protection from authoritarian mandates remain as well.

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Well said. And if everyone here is actually against an all out ban on abortion and realizes the slippery slope risk (some states now trying to outlaw contraception) then I stand corrected.

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Which state is trying to outlaw contraception? I've read people touting that line a few times. I've seen no articles that list any state that is actually attempting to do that; nor do I believe that any state would do so succesfully. Which state government has enough political support to pull that off? I find that dubious at best.

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In fact, I think Republicans have been pushing for OTC oral contraceptives for quite some time now and Democrats are also now starting to support the idea.

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Ridiculous! Are you still watching CNN, MSNBC, other liberal lying, fake news?

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Well said!!

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The abortion issue is a little bit more complicated than "my body my choice." The whole point is that it is not just your body when you're pregnant, there's another body involved too.

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well if it helps, in red states the baby gets autonomy

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Actually, in one case the government is forcing you to put something into your body. In the other case, that choice was freely made by the woman. Just black and white.

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This comment, coming from someone who appears to be thoughtful, is so misinformed as to be shocking.

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Infanticide is not “bodily autonomy” it’s purposely taking a human life. The way people that live abortion so much, as you do have reacted to this decision has been telling. You want unfettered abortion up to 9 months. Many states that want to put limits on abortion, after roe will only ban abortion after 12-15 weeks. The far left run he’ll holes will allow abortion unrestricted. At least understand the issue before wandering lost into the wilderness over your politics. You are misinformed, and if you think abortion is about health care or bodily autonomy up to 9 months pregnant, you are also sick in the head.

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Attacking people never wins a debate.

When you have reason on your side, deliver it with respect or it comes across as something to avoid. Winning the point isn't the point, we want to win them over.

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not sure of the attack in my comment. Just the way I feel as a person who is 100% pro life. To me, people who want abortion with no limits are sick individuals. Killing a baby for convenience in the last trimester is barbaric and inhumane.

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I agree that it is monstrous. But calling someone a monster is less persuasive that presenting the monstrous aspects of the reality of late-term abortion. "Sick in the head" will not persuade. We're on the same side.

It is scientifically indisputable that a human zygote is an individual human, growing and developing as we all do for the extent of our lives. Politically, we as a people have to come up with a societal compromise that neither side will embrace 100%. But we have to have a functioning society.

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I agree with you on most of your statements. The abortion hot trigger point is seen by the dems as a way to stimulate votes for them. Like you, I cannot vote for either party. They don't care about ethics or the health of the country or the individual. They care about increasing their wealth. Pelosi is worth $141 million, Schumer (on paper) $69 million, McConnell $150 million. How on earth did they get so rich on their salaries (sarcasm)? Do you suppose insider trading of stocks of companies they are supposed to regulate could have anything to do with it?

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Look at how Florida and CA both handled the pandemic and then tell me there is no difference between the parties. Ridiculous

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You have a point. But the Congress and Senate are filled with mostly corporate shills on both sides.

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Leadership in both parties is rotten to the core.

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"Appropriation" = GRAFT

We pour money down foreign ratholes and it flows back to DC Bank Accounts.

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How are public servants even allowed to remain in office with the accumulation of this sort wealth? It’s absurd. Acting in their own interests is a given. Add to the question of ‘public servant, how does your illegal/unethical garden grow?’ the intel that many (possibly) all of them own/have interests in Chinese shell companies. Go figure.

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The FDA and CDC should be immediately dissolved, and everyone involved put in handcuffs. Here is how evil this covid agenda really is:

The FDA recently approved the pfizer injection for 0-4 year olds knowing full well how extremely deadly the poison is. During the public comment section of the approval panel debate, Sam Dodson called in and ripped the panelists a new asshole--citing a number of sinister health risks:


The trials the FDA based the 0-4 approval on were a ludicrously fraudulent atrocity. In the end only 3 children were used to determine the injection's safety and efficacy:


Once approved, CDC director Walensky put out a video smirking, smiling, and overtly jubilant that the injection had been approved for babies and toddlers. Here she is gleaming into the camera and encouraging parents to get the poison into their children knowing full well it will kill and maim them in enormous numbers:


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How many of these mothers were vaxxed while pregnant?

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Since everyone else is getting it that was vaxxed! One vaxxed friend called me and said, “I hope you’re not mad, I have covid!” I asked why she thought I (unvaxxed) would be mad, and added, if anyone’s mad, it should be YOU!

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I have often wondered where the anger is from the vaccine faithful. "They" promised it would "end covid" and stop transmission (they said it would!) and it didn't. Why isn't anyone mad they didn't keep their promise? Fauci et al also said to wear cloth masks for a year and a half (two of them, even!) and then CNN says 'Cloth masks are mere facial decoration." and now cloth masks are out. The fact is, there were numerous studies available online in the NIH library that concluded cloth is ineffective against respiratory viruses. These studies are dated pre-covid! So they keep making fools of people...."Oh, I wore a mask for a year that was ineffective, probably caught covid through it....no biggie....OK what are they telling me to do next?".....the brainwashing/denial thing is massive!!

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Pretty convenient how they left that part out, the most important part.

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I glad you mentioned that. I was almost not going to link to dm since their ads without a blocker are downright obnoxious, but the fact that they failed to mention in the article if the moms were jabbed during pregnancy should scream out to everyone.

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i tend to think that if they don't mention it, it's because it would reflect unfavorably on the vaccines. for example, there was an article about a NYC art gallery owner, mid 30's, who got covid and died. no where in the article did it mention her vaccine status, although i fail to see how she could have navigated the hip NYC art world without being fully vaccinated (this was a while back before mandates started dropping).

my guess is that if she had died unvaccinated, it would have been in the headline and in every paragraph of the article with some gloating, shaming and blaming

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Bingo! And, remember, Australia kept Covid largely out of the country, until later in the Delta wave, after they had rolled out the jabs across much of the country. The vaxx came first, then Covid - and now this is the result. Original antigenic sin.

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Probably almost all of them, since they’re in Auschtralia.

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Ah, that explains why Moderna is working on a new flu/covid/RSV mRNA shot!

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Babies born of vaccinated moms who did not bring them along while running errands as the expert advice was for only one family member to do the shopping. Nor take them to the park as they were all closed down. Nor set up play dates with other moms because authorities limited gatherings.

Gee, you wonder why 'covid babies' have zero immunity. 'Experts' can claim hindsight, but I had two covid babies and did everything in my power to live a normal life as I knew the danger of keeping your newborn in a bubble... because common sense. People around here have already forgotten all the crazy draconian measures that were(are) put in place by our Supreme Leader Trudeau and the other levels of government. But I won't, the disgusted looks from other shoppers because we were out with a newborn, the Karens calling the city on kids playing outside, or not parking in driveways because gathering with family members was verboten.

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Good on you. You looked after your children's future needs. I have heard that Canada was under the jack-boot of Trudeau. Australia and New Zealand had their versions of "a fresh hell", too. I live in Chicago. Our little neighborhood had children playing outside. Not everyone was covid-crazy. But our psycho mayor was threatening to have people arrested for daring to walk outside at the lakefront. Just a tyrannical flexing of muscle. Hopefully we will kick her to the curb in the next election.

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Thanks for posting that. Sweet Lord, what are they doing to children. I talked to a nurse yesterday who said she has a friend who had her 3-year-old jabbed. The nurse said she would never jab her children. I talked with her about those who are getting jabbed are immune-compromised. My children are vaccinated. I worry about them constantly. Our daughter got covid. Fortunately it was a mild case: tired and a headache and congestion. I pray they stay healthy. We aren't jabbed (won't use vaccine because real vaccines prevent illness). Haven't got sick but keeping on vitamin D and B and C.

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Sweet Jesus!! And that's a fervent prayer!

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Yeah but they sure stopped that virus.

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How do we dissolve these agencies?

Everyone on left is scared of DeSantis. He’s the front runner for 2024 and he will get more votes than Trump. Of course, senile Joe will win it after all the mail in votes are counted weeks later. But, don’t worry America. Joe will single handedly destroy what’s left of our country. Socialism, communism or fascism. Take your pick.

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The CDC is not a government agency, it’s a vaccine company. Dissolving it could be done with a stroke of a pen.

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let's start with the EPA & keep it rolling

"The Supreme Court’s upcoming decision in a climate-related case will likely threaten the very concept of a federal government."

"It would also hamper federal health agencies trying to institute measures that keep us safe. (The April federal ruling in Florida overturning the federal mask mandate on public transit was just a peek into how things could play out in a future in which government regulations are neutered.)"


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That's fantastic. Potentially more far reaching than Dobbs (which overturned Roe v Wade).

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Yes, this is the one I am waiting on. A hat trick would be spectacular.

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Let’s hope. Congress writes the laws, and Congress is accountable to the People. If its laws are vague such that further interpretation is required, then Congress needs to do a better job. The current system is rotten and lacks accountability because the agencies, with their own administrative courts and judges, which is an abomination in itself, are allowed to interpret such rules themselves. This is and has been a recipe for disaster and, God willing, it will end tomorrow.

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Update: WE WIN!!!

Chalk up another victory for the Orange Man.

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That sounds like deep state disinfo to me. The left is NOT scared of DeSantis. They're scared to death of Trump. DeSantis isn't front runner for anything except governor of FL.

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Umm. You haven’t been paying attention to Republican polls or general polls which have Desantis beating Biden, and Trump losing to him. I would never consider voting for the amoral grifters Biden or Trump. But I would consider Desantis as an old school progressive. Fifteen dollar minimum wage passed in his state, felons can now vote passed in his state, marijauna legalization not opposed by Desantis ( I disagree with Barenson on this being a bad thing), no sex and gender education in kindergarten through third grade, no vaccine or mask mandates. All these appeal to me and have policy and not simply words behind them. Desantis is far more formidable and the neo-liberal media knows it.

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he also talks easily mainly because he isn't lying. when psaki and her terrible replacement speak, they have lots of pauses and "hmmmms" because they're trying to buy time while they consider the BS coming out of their mouths. Desantis just talks without pause because he believes what he is saying

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Sadly, that may indeed be the ultimate goal, USA has had World Domination/Governance for years, now...Joe just handed Central Asia enough weaponry for free, the goal is a New World Order, not a moral World order...something new...Demented...

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If this were a movie I wouldn't believe it plausible that government officials could be so transparently corrupt and get away with it. Hiding in plain sight?! They're not even pretending to hide. They're celebrating. Hard to believe this has become real life.

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Welcome to Biden* Bizarro world. Up is down, left is right, Joe is competent, Nancy is Catholic, Kamala is intelligent, Fraudci is science, The FDA ensures safety, C-19 vaccines work, 4 shots are better than 2, natural immunity isn't as good as the vax....etc.

Bizarro world--credit to Seinfeld

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I lived and worked in two Middle Eastern countries. Bribery with police, government officials, anyone in government was a fact of life and it was an open practice. I guess I didn't realize until the last few years that bribery is just as pervasive here. And yes, in plain sight and they don't give a hoot if you know it. They have the power. We don't.

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They must keep the scam going. If they kill or injure enough kids and people wake up, that is when the civil war begins in earnest. The pro vaccine crowd will never admit what they did. They have plenty of data over the past couple years proving the danger of vaccines. They just do not care. $$$$

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I dare you to listen to yesterday‘s FDA meeting and say these words without a sneer: “expertise, Ivy League brilliance, the smartest folks in the room” … https://youtu.be/tsmgN73oy4Y (scroll to any 2 minutes and listen to these bozos - if you happen to catch somebody intelligent speaking (1 or 2), notice how they totally ignore! No clues. Beyond shocking that these ’experts’ have affected the health of BILLIONS of humans!).

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I would love nothing more than to wipe that smug smile off of Wallensky's face. I'm thinking with a flame thrower, but that might be a bit too much.

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I concur.

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Hopefully ALL federal agencies get their wings clipped tomorrow in WVa v. EPA.

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Wouldn’t that be nice.

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I agree that the FDA and CDC are likely not salvageable. But then what? Maybe these functions just get returned to the states, and each state approves and monitors drugs and vaccines, as well as the emergency of deadly diseases, itself. Some states, if left to their own devices, would be every bit as corrupt as the feds. But some likely would do a much better job for themselves than the feds are doing for them. Centralized power just seems to corrupt, no matter whose hands it is in.

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Haven’t you read the news out of Australia...it’s all the Doctors faults for “Vaccine” injuries and deaths...

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What?! First they punish doctors (that tried to provide alternatives to the vaccines, or early treatments, or provide proof that someone shouldn’t take a vaccine) and steal their records gestapo style. Now they are blaming the doctors for the vaccines that they forced?!

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No I haven't. Why are they blaming doctors, pray tell?

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I think it’s to avoid “Crimes against humanity” charges…

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This makes me so angry!

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It’s CRAZY EYES!!!!😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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As an investor over many decades, I learned that trusting the "financial experts" was a very good way to lose your money. Now I am learning that trusting the "government experts" is a very good way to lose your individual rights. Good piece, Alex.

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As I live in FL, I am very thankful for Gov. DeSantis and his commonsense approach to everything. He does not suffer fools gladly.

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Sorry to the nonbelievers out there, but this is what happens when you get rid of God. Millions of tiny gods creating their own realities at the expense of actual, created, big R Reality. The end result being we end up living in our glorious leaders' Wishful Thinking Land. What could possibly go wrong?

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That’s exactly right. I am not a Christian, but I have found that the work of Carl Jung explains the mass psychosis we are seeing better than anything else. The religious libido, innate in all of humankind, is being channeled towards worldly pursuits, with predictably disastrous consequences. We are Icarus, inflating towards the sun. Either we develop some humility and come back to earth or we burn our wings and plummet towards certain demise. Only a transcendent function can save us. There could be a great religious awakening, but I wouldn’t count on it. What we need are the beings flying around in UFOs to reveal to us all how small and feeble and ignorant we truly are to deflate our hubristic egos, exemplified by megalomaniacs like Fauci.

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I largely agree with your analysis, but the Deus ex machina of a more advanced species showing us the error of our ways will be prevented by higher spiritual powers that know we must do this ourselves to truly mature and earn our own wings. It's up to us.

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You're probably right. And there has been some movement in the right direction. But I just don't see spontaneous awakening reaching a critical mass. Hopefully I'm wrong!

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An important point though I may not resonate with the phrasing. We need to recover a larger spirit and a larger grace and a larger knowledge based in verifiable realities and the beauty of perennial binding higher truths. We have lost that amid “preference” which says that what ever you think and feel or are programmed to feel is truth.

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You can’t handle Realities...

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“The greatest medical breakthrough since fentanyl…” lol. That’s good

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And completely on point.

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Such a good line.

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Re flights for the uninjected in Canada -- we may be allowed to fly on planes now -- all masked up of course -- but when we return from a foreign trip we're required to quarantine for FOURTEEN DAYS. People who had the injections, whether voluntarily or by coercion, do not have to quarantine. No uninjected person I know is planning to fly anywhere until that illogical and unfair requirement is lifted. It's clear that the government is punishing us for not submitting to their vax mandates.

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... boggles the mind.

The vaxxed are the petri dishes and the super spreaders

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I'm as sorry our Maple Leaf neighbors are stuck with Turdeau as I'm am that we are saddled with the demented pedal file.

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I’m hearing that crossing by land you can kind of get away with not complying with all this (I mean you might be fined but they’ll let you through). I think the trick is not to use the ArriveCan app so you’re less trace-able. But I imagine that’s not as possible when flying?

I’m planning on not complying when I cross by land this summer. The more we don’t comply, the more cracks we’ll force into this BS system. Or something like that.

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Mass united non-compliance

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I moved to FL from IL and couldn't be happier or feel safer. The lefties just can't stand the fact that DiSantis was correct in EVERYTHING! I feel for my nieces and nephews who can't leave IL because of their jobs. Additionally the airlines, and Delta for sure , won't hire anyone who hasn't gotten the jab....wonder why there is an employee shortage in the airline industry? That's your answer. I still find it incredible that the airline industry, which is essential, was decimated by the total lack of common sense and totalitarian edicts that came from Faucci's mouth....

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Friend of mine who's a pilot with American told me that every single pilot he knows who was eligible to retire in the last year did. Including himself. They are really up against it.

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There has never been a wider chasm between reality and perception. The "experts" simply don't realize that they are blithering idiots. Having gotten high on 6 decades of phony money printing largess, the "leaders" in government, military, public health, big media and big business have devolved into nothing more than goulish parasites who create little of value and could not survive for a week if left to their own wits. Note to the idiocracy: we don't want you running our lives or subverting & polluting all of the various parts of our lives that are none of your business. We wish to be free of your madness and will not back down an inch until we've burned your rotten empire of lies to the ground. These clowns fear Desantis because he is consistent on the one thing most decent people care about: their desire to be free from intrusive degenerates.

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Remember, a bureaucrat's prime imperative is to protect, preserve and increase the bureaucracy.

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Very good…..impressed.

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Brownstone has a good piece on the proper role of experts today.

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Don’t believe the hype. If someone has to convince you, they are probably lying, self serving, or both.

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And meanwhile in Vaccanada the MSM today has run stories on reimposing masks and in Quebec the problem of people having the power to make their own health choices. If the vaxxines worked, then why haven’t they worked? If masks worked, then why haven’t they worked? If lockdowns worked, then why haven’t they worked? We are no longer in the domain of science, we are in the domain of hubris.

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Remember, Turdeau is a Klaus Schwab acolyte. Hes just doing as he's told along with Jacinda Arden. They are following the WEF playbook.

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They're such mindless tools of the WEF.

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I would have more appropriate names for such drivel!

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Too bad nobody is able to read or understand Greek tragedy these days.

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This is correct. Whatever “they” are telling us - i now do the opposite.

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Like George Costanza!

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Covid poked sleeping conservative bear. My town leans red but school boards & council members lean liberal. Parents fought school boards, got rid of masks & challenged incumbents in last school board election. All incumbents lost & city council races are headed same direction. Scenario copy/paste-able around US.

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Same in my neck of the woods. Sea change on the local all the way to the top. It will be a quiet revolution.

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100%. I'm with you. I have zero interest in letting up on Covid and the vaccines. Leaders and so-called experts need to be called to account. Looking forward to upcoming elections when Team Reality, aka Team Humanity, shows these facistic tyrants the door.

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Except the GOP is full of big pharma cock suckers

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Yes, 2 pharma lobbyists for every member of Congress. It is a big, big problem. I would like a constitutional amendment for medical freedom.

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And the Democrat party and the FDA and the CDC and NIH. Everybody in the swamp is guilty.

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Thank you for this thought provoking piece! "Reality is the problem for the left. Reality wants a course correction, and in four months voters are set to deliver that message to the Democratic Party with a foghorn blast."

The dems will try everything in their power to get rid of "reality" and make you forget...so...

I hope voters REMEMBER what happened to the unvaccinated around the world.

I hope they REMEMBER how many friends and family suffered injury from covid shots.

I hope they REMEMBER that the shots neither protect you from catching covid nor spreading it so the tyranny was useless.

I hope they REMEMBER that if you didn't take the poison in many blue areas (in the United States) you couldn't go into stores, movie theaters, and couldn't keep your job or stay in college.

I hope they REMEMBER that Fauci has been wrong at everything.

I hope they REMEMBER that kids were being yelled at and discriminated against because a mask was slightly below their nose.

I hope they REMEMBER that fully masked kids at track meets were collapsing.

I hope they REMEMBER all the young adult athletes that are having heart attacks and dying in their sleep (SADS) right now.

I hope they REMEMBER the tyranny, coercion, bullying, bribing, and force used to control you and coerce you to take a shot of poison (even if you've already had covid).

I, for one, will never ever forget--EVER and for the rest of my life I suspect I will vote accordingly.

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I hope they remember the junkie kids strung out all across blue America. Mothers of these kids, in a last-ditch effort to save their lives, have formed a group to lobby city prosecutors to throw their children in jail and stop giving them money and needles. How can dems be so blind to the hellscape they have created!

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You will never forget Kett but neither will they. They will remember that all those things were done and their consequences of those actions were for the "greater good". Your decisions were just selfish. You can't reason with delusion Kett.

Lord knows I've tried....

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Agreed--then I have one more comment: I hope we all REMEMBER that we are the United States of America. Land of the free, home of the brave and that we are a democratic republic not an oligarchy or socialist/communist land and that doing things for the "greater good" only makes sense if the solution actually works.

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Team Reality accepts and plays by the rules of reality. Team Insanity has no such constraints, they can do, say, contradict, shape shift, lie, pretend, change, prevaricate, and fabricate at will. They have home field advantage in their Land Of Make Believe, where "the economy is stronger than ever", Zelensky is a paragon of freedom and democracy, our unstable energy situation is because we have not yet subsidized *enough* unstable energy sources, and of course masks work great, the vax works great, lockdowns were smart, men have vaginas, and CRT is not hyper-racism. THEY run roughshod as their policies destroy the country one by one, and WE are the ones sitting there talking about following all of the rules.

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LOL, "elections". Read this Emerald Robinson piece about the primary "election" they just had in Colorado. Team Blue know they *cannot* win without rampant cheating and fraud, because if anyone actually took a look at their "policies" they would bust a gut laughing. Energy Lady stands up and lectures oil companies about "doing the right thing" on production, then *in the very same sentence* tells them all "and oh by the way we will make sure you are all out of business within 10 years". With a straight face these people stand up and insist that men are actually women. The "press corps" nods and agrees...but actual people are not quite as gullible. So Team Blue will pull out *all of the cheating stops*...and watch the crowd that gathers at the Capitol after that https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/something-stinks-in-colorado?utm_source=email

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The legacy media has a primal hatred for De Santis because he challenges their role as the cheerleaders for the woke left, which DeSantis fearlessly battles on all fronts without Trump's tweets

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The left are terrified of desantis even more than trump for one reason. Trump is a battering ram, you can hear and see him coming a mile away. Desantis is a silent battering ram, you won't know he is there until he is right next to you. Silent and deadly. I would take either one for president.

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Nice description. I agree, I would vote for either for President.

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Thank you!

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These shots are fucking evil. How do you explain a pregnant woman, who in order to keep working just HAD to be vaccinated, going through a full term and delivering a stillborn baby. When I found out about it last night, I was positively sick over it.

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Your body their choice.

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I have a friend who got really really REALLY sick January 2020 while pregnant. I’m sure it was covid. Anyway, she delivered a full term still born as well--6 months later. I’m no fan of these shots and I refused to get one (while pregnant, coincidentally) and still refuse to get one! But sometimes I wonder if her intense covid sickness damaged her baby permanently, something about the spike protein I’m guessing.

Either way, birthing a dead baby is truly horrible.

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It's so horrible. I'm with you, the spike proteins must have a lot to do with it.

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OMG, That really happened?! Where?

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I don't want to give too many details or my daughter will kill me. Just think of blue cities that insisted upon vaccinations in order to continue working.

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Thank you, Gabriella………that’s all I needed to know…….I’m sick.

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RE: "A moral panic about gender identity"

This is no mere "moral panic" by "anachronistic conservatives." Teaching kids in school that their sex was assigned, that they may have been born into the wrong body, that they choose their gender identities and pronouns and their own parents dare not question them, etc. This literal brainwashing of children leads to confusion and in many cases, hormones and surgeries. And it is becoming more and more common with each passing year. It is this issue that opened my eyes to the anti-science compelled speech insanity that has taken over my former party and I will gladly vote for DeSantis and donate to his campaign should he choose to run in 2024. His standing up to corporate transactivism sealed the deal for me.

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Agree. School age kids do not have the mental capacity to make serious life altering decisions like switching genders (as if that is realistically possible). One can see where this is ultimately going - brain wash and sexualize children from a young age in order to normalize pedophilia and pederasty. The implied but missing “P” will eventually be “proudly” added to the sex-identity alphabet. Sick.

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This insanity came to light when Barry Soetero assumed control of the WH. I remember reading about possible legislation introducing rights for pedos and now we're there. As Agfairfield referenced, its often the so-called elites who try to dissolve the moral fabric of our society. Makes me think there may be some kernel of truth to the QAnon conspiracy.

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Unbelievably it was almost a decade ago, in a Mar 18 2013 New Yorker piece I first learned of a trend among 'coastal elite' parents to transition not only teens but children as young as pre-schoolers. The tone of the article was as disturbing as the content. R.I.P. my days as a New Yorker reader. Alas I do miss those wonderfully sardonic cartoons by Roz Chast.

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Yes, I learned of this issue around that time as well and have seen an explosion of exponential growth ever since. One of the positives to come out of the past two years is greater awareness of the issue, from parents learning about the activist curriculum pushed taught in classrooms under the guise of diversity and inclusion, to people finally waking up to the fact that a child who changes pronouns is not just cutting their hair, but may soon be having body parts cut off as well, not to mention hormones that wreak havoc on their developing bodies.

Re: the New Yorker - Yes, I used to love reading traditional media, but can hardly stand it anymore. Just makes my blood boil. Substack is about all I can handle these days.

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Those zoom classes lead to an odd silver lining, one might say.

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The hit piece by the New Yorker demonstrates how much the Left fears DeSantis. I’d vote for him if I was a US citizen and I would have voted for Bernie Sanders last time! Just one thing: a US researcher - I think he’s some kind of behavioural psychologist but can’t remember his name - said that people think that voters vote their interests - but they don’t, they vote their values. While I think that is not always true for everyone in all circumstances, I think it is often true and especially so this time around. That’s why many people who were locked up and had every aspect of their lives controlled by the government for 2 years years now value personal freedom and the right to live their lives and raise their children the way they want to above everything else, so they are switching their party allegiance to the party and the individuals who represent those values.

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Just cross our southern border and you shouldn’t have any difficulty finding a way to vote in the next election.

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Well said and I did vote for Bernie twice as write in against Hillary and Trump and in California primary. Desantis is more progressive and democratic than Biden in policy. Why wouldn’t I?

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"Voting your values" sounds like something psychologist Jonathan Haidt might say, among other possible candidates.

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Fauci's Paxlovid rebound after 4 shots is giving me serious schadenfreude.

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The best word of the day award goes to you: "schadenfreude" is a perfect description of what so many are feeling toward the tyrant!

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There's no English word that comes close!

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(I would have written your initial comment but I was too lazy to look up how to spell schadenfreude.)

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The American "elites" are neither intellectual nor practical.

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Do you really think ‘they’ are going to allow the election to happen? If so, dream on.

Yesterday the CDC formed a new Monkeypox emergency response team. Look for riots in August, Covid surge in September, food shortages, Monkeypox overlaid on top of everything, leading to lockdowns, masks, all mail in voting or a cancelled election. Those in power are not going to give it up. It will take more than a vote to make that happen.

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None of that will happen because Dems can’t seem to make anything happen.

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yeah, they made the ruble into top currency this year

they should probably just start trying out the opposite of their plans

send kamala harris to convince everyone that being pro-life is cool & that it's her job to make sure the elections are not cancelled for any reason & they might start making back some gains

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Republicans: Grant me the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other.


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It’s also worth pointing out that even as the left holds themselves up as defenders of democracy, they continue to ignore the actual rules of the Republic. Constitutionally, abortion is a state issue. (It’s right there in the 10th Amendment!) The more contentious an issue, the closer to home it should be decided. You have much more power over your state politicians than your national politicians, and if worse comes to worst, you can move to another state with a political leaning more to your liking.

In other words, moving this decision down to the states is an unadulterated win for democracy. They should be happy, right? Of course not. When democracy doesn’t go your way, it’s time to burn it all down. Over the weekend, way too many ‘important’ people were discussing where exactly on the plantation Clarence Thomas should work. (And you can be sure that if the Supreme Court enacted a national abortion ban, blue states would be abortion ‘sanctuary states’)

These rulings have (once again) revealed the hypocrisy of the left. They have the exact same political principles as tantrum-throwing toddlers. But shouting “I want this and will scream until I get my way” is no way to go through life. Even worse is vandalizing and burning pregnancy centers while doing it.

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The entire Democratic platform is basically, "spank me harder, daddy". No thank you.

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They operate like radical Islam. Submit or shut up and die

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As an independent, the entire Democratic platform strikes me as “Reality-phobic.”

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Independent here.. Just tried to have some rational exchanges on a liberal substack. Just to see if an independent, centrist perspective was welcome. I was called a Russian, troll, masquerading as a female. Unreal. No chance of rational dialog there. I tried.

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They didn’t call you a racist, too?

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Not yet! 😉

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I did the same on Bill McKibben’s substack. It was more respectful but “agree to disagree” was as far as they would go. No criticism of Biden’s failures nor their own. They are living in a psychologically encased bible which will be radically popped in November.

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I think you meant "bubble" not bible, but that's perhaps an appropriate typo!

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Yes, in both cases!

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This is genocide. I have no other way to describe these known deadly effects of these vaccines.

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The Empire has been insolvent since 2008-- QUICK look over there a ....!!!

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That’s exactly it. 1. It isn’t happening (even though you see it with your own eyes); and 2. If it’s happening, conservatives are to blame for it.

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Great piece Alex. More of this please.

"the government, guided by experts” hasn’t had a great couple of years."

I had to laugh at this. You mean have not had a great half century.

With their Ivy League Brilliance they have got us involved in unnecessary wars, racked up massive debt, destroyed the immigration system, made a mess out of the school system, destroyed working-class opportunity while importing other country's poverty. They caused the Great Recession... and the root causes of that mess still exist today.

The are not just Democrats, although they are mostly Democrats, they are the American political establishment. Aka The Swamp.

I really do hope that people are waking up to this reality. I worry that it is too late.... that too much power has been conceded to these incompetent boobs..

They are armed to the teeth with woke rhetorical weapons... and their primary warrior is the campus-trained female with a built-in passive aggressive victim shield. How do you fight it in the corporation when the entire HR department and much of the C-suite are either them, or weak idiots that think virtue signaling compliance with the cult is a better path toward their personal wealth accumulation?

It isn't all women of course, but the stats are clear... the enemy of the Great Experiment where individual rights and freedoms supersede those of the collective, is the cohort of educated females surrounded by weak ass men. Fauci is one of them. Biden is one of them. Mich McConnell is one of them.

From my perspective I think we are going to need a convention of the states and do some work on the Constitution and the first thing we will need to add is term limits for national politicians in the legislature.

We also need to get the damn outside money out of politics.

Lastly, we need to strengthen laws on libel, slander, anti-trust and monopoly... break up the consolidated ownership of industries... reinvigorate the small business economy and give back political control to the local level.

We need to just start deleting who departments of the federal government. Slash the federal register. Eliminate the regulatory bloat that gives these charlatans the over-sized power they don't deserve.

School choice needs to be encouraged with federal money.

Section 230 needs to be stripped from the tech companies.

Biden and Garland need to be impeached. Garland possibly prosecuted for crimes. Harris needs to be put in an asylum with Pelosi. We need to complete a complete RINO cleaning of the Senate.

But I don't think any of this will happen because as much as the pandemic did open up the eyes of voters, too many of them seem resigned to media-programmed fear and outrage... willing to give up all of their freedoms if only someone in charge will help them feel better.

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The New Yorker tries to figure this out, 2 years after it became obvious to anyone paying attention.

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The problem seems to be due to the concept of the modern phenomenon of the expert class. Previously you could have experts in many fields and disagreements could occur across the boundaries of those fields. Now that there is an expert class, for one expert to disparage or disagree with another expert within that class is verboten. To do so would then make the whole modern concept of expert be cast into doubt and the facade of superiority crumbles. An expert can't be seen to be only human!

In the modern world of experts there can only be consensus. Evidence to the contrary be damned.

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Bingo! I've always hated that term. And once you have been accredited and licensed, your dissent should be taken seriously. It wasn't like the number of accredited and licensed physicians questioning covid and vaxes was a trivial number. Now I can't take the accreditation or licensing boards seriously.

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"No man's life, liberty or property are safe as long as the legislature is in session" -- M. Twain

One of my favorite quotes. But Alex, as Americans, historically speaking --we always seemed to find a hero, someone to help out - just in time. Or maybe that was what I thought growing up. These government people - guided by experts - have wholly missed the mark.

What we really have is the government actually practicing medicine. Restricting the use of certain drugs, approving others - without real solid evidence in some cases. And that's what's wrong with government healthcare. You see the government cannot practice medicine. When they do its an absolute disaster.

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I love what you just said. Also, your favorite quote by M. Twain (which I hadn’t heard before), will now be my favorite too. Thanks for that.

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Jun 29, 2022
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The fact that you were banned from Facebook should be worn as a badge of honor. Way to go……..

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they just need to let us do our jobs and not tell us how to do it.

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Republicans want an armed guard at every school.

Democrats want a drag queen at every school.

That would be a devastatingly effective ad. Hence while we will never see it.

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This is an excellent piece Alex! Killer work my man. Have a great Fourth of July weekend!

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desantis: immediately becoming the best governor in history seems incredible, but you can kind of cheat by just doing the opposite of joe biden

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Mr.Berenson is 100% correct about the once much vaunted New Yorker-the two articles are hack jobs instead of exploring why DeSantis is seen not just as a governor with presidential ambitions , but as an excellent governor who challenges the woke agenda on all fronts

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"A moral panic about gender identity might seem anachronistic" !!!

So is this the party line now?? et tu, New Yorker??

Let me get this straight: all the education schools in the country, plus a large chunk of colleges and public schools (esp in cities) decide that the scientifically dubious, extreme form of social constructionism known as Gender Identity needs to be taught to even the smallest children, no questions asked.

This holy dogma includes the idea that biology is irrelevant but feelings are etched in stone, that we are all "Assigned Sex at Birth" and could change at any moment to "identifying as the opposite sex" (whatever this means), that we all have a special Gender Identity that no one can question and may lead to a lifetime of hormones and surgery, which is wonderful because it means you get to be your True Self™. (This is a very warped form of egalitarianism operating under the idea that since 1 or 2 kids might be sexually confused, fairness demands that they all be sexually confused.)

And on top of this, if any parents ask questions or push back, they are stonewalled, denounced as bigots, or worst of all, your child's teacher could guide your chid thru their gender change behind your back, and the entire institution will hide it from you and call the cops if you object.

This is a "moral panic"??!??! They expect to just force this through without any objection--why, because Judith Butler said so??

Liberals and their outlets have become dishonest condescending propagandists, and though they don't see it, they have become the monster they claim to be fighting.

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“biology is irrelevant but feelings are etched in stone” that about sums it up

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“Reality wants a course correction, and in four months voters are set to deliver that message to the Democratic Party with a foghorn blast.”

Please, dear God, let it be so.

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100% behind you on this Alex. They must NOT get to say. 'Oops. Sowee!" and walk away. NOPE. It's good to have guys like you, Pit Bull Kirsch and others on this. Never let go until we see some kind of justice.

As for Canada, they may be letting the unvaccinated on planes again but they must still quarantine if they travel abroad upon their return - for 14 days. 14 days hasn't been necessary since at least early 2021. So that's this little tyrannical POS's way of being a vindictive jerk-off. Oh, how I loath the Liberal/NDP/Bloc Quebecois that have upheld these senseless mandates possibly fracturing the civil order permanently. And our 'experts' continue to support mandates. The other day my brother-in-law told me a story of a triple-vaccinated friend who came back from Europe. The person tested positive at the airport but no quarantine and off she went. But a healthy, unvaccinated person (some of whom have natural immunity) faces a quarantine if they go for a couple of days to Vermont. Make totes sense. To Ralph Ralph on coke maybe.

And yes, they do check and bust your balls. It's an outrageous invasion of personal and medical privacy. You have to have virtual testing with some clown from the government on Day 1 and 8.

This is what's become of Clown Canada.

On the good side, apparently according to an Angus-Reid poll (a big one here) only 8% of Canadians 'fully support' Poptart Lasagne.

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Then you see the turd Governor of California, Gruesome Newsom, running ads that are paid for with his campaign dollars in, get this, Florida. Yes, the governor of CA is running ads in Florida. The left is scared of DeSantis and his popularity in a fashion never seen before. Is it possible they fear DeSantis more than 45 himself?

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Newsom (turd is a good descriptor) is the direct reason that I see a California license plate EVERY DAY that I drive anywhere in Florida. I kid you not - EVERY DAY. I have lived here 20 years and never seen anything like I've seen in the last two years. You don't just randomly drive from California to Florida, even for a vacation.

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I see NY plates everyday in my Texas metropolis. And you sure don't drive here for a vacation!! At least not in the summer.

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Ditto in Texas. But sadly, too many of the lib types moving here and not enough of the conservative ones.

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Jun 29, 2022
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That is truly scary.

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Honestly, I hope that RD avoids travel by private plane, because they sure have a funny way of crashing when politicians are aboard.

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Don’t NY or California my Texas or Florida. Keep your stupidity where you live! If you want to wear a mask 24/7 stay where you’re at. If you want to force “vaccines” on people, stay where you’re at. If you believe there’s more than two genders, stay where you’re at.

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Great Article. I think you nailed it. And remember the new mental illness labeled by Gingrich a few days ago, "Biden's Reality Rejection Syndrome".

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The Democrat Mob will not go away even after a November trouncing. They need to be confronted with force to end this. Cops should never be retreating---ever. Until we see this--chaos will continue.

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And it is why they are trying SO damned hard to disarm law-abiding Americans. They well know they've pushed too far and are about find themselves unable to hide in plain sight anymore.

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Unvaccinated Canadian here.

You're absolutely right. We cannot let this go. The fact they took our rights away is not even the worst part of this entire fiasco. People have died because of this. Suicides, domestic violence, civil unrest...to say nothing of the mounting deaths and injuries from this so-called miracle 'vaccine'.

Even worse, in my opinion, is what this did to us as a society. It turned us against each other in a way I never imagined. In Canada, there were people having very open and frank conversations about 'what to do about the unvaccinated', which included everything from denying them the right to purchase basic necessities, to arbitrarily arresting them and putting them in camps, right up to even killing them. This was actually cruelly encouraged by our own head of state, Justin Trudeau (a complete idiot and sadistic man child, but a head of state nonetheless).

This tore apart professional relationships, friendships, and even families - this, too, was also for NOTHING.

To me, these things cannot ever be fully reconciled. I understand that's on me and I'll bear that cross. But I think it will take several generations to heal these scars, if it can even be done. Keep in mind that this is not over yet, either.

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Exceptional Alex! This is exactly on point. Every neighbor I speak to now(all highly Liberal) has figured out that none of the elite's mandates worked and now they are wondering what to do about their "vertigo" or "heart palpitations" or "stroke symptoms"

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Exactly this! It's the what now that had them really freaked out.

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Covid proselytism disappeared from the media like a magician disappearing a rabbit...poof. Gone. But what is taking shape on another stage is the global pandemic treaty. The WHO is preparing the treaty to give itself unmitigated power to implement policy responses to "pandemics." This disappearing act of Covid concern might be the calm before the storm (of new lethal variants). How nice it will be for treaty-signatories to absolve themselves of having to push hard and be accountable for detested-by-many mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports and all the other indefensible policies that might be coming. One can just imagine Biden and Trudeau et al. playing up the magnificent and inspiring cooperation of nations in instituting a supranational bureaucracy to deal with the global threat of pandemics. The presidents and prime ministers can then say, "It's not up to us what measures to take. It is up to the settled-science experts and so we support and will abide by all WHO edicts to protect the citizens of our country and the world from this health crisis." The power to govern by elected officials of sovereign nations (however perturbing and alarming their records) will be victim to another sleight of hand in the chicanery leading toward world governance. What then can outliers like DeSantis do in the face of the in-liars who demand obedience to the WHO crazy-making, fertility-diminishing, immune system-destroying policies?

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Agree the power grabbers will be at it again. But Covid put some of us on notice. It’ll be harder next time.

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I graduated from an Ivy League school in the 90s.

The people I met there were very much the "Excellent Sheep" Professor Deresiewicz describes at Yale.

My classmates were excellent at being perfectly what the professors wanted them to be. They were all used to being, essentially, perfect in the eyes of their teachers. There was no risk taking, no rebellion, no desire to stand out unless by standing out you meant being the best at fitting in.

Everyone was bound for law school or medical school or Wall Street or the top consulting firms or DC and did everything to protect that narrow track.

Everything I've seen these past 2 years out of government/academia/media is exactly what I'd expect from the people I knew -- total group think dressed up with technocratic Kabbalah.

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Democrats always wanting more control remains ingrained in their Plantation Slave-owner DNA. That will never change — not even the mRNA vaccines can accomplish that miracle.

Though Covid lockdowns may have crystallized the public mood, government incompetence and deceit had become more obvious, in a variety of ways, in recent years. One could say it began with “if you like your plan, you can keep it,” Benghazi debacle, interminable war in Afghanistan, NSA domestic spying, Russia hoax, etc. That Trump was able to right the economic ship in ways not imagined, to be followed by the current turmoil only highlighted the prior and current incompetences.

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I’m not a Trump hater, but I believe at best he took the helm during the last days of clear sailing for this republic. Maybe he thought he could navigate around the mess or steer us out of danger. But the swamp won. For now anyway. Turns out they’re their own worst enemies, so I think we’re now headed straight for shipwreck. But they’ll go down with the ship too

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And they’ll take as many of us down with them as they can.

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The issue for me is how many businesses were destroyed and folks put out of work over policies that did nothing. It was a VIRUS ! As our friend Alex says it's gonna virus. However it was no challenge to the Spanish Flu that killed 50mm people. Think about that. This all boils down to power and control. Folks had best wakeup and stop electing idiots to office

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Alex, I'm GLAD you and many of us won't let the vaccine issue go - because to do so would be to turn a blind eye on all of the government/'expert' abuse you point out and that many of us suffered under the last 2+ years. If we do not pursue answers, accountability and justice then we open the door to letting this happen again and again. As tired of hearing about covid/vaccines as we all are, we must continue to pursue the truth and open the eyes of all complacent and ignorant Americans - or at least as many as possible.

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I certainly won't forget anytime soon. BOTH of my young adult kids (the most vulnerable category for myocarditis/least vulnerable to covid) could have lost good jobs if the 'experts' had had their way. These were jobs they worked their a**** off to get. Screw these people and the horse they rode in on. They have showed us who they are and now we have to believe them.

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Oh, you’re much nicer/polite than I……….Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, now, that makes me feel better. BTW, you are a wonderful parent.

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Thanks Denise, blessed to have great kids. This situation had us riled up last winter. And I distinctly remember Biden saying he'd never get behind vaccine mandates. My extended family hammered me on that, i.e., what are you worried about? Then it came to pass. Incredibly grateful SCOTUS put a stop to it.

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Collective sigh of relief on that one.

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Wokeism...another huge pile of liberal crappola to completely ignore. Other than protecting your children from the horrors and terrors of the left and democrats who seem to love the destruction of everything they don't like.

If the repubs fail to come up with some solid answers for leftism, apart from basically its one man army, DeSantis, they will be bigger failures than The Dummy and his ruling cabal of terrorists. It's concerning to see so few repubs supporting DeSantis or at least some of his ideas and initiatives. More politicians of a different stripe are not the answer. Leadership is especially when it goes beyond the nonsense of politics.

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Yes exactly. Where to go from here? The old Republican Party that never saw a war they didn’t like won’t do it for me. A lot of people are either politically homeless right now or are hoping their party will “do the right thing” however they define it.

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We need a 3rd party where the logical, rational independent thinkers who love the USA have representation. RINOS and far left progressives can keep the 2 parties since it appears they have all the influence in them and seem to work together.

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