When someone declares 'people will die' as a justification for curtailing liberty, the correct response is, 'what are you suggesting - that liberty isn't worth dying for? That those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms made the wrong choice?' -Techdirt Forum Post by OldMugwump, 2013

Author's Note: This was originally written during the era of 9/11 boogie-man terrorism. For the purposes of modernization, please replace any instance of the word 'security' with 'bio-security', and any instance of the word 'terror' with 'virus'. None of this theater has ever been about safety. It has only ever been about control.


We no longer know the meaning of freedom. We have traded away everything to a false prophet. We refuse to see that belonging to a government is a fate far worse than any terrorist can reap; than any madman can sow.

The word of a terrorist has no power over us. The government's word is law.

In the name of security we will lose our security. In addition to the terrorist we will have the relentless uncompromising gaze of the government.

The power of the people is born from its freedom, and it is the people who must be the guardians of that power. It is from our freedom that we draw the authority to force our government to abide its boundaries. Through the guise of security we are slowly allowing our government to relinquish that authority, and ultimately, the government will know no boundaries.

Once we allow our freedoms to categorically run dry, we, as a people, will no longer have the authority to stand up to our government.


Those who would trade essential liberty, to purchase temporary security, deserve neither and will lose both.

-Benjamin Franklin


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Some more remarks about freedom (Dan P there's another good one from Reagan here):


If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and will never be. -Thomas Jefferson

You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it. -John Adams

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. -Ronald Reagan

You always know the mark of a coward. A coward hides behind freedom. A brave person stands in front of freedom and defends it for others. -Henry Rollins

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves. -Henry David Thoreau

Most will give up an acre of freedom for a closet of security. -Dr. Idel Dreimer

It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you. -Dick Cheney

If you’re not ready to die for it, put the word ‘freedom’ out of your vocabulary. -Malcolm X


Thanks for all of the positive comments guys. If anyone is interested in a copy of all of our work - plus a giant library of COVID fraud history and a whole lot more - you can get one here: tritorch.com/AcquireACopy

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If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Somehow I've missed this one after all these years, twistertim. I will add it to my colleciton, thank you.

By the way, I always enjoy reading your comments. You have a firm handle on what liberty costs and why those costs are eminently worth paying.

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prison= inmates all treated the same by a few ruling elites w/ all the power.

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Not true to J6 prisoners, unfortunately! and probably those pro lifers who are being arrested by FBI. >:(

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Guys, please take another look at that 'Acquire' link above...

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Sorry tritorch, I don't even see requests for help on websites anymore because nearly all of them are asking and my mind considers that junk to dismiss. I've taken a second look and will see what I can spare. Your work may as well be coming from a high realm of existence, and you have my and my wife's sincere thanks for it.

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Thanks for saying so HD Thoreau's. We end up spending so much of our time trying to raise money for our hosting costs - which we are chronically behind on - that we often miss important stories to that would provide us a clearer picture of this awful situation we are in.

That is Quite a compliment - thank you, sir

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Have you considered putting ads on your site? That may solve your problem.. Big fan of your work!

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Thank you for saying so Heaven's.

To your other point - while other's go that route and I sympathize - advertising is not a consideration for us. We do not do what we do for money, we do it in order to create a future worth living in which we _will not_ have if we do not fight for it. If our project fails on its merits then so be it. This has all been incredibly exhausting, and trying to raise money has been an absolutely soul crushing experience. So if it fails it fails and we will just find other ways to try and make a difference.

I've said this many times and not once was I whistling Dixie: We are NOT going to give up without a fight.

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Outstanding, as usual!!

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Thank you Steve!

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Love the Henry Rollins quote in there.

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Same, it is a wonderful use of language and 100% on point.

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Very glad to have found your website as well, tritorch. It is definitely worthy of support, and the flash drive is on my list of purchases. Everything is tight financially, for so many, but I can see the value in what you’ve created.

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Thank you very much for saying so Bella.

The more people that have the pandemic fraud evidence in a distributed manner, the more difficult it will be for the powers that shouldn't be to rewrite this history.

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When commenters have more intellectual depth and understanding verse the snarky writer guy.

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Wow, what a compliment, thank you Rudolf!

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Dick Cheney? Really?

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Lot of great quotes which took work to compile and you chose ignore all of them and instead comment negatively on one that - while technically correct - you didn't like the speaker of. I don't like the speaker either, the content is on point.

Golden rule, Doctor.

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A more immediate response is that people will die anyway. We all die. No one know when or how. Seems like people feel entitled to staying alive. Life will teach them otherwise.

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Actually death will teach them otherwise but your point is well taken. A society without God lacks any transcendent purpose and fear, especially fear of death, becomes the norm.

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100%. I was staying on the most superficial level, the material considerations. We have to move beyond the material realm to resolve the inherent tension/paradox between life and death (a theme which happened to produce the most interesting cultural fruit, eg literature, cinema, art, philosophical and spiritual ideas, etc). God, as “ultimate concern”, the symbol of man’s search for meaning, was THE anchor of our civilization, and of this country. I remember complaining about religion, when I was much more immature, about religion being the primary “cause” of wars. I couldn’t understand then, that religion is the institutionalized project of ultimate concerns. Of course wars will be fought over conflicting visions of ultimate concern. ( I am still on the most surface level- macro- view. Not taking about God directly. Rather the concept of God). Just like God anchored moral concerns and ethics, the idea that accountability extends beyond the material realm, where expediency reigns. The “let’s see what I can get away with”, or other means justifying propositions that we see playing out on a grand scale politically and institutionally are made possible when time is relative. How would things like the hunger strikes in Ireland in the 70s/80s, an example of a literal hill to die on, fit in with the dominant paradigm? We can see how the Frankensteinian “transhumanism” movement is the logical offspring of an immature, narcissistic and totally unanchored ((by definition) grasp of relativism imposed on the culture at large. God, as a protective factor, is the anchor of civilization, for centuries, and now God has been dislocated. We lost our protection, as a society. No condom. We are fkd. Neitzsche was a prophet, turns out. He wrote long ago now, “God is dead and we killed him.” That’s been running through my mind lately. I should reread Neitzsche to see what light he shines on the new world order.

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Very nice work. Excellent distinction between God and the concept of God. Necessarily will the finite concept be only a crude approximation of the Infinite and Eternal Reality. Faith is that which bridges the gap between what we can understand and what we can believe.

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"Faith is that which bridges the gap between what we can understand and what we can believe." I would add that it is that humility to acknowledge, accept and embrace that there is an incredible eternal mystery beyond our limited earthly comprehension that is the spiritual alka seltzer for the Enlightenment Era hangover currently afflicting western culture.

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“Religion is the institutionalized project of ultimate concerns....”


Thank you for this insight (and it’s pithy expression).

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The single inescapable question that we all must face is what are we to do about God? If God doesn't exist, nothing else matters. Live however you want, do whatever you want. Avoid jail if that is important to you, or don't worry about it if you don't care about jail. It makes no sense at all to be " a good person" if there is no God. You are just stealing fun from yourself.

On the other hand, if God does exist, then nothing else matters. Nothing is more significant that a personal God (the very God of Christianity) who came into this world to save us from ourselves (let alone the devil). No crap about some disengaged deity who pays no real attention to us, whom we need not worry about. That is the same as no God.

Those are the only two choices. Anything else is what we have now and it has driven the undecided into insanity. False gods cannot save. False gods cannot comfort, nor make sense of anything. They are for babies and idiots.

The world needs to grow up. Death is real. If you don't believe in God you will lose your sanity and your humanity. Atheism is for shallow thinking nitwits. If God is real, He is more real than death. That alone gives us courage to live and to be fully human. A society that is without God is a society unworthy of its founding, and will end in degeneracy, insanity, idiocy and death. If only people would listen>>>

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"No crap about some disengaged deity who pays no real attention to us, whom we need not worry about. That is the same as no God."


Either there is a God (AKA "Prime Mover" as described by Aristotle and described in different ways by others) or there is no God. One must take a side.

Inasmuch as it makes no sense to believe that our perfectly ordered universe exists accidentally, I take the side that there is a God. (Note: I refer to the UNIVERSE as being perfectly ordered, not our imperfect moral choices).

Is this God personal?

For many reasons not relevant to detail here, I gratefully accept the notion that this God is personal. As a practicing, believing Christian, I embrace Him with relief and gratitude.

All the above said, I know several really wonderful, highly intelligent atheists, two of them huge fans of C.S. Lewis. I don't understand them; they don't understand me. Nevertheless, we're very fond of one another -- have been for years; will be (God willing) for many more years to come.

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Frankly, God doesn't care what you think. Really. Do you think God cares which side is right in wars over it? Do you think God even thinks in any sense of the word we are familiar with? God is the inspiration of great works of art as well as mass murders. All are experiences, just different. Everything brings greater consciousness expansion. We, as humans, do have freedom to choose a path of love, harmony or hate and discord....or both. We are not fkd. One need only look within for their anchor, not to some greater parent. Time to grow up and see God is within you. Not some grand poobah.

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I believe I understand the sense in which you say God doesn’t care what you think, so I hope you will forgive what may seem slightly tangential.

You rightly, in my view, recognize that God indwells each of us. Consequently God suffers the consequences of our evil and sin right along with us. So therefore God has an interest in our accepting truth, because denial of truth means being out of step with reality itself, and maintaining belief in a falsehood requires more and more self-deception, which only compounds separation from reality. Separation from reality is, in the final analysis, evil (the antithesis of reality or truth). And the natural consequence of a complete separation from reality, a willful embrace of evil, is soul death — cosmic (and literal) insanity.

God is within us for a specific reason: to lead us to truth, beauty and goodness, which are unified and manifest in human experience as love.

God therefore does not inspire evil and sin — God *is* truth, beauty and goodness. God *is* love. Separation from God (reality) is what causes all disharmony, including war, despite the occasional claims of the warriors that “God is on their side” — such beliefs are but projections of primitive minds who prostitute their religious institutions in the service of secular objectives.

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Well said, cous! The whole grand poobah thing is the product of childish minds. The concept of a god? Sure, we can easily grasp that. It’s our creation. What actually ‘god’ might be , I would think would be far beyond our puny human’s mind’s ability to grasp. God as infinity must contain all, what we label good and what we label bad. I agree. All experiences, all expansion in some way. I think god totally transcends what we perceive and experience in this ‘reality’. And yet it’s personal too. I agree god is within, and in ultimate reality, there is no ‘without’.

That unity is no fun though (except when it is), so we keep on with the game. Brutal game, at times, but somebody’s gotta play it.

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The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

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Well one of us will be more right than the other. Time will surely tell. But this I can say with absolute certainty. God exists and He cares about what’s going on in the world. He intervenes. One word of proof: Israel. Don’t poo poo Israel until after you have done the research. There are lots of kinds of proof. Not just “scientific “. Have a good day

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"All are experiences, just different." They indeed differ, as to how they promote life and growth and how they destroy or murder. God cannot be said to inspire mass murder; that is the result of deeply sick human minds misinterpreting, as a despotic, ruinous privilege, the meaning of the biblical messages or the schizophrenic mental chaos of allegedly hearing the creator's direct speech in one's severely-damaged mind. Your perception of relativism is corrupted. And "consciousness expansion" that deprives others of their safety or their lives can in no way be construed as a benign, amoral effect with some positive or beneficial end.

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Nobody deprives others of their safety. Although it can appear that way in this aberrant world. Cultural victimization. I don’t think that’s a good thing, personally.

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The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

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Love doesn’t come from fear.

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Fear as in ‘respect for’

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"Narcissistic" is the perfect description.

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Fear of death is the norm for plenty of faith based organisations too these days. Many churches, temples, mosques, tabernacles only allow the jabbed to attend in person. The irony kills me. 🤣

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The churches are paid off by big government and they do as they're told. Catholic Charities alone accepts hundreds of millions of dollars a year to further the 'transition' of illegal drug/child traffickers into American neighborhoods. The Catholic church stopped worrying about receiving donations a long time ago since they entered into this demonic relationship.

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Church is not God. Church is corrupt. Never look at God based on what the church does.

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The Catholic loves them coming over the border, otherwise their churches would be empty. Most from the south are Cath. so they are built in parishioners, they don't care about people of THIS country, just how many new parishioners they can stock their churches with.

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Deets and digits, please.

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All of the major churches went over to the side of Satan in 2020. It's back to first century style small, heavily persecuted followers of Jesus from now on. Don't worry though -- it is absolutely worth it. Just ask any of the thousands of Christians being hunted and murdered right now in Afghanistan. Either you trust God, or you don't.

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Interesting. We must ask ourselves what god is though. Seriously. Not an easy answer.

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So spot on. Accurately described as the culture of death, modern culture's obsession with clinging to physical youth and emotional immaturity, while embracing the expedient termination of both new and old life, is the natural precursor to the prevalent Covid response. Uncritical, knee jerk and selfish at its core, this response was exposed, as much as anything, for it's insanely fallacious (and timeless) assertion; restrictions on freedom are justified as they would be limited only to those who "deserve" it due to their refusal to conform with 'rational safety measures' imposed on every individual for the "good of the whole". Thus, the classic willful stroll into tyranny is a wholly predictable result when God is removed from the center of self-awareness.

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Feb 20, 2022
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I expect death. I've been very close to it several times. I have absolutely no fear of death, nor of dying. I stand ready to die at any time. I believe this is a healthy, indeed blessed, way to live one's life.

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Well put. I believe it is the very liberation to actually 'live' life. I spent some of my youth anxious about death. In addition to spiritual maturity, was one very helpful mantra I used along the way in anxious moments; "Until I am dead, I am alive". It was of great help for me to focus on immediate reality, not future worry. Still is.

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TQ, wise words and healthy attitude. whatever one fears might be inclined to come about.

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Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition -


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When I was a teen, my mother watched a lot of Billy Graham. I never paid attention, but one day I heard him speaking on a crusade or something that my mother was watching, and he was pounding his fist and almost yelling this to the audience: "Death comes unexpectedly." That has always remained in my head, although I know of nothing else this man said.

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The things this man said determine your fate for all of eternity.

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Amazing evangelist, Pastor Graham, and his son, Franklin.

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"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition !!!!" Cardinal Biggles

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The Monty Python reference alone is worth a 'like'.

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Feb 20, 2022
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Feb 20, 2022
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Your grandmother doesn't need to go to the cemetery to communicate with her husband. But I appreciate your post.

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A lot of People have become so afraid of dying , They have forgot how to Live !

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So true! This quote appears to have a couple of sources, but perhaps it truly was first written by Hunter S. Thompson:

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

Certainly not the only thing one could say about life, but a timely reminder that we know not when we will be called to the next part of our journey, and our life here was meant to be lived with purpose, fully and with great joy: NOT cowering in fear and in chains of our own making.

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A Hunter Thompson reference always deserves a like, crazy as he was. Also, R.I.P. PJ O'Rourke. Two very different lives, but both lived with unabashed gusto.

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Hubby was devastated by the loss of PJ O’Rourke. A true original and free-thinker. One can only hope that the generations following will somehow produce their own Hunters and O’Rourkes. Seeing the quality of thought and writing on substack gives me hope it will be so.

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dying is the surest sign one has lived.

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I’ve always thought quality of life is at least equally as important as quantity. None of us should ever just sit around hoping for a better day.

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There was a ridiculous article today (maybe the Atlantic, I don't remember) about how there will be 400,000 deaths a year from covid now if we don't get vaccinated. And how many deaths from heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer? There's over 300,000 deaths a year from medical screw ups and another 70,000 from illness picked up in hospitals due to their unsanitary conditions.

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And that's probably only counting the medical screw ups that were caught. My husband works in a hospital. Many accidental deaths will never be found out and are only going to increase the more short-staffed they become.

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alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, poverty. real-life problems never adequately addressed, so they're just play-acting.

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Utter madness and willing lazy nonsense. As has been repeated in this thread often, the trust breach may be the biggest legacy of all. "Journalism" is merely a sick joke anymore.

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Feb 19, 2022
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Prior to getting covid I simply didn't care whether someone was vaxxed, wore a mask and social distanced. I had a accepted my responsibility for living in this situation. Then I got covid, in all likelihood from a fully vaxxed mask wearer. It wasn't pleasant but nothing has changed in that regard. I still don't care.

My disdain for politicians and authoritarian covidians has, however, increased significantly since recovery.

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I trust no one in authority. That happened.

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very recognisable!

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You blame a vaxxed mask wearer for your illness, with zero proof. Someone else to blame. What if I told you there is no covid19 virus? No one has proven the existence of this "novel coronavirus". No one. No country has isolated it. It's all a computer generated sequence. A construct of the mind and software. You got sick, but was it covid? What told you it was? A bad PCR test, also a fraud. Your health is yours alone.

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I'll never forget when I heard Lt Governor Dan Patrick of TX say in March 2020 that he'd willingly risk getting Covid as an elderly person, in order to open up the economy and prevent the losses that would most certainly occur for the younger people/small businesses. We knew early on that the virus didn't affect those under age 65 as severely (and hello, what is the average age of working people??) and yet so many "leaders" lumped everyone into the same risk group. Lt. Dan wasn't afraid to do the right thing. I found that so admirable. It seems that many of the aging crowd (Neil Young, Howard Stern, Joe Biden, to name a few) are scared so shitless by death,that they think they have a right to end life for everyone else in order to "save themselves". They don't realize they're not saving anything. And unfortunately, they have no problem calling everyone else "selfish" in the process. It's disgusting to see these wussies act like this! So many lives, businesses, families, friendships, ect have been ruined by how they handled this pandemic. So many children will have irreversible damage. All because of FEAR. If I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes I'd never have believed this was possible in my world. It's been hugely disappointing.

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I saw Dan Patrick when he made that statement and I was impressed as well…mainly because he was thinking rationally, unlike the rest of the chaotic MSM and the fear porn mongerers. My family was fearful initially until we saw more and more data that COVID was minimally harmful to anyone under 65 and the average age of death was 78, with comorbidities. Then when we started professing those data to friends and family, the shunning began. We were right wing careless beings with no thought for how we could harm others. And our take on them was they’re fearful, godless sheep falling for the madness. Our family has suffered a chasm over this and quite frankly, I now see them for who they’ve always been…it was just ‘masked’ this whole time!

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Dan Patrick was right! And he was attacked for saying so.

The Great Barrington doctors were right and there was organized action to discredit them.

I will always wonder where we would be now if we'd listened to these people.

(I know the answer: we'd have normal lives!)

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Well stated.

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Excellent reminder of why the Warrior is called Hero! Especially now, when evil is working overtime to upend our freedoms.

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My favorite, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Sir Edmund Burke

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Give Me The Liberty To Die On My Own Terms, Not The Government's Terms.

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I also believe Ronald Reagan’s words are spot on!


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And here we are.

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I do not know how old you are but you have the wisdom as old as methuselah…awesome, thanku .

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41 unfortunately, because as I'm getting older I find that I'm using my glasses more.

When I was young I just drank straight from the bottle

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That reminds me of a hilarious video by Remy (of Reason magazine?): https://rumble.com/viq6wl-remy-people-will-die.html

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Great post. This was the reason the comparisons between WW2 and the War on Covid and the "collective sacrifice" narrative was so asinine.

WW2 was about brave people sacrificing their lives and safety for freedoms which is what sensible societies do.

The covid response was about cowards sacrificing those same cherished freedoms and rights for the mirage of "safety". A sign of a decadent and suicidal society.

The sacrifices made during WW2 and during covid are at opposite ends.

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Your assessment is absolutely perfect!

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May be we are suggesting that the manufactured wars are not worth fighting. Yes I want freedom. Yes I will fight for freedom, but I don’t see the point in participating in these useless man made wars that have nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with their wallets‼️

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Or are you suggesting that by cowardice, no one will die?

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Feb 19, 2022
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Are you sure about this?

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Absolutely. Check this out, a great starting place for research (both med and edu subsidy programs) www.bitchute.com/video/s55Vr2Xzrrjc/

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Actually, about 6 to 8% of the totals promoted. When your hospital shuts off most all other routine treatments, and massive incentive$ accrue for the treatment of COVID patients, almost all of the patients then miraculously test out as having COVID, both while alive and even after dying (from almost any cause - Thanks, false-positive, Ct-jacked, PCR tests!). An amazing new phenomenon of healthcare and 'medical' assessment! Throughout the U.S. states, CARES Act and other program subsidies provided COVID treatment incentives ranging from $60k to over $400k + a menu of other cash prizes for Remdesivier and ventilator usage. Your and our wealth is being transferred. The busier, urban hospitals are unabashedly speaking of the new wings & wards they'll be adding, as well as higher-tech treatment equipment. Follow the money (and the warranted debt hysteria) and you'll come to understand how those basic factors inspire 'resolving' programs and events that massively alter life as we've known it; and will in our lifetimes never know it again.

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Feb 19, 2022
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I will check it out, thanks Peter. This article may interest you on this subject:


That article transcendent in my opinion - and it was written in May 2020, just as this fraud was getting off the ground.

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Thanks most helpful

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NO FOUCAULT! Please God no Foucault.

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Feb 20, 2022
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Had a violent flashback to a semiotics class in 1995. Final nail in the coffin that convinced me the PhD was NOT worth it.

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I can't agree enough. One of my brothers was killed in Afghanistan. He died very bravely, and even though it looks like that war was just a colossal waste of American (and Afghan) lives, he died well and I'm not ashamed of him because he was very brave. But so few people appreciate that; the biggest response when I'd tell people what happened was that, they said it was my family's fault for being involved in the military, we deserved what we had coming, etc. That messed with my head at the time. Now, however, I see the same people freaking out right and left about Covid. . . I ask people what they're afraid of. Well, they're afraid of death. They're afraid of losing someone close to them. I already did that. I already lost my closest friend/enemy (because what else is a sibling??) and I'm still getting out of bed every day. The average American is so weak and fearful. It's going to bite us all in the end.

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Dear Joanna, Your brother was brave and honorable. I am so sorry both for your loss of him and for the mindless and cruel comments made to you. Thank you for sharing this, Meg

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I’m so sorry for your loss. I agree with what you are saying. I also think people have lost a sense of higher purpose or honor. Sacrifice comes to mind as well- people are not willing to sacrifice anything any more so it is left to the few that will. Thank you for your sacrifice.

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And yet the fearful are all too willing to co-opt the concept of sacrifice - and demand that it mean: you, over there, must sacrifice your liberty and self-sovreingty for my (illusion) of perfect, ordered security. As in- servers in restaurants and delivery drivers must mask up and be injected so that the zoom class can cozy in at exclusive urban restaurants - or at home -- and still have their white truffle oil to drizzle on their small dishes.

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May the Lord’s peace be with you, your family and him!

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Fighting for our country shows courage and honor. Two qualities in deficit nowdays. Thank you and your brother for having courage and honor. May he rip and stand before God.

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Sorry for your loss. 😢I lost my sister to double pneumonia 5 years ago and 2 close friends to cancer/heart attack. I have a whole new relationship with death now and I want live while I’m alive.

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Joanna, I’m sorry. For your loss, and that people could be that incredibly inhuman. Know your brother’s (and your) sacrifice is appreciated by many.

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Your brother’s sacrifice— and your family’s loss — is very much appreciated by me.

I speak for many.

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Joanna , One of my Uncles died in WWII, Orvil Bennett, before his 18th Birthday . He died a Hero, because he died fighting for his beliefs. It matters not, what a seventeen year old's beliefs may be. But He risked his life for that. Was it his Irish Blood that speaks "Believe" ?

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Your brother’s service allowed an entire generation of Afghans to experience some semblance of freedom. The young women who became educated during the US presence know what they’ve lost. Perhaps they will spark change in their country.

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There is even a glorification of fearfulness. I wear two masks! I wipe down my grocery carts! I bicycle ride with a mask! As someone who has struggled with a major illness for years, I am frankly disgusted with this societal fear bath promoted by our absurd, botoxed, bubbled-wrapped media.

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Joanna, God Bless You and Your Family. Your brother was a courageous hero.

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Your brother did not die in vain. Thank you for sharing.

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I feel for you. Thank you from me to your brother. My Dad was in computers in the Air Force, when I was a kid another kid told me my Dad was a baby killer.

People like that just need to be avoided.

I hope you know brighter people now.

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Perhaps your brother is giving us all a gift now...surely something unbelievably important to think about. We have lost our ability to know what courage is, what it means to fight for something very important. I [had] a friend that said he thought it was crazy to "die on the hill" (the vaccine hill). People can't fathom it. It's actually so simple - it's not that I'm afraid of dying of Covid,...I'm afraid of living without the right to choose.

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Thank you for your family's sacrifice for this country.

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Your brother helped the Afghan people live better lives….too bad it was undone with the horrific pull out. I feel your loss as ours…a brave American gone. RIP 🇺🇸

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Covid has exposed the elites for the cowards they are. Real leaders make tough calls in the face of uncertainty, cowards pass the buck to 'experts'.

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So true, but the citizenry is equally culpable in this display of cowardice. Frankly, I have always had mixed feelings about this whole Covid saga. On the one hand, I feel anger at the injustice of the lockdowns and the mandates. Then I go to the mall and witness all of my fellow citizens walking around with masks on like so many jackasses and I can’t help but wonder if their oppression is just.

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Regrettably our fellow citizens lack the ability to learn from their own stupidity

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Same. Don't they remember life before face diapers?

PreCovid, I'd see many peeps in Japan and Singapore wear masks on the street. Maybe some people like them somehow.

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it's the combination of tropical climate, dust and pollution.

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I’m more concerned that people are fearful of non-conformity than they are fearful of a disease. We’ve seen this psychology before and it has never ended well.

“Just say it, it’s only two words and everyone else is saying it too and the government is telling us to say it. “Heil Hitler.” Be a Good German and say it!

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oppression's never just. there should always be a choice: to be free (of mind), or not.

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Feb 19, 2022
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agree, and it has to do with control.

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Damn right.

Case in point: March, 2020, the California Legislature running home to "shelter in place" while letting the Governor declare himself Dictator (Bowing Down to the Department of Public Health).

Of course, the Legislature and whatever-Governor had already, some years before, given county public health officials the power to do anything they deemed necessary during an outbreak (defined as three or more cases) of infectious disease, and that power was enhanced by allowing the public health officials to direct local governmental agencies, including law enforcement, to participate in enforcing whatever the public health dictators decreed.

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Make no mistake, if there was another way they could ignore the actual rule of law, they would have done that. Public health was simply the vehicle they were able to use to implement the shit they wanted done anyway.

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And covid tyranny implemented on a global scale to cover ransacked economies?

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What better way to ensure the people who wrecked the old economy are in charge of the new one?

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This is a way of life for the US Congress now. Pass vague laws, leave it to “experts” to interpret. Cowardice and laziness too.

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POTUS wearing a mask everywhere his goes does nothing to calm the fears of the wine drunk MSNBC watching hypochondriacs that are driving public health policy.

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He looks like such a pussy! We need a real man! Right?

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He doesn't look like a pussy. He looks like a demented, old, care-home resident with his drawers full and he needs a change.

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He wears it to amplify fear - that is the only point of the mask.

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if that's the case he does a miserable job, it's so cringy it's almost laughable. very bad theatrics. LGB!!

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Been thinking about this a lot today. When we knew that the virus had a 99.7% survival rate, why did some of us shrug and move on and some of us went into panic mode? 99.7%! Think about that!! We have a serious serious mental health CRISIS in this country!!!! Forget Covid let’s find a cure for mental illness. It’s far more deadly and decimating.

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Shortly after the plandemic began, when I was watching the nighly news (and the Cuomo briefings) , I started getting headaches. After ruling out that it wasn't CO poisoning, I turned off everything but right wing radio. Voila, my headaches disappeared. I then ventured out of the house to a "open the states" protest, and again, was not smitten with the plague. I have since then been living my life normally. If a 65 year old woman can be brave, anyone can. I saw Joy Behar the other day bemoaning the fact that she might actually have to venture out without a mask someday and for the first time, I felt pity for those who are still under the spell of this mass psychosis. Is there enough Paxil in the world for these poor souls?

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Don't feel too bad for Joy. Later that afternoon, after professing her crazy mask/security blanket, she was videoed having lunch with two friends maskless. She is merely a tool to push the fear factor.

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Is anyone else having trouble liking a comment. I have tried numerous times and certain comments won’t let me respond with a like. Is it trouble on my end?

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This has been happening for at least a couple of weeks, maybe more.

Here's a hack for this glitch:

Post "like" (or "agree," or something similar,) following the comment you want to "like." After your comment appears, click on the heart icon again. There's a decent chance that you'll now be able to "like" the comment. You can leave your "like" or "agree" post up, or you can delete it if you prefer.

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Me too

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Me too. Same issue.

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Yes. This problem has been happening for awhile now. Makes me wonder what is really behind it.

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Same here.

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Of course she was. That's what really gets my goat (although, I am not sure why anyone would want my goat). These fake, phony and false hypocrites on TV, scaring innocent, trusting schmucks half to death, seemingly just for the fun of it.

Shame, shame shame.

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I so agree with you. Life is too short to be worried over a virus with such a high survival rate. At 73, my husband & whole household had Covid in November. Taking good care of ourselves, we are fine & now have natural immunity.

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After watching my dad die from cancer when I was a child, and then my mom and mother in law die of cancer within a week of each other a few years ago and then my father in law die of cancer a year after that... I decide when this all began that I was not going to live in fear and hide because none of us knows how long we have left anyway. We have continued to travel, go to church, take teens to summer camp and gather with family. I have gotten Covid and survived and also watch friends die from it. And yet, I believe there is a time appointed for our days to end and none of us can add one day to that by living in fear. I honestly feel bad for those who have sacrificed the past two years and many relationships because of this fear.

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Amen. God is the creator and taker of life. Make a difference with the breath of life given to one each day.

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I think it would a gift to America for Joy to wear a mast for eternity...who wants to look at that pathetic smirky face

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Feb 19, 2022
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My son and grandchildren live in AU. They are finally going out, and life seems to be getting back to normal for them. My 3 very low-risk grandchildren were vaxxed, yet all 3 just had Covid. They were given a chemical that they didn't need, which did not protect them and could possibly have long term effects. It breaks my heart.

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It breaks my heart FOR you. 😢

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Same here…4 grandchildren vaxxed by parents who we asked to please do the research. We were told they were listening to their doctors. Broken hearts all around…fearful of what the future holds for these precious beings health.

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The physicians in large medical groups have a choice of promoting the vax or losing their jobs, as Medicare will not reimburse them or their hospitals if they speak out against it. Those in private practice are not as inclined to push the vax, and are the ones teaching prevention and treating Covid with HCQ, IVM, steroids, zinc, etc.

My son's GF is a physician in the AU healthcare system, so he took her advice.

My friend's healthy client in his early 50's died 2 days after his second vax dose. The medical examiner told his brother that his death was caused by the vax, but he was not allowed to put it on the death certificate (in CA) and had to write "natural causes".

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And sadly, how many thousands upon thousands have this same story to tell. It’s said truth will prevail…waiting, waiting….

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It is not being administered correctly, but the CDC won't check into that

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This rings true to me. I'm a physician and for whatever reason, I never freaked out over this thing. 99+ survival rate and then started reading about all the ways it could be treated early before the official narrative got in the way. Have not been jabbed. Not because antivax (but I am starting to get that way) but, was in the Navy 27 years and learned good preventative health measures. I have been traveling on planes and cruises and hanging out with friends since May 2020. Have not got Covid. Maybe I'm playing with fire but my husband is in the same boat along with most of my family.

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Agree. My neighbor, also a retired RN, and I refuse to get jabbed. We and our neighbors (most of whom, including our husbands are jabbed) have gotten together the entire time. My husband and I go out frequently and don't wear masks unless absolutely required. We also use good preventative health measures. My neighbor has been in close contact 3 separate times with someone who had Covid. Neither of us has gotten Covid. I have no idea how much time I have left on this earth, and refuse to be afraid of living, because I am afraid of dying.

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“...refuse to be afraid of living because I am afraid of dying.”


I wish I had thought of that....🤗

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I live because I'm not afraid of dying.

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"Not because antivax (but I am starting to get that way)..." I've heard a number of people express this tendency, but you're the first physician. I certainly have started to question my assumptions that all previous vaccines were largely reasonably safe.

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Check out Senator Ron Johnson's Senate hearing of 1-24-22. It is long but informative. There are physicians, a PhD, and some who have been harmed by the vax.

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Thanks for posting the video. I will check it out.

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RFKennedy Jr.'s newsletter has extensive and valuable information on vaccines and vaccinations - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/welcome-to-the-defender/

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Kennedy's book about Fauci was eye-opening about how there's been hanky panky surrounding vaccines for years. Thanks for posting the link.

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Mee too 🤗.

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Physician here - I know two other colleagues who kept their sanity and saw the almost zero chance of dying or even getting truly sick (assuming you weren’t in a nursing home) - after the realization that the UN (purposefully?)misread the Wuhan hospital study and pushed the false 3.4% death rate. All the other doctors were super excited about getting the vaccine. I can’t explain it - I knew early on that Covid was nonsense after a study from Iceland came out showing 50-75% asymptomatic and 25% mild symptoms (dangerous disease doesn’t act like that). I’m still shocked that we don’t test vit D levels and this whole farce has me questioning everything.

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Also - I’ve been around several very sick “Covid” patients in the ICU - I’m unvaxxed and don’t wear an N95. Why? Because I had Covid and all it did to me was cause a loss of smell for a few weeks. There is something else going on with these Covid deaths - Iceland requires vitamin D supplementation for its citizens, Subsaharan Africans have very high Vit D levels because of sun exposure, I take vitamin D and tan (the obese are known low vitamin D, blacks are low in the west, nursing home pts are low, etc) - I’m putting my money on mass vitamin D deficiency.

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I completely agree. I have been around a bunch if sick covid patients also. I am an OB, so the ones that were getting in trouble were the obese +/- comorbidities. But really what shook me was the blanket rec of the vax to pregnant patients. Usually ACOG is so wimpy regarding new stuff to this group of patients. They can't even decide if routine vit D screening is beneficial. I have colleagues that are adamant that all pateints get vaxxed, they are vaxxed, they are vaxxing there kids and giving them boosters, etc. Most of them have gotten Covid except me...the lone unvaxed- vit-D-popping-quercetin-taking-rebel

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Ah yes, ACOG - I spoke with several OBs when the study on vaccine safety in pregnancy (I can’t remember the name) came out with the initial results showing potential massive miscarriage numbers and they all said “well, it’s recommended by ACOG” or “there were animal studies showing safety”. I also asked them about vit D and they were like, “oh, I don’t know much about that do you have any studies?” and so I provided some showing efficacy in ICU respiratory patients and they were like, “oh, but those aren’t Covid patients” so I found one on Covid severity but they didn’t care. It’s all group think stemming from the societies - who are supposed to be the best of the best. I do know a couple of anti-Covid vax OBs to be fair. All of the sick pregnant patients with Covid have been obese Hispanic here.

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If we had freedom to live as we wished we would know the correct path by now

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Wish you were practicing in Cincinnati.

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I keep asking this question. 🤷🏻‍♀️ A vaxxed friend told me he felt the vax had saved his life. I reminded him that before the vax, he had a 99.7%+ chance of survival. He had a funny look on his face when he realized he went thru all the vax crap to get an uptick of .01 to .02 percent….and added the risk of taking an experimental chemical. I wonder how many people think of that now.

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The survival rate is much higher than that considering the inflation of deaths using faulty pcr testing as well as deaths with, not from covid. Factor in comorbidities, age and most healthy people are at near zero risk from covid.

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100%. Thank god it was made in China- junk like everything else they make. Part of me wishes for a real pandemic to get rid of the weak.

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...and the truly gullible. And not to forget the despicable virtue signallers! I detest them the most!

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Feb 20, 2022
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Great point. But those people were utterly convinced it was too great a risk. They got sucked in to the shared group emotion of it.

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Yes Rose I believe your spot on regarding this. Probably they will find a cure for mental illness when they find the cure for the common cold. Mental illness must be the reason we now find ourselves involved in yet another war. More human lives lost, and all to get our minds on something else besides the fact that death is up 40% due to the CLOT shots. Mental illness is driving the mandates, I'm sure. Wearing masks is also a contributor of the mental illness crisis. Suicide is up also, but No one seems to notice or care. Sad sad state of affairs! Free Will!

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proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no one pursues...

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As well as drug addiction

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Courage is a trait that has been stripped out of American children in public schools over the last 30 years. Progressives decided that incremental changes though they would take time would certainly work. They have taught two generations of kids that compliance for the good of society is far more admirable than courage. Free people cannot long survive without courage and without leaders who exhibit it.

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Courage would probably fall somewhere under the umbrella of “toxic masculinity”

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and the parents let that happen, although maybe not consciously or by choice. but still.

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Feb 19, 2022
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present day education aims to force-fit us into the compliance matrix.

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Could you name the schools please?

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// "Education" in Latin means "to lead out". It is the opposite of what is now called education at all levels, which is a process of closing in, rather than leading out. //

We've become a society of machine components, measured by how smoothly we fit into one machine or another, and as machines increasingly grow in complexity, they require increasingly more "educated" components. Instead of adapting his tools to his needs and desires, mankind is "educating" himself to becoming better adapted to his tools. The grand covid experiment that began in early 2020 has brought this home to humans who have been slow to catch on: "You are each a small part of my whole, no more, and you must conform to my needs or be rejected."

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Hard times produce rugged men. Rugged men produce good times. Good times produce weak men. Weak men produce hard times.

Economic collapse, civil war -- whatever it is. The survivors will rebuild and the cycle starts anew.

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But - assuming there are any survivors this time - will they have learned anything? Or will they repeat all of humanity's evils and mistakes, yet again? That's the question I wonder most about.

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I truly believe that human nature doesn’t change, so yes, mistakes always are repeated

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Humans will soon be replaced by machines and trans humans. A complete apocalypse like mad max is actually preferable.

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If those are the only two choices, I agree: complete annihilation would be infinitely better.

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Is that why there's a shortage of chips? Are they building cyborgs somewhere we're not aware of?

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That's right, and courage comes from principle. We must believe in something to fight for it.

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Integrity as well.

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Ivermectin can be an effective treatment without being a “magic bullet” Alex.

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Yes, no one has claimed Ivermectin is a cure for Covid or will end it. It is a treatment for the virus. But, hey, Alex had to get another "jab" in against it, and placed it next to Unicorn dust.

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Well, I know what I saw with my own eyes. My grandson got Covid (doubled vaxxed, too). After 4 days of being sick, he took a weight appropriate dose of IVM, just one time. The very next day he was immensely better, 2 days later he felt back to normal. His girlfriend (unvaxxed) took IVM too as soon as he got sick, and she never came down with it at all.

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Did you check his vitamin D level? Have you ever had your own checked?

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The problem I see on our side is that people think they need a treatment - they don’t.

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Feb 19, 2022
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Neither can you, apparently.

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And those Canadian Freedom marchers are incredibly brave for risking their livelihood to defend the Canadian "constitution", and their freedom. Unfortunately cowards like Trudeau and Biden can only negotiate with force and bullying (so last century) and not peacekeeping conversation. When the rules of the game change and human rights are obliterated....dare I ask....how does the average person overcome fear when demanding change from tyrrants? This is hitting too close to home...

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That’s why we have the second amendment.

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The second amendment is totally useless unless large numbers of people are actually willing to die for freedom. There are plenty of guns, but the resolve remains an open question. At least the truckers tried.

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Fact: Both the United States and the entire World are less safe with Biden and Harris in the White House. The World looks to the US for strong leadership, including military assistance when needed, and that stopped last year once Trump left the White House. We had preferred 'peace through strength' with Trump for 4 years, and now have had nothing but 'chaos through weakness' with this current illegitimate admin. The current situation that's unfolded under this admin here at home, and around the World as well (Russia/Ukraine/Afghanistan etc) is a direct result of having weakness, incompetence, and unfit leaders in the White House, who shouldn't have been there in the first place (got there based on lies and false promises, and it should have been Trump for another term). Powdered unicorn dust and Brandon is Pernmantly out to lunch.

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I don't like what our current leaders are doing -- AT ALL. But I don't think I would characterize them as weak. They are self-serving and are doing everything in their power to get what *they* want and their masters want. To them, we are an inconvenience to be subjugated.

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You dont think Uncle Joey is not in cognitive decline? And his speech writer is Mao Zedong.

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I do believe he is in cognitive decline, but until recently he's been focused and astute enough to leverage his leadership positions for great financial benefit for himself and his family. I don't believe elected officials today, for the most part, care if they appear weak to their constituents. They just bore ahead without shame implementing their grift so the masters will reward them. I wish we had strong, noble leaders. I think Josh Hawley may be one, but we need a legion of them.

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I suspect that Jill has been enabling Joe for decades. I don’t give him credit for having much brain activity left. A dangerous situation we’re in because it’s exactly where the people with real power want us.

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I keep remembering Obama's characterization of Biden...something like "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

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I dont know how much manipulating Jill is capable of doing she is only a mannequin at a very low-level community organizers college.

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She has never struck me as all that smart, more like those "educators" in the school boards we saw. I do think she is complicit in covering for his cognitive decline, though. Joe's cabinet is full of Obama people, and they are the ones making all the bad policy....Obama's third term, after all. I doubt if Joe is deciding much, he's just going along with things.

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I think she’s greedy and has enough feral intelligence to manipulate him. He never was especially bright, even before brain bleeds and dementia.

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Josh Hawley I believe is a great man as well. I am not sure he wants to become President soon.

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Putin is making a monkey out of Biden and our country. However, I wouldn't place all blame on Biden....Blinken and Sullivan are so out of their league dealing with this, it's embarrassing to watch.

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I suspect that if there is any hope for the survival of freedom in the future, it will come from Russia.

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You’re really getting into full of shit by association territory. You call people cowards so we’re supposed to associate you with courage. You question Dr Malone’s honesty so we’re supposed to accept yours. You call your own readers fanatics after you took their money, so you can tell everyone you’re attacked by nuts on both sides therefore you must be the voice of reason. Think folks can’t see the game?

Trump has issues but he’s no coward. I went to one of his early rallies. He basically had no protection, and there was a large mob of illegals and communists protesting. Los Angeles cops let them get almost on him. He almost got hit with a bottle. And he didn’t jump into any quagmires for others to die in, unlike Clinton, Bush, et ilk.

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Fantastic commentary. I’m a carpenter. A top 5 riskiest job in the US by actuarial realities. My colleagues were far better equipped to manage this pandemic than my office worker buddies. The soldiers I know in construction were even better equipped. The elite managerial class that has the reins is literally the worst possible group to navigate us through pretty much anything.

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“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” —C.S. Lewis, Abolition of Man

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I don't disagree with you but I don't hold against anyone for not wanting to go to Vietnam. I lived through that era. No one wanted to get drafted. It was socially acceptable. It was a dreadfully unpopular war that most people didn't understand what we were even doing there. Night after night Walter and the rest of them talked body counts and how awful it was. The unlucky (poor) who had to go came back to scorn and disrespect. Interestingly enough, the protests stopped when the draft was ended. It was a terrible time.

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I received my draft notice at 19. Dad and Uncle were Navy so I enlisted in the canoe club that day (thanks Army for the physical!).

Best thing that ever happened to me til then. Alameda Ca. HS85 helo crewman. USS Kitty Hawk.

It was great. What an experience.

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It was when we became more interested in safety than in liberty, as Franklin predicted. Communism has been winning ever since. We're no longer the land of the free or the home of the brave.

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Land of the fee and home of the slave.

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Yep. I only view lack of defence as cowardly, not lack of offence. Going to a country halfway across the world = offence.

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When the lockdowns, masks and mandates went into effect, I watched most of my friends, family and colleagues cower, comply, and dutifully obey The Science™ while the rest of us went into full warrior mode. I have never been more confident about any position I've taken in my life like the one I've taken to protect my family over the last two years. The bonds I have established with like-minded critical thinkers during this time has been nothing short of empowering and uplifting. Onward!

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So glad to read this...thank you. I watched my family and a lot of my friends cower and comply too. Not I, or my two children. I have never felt braver and more courageous than I do now. . I have also aligned myself with many new like- minded souls, and I feel blessed and not alone. Onward indeed!

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Courage is not the absence of fear--people lacking fear are psychopaths, like Sheehan. Courage is when you are afraid but do what has to be done in spite of the fear. Nothing speaks to the lack of physical courage in our political class than the photos of Congressmen cowering in fear in the House chamber on Jan 6, 2021 in the face of a bunch of protestors carrying flags and taking selfies. Yet they waste not a second to vote to send American youths off to fight and die in other peoples' wars.

Whether you are right or not about the lack of courage in previous presidents depends upon why they refused to go fight in politicians' wars without relevance to the security of the United States. Perhaps they were simply sane. Nor do these presidents lack moral courage, as they simply didn't have any morals--in the sense of firm, fixed principles upon which they base their actions--at all. They are the perfect New American Man: they follow the flock of the media and the "experts" wherever it goes. The flock ARE their morals.

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Yep, being pro war and avoiding the draft is lack of courage, but Trump for instance seems very anti-foreign-war so it has no relation to lack of courage.

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Thanks for the distinction. I actually think Berenson's post was all over the place. Yes, as a culture we are beset by what Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying refer to as "safetyism." But since the Viet Nam war was a case where thoughtful critics, champions of free speech, and eventually deranged lunatics opposed it, we might at least not impugn people's motives for avoiding enlistment unless we know what they were. (Just curious, for ex., did Alex B. enlist?) That's not an endorsement of the failed polices of a string of presidents. Yes, leaders like Trudeau, who hid from the trucker protestors and then declared the equivalent of martial law to solve traffic and parking violations, lack courage. More to the point, however, they lack sense, which is why neither Trump nor Biden could figure out that the insane vaccine-only-and-above all policy would be, was, and is a disaster. (Trump mumbled a lot about how he didn't like Fauci, Berks, et al, but took no action.) Thinking about this further, if politicians could have a healthy fear that their actions would have future repercussions, maybe we wouldn't be in the awful place we landed. Note the healthy effects that fear of losing their elected positions has had on blue state officials who have begun rolling back their imperial mandates, etc.

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// if politicians could have a healthy fear that their actions would have future repercussions, maybe we wouldn't be in the awful place we landed //

I imagine fear was exactly what convinced most of them to join in the tyrannizing: they knew that if they resisted the rush, they'd be pilloried in the media as demagoguing and dangerous nonconformists. Only a politician willing to sacrifice himself by standing against the crowd would have taken that risk. Incidentally, were there any? I don't recall reading about any.

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Feb 19, 2022
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Of course, you’d be a fool to chase a cup of coffee with a bear standing by to protect the coffeepot.


If there were a frightened damsel next to the pot desperate for rescue...well now we’re talking courage.

I’m sure that’s what you meant 😊.

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First, Trump as president avoided starting any new wars which Washington hated him for. The Bushes hated Trump because he called out pathetic George.

With respect to courage. The first time I was diagnosed with cancer, I received that news alone with oncologist. I knew I was sick, so frankly no biggie. Oncologist was upset with me for coming to hear bad news alone. Huh? He immediately said I MUST go on antidepressant as every cancer patient does in order to deal with what is coming. His fear of my dying was more disturbing to me that hearing I had cancer. I was NOT going to die. I felt no fear. I would be fine. After all we all are sentenced to death from the moment of birth. So holding death over my head was not going to scare me.

After my diagnosis, I realized I had purposely adverted risk in my life. What I loved to do,I had quit doing because of risk. That had to change. So I picked up that discipline at age 40 plus and loved every single moment. Lots of risk. I pushed myself to do things that made me quite uncomfortable. I am so glad I did. What wonderful memories.

Once again, I would be diagnosed with cancer. This time aggressive form. I was told to quit my discipline because my cancer operations meant taking out many lymph nodes. So for several years I avoided my discipline. Then I moved. Good decision, but thrown right back into the world I love. I gave high risk much thought and have once again gotten back doing what I love so much. I have had 3 accidents this past year. Yes, I was severely injured, but recovered. I never thought about quitting, but I had to find my bravery again. I had PTSD pretty bad. Today I feel great. I have learned so much about myself, and have pushed my body to get better and better. I am a trooper. My parents would be so proud. They were amazing troopers. Nothing scared them. After all, they had been through hell a few times, and lived on, and they said their prayers each night to stay strong. It is the belief in a higher power that allows me to reach down and find courage at all costs. Courage feels great. 👏😀

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I so relate to your story. I have had cancer eight times and had doctors push antidepressants on me to deal with the situation. Thankfully, I have been cancer free now for 10 years. I look at the whole experience as a gift because it taught me to live in the moment. The present moment is the place where we are really free anyway—free of the regrets of the past and also free from the worries about the future. It is where time touches eternity or as C.S. Lewis calls it: The Unbounded Now. So while I’m here, my feet are on the ground, but my heart is already in heaven and I don't have to be scared of everything--least of all Covid-19.

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Feb 20, 2022
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Obama has Egypt, Tunisia, Lybia, Syria - the entire Arab Spring was an offensive war.

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We can all do a little bit every day to become less afraid and more courageous. It will add up. Bravery doesn't drop out of the sky one day; it needs to be sought in every moment.

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How about the courage to reconsider your confirmation bias in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, Alex?


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Every word on point ! I've made many posts throughout this ordeal in answer to other posters who expressed amazement at a variety of behaviors: multiple vaccinations after it became clear the vaccine is for all practical purposes useless, wearing of large plastic "welder like" shields completely open 3-4" all around, riding bicycles while wearing one or two masks, and washing groceries (even those in boxes, like cereal !) with wipes dipped in a disinfectant. Many also wrote they had been completely shut off from their closest relatives, even adult children telling their parents they are no longer welcome. I continued to post that FEAR IS THE ULTIMATE motivator of human beings. And you could not have explained it any better than the transformation of our CULTURE from fearless to fearful, to terrified... seeking utter and complete PROTECTION from everything, even from such things as a painting or sculpture that we find "upsetting". We have indeed become a country of cowards... as a psychologist I came to the conclusion some time ago this is primarily (not in total) the result of comfort and ease, to put it in common everyday language, we've had IT TOO GOOD FOR TOO LONG, we have forgotten completely how our parents and grandparents sacrificed during the great world wars, and how much courage it took to march off to the uncertainty of death at the age of 17, 18, 19 !

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The grand covid experiment has been creating an immense amount of material for psychologists and sociologists to study. The Madness of Crowds erupting simultaneously throughout the entire world. Who'd have believed it? Well, some science-fiction writers, surely. The rapid progression of scientific knowledge and technical capability was bound to come to an ugly head sometime, somehow.

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I'm afraid we're going to find out that there are a lot of things that are worse than dying.

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I've known that for ages.

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dying is a fact of life, no need to connect it with qualitative meanings such as 'worse' (or 'better').

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Very true abt out leaders. But so many of us, as citizens, have also been cowards. Look at all the support for "mitigation" still. Even after all facts are against them, ppl (mostly in in blue states) STILL declare that they will wear masks and get more shots for the rest of their lives.

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the problem is they project their fear on to everyone else and terrorise us into compliance. the key is to be free (of mind), which is worth fighting for, always and everywhere and involves a lot of courage.

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PS Your reporting abt IVM was unwelcome news to me. I had high hopes for it. However, your reporting has been spot on. You know how to read and eval a study and I accept your conclusion.

I'm disappointed in those who refuse.to do likewise, lacking any better info.

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Feb 19, 2022
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while bullying us into compliance. not gonna happen, HONK HONK!!

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Just a thought, but I've always considered that someone who doesn't believe in God (or just hates God, which in many cases is the same thing) really has to be scared to death of everything, and especially of death. If you've settled all this in your mind, soul, and spirit, you may not love the idea of dying (even Jesus on the cross asked for the cup to pass from Him), but you accept that that's what will eventually happen to us all, and you move on to live life as best you can. Nothing else explains the abject terror I've seen in perfectly healthy people in their 20s and 30s, scared to death that the Covid is gonna get 'em. Nothing, but nothing explains that except people who have never given serious thought to anything that matters.

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I've been an atheist for 35 years. I'm not afraid of death or covid. Just a single data point for you. Try not to paint with such a broad brush.

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No, I think the problem lies with old people. Old people run the world and old people had a chance of dying from Covid. Old people put themselves above the young. The young trust the old - they’re supposed to be wise.

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"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" The first time I read Patrick Henry's, resounding through the ages, battle cry for freedom, it gave me goosebumps (and I was a kid when I first read it.) I got it then. I get it now. Who cannot?

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Interesting post. My short list of people with courage in the face of Covid:

Senator Ron Johnson - WI (only politician on the list)

Pierre Kory MD

Peter McCullough MD

Vladimir Zelenko MD

Simone Gold MD JD

Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit)

Joe Rogan

R F Kennedy Jr

I’m sure there are some I’m forgetting. What they have in common is that they are not captured by Big Pharma and are willing to fight for the people in this whole disaster that we’re living through.

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Dr Malone

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i’m not sure about ivermectin per se, but peter mccullough, robert malone, pierre kory and paul merrick (along with countless other front line doctors) are all on record saying variously that administering combinations of HCQ, ivermectin, azithromicin, and/or intravenous vitamins among other interventions would have stopped the pandemic in 2020. so alex’s fixation with NO SILVER BULLETS is odd to me. RFK spent entire chapters in his book documenting how pharma backed health authorities conducted dozens of studies, covering thousands of people, where they deliberately, severely overdosed people on HCQ in summer 2020 to discredit the drug’s effectiveness, lest it impede access to EUA.

there are plenty of drugs available that likely would have saved thousands of lives in the US but-for their *deliberate suppression* by public health authorities in favor of a strategy for which early intervention was anathema. the take home of that fact is that the response of NIAID, NIH and CDC was designed to fail, and designed to induce panic. whatever the efficacy of ivermectin, whatever other treatment options are available and to what efficacy, whether or not there’s a “silver bullet” for COVID or what that would even entail, the more the facts come out the more difficult it becomes to dispute the bad intentions of fauci et al. i think that’s the essence of people’s backlash to berenson’s IVMC commentary, and the irony of that is that i don’t think he would disagree about the ultimate conclusion.

in any case, the man’s been right about literally everything else, so far be it from me to hold this one against him.

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Feb 20, 2022
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because the NYT lies to you. sorry you haven’t figured that out yet, but this exact sub debunked the claim you’re making less than 48 hours ago

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Feb 20, 2022
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Very simple, obesity = low vitamin D. Ivermectin is a red herring.

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The best examples of courageousness and cowardice today are the truckers and Trudeau. Likewise the cowardice of western leaders and people in media to denounce Trudeau. He is trying his best to destroy the lives of people that just wanted to end the clotshot mandate.

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At some point, maybe back in the 80’s, it seems many people got very scared of things that others managed to deal with as far as kids were concerned. Knees ‘permanently’ skinned and scabbed from bike wrecks, sniffles and colds and scratchy throats (aside from strep), dirty hands from playing outside in actual dirt, fevers from mild illnesses (I actually let my kids run a low grade fever for a short while before I opened up a bottle of ‘fever reducer’, Somewhere along the way it seems a lot of kids became coddled, swiftly taken to the doctor for the first sniffle, babied and made to feel helpless and weak against adversity. Perhaps those children (and maybe even their parents) are many of the fearful, cowering adults who are so vividly on display now all across our country.

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The population is inverted - more old than young and increasing every year. Old people are afraid of death and are more concerned with the flu and various other things that are harmless to young people. Our psychology is that of a grouchy old lady who wants sick kids kept out of her house. Have you not heard the knew mantra that kids go to school and bring home disease? Would an adult have been afraid of getting a cold from a student even 30 years ago?

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The elites don’t ever mind getting us into a war, because it’s rarely their kids who are sent to fight it. Their kids deal with first world problems like correcting pronouns and policing the latest ‘isms’, and denigrate anyone who doesn’t prioritize that. They fear everything because they’ve never had to survive anything. Their view of the real world is completely skewed, yet they seem to be granted the loudest megaphones. How did we get here, and more importantly, how do we get out?

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more transparency.

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so true, where is courage? truckers showed some and thats why Trudeau called war measures act and thugs to shut it down. Where are the rest? doctors, nurses, mothers speak out about what you know? and journalists? shameful so few will do journalism, thank you for your courage Alex

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I’m not surprised he avoided Viet Nam

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I knew he had avoided it before I even read this. All elites like him avoided it.

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Courage is both macro and micro, dodging the draft being macro. I was a lone face in a sea of 99% mask compliance everywhere for the better part of a year. Sure, plenty of people were scared but plenty also knew the masks were nonsense and played along because they just "didn't want to deal with it." Much of the damage done to children, the cultural zeitgeist and economy was inflicted because those masks prolonged the amplified the hysteria. Courage means something at the grocery store as well.

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I was searching for others - I would usually see only one other person per store visit - bare-faced like me at the grocery store as well.

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Bro... ivermectin and powdered unicorn horn? Umm... Please Alex, for your own sake, please stop beating that same drum. You look really desperate and petty. Just let it go bro.

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Of all the human flaws, the unrelenting need to be right is perhaps the most dangerous.

You my friend have it up the wazoo.

Let it go Alex, you fucked up, you shouldn't have attacked Malone and many people dislike you for it.

You are burning up what little goodwill you have left with your pettiness.

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This is something I thought about in the spring of 2020 when a sensible friend posted something on Fakebook questioning Covid mitigation measures and one of her “friend’s” comments on her post about how he thought the measures were appropriate because he didn’t want his grandparents who were in their ‘90’s to die. All I could think about was the fact that both of my grandfathers were willing to die for this country and for freedom when they were in their ‘20’s during WW II, and his grandparents are ok with everyone losing their freedom and rights because they MIGHT die from Covid in their ‘90’s?

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The most repeated phrase in the Bible is "fear not." The only one we are to fear is God. That is a recipe for a full and blessed life, but not necessarily a long life. The years ahead appear much more challenging than those in the rearview mirror. Regardless of our frailties, may we set them aside and put forth the strength of our inner lion. Let's make our remaining time on this planet count for good that lives long past us.

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Agree. This is a time for courage. Fear destroys. This is a both a historical and biblical truth. We can't be the home of the free is we are not the land of the brave.

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Mandatory military service would change everything…radically.

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Mandatory front line military service for the children of congress and the president would change everything.

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I sure don’t want to work alongside people who absolutely do not want to be there because jail is the alternative.

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I'm guessing you're not a veteran. Everyone I knew when I was in the military despised the idea of a draft.

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In today's led by wokesters military? Maybe 20 years ago after 9/11, but not today.

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We don't have that many battles.

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We could invade China. That should keep us occupied for a while at least.

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Feb 19, 2022
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It's not patriotism, it's survival. We should all learn mandarin. It takes time and we'll need it to beg for food from our new masters.

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Perhaps. My only hesitation would be the nagging suspicion that in any war the US could conceivably engage in, we would be the bad guys.

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Switzerland has mandatory military service, but doesn’t fight battles.

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And every citizen keeps automatic weapons at home, ready for battle. Probably why they don't have many battles. An armed society is a polite society. An unarmed society is prey.

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In Robert Heinlein’s book from 1959 Starship Troopers he made several future predictions. The 1st was the great democracies of the 20th Century failed because the voters thought they could vote for anything they wanted without working for it. As a result the only people allowed to be citizens and vote were veterans. Not that they they could build a perfect society but at least they had put their asses on the line to defend it. As an example, can anyone imagine the passive aggressive beta male Obama leading a squad of Marine’s?

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Feb 20, 2022Edited
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pls try not to put any of your money in a bank, banksters own this world (or at least are trying to).

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Fear, greed and arrogance are the Buddha’s three poisons. Time changes but they are constant.

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I am proud of the Canadians, I hope they make it.

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Sounds like you're proud of Canadian truckers, not Canadians. Most of them support Justin.

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I just read that only a third of Canadians actually voted for Trudeau. If that's true, I'm not sure how he became PM, but their system definitely works differently from ours.

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Feb 20, 2022
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It’s frustrating to see how much the globalist regime embraced the destruction of antifa and BLM protests, but want to destroy the lives of actual peaceful protesters that just don’t want to be forced to take poison.

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troll alert

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Apparently, free speech and peaceful assembly are illegal in Canada. Breaking city ordinances is usually handled by paying a fine.

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The Article V Convention of States will restore the power to the States and restore our Federal Government back to it's limited and constrained boundaries.

It's a State's only method to amend the Constitution and bypasses Federal control.

The trick to reaching the 34 states required to call the Convention will require blue and red states having a common enemy in the Federal Government.

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It is the "Silver Bullet" to fix this totalitarianism that the Federal Government wishes to impose on the American people.

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The courage will need to come from us, the citizenry as we try to beat back the rising tide of tyranny, lies and violent attack…..from our own governments. May GOD be with us for both protection and valor.

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I sure agree with this post. I had so many friends that I thought were rational. They were scared to death. I went to work as we were an essential business and working from home is not an option. Everyone kept saying "stay safe" like we were in some great danger.

Who wants to live a "safe" life? I prefer a full life and that includes risks!

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"But no one can attack us inside our cage."

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that's useful PR but really not true, because they still get cov after vaxxes, while after much compliance there's still no end to restrictive measures. so much for the protective cage!

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Yes everything now revolves around avoidance: of pain, of sickness, of depression, anxiety... by doing this all of these things have become unacceptable and considered as defects. Especially being sick...omg you have the flu?? Run for cover, isolate and batten down the hatches! God forbid that anyone starts sneezing or coughing in a public place! Contagion!!!

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“ Now, of course, our leaders are cowards, and the cowardice runs across both parties. It may be the last bipartisan trait. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden all managed to dodge service in Vietnam.”

Well said.

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Feb 19, 2022
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I understand your point, and appreciate your compassion, but the last thing members of our military want is pity (including my Vietnam vet husband).

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Personally, I think this all has to do with 3 things. 1. We’ve had it too good and are not used to the hardships our ancestors endured. We are no longer tough and resilient as they were. My great grandparents traversed an ocean to a foreign country, endured 2 world wars, the Great Depression and more; yet, still persevered and sacrificed to give their children the American Dream. For most of us, our struggles pale in comparison, and we squander the opportunity they fought so hard for. 2. We have feminized boys and conditioning them to think natural and normal male instincts are toxic and no longer needed. 3. Most importantly, we have abandoned God. We place all our emphasis on this very short human life rather than fixing our eyes on eternal life with Christ. When you only value this very brief life, you will do anything to protect it.

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or one will do anything to make it wortwhile and do good. we need to be able to make our own choices and accepting the consequences.

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it could be worse. You can be Canada. Cowards abound in our Parliament, courts and police.

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Lol.. jeez.. nobody’s getting out of here alive… not even the elites. Who cares. I live everyday like it’s my last..always have always will.. been through three pandemics.. don’t care.. got sick once .. I was 19 never got a flu again…. Never been vaccinated for anything my whole life. (I’m old) I don’t trust stupid drs.. don’t trust the FDA. Never did.. that’s not a new thing for me.. I’ve always lived and eaten healthy. I’d rather eat grass than a McDonald’s hamburger. What good is life if you can’t live it? Fear is useless. Take reasonable care of yourself. Trust your own senses. For Pete’s sake.. definitely live the life you have and fight for the things that allow that. They’re worth dying for all day long 👍🏻 I’d die 20 times for those things.

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