Free speech was always great when leftists loved it. We lost it as soon as they got power (entrenched in bureaucracies, Hollywood, universities, and of course media and politics). As soon as they don't agree with the speakers and have the power to stop them, they will. They have never been for "democracy." They are for their ideology and nothing more. It's that that drives it. Republicans (especially libertarian side of it) believe in the constitution and if Donald Trump oversteps it, the same people will stand up to him. They are supporting him now precisely because of what's happened here and few of us because we ADORE the guy. We don't, though we admire his grit. Nobody else could have withstood this. That's admirable. And that's enough for us for now.

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Misinformation: Speech the left does not like nor agree with. Malinformation: Speech the left knows is true but does not want the public to hear.

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Alex writes: "No one serious in Washington or New York or Los Angeles or San Francisco – Republican or Democrat - wanted Donald Trump elected in 2016."

This is one of the dumbest overgeneralizations I have read (outside of almost everthing democrats write. Notice I said "almost". For the same reason}.

Whatever definitition one uses of "serious" there is no chance of Alex's starement holding true unless your definition of serious is simply "does not support Donald Trump".

For me Donald Trump is an imperfect vessel at a critical time. I don't see how a serious person can support government by vegetable (i.e. Biden). Biden lies continually. He is divisive. He has limited respect for the constitution. These are also the worst things one can fairly say of Trump and I believe Biden is actually worse on these measures. Trump doesn't lie about his own policies. Most of the worst negatives that Trump is accused of are exaggerations or purposefully incomplete or inaccurate representations. Biden clearly is selling his influence while Trump is accused of marginal things that have never been crimes for other people and that the democrats don't prosecute when democrats do them. This misuse of prosecutorial disgression truly does risk our democracy much more than anything Trump has done.

And worse: Biden is blank face of a corrupt Washington class that serves itself through corruption and insider trading and pay to play and regulatory capture. Trump is fighting an important fight against these serious issues. He doesn't use weasel words like politicians do which gives his enemies ammunition but actually indicates his basic honesty where it counts. More and more this Washington class is demanding that everyday Americans get by with less freedom, and less options and less luxuries while insiders feather their own beds.

I know Alex would love to be accepted in NYC cocktail parties again. But his badly expressed olive leaves to the ruling class simply undercut what is deeply valuable in his life's work.

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How does this rate for misinformation? During the pandemic, tens of thousands of elderly individuals in the UK were listed as "Covid deaths." However, an Australian politician, Craig Kelly, the national director of the United Australia Party says that an examination of official UK government data on death rates and causes shows that vast numbers of elderly people died as a result of an injection of the end-of-life drug Midalzolam. Kelly believes these individuals had been euthanized to boost the number of "Covid deaths" and ramp up public fear to garner support for lockdowns and vaccines. Kelly posted such contentions on X alongside copies of the data. If this is true, isn't this a case of mass murder?

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Alex, I feel I am hearing/reading to an historical speech. A few brave men and women have always been the ones to turn the tides against oppression. It is no exaggeration that we are on the verge of something great--Freedom-or something truly horrible- i.e. the eradication of the individual, the invalidation of the individual as a living being-a spirit- and all his/her rights-particularly free communication. Thanks for sticking your neck out.

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Funny how misinformation is always the stuff that goes against narratives supported by our overlords.

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I watched the livestream - you did a great job of riffing!

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This is a swell speech, so far, as I'm waiting to read the rest. I sure hope there are some young adults in the audience who are listening! Thanks for speaking out, against censorship.

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This past week I had a talk with my 13 year old son about the importance of the First Amendment and the freedom of speech and religion especially when it is speech that you don’t like or agree with.

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Everyday they remind us how audacious we were to vote for Trump, and each day they punish us for paying taxes and laughing at Joy Reid. Now let’s talk about the election denier penalty, how many years should we get

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Could it be that China been using it's influence here to pit the US against Russia, weakening both countries.

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Love you AB. But please stop using "anti-vax".

It's exactly what they want you to do and it's not reflective of most your audience.

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Hilary had a word for those "no one serious" type's who craved a NON swamp laden creature in the WH in 2016. She called them DEPLORABLES. Its no diff now...the "no one serious" types STILL want someone who cannot be BOUGHT.

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Question - do you think your audience was able to differentiate between the term "left" as you used it in your presentation, and regular democrats/liberals. I'm not convinced that everyone on the left side of the fence is an extreme leftist. Same goes for my conservative friends. Just a thought. Sometimes it's good to clarify those nuances.

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This battle appears to me to be "free speech" versus "no speech". The Biden Administration wants to shut everyone up not just limit speech. Trump obviously favors free speech. He talks forever and repeats himself three or four times. I voted for him twice and will do so again whether unfairly criminally convicted or not. But I don't like his personality, his speech or "tweets" but will put up with it because

I like the way he ran the country although under constant duress and I support free speech. To optimize his chances, I will gladly give him a roll of duct tape if he will first use it on Jr. (ughhh) then tape his mouth for at least 3/4 of his waking hours. Just saying u know!

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I will say this with the new CDC guidelines CDC NIH FDA AND legacy media government leaders owe you an apology big time for not listening to you back earlier in 2020 and that we never needed any mRNA shots we had medications already in your library of medications to treat viral pneumonia. And many need to be held accountable for not listening to Alex Berenson one of the best in America with respiratory disease critical care. The case you have makes it stronger every day for not listening to you. They have it coming to them big time.

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