"But it is already clear that almost no one is going to take the boosters this fall. Pfizer has already ratcheted down expectations for them. Readers with elderly relatives are telling me that even nursing homes are not encouraging the shots."

Yet here comes Poltico, lying to all our faces:


"About 3 in 5 voters plan to get the new Covid booster"

Once you see the manipulation, you can't help but notice it everywhere.

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WSJ had a story today about people eager to get their new boosters are encountering delays, and CVS is asking workers to volunteer to ease staff shortages. See, everybody really wants more boosters!

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Better make your appointment today, space is limited!

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“So don't delay, act now, supplies are running out

Allow if you're still alive, six to eight years to arrive

And if you follow there may be a tomorrow

But if the offer's shunned (taken)

You might as well be walking on the Sun” —Smash Mouth

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“You’re gonna need that TruCoat”. https://youtu.be/B2LLB9CGfLs?si=BhNkwCk0H-wqrl07

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Get in line to be potentially vax injured or die. No thanks. What a bunch of cretins.

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I agree, 3 in 5 what a crock of shit. continuous lying about everything.

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Zero percent chance that's true, even given the "voters" designation. What they really want to show is that 4 out of 5 democrats are getting the shot and that means that you better, too -- don't want to be accused of being a Republican!

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If Dems thought this through, there's no way they'd be encouraging boosters! They're going to boost themselves right out of office. Their voters will be dead.

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They're importing new voters as we speak.

Well, new ballots, anyway.

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Who needs bodies?? Just names on voter registration roles. Fakes names, fake addresses filled out and registered. Then the mail in ballot gets mailed out, filled in by an operative. Signatures never matched. This is a legal vote in Michigan. I’m sure California and NY also. Pennsylvania will be all in on it this cycle. The steal has been codified in many states, coming to a state near you soon.

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And if that doesn't work, get your political opponent convicted of a crime and have your state law worded that a convicted felon cannot be on the ballot. How many states ballots will Trump not even be on in the fall of 2024? A true nullification of democracy. Things may get very ugly in 2025...

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i've read there are some constitutional concerns regarding removing trump from the ballot. I was under the impression, like you stated, that getting him disqualified was the end goal of this folly. Since I'm far from a constitutional scholar, I'm in sit back and wait mode. Either way 2025 is not gonna be pretty. We are on a crash course towards utter chaos. All it seems purposely put into motion by the tyrants in charge.

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They have to convict him of insurrection. Insurrectionists can never hold office. It doesn't matter that that was enacted after the Civil War to prevent Confederates from holding office.

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That’s where the Replacement Theory comes in. Why do you think the borders are wide open?

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Of course, by voters, they obviously mean Biden voters…

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Might be your best column yet.

Congratulations to your son on his goal. My daughter once scored a goal in "little kids soccer" as I call it. I went crazy. I was admonished by other parents for damaging the other kids "self-esteem." Early WOKE.

PS - you will learn to like Trump. We will help you.

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I used to like Trump until he stabbed us in the back and betrayed us on so many issues, especially deficits, crime and covid. He keeps running farther and farther to the left, but alas, there is no reasoning with Trump cultists. He offends people dontcha know? And that’s all that matters.

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Two statements that are hard to reconcile:

[They don't stop infection, they don't stop transmission.]

[Most of the rest of the world quietly admitted this reality this winter, refusing to recommend them for healthy adults under 65.]

That they're being recommended for anyone anywhere is absurd.

P.S. Jabbed in-laws got the bug again. So the shots have now "worked" THREE times for them.

Go, Pfizer!

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A fully vaxed and double boosted friend just celebrated her 70th trip around the sun. Guess what she got for her birthday...covid.

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I never cease to be amazed by how many people think the jabs have some redeeming value. Same with lockdowns and masking. I guess people are just way more gullible than I thought.

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They're shot-committed at this point.

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Fact check: true. They know deep down the jabs are more dangerous than useful, that's why they've stopped boosting, but can't admit to themselves that they got duped.

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That's why we hear a lot of "We didn't know back then", even though we absolutely DID know back then.

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I was not initially opposed to the mRNA vaccines. I'm the son of a physician and I subscribed to the worldview that our for-profit medical system is the engine of innovation that makes socialized medicine possible in other countries. After all, who was producing all of the life-saving and extending drugs, treatments and procedures? But I knew this was a brand new technology that was being rushed through and that the dangers of Covid had been overhyped, so I decided to wait and see. And the more I waited, the more I saw and the less I liked what I saw. Now, I have to question everything these people say. For example, I never got flu vaccines because I knew they were generally ineffective and the side effects of flu-like symptoms didn't seem like a good trade-off. Also, my 16 year old son is autistic and I never believed this was caused by vaccines but after the gaslighting we've endured over the covid jabs, how can I ever be sure?

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Even the most ardent "anti-vaxxer" was only anti-mandate. (And anti-immunity for the pharma companies!)

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SC — if you haven’t ever watched the 1961 Judgment at Nuremberg you would so appreciate it. Many scenes in which characters insist “We Didn’t Know!” It is free on internet archive.

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Sweet! Thanks!

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“Never go full retard.” Guess those still committed to the jabs never saw Tropic Thunder.

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“a puzzling immune system change”. Naturally, the experts are baffled. Also, not only are the shots not indicated for healthy adults under 65, they are not appropriate for healthy adults over 65. I turn a healthy unvaccinated 66 next month and entering …..The Danger Zone—-NOT.

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Tossed and turned about a booster now. I am over 75, healthy, and will do a lot of traveling this fall( I still work full-time). had COVID-19 last August despite all the vaxes. Worried about the risk with traveling of catching COVID as well as the risk of venous thrombosis from the shot.

Decided not to get another vaccination. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting on the science. I wish our organized health authorities would get their act together.

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Not a doctor, but I think you've made a good decision--especially about the thrombosis concern. I swear by elastic stockings for long plane trips.

A friend, age 76, just returned from a 10-day cruise. She developed a head-cold. She said, "Maybe I should take a covid test."

My reply? WTF??? Do you plan on a covid test every time you sneeze? Gimme a break.

Can we please be DONE with covid? PLEASE???

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A covid test would make sense were there any specific therapy. There isn't. never order a medical test unless it alters management. No one should be running around with a cold. Masks should be worn by sick people, not healthy people

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I think that the only valid reason for testing is to limit viral replication - limit the spike. The spike protein is a nasty little bugger - disease or jab. Of course the jab is far worse because it turns your body into a spike factory. There are protocols at flccc.net to limit viral replication. As simple as saline nasal rinses and gargling with scope or other products containing cetylpyridinium.

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Nursing homes wont have any patients then the government will fill them with illegal immigrants like the Red Roof Inn why don't the CDC tell everyone how many healthy elderly died after taking mRNA SHOTS!? And who is going to pay the American taxpayers back for this money they spent on these PCR TEST AND mRNA SHOTS!?

Printing money is not the answer to solve your problems. And I hope they do shut down the government.

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Alex, nice analogy. My doctor just recommended this latest shot to me and asked how many shots I’ve received. I said ZERO. He told me that mRNA is a miracle and spouted the Big Lie that the unvaccinated are dying. I told him that he’s mistaken and provided multiple data points from memory, easily refuting his brain washed love affair with these horrible gene therapies.

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You need to find a new doctor.

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You are absolutely correct. I am looking for a new doctor as we speak. See my reply back to AG Fairfield. It blows the mind. This is a holistic doctor with decades of experience who barely talked about vaccination with me over the years and now he brings it up all the time. Mass Formation Psychosis is a real thing.

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…don’t leave us hanging, then what happened??

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You're going to love this. I told my doctor that there is major stats and studies from the UK, Israel, Australia, et al and even the CDC is recently admitting that the unvaccinated make up most of the infections and hospitalizations. He tried throwing out a couple of technical items to make him look knowledgeable and I knocked these down as myth as well. The HUGE kicker was that I told him multiple studies show that the S-1 or Synthetic Spike Protein (the most toxic part of the virus) stays in the body, freely circulating and potentially attaching to every organ, for up to 187 days (nobody has tested more than 187 days after receiving the shots to my knowledge) and he actually told me that, and I quote "I like having Spike Proteins indefinitely IN MY BODY". I just stared at him and wanted to say WTF are you F***ing kidding me. Finally, he said, well you certainly have studied the subject and he dropped it. Bat Crazy shit for sure!!!

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Psst…I think you meant to type “that the vaccinated make up most infections…”

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*Correction: the vaccinated make up most of the infections and hospitalizations..sorry for the confusion..thanks AG Fairfield

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Alex, you have to seriously consider at this point... perhaps this “a feature, not a bug”. The very same Covidians continuing to hype the jab are the political and cultural supporters of the WEF and their ilk. They advocate active reduction in human population. They know the jab causes more harm than good. And maybe that’s been the point all along...

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The latest in a long series of posts in which Alex, who fancies himself the smartest guy in the room, can't seem to find his head with both hands and a flashlight.

"Why can't policymakers stop pushing obvious failures?"

Why indeed? He rightly points out that virtually every other country in the world has abandoned these obviously ineffective and even dangerous jabs, but not us. Whatever could the reason be?

Is everyone else in the world smarter than us? Do they know something we don't know? Are we just incredibly optimistic? Hardly. So then, what could it be? As Alex said, "Put the hard-core conspiracy theories aside." (First things first, right Alex?) If you are thinking that there might actually be a considered reason for what American policy makers are doing vis a vis the jab, a reason that perhaps supersedes their stated goal of improved public health, well that makes you a conspiracy theorist and therefore crazy and therefore wrong. There really WAS a magic bullet that day in Dealy Plaza! The Gulf of Tonkin attack was REAL!! Big Tobacco had NO IDEA that cigarettes cause cancer! Only nutjobs deny these things!

Consider the good folks at Bud Lite who made what everyone universally acknowledges as a worldclass blunder by alienating their core demographic, tanking their stock and costing them literally billions (with a B) in revenue. And yet, after 6 months of steady declines in market share and revenue they still have done NOTHING to correct their error. The same could be said for Disney making one woke flop after another, costing them billions. These are people at the top of their industries who know how to make money and how to stop losing it. Yet in the face of mounting losses, rather than trying to right the ship, they double down!! Sorta like American policymakers and the jab...

So what explains these nonsensical, counterproductive decisions on the part of these titans of industry and American public health policymakers? Are they crazy? Stupid? Ignorant? Confused? No. There is really only one option left. But Alex can't go there. Someone might mock him. Too late, Alex.

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I agree with you. I am tired of people calling our government overlords and globalists stupid, although some of them are, They know what they are doing and it is pure evil and has been pure evil from the beginning.

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Here’s the TL;DR version: Alex is a “normie” when push comes to shove.

I think a lot about why that might be the case. It might be that he’s an old schooler who stays in his “who what when where and how” lane. And he doesn’t want to consider an interpretative framework that might include some unknowns. But using your example of the Kennedy assassination, you don’t have to know every twist and turn about who played what exact role to be completely convinced from the EVIDENCE that powerful actors in our govt participated in killing a popular president and changing the course our nation took and baldly lied (still do) to cover it up.

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BINGO!! Excellent analysis. And at some point, continuing to deny the obvious truth becomes more embarrassing (and deleterious to your reputation as a journalist) than "jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon."

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Here is where the rubber may well meet the road for Alex: when his own kids become “social justice ideologues” right under his nose because SURELY there is not some broad kookie cultural Marxist conspiracy to normalize surveillance and social credit scores. SURELY Social Emotional Learning “curricula” taking over public schools are to just to help solve the “mental health crisis” among today’s young. So naive.

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[Even if his kids are in private schools SEL is there too, likely propagated by a bunch of Head Girls.]

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Had occasion to run into a surgeon friend, now in administration at a large city health system, this past weekend at a funeral. He was the only attendee wearing a mask. He, a relative of mine who works at a health food store, and I were talking. He explained that he'd worn the mask because he was around lots of sick folks at work. My relative, who was maskless at the funeral, said she often wore masks at work for the same reason. The two of them both expressed the view that masks AND the amount of COVID vax uptake to date would hopefully protect us all to some extent from the coming next wave/variant of COVID. Since I had no desire to discuss COVID, masks or vaccines on this very sad occasion, I didn't argue with either one of them. Plus, I just give up anyway. But Alex, I so appreciate that you haven't given up.

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I just left a workout at a high intensity fitness studio I use, and walking to my car next to a very fit 30 ish woman I told her have a good day and I would see her tomorrow in class. She said no probably not as she is getting her covid-flu combo shot later today, and said she did very badly after the last ones she had. I just could not confront her on it at that moment and simply said...be very careful with that stuff and she said yeah I know and actually laughed. It's just surreal the deep psychosis so many are locked into.

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I'm trying to philosophical: As long as no one forces any "vaccines" on me, or requires me to wear a mask, or "social distance," etc. I guess it's OK for the mindless masses to do what they want.

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Luckily, each yearly covid wave will be smaller than the last, because fewer and fewer people are susceptible each go-around. Well, unless we permanently screwed up people's immunity with the jabs......

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And if the infection rate is low, as expected, we can count on the public health authorities (Fauci) and the MSM to report the TRUTH, right? Oh, wait...

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They just switch to the scariest number, no matter if that's percentage rise in cases in young adults.....

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As a long suffering Jets fan- I really appreciate this analysis. The Jets do need a more solid O line but Zach Wilson throws two yard passes on 4th and 10. He spends all his time trying to not make a mistake when he should be trying to win. They should have kept Mike White who managed to throw a 67 yard TD running out the clock for Miami who won 70-20! The Jets have scored 42 points all season.

And of course I agree on the vaccines. The last two times I was sick was getting my first and second shots in 2021... My mother wound up with a serious episode of polymyalgia rheumatica after the first that put her in the hospital for a week in the winter of 2021- which her doctors told her could have been caused by the shot. I myself developed occipital neuralgia. I am not sure either can be clinically connected to the jabs but the coincidence is disconcerting. No boosters for me or mom!

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Great analogy, Alex. The US truly has become a joke. Granted, it has been 100 years in the making starting with Woodrow Wilson.....

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The analogy is so good it makes me feel absolutely terrible for Zach Wilson.

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What I have a hard time understanding is why people are STILL asking why. What is it exactly you need to see and KNOW at this point!

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Excellent comparison!

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It’s the unequal risk that has always bothered me the most with all vaccines. This one just seems to be the worst. But I’m not driving over a bridge that the builder won’t sleep under.

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