Politico says the US may face rationing of the miracle shots; in truth demand is near zero and 150 million shots are sitting in freezers. (Plus some good news about GoFundMe.)
Exactly what I was saying yday. "the next generation of injections or new and improved" is coming. The 24-7 tax payer funded PSA's shall be commencing shortly to tell all available sheeple there is a "proven and effective" new and improved injection for you and those same sheeple will be running to get in line late summer and into typical cold and flu season. So predictable. Sheep always forget it was just 15 day's to flatten the curve
When the spike continues to trigger a near constant immune response, many of those people may not be around for their 8th injection. An entire world of AIDS patients. I mean, there is a reason that after 3 injections and a few weeks that they are much more susceptible to the virus. Because they are much more susceptible to every germ on earth because they destroyed their immune system and it aint coming back. But, we're the dummies!
Makes me think about Jeff Goldblum's character in Jurassic Park when he says "life finds a way" Saddens me to think in the world today that may not be the case going forward into the future. Life could just wither away. I HOPE life still find away...I hope.
I am a big believer in the power of nature. Those among us not humbled by nature are arrogant. Nature is more powerful than man. Eventually, nature will balance everything out. Man is really messing with nature by changing the DNA of billions of people without any regard to long term consequences ... or denying biological facts and attempting through drugs and surgery to change genders. Nature will not allow this to continue. Unfortunately, nature does not care about humans, just balance. When humans threaten the balance, they threaten nature ... that will not end well for humans. The arrogant among us are putting all of us at risk and as Brogan has stated, unfortunately, the sheeple will continue to follow.
I’ve said from the beginning and continue to say, the whole Covid fear campaign has many parallels to the institution of Catholic indulgences. Same schtick, just as manipulative, just as greedy, and just as profitable.
This vaccine "rationing" mind game is just more looting and plundering of what's left of the treasury in the dying throes of the American experience. If you wanted to destroy America you would be doing exactly what they are doing:
-The petrol dollar is destroyed.
-Warehouses and food factories keep exploding - two planes crashed into two separate facilities.
-They are encouraging and facilitating illegal immigrants to flood through our southern border.
-They are also flying and busing and then releasing them into cities across the country.
-They've injected millions of people with the poisonous vaccine. Let's call this "death deflation" and severe brain drain.
-They’re actively looting what’s left of the treasury.
-At the behest of their Davos overlords they are trying to ignite WWIII.
-And they've outright destroyed Americans faith in government with their election fraud, their attacks on the Supreme Court, attacks on congressmen and senators, attacks on free speech, attacks on parents with grave concerns about schoolhouse indoctrination... (I could go on and on)
Finally, get ready for inflation to rip your face off as the dollar is no longer considered desirable as a reserve and a few trillion of them come rushing home with the holders looking to get rid of them by buying whatever isn't nailed down.
I believe that we are seeing the beginning of the End, as the Bible predicted. What was wrong is now right, etc. We WILL see a One World Government in our lifetime. The Mark of The Beast? Chips implanted. Read the Book of The Revelation. It's all there.
I'm not going to address most of what you have written, but the plane crashes into factories deserves a response. One plane crash was a student pilot and instructor on takeoff, and they missed the building and hit trailers in the parking lot. Perhaps they had an engine malfunction? But someone who lived near that field (right by the factory) confirmed the story I outlined above. I would encourage others to research it as well, rather than propagate a rumor /bullet point to substantiate a conspiracy theory.
I looked into the other flight crash as well, and if I recall correctly, they crashed near the roof line. That suggests they either couldn't clear the roofline for whatever reason, or for emergency purposes were trying to land on it.
That is interesting about the crash, thank you for the information. However, as of April 23, nearly two dozen food processing facilities across Canada and the US have gone up in flames or exploded:
But there's that term again, "conspiracy theory", just can't escape it. Here is the effect it has on the minds of most people. Justin:
Many people I encounter are so brainwashed by media that they can't see two inches in front of their noses, and if you ever challenge them on the propaganda they find there, like Pavlov's dog they will call you a conspiracy theorist. They will then turn up their nose and walk away with a heightened sense of superiority.
The term "conspiracy theory" is remarkably adept at turning off all critical thinking like a light switch in a large portion of the people I have personally met.
Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.
It is equal parts diabolic and brilliant, and it means that the elites can get away with just about anything with little to no scrutiny because everyone is too afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".
I did limit my comments to the plane crashes. I am disturbed by the fires in so many factories. The Goya Foods president gave a "plausible" explanation by saying that deferred maintenance on transformer or switching equipment onsite to convert/direct the energy could easily lead to fires. I've seen a similar switch rebuild and it involved HUGE contacts that get pitted and worn over time, and it can lead to more and more arcing and an electrical fire. (A starter in a car gets pitted and worn in a similar fashion, but doesn't burn up - it just stops working.)
But a recent story about 20 mega mansions burning up the coast of California with Southern California Edison saying there was "circuit activity" at the time of the fires, and the fires not coming from outside the homes, but inside, suggests to me that electrical fluctuations (intentional and otherwise) can produce a fire, much like a high voltage lightning strike can burn up electronics throughout a house.
I'm surprised there isn't SOME surveillance footage or forensic analysis that shows WHERE/HOW a fire started - needed for insurance purposes, and being released to the public.
I am in the camp of "I need new conspiracy theories, because all of mine came true." I hate the use of the term for the exact reason you point out - it's a fast/cheap/easy way to disparage someone without any effort to use facts and logic to pick a position apart. I agree it's a wonderful psyop to use that word. I try to either share facts to support my "conspiracy theory" or ask questions that make them look into it. Usually the latter process works better (but they won't admit it). The first process (telling them) doesn't seem to work well, because you're "telling" people that they're not just wrong, they bought into the wrong story, and they don't want to admit it, so they'll dig their heels in.
But a question format will be "safer" for them, because they get to quietly reach their "a-HA" moment on their own terms.
These hollow, shameless, news-media cretins that have doused their credibility in jet-fuel and set it on fire. Investigative journalism and truth are dead in the mainstream media, and yet their incessant wall-to-wall lies and blatant propaganda get broadcasted relentlessly, blanketing the world like an evil curse.
A nun doing pushups in a cucumber field is more believable in her stated motivations than any of these loathsome, miscreant, false witness "journalists".
Yes, lots and lots of Bio Labs, almost like in New Jersey. According to Russia's allegations made (for domestic use) at the UN, Ukraine Bio Labs were littered across the entirety of northern Ukraine, doing all kinds of crazy bio lab things to birds and then were released to lay waste. They were released and flying north to attack Russia.
Because of course every Bio Lab does exactly this with birds. At least in movies like the Toxic Avenger.
Something went wrong. The birds must have continued on to the North Pole and now only the Qtards are awaiting Ukraine Bio Labs destruction of the entire Russian (Empire) Federation.
NJ. Home of Chemical manufacturing for 200+ years. Even the landfills have to be dug up and moved every 40 years. And a million to own a condo on the murky gold coast. But it's transitional if you can hold out 500 years.
I am not going to point out other states but NJ has an abundance of farming, vegetables farm to table - Garden State. Most of the state is organic, there are pollutant pools. Like any other state, you can find the original organic. Like any other state - they sold out to MPFHarma.
I’m sure NJ is a fine place. One of my equestrian friends boards 2 horses there near Caldwell NJ. I was just trying to be humorous as I do with my birth state of PA (Land of taxes) :)
Great marketing strategy, and a way to save face now if they the limit the 'next generation' to only those highest risk individuals - which is exactly what it should have been all along!
My concern is that if the Democrats hold the Congress and Senate after the midterms, we will be seeing mandates back in full force. That would include forcing employers to demand vaccination from their workers. I feel that they are keeping quiet about that sad, recent history because they know that people have had enough, but it’s really about the midterms. Notice how the media doesn’t talk about vaccination and masks, etc anymore. They want us to forget what they did, and all they said about Americans during that time. Beware if the Dems hold the seats after November.
That’s exactly what is being set up. FJB is able to govern in a political suicide manner because he know the fix is in. Either delay of the elections or fraudulent counting of an election that actually takes place. No media or political opposition to call bs! Same thing that he did in 2020. Rarely left the basement and still won? Yeah, right.
What does the average American voter say... “meh... that just politics.”, and the federal and state globalist massvaxists elected leaders apply another layer of bureaucracy.
When even an uber alarmist like former Covid adviser to the administration, Michael Oosterholm, says the administration's calculations of 100,000,000 infections this fall is bunk, then something is in the works. The US hasn't even seen 100,000,000 confirmed infections in the just over two years since this started.
The average American only looks up from Tivo, YT, TikTok, MSM, when the power goes out. Meh...just a brownout. Carry on. Agree bureaucracy is being layered on, like a cupcake. EU and Australia also. Where are we going?
Blue is WFH, internally looking (finally), and doing the math. True about the media blackout on masks/vax/fear. They see the reality (who died...?). We may be at the tipping point for employees vs. manager-heavy corps. Dems won't hold November. I was at a 5yo birthday on the weekend. Folks are pissed at this administration. Just want to be unincumbered with rules. It was very interesting.
Watched Geert and Del last night. So this is what I got watching the discussion. First keeping track of cases and reporting that data is no longer vogue. The government wants us to just live with a virus that keeps mutating and thus the need for more and more boosters. Are we testing as much? Nope. So basically this very public worldwide clinical trial has been abandoned. We are keeping track of deaths which have declined with Omicron. Death rate is all that matters as well as numbers in ICU.
Recently a doctor in BC, I think, was pretty upset when he posted on Twitter that he was seeing increases in deaths of people that were vaccinated that had few health issues. Most over 60. So I decided last night to watch Geert to figure out what was happening. It seems that the vaccinated are not protected from infections that are low to middle risk. However the media and government insist the vaccinated are protected from severe illness from virus. Geert says that is true at the moment. Apparently low risk is upper respiratory, severe is lower respiratory which apparently the non neutralizing antibodies are protecting against severe illness. So the neutralizing antibodies are useless thus why vaccinated keep getting virus. So it isn’t that omicron is less lethal, it is the role of the non neutralizing antibodies that has kept deaths much lower. Geert is suggesting that being vaccinated has produced this scenario. So good news? Nope. Right now high level of infectivity. So cases climbing while deaths falling, apparently a huge red flag. This means there will be a mutation soon due to so much pressure on virus which will change the non neutralizing protection. When and if that happens, it will be catastrophic. 60 percent of US vaccinated. That is a lot of people that potentially are in grave danger according to Geert. The interview is in Highwire. Easy to find and hear. Quite technical and so feel free to tell me I misunderstood. Anybody else watch it?
Great business plan for Pharma. Keeps the immune system suppressed assures sickly to treat and treat and treat with all sorts of patented mix of pharma cocktails
I watched it also and have had difficulty sleeping the last 4 nights because of the possibility of what is in the future for my children. None of my immediate family is vaccinated but I fear for all the people I know that are vaccinated and the chaos that will be our world if geert’s theory comes to pass.
I cried after watching it, and since find myself having fits of sobbing. I keep wondering if all this was done to drastically reduce the world population. Geert gets so worked up. He looked better than in Nov. He must be so shaken. It is sometimes a curse to be so smart. He is in hell believing he is right and so many will die or be critically injured.
Since the shot keeps creating spike factories, shouldn't there be an emphasis on killing those factories? I read somewhere that they are lasting 4-6 months longer than expected, and still producing spike.
Wouldn't boosting your immune system to kill them work? It might cause a cytokine storm, but taking everything you can to boost your immune system would be the best advice you could loved ones.
I actually cried after watching it. If Geert is right life will never be the same for any of us. Everybody I know is vaccinated. How can be tell them they may have made a fatal mistake?
Reporters covering this haven't been able to put 2 + 2 together. A few days ago, USA Today ran a story about how one of its fully-vaxed editors, age 38, just died of a heart attack. USA Today followed that a few days later with a story wondering why less than 50% of those eligible have gotten a booster. Perhaps if they spent some time interviewing those who dropped out after experiencing the effects of one or two jabs they'd be able to answer their own question.
On June 28, the FDA's VRBPAC is going to approve a "Future Framework" that grandfathers in all future reformulated Covid-19 shots as automatically "safe and effective" WITHOUT FURTHER CLINICAL TRIALS on the grounds that they are "biological similar" to existing Covid-19 shots. You need to be reporting on the "Future Framework." It is an extinction level event. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/urgent-call-to-action-fda-announces
Politico and other fake news media outlets love covid. They fanned the flames all through 2020 and 2021 and people watched and read the fake news and bought it hook, line, and sinker. I never bought it. Not in March of 2020, not in 2021, and not now. In 2020, I had a hunch I was being hustled. Now I have the data and the vaccines, the masks, and the tests didn't work and I was right. Let people pay for the vaccines if they want them and see how sales go when people have to pay $20 or $30 dollars for the mRNA poison that is likely to do more harm than good. Most people I know are thoroughly done with masks and vaxx's but most of these people will still do whatever the government mandates them to do because most people are sheep.
Exactly what I was saying yday. "the next generation of injections or new and improved" is coming. The 24-7 tax payer funded PSA's shall be commencing shortly to tell all available sheeple there is a "proven and effective" new and improved injection for you and those same sheeple will be running to get in line late summer and into typical cold and flu season. So predictable. Sheep always forget it was just 15 day's to flatten the curve
When the spike continues to trigger a near constant immune response, many of those people may not be around for their 8th injection. An entire world of AIDS patients. I mean, there is a reason that after 3 injections and a few weeks that they are much more susceptible to the virus. Because they are much more susceptible to every germ on earth because they destroyed their immune system and it aint coming back. But, we're the dummies!
Makes me think about Jeff Goldblum's character in Jurassic Park when he says "life finds a way" Saddens me to think in the world today that may not be the case going forward into the future. Life could just wither away. I HOPE life still find away...I hope.
I am a big believer in the power of nature. Those among us not humbled by nature are arrogant. Nature is more powerful than man. Eventually, nature will balance everything out. Man is really messing with nature by changing the DNA of billions of people without any regard to long term consequences ... or denying biological facts and attempting through drugs and surgery to change genders. Nature will not allow this to continue. Unfortunately, nature does not care about humans, just balance. When humans threaten the balance, they threaten nature ... that will not end well for humans. The arrogant among us are putting all of us at risk and as Brogan has stated, unfortunately, the sheeple will continue to follow.
follow the SCIENCE
I’ve said from the beginning and continue to say, the whole Covid fear campaign has many parallels to the institution of Catholic indulgences. Same schtick, just as manipulative, just as greedy, and just as profitable.
This vaccine "rationing" mind game is just more looting and plundering of what's left of the treasury in the dying throes of the American experience. If you wanted to destroy America you would be doing exactly what they are doing:
-The petrol dollar is destroyed.
-Warehouses and food factories keep exploding - two planes crashed into two separate facilities.
-They are encouraging and facilitating illegal immigrants to flood through our southern border.
-They are also flying and busing and then releasing them into cities across the country.
-They've injected millions of people with the poisonous vaccine. Let's call this "death deflation" and severe brain drain.
-They’re actively looting what’s left of the treasury.
-At the behest of their Davos overlords they are trying to ignite WWIII.
-And they've outright destroyed Americans faith in government with their election fraud, their attacks on the Supreme Court, attacks on congressmen and senators, attacks on free speech, attacks on parents with grave concerns about schoolhouse indoctrination... (I could go on and on)
Finally, get ready for inflation to rip your face off as the dollar is no longer considered desirable as a reserve and a few trillion of them come rushing home with the holders looking to get rid of them by buying whatever isn't nailed down.
You can learn more about what is coming here:
Please get prepared everyone. This is very real.
Speaking of schoolhouse indoctrination, now might be a good time to get your kids out of public schools.
UNICEF - blocking children from porn violates their human rights:
tritorch.com/unicef [image]
WHO wants sex education for 0-4 year olds:
Masturbation homework for young children:
tritorch.com/grooming [image]
Porn found in Orange County FL library:
Drag queen story hour, child pornography link:
tritorch.com/drag [image]
Drag queen teaches children how to twerk:
LGBT activist wants kids exposed to porn at early age:
tritorch.com/exposed [image]
Dozens of Disney workers caught in child sex sting:
tritorch.com/sting [image]
This is just the usual Democrat modus operandi.
No shortage of RINOs on that payroll as well.
it's worse than that
Nothing is worse than that.
I believe that we are seeing the beginning of the End, as the Bible predicted. What was wrong is now right, etc. We WILL see a One World Government in our lifetime. The Mark of The Beast? Chips implanted. Read the Book of The Revelation. It's all there.
I'm not going to address most of what you have written, but the plane crashes into factories deserves a response. One plane crash was a student pilot and instructor on takeoff, and they missed the building and hit trailers in the parking lot. Perhaps they had an engine malfunction? But someone who lived near that field (right by the factory) confirmed the story I outlined above. I would encourage others to research it as well, rather than propagate a rumor /bullet point to substantiate a conspiracy theory.
I looked into the other flight crash as well, and if I recall correctly, they crashed near the roof line. That suggests they either couldn't clear the roofline for whatever reason, or for emergency purposes were trying to land on it.
That is interesting about the crash, thank you for the information. However, as of April 23, nearly two dozen food processing facilities across Canada and the US have gone up in flames or exploded:
tritorch.com/foodFatality1 [image]
tritorch.com/foodFatality2 [image]
Here is an interactive incident map of these events:
But there's that term again, "conspiracy theory", just can't escape it. Here is the effect it has on the minds of most people. Justin:
Many people I encounter are so brainwashed by media that they can't see two inches in front of their noses, and if you ever challenge them on the propaganda they find there, like Pavlov's dog they will call you a conspiracy theorist. They will then turn up their nose and walk away with a heightened sense of superiority.
The term "conspiracy theory" is remarkably adept at turning off all critical thinking like a light switch in a large portion of the people I have personally met.
Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.
It is equal parts diabolic and brilliant, and it means that the elites can get away with just about anything with little to no scrutiny because everyone is too afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".
I did limit my comments to the plane crashes. I am disturbed by the fires in so many factories. The Goya Foods president gave a "plausible" explanation by saying that deferred maintenance on transformer or switching equipment onsite to convert/direct the energy could easily lead to fires. I've seen a similar switch rebuild and it involved HUGE contacts that get pitted and worn over time, and it can lead to more and more arcing and an electrical fire. (A starter in a car gets pitted and worn in a similar fashion, but doesn't burn up - it just stops working.)
But a recent story about 20 mega mansions burning up the coast of California with Southern California Edison saying there was "circuit activity" at the time of the fires, and the fires not coming from outside the homes, but inside, suggests to me that electrical fluctuations (intentional and otherwise) can produce a fire, much like a high voltage lightning strike can burn up electronics throughout a house.
I'm surprised there isn't SOME surveillance footage or forensic analysis that shows WHERE/HOW a fire started - needed for insurance purposes, and being released to the public.
I am in the camp of "I need new conspiracy theories, because all of mine came true." I hate the use of the term for the exact reason you point out - it's a fast/cheap/easy way to disparage someone without any effort to use facts and logic to pick a position apart. I agree it's a wonderful psyop to use that word. I try to either share facts to support my "conspiracy theory" or ask questions that make them look into it. Usually the latter process works better (but they won't admit it). The first process (telling them) doesn't seem to work well, because you're "telling" people that they're not just wrong, they bought into the wrong story, and they don't want to admit it, so they'll dig their heels in.
But a question format will be "safer" for them, because they get to quietly reach their "a-HA" moment on their own terms.
Asking questions is a great strategy, thank you.
Keep in mind that most of what we hear about these events is filtered through these guys:
These hollow, shameless, news-media cretins that have doused their credibility in jet-fuel and set it on fire. Investigative journalism and truth are dead in the mainstream media, and yet their incessant wall-to-wall lies and blatant propaganda get broadcasted relentlessly, blanketing the world like an evil curse.
A nun doing pushups in a cucumber field is more believable in her stated motivations than any of these loathsome, miscreant, false witness "journalists".
I remember in an old Mad Magazine, a grocery clerk says to his manager "Those cans of beef stew just aren't moving."
The manager replies "Put the sign on it."
In the last panel, customers are fighting each other over the last few cans because the sign says "Limit 1 to a customer."
It seems that Politico has turned into Mad Magazine.
I was happy to donate my shots to someone less informed.
i think to make everyone happy we should just give all our vaccines to the ukraine
I heard there were some biolabs over there…
Yes, lots and lots of Bio Labs, almost like in New Jersey. According to Russia's allegations made (for domestic use) at the UN, Ukraine Bio Labs were littered across the entirety of northern Ukraine, doing all kinds of crazy bio lab things to birds and then were released to lay waste. They were released and flying north to attack Russia.
Because of course every Bio Lab does exactly this with birds. At least in movies like the Toxic Avenger.
Something went wrong. The birds must have continued on to the North Pole and now only the Qtards are awaiting Ukraine Bio Labs destruction of the entire Russian (Empire) Federation.
Or something.
NJ. Home of Chemical manufacturing for 200+ years. Even the landfills have to be dug up and moved every 40 years. And a million to own a condo on the murky gold coast. But it's transitional if you can hold out 500 years.
Do you know why NJ was/is called the Garden State? Because Petro-Chemical Refining State won’t fit on a license plate.
I am not going to point out other states but NJ has an abundance of farming, vegetables farm to table - Garden State. Most of the state is organic, there are pollutant pools. Like any other state, you can find the original organic. Like any other state - they sold out to MPFHarma.
I’m sure NJ is a fine place. One of my equestrian friends boards 2 horses there near Caldwell NJ. I was just trying to be humorous as I do with my birth state of PA (Land of taxes) :)
Ukraine said no thanks and replied, "More Reagan Doctrine, less anti-science."
Well, sure the Ukraine said that. If they would have negotiated peace in March they wouldn't have all these billions in foreign aid.
I prefer a mixture of the Reagan doctrine that limits Soviet influence plus the FDR doctrine which limits Nazi influence
Given that Fauci is the science, calling me anti-science is a high compliment, so um, may your tail swat many flies
"negotiated peace" - surrender? Why should they? The west is happy to hurt big bad Putin.
Well, it depends on how much value the lives of the people in the Ukraine hold, I guess
Up to them, exactly. Same as the American revolution where many died for the freedoms we once had.
They are surely more free under the rule of their current corrupt government than they would be under some other corrupt government, right?
Except the current one eliminated freedom of the press (same as Russia) and introduced vaccine passports (Russia didn't).
Point is, the leaders are not the ones fighting, they're the ones with 36 million dollar Miami mansions and taking selfies with Angelina Jolie.
You could be accused of being a Russian spy attacking the Ukrainians that way.
Ha, I suppose that's true. Serious business that
The Ukraine literally executed one of their own peace negotiators for supposedly being a Russian spy
Could be that he was
Could just be that someone doesn't want this war to end
The oldest desperate sales trick in the book: Pretense of scarcity.
"Get yours before supplies run out." Supplies are limited! Max one per customer!"
They know the naïve sheep will take the bait
Great marketing strategy, and a way to save face now if they the limit the 'next generation' to only those highest risk individuals - which is exactly what it should have been all along!
My concern is that if the Democrats hold the Congress and Senate after the midterms, we will be seeing mandates back in full force. That would include forcing employers to demand vaccination from their workers. I feel that they are keeping quiet about that sad, recent history because they know that people have had enough, but it’s really about the midterms. Notice how the media doesn’t talk about vaccination and masks, etc anymore. They want us to forget what they did, and all they said about Americans during that time. Beware if the Dems hold the seats after November.
That’s exactly what is being set up. FJB is able to govern in a political suicide manner because he know the fix is in. Either delay of the elections or fraudulent counting of an election that actually takes place. No media or political opposition to call bs! Same thing that he did in 2020. Rarely left the basement and still won? Yeah, right.
What does the average American voter say... “meh... that just politics.”, and the federal and state globalist massvaxists elected leaders apply another layer of bureaucracy.
When even an uber alarmist like former Covid adviser to the administration, Michael Oosterholm, says the administration's calculations of 100,000,000 infections this fall is bunk, then something is in the works. The US hasn't even seen 100,000,000 confirmed infections in the just over two years since this started.
The average American only looks up from Tivo, YT, TikTok, MSM, when the power goes out. Meh...just a brownout. Carry on. Agree bureaucracy is being layered on, like a cupcake. EU and Australia also. Where are we going?
Blue is WFH, internally looking (finally), and doing the math. True about the media blackout on masks/vax/fear. They see the reality (who died...?). We may be at the tipping point for employees vs. manager-heavy corps. Dems won't hold November. I was at a 5yo birthday on the weekend. Folks are pissed at this administration. Just want to be unincumbered with rules. It was very interesting.
Let us never forget!!
I have an idea: why not “ration” the shots by divvying them up amongst every legislator who voted for the 40 billion Ukraine package?
Watched Geert and Del last night. So this is what I got watching the discussion. First keeping track of cases and reporting that data is no longer vogue. The government wants us to just live with a virus that keeps mutating and thus the need for more and more boosters. Are we testing as much? Nope. So basically this very public worldwide clinical trial has been abandoned. We are keeping track of deaths which have declined with Omicron. Death rate is all that matters as well as numbers in ICU.
Recently a doctor in BC, I think, was pretty upset when he posted on Twitter that he was seeing increases in deaths of people that were vaccinated that had few health issues. Most over 60. So I decided last night to watch Geert to figure out what was happening. It seems that the vaccinated are not protected from infections that are low to middle risk. However the media and government insist the vaccinated are protected from severe illness from virus. Geert says that is true at the moment. Apparently low risk is upper respiratory, severe is lower respiratory which apparently the non neutralizing antibodies are protecting against severe illness. So the neutralizing antibodies are useless thus why vaccinated keep getting virus. So it isn’t that omicron is less lethal, it is the role of the non neutralizing antibodies that has kept deaths much lower. Geert is suggesting that being vaccinated has produced this scenario. So good news? Nope. Right now high level of infectivity. So cases climbing while deaths falling, apparently a huge red flag. This means there will be a mutation soon due to so much pressure on virus which will change the non neutralizing protection. When and if that happens, it will be catastrophic. 60 percent of US vaccinated. That is a lot of people that potentially are in grave danger according to Geert. The interview is in Highwire. Easy to find and hear. Quite technical and so feel free to tell me I misunderstood. Anybody else watch it?
Great business plan for Pharma. Keeps the immune system suppressed assures sickly to treat and treat and treat with all sorts of patented mix of pharma cocktails
I watched it also and have had difficulty sleeping the last 4 nights because of the possibility of what is in the future for my children. None of my immediate family is vaccinated but I fear for all the people I know that are vaccinated and the chaos that will be our world if geert’s theory comes to pass.
I cried after watching it, and since find myself having fits of sobbing. I keep wondering if all this was done to drastically reduce the world population. Geert gets so worked up. He looked better than in Nov. He must be so shaken. It is sometimes a curse to be so smart. He is in hell believing he is right and so many will die or be critically injured.
“Man plans. God laughs.” God is sovereign. No worries!
Since the shot keeps creating spike factories, shouldn't there be an emphasis on killing those factories? I read somewhere that they are lasting 4-6 months longer than expected, and still producing spike.
Wouldn't boosting your immune system to kill them work? It might cause a cytokine storm, but taking everything you can to boost your immune system would be the best advice you could loved ones.
I watched it as well. I got the same take as you. I couldn’t even forward it to anyone who has been vax’d, thought it would be too distressing.
I actually cried after watching it. If Geert is right life will never be the same for any of us. Everybody I know is vaccinated. How can be tell them they may have made a fatal mistake?
Reporters covering this haven't been able to put 2 + 2 together. A few days ago, USA Today ran a story about how one of its fully-vaxed editors, age 38, just died of a heart attack. USA Today followed that a few days later with a story wondering why less than 50% of those eligible have gotten a booster. Perhaps if they spent some time interviewing those who dropped out after experiencing the effects of one or two jabs they'd be able to answer their own question.
They just don’t want to see it.
Or warned to look away by the editor.
Good article. I'm surprised that there are still 300K Americans per day that both want and are eligible to get vaxxed.
Me too, I'm surprised it's even that many! Who are these people?
On June 28, the FDA's VRBPAC is going to approve a "Future Framework" that grandfathers in all future reformulated Covid-19 shots as automatically "safe and effective" WITHOUT FURTHER CLINICAL TRIALS on the grounds that they are "biological similar" to existing Covid-19 shots. You need to be reporting on the "Future Framework." It is an extinction level event. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/urgent-call-to-action-fda-announces
Ironic that the amount needed is in the same ballpark as the $40 billion we sent to Ukraine last week.
Just change the expiration date!
Exactly...the efficacy is still pretty much non-existent anyway. Besides, "bonus clots" and side effects should still work as planned.
Why not? They changed the definition of "vaccine."
They did that in Germany:..
Could it be a trick to lure people into it? They tried something similar in Spain:
- ring ring do you want the shots?
- no
- hey, maybe this is your last opportunity, it seems we could run out of them. Probably we don’t have any of them next month.
- oh! Ok! No
Politico and other fake news media outlets love covid. They fanned the flames all through 2020 and 2021 and people watched and read the fake news and bought it hook, line, and sinker. I never bought it. Not in March of 2020, not in 2021, and not now. In 2020, I had a hunch I was being hustled. Now I have the data and the vaccines, the masks, and the tests didn't work and I was right. Let people pay for the vaccines if they want them and see how sales go when people have to pay $20 or $30 dollars for the mRNA poison that is likely to do more harm than good. Most people I know are thoroughly done with masks and vaxx's but most of these people will still do whatever the government mandates them to do because most people are sheep.