How was your reception from the audience/on campus?

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The good news: everyone was nice and respectful, including at a private meeting I had with about 40 students. The bad news: as Professor Ramsey, who organized the lecture, told me: of the crowd of 80 or so, most people were community members (ie readers of the Stack who had come to see me). In contrast, most previous lectures have had mostly students and faculty in the audience. In other words, the people who needed to hear and be challenged the most did not come.

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Thanks. Silver lining is no hostility. folks react like that when they finally admit they are wrong but cannot admit it to themselves.

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Can you be certain that you weren’t shadow banned even though the school gave you a public forum?

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Confirmation bias in action.

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Thank you, Alex! Thank you for reminding everyone that it was near universal push from all corners of elites and institutions who maligned and pressured the people. I will never forget what they did to us or the horrors they inflected on people I love. But now we are much more resolved to stop anything like this in the future. I applaud you for your dedication and heroism during those dark days and now!

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Whilst we ardent truth seekers may be fully resolved, we are still but few and the vast majority are feeble minded, easily scared sheeple. I have no doubts that it could all happen again with terrifying ease, even though Fauci has retired. You just need to scare 'em.

PS I wonder what happened the $2 Billion worth of Monkey Pox shots Biden & Co purchased. That one was too soon after covid to ever fly.

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I still run into sheeple who tell me that Trump killed 10 million people because he refused to listen to The Science. They have been so brainwashed by fear that they will never see the real science.

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From The Hill (9/29/20): "Democratic nominee Joe Biden blamed President Trump for the COVID-19 death toll Tuesday night, arguing that more than 200,000 people in the U.S. are dead because the president failed to take the virus seriously." Later, when more people died from COVID after Biden became President and the mRNA vaxes were being widely used, he took no responsibility for the deaths.

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Biden has not taken responsibility for any of his policies. Remember before the 2020 election he said he would not trust the Trump mRNA vaccines and then as soon as he was sworn in he mandated them?

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Just tell them to do their homework on the "furin cleavage site" and see who the "actual" funders and criminals who planned the entire 2020 crime against humanity ARE!

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I try to tell them to do their own research. I suggest reading Alex's Substack if they want to be informed. Most refuse to listen to anything that is not on network TV or CNN and MSNBC.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

Hey Louise, I'd love to have someone to discuss all this with and see how much they really know - I suspect for most, beyond the headlines, it's mostly nothing. And they don't want to know: They know what they know! Shut up!

It's a scary, lonely world sometimes... That's why places like this are SO important: 'cause here we ALL know! Yippeee!

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I agree, some just don't want to know. They've been conditioned to think that anything outside the "official" narrative is a conspiracy theory.

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Thank you Alex for being such an early and effective warrior for truth! Takes a lot of guts (and $$$) to go up against these giants. You are truly a modern day “David”. Praying for leaders such as yourself for GODs hand of wisdom, power and protection over you ALL! 🙏🏼

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I sadly agree. I believe the vast majority will be compliant simply no matter what. However, the injections in particular have caused so much pain and frustration that I think they have mobilized many who normally would not think twice about following authorities. Simply look at the boosted uptake that has fallen every time to probably 1-2% now. The main thing we need is for someone with actual power to come out swinging against it. I still remember Gov DeSantis saying he would step in the way of anyone who tried to shut down schools in FL. We need that attitude.

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I'm also averse to be told what to do but what I dislike even worse is being lied to and bullied.

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What really struck me was the way covid fanatics attacked covid skeptics. Jimmy Kimmel and the harpies on the View said that those who chose not to get vaccinated, and follow covid protocols should not be allowed to get medical help if they become sick. The animosity toward their fellow human beings was shocking.

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And remember the puppet in the WH on national TV calling the NON injected dangerous and the problem. He was never held accountable for it as usual either

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Yes I remember the vitriol he had for those who chose not to take the shot. He was not held accountable and all those in the media who pushed his nonsense never said they were wrong either. That's why there are still people who believe that if they were not "vaxed" it would have been so much worse.

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Remember when everyone could agree 1A was sacrosanct?

What we're experiencing now is why 2A is so important.


2A is not merely the last ditch mechanism against Tyranny.

Rather because 2A is also a bulwark against 80% of the population who never learn that the most important and enigmatic lesson of history is that people don't learn from history.

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4

I really wish someone would accuse me of being an anti-vaxxer.

I'd reply, 'Hell - Yeah! Why aren't you?' I would consider it a badge of honour, especially having immersed myself in this stuff for four years - which is longer than a Degree course.

Look at the real science evidence as in Turtles & Dissolving Illusions etc. So many seem to shy away, automatically saying that whilst they are against the covid shots, of course they are not an anti-vaxxer. Why not? They're all poison!

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In the early 1950s, many people, including my former next door neighbors' child, died of polio. In 1952, 3,145 people in the US died of polio and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling paralysis. Today, cases of polio are rare because of vaccines. All vaccines are not "poison."

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Hey Bob, It's far too complicated and long for here but take a look at the actual history of the polio vaccine. It is not straightforward.

In short, the first one they brought out in the 50s caused mass child infection and was quickly withdrawn and replaced. Then they totally changed the definition of the symptoms and called it something else to make the vaccine look better. It's still around but because it's called something else it's officially disappeared - Magic!

I recall that Bill Gates quite recently got thrown out of India due to issues with his vaccine killing kids.

The book, Dissolving Illusions, is a good start for the whole truth. Some scientists think that polio is not even caused by a virus but by environmental toxins. Whatever, the symptoms can be successfully treated - without vaccines. All fascinating stuff.

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As recently as five days ago, Bill Gates met with Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya in India. From what I found, the Gates Foundation has provided polio vaccine to tens of thousands of Indians. There were some deaths reported but it is unclear they were related to the vaccine. Admittedly, Gates is a sponsor of COVID vaccines in India, which is another story.

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And so the story moves on... Of course, as the self appointed King of the WHO, Billy Boy Gates has enormous power and unless they take his vaccines countries don't get the rest of the aid programme.

And don't imagine for a moment his covid vaccine programme is philanthropy - he openly admits a return of $ 20:1.

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Hey Bob, I was reading Midwestern Doctor this morning, and came across a reference to Polio & Gates vaccines in India. I immediately thought of you!

Apparently 491,000 Indian children experienced flaccid effects due to his Polio vaccine programme. Unfortunately it didn't say what happened to them long term.

I really recommend reading Dissolved Illusions - It's wild! BW

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jennifer reuben wrote a column Calling for


to be held responsible for deaths. Joe Biden should be held responsible for the young lady who was murdered in Atlanta. He allowed illegal invaders into our country. Has done nothing to stop it. Every single person that has been killed robbed. Raped And in anyway, hurt by these illegals Joe biden and the people that allow this to happen.

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Let's not get fooled again. Now America has a serious mental health crisis. Soon enough we will have Ramadan violence here in America. America has a bag of bones for a President. Right now our elderly people our poor people our disabled people are getting screwed. Massachusetts is spending $100.00 a day for 3 cooked meals a day through a catering business in Massachusetts. A senior citizen gets about 7 dollars if lucky from food stamps and you have to go to the store buy it and cook it. People better wake up and when they do it will be hell to pay for all political parties. Norovirus is going around folks right now it's a GI Infection and nasty. Keep pushing hard back against these evil people every 💯 God will let us all win.

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4

Excellent summary. While EVERYONE has personal experience with the historical covid episode, there is so much detail, about which most are UNINFORMED! Thank you for clarifying and shining a light by being ONE of so many, but in a key position, to stand for truth and find yourself in the center of the controversy. May God truly bless your position. And thanks again for this concise summary!!

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Good luck Alex. I hope New York judges treat you fairly, but of course, I am a Doubter. I know someone who was getting really aggravated about someone coming into their home who refused to be vaccinated against Covid. I asked them if they were fully vaccinated to which they replied in the affirmative. So I then asked "so if the vaccine is truly is effective, won't you be safe?" Received a garbled answer of verbal regurgitation of "facts" from Instagram. But you know when you get them. ; )

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The Jennifer Rubin 4-1-20 diatribe about politicians is telling in hindsight knowing what is known of the plandemic and who were the "players" who brought it to humanity. 3 words FURIN CLEAVAGE SITE. Talk about what could have been PREVENTED!

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The last line of that speech says it all. Unfortunately, the powers that be have done an excellent job in dividing our society. Self-censorship is still alive and well.

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What happens to your case if Biden drops dead? Seeing as it’s Biden vs Berenson, I’m very curious whether the lawsuit continues against the administration.

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Heaven forbid it happens, but when a public official is being sued dies, he is replaced (substituted) in the suit by his successor, who would be Kamala Harris if Biden dies in office.

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Thank you Bob.

What happens if they accidentally don’t generate enough mail in votes? And get kicked out the Whitehouse whilst the case is still moving forward?

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Whoever becomes President would be substituted for Biden. If it is Trump, he might settle the case quickly, while any Democrat will continue to fight it.

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Would the case become ‘the late Biden vs Berenson?

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Alex, you go guy!!!!

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My wife's rheumatologist, who advised our local bishop to shut down in spring 2020, has continuously pressed her to get "the jab." When she politely pointed out all the evidence contradicting doing that he accused her of belonging to a "QAnon rosary group." (whatever the hell that is). My wife, being the soul of discretion, did not respond "you mean the same one I belong to with your wife."

Postcript - last year when she saw him he told her don't bother getting the booster because it's mutating too fast to be effective.

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Anyone with any sense knows that viruses mutate. COVID showed how truly ignorant most people are, how Big Pharma controls everything, and how the medical establishment really doesn’t care about us. Alex was one of the few who made sense and brought us truth with facts to back it up.

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Our daughter, the intensive care unit nurse was highly in favor of vaccination. I can see why, she had a couple of shifts 12 hours long one where she lost nine patients another where they lost 12 it was dismal, suiting up into the Covid suit, Became a torture for some of her colleagues to the point where they had to quit to get their sanity back. 2 took off to hike the Appalachian Trail towards the end of the crisis. To get over claustrophobia. Wife and I were vaccinated in March, by July I knew the vaccines were not the panacea, and that we have been sold a bill of goods. I was ecstatic upon getting vaccine. I was despondent when I learned in July that we have been lied to on a massscale. my wife worked from home, but I continue to go into the office, I was the solitary figure in the office. I don’t think there are more than four of us. Everybody else was somewhere else. My daughter was insisting that I should not go into the office, but I tried to explain to her that I was totally isolated in the office. Nobody was there, and it was true. We were disconnected from people during that period of time. People asked me why I was not going into the office I was going in because I wanted some normalcy in my life I did not. I was not going to stop my life. I told my daughter that nine years ago I had been diagnosed with an incurable chronic disease that made me very ill. It probably was not going to kill me, but it was going to make my life very difficult at times, so I said to her I am not going to be afraid of anything past. This I was lied to I was made to feel for fear it’s not gonna happen again if you think that. if you think that Twitter is still not occupied by elite, who want to lead you around by your nose you certainly haven’t seen the likes of The political types who occupy that sphere of the world. I choose to ignore most of them because they have no effect on me and I’m happy for it I often wonder how they can prattle on 24 hours a day on Twitter of course most of it is politically directed at this point, and some will adopt. Similar adopt a political position from what they read Justin some adopted a vaccination position from what they read. What a sad comment on humanity in America.

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