I’d way rather you spend your time continuing the great work you’re doing for us. You’re a lifeline of sanity and thoughtful insight in a sea of misinformation. You’re truth media’s most beloved man!

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I definitely second that!! Perfectly said, Dave.

Alex, I was sharing, recommending your work with a friend yesterday and said exactly that, along with you providing an outlet, a 'community' really, where I no longer feel so alone in all this mess. Endless Thanks...YOU da man!!

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I said the same thing to someone today…sign up for the comments, it’s a great community. On a whole, everyone is respectful and intelligent. It’s definitely a huge bonus chatting with so many like minded people.

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Yes! I was thinking the same thing. This definitely isn't Twitter!

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I was just going to comment the same thing. Alex is a voice in the darkness, one of the few in this world. Anyone familiar with Plato's Allegory of the Cave will realize that the ethical and rational dissenters are those who have stepped out into the daylight and are now trying to tell the others of the vast deception playing out on the walls in front of them.

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let's hope the FDA don't make you drink hemlock for spreading misinformation or perhaps it hasn't joined their approved list of safe drugs yet?

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They have to make a vaccine version of the hemlock first so they have zero liability

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Tip of the hat to you. Haven't heard the word hemlock in years. Feel like I'm sipping it every day

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You are one of the last real journalists and it is an honor to support your work.

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Keep the articles coming. It is the best use of your time. Thanks so much.

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Great job on the China Virus but do not agree about Trump. The election was stolen.

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You are right, Roman. Statistics don't add up to that many total votes. Apparently I voted in 2 states as I got an email about my vote in Texas from a judge there twice! And I voted far away from there.

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Do you know who your other vote was for?

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No, but I suspect it was for a DemoRat

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New evidence is being presented to the Supreme Court the day before Thanksgiving, In regards to the election. This is evidence never seen by the Supreme Court, And never reported by any media. It was collected by a few millionaires and state Attorney General's.

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that 'evidence' will be junked up and bastardized by then. betcha

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'It was collected by a few millionaires'... does that give you a hint as to why and how?

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Just bc millionaires are involved that doesn't mean its not legit. There are probably mire millionaires in the US than you realize

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Over 20 million millionaires in USA. I'm sure quite a few subscribe here. Just because you're a millionaire doesn't mean you don't love the USA And what it stood for a couple years ago.

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They took the case?

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I agree. In time the truth will come out eventually.

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Alex is not applying the same quality reasoning that has challenged the Covid mandate to the growing evidence of profound, widespread and malicious fraud in the 2020 election. Alex cannot seem to shake the NYT influence that infects an otherwise intelligent and interesting mind.

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The election is a very important issue but the vaccine mandate is what is most pressing/urgent and it's one of the few things to unite the left ( classical liberals like Alex and Dave Rubin ) and right so let's keep the focus here on that and not get side tracked with other issues.

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“Media’s most hated man”= followed the truth wherever it led and served your fellow man instead of yourself. Best title ever.

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Brooke: Absolutely!!

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For Halloween, I'm going as a person who refuses to wear a mask and is unvaxxed. That should scare half the country more than any ghosts or goblins ever could!

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Thank you. It's an unfortunate world we've come to where true journalists like yourself are a rare treat.

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You might be the MSM most hated man, but we the people appreciate the truth. Thank you.

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George Orwell stated "Journalism is printing what someone does not want published: everything is public relations" Alex Berenson is a Journalist of the highest truthful caliber

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More writing…less signing. Signed…a fan!

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You do what you do best. I appreciate your efforts.

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Sorry, I am a disabled veteran living in Germany, there is no way I can afford at the moment to be a "Founding Member." However, I will give what I can because you are one of the few beacons of reality that are out there, and for that I thank you.

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Krispy - just be part of the choir. Opine when you have something to say and support the others with your up votes. No financial contribution has ever been required; there is power and strength in numbers!

I guarantee that I appreciate everything you've already done and wish you nothing but the best: health, happiness and a long and safe life. I came of age at the end of the Vietnam war and never personally served, so my appreciation for you and your fellow warriors, past, present and future, runs very deep! Thank You! Godspeed

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Financially do what you can but the most important thing you can do is speak up and out.

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If Alex has 10000 subscribers he's doing fine! 60k a month is no joke.

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Subject of next post: is ADE happening or coming?

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I did a pre-order ! Wanted you to have revenue, top billing - and fight censors ! Glad I can support you in some small way !! Keep fighting …. “We” needed you, Alex !

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Alex, I love your humor AND your honesty *AND* I'd say this offer is extremely generous and unexpected of you. I am proud to help sponsor you and wish you nothing but the best.

Please take care to duck all rotten tomatoes while masquerading as the "media's most hated man" (you most definitely are NOT "hated" in OUR circle!). Oh, and please post a picture or two! :)

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A cat has nine lives Alex , and have a Happy Halloween everyone .

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Does that mean a cat can vote 9 times?

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I suppose seeing Men can now Menstruate have a Baby 👶 just to have a Abortion. This is Part of President Puppet, Build back better plan. Where everything Costs more than ever !

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He did say build back better but made no comments that it would be affordable

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I am still looking for them Gas Stations and Grocery stores that People Make more than $ 400.000 a year. Because of the Costs of living is up and very expensive and supplies are limited and some none to be found Putting our country in a serious National security risks.

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Or live in Chicago or Philly lol

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Can a cat BE a Democrat? They're pretty independent and I seriously doubt they'd support Socialism or Marxism.

I'd just tell them that Democrats taste a whole lot better (to a cat) than a rat!

No, actually I wouldn't. I like cats too much to do that to them. Imagine the aftertaste!! Yeeuuchhh.

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just keep seeking the truth, keep an open mind, stay objective, be humble and tolerant even when others are not. we need truth tellers and reasoned objective discourse.

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Alex, Keep an Open Mind, and don't spin for CYA effects; Otherwise Great Job !!

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I agree with Dave - focus on the untold truths!!

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Keep up the great work you do. I’ve just finished watching you on Joe Rogan. I watched it twice to be honest. It was fabulous keep up the great work you’re a blessing .

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You are the best!! Seriously! 😊

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Alex - sorry to add to your burden, but I too just changed to “founding member” - sign whenever it becomes convenient - looking forward to the read. But, focus like a laser on setting straight the BS being fed to an unsuspecting public! I tire of being told “just get the jab.”

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So grateful for the work you're doing to expose what's going on....

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Alex, you are the best ! Thank you ☺️

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thank you Alex for your work .... and Halloween cat ears...

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Any chance you can get Dr Fauci to sign em too?

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Great explanation and position.

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I 100% agree with all of what you said above. Spend you time on stories and data. Love it. I don't need a signed copy of your book to feel like I'm a part of something GREAT! Thanks again Alex for all you do.

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I am not trying ti be funny or conspiracy theory crazy but I have a question. This has nothing to do w the subject at hand. There was a breakout of hepatitis at food chain famous Anthony’s 3 people have died so far. Do people normally die from that or were they vaccinated and unable to fight the infection?

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The Hep A vaccine is made with aborted human fetal tissue culture. It is not a morally acceptable vaccine in that regard.

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Doesn't look like a vaccine that's pushed on people overall. https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hbv/bfaq.htm#bFAQd02

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that article is about Hepatitis B. That vaccine is morally acceptable as regards to fetal tissue culture, none is used.

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Hi John thanks for answering. What I am referring to is how the Covid vaccines are said to compromise your immune system not the hep vaccine. I’m sorry o wasn’t clear and again it may be a ridiculous question? Just curious if that’s possible?

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My ?may be a silly one. I wanted to know if the Covid vaccine can cause a person not be able to fight off hep?

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Because the government and institutions are trying their best to hide/cover up the numerous adverse reactions to the vaccine it would not be surprising if those who died were vaccinated since the vaccine has a habit of negatively impacting ones immune system. Some get lucky and avoid snake eyes when rolling the covid vaccine dice but enough don't.

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I'd like to know that too. My aunt had cancer in remission, but got vaccinated, and it is no longer in remission.

I think that (at least) your immune system lowers for the first 2 weeks, that's why if you die during that time, you are considered 'non vaccinated'.

They also have a TON of different hepatitis A,B,C,D,E and so on. Some, like E (IIRC) you had to have had B first, and then there are the different genotypes. I had C, and they were able to (at high cost from Big Pharma) to cure me from that.

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yep like $70k treatment for HepC....my 65 yr old friend had NEVER had health insurance b/c she had hepC (from her drug days) until OBAMACARE, which she qualified for free...she was promptly siezed upon by every DR for about 500k in medical treatments including having her varicose veins stripped. While I had self-paid for health insurance for 30 years (BlueCrossTX) and lost it 3 yrs into Obamacare. Now I'm uninsured. P.S. I never had treatments for anything, because I had a high deductible.

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My bad. I also thought founding members was those of us who were here at substack at the beginning. Ignore my email. I’ll be happy with the book. I hope to share it with my millennial kids who have their heads in the sand, or up an orifice, on this subject

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I had a long chat with my kid today. Seems that I have no proof that I am actually not the one that is misled (while basically showing him the proof). He’s a teenager so I hope that’s part of it and inside he sees the truth.

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If it's not to intrusive may I ask if your Millenial kids attended public education and if so did it edu-indoctrinate them? We homeschooled specifically to protect our kids from that

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My 2 children are ages 20 and 21 and went to the same public school. One is as progressive as can be, got vaxxed as soon as she could (against my wishes), started college immediately upon after graduating and wants to move to Portland *eye roll* My son is a free thinker, freedom fighter and would literally kill someone if they tried to poison poke him. The difference between the two of them are night and day.

Not sure what happened LOL

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Well we have six, they all went to public school and not all of them are libs. 3 got the shot willingly, two others were coerced by job issues. And the last refused and actually just had covid. He was sick, like a bad flu. He’s completely better and will never submit. He is a nursing home administrator. Said covid was no worse than a bad flu year for his residents. The ones who died were very sick already.

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NOW I am seeing SENIORS fully vaccinated and getting pneumonia out of the blue ( no cold or bronchitis first ) in hospital for ten days ) then die but never diagnosed as covid. Very weird. At a viewing tonight others were saying that is happening a lot.

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"I’ll be going as the media’s most hated man." You don't even look like Trump.

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I thought the same thing when he said that. No one is hates as much as Trump

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Not necessarily true. While they hate Trump they also equally hate people like Alex bc not only are they not towing the narrative but they left the Authoritarian Left plantation.

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Preordered an unsigned copy anyways because supporting you is important enough. Thanks for all you do!

Signed, owner of an unsigned but epic book I’ll pass on to other people after :)

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Alex / you and James O’Keefe are tied for the position of ‘most hated’. Between the two of you, there are a heck of a lot of cover-ups being exposed! Well done and much appreciated 👍

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they trumped Trump on the list ?! LOL

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I’m happy to support you, I just gifted a subscription to a family member

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just changed from monthly to Founding Member. Worth every penny and way more for the great work u do Alex!

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Are brick-and-mortar bookstores who carry PANDEMIA going to be cancelled by the mob?

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Keep reporting the truth…that’s all we care about. I’ll happily buy a dozen or so books to give to friends support the effort to get you to the tip of the NYTImes list!

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You do a great job, Alex. Keep up the great work.

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FYI, make sure everyone knows about Robert F Kennedy’s worldwide call to walk / rally / protest on November 3rd …

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https://www.shift.ooo/story/millie-rogers/join-us-for-the-worldwide-walkout-on-november-3rd-robert-f-kennedy-jr-f2fbd had to go to duckduckgo.com Nothing on google search! Not all states listed on nov 3rd but they say this will be a growing movement

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Nice shoutout to el gato malo

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Hmm. Bad cat ears?

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Happy Samhain!

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Thank you Alex! The scariest thing about Halloween this year is Fauci.

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Dr. Rochagné Kilian has been one of the few doctors courageous enough to speak publicly about the high rate of vascular issues she saw in vaccinated patients as an ER physician.

2 days ago, her license to practice medicine was suspended.


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When you challenge the government approved narrative you can expect to be persecuted by its institution like the licensing boards that are used to control doctors voices about covid.

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Dr Rochagné Kilian - Blowing the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels


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Has anyone pointed out that in 2021, there have been more than 640,000 adverse events reported for the COVID 19 vaccines versus less than 40,000 for all other vaccines combined. While there have been a lot of COVID vaccines, flu, MMR, measles, tetanus, chicenpox, etc etc are also doled out in the hundred million plus dose range each year. Why can/t anyone see that the safety profile of these vaccines is horrific? And, now they are planning to innoculate young children who are at extremely low risk of severe infection?? We are living in a land of lunatics with a total disregard for facts and logical thought processes.

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Because many rely on mainstream news and as long as the MSM avoid reporting on this or use one of various techniques to counter these facts most of those people don't realize this and even if you told them they'd say it's fake news since the news media isn't reporting it. We're livng in a very conditioned society where those who can recognize the BS propaganda are in the minority

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Sorry I mis understood. Yes spend your time keeping us informed.

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Thanks your valuable insight. Unfortunately, those of us who aren’t sheep have to dig to find our information. Keep those emails coming!!

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Keep writing, don't worry about email responses!

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No worries at all. I read you every chance I get. I am so very appreciative of your courage. Bringing the truth to light is risky business these days.

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