I've been waiting for this day for over a year. Alex is right, in our crazy world, true admission of vaccine failure happens when the pharma company stocks go down. I hope this is the beginning of the end - not just for the vaccines but for the pharma companies themselves that have proven to be an existential threat to humanity.

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yeah, not having the federal government be able to mandate a shot every three months kind of hurts their business model.

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"Mistakes were made, amirite?" Yes, and you made one Alex, by not explaining your drive-by hit on Robert Malone. When are you going to explain those comments? Where is the honesty you tout so strongly?

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Also just released - WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan says there is no evidence that healthy children/adolescents need Covid-19 boosters.

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I disagree on this title. It will be over when mRNA vaccine companies are fully revealed as having committed a mass atrocity against a panicked public for profit A panic which these companies fostered. Bankruptcy is not good enough and this will not occur till this administration is voted out and a serious investigation begins. There are hundreds of co-conspirators in this effort, each lining their own pockets at the expense of the public purse and public health. This has been so disturbing that even now that it is obvious, it is still very hard to get one's arms around the enormity of the malfeasance.

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When the harm / death stats finally get flushed into the light of day, these companies should go bankrupt regardless of immunity. (Pun intended) I say good riddance. There are plenty of smaller drug manufacturers to step in and take over the mainstream products through either generic allowance or smart business arrangements. I hope the executives leading this carnage end up in prison. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Well Alex, Now you are talking my business. The biotechnology index is down 40% in the last 6 months and the market is cratering under this old ass man that couldn't run a Starbucks. It's way more about the market than the issues with these drug companies.

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This is probably moving the needle, too: One of my clients, a major healthcare insurance provider is having discussions about all of the Covid-related claims they are now receiving. I'm sure they aren't the only ones. Pharma has made a grab for billions while leaving insurance providers holding the bag. Sadly, it always seems to comes down to money and political timings to get the evil players to change their tact. By now, I'm sure the healthcare insurance lobby is on the case and applying pressure to dial back the vaxx insanity.

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Talked to a friend today and vax got brought up. She learned I’m unvaxed and another of her friends jus told her she’s unvaxed and my friend and her husband are boosted. What she despises most is she’s supposed to hate me. This has caused her to do some investigation, and she listened to me on Ivermectin and other information. Keep talking to people, many are ready to listen.

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Those who were suppose to make their money already did...the rest is just crumbs to wash away amongst the masses and so it goes as it always has. The redundancy is never a surprise...its expected

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Pfizer is working on an mRNA shot specifically geared towards Omicron and as soon as it's ready (March I hear) everyone will be expected to take it regardless of whether they've had Covid or not. Believe me, the Cult of Covid is not ending easily especially if you live in a blue, authoritarian state.

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Fauci probably did short them. Just wait until their newly approved therapeutics start killing people.

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Moderna is a one trick pony. And that trick kills and maims people.

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Pharmacologists have tested IVM and proven it does not produce the necessary testable items...it fails to produce the green stuff!

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This is so encouraging. I hope Pfizer craters as well.

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No rejoicing until I hear that Pfizer craters.

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