Who would have guessed that the one country that doesn't wish to harm or kill its own citizens with an mRNA vaccine would be China?! We live in an upside down world.

For those that are referencing depopulation. That is not what I meant and I personally do not believe that. I think there can be many other reasons that the US is continuing with this failing strategy: control, power, politics, unwillingness to admit one is wrong and course correct, demonization of the other party, corruption, etc., etc.

Watch the movie, "Don't Look Up." Similar to Covid (except for the othering of people). Spoiler alert. 1) I never expected any government to be able to prevent a comet from destroying the earth, 2) After experiencing government mismanagement of Covid, I knew govt would screw up the comet issue, 3) After experiencing Covid, I knew the govt would lie incessantly about their handling of the comet issue, and 4) After experiencing Covid, I knew there would be people speaking out / yelling against the government and media comet narrative and those people would be mocked / marginalized. The movie was actually quite cathartic.

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The Chinese see the data....Clot Shots kill the young, the virus kills the elderly. China is controlling it's population. They are laughing at the rest of the world that is using mRNA to slaughter the young, soon to be 6 months and older. When we are done killing of our populations, China will have the spoils, without a shot being fired,or infrastructure being damaged. They use 5 year plans.....sounds about right.

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The virus kills the about to die. Healthy elderly can make it through COVID at the same rate they used to make it through the flu and colds in the past.

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Quite. And we’re blessed with many highly effective drug treatments.

Under no circumstances is a novel

vaccine EVER the correct & exclusive way to end a pandemic of a respiratory virus of such modest lethality.

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Dr Yeadon: HERO!!! Thank you for all you do and have done to SAVE Humanity! Can't wait to see and hear you again! How can we find you to follow your updates?

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It’s rather random. Thank you for your encouragement!

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Always! I am gobsmacked when I see you in our Substack!

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I’m not for the vaccine, but Covid infection gave two healthy people I know pulmonary embolisms and one other person a stroke. I’m talking fit, thin men under 50. I have an immune deficiency but can suffer through the flu and be ok. Covid gave me severe pneumonia and heart issues - and I’m thin, can run a few miles, in 30s, eat healthy, take vitamins. I’m too scared to risk the mRNA shot, but Covid was no flu or cold for me or many others.

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The covid can do to people what the vaccines do and vice versa. The answer isn't these shots, it's early treatment with ivm or hcq.

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Yes, I also know multiple people injured by the vaccine (one died of heart attack - coincidence, who knows??). Unfortunately pregnant women can't take those early treatments which complicated things for me with my run with covid even more. I got monoclonals which saved me but it was back during Delta. Now our government has made accessing those next to impossible as well.

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I just got ivm pills from India. But used horse paste when we had Delta in my household. It works fine with no side effects.

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Pregnant women CAN safely take supplements AND IVM and Hydroxychloroquine!

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Never mind anything else.

If the US government gave a rip about its citizens they would approve all of us to go to our doctors NOW and have immunity (T and B cells) and D3 levels with necessary supplementation.

They do NOT give a rip if we have natural immunity and they do NOT care if American physicians are free to order early Covid treatments.


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American physicians damn well need to grow some balls and do the right thing.

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I was watching the Epoch TV interview with Dr Pierre Kory today, and he mentioned that it was getting weird with Delta just around the point where it appeared to be diminishing and Omicron taking over. He said the early treatment with both Hydroxy and Ivermectin suddenly were not working effectively like they had before with earlier variants. That was frightening to hear.

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With greatest of respect to Dr Cory, that concern turned out not to be what others found.

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Testimony before Senator Johnson’s Second Opinion hearing from the founder of myfreedoctor stated they treated 150,000 patients with the preventive & treatment protocol…zero deaths.

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NO ONE has died from any variant yet. Variants are colds dying off. More people die from the shots than from COVID. Decision made.

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I used ivm with omicron and it seemed to knock it out fast. I'm skeptical. I think it's still worth using.

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Glad you recovered, but your story isn't at all unique. MANY people have recovered from 'the bug'. Conversely, MANY people die each year from the flu and/or pneumonia. But for all of those 'diseases', the GREAT majority recover without incident. Not sure what's so different about 'the bug'.

My wife had a spell (last winter) when she wasn't feeling well. She gets bronchitis every year, so we weren't overly concerned. She never was 'bed-ridden'...just had no energy. Again...same as each year (for her). Last summer, one of her doctors suggested she get tested to see if she had, in fact, had 'the bug'. Not 'swab' tested...an actual test of her blood to see if she had antibodies. Turns out she did!

Well, that made me feel somewhat jealous...I was wishing I had contracted 'the bug' too...because I coveted the 'natural immunity' she now has. The wife and I are together each day...sleep in the same bed, etc. If she had it, wouldn't it seem logical that I would too? So, the doc wrote an authorization for me to get the same test as my wife. Well, well, well...Turns out I have the antibodies too!! And I never had a day where I didn't feel fine.

How many people have had a similar experience?? Obviously a rhetorical question, because no one knows the answer. But I suspect the number might be HUGE.

As someone recently commented..."We've been dealing with 'the bug' for 700+ days, so by now. virtually everyone has been exposed!" Move on...forget about the masks and/or 'the jab'. Live your life!!

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Yes, true. The only difference for me is that the flu is a couple days in bed (I've had it plenty of times), covid was the sickest I've been in my life. Far, far worse illness for me. First time ever having pneumonia or elevated heart enzymes. I certainly want everyone to move on and live their lives. But I also want doctors to prescribe early treatments and our government to get out of the way and not restrict life-saving medications. Most people are not as sick as I was from covid and I realize that.

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I have to wonder if anyone will ever be held responsible for the way the medical profession has conducted themselves. Being told to go home and come back when/if you can't breathe is...in my opinion...medical malpractice.

I'm not happy with the way I feel now, but the fact is that I have very little respect for the 'medical community'...and I have a daughter who's an RN. Sad times.

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That's called passive immunity, you caught the immunity from your wife. That's what they are preventing with social distancing and lockdowns. They are ruining our immune systems. On purpose.

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yep a virus created in a lab by the CCP is something more than a cold and flu......I assume you are directing these comments towards the CCP.

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SARS-CoV-2 looks like it was well designed to target the U.S. population. The American diet predisposes people to obesity (high risk for COVID-19) and high inflammation (also high risk for COVID). But I'm not quite convinced that the CCP ordered the release of the virus; the release looks to me more like a lab accident. Apparently several workers at the Wuhan Virology lab became ill some weeks before the official "first case." If the release had been deliberate, certainly the Chinese would have had a smoother, more believable, more backed-by-evidence story than a bat in the wet market.

One of the interesting twists in the plot is that the Chinese released a series of "Chinese Guidance" documents about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. The 7th edition, which I believe was the last, was made available on the web in fluent English on March 4, 2020. The guidance on treatment was reasonable -- early treatment with anti-virals including hydroxychloroquine, and others including Vitamin C; use of steroids (though in lower doses than currently recommended by McCullough, FLCCC, et al.) during the inflammatory phase; use of supplemental oxygen (as opposed to early use of ventilator); prone positioning; and lung-protective settings when ventilators became necessary. (A "missing piece of the puzzle" was anti-coagulants.) I think that if the U.S. health care system had adopted the Chinese treatment recommendations, the death rate in the U.S. would have been similar to the rate from a bad influenza.

China has certainly leapt at the opportunities SARS-CoV-2 has provided them, including the opportunity to deliberately export the virus to the U.S. via air travel (before the travel ban imposed by Trump), withholding of PPE, and participating in the train-wreck of the U.S. economy.

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"withholding of PPE" - They actually travelled the world in Jan 20 buying all the PPE they could find, worldwide. Beating the rush you could say.

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The death rate was 1/4 THAT OF NORMAL FLUS

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Well no, because they aren't reading this. I'm directing this at a person saying it kills "the about to die" because it isn't accurate. Am I mad at China and at our government for funding the creation of this? YES.

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Virtually no one who was previously healthy died after infection with this virus. That’s not my opinion or anyone’s opinion.

It’s what the epidemiology finds.

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Looks like it was developed here by Fauci

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The issue is lack of true medical care. Everyone with covid should be on full aspirin for 30 days, maybe blood thinners depending, IVM at proper strength for severity of strain, have access to IV saline for hydration and potentially IV vitamins. But few can get those things. We had a decently bad case. My dr BIL (who drove from 2 hrs away) gave us saline at the 2 week mark. We Used telehealth and refused going to the hospital. I was super on top of our care and it was still challenging, and demoralizing when we got better then worse. In normal times we would have been able to go to a GP and be helped. Instead the approach is binary: zero care or get admitted to hospital.

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Would certainly agree that it's more than just the common cold. Our whole family had uneventful cases of covid very much like a common cold except for the loss of taste. But my husband, 48, had a very rough time with it, we were scared, he couldn't breathe well for several days, had the runs for a week and terrible hallucinations. Also a neighbour of ours had almost died, a healthy guy in early 40s. We have no doubt it is a man-made bioweapon designed to seriously harm people. BUT the so-called vaccine is the same bioweapon on steroids. People are lining up to get spike protein right into their blood stream exposing themselves to direct attack. I wish they'd consider the risks carefully and steer clear of the kill shots. There is no job or degree worth throwing your health and life on the line.

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I think your whole family had a cold and thought it was Covid, I live in a retirement community and no one got sick from Covid, and most of those elderly are petrified of me and my one neighbor who are unvaccinated.

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By watching many interfiew and also Second Opinion hearing by Sen. Ron Johnson, I found out these, so, I will link here in case, you can help others. https://covid19criticalcare.com/about/ and this https://myfreedoctor.com/ and Dr. Zelenko's https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/dr-zelenko-discusses-highly-regarded-z-stack-zinc-delivery-system-gateway-pundit-must-see-video-buy/ If you have missed the "Second Opinion", I highly recommend watching it. https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html

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Thank you!

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Ashely, all the Front Line Doctor's and other protocols recommend a whole 325 ASA Aspirin daily for those with infection daily for this reason.

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Not for pregnant women. I took a baby aspirin but no higher dose due to pregnancy. For the two men I know who had PEs, I'm not sure what they took - it was very early on in the pandemic, one was a first responder.

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Thankfully, Naproxen blocks all strains. Look it up.

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Thanks for the reminder!

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It caused me a lot of discomfort for a week and then gone.

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5G and/or WiFi was likely the culprit of your heart symptoms because covid is a cold. Our hearts are electrical, making them targets of electro-magnetic frequencies. Verizon, in its testing, found that 5G also travels much, much further than was first believed.

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Um no. Covid with double pneumonia and horrible stomach issues was not a cold. If 5G caused elevated heart enzymes then a lot of ppl would have experienced this and been at the ER for it, not me in the middle of my horrible Covid infection. Pure insanity.

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I think you are smart to stay away from the vaccine.

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I think you're smart to stay away from the vaccine.

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You're still alive. Three people I know DIED from the shots!

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I don’t mean to pry..but do wonder if you followed any of the recommended preventive & treatment protocols.

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All of them that I could at least all the supplements. No hydroxy or ivm for me b/c of pregnancy.

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Of course everything seems worse when it's hyped up like this covid farce has been hyped up. We need to explore what it is but it isn't what the corporate-sponsored media is saying that's for sure. Maybe it's just a flu combined with effects from wifi radiation. Maybe 5G has been turned on in places secretly and they're just taking all the data. I doubt very much that it's a new virus because viruses don't live outside of the body. The medical establishment is about to collapse as it has just been indoctrination and dogma and not real science. It didn't even mention Terrain Theory! Today science just ignores anything that doesn't fit its business model.

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Remains to be seen if the same is true for the vaccines.

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Just saw on Tucker's show tonight the somewhat long known news that the life insurance companies (one in particular) have observed a 40% increase in deaths in the 18 to 64 age group, and that's not a cohort where this would be expected. These were said to not be covid deaths. He said a 10% increase would have been a once in 200 years event. But 40% is staggering and unheard of!!! Well, we know what the vaccine-deaths suspicions are, and Tucker didn't mention it....yet. But perhaps it's starting to leak out.

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And Tucker’s guest Charlie Kirk slipped in “inoculations “ when discussing possible reasons for the increased deaths. Glad this story finally made it to TV.

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One need go no further than The CDC’s own VAERS website which had already reported over 11,000 injuries from these biologics (not vaccines) by mid 2021. We are now approaching 2 Million reported injuries on the VAERS (vaccine adverse events reporting system) and in excess of 25,000 deaths. Both of these reported injuries take into account that the CDC itself acknowledges that ONLY 1-10% of all injuries are captured by the VAERS system. That means these injuries only represent at most 10% of what’s really happening. And just think all of the injured did this for a virus which we knew ONLY killed at most .06% of the total population. About the same as any average flu season.


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VAERS captures perhaps 1% of all vax injuries and deaths. It's probably much less than 1%.

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Right. Just anecdotally, no one I know who experienced an adverse event after the jab, reported it.

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I was very severely sickened, I remained sick for months, and I have lasting injuries from the Pfizer covid poison. I tried and failed to file a VAERS report three times. If I was unable to file a report, I can't even imagine how many more unreported adverse reactions, injuries and deaths have gone unreported!

I'm literate, I enjoy writing, I really wanted to file a VAERS report, and yet even I was unable to do so! I asked my Kaiser doctor (who agreed that I'd been severely injured by the Pfizer poison) if she'd file a VAERS report, and she said no, so it was up to me to do so. Despite my intention to do so, it never got done.

I spent untold hours writing the report, (I had innumerable, extreme, excruciating, and complex adverse reactions to the Pfizer poison, in virtually every system in my body) but when I tried to post the report, the website rejected it. This happened no less than three times. I've no idea why. I'm absolutely certain that the VAERS website is intentionally designed to discourage vax-injured people from filing a report.

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Especially the ones who died right away

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I have a friend who got a booster and within 6-8 days was hospitalized with blood clots. A healthy, cycling airline pilot. He survived luckily but refused to entertain even the thought it might be a reaction to the shot. As a medical professional, it was my first thought.

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Check out https://openvaers.com/

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It's 1/4 of normal yearly flu deaths

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Old news. Charlie Kirk finally got Tucker’s attention. Texas death rates fourth quarter are way up, too. The stock market analysts are beginning to short insurance companies.

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One reason I have only watched one or two the last 10 Tucker Carlson shows. After reading several substacks, most of the news is old hat and I can't take his frequent diversions into sarcasm.

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BINGO, YATZEE!! You've nailed it. I love Tucker but he's always a year behind with his intel. Everything he reports many of us knew 12-24 months ago. Makes you wonder if he is being censored by Fox so the information doesn't get to the masses until it is worthless and unactionable. I stopped watching Tucker over a year ago. He's a smart journalist who should have started his own platform to report news long ago so he couldn't be censored. I've lost respect for him because he's willing to report old news in return for Big Money vs. timely relevant news and intel on the crime of the century.

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I love Tucker, he's honest and reports the truth, unlike most out there. And he doesn't apologize for no reason or suck up like Rogan did TWICE. Lost all respect after that.

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The CCP doesn't want to harm its own population? To them any human life is expendable. If they've banned these shots at home it's not because they value Chinese lives.

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My first thought as well( - huge mistake ascribing ‘virtue’ to Governments that contradict all the ‘basic’, that define ‘Humanity’. China does need worker bees; and too; they need healthy organs to harvest for world market. CCP is never virtuous; but they are practical by most heinous of measures. Many American citizens - including those who despise Fauci for ‘who’ he is…nonetheless, trust this monster and his ‘Et Als’, to deliver the best of science for their personal ‘Good’. Blood from a turnip, a more reasonable expectation. As it is; little to distinguish per the Humanity shown by our Current and now, ‘Collective’ in power and that of President Xi Governance.

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Right. It's because they ALREADY PUT THE TRACKER NANOPARTICLES into everyone there. They knew you can't cure the common cold in three months. Too many Americans are so gullible.

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Perhaps they don't do it gratuitously.

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Gates and the Commies can do some serious farming here too - unless he’s already served his purpose by then.

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Gates outlived his purpose over 30 years ago.

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China uses 2000 year plans…

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Little bit exaggerated, however you're spot on regarding the plan. I can't stress how satisfied/ fortunate I am to have been born in 63 and grow up with WWII vets, forth of July parades in the city (Bridgeport), the American flags on car antennas for the hostages in Iran in 79 - 80, oh so much.

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64 here…those were the days for sure…

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Coming of age in the Reagan years were good too. Except for AIDS fear mongering, and looky who was behind that

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Even the phrase they use! does anyone else make the connection with "The CCP virus causes COVID-19" and "HIV virus causes AIDS" ??

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AIDS was crazy days. My clubbing years 86 - 89 and made it through just fine. I was a good subject to study due my different lady practically every weekend. This is not bragging, I'm just trying to make a point.

I never and I mean never wore protection, dumb, but I couldn't find a good fit. Later in life I learned the party store didn't sell what I needed and here I was thinking I was getting a great deal too. Entire bag for a buck, 35 pieces and a variety of colors.

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China definitely makes long-term plans.

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China has an aging population after decades of trying to limit their population growth.

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Feb 9, 2022
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I know, but I think it's only in last 10 years or so, right. But it has resulted in a larger proportion of older relative to younger people. I think even now most Chinese have only one or two children.

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Omg, you are so right... took the words out of my mouth...😥

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Almost enough to make one suspect a globalist depopulation agenda, right Alex? Alex?

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Serious question....

Where do these conspiracy theories come from?

I'd be more inclined to believe our Deep State worked with Fauci, EcoHealth & the Wuhan lab to get rid of Trump, since everything else they tried, had failed.

What's a few dead people?

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Guess you never heard of Lockstep 2010, Agenda 2030 or studied anything Klaus Schwab is spouting? They’re pretty up front about what’s coming or maybe I’m just stuck in a delusional rabbit hole. Someone yank me out please!

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Schwab seems like another Communist out to hurt you, while he gets rich.

If we were a serious country, we would stop this in its tracks, but hey, transgender bathrooms.

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Please explain to me why you call Klaus Schwab a communist.

As far as I'm aware, communists believe in the equal distribution of wealth and resources, and in the complete abolition of social classes. By definition, communists have no desire to become rich, nor to hoard control and natural resources.

The USSR never was a communist country, by that definition. Everyone in the USSR knew that. Why is it that many Americans continue to believe that "communists" are the enemy?

I don't think there are any real communists around these days, but if there are, they're such a vanishingly small number that we'd be exceedingly hard pressed to find any of them. If there are any remaining Trotskyites around, perhaps they might be considered true "communists." I certainly don't know of any. Do you?

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I speculate what was really meant of Schwab was “totalitarianism”.

Nothing is beyond his baleful consideration.

I suppose the opposite is “Democrat” in the older meaning of the word.

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"You will own nothing and you'll be happy". If you don't own your house, vehicle, personal items.. then who does? The State, Banksters, or (now) State Banksters.

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Imagine the deep state, media, & DNC meeting at top secret location, November 2019. One year from the general election: " CIA, FBI, DOJ you failed to get Trump out. Clowns. IRS - you got nothing. Can't Tea Party him. And you call yourself effective leftist bureaucrats? Go audit some grandmothers, you ninnies INS/ICE - you guys love him. EPA - global warming won't happen fast enough to get him out. Media - no matter how much fake news you create and 92% negative coverage nothing dents his support. DoD & House of Reps - your impeachment over a 5 minute phone call with Ukrainian politicians failed. Does anyone have any ideas what we can do to steal this election?"

From the back, CDC and NIH look at each other and raise their hands, "We know it sounds crazy but, one time, at virus camp, we had a idea . . . "

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I'd love to say that's insane, but when authoritarian's power is threatened, as it was with an impending Trump re-election, can we rule out anything?

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No. It's a total coincidence that right after the impeachment theater sent Trump's approval rating up 9 points and the world discovered that Robert Mueller was about as coherent as Ozzy Osbourne that suddenly (another) SARS virus escapes from China. It's also a coincidence that China disappeared their own top whistle blowing virologists and lied to the WHO and the world about it until it reached Europe and the US. But it's now illegal to say that out loud so I'm going to go prepare for my inevitable IRS audit.

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I’m glad you reminded us of Robert ( not in my purview ) Mueller .

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That's exactly how it went.

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I think the Chinese caught on to Fauci's work and said "Hey, that could work in our advantage". It's Just a Thought.

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My new tee-shirt is going to say " I need new conspiracy theories, all the other ones came true". Gonna to Order soon.....

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I’ve been self-promoted to Conspiracy ANALYST

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I call them Spoiler Alerts...

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That’s Brilliant! 😂

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Get me one, too, will ya? 😉

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I think China was merely willing to help with the lab work in exchange for all of the intellectual property. I think this was a US led operation, ordered by whomever the Dem party answers to. I think China, who has always thought long term and sees the end game, is only too happy to help because they know once the west gets there, they can be absorbed without firing a single shot. I don't think the Elites understand there isn't enough room at the top for them AND the CCP and are in for a rude awakening if we don't wake them up first.

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I think the Elites are in the same club all over the world. There's no distinction between west and east, Muslim and Christian, etc. They want to keep their populations focused on national / tribal identification while they steal the entire globe's resources and plot how to destroy 90% of the world's human beings, so they can live in peace and abundance till only Gaia knows when.

All this angst about "communists" vs. "capitalists" is nothing but sleight of hand, prestidigitation, legerdemain: a magic trick, a distraction for the stupid plebes, while they take over the entire globe's resources for their own sick intentions.

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No argument here. I don't blame China because the US wants them to do our research for us. I remember they got "busted" here in the states while working at some Bio Lab when Bill Clinton was president. Nothing happened then either. Every time the truth leaks and nothing happens it's because it was on purpose and we were complicit in some way.

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And they all want people to be as removed as possible from self-sufficiency. Not long ago in human history, our only job was survival. How many people could do that now? Take away the technology and we are back to that in about 2 weeks. Definitely an interesting line of thought! Lol

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PLA was running the bioweapons lab. Think about that.

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That shouldn't surprise anyone. DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is involved in all sorts of "advanced" (nice euphemism, isn't it?) research here. So why wouldn't the Chinese military be involved in the same activity in China?

At least some of the funding for the gain-of-function research in China came from DARPA, if I remember correctly. DARPA outsourced some of the gain-of-function research to China, in effect. I'd be surprised if they were not still involved in it. (Not at the WIV, but in other labs and other countries.)

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Right. They were getting the IP, doing all the work, for Fauci.

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Do not wake them up. They need to go.

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I think the U.S., i.e. Fauci et al, are hugely complicit in all this. That's one of the major reasons they denied the lab leak theory and have worked so hard to suppress information about it all. Guilty, guilty, guilty. I'm actually surprised China didn't blow the whistle on U.S. involvement and funding.

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Leverage. :-)

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You're surprised China did not admit that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was unimaginably sloppy in their administration of the NIAID-funded gain-of-function coronavirus research, and that SARS-CoV-2 leaked out of their embarrassingly badly run lab? Really?

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“And he can be bought,” they said.

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Had to stop that economy! That success!

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Check out the book COVID-19-Great-Reset-Klaus-Schwab

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A useful theory should include most of Europe, Israel, Australia etc. Hard to squeeze Trump into that.

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I think there was a Q drop about that. Or maybe this was it?

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Wait, Qtardia is still a thing? I thought all the Q grifters fled.

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No, they just moved to substack 🤣

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None of it makes sense (the denial of early treatments that work, the deadly hospital protocols, transferring covid patients to nursing homes etc) until you consider the possibility that there is an agenda to reduce the population. Then all the craziness makes sense.

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Apologize for using the D word😂

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He wants to say it...soooo bad...let's go Berenson...courage is courageous

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I do not subscribe to that. It can be many other things before that. Control, politics, corruption, etc., etc.

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So, you don’t subscribe to it, therefore, it can’t be that. How humble.

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I didn't say it can't be. I just wished to make my position clear. That is all.

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I respect that response. However, you sound dismissive towards it, which in normal times I would agree completely. We are not in normal times and there is plenty of big money people involved in this horror show that have spoken specifically about the problem of overpopulation…When the guy financing the bulk of this bullshit comes from a Eugenics background and has flat out stated that he believes we (he) can control the world population with vaccination, you should consider it. Believe them when they tell you what they want to do.

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Not dismissing your position. I was just trying to respond quickly because I am multitasking. I agree these are not normal times at all. I agree this is a horror show. Things that I believe today, I would have thought were a conspiracy theory just a year ago (i.e. social credit system). The harming, killing and othering of people is pure evil. I haven't investigated the depopulation theory. I hope it isn't true. But I will read up on it.

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Pedophilia. Please don't omit that or was that a etc?

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That was not an etc. Had not crossed my mind.

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Feb 12, 2022
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I don't know what you are responding to. I haven't advocated for these vaccines at all. I am not vaxxed, nor will I be.

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I knew that after experiencing Iraq / Afghanistan. My father knew that after experiencing Vietnam. Most of the government is a monolithic bureaucracy that’s incapable of both listening to the people & being voted out of position by the people.

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Yep, well let's hope the Canadian truckers get a win.

Thank you for your sacrifice and thank your father for his sacrifice and thank your family for their sacrifice.

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Denninger, Karl (February 13, 2021). "The West's Obituary." The Market Ticker. https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=241577

"Right now the Chinese are furiously working in their biolabs, as are a whole host of other nefarious nations, such as North Korea and likely Iran. What are they working on?.... An adversary that develops a virus (e.g. another modified/mutated bat virus, for example) that selectively targets ADE in people with the specific antibodies from vaccination, which are distinct from natural infection, could easily kill every single person who was vaccinated and not harm or only make mildly sick those who either had Covid-19 naturally or who were uninfected and unvaccinated.

The nightmare scenario that has always driven bioweapons research is the push to discover some genetically distinct means of targeting a bioweapon such that it only kills your adversary and leaves everyone else alone. It's even worse for your adversary if your side gets and transmits it but doesn't get sick...."

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Ok, I know about ADE, but hadn't really thought about it in that context. That would be a horror show.

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The selection of certain DNA traits as targets for their BioWeapons is a goal. Kill your enemy and not yourself. That works until the virus mutates and kills off everyone, except for the few naturally immune folks. When there is only ten thousand people left on Earth, how will history be written to tell that story. Almost every scenario on viral attacks have been written in SciFi stories years ago. Are the Chinese just following one of the story lines they thought was possible? The Chinese Communist Party said in the 1960s' that they will conquer the USA in the next hundred years. They plan to just walk in after some disaster befalls us. Something like Biden's plan to wipe out our ability to pay our debts and to create emergencies so they can control us be Executive Orders (EO). Our Congress can and should limit the President's ability to issue any EO that affects our money stores or systems. Money issues are the sole responsibility of the Congress, not the President. China is buying up cheap Gold and Silver to create a currency backed by metals, like the US used to do. Once that is done,they will control the world's economies and zero out the trillions of dollars in US $100 dollar bills held by almost all countries. The Virus attacks will only help the Chinese to gain control but will stop anyone else from trying to explore space since their monies will be crap. It is all connected - Virus', paper money, Gold, and Silver supplies. You cannot have enough Silver coins, and bulk rounds and bars in your safety deposit boxes. US Dollar Bills, regardless of face value, will be used for toilet paper, just as the Chinese have planned all along. When their bills start circulating, how will we know that they have not tainted them with a killer virus for white & black folks, and even some brown folks too. What a way to be the only race left on Earth and take over all our factories, raw ores, and supplies. China wins! Will you let that happen? Biden is in the Chinese pocket, as is most of the left wing nut jobs. We may be able to stop the slide toward a sudden death by Chinese plans, if you have the guts to elect people on the Right side of Liberty and Justice for all.

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Yeah but why kill only the vaxxed? Why not kill everybody while you're at it?

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Because if you design a bioweapon to kill "everybody" it would likely kill you, too.

I can't help but wonder whether the mRNA vaccines could turn the vaccinated into genetically distinct creatures target-able with a new bioweapon. But that's a step beyond what CJ is talking about, which is exploiting ADE. And speaking of ADE, have the Chinese solved the problem of lethal ADE in response to "old fashioned" (non-mRNA) coronavirus vaccines? If not, are they just figuring to kill off a large portion of their own population with their spike-protein-based vax?

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I don't know if there is a comet but there is something ... TRILLIONS of dollars (and who knows how much of other currencies have been printed and used for what? The natural resources are hard to buy, where have all these metals, building materials, food, etc. that are in short supply gone? By the way I see a lot of volcanos erupting recently (not on mainstream media off course - must be misinformation)

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And I understand the creators of the movie deny it's about covid. Makes sense to me.

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I think it was meant to make fun of Trumpers and science deniers. Ironically, the movie eerily depicts what’s happening now.

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Correct. But who are the crazies and who are the sane noe?

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china kills their own with the virus~ they don't need a shot to do it.

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“According to General Chi, the ruling Chinese Communist Party considers biological weapons to be the most important for accomplishing their goal of “cleaning up America.” It is curious that Chi credits Deng Xiaoping with developing this strategy. “When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us,” said Chi, “the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.” https://jrnyquist.blog/2022/02/08/four-strategic-puzzle-pieces/#more-8466

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Chinese are the EXISTENCIAL treat to USA (and the world for that matter). Unfortunately our elites, bureaucrats, and elected official are deeply compromised (BRIBED) by our enemy

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So you are saying there was some intelligence about weapons of mass destruction that the Bush Administration DIDN'T want to see.

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As soon as they are sure they have a chance of winning, they will hit us (wonder where is the preventive strike strategy we some times consider)

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I read this piece which makes me really glad I didn't take the shot. https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=241577.

I also wonder if Omicron is an intentional natural vaccine, since it seems to predate Covid and could maybe help protect the vaccinated from such a bioweapon.

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My pet conspiracy theory says that if you are going to produce a designer bioweapon you are also going to have to produce some sort of off-switch before you can use it. A weapon that takes on a life of it's own and continues to kill indiscriminately, even your own people, is useless. If COVID-19 was created in a bioweapons lab was Omicron created as it's kill switch? If so this whole exercise might have been a Chinese test exercise for something much more ominous.

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Both ominous -- China trying to kill millions and the Left trying to destroy the freedoms of millions.

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Not surprising, but also not great news.

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China has a serious demographics problem. Decades of the One Child Policy have left them with a population that skews heavily old, and male. That's a formula for economic collapse if something isn't done about it. When COVID first appeared and seemed to strike the elderly especially hard my first thought was that it was developed by the CCP on purpose to thin the ranks of their pensioners. The leadership there is in the interesting position of having to repress their population while keeping them alive at the same time.

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I thought something similar when NY and CA send Covid positive patients back into nursing homes.

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Don't forget NJ, Michigan, and my home, Pennsylvania. These governors murdered many nursing home residents.

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I had the same curiosity. But I guess that while reducing their own population has been their strategy for decades, they think that mRNA vax will definitely bring more problems than only deaths in the long term. Maybe in 5 or 7 years. Their main concern is National Security.

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Depopulation, yes... for the world... except China...

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At what point did you trust "government". You mean after Viet Nam, Watergate, Weapons of mass destruction, The 20 year war on terror in Afghanistan ??

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I don't know of anyone that trusts government. But, I didn't expect government to mandate dangerous vaccines. I didn't expect government to "other" people. But of course, we know none of what government is doing is about public health or hospital capacity or keeping us safe. It is about tyranny of its own people.

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You are assuming legit stats from Chinese communists. Good luck. y’all must be very young

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No, I don't believe China stats, but I do believe China isn't using mRNA vaccines. And China does need young people because of its former one child policy.

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That is not what I meant and I personally do not believe that.

classic moral relativism

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First there is no pandemic. Never was. Only the corrupt west has waged the vaccine holocaust on its own people. Not China. Not India. Interesting that there aren’t bodies piled up like mountains. There is almost 3 billion people in these two countries. I wonder why the faux pandemic hasn’t devastated there populations. The toxic mRNA vaccine is the pandemic. Period!

You know it’s time to stop being polite to the mask wearing idiots that have enabled this chaos to continue for two years. Another thing. What should the penalty be for mass murder? For the legacy media what should the penalty be for conspiracy to commit murder and aiding these murderous thugs in our Government and Pharma to commit murder? What should be the penalty be for Gen Miley and Sec Def Austin for aiding in the murder of our military? What is the penalty for treason?. I don’t know. What should the penalty be for the troll Fauci who has profited from knowingly aiding Pharma to commit murder? As the stats start piling up and the body count continues to rise from these toxic mRNA toxic shots what do people think is going to become of the western world? I really don’t think this ends well. That’s what should strike fear in peoples hearts. Not a virus that has a lethality that’s statistically near zero for healthy people under 65.

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Stock up on food and ammo....it's gonna get ugly ...soon

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Thank you. This could be my comment. I can't ignore the correlation between the vax and spikes AND biden and Dr death predictions. Almost spot on, how does one know in September about a massive winter spike?


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Actually, you really could know. My husband and I predicted it in the summer just by the prior year's seasonality patterns, plus that everywhere highly vaccinated gets hit harder. You can see that around the world.

In fact we made travel plans to be away from the northeast during the time we thought things would be at their worst.

So, really, it was like Biden's admin admitting the vaccine is a failure even while trying to threaten anyone who didn't take it.

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The ice skater that fell 2x probs “joined” trials today

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Or organ harvesting program.

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Her organs will be on the market by next week with the serial numbers filed off...

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They might send her off to live with the Uyghurs.

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And the tennis player who was sexually abused.

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They're not bloody stupid, injecting people with something that produces huge amounts of cytotoxic spike proteins isn't going to lead to better health, especially not if done on a regular basis, creating cumulative damage.

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Makes it hard to harvest their organs if their blood vessels crystalize.

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Right. Big money in kidneys sold to desperate westerners.

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I will continue to reside in the self-selected control group.

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That’s what I always say, and have said from the beginning, I am in the control group! I would like to know how many pure bloods there are here in the US. Does anyone know that number? Adult vs children?

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Rocco Galati at the Toronto World Wide Rally For Freedom 4.0 Sept 18 said that the total vaccination rate globally was at a mere 10% then. I don't think it's gone up at all since. In the US, jab hesitancy was 52% then, it's likely gone through the roof since then. Point is, they lie about the number of people who've gotten the jabs.


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My family is... I golf with three physicians that are as well.

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Feb 8, 2022
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Nobody in my house has had it to my knowledge. That is not necessarily surprising because I am CMV negative too. I am one of those that just doesn't get sick.

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What's CMV negative mean?

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5 under my roof. 5 more under sister’s roof. Plus parents. Thats at least 12 in Georgia. I know a handful of others - not many.

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Like The Omega Man...

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My daughter and I

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5 in my family.

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I got Covid a couple weeks ago. For me it was like a head cold. I still have a little congestion but doing great so far. 🤗

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2 adults and 2 early teens here

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Just saw a report that said 64% of All in this country were vaxxed. But that is a gov number. Grab the salt.

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I’m guessing that means 32%.

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US has quoted high vax rates but there doesn’t seem to be a way they can actually tell. People with shots taken across state lines are counted as two people not one person with 2 doses. And then of course, the govt lies.

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There is NO WAY to confirm anything that China does. Period!

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I know. Ridiculous.

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We can't even believe anything our government says let alone anything from a communist country like China. And big pharma? They lie worse than anybody on the planet.

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CCP cannot exist without total deception

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Does anyone know if the Navy Seal who died had gotten the jab? There is another one in the hospital, too. I’m sure we will never know but it sure is suspicious.

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Probably, also look up the inside baseball story which has disappeared last week of the pilot of the F-35 crashing his plane ...in ocean., early reports were he had blacked out from chest pain near landing on carrier....the pilots of the f-35 just don't do that...something is rotten there

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Aren’t the armed forces required to get the clot shot, no exemptions?

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They are mandated. Practically zero exemptions. You can bet a guy going to BUDS wouldn’t risk losing his spot over the shot.

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Ft Worth judge issued an injunction on behalf of a suit against Biden by Navy Seals. January 6th 2022.

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I believe I read or heard that they had an exemption.

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Where did u read that?

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Yes, I read that too from a couple of very credible reports.

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Crap, I missed that. When did that happen?

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Anybody with half a brain knew that leaky vaccines need boosters. The more boosters the likelihood of more deaths and serious adverse reactions. So for millions the damage has begun if you believe vaccines slowly and sometimes quickly degrade immune systems. There is no way the jab pushers do not know that these vaccines have and will do a lot of damage. And yet Biden insisting toddlers get vaccines. So clearly he is so senile and can be easily duped he believes the young need vaccines and will of course need boosters. Not one Republican has been brave enough to outright blast vaccines. Ron Johnson is maybe the only person. One reason why nobody yet has admitted vaccines may be big trouble is because they took vaccines as well. It isn’t just ego, meaning admitting they were duped, but fear they may have a ticking time bomb inside them. Fear for their families that took jabs. Geert said early on boosters would be calamitous.

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I agree in the bit "there is no way the jab pushers do NOT know" Biden (puppet) was selectively placed in the WH for a reason and will do exactly what the puppeteers tell him to do

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Additionally no news organization could/would report on any true issues since they all mandated employees to get it. Liability. It's insane.

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Insurance companies losing money due to pay out on deaths not normally seen. So younger people. They will want to find out what is killing younger people. So many are not Covid. So if they can tie death to vaccine they will refuse to pay death benefit since vaccine experimental. Recently this has happened. Insurance said person knew risk with vaccines as they are experimental. Now what happens if person was forced due to threat of losing job? I would think there is recourse there. Things about to get messy.

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Yes. Reports of this are in many credible news sites.

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Death benefit will be paid. To do otherwise would be contrary to public policy.

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There is already a precedence due to a case that person died 5 days after taking vaccine. The death was caused by vaccine. Insurance refused to pay because vaccine experimental and thus voids insurance policy. Insurance company said person knew risks of taking experimental vaccine.

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Both New York and Illinois law prohibit that position or action by a licensed insurer. Member of NY and IL Bar here. Please cite the case and state. Sounds apocryphal.

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Two Wongs don’t make a right.

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Yes but Three leftist can make a right.? Creative compassion please. We all know leftist can make nothing right!!

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In leftist Karen’s defence, they do provide for endless humor opportunities

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I think the answer to why mRNA vaccines don’t exist in China is uninteresting. I am more interested in the answer to why traditional inactivated or attenuated virus vaccines don’t exist in the US.

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Or just early intervention meds…🙄

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You're interested in why traditional inactivated or attenuated virus COVID-19 vaccines don't exist in the U.S. Great. Good thing to be interested in. Here, I'll help you out. But you'll have to read a rather long post...

Title of research report:

Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus


Chien-Te Tseng, et al.

Full text:


A brief excerpt from the "Discussion" section of the paper:

"Thus, a Th2-type immunopathologic reaction on challenge of vaccinated animals has occurred in three of four animal models (not in hamsters) including two different inbred mouse strains with four different types of SARS-CoV vaccines with and without alum adjuvant. An inactivated vaccine preparation that does not induce this result in mice, ferrets and nonhuman primates has not been reported."

* * * * *

So what does this mean? It means that all the early attempts to create a vaccine for SARS-CoV-1 failed. Experimental animals were injected with vaccines. They developed "good" levels of antibodies. Then the vaccinated animals, and unvaccinated control-group animals, were exposed to SARS-CoV-1 (this is called a "challenge" test). The unvaccinated animals got sick. Some died. THE VACCINATED ANIMALS GOT SICKER. *MOST* OF THE VACCINATED ANIMALS DIED.

Some of the researchers called this Antibody-Dependent Enhancement or ADE. Apparently antibodies produced in response to the vaccine actually made the virus more dangerous to the vaccinated animals. "Pulmonary Immunopathology" means that a vaccinated animal's immune system would participate in damaging the heck out of the animal's lungs when the animal was exposed to the virus it had been immunized against.

This dangerous/deadly "backfire" of the vaccine occurred in one animals species after another, with one proposed vaccine after another. The conclusion after many researchers spent years trying to develop a successful SARS-CoV-1 vaccine was "Gee, guys, we'd better be really cautious about trying any coronavirus vaccination of people..." Then the whole idea was wisely set aside.

Fast forward to early 2020. Independent scientist/researcher James Lyons-Weiler got the SARS-CoV-2 genome when it was released by the Chinese. He began studying it. In his first (informal) report online, he said that any vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 that uses the spike protein will almost certainly cause ADE.

If you listen to the censored scientists and doctors these days, you hear them discussing how the current statistics on COVID-19 infections, illness, and deaths appear to be showing ADE in people double and triple vaxxed with the mRNA and adenovirus vector vaccines.

And will the non-mRNA vaccines (the traditional inactivated or attenuated virus vaccines) for COVID-19 produce ADE? People who know about the issue are watching and wondering. Maybe the Chinese (with their SinoPharm vaccine) found a solution to the ADE problem, a way to avoid the “backfire.”

So that's the story. And you know why I know all this stuff? Because I'm the parent of a vaccine-injured child (now disabled young adult) and I am that dreaded and denigrated creature, an ANTI-VAXXER. I've spent hundreds of hours studying vaccines and their effects. Funny thing about us anti-vaxxers, we want to understand the horrible things that happened to our kids, and we don't want those horrible things to happen to anybody else's kids. So we study, and study, and study, and then we share what we've learned.

I hope what I've written here is helpful to you.

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and why they along with novovax will NEVER get approved in the usa....

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I understand that Corona viruses defeat vaccines because they mutate so rapidly.

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My new tee-shirt is going to say " I need new conspiracy theories, all the other ones came true". Gonna to Order soon.....

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You know the real reason China decided to use a traditional non-mRNA vaccine? What if I told you it's because they didn't want to disable their own workers and soldiers with a clot shot while Phizer and Moderna were winning an asymmetric vaccine mortality and injury war in favor of China over the US. -- The Chinese use their own "Sinopharm" and "Sinovac" brands which are traditional vaccines that work by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response. All the contents of this vaccine are presumed to remain local to the injection site in the shoulder with no evidence of traveling systemically to damage the brain, liver, ovaries, uterus and other vital organs as do the mRNA and spike protein "clot shots". --

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Chinese mRNA patent contains Graphene Oxide actually listed as an ingredient - https://patents.google.com/patent/CN112220919A/en

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More evidence that they plan to sell it only outside China.

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and sell it cheaper than western companies can make it ;)

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Pfizer tried for years to make a coronavirus vaccine and failed. What do you think are the odds they tried the traditional approach and saw it failed, back when long term testing was still a necessary step? What are the odds a company like Pfizer is aware of traditional approach problems and chose not to warn China? Perhaps similar to if China saw red flags with the mRNA shots and just chose not to roll them out for their country.

It’s a live experiment.

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@Harold Saive Citizens in Bahrain were given the Sinopharm & Sinovac vaccines, yet the official statistics showing 'deaths after vaccination' showed a steep incline. Also, a Kuwaiti MP who is also on the Board of Human Rights, had a discussion with Reiner Fullmich and Dr Wodarg, via video link, and if I remember correctly, he stated that a lot of people died, post vax, in the Middle East. I believe Sinopharm & Sinovac were used in the Middle East.

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I'll try to find the data comparing mortality in Chine vs. US/UK and western countries

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Thank you!

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Since Alex got into it w/ Malone he's become almost unintelligibly snarky; so is he saying the CCP, killers of >100M people in the last 80 years, don't want to give their people mRNA shots because they're dangerous?

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Alex isn't interpreting the data. He is just giving it. You can make your own conclusions as to why the CCP isn't using it.

My thoughts: China doesn't want to make money for our country so they don't want to buy this lousy "vax". They most likely see it does more harm than good. Having people maimed by a shot is bad for the economy and you never know who will be disabled and killed by it and who won't. CCP likes to pick and choose who dies ... and they can do so at their own discretion.... whereas the shot would choose for them... and then they wouldn't be able to harvest the damaged organs afterwards.

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Yes. If the rest of the world offs itself on the jabs, I guess that definitely gives China the upper hand.

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Yep! They got ENOUGH problems to deal with - why would they want to kill and sicken their own people????

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They'll kill anyone that gets in their way. They don't value Chinese lives anymore than they value ours.

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unlike the western elites, they don't want to replace their own people with other third world people who will be obedient - they already have an obedient population!

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Does that clown pay you people?

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Feb 8, 2022
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What are you trying to prove,Jimmy?Who’s your media go to,Brian Stelter?

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Which is crazy cause he has all the skills to cover the political angle of this. Controlled opposition is less farfetched every post....

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Project much?

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How about you,Dana?Who’s your go to source for the truth,Savannah Guthrie?

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Four reasons why China is fast becoming the dominant power in the world....

1. They have a very low tolerance for crime. The death sentence is swiftly and routinely used for terrorists, murderers and drug traffickers.

2. Very low tolerance for Religion. They do not believe there is a Magic man in the sky. No such thing as a God. Almost no religious killings ???, and getting rid of the Indigenous Chinese Muslim population as fast as they can.

3. They have not been involved in any expensive wars or invaded any country for the last seventy years.

4. Their primary weapon of choice to conquer the world is Finance, and countries around the world are falling fast.

Not just the USA but all the world is in trouble

In the near future, China will employ millions of American workers and dominate thousands of small communities all over the United States. Chinese acquisition of US businesses set a new all-time record last year, and it is on pace to shatter that record this year.

The Smithfield Foods acquisition is a great example. Smithfield Foods is the largest pork producer and processor in the world. It has facilities in 26 US states, and it employs tens of thousands of Americans. It directly owns 460 farms and has contracts with about 2,100 others. But now a Chinese company has bought it for $ 4.7 billion, and that means that the Chinese will now be the most important employer in dozens of rural communities all over America.

Thanks in part to our massively bloated trade deficit with China, the Chinese have trillions of dollars to spend. They are only just starting to exercise their economic muscle.

It is important to keep in mind that there is often not much of a difference between "the Chinese government" and "the Chinese corporations". In 2011, 43 percent of all profits in China were produced by companies where the Chinese government had a controlling interest.

Last year a Chinese company spent $2.6B to purchase AMC entertainment, one of the largest movie theater chains in the United States. Chinese companies control more movie ticket sales than anyone else in the world.

But China is not just relying on acquisitions to expand its economic power.

"Economic beachheads" are being established all over America. For example, Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group, Inc. recently broke ground on a $100M plant in Thomasville, Alabama. Many of the residents of Thomasville, Alabama will be glad to have jobs, but it will also become yet another community that will now be heavily dependent on Communist China.

And guess where else Chinese companies are putting down roots? DETROIT.

Chinese-owned companies are investing in American businesses and new vehicle technology, selling everything from seat belts to shock absorbers in retail stores, and hiring experienced engineers and designers in an effort to soak up the talent and expertise of domestic automakers and their suppliers.

If you recently purchased an "American-made" vehicle, there is a really good chance that it has a number of Chinese parts in it. Industry analysts are hard-pressed to put a number on the Chinese suppliers in the United States.

China is very interested in acquiring energy resources in the United States.

For example, China is actually mining for coal in the mountains of Tennessee. Guizhou Gouchuang Energy Holdings Group spent 616 million dollars to acquire Triple H Coal Co. in Jacksboro, Tennessee.

At the time, that acquisition really didn't make much news, but now a group of conservatives in Tennessee is trying to stop the Chinese from blowing up their mountains and taking their coal.

And pretty soon China may want to build entire cities in the United States just like they have been doing in other countries. Right now China is actually building a city larger than Manhattan just outside Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

Are you starting to get the picture yet? China is on the rise and has been for a long time while America plays political games.

If you doubt this, just read the following:

When you total up all imports and exports, China is now the number one trading nation on the entire planet.

# Overall, the US has run a trade deficit with China over the past decade that comes to more than 23 trillion dollars.

# China has more foreign currency reserves than anyone else on the planet.

# China now has the largest new car market in the entire world.

# China now produces more than twice as many automobiles as does the United States.

# After being bailed out by US taxpayers, GM is involved in 11 joint ventures with Chinese companies.

# China is the number one gold producer in the world.

# The uniforms for the US Olympic team were made in China.

# 85% of all artificial Christmas trees the world over are made in China.

# The new World Trade Center tower in New York includes glass imported from China.

# China now consumes more energy than does the United States.

# China is now in aggregate the leading manufacturer of goods in the entire world.

# China uses more cement than the rest of the world combined.

# China is now the number one producer of wind and solar power on the entire globe.

# China produces 3 times as much coal and 11 times as much steel as the United States does.

# China produces more than 90 percent of the global supply of rare earth elements.

# China is now the number one supplier of components that are critical to the operation of any national defense system.

# In published scientific research articles, China will become number one in the world very shortly. And what we have seen so far may just be the tip of the iceberg. And for now, I will just leave you with one piece of advice -

Learn to speak Chinese.

I wonder if it is past time for us to wake up.

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Sometimes (like with this post) with your sarcasm, I'm not able to decipher your point. Are you saying China being more cautious? or they know vaccines won't work for for this virus? Honestly hard for me to believe the CCP cares about its citizens. I'd also like you to expand on what happened with the purchase of 100 million doses.

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I think his point is that the West was quick to inject, but the country where the virus started and that has developed its own mRNA vaccine, hasn't injected anyone.

The shot hurts young people.

The virus hurts old people.

China needs the young to take care of the old and carry on the CCPs objectives.

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Any look at China’s demographic profile would inform you that the country is in trouble. They broke the family structure with the one child policy and that can’t undo it even by allowing 2 and 3 children now. And they created a super abundance of males. Interestingly you could speculate that all those males would be the group to recruit from if you wanted to run a large clinical trial.

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Right. China hates social unrest. People there would protest if there were tons of vaccine injuries. China already has subjugated its citizens and surveilles them and censors the press. The Western countries are using vaccines to get the same kind of control. Part of it is gaslighting the injuries away--making you risk your life to obey. Something like how Nazi soldiers were commanded to shoot dogs they had raised.

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They have already trained most of their citizens to be obedient. It makes sense to keep them around and get rid of the “rebels” in the western world.

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Thats what I think. Let the American, European, and Israeli populations be weakened by the MRNA clot/death shot. China will be stronger for it.

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It blows my mind that they manipulated 100% clot shoted Israel to off itself. I hope baby Moses got away.

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I did not follow either. Thought maybe I was just tired.

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Even one of the most don’t give a F countries in the world won’t experiment on their people with mRNA. The implication is however evil General Tsao’s minions are, they aren’t as evil as The Pedophile in Chiefs minions.

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No, they're evil.

But they don't want to hurt their young population with experimental gene therapy.

They need them.

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The American elite dont need a pesky white young population asking any questions or making a fuss. They just need more unvaxxed illegals flown all over the place so they have clueless, compliant dependents to clean their toilets, watch their kids, do their yardwork and vote Democrat. Pelosi nation.

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Of course they’re evil, perhaps not as evil as our evildoers though. I do find it odd that a country comfortable with strip mining the world isn’t comfortable with large scale human experimentation on their own.

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You would think they wouldn't care, but I have a feeling it's like regulating their own population. Let the virus kill the elderly, but they don't want to hurt the young people. I can't think of a different reason.

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The entire “pandemic” is a fraud, that’s why, Mr Berenson. No one needs a rushed & half developed “vaccine” to bring a fraud to an end.

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Wikipedia can be trusted for anything these days?

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Just received my JP Sears shirt today that says: "FACT: I don't trust fact checkers"

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Zactly. Whatever the fact checkers say is false is what “they” don’t want people to look at.

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I run a business. Had an epiphany today. Tens of thousands of businesses, and their people,

all over America work their asses off and they don’t have time to research all this stuff. They just try to do the right thing. They are told they need to get vaccinated, so they do it. Millions of people just want to trust that the public health authorities are shooting straight and leveling with them. So they comply, because MOST people are good citizens. This is true. They are not in this Substack tho. And guess what? The SHOULD be able to trust their public health people not to lie to them. If these MRNA shots turn out to be bad long term, I’m telling you it’s going to be a lot worse than anyone can imagine. I’m talking millions of people pissed. In a major way.

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Only if the powers that be allow it to be "revealed" that the jabs are causing the high all-cause mortality rates...many jabbed people's cognitive dissonance will not allow them to make the connections...

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Sadly they will never know. Autism does appear to be from vaccination (per cdc whistleblower, evidence shredded) and that is not discussed. IME Doctors never blame pharma, and everyone who should be regulating and studying is beholden to pharma directly or indirectly.

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How about this headline, "China follows the science - no mRNA gene manipulation shots allowed"

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Ok. That's officially the Best Post Ever on Vaccines, mRNA technology, and China. I know you've mentioned this before, but this post has it all tied up with a bow. Given China's enthusiasm for ... technology transfer, let's call it ... they'd have deployed mRNA instantly if it showed promise.

Because - Comprehensive National Power.

Next question: why did we deploy it? And why are we continuing to do so? And why has it been mandated for our military?

"10 held by H for the Big Guy"? It can't be all about money. No way DoD commits suicide. They're way too powerful.

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Yes... They did this with all the closures too. Showed us the way ... and then backed off.

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The second, the first male, in the UK was William Shakespeare (sic). I remember last summer when I was becoming aware of the coronary damage of the vector vaccines that I looked up his fate. He died of a stroke in May 2021. Did getting the vaccine prolong or shorten his life? About a month ago the PM of Fiji, who has heart issues, was air lifted to Australia maybe 2 weeks after (possibly) having received a booster.

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My son lives in China. I’ve visited 6 times. I can believe this. There are a lot of things they have that we don’t, that if we had would make life better for us, like super high speed trains connecting their main cities. (My son had Chinese vax. Had no problems. It’s not mRNA.)

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but in the end they are not individuals...they are a part of the collective. Freedom trumps high speed trains any day of the week

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I have to respectfully disagree with you there. Lots of wonderful people, like everywhere. Vaccines effectiveness is not the only propaganda we are subjected to.

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Lots of wonderful citizens. Not a wonderful government. Freedom isn’t there

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Need to clarify. I refer to CCP only. I believe the vast majority of China people are good people, but under the thumb of the CCP

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and nearly all of those high speed trains loose buckets of money, are expensive to maintain, may have been poorly constructed/not well thought out, and their aging technology will need to be replaced in the coming decades...

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High speed trains are only possible when there are endless tracts of undeveloped land, sans endless environmental restrictions.

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I really think as the truth becomes more and more indisputable the ugly malignant trolls are going to become desperate to save their worthless pathetic skins from the aftermath.

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Just a note that my substack account was blocked from hotmail. I realized something was wrong when I wasn't seeing any of Alex's newsletters for a few days. It was easy to fix by going to my profile on substack and clicking that I don't want a block on my email, but I think that it's an interesting question how that block was even put in place. Please note that it wasn't an issue of newsletters getting sent to "junk". The newsletters were not coming into my hotmail account at all.

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Excess deaths in the US for ages 18-64 are up 40%. Life insurance actuaries say an increase of 10% would be a 1 in 200 year event. Just wait until you see this number increase in 2022. What single event could be attributed to this immense fact? Yup---mass vaccination. How long before the sheeple figure this out?

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Tucker had this on his show tonight. No mention of the mass tax connection. Does he not know?

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Alright here I go, please note this is PURE SPECULATION on my end. It seems impossible to me that multiple companies including the 2 mRNA (Moderna & Pfizer) all come up with a vaccine around the same timeframe. I have a hunch these things were most likely developed alongside SARS-CoV-2 in the lab. I would also wager, though I am not sure it will ever come to light, the vaccines were indeed tested. Probably on a subset population in China not in favor like the Uyghurs.

Reading Alex's post makes me think my gut feeling is correct. And now after reading this post and China's promise to buy Pfizer doses and even attempt to make their own mRNA I suspect it was theater. I don't believe they want their population taking those vaccines. If forced to take one I believe I would opt for the J&J after learning just the information provided by AB. I think the Chinese know something and I wonder if they didn't fudge the testing data and lie to the Fauci's of the world about the safety of the mRNA vax's.

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Thanks for the link. I have seen that before. Damn, after reading this article I think it's pretty clear the CCP had no intentions of letting a mRNA vax on the market. And now one has to ask why? Were they just being cautious? That would be a natural reaction to any new technology with no long term safety data. Our CDC, NIH, FDA's cavalier attitude has been one of the hardest things for me to square since this whole s***show started. Perhaps China might know a little bit more than they let on which makes the above named medical orgs here complete suckers. And that does not bode well for the recipients of these new concoctions.

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Boooo hoooo Joe Rogan wouldn’t have a beer with me so I’m going to pile on. I’ll attack Dr. Malone too. Once a lib, always a lib. Sad!

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WuFlu, manure, CCP exhortations----which does not fit?

Manure, after a period of time, is no longer malodorous.

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'National Pride' my ass. They know EXACTLY what these mRNA "vaccines" are: a bioweapon.

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I love how nobody in mainstream news is remotely even just CURIOUS about this.

Trump annoys China. Virus comes along. Provides the ONLY environment in which Trump can 'lose' what would otherwise have been a landslide election. Of course his voter base WAS enormous, record-breaking in fact. We just have to 'believe' that sleepy Joe, who barely NOBODY bothered to even go see on the campaign trail, got even more votes and smashed Trumps record breaking mandate. Hmm. Ok. I will play along so far.

China's economy benefits from the collapse, or sharp downturn at least, of just about every other nation, certainly every western nation. And China was the source of the virus (let's not even bother considering the Wuhan Lab for now). Bit of a fluke that! China's lottery numbers came in.

Of all countries on the planet, China doesn't publish Covid figures and hasn't since, well, forever at this point. China doesn't vaccinate using what the rest of the world was brainwashed to believe was the ONLY way to deal with this DEADLY pandemic. Yet last time I checked, China is ok. In fact they had open air music concerts while we in the UK were in our first lockdowns! No masking or distancing over in the land of tyrannical authoritarianism, only here in the land of "freedom and democracy".

The lack of INNOCENT CURIOSITY about such things astounds me. Of course that's if it's not a lack of curiosity, but a lack of knowledge thanks to China's control over so much in the West now, and so many media and government people being truly in BED with China, not just in business, but in Communist ideals too.

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The excuse that they don't want the optics of using a western vaccine actually makes more sense than that the Chinese communist government actually cares about its people. I mean, c'mon.

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Alex how do I contact you? I have some interesting Australian data to share

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Share it here!

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I sometimes struggle trying to decode the sarcasm and find that it often detracts from the good points you have made.

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me 2, I guess this was meant as sarcasm.....oh well

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What about the 8 million Chinese college students who are enrolled in US colleges and universities? Have they been exempt from the various institutions’ “vaccine” mandates? I wonder.

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Please stop the ad hominem attacks on Alex. If you don’t want to read his substack, then don’t. Your childish psychobabble is as offensive as when Alex criticizes experts like Dr. Malone and just as senseless. Read the article- sort the facts from the fiction and leave it there.

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I think the Chinese government likes it's "zero tolerance" policy on Rona positives because they like putting people in shipping containers for 5 weeks never to be heard from again. Look at how aggressive they're being with Olympic athletes including American Figure Skater Vincent Zhou. I would imagine the "test volunteers" are either Uygurs or other political dissidents.

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Chinese mRNA patent contains Graphene Oxide - https://patents.google.com/patent/CN112220919A/en

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TPTB will need healthy Chinese soldiers to finish off the US when the time comes. The population reduction and destruction of western democracies first. Remember Deagel 2025 depopulation numbers... No changes for China

Meanwhile in the west:

The largest Human Experiment and Crime against Humanity ever committed. Planned Genocide

mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/mrna-vaccines-are-gene-therapy-may

Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-michael-yeadon-this-must-stop The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan"


Sorruption: Canadian Immunization Research Network, Which Evaluates Vaccines, Is Funded By Big Pharma

https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/canadian-immunization-research-network Years pf planning:

Health Canada Initially Created For Population Control Measures https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/health-canada-initially-created-for

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The Chinese government is not inept at lying like the US government is.

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They're not in league with Pharma.

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China claim to have started on 16th March 2020, China’s CanSino and Academy of Military Medical Sciences launched the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial in Wuhan, however it was not Mrna.. less than 18 weeks from their reporting on a "new novel virus" ... but of course it was just a natural virus , because who doesnt create a vaccine in 18 weeks for a virus they have never seen before. Best most of the population, especially the US ignore that elephant.

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Big pharma tried to develop a vaccine for coronaviruses for decades and could not figure it out. But once liability was waived, companies around the world figured everything out within months.

Pretending we know mRNA is better or worse than a traditional approach is ridiculous. Maybe China saw something that spooked them about mRNA. Maybe Pfizer saw something that spooked them about traditional vax technology and that's why they tried mRNA.

We will learn as the experiment plays out.

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The answer is that mRNA is supposed to be faster. mRNA is the new platform that will cure cancer and vaccinate against diseases as fast they appear. At least that is the marketing. The reason we are using mRNA is because it was first to market. In China, it was too slow so they just went with the easier, traditional approach. I’m pretty sure Berenson knows this, but he is too preoccupied with his crusade against the vaccines.

BTW, Omicron has shown that the mRNA platform is not nearly as fast or as adaptable as they’d promised. And they also aren’t safe enough for broad use. It is a failed experiment.

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Faster as long as we make the leap of faith that they’re safe, and are willing to waive liability.

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yeah RIGHT....at least that is in the "marketing" info. Laughing with you and not at you. Just laughed and cried a bit is all in the ways of big Pharma

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That’s the thing. The joke of this is that none of it has anything to do with conspiracy theories. It is just a failed marketing rollout of a new product by big pharma.

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China saw it was a human experiment

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What are the odds Pfizer tested the traditional approach during those decades of failed attempts?

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So one thing about this is that at this point in time the vast majority of Chinese citizens have already been vaccinated with other Chinese made vaccines so it's not weird at all to run the trials outside of the country. Saying most patients have been recruited means they've been screened and consented into the trial. The delay itself is a bit odd and I don't know what that means. But honestly I don't believe the CCP does much of anything with concern for people's well-being.

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The Chinese are also already vaccinated so why out any effort into producing an mRNA version? The answer to this has nothing to do with China caring if the mRNA vaccine is dangerous.

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“Most volunteers had now been recruited?” What does that even mean? The ones that refused were disappeared.

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Their population is already crashing and they don't have a border they can let in millions of Hispanics in to replace all of their workers to keep the elites fed and entertained.

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Mmm, yeah Dude, the preferred nomenclature is “historically marginalized groundskeepers.

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of color.

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love the sarcasm

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What???? did I understand correctly? no one in China has received the mRNA shot??? something really evil is going on here.

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There are no Fauscists in China?

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Apologies for going off-topic, but readers might be interested to read how some Canadian docs are getting noisy!


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HMMMM...a Covidian curiosity to be sure!?!

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