My 7 year old son who did not get this shot (but is pressured to daily from our city) tested positive last night. He had a mild fever — I gave him one dose of children’s Tylenol before bed and he woke up feeling fine. He’ll hydrate and rest and watch movies all day with big sis who is Covid negative but required to quarantine.

It doesn’t matter to me — I’m happy to keep my babies close and give them extra care and they can miss as many school days as required. My heart aches for those who do not have this luxury. Additionally— witnessing how this virus plays out in a healthy child in my own home — it is ASTONISHING what we are subjecting children to — it is just appalling. I am heartened that there is a control group — these young kids — And we can see how this plays out. My kid’s symptoms are the same / more mild than his peers who got the shot and also have Covid right now. It’s all just so absurd, this whole thing.

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We need to stop testing!..there is nothing you would have done differently as far as treatment goes whether he has Covid or not..the presumed positive tests only add arrows to the quivers of the elitists

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That’s been my point all along. I had Covid in August and a call to the doctor made it clear that getting tested is simply paranoia from people because nothing different would be done. If you want to spend your time doing something, research early at home treatments because the fact is you aren’t getting treated by many millions of doctors in this country.

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Your last sentence is so true it should be screamed from the rooftops! And it is equally discouraging and perhaps even criminal that people are not getting treated early and properly, and in some cases that turns deadly.

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There is no perhaps. It IS criminal.

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Jan 5, 2022
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He's great to read/listen to. I just listened to a podcast on iHeartRadio from Daniel Horowitz featuring Dr Dan Stock and it was excellent...all about how these "vaccines" are negatively effecting the immune system and response.

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Since this started in USA 2019, as UPPER RESPIRATORIES INFECTIONS, treated as such, anyone who had one more than likely won't ever get covid, even from 3 jabbed people. We both had UR's in Dec., I had Bronchitis, he had Walking Pneumonia; he got CIPRO, a nonsteroidal inhaler, I got Amoxicillin and Tessalon Perles for the deep barking cough, not been sick since. He has severe Glaucoma I'm a Type 2 Diabetic, Steroids, Cortisones, Prednisone, are not to be used. As Meniere's is an on going med issue of the ear, the last Jan attack can't be counted.

Cough/cold meds, Benadryl mainly, you can get OTC, add in the VIT/MINS should help. UP your Acidophilus intake the majority of your immune system is in your GUT. DON'T BUY GUMMIES BOYCOTT THEM. ADULT PRODUCTS WILL HARM TODDLERS who don't know the difference in a treat and a MMJ GUMMY.

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My research - all taboo - leads me to conclude with great confidence that MILLIONS of Americans had already had this virus by the time of the March 2020 lockdowns. I was also sick with ALL the COVID symptoms in January 2020. Tested negative for flu. I haven't had COVID since. Same for my children who were also sick at the same time I was. It would be interesting to do a study on people like us - those who are almost certain they had COVID before the virus was supposed to be in this country - how many of those people DID develop natural immunity. If they/we did develop this, how did we develop this immunity? BTW, antibody tests were not commonplace until about May 2020. As many here know detectable levels of antibodies fade rapidly in most people. So if you were sick with COVID symptoms in December 2019 and didn't get an antibody test until May (four or five months later), you almost certainly would test "negative" for antibodies. But this doesn't mean you didn't have COVID four or five months earlier.

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Had covid in January 2020. Was hospitalized, pregnant, on oxygen support. Tested positive for antibodies in April. Azithromycin and prednisone, I believe, saved my life. Had anyone known I’d had covid I’m sure I’d have gone straight to the vent. Terrifying to think about.

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Death by vent is a real phenomenon dont ever forget that.

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Talk about dodging a bullet! Thank goodness indeed that you were treated before the c0vid $$hospital 'death protocol'$$ was in place.

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Get a T cel test to confirm.

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My son had in March 2020. No shots. Had again in September.

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March 2020 and Nov 21 here. Beta and delta

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Same with me. Late Dec 2019 lasted into early Jan 2020. Haven't been sick since then until last week. A cold (Omicron?????). Tested for travel around 16 times during 2020/part of 2021. Always negative. Ask yourself why natural immunity is not accepted in any country ( that I know of) instead of the gene therapy injections.

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It's because this isn't about health or a virus, it's about tyranny

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Follow the $$$$$!

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Same! Dec 2019 I most likely had COVID. Once the antibody tests were available, I had one done in May 2020 and it came back positive for antibodies. Was it a false positive? I'm not certain. I'll never know.My Dr. was pretty convinced that it was an acccurate test. However, didn't get sick since again with anything until mid-November 2021. Didn't get tested for COVID. It felt like a bad cold, but I lost my sense of smell 5 days in. Anyway- I decided to pay for the T-Detect T-cell test Dr. McCullough recommended and my results were positive for T-cells. I still don't know if those T-cells are from Dec 2019, or from when I was sick in November? Either way- no vax ever for me. Natural immunity all the way.

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I had a SIBO FLARE, the idiot Gastro's office kept hanging up on me, had to get the private Pharmacist to call. SIBO only has 1 test, a 3hr breath test. 1) you've not been in in over a year, Duh Medicare/Tricare Life sets those regs, not me. Unless I have a Flare I don't need to take up a Specialist time to say I'm on an even keel he does no lab work, gets my ENDO'S LAB WORK. As I'm Meniere's Hearing Impaired in Hearing Aids Telemed or mask don't work for me. Mask mumble is as bad as a person who has a speech impediment. No one tells the person on the Call I'm Hearing Impaired, so it's a flop. WRITE IT ON MY CHART! 2) We need a fecal sample, I shot back It's just liquid now. It's the wrong test. Hub went and got a small test tube and a 'sterile' catch pan. Returned it not heard from them since, I've lost 8 lbs since last Thursday. Been in level 12 pain, can't leave the house due to the constant diarrhea. At this point I need a IV and a DILAUID SHOT to go with the terribly expensive Xifaxan generic is $1,300+ for a 2 week round, last time took 3 of them to kill the SIBO.BTW ONLY THE MILITARY BASE CAN FILL IT.

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I had the virus in Feb 2020. Doctor dx'd w URI prescribed antibiotics and when symptoms did not resolve after 9 days of 'treatment' a second doc prescribed 3day Zpack. Obviously neither worked. There were no tests and by the time the serum antigen test came out I tested negative. I will not get the shot.

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Antibiotics don’t treat upper respiratory infections. They are practically all viral.

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Many viral infections turn into bacterial secondary infections. Also, azithromycin is an antibiotic with slightly different properties and is believed to possibly be able to attack viruses on some level.

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Antibiotics are given to treat the secondary bacterial infection that occurs for some people but NO antibiotics dont treat viruses

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That’s my point exactly. I did not have a bacterial infection I had a VIRUS they didn’t know was a virus. In Feb 2020 they didn’t know what they were dealing with.

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I bet you have never had COVID - or tested positive - since. To me, this is strong anecdotal evidence you DID have COVID in February 2020.

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covid is just another flu virus. It doesn't matter if he had covid, pneumonia, or the flu in Feb 2020. Since the medical establishment has decided that it is going to attach any positive PCR test to any, repeat ANY, hospitalization or death, we'll never know if covid is more or less deadly than the common flu or pneumonia. The data is so corrupted that wondering if you have covid or not is as silly as wondering if you had influenza or pneumonia. It makes no difference but the MSM has convinced us that this covid-19 is something special and is a deadly threat to everyone.

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Correct. I’ve never tested because I’ve had no symptoms of the vid since. I also avoid masking whenever possible (fortunately I don’t live in NY).

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I didn’t know gummies were bad for you!

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Gummy Bear supplements in adult strength, or infused with MMJ are a danger to toddlers exceeds what their bodies can accept, who can't tell the difference in what is not their beloved treat, and a dangerous safe designed for adult product. It's a fad, that needs to go away. It goes beyond getting a toddler's stomach pumped over eating a full bottle of their chewable vitamins. Plenty of You Tube vids how to make your own MMJ Gummy Bears. Which means even worse stuff can be used. Lack of common sense.

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That's right. Seems that everyone that gets sick today with the sniffles must immediately go out and test themselves to see if it is covid or not. You never did that before covid. You got sick with the sniffles and you took Nyquil or Tylenol or whatever until you got better and then you got on with your life. We're so into talking about taking tests and vaccinations as if any of this adds up to anything more than a seasonal flu. It doesn't but we're fixated on covid. If you go to the ER with broken foot, the first thing they do is test you for covid. It's a scam and you need to stop playing the game with these people, which means stop allowing yourself to be tested (step 1), refusing to get vaccinated or boosted (step 2) and ALWAYS refuse to wear the silly face mask.

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We’ll said!

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The government's push for 100% vaccination is what's driving this madness. It has nothing to do with the reality of the virus. The mass formation psychosis that Dr. Malone speaks of is real and very troubling! Those of us that have resisted have minds of steel and must keep it that way. As with other things, the 80/20 rule applies here. The 20% resisters will save the 80% devoid of critical thinking.

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"minds of steel", thank God Almighty!

my whole life I was labelled "strong-willed" (pejorative) "stubborn" "trouble-maker" "smarty-pants" you call it, if it meant that they couldn't get me to do something that I didn't think I should they - siblings, parents, teachers, classmates - would start with the name calling. It cause me to lose friends.

It was all training for this current madness. I am certain.

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Yep. It's a Testdemic. People feel bad and rush off to get a PCR test that it's inventor said is not a diagnostic tool, that even the CDC has admitted cannot distinguish between seasonal flu and China flu, and that is used at settings way above the recommended 28cc of amplification. That's why the cycle of hysteria will go on forever until the sheep stop testing.

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I could see getting the test if you were going to use the standard medications [monoclonal, ivermectin, etc.] if infected. However, if you plan to use none of those medications then I agree no point.

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We got ivermectin for the spouse without testing. Symptoms are all that ever matter. I’m a nurse. That’s how we did it for years

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My doctors office said they won't prescribe without a positive test.

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The only reason my daughter & her boyfriend got tested when they were sick is because their workplaces paid them for their sick time off IF they tested positive for covid. But this was not the sniffles they had. They would have been in the hospital if it weren't for taking ivermectin.

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THAT is my song my dear. I have never taken a test and I’m an RN. I have left one job and declined 3 more over it. I’ve had covid twice from positive patients and had all of the symptoms each time. I’m fine. I need nothing but my supplements. If you tested positive and didn’t have symptoms, you didn’t have ANYTHING

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You are awesome. Thank you for showing us that you can in fact stand up for yourself and continue providing for yourself and your family. People immediately think they have no choices but in fact, they have a lot of choices and there are plenty of jobs that will take you regardless of vaccination status.

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Jan 5, 2022Edited
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But most of those remedies are effective against multiple viruses. Ivermectin, HCQ, quercetin and BCGC (extract from green tea) are all zinc "ionophores" that help zinc get through the cell walls to do its work. Vit D is good for the immune system in general, and I believe McCullough has said he's never seen anyone with 25(OH)D levels greater than 50 ng/mL have a bad outcome from Covid-19.

If the globalists and Big Pharma shills in government really cared about POC, they would have produced public service announcements about vitamin D instead of backing BLM riots and creating a PR campaign to combat justified black "hesitancy" suspicious of a medical establishment that has been racist for decades, only ending the Tuskegee "experiment" about 1970+-a year or two.

The federal government may be too corrupt to save without outside intervention. State revolts? 3rd party? ICC prosecutions?

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Come to think of it, if they cared about ANYBODY much less POC, both Ivermectin and Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) would be OTC with no prescription. They're both safer than Tylenol (acetaminophen), and are OTC in most tropical countries. Which countries are "backward?"

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I believe that. I Now know it.

My Vit D levels have been in the higher ’80s For year's (I have been obsessed with it for years ) while my hubby is in the lower 40’s.

I breezed through my Covid ‘infection’ while he had some struggles with being tired (fixed with lots of rest and herbal tea).

Starting two years ago, I shared lots of information about the importance of healthy vitamine D levels for my in-laws in their 80s.

When Covid “hit” all of us several months ago, they did very well, started the FLCCC early treatment protocol on day One. No Issues at All for Any of us.

Those with boosters did have a more prolonged recovery journey but are fine.

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I wondered if there is a way to ‘see’ if these hypocrites are taking the early treatment meds when infected. I bet they do!

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This is where Congress is getting the meds they DENY YOU.

Read An Old-School Pharmacy Hand-Delivers Drugs to Congress, a Little-Known Perk for the Powerful Online

Nearly every day for at least two decades pharmaceutical drugs have been brought by the carload to the Capitol — an arrangement so under the radar that even pharmacy lobbyists who regularly pitch Congress on their industry aren’t aware of it.


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I doubt we will ever "see" them do it but here's something I found that a ICU Dr wrote about it...


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Source, please?

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Jan 5, 2022
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Lmao!! Or LMAO.

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Wow. Great response.

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That link is just a photo of a drug.

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HCQ IS PLACQUINEL THE BRAND NAME most used by Rheumatologist for RA/LUPUS, no one uses the hard to pronounce generic name, which is the chemical name. Plaquenil stopped being advertised when Congress, MSM, Pharma realized HCQ worked on Covid, and began to demonize it. Which is why we need to remind everyone, it's not a strange new barely tested drug like the vaccines are. That the Ivermectin has been in use for decades in third world countries for pin worms in humans, still used in USA for the same and by our Veterinarians on animals.

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I live in Florida and that is exactly what my doctor said.

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Jan 5, 2022Edited
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Yea they did, but unfortunately I didn’t hear the Governor talk about them until after we recovered. We are ready for the next time if such a time comes and they haven’t been totally suppressed or demonized.

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PLEASE USE THE BRAND NAME FOR HCQ PLACQUENIL THE MOST RA/.LUPUS SCRIPTED DRUG ON THE MARKET. Not seen a ad for it in 2 yrs. Pharma knew it would help, so stopped advertising it. image https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.wUnF7noqhdviPt8OVLURXAHaEP%26pid%3DApi&f=1

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And now they are advertising drugs for the permanent adverse effects their poison has produced. The latest ones for "relapsing MS" and the sudden blood clot issues (DVT,PE).

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I’ve been noticing that as well……..sad world we live in. The endless list of side effects caused by these drugs is ridiculous! how can people think is ok or even helpful to take any of these poisons? :(

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Read BUTCHERED BY HEALTHCARE BY ROBERT YOHO, you will get a huge eye opener. It's a great companion to Pandemia and RFK JR 'THE REAL FAUCI'.

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Jan 5, 2022
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This isn’t a new plan. Read RFK book about Fauci. The chapter on AIDS and how Wellcome was the big supplier of amyl nitrate poppers that caused Karposi Sarcoma in AIDS victims. They also produced the AZT. They sold them

The disease, and then the “cure”. With all due respect to Alex and Pandemia, RFK’s book is mind blowing.

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New cardiac drugs and Covid testing kids…Soros and Gates.

And RFK book has red pilled me to a point I needed to stop reading for a while 💔. Alex’s pandemia is next, all of his pamphlets I keep sprawled all over our home for our head in sand family members to partake in 🙏🏼

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Last sentence sums it all up. Don’t find a root cause of a problem, just medicate it.

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Ok I need to ask this, I have a great health food store with knowlegeble people, they helped get rid of a tumor both U of Mi and Mayo said was lung cancer and required surgery in hubby 5 years ago, even his Dr. (who we like) put the incredible news it was gone in his patient portal. Anyway the guy at the store told me bromeliad is better than quercetin and if we tested positive to take 3 a day on empty stomach with reishi mushroom and have only plain water ,fresh meat, bone broth, sugar free gelatin nothing else for 5 days, he said that he KNOWS it cures it, he said stay away from anything with mold (said tea has mold)has anyone else heard this?

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My husband and I take bromelain, quercetin, zinc, NAC and C at the first sign of any flu/cold type symptoms and so far it has worked. There are studies about the efficacy of each of these supplements to inhibit Covid infection that you can find online.

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Same. And mycorrhiza, NAD, lysine, zinc lozenges, elderberry, selenium and vitamin A. I’m a nutritionist and an RN

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The restrictions on kids have nothing to do with their safety, imho. It's all about making those the most frightened feel at ease. The frightened give zero shits about kids.

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I was irate when a teacher at my sons elementary school yelled at him for having his mask down and tried to tell him it was for his own safety. Fortunately he’s aware and knows that is 💯 bs

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My son’s 1st grade teacher asked them to raise their hands if they’ve been vaxxed and told them we can’t take off masks and the pandemic won’t end until they are ALL vaccinated. I sent a letter to the principal and was assured this will not happen again. But you can see why I’m kind of happy keeping them away from there — these people are CRAZY.

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Take your kids out of government schools. Unless you do, you will eventually have to succumb to the tyrants dictates and mandates.

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I will NEVER succumb! So, yeah, I guess it’s time to face the reality and look into other options.

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You sound like an amazing mom, and when you mentioned Children's Tylenol in a previous post it brought back so many sweet memories of my now 18 and 22 year old daughters, and their own "home from school" back in the day: if it was a mild cold or flu I was thrilled to have my girlies (❤️) home from school for a day or two, and I loved bringing them toast or bowl of mac & cheese ("dad, you over cooked the noodles again, but thanks for making it, Im not harping on you I'm just giving you honest feedback". They were (and are now) so dang cute!! Having said that, I used to worry about moving (for work) and taking them to a new community and schools because of the varying degrees of which "the devil you know" comes into play. In your case, because you are, as I said, obviously a great mom, you've been put into a position where yanking your kids out of their present situation has become an option worth exploring, yet an option that needs weighed against just remaining in this "devil you know" school situation. If I had the power to snap my fingers and make all these fear merchants, unbalanced zealots, breathtaking narcissists, unhappy know-nothings, wayward do-gooders, dangerously uninformed sheep, fearful hand wringers, genuinely lost try hards, arrogant morons, venal greedy misanthropes, sociopathic strivers, and the "genuinely clueless parents actually trying to do the right thing but so easily swayed by fear of the actual illness, but also a putative social ostracism that comes from being a sheep that strays from the herd" and make them take a 2-3 week break from those respective categories I just expressed and just shut the fuck up so you can make your decision in peace, I would. But I can't. Darn it!! Good luck on your Search for Balance, your kids sound lucky!

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Neither will I. I switched to being self employed because luckily I can. Homeschooling would provide a lot better education than the garbage they offer now. I have to help with math and science anyways. The school is massively behind. Now our piano teacher demanded my teen be vaxxed or no piano. We fired her.

I learned the Tylenol lesson a long time ago when I had toxicity from less than the daily max! I use ibuprofen if absolutely necessary.

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We homeschooled last year then went private, they semi enforce mask mandate because of health dept but stayed open all last year and so far this year. Teachers take kids outside as often as possible to get them out of masks and if you can get a medical exemption they honor it. No vax requirement and they won't force quarantine anymore, no tests either.

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Did you get all the vaccinations they asked for your child or did you resist? Most parents have already succumbed and didn't even realize it.

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Unexpectedly, NYS is one of the leading states on this: school funding follows the child, mostly, Charter schools get far more bang for the buck than public schools, and you can vet them as much as you like. Parents, please demand this. You can choose your child's university, why not their

K thru 12 as well? Public funding should educate each child, not serve as fodder for a public school-government complex. You're forcibly paying school taxes, aren't you? Demand more.

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Shameful. My child's private elementary in a coronareligiously devout suburb is othering unclean children by allowing the clean ones to remove their masks outside. I suspect it's only a matter of time before my child comes home crying about being bullied. It's really unbelievable that they would allow someone to be marked in the name of such a minor convenience (it's obviously about applying pressure).

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Oh, Dear! That's terrible!!!

Based on my life experiences growing up under the rigid communist regime, a lot was learned in a challenging, scary, complex way.

Early last year, 94-year-old Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski gave a speech during the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the camp’s liberation. 

The Polish Holocaust survivor reminded the audience that the Holocaust didn’t’ start with death camps.

Instead, it began with propaganda, scaremongering, scapegoating, segregation, and exclusion. Then, it was an easy next step to strip further rights, dehumanize, and brutally extinguish that minority.

Hopefully, we're far from that happening again at that level of horror and cruelty.

Still, in my opinion, based on what 18 MiL Romanians and I have personally experienced for over 20 years under dynastic communism, now the road is paving to a hybrid version of the Natzy times, one of the most horrific mass formation psychosis.

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Perhaps you are unaware, but these covid vaxxes (mRNA) are killing thousands and have injured over a million as noted already on VAERS. Go to https://openvaers.com/ to find the latest stats compiled by a private group so you don't have to wade through the entire VAERS site on the CDC.

The estimated underreporting multiplier is between 10 and 42 or 10 x 21,000 listed on VAERS. That's the low side. The high side is 42 x 21,000 = 882,000. There are over 1 million adverse effects listed already which can also be multiplied by 10 to 42. So across the world, the death toll will be staggering from the vaxxes.

What Hitler did, though extremely brutal in nature will end up taking a back seat to this. But already 63 million babies in the U.S. have been slaughtered during peacetime in acts of murder, which we euphemistically call abortion. Worldwide, abortion is the leading cause of death with 42.6 million murdered just last year.

So the horror and depravity is here being done in a very sophisticated manner behind closed doors and in the open.

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Jan 5, 2022
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Please remove your children from these public schools. It is not worth it, sacrifice your career or whatever and make it work. There are plenty of people available to network with homeschooling so your kids won’t be isolated. It’s the only way and if my kids weren’t grown that’s what me and the wife would be doing now. As soon as they shut the schools my kids never would’ve gone back. It is the best thing for you and your kids mental well being. This madness has no end in sight, soon your kid will be eating alone in the janitors closet.

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It's a private school in my case (though I expect many public schools will do something similar soon - likely ordered by state dictators). I'm paying for this abuse! It's really unbelievable. I am seriously considering all alternatives at this point (including moving to the local public school, hiring a teacher who has recently been fired for not conforming, homeschooling myself (though it would be miserable since my child refuses to let us teach anything formally), and moving to a saner state).

Oh - and several kids at the almost universally vaccinated small school have tested positive for covid in the past few days. Surely even the most blindly devout can see how absurd such discrimination is.

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Next, they will try to outlaw homeschooling, as they do in many European countries. But, I agree, get them out now!

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Oh it’s just awful! I’m sorry 💔

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They are, crazy and very dangerous.

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Right that’s the problem. They are dangerous. I see that clearly.

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Get them

Out now. Charter or homeschool. Homeschool preferably.

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I’ve homeschooled mine from the beginning and they are now 12(twins). I recall looking into homeschooling before they were born and was nervous that I would be terrible. It is incredible and satisfying to see them interact with humanity and know that I am solely responsible for their ability to communicate and recite information to those who love to question the homeschooled kid unlike they do their own children. I say all that to say, homeschooling is by far the best option and data continues to come out proving that. Kids are intentionally broken in government schools and lose the natural inherent love of learning and exploration. Anyone can do it even those who deem themselves unqualified. Certainly starting to homeschool after years of government school destruction will be difficult but if people love their children and care about their future they will be just fine.

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Congratulations. You are a hero. This is a great success story. I wish I had done the same.

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I'd be having words with that teacher at the end of the year. Also, my words have brought people to tears. Men and women alike.

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Why would you wait until the end of the year? Unless you meant the last calendar year.

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I was thinking I'd wait until the school year ended, but upon further review I'd pull the kids out now and light some fires on the way out. Good observation by you.

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The actual fuck. I told my kids to report if their teachers ask. So far so good. Peninsula SD. Their friends ask and they have permission to use white lie to say yes to be left alone.

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Just look at how many teachers post crazy stuff on their social media. N some r carrying it to the classroom.

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That may be true for some individuals but bigger picture, I think this is another level of indoctrination to ensure that kids growing up now lose the ability to think critically. "The dear leader knows what is best for your kids - not the parents."

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Yeah, that’s what I think too. Indoctrination early and often makes for compliant adults in the future.

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Can't children see what an idiot Biden is?

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Oh but he is so sweet to all the kids. Haven't you seen how he strokes their necks and sniffs their hair? He's just a darling old Grandpa.

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Reportedly, the number of children who died of drowning in Canada last year was 4x as many as died WITH Covid... but tell me why we're spending millions/billions forcing masks and vaccines on all children with potential life-threatening side effects?

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My 9 year old and 5 year old grandkids had a very mild case of covid back in December 2020. So thankful they now have natural immunity and did not need the vaccine. So sad to see what parents are doing to their kids, even after numerous credible doctors say healthy kids do not need this vaccine. Heartbreaking!

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So many parents are still vaccinating. It's unbelievable. I had a friend whose 15 yo got Covid on Thanksgiving and her second shot had already been scheduled for about two weeks later. She asked me if she should get it. I said ask her doctor (haha, thinking the doctor would say no.) Dr tells her it's fine so long as she doesn't have symptoms anymore. Friend says to me, I'm not comfortable letting her get it. I say, "well, if you're asking my opinion I say trust your gut!"

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Yes it is. I cannot believe my niece got her 7 and 10 year old the shots. It sickened me. I tried to talk her out of it but finally relented that she was not going to listen so I just pray they will be ok and that she will not subject them to continuous shots.

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Many of us are in the same predicament. Bystanders n praying for our young family members.

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Omicron is breaking through both previously recovered and vaccinated bc it has so many mutations on the spike protein. Great news is it’s milder for all. But hopefully they are protected from delta .

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Vaccinated more likely to get it than the previously recovered. Just sayin. My husband is a doctor who has been exposed at least 4 times in the last month (he does a pre-op exam in patient's face as he's an ENT and then the patient's Covid test comes back +) yet he has still not gotten omicron. He's previously recovered and one JnJ shot (only because of work mandate.)

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Waiting for my spouse to catch it. Two doses 12 months ago. Frequent patient contact too and large ‘outbreak’ in the hospital among staff.

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Your child may not have been covid positive at all. The PCR test produces a ton of false positives and while they tell you the false positive rate is 1%, that is on the total number of tests, not the results. For instance, if 10,000 people take the PCR test for covid and 110 test positive, 1% or 100 are false positives. The "true positive" rate is 110 - 100 or 10. Thus, the amount of false positives on the total number of positive results is 100/110 or about 91%. Your child may have just had the flu. We'll never know because the system is so corrupt. My recommendation to all is to stop allowing yourself and your family to be tested because the results are so corrupted and the way the medical system uses those results is corrupted too. Had your son been hospitalized, it would have been a covid hospitalization. Anyone with a positive test that is hospitalized and/or dies gets into the covid stat regardless of why they died. Consider that Colin Powell died at 84 after struggling for many years with cancer and Parkinson's disease and he was deemed a "covid death." The system is corrupt.

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It sure is corrupt! Adding to that the most insidious piece: His 6 & 7 year old buddies who got their second shots over Xmas break and got Covid 10 days later are counted as Unvaxxed because they didn’t wait 14 days and their illness has NOTHING to do with the shot. It is all so dark! Honestly, I’m just as happy to keep my kids home for a few days away from the vaccine zealots!!

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Home school with other like minded parents in your community. Or find a private, Christian school somewhere but first vet them on their policies. Get out of public schools, for your kiddos sake. Or figure out a way to move to a free state.

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Please don't tell me the SF stands for San Francisco. I'm certain I could not live there.

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😂😂😂😂😂 I think we all were wondering that

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Alas. It does. And yeah.

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Sheesh that’s even late. The locals in my affluent burb of SF all rushed out the second it became available so my youngest peers were all vaxed up by thanksgiving. And got rona over Xmas. At least it should count as breakthrough then. Though San Mateo county doesn’t publish the data on that on their dashboard.

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Powell's vaccines and booster probably took his cancer out of remission.

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Someone brought home like 20 kits they got from various agencies. We decided to not use them n returned all. Just messes with ur head.

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If the kiddos bring home some we decided to test the cat.

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Lmfao!! 😂😂😂

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You are quite the resistance living in sf not able to dine in with your kids …. California sucks . I live in a suburb of Los Angeles city and I plan to keep my son in the control group as long as possible . His peers are now scheduling their boosters. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Insane they’re boosting these kids 💔

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Literally no benefit for healthy children if the vax does not prevent infection . I want to see an actual debate between fauci,cdc director and other doctors

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Jan 5, 2022
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And to add to your comment....they are pushing it so hard on the kids because they want it added to the childhood schedule. Then, they are exempt forever from all liability.

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A major politician in UK stated clearly: their goal is 100% global shots n their primary target- kids, whom they call "new customers." 🥺

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Of course you’re right .

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Jan 5, 2022
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I'm guessing the ingredients, predisposition was present... The poor physical, psychological, and spiritual health

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In the same boat, for now. Moving to Florida this summer..

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When you get here (in FL) please get involved and attend your local school board meetings. We are fighting CRT here, too. Even though we have a state law against teaching it, school boards are being lied to by administrators and still applying it in the classroom. All teachers, especially new ones, have been trained to use Critical Theory, and they don't know how to teach any other way.

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Yes! Remember that the progressives are very adept at word salad. They say, "We are not teaching CRT." they are correct. CRT is not a subject, it is a pedagogy or method of teaching which is why it infiltrates EVERY part of a curriculum. Another term to look out for is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).

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Thank you, I will!

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I would seriously be there with you but my husband is not ready for such a change . All our family and friends are in commifornia although we have a few friends moving to Texas .

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Same plus custody issues. Stuck in this insanity.

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Hi! Just a quick tidbit. Do not give Tylenol, nobody should really take it. It depletes your body of it's most important antioxidant, Glutathione which is incredibly important, especially when having covid. :)

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Take N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) to help restore Glutathione. NAC is given to patients who have overdosed on Tylenol. You can get it on Amazon.

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NAC is still available from supplement sellers, etc. It is also used by people with cystic fibrosis to break up/expectorate sticky, ropy mucus, making it very handy when dealing with congestion.

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Yup! Nutri-West, Standard Process to name a couple companies.

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Stop funding Bezos.

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Yes! Nutri-West is a high quality supplement company that has a wonderful NAC.

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Vita cost too

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You have a very high chance to get scammed on Amazon. Most supplements sellers are crooks. You might get starch, heavily impure product, or just the wrong contents. All supplement companies that don’t just sell fake starch buy theIr products from china and most don’t test anything so its like playing russian roulette. If you buy from amazon buy only now foods, jarrow, life extension or thorne products. Those are big companies that do tests what they sell, however even they had underdosed products on occasion. For pharma grade quality buy from Nootropics Depot. The company specifically exists to provide a source of pharma grade supplements due to how shit the industry is. You can find info on them and the history on nootropics subreddt.

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Thank you! I didn’t know that…he just had that one tiny dose last night and we’ll stick to hydration and rest :)

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Once in awhile won't hurt :) But just wanted to share!

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If you would like to, I can send you some helpful info about Tylenol for kids.

Or you can find information if using a non google Search engine and Look For naturopathic pediatrics.com or others in the functional medicine arena.

It is highly recommended To be avoided.

We use Calcium Lactate when dealing with minor episodes of fever. It works like a charm.

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Or like my parents did back in the day. Cold wet wash cloth on the calves. Works like a charm. Tepid bath. I always try that before resorting to Motrin.

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There’s btw a lovely ped in Belmont. Cash only. But she cares and knows this kinda stuff.

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My brother recommends nebulizing glutathione if you have access to a functional medicine doctor . Reduces the course of disease dramatically in the people he’s helped .

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Kate what should we take if not tylenol? looks like all I have is aleve -- is that okay? Thanks in advance.

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Aleve is an NSAID not ideal, but won't deplete your Glutathione levels like Tylenol will. I know for Covid they Aspirin is most recommended. :)

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Kids can’t have aspirin but Motrin is okay. Even as young as 3 months.

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I’m in your neck of the woods. The pressure is insane. Now that school started yesterday I suppose the kids shall catch it soon and we can be done with this. My friend down in Santa Clara already has it. Shoulda went to the restaurant in Los Altos with them last weekend 🤪

We were asked to self test before school as a safeguard but didn’t. We also don’t participate in weekly testing. We did have sniffles over Xmas. Was that it? 🤷‍♀️

Our middle school asked if the kids could wear N95s. I sent kiddo with a cloth mask…

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The answer should be no mask. People have to stop complying with any of the madness. Seriously, please stop.

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I wish but they keep yelling at my teen if even tried to take off Mask at outside PE. The Bay Area ain’t the place to try. We do get away with uncovered noses though here.

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There are a lot of regular respiratory viruses going around too, about 8/15 who gathered for our family Christmas got one. Half tested for coronavirus, all negative, so presuming we all got the same cold.

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I scheduled for shits and giggles a titer test. I have a baseline so if up it’s assumed it was the omicron.

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I have a baseline too, got one 11 months after my infection and still had antibodies in my blood. I should do another one. It's just a long drive for me to get it done (only will go to Labcorp.)

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Same. LabCorp. Luckily mine ain’t far. Curious to see. If the level is higher my med spouse will freak out. Every sniffle is now a suspect.

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stop allowing yourselves to get tested. This entire pandemic is fueled by testing for a virus that is about as much of a threat as a cold or pneumonia.

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More than absurd; it is evil. No child, teenager, or adult should take this kill shot, unless parents like playing Russian Roulette with their children's lives and their own.

What we are witnessing is fascism beyond Hitler's Mengele. The crimes being committed now by our government are worthy of the death penalty. Someday in the near future, when the smoke of God's judgment clears and repentant eyes are opened, there will be a call for justice and retribution for millions of lives crippled and stolen by these wicked rulers in the United States. Doctors, scientists, vaccine producers, and others who have gone along with this madness will be held accountable, also. It will not be good enough to say, "My boss said I needed to vaccinate people for covid," any more than the excuse by Nazi torturers, "I was just obeying orders."

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Jan 5, 2022
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The frog leg meat is falling off the bones. The frog's been dead a long time.

Why would any parent keep their child in public school nowadays, risking their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health?

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Natural immunity will do them, and their community, much more good than getting jabbed could do. Young children without comorbidities do us all a favor when they contract covid. That's how we actually get herd immunity. If we had just protected the elderly and let the rest of us lead our lives, we'd be over this by now.

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I believe you’re right … mass vaccination with a leaky vaxx that doesn’t provide sterile immunity is prolonging this .

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Public health officials are no doubt well aware that their policies prolong the crisis. Virology 101.

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Public health officials are getting much money and power from the pandemic, so why shouldn't their policies prolong it.

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No matter what anyone says to you or how much they try to bully you: YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR YOUR CHILD. You are a great parent.

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I’m with you. My 4 years old son and all of us recently got infected from age 4 to 84. Everyone is okay and has no issues. Some people were vaccinated, some not, but we all got infected regardless of The vaccination status.

I would have never known that my son was “sick” because he had some light coughing for one day.

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3, 7 and 9 y/o all had COVID in August and did just fine (low-grade fever, tired for 1-2 days, older ones lost some taste & smell for 4-5 days) No long-haul symptoms. My husband and I had every symptom in the book...we were miserable! The kids had flu in Nov. and are now passing around a stomach virus - it is SO MUCH worse than COVID!! Every parent I talk to says the same thing. They don't need the damn death shot!

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how many parents in your kids' class are rejecting the clot shot?

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I have no idea exactly but I'd have to think a very large percentage rejected it. My kids do go to a traditional Catholic school (with real nuns that wear habits, not the "nuns on the bus" type) where the parents said they didn't want any masks this school year and the principal honored our request.

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Stand your ground!!! Your #1 job is to protect your babies

I am astonished at the parents subjecting their children to this failed experiment! Pity the children, whose lives will be diminished in both quality & duration .

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It boggles my mind too.

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At large question on this, to all the moms (and dads)!

Why are the kids testing positive? By which I mean, why are they being subjected to testing at all?

I assume it is due to insane local school requirements or travel and other semi-non-negotiable reasons... But just asking because one of the things we can do as individuals to help reduce the hysteria -- if we have the option, obviously -- is to choose not to get tested at all. If we could somehow massively reduce voluntary testing, it would tend to remove a major driver of hysteria.

I know sometimes it is semi-unavoidable ...

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I've been posting the same thing. Why test at all? For centuries when someone was sick, they stayed at home until they weren't feeling sick. This is really the only "protocol" that sports teams and leagues needed to use: Stay at home until you feel better (just like the flu or a bad cold).

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In the case of covid, if you follow self-help protocols, it will greatly help. Doing nothing at all besides rest is a very bad idea. Here are some tips at https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org

Click on 3 lines at top right, then to covid-19 and then to treatment options. Some very good information. Highly recommend.

Another very simple trick when you don't have much money. First sign of trouble in the nose or throat, breathe in steam. You can heat water on a stove or use a steamer humidifier. It really works. The hot steam kills the virus and bacteria.

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You are so right. I tested because our school asks us to do it. And they require the kids to show a negative test before returning if they’re absent due to illness. But I just agree with you so whole heartedly that the voluntary testing is insane and yields preposterous outcomes. I can at least opt out myself. I am having this moment of sheer disbelief watching my quarantined kids play in the living room watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and seeming totally healthy (a little run down maybe my son who tested positive but nothing significant) They’re having a swell time! And our world has been shut down and up-ended! Hysteria is the correct word.

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Your kids are better off at home than in school where they are indoctrinated into every leftist woke idiocy there is and against your country and pro socialism/communism. There are few exceptions. Public schools are Making America Communist.

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The truth is the best weapon against lies. The shots can kill or cripple your child and the risk is much higher than sickness or death by covid. That should be enough to the sane mind. The wicked school boards, Joe Biden, and others pushing this are communists, plain and simple. They are pushing for control and could care less about the health of any one child...Everything is for the good of the Fatherland or the State...that's the communist way. If your child ends up crippled or dies or is otherwise sick from the vax, too bad...the risk is okay because it was for the Fatherland. This is what communism or fascism looks like up close and personal...don't get used to it. Fight it or you surrender your country and your life and your soul.

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isn't it nice to love on your kids when they are a little sick?? our country needs more parents like you, enjoy your kids while you can, it goes by to quickly

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I heard a Spanish doctor (pediatrician) say that when kids are sick “kisses can wait”. Go f*** your f***ing self

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Jan 5, 2022
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No mask??? Spain??? I guess you are in a tiny place. In the big cities 95% masked since it is mandatory again in the street and instead of people we have sheep.

But nobody has told me to put it on as happened to you

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Jan 5, 2022
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Masks are compulsory indoors, everywhere. I wear a mask inside to avoid problems. It is just a while.

Outdoors, also compulsory as a general statement. I do not think the police is going to say anything. Only regular crazy people as happened to you.

Perhaps, when you were in Valladolid masks were not mandatory yet. We had a pause, summer and fall.

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Stay strong, mama bear!

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Remember when students used to ask questions, refused to obey if answers made no sense at all and were eager to protest against abuses of authority? 😞

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Remember the '60s mantra: Question authority? It was promulgated by many who are rabid, government-trusting covidians today.

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They were protesting "the Man", now they are "the Man".

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Call them Branch Covidians

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the "immediate gratification crowd", it has just changed forms as they've aged. there's no humility and no Jesus there.

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Big pharma loves you!

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This is what makes me laugh at all the people that think they are counterculture these days. Saw someone on The Twit with a “Resist” banner next to her masked emoji and three syringes who was vaccine shaming others. Resist was probably relating to free thought — the only explanation.

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It's a fascinating turn that goverments and corporations managed to pull off. I plan to write about it at some length, but in short it's like this:

1. The Man is bad, and The Man is of course goverment.

2. The government/The Man is responsible for colonialism, suppression of women, minorities, other peoples. Therefore to be good we must support those groups and oppose government.

3. The Man/govt. are white, western colonialists from a Christian background. They want more racism. The whole system is racist and white people are white supremacists.

4. Trump got elected so whoever opposed him was an enemy of white supremacy/the Man. This includes the intelligence community, the press and the Democratic party.

5. Now the enemy is the white supremacists that are always lurking in the shadows trying to take over society with their backwards racism etc. Meanwhile the Democrats, even though they happen to be the government, are actually fighting The Man so they are on the good side.

That's a bit clumsy which is why I should write it better at some point. But I think it's a correct thesis about what happened in recent decades.

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I don't think it's any of that. I think that people don't know their own bodies anymore and have relied on doctors for everything. So naturally they believe the health industry.

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Here's how I look at my personal healthcare: I am the CEO of the corporation that is ME. As the CEO I have a fudiciary responsibility to see to it that the corporation that is ME is run as healthy and efficiently as possible. As the CEO I don't personally have to know everything that keeps the corporation running at its best. However I must have the best and brightest board members as I can afford to hire to provide me the input I need regarding how the corporation should be run in their particular field of expertise. Ultimately I decide what advice I take and how I apply it. While I respect the opinions of those of whom I seek counsel... ultimately I make the decisions on how the corporation will be run and I take responsibility for the result.

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That's part of it as well, for sure. It's a complex story. But I was referring specifically to how people who generally like to think of themselves as rebels or social justice warriors are finding themselves on the side of government and corporations, and supporting the suppression of liberty.

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The artist who did the iconic Obama posters did some really cool art at a local place where I live in SC. He redid the iconic Coca-Cola logo fonts but said Enjoy and instead of drink a coke daily or whatever it said "Quality dissent daily ". Just to the right of the mural was a security camera.

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Your keen observations are far more interesting than the art.

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Those people just like the dirty black clothes and the weird haircuts. It’s like counter culture cos play. Nothing more than aesthetics

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RESIST is a joke. That was a virtue signal from the get go. Ever notice they didn't choose to just REFUSE? Yeah because that one's actually doing to cause some discomfort.

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That RESIST stuff used to annoy me so much. Resist what? What policy of Trump's did they not like? Just ... resist ... ? It made no sense to me. An obvious virtue signal.

Now that there is something to actually resist they're all "just comply". That should tell us once and for all just how empty woke politics is. It's just advertising slogans without any meaning.

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100% agree!

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That’s only for micro-aggressions and gender issues - it’s perfectly ok to just destroy your heart. No biggie…

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They're aiming for a heartless society.

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Yeah, that was before the Dept. Of Education came into existence. The brainwashing is complete !

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I was an older student, getting my bachelors in 2013 at the age of (nearly) 53. When we talk about brainwashing and indoctrination, I can give first person testimony that it is indeed going on.

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Truth. I used to teach in a masters program but quit because I could not take the liberal indoctrination and low standards anymore. You can’t penalize a student for anything at all- late papers, misspellings, PLAGIARISM.

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Well, when the POTUS has been accused of plagiarism on numerous occasions and gotten away with it, it's now ok. (That was the one thing my teachers/professors wouldn't tolerate. That and cellphones).

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Current POTUS is a mythomaniac.

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That is a new word for me and MAN do I love it!!! And so true.

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I saw it in 200-2005 when I did my ba and ma. I was completely disillusioned.

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Out of sheer, do you have an example you'd be willing to share?

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To whom is this directed?

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@kittynana I was interested in the experience(s) you had as a student working toward your 2013 graduation (congrats by the way 🙂).

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Oh! First off, ty. It was a personal goal met. The very first thing that comes to mind is my one Social Work professor who happened to be the chair of the department and from The Netherlands (important to know). It was at the time Obamacare was being bandied about. Most of the students in that class were from Canada (Niagara University has a wonderful Social Work curriculum and many Canadians come over for it) or were very young. Professor was all for Obamacare given she grew up with socialized medicine. When she was finished touting all the positives, of which I graciously sat through, I raised my hand and mentioned the proposed, and subsequent, fine for those who didn't have health insurance. She was a gracious professor and acknowledged that it was being discussed. After class, those kids flocked around me wanting to know more. As a parent of children older than those kids, I was very happy to see their willingness to ask more questions and not just accept the 'take my word for it' mentality. I happened to mention other flaws in the Obamacare proposal because those kids were either too young to even think about healthcare, being on their parents' plans, or coming from Canada with their terrible socialized medicine. They were eager to learn. Don't get me started on my Sociology professor, also the chair of the department and my son's age. Suffice it to say he didn't like me because I asked questions or countered his points, always with research to back up my point.

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Bingo. Groupthink 101. Hence, one of the big reasons 'mass formation psychosis' happens most often in groups of the 'well educated'.


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That interview is remarkable! Thx for posting it.

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Yes, that's a keeper and most welcome!

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My son was concerned yesterday because his mask was slipping from his nose. The teacher told him he would have to start wearing a N95 mask as a punishment. He laughed and said he would not wear that mask.

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Good for him. Since you won’t remove him from government schools he needs to stand his ground and be like the little girl who got suspended 50 something times until the school relented.

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The ones that do get canceled.

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You know the funny thing about being "cancelled"? It's bullying. And as weak as it is to give into a bully, aren't there laws against it now days?

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No, but I'll take your word for it that that was once the case ;-)

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Jan 5, 2022
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Yup, that‘s how I grew up in Communist Romania. Sad to see how people don't know what is truly going on.

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Same in my old Soviet occupied home country. I feel like my friends who were brought up in the East bloc tend to see through this Bs much more easily.

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This confirms what cardiologist Dr McCullough has been saying for months about the cardio toxicity of the jabs.

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The real difficulty is that over several years millions will be experiencing these types of problems due to these terrible injections. There will be very little proof of any wrongdoing as the negative reactions will be blamed on something else. This is how the pharma companies get away with murder...literally. There is now absolutely no support system that puts the public's health ahead of pharma's profits.

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It’s ‘an extremely rare event’ until it happens to your own kid and other people you know…any other vax would have been pulled off the market at the first sign of this extremely dangerous adverse event.

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Jan 5, 2022
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Yup I’ve been seeing commercials too. Thankfully most parents are not convinced and those commercials are totally useless.

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I hope so!!! Not here in SF

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I got rid of cable, I leave it on the local retro station. Get about 3 "get jabbed" commercials a day that I notice, not nearly the saturation bombing that is the major networks.

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I drive very little - walk where I need to go mostly - yet every time I am in the car I hear 2-3 (and again I am never in the car for long). It is constant.

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I change the station. Thankfully I have Sirius XM so I am able to switch to something less innocuous.

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Check out the Canadian Covid Care Alliance for informed views on vaccinating kids. This is a group of censored Canadian doctors and scientists who are trying to educate people about the risks, and counter the government mantra of "safe and effective".


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Their video summarizing all the games Pfizer played with their trial data was excellent. Great to see efforts growing globally.

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I got rid of cable but the gullible spouse bought YouTube tv. The ads are sickening. Did you see the one for strokes happen to kids too? And the heart attack happens to kids too? Ahem nope not when I was a kid. Just no.

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What a college degree now means:

1. Ruining one’s finances at $70,000 a year

2. Ruining one’s mind (to get what amounts to a “receipt” from university — not an education); AND NOW along with

3. Ruining one’s health…

O.K. parents. What say ye??? My cost/benefit calculator is screaming: TILT!!! TILT!!!!

But all we’re hearing is: bbaaaaaahhh…

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Exactly. People have got to stop worshiping of the altar of 'higher' education. At this price tag, indoctrination and now the mandates, you have to be an absolute fool to play along.

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I have started a telegram group called College Parents for those fighting booster mandates for college students. In less than 48 hours, we have over 160 members and it is growing by the hour. Please consider joining us at this link. https://t.me/+03TE_DjGyiYwOTI5 Our goal is to share information and connect people and take action.

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Yikes! I didn't get the name of the group right. It's called No College Vaccine Mandates. So sorry! But the link is correct.

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I tried to find that group on telegram. Couldn’t find. Any advice?

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I got the name of the group wrong. It's called No College Vaccine Mandates. Sorry about that. The link should be good though. Rookie activist mistake. ;)

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https://t.me/+03TE_DjGyiYwOTI5 Try this link. It should take you to the group.

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or message me at Lady Spaulding

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My 19 year old daughter has been forced into the booster to return to her Big 10 school then told to stay home for three weeks of remote learning. What a crock of BS. Plus she has been sick ever since her first shot. Presently sleeping after an urgent Doctor visit last night for stomach issues, throwing up bile and low blood pressure. But I'm sure it has nothing to do with the unnecessary shots she has been coerced into taking. Her Doctor actually said it was good she had her booster. I just don't understand. Full transparency, she wants the shots and thinks it will be her ticket to safety. Although she has zero comorbidities and was previously fine. Big glasses of Cool Aid being served up to our young kids. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.

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I'm so sorry. My dad (who is 74) now has a-fib. It was discovered 7 months after his second Pfizer dose but he's older so it would be harder to pick up that safety signal in this population.

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Her doctor is a vax rep for Pfizer. Most docs have lost all critical thinking or have been compelled by their hospital administrators to shut their mouth or face unemployment.

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Real resistance would be your daughter withdrawing and you not paying tuition to her captors. Seriously. The only way this ends is when people walk away from these corrupt institutions. Stop trying to negotiate with insanity.

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Hey that sounds like an example they mentioned on that Rogan/Malone podcast. It was not just stomach flu and the girl ended up in a wheelchair. Not trying to scare you, but you may want to look into it. They told her the same thing.

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Parents of these college students: take your freaking kids out of these schools!! 🤦‍♀️

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My 20 year old daughter is at a university requiring a booster shot for all students by 1/31. She is refusing to get it. She’s actively compiling all of the studies about the dangers of the vaccines and the boosters and has an appointment with the powers that be to present her plea for a waiver. I know they won’t give it to her. Sadly, she is one of only a small handful of students opposed to the booster.

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Good for her strong stance! My kids 11, 15 are educated about it all as well and will completely refuse a jab. Scary that most people aren't raising strong children.

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Religious exemption an option...?

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Jan 5, 2022
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Wow that is a good link thank you. The more you know...

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I am a 40 something second career student with one semester left. Last semester they required vaccination which I obtained under much duress (prior to this, I had willingly gotten dose one of Pfizer a few months before. Immediately after that, I realized I had made a huge mistake and swore that I would not subject myself to any more of this. Fast forward to last semester. I caved and got a J and J without ever mentioning the previous Pfizer shot (at the time, J and J was one and done with no chatter about necessary boosters on that one)I had a bad reaction, but not an allergic one. I turned gray and almost passed out and was dizzy and sick feeling for a day or two. Not enough to warrant a medical exemption because that requires a major allergic reaction. My state only allows for medical exemptions. Religious or philosophical are not options unless the facility opts to allow them, which the schools are very specifically NOT allowing.

So here I am with one semester left and I am being forced to either get an unwanted shot that is useless at best, dangerous at worst, and all in all not necessary for me. I am waiting until the last possible minute hoping it will all blow over enough so they drop this

Mandate. Stories like this give me hope. I am also compiling all these damning stories, so I have something to present them with regardless of what I do (I feel like I need to stand firm with my beliefs but then I think of having to explain why I am not graduating in May to my very uninformed In-laws. Also, I have worked so hard to get to this point.

The most amazing thing (in a bad way) is that I can find NO evidence of anyone who objects to this at all. It is almost statewide.

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If you had J and J and a Pfizer, sounds like you should count as "fully" vaccinated plus a booster. You just did it out of order. The mRNA vaccines are being used as boosters for J and J.

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That is what I planning to go with. I have what they require, but not in the right order (just like you said). They make it all up as they go anyway. Who knows if they’ll decide that it won’t work because I don’t have the full Pfizer first. I can find nothing anywhere that talks about that being something people (the bad rule breakers) do. I hope that my disobedience in that manner is what saves me.

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Again…how does the state have the authority to make those decisions on exemptions? And prior to 2020 I always thought “I don’t want it” was sufficient.

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how about a proof of vaccination by some doctor, preferably in some middle american country?

there is not much one cannot buy with cash money...

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Take your last semester online.

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Unfortunately, that isn’t an official option. Once the time comes I may discuss it with my instructors.

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So they just need the card? You have it right? You can fill it in yourself.

Unless they check it against some database?

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I have TWO cards actually ;) One with a Pfizer and one with a J and J. The school is only aware of the JJ one. I am going to submit the Pfizer one and cross fingers that they don’t look at the date. I have what they require really and truly, just not in the correct time order. I still have your idea in the table, but I can’t find anything out about if/how they verify.

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I would be surprised if they could look up the vaccine records. It's my understanding that every state keeps its own database, and that it's difficult to access those databases. The digital passes cross reference official records, I know. Maybe look up IF someone who is not in government can access whatever database is in your state?

At this point, we might need to get subversive.

Good luck!

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Jan 5, 2022
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And pay for tuition for useless majors like gender studies.

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I agree with that, however some degrees are necessary to be doctors, lawyers and engineers and the list goes on.

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As someone with an engineering degree, computer science and law degree, I agree. 😀

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Who’s paying the tuition? 🤔

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I wrote to my son's university president at Brown multiple times in the fall of 2020 when they started testing the kids twice a week, and while she was very cordial, it was always about following CDC guidelines, that I pointed out were not based on real scientific evidence. He was lucky to graduate before the vax madness, but what is apparent to me know is that these "esteemed" institutions are all captured by big pharma, and much of their science dept. budgets are highly dependent and that largess. RFK Jr. covers this relationship in depth in the new Fauci book, as well.

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They are captured by the research grant money controlled by the Fauci mafia. Having served on a university board, in my experience, the academic types, well let's just say, they are not the men or women you would want in your fox hole when the panzer crests the hill. As you can see with the mandates, for the most part, they have already bolted to the rear.

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I chuckle at those institutions who hide behind CDC guidelines as if it is a liability shield against people suing them if they contact Covid on their premises. If a facility doesn’t follow this nonsense, how is it possible to directly link a case to them?

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Men over 40 are probably having the same issue. They can hide it because men over 40 have heart attacks.

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In the Joe Rogan/Robert Malone interview Dr. Malone said that he thinks there is a safety signal with older people too, but because the background rate of heart attacks/problems isn't zero like with kids, it's harder to notice.

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Covidian ability to shrug off children and athletes dying of heart attacks has been a surprise to me.

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And my son, a firefighter and EMT, in his mid-thirties, strong and robust, treated scores of COVID patients from the beginning of the pandemic, got really sick after being forced to take the vaccine. Now is considering retiring. Just for the sake, as RFK Jr. described them, of sociopathic billionaires.

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Perhaps sociopathic oligarchs?

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It makes sense they are cumulative, but that is the kind of thing a long term trial would have been nice to have before rolling out the vaccine to half the world. That said, it actually made little sense from a cost benefit standpoint to get the shot even if there were no heart problems. The vaccine doesn't even meet its endpoints in a year long trial.

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Based on this information, I am authorizing biweekly booster shots for Biden, Fauci, and all associated evil freaks beginning immediately until I say stop. Just want to make sure they are safe.

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I replied to a friend's FaceBook comment, a copy-and-paste proclamation that I'd seen before that she didn't know what was in vaccines anymore than she knew what was in the KFC secret recipe, but she trusted authorities and would take them just like she and her children took their shots for measles, polio, etc. Then there was the usual list of virtuous posturing justifying vaccination which ended with "To protect my family and others" and urging copy and paste sharing the message, all implying that failure to vaccinate was selfish and ignorant. #VaccineNationalism

I wrote that I knew what was in the vaccines and had a medical exemption to them. I urged those on that thread to read Brownstone and Children's Health Defense. Then the pile on happened. I responded with links to science, VAERS reports and a few quotes from credentialed experts. I also emphasized that Covid is real, but the vaccines are not without their risks - that it isn't an either/or situation, that we deserve truth, choice, and therapeutics. The ONLY data provided by the other side was a link to Wikipedia trashing Bobby Kennedy.

My friend told me to feel free to unfriend her, and spoke about praying for a friend in the hospital with Covid; and a nurse (who I do not know) told me that Brownstone was a garbage group and she didn't believe anything I said, wouldn't read anything I provided, and that she was smarter than me.

That says it all, doesn't it?

“It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence." - Upton Sinclair

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I’ve stopped trying to talk logic to my friends and family on social media. I tried. Boy did I try. But all I ever got was your exact same experience. It’s so easy to shut others down when they cry ‘shut up people are dying!’ It literally is mass psychosis, and when I read up on that it made me feel better. That no matter how much you try, most will not wake up. At this point, after a year, the only thing that will wake them up is something affecting them personally, and even then most with continue the cognitive dissidence in thinking it was some other reason or ‘fate’

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Agreed. I resisted responding to that same copy and paste message a few times. But to do nothing also seems wrong. Silence is complicity and the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

This is the boat we are all in. How do you deprogram people who have bought into a cargo cult religion led by narcissistic personalities?

More simply, it the only thing people seem to like less than admitting they were wrong is admitting they were fooled by people they trusted to lead them. They are willing to kill and die to protect their flawed world-view.

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Sadly it's been obvious for a while that some people simply won't respond to actual facts. They'll continue down this path until something jars them awake, and that something will probably be somebody they know being seriously hurt by the jabs.

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There is no reasoning with unreasonable people (I've tried ). Even trying is in itself unreasonable.

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Letting people be wrong is a very useful skill in these times.

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Can educational institutions be sued by families if their child contracted myocarditis/pericarditis as a result of being required to be injected prior to enrollment? BigPharma may have immunity, but the colluders (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) may not …

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someone should try

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I agree—we need to put the fear of retribution in these people and get the stories of the vaxx-murdered/injured out there.

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What about the people that administer the shots?

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That is an excellent thought as they would all be culpable for violating the Nuremberg Code.

Reminds me of the powerful video of that pharmacist captured in the process of realizing he was guilty of distributing the vaxx without informed consent. I would excuse people like him as he clearly has a conscience, and it appears he is going to stop complying as a result, but those who zealously press ahead should be held accountable:


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Superb essay. Phenomenal. Everyone should read it. Thank you for writing it and linking it. I am sharing it far and wide.

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Aww, thank you so much, Storm69! If you haven’t already read them, I suspect you’ll enjoy the other entries in my Letters series (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/?sort=search&search=letter%20to%20a):

• “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant)

• “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative)

• “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

• “Letter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment – The Criminalization of Physical Presence … and the Power of a Hug” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel)

• “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend – Case Study: The Ivermectin Disinformation Campaign” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)

Thanks again for sharing! 🙏

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It doesn't matter. The world is under Marxist Globalist control. All levers are under their control. Most people are happy to live in DDR like countries where most of the population is Stasi like. No data! No person! Can be trusted! This includes family members. Even your children will turn on you (probably already have) and pray to the their Commie leaders.

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We are far from that point, at least in the US, and we are achieving *major* victories in the legal system (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/serve-suffer-and-sacrifice) as well as in the populace, especially as “mass formation psychosis” and the Malone/McCullough one-two Rogan punch go viral. The narrative is dissolving before our eyes, and people are starting to awaken from their hypnosis en masse …

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Nothing is changing. The Marxist Globalists control all the levers. The people you mention are outliers with no power. I would checkout Dr. Yeadon. He is realistic about the grime situation. The only solution I see is physical retaliation but we are not the Patriots of the American Revolution. Those type of people are long gone. The ignorant masses ok with the loss of Freedom. They are willing Commie subjects.

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I am good friends with Dr. Yeadon, and we have had many discussions about this and other issues. We are on the same page on pretty much all of the matters we’ve discussed, and he shares my cautious optimism—otherwise, we wouldn’t be doing everything in our power to halt democide and tyranny.

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I am not against the fight but he seemed very pessimistic in his latest statement. Where are the changes? The American Revolution was not pretty. People physically fought for their Freedom. Today I don't see that happening. It's the complete opposite.

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Actually the other side is willing to fight to the death. Yes they are that crazy. We are not dealing with sane people. Most of the World is onboard with this Commie BS. Even people living off the grid will eventually be taken down. There is no escape unless people are willing to physically fight for their freedom which isn't happening.

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We can only hope.

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Same principle applies to employers, too, obviously …

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And yet no such study is being done in the US. Further confirmation that the FDA, CDC and NIH are corrupt and/or inept. Probably both.

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I'll take "Corrupt AF" for a thousand, Alex...

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I hope these students file MAJOR class-action suits against these Universities. They have ZERO right to force their customers to take shots. And YES, these students ARE CUSTOMERS... most kids don't realize that... but they are paying these people to provide a service... which now days is an over-priced, more-often-than-not useless service. But regardless THEY ARE CUSTOMERS. They cannot be demanded upon for medical treatments of any kind, period. What the hell kind of businesses and who do these universities think they are... they need to be severely sued on many accounts in my opinion... another one that comes to mind is product fraud. They are paid so their customers get and education and a good paying job and career... how many actually attain that?

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This is coercion. This violates the Nuremberg Code. We see side effects from these experimental vaccines. I pray that individuals having side effects from these jabs file class action law suits not just against the universities but against each individual that signed and supported these mandates. The people that are mandating these experimental drugs and not allowing the students/employees to actually give informed consent. These people need to be held accountable to each death and injury sustained from the mandate they pushed. They will have blood on their hands.

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And Our Military falls into this age group too...Destroying our national defense seems to be part of the plan.

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Our son is getting booted out and we are so happy he is staying strong. Better to be booted than boosted.

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Tell your son we are all behind his decision!

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Jan 5, 2022
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That is crazy! You know something is seriously wrong with the vaccine when there is such disparity between batches.

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This is what happens when it's "Warped Speed", no checks & balances !!

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This makes me ill? Are these asshat "public health" officials trying to injure teens and young males? As the mom of a 17 year old male I am just sick to my stomach over this stuff. It makes me wanna cry. My mother in law told me after I had my first child, " when you become a parent you become a parent to the whole world." It is so true. I pray every day for these kids who I don't even know.

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They are ideologues. Death counts from the "vax" means nothing. Following the party line is everything. No matter what evidence comes in succeeding days, months and years, they will adhere to the party line. We saw the same exact thing with the Soviet-Nazi pact. They adhere to the party line. Always.

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Anyone still paying university tuition (or worse, going into a lifetime of debt) is an absolute fool. Parents, you have to stop telling your kids that a university degree is the only way to be successful. All it says now is that someone spent $80k to $200k to jump through useless hoops and be indoctrinated. The Covid insanity is the last nail in that coffin.

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FYI - in our daughters case we didn't pay a dime for her "higher education." She got it all on scholarships (two BA's, a law degree and a PhD). Personally, I think she'd be better off driving a truck

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Not just young men. My 'old man', 64 at the time, was hospitalized with myocarditis. The hospitalists agreed with me, off the record of course, that it was a direct result from the Moderna series. He had no reaction after the first. None. The second sent his immune system into a rabbit hole culminating in the cardiac unit stint.

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Will these SOBs ever be held to account for this?

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No. They made sure no one can be held legally responsible.

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"EUA-licensed vaccines have an extraordinary liability shield under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness Act. Vaccine manufacturers, distributors, providers and government planners are immune from liability. The only way an injured party can sue is if he or she can prove willful misconduct, and if the U.S. government has also brought an enforcement action against the party for willful misconduct. No such lawsuit has ever succeeded." From a legal site. I believe one can prove willful misconduct based on this: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/. It is a fairly short video that IMO everyone should see. Lawsuits first. Later rescind the laws that cause this mess.

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This is Canadian based. Their laws are different. IMO, there WAS willful misconduct by POTUS as well as smaller governments for forcing under-researched and non peer reviewed inoculations on the American populace (I am in no position to offer opinions regarding other countries).

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As the video shows, Pfizer published this cheated data in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was cited by Dr. Malone as showing how they cheat in his interview with Joe Rogan, which he discussed further based on the US court-ordered documents recently released that he analyzed. The video also instructs the average person how the cheats were done, how language is used to make people think the research was proper. I find this helpful for future medications that are supposedly safe. Canada has a regulation that allows it to accept drugs based on the acceptance of other trusted countries, though I do not know if that was the case with Comitrary.

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Only if , We The People, demand it!

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And what exactly is the Booster! rationale here? Who is being protected by these shots?

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Pfizer shareholders…

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Some of whom are grandmas probably

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About a month ago, I was sitting in my local Rotary meeting, listening to our guest - a rep from the local hospital explaining how overwhelmed the hospital was with covid patients. Sitting at my table was an older gentleman friend, and the other person was the school district superindentent/CEO. My older gentleman friend asked the superintendent how the schools are doing in regard to illness. His response was "I'm checking the vaccination numbers right now" (he was on his phone). What??? That wasn't the question! But that was his focus. My opinion is that people "in the system" are a combination of: 1) making sure to cya 2) doing what will make their job easier by pushing to hit a number of vaccinated 3) not bright enough to care enough 4) looking to keep their job at all cost. Our 4 children are adults that, as of this past spring, are officially out of all school systems. Thank goodness and my sadness is so great for those parents dealing with this incompetence. We have authorities in the school systems that are focused on getting as many kids vaccinated so they can check off on their list that they did their part in dealing with covid. When this superintendent responded this way to the question, it took all I had to remain calm, although I was clearly agitated. He didn't care - he has numbers to hit so he can declare to the world that his school district has done what they are supposed to do by getting kids vaccinated, thus making their world safe. And he can keep his high paying job.

On the other end of this meeting was the very kind gal at the hospital explaining what they are dealing with. (We are in a smallish town with one school district and one hospital, very near a large metropolitan area-there's money in this smallish town.) She explained that their pre-covid average hospital stay was 2 days, now it is 15. I was given the last question and it was: "What is the hospital doing for treatment to reduce that 15 day average?" The answer - literally nothing. And I am not sure how many in the room actually picked up on that. She seemed to be a very kind and thoughtful person, which I do not doubt. She looked to be on the verge of tears during the entire presentation.

I've been asking questions about how this thing has been handled, from every angle, since it started. From the idea of keeping big box stores open to how they are dealing with the sick to the lockdowns to the vaccines to the treatments....I'm just your average 55 year old that has not been able to square any of this from the start...and many of my super smart friends and family have not and still do not see any of this as being odd! The only conclusion I can come to is that my very intelligent friends and family that are not seeing past the obvious are simply willing to just accept what they see and hear from traditional news sources and don't ask the obvious "why?" questions along the way. There is so much more naivete than I ever thought there could be. I have come to believe that they simply choose the easy route - it's easier to just cruise through this weird life letting others tell you what to think and do and then you can pat yourself on the back and feel good about it. Don't make waves! Don't risk your job!

Thank God there are enough people that are willing to share REAL information (thank you Alex and others including proverbs31girl.com), including the other every day average neighbor that shares what they have experienced in their family - the good and the bad - and how to actually deal with family and friends that get sick. Through a "like-minded" co-worker, I learned about FLCCC as well as a local doc willing to fill a prescription of ivermectin-which helped my family members. And to learn where to go for monoclonal treatments-which are terribly hard to get in this past week! Fortunately I was able to lead some high-risk family members to be able to get monoclonal treatments and they were grateful to have learned about them.

I needed to vent, and could go on and on for hours of all the stupidity I've heard and just shake my head at - people I know and love that simply want the easy answers so they can try to go about a normal life. God bless them for being able to do that. I sometimes wish I was that simple-minded when it comes to this blasted plague!! Hopefully, everyday, we get a small step closer to people thinking a little more deeply and being willing to challenge.

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So much naivete out there is right!! I get that every time I speak to anyone about anything COVID related......

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I was listening to the peak prosperity podcast today and Dr Martenson was talking about the NY AG just announced she will be suing any doctor from the FLCCC that prescribes Ivermectin to NY residents if they don’t cease and desist. These people are simply demonic. If you needed another reason to join the almost 350k who already left NY, here it is. They want people to simply suffer and die.

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WOW..i have no words to express the sickening disgust for these govt officials who KNOW that this medication saves lives, but refuse to let people have it. All I can say is... I HOPE that when they or one of their loved ones are lying in an ICU on a vent, swelled from being pumped full of Remdesivir, that they have enough awareness to think about how it feels to be in the same situation others have been...and they suffer and beg for the one treatment that could save them.. I hope their time comes

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Here is a very interesting and important (but flawed) study comparing the risk of myocarditis in the vaccinated to those testing positive for COVID. Flawed, because it should have used infected as the basis instead of testing positive. They end up overstating the COVID risk by about 300%.

“Risk of myocarditis following sequential COVID-19 vaccinations by age and sex”


An addendum of this study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01630-0.pdf

Male < 40 years old - increase in probability over natural risk:

COVID: 2.02 (2.02x over natural)

Moderna 1 dose: 2.04 (equal to COVID)

Moderna 2 dose: 16.52 (8.17x over COVID)

Moderna 3 dose: n/a (scary thought)

Pfizer 3 dose: 7.6 (3.76x over COVID)

Male 16-19: not stratified, but will be about 30x over natural risk for 2 dose Moderna.

Overall (all cohorts combined) - increase in probability over natural risk:

COVID: 8.4

AstraZeneca 1 dose: 1.27

AstraZeneca 2 dose: .94

AstraZeneca 3 dose: n/a

Pfizer 1 dose: 1.37

Pfizer 2 dose: 1.60

Pfizer 3 dose: 2.02

Moderna 1 dose: 1.8

Moderna 2 dose: 13.71 (risk well over COVID)

Moderna 3 dose: n/a

Had they used the right denominator (infected instead of testing positive) they would have found the COVID risk to be closer to 1/3 of that listed. This is because there is about 2x as many non-tested infections. Non-tested infections are obviously more mild or asymptomatic, thus cause little or no myocarditis. Note, if you assume a 50% natural immunity rate, and a 25% probability of catching a myocarditis causing variant (non-Omicron), the COVID risk is almost statistically equal to natural. For all cohorts, male or female, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines would then cause more myocarditis than COVID.

Reality is likely even worse yet. They admit in the paper: “Myocarditis is underdiagnosed in practice, with clinical bias being directed towards myocardial ischemia or infarction. Thus, our use of diagnostic codes for myocarditis from routine data suggest that the ascertainment of cardiac inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination is likely to be under- rather than over-represented”. In addition, I hypothesize that MDs are reluctant to diagnose vaccine related myocarditis for fear of promoting “vaccine hesitancy”. For instance, 29-year-old Kyle Warner, a professional mountain bike racer, went to the ER with burning chest pains just after getting vaccinated. He was sent away and advised to seek counseling for “stress”. He finally got diagnosed with pericarditis after several later attempts to get help. He probably would have been helped the first day if he hadn’t disclosed that he was just vaccinated. He now has a severe, long-term disability, ending his athletic career.

Notice how with each dose, the risk rises dramatically. Is this due to more spike protein? Notice the AstraZeneca is not associated with myocarditis. It has many other sins (blood clotting, nerve damage, etc.) but does not seem to cause myocarditis, why? It appears that this vaccine uses a different spike protein. Michelle Kinder, PhD: “The AstraZeneca vaccine uses the wild-type protein sequence while the Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, Novavax and Janssen include a slight modification to the sequence meant to stabilize the protein in the “prefusion” conformation.” Is a more rigid spike protein causing problems?

The “fact checkers” (aka Bullshitters) accused Robert Malone of spreading misinformation. They said he claimed, falsely, that the spike protein is harmful. They stated no actual facts, but claimed that spike proteins are used in other, “safe” vaccines. But this argument is invalid because the spike protein in the COVID vaccines is different, apparently more rigid. Also, Moderna uses much higher doses. It shouldn’t be surprising that a more rigid spike protein, at much higher doses, can cause many more very serious harms than COVID, or other vaccines. Just a hypothesis, but something to consider.

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This is becoming worse and worse with every passing day. The mRNA light of the end of the tunnel turned out to be an incoming train and I am concerned, that we are seeing just the tip of the iceberg of the consequences.

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Can't the schools be held liable for injuries? How can schools and employers mandate non FDA approved products? Comirnaty is the only approved Vaccine, and it is not available. Are there no lawsuits using this line of reasoning?

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I live in Puerto Rico (highest v a x rate in the US yet they've from a high 1500 cases to a rolling 7-day avg of 10,000/day) and children as young as 5 CANNOT return to school unless they get the V A X. Not only is it harmful, it's useless. Has anybody bothered to ask why we're giving one with an old strain, rendering it useless against Omicron and even Delta? I feel like I'm screaming into a void.

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We are gearing up for a fight with the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. My son was fully vaxxed to attend in the fall and contracted a moderate case of COVID in November (great vaccine!) He now has "super immunity" but the University will not recognize this. We are being told there are no exemptions other that religious or medical.

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Unless you have a lawyer already, how about getting as many of your son's friends together to flood UMass with religious exemption requests?? Each student should pursue his right to obtain a legal federal religious exemption based on his individual belief that injecting a foreign substance into his body is a sin against God......

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We're actually going to speak with our priest this week!

From what I've heard the schools don't accept many religious exemptions... it's worth trying and I agree that it's immoral to be forced to take a vaccine against your will...

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I'm sorry to hear the schools are not accepting many, but you never know until you try! It seems all religious leaders are on "team pharma", and it's my understanding that a religious exemption does not have to be based on any organized religious institution, only one's individual sincerely held religious belief. After all, we can all go to church and agree to disagree about anything! I wish you the best of luck!

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I agree about the religious leaders being on "team pharma", well said!

We'll certainly try for an exemption. Thanks for your kind words and support,

All the best!

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My oldest daughter is an English professor at Amherst. She has always been academically brilliant yet sadly lacking common sense. Though 2X injected got covid. She's okay now...for the moment. Though she's not listen to her parents for some time (superior intellect don't ya know) we still love her and worry about her.

Among those I know who are jabbed, many are sick with all sorts of weird stuff. Four contracted covid anyway (daughter included) and two have all of a sudden aggressive cancers , one of which looks to be terminal, (found out the "terminal part today. He's in his mid-40's and was in great health pre-jab).

In my life I have tried to be optimistic and proactive yet realistic when it comes to issues of life. As with most of us here, I've wanted to fix that which needs fixing and right what is wrong. I hope I/ we can remain strong for ourselves and others through this time of darkness.

"The sacrifices pleasing to God are a broken spirit; A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not reject." - Psalms 51:17

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Any lawyers out there?

Big Pharma has inoculated itself from any legal liabilities for the poisons it is pushing and government is, of course, never held responsible for its actions. But what about private organizations, or even state colleges which are forcing their subjects to take an ever-more known to be dangerous drug against their will? Especially so with colleges where half of their populace (young males) are smack in the target age of vaccine-induced myocarditis?

Risk death or forfeit your degree (though not, of course, the loans)?

This would seem a potential goldmine. Suing these corrupt and elitist cabals out of existence would seem a fitting outcome. Then maybe they can start from scratch and go back to actual education.

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Everyone within sight of my words, IMMEDIATELY REMOVE YOUR KIDS FROM GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS! There simply is no other way.

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Parents... your posts about trying to negotiate with universities are very sad. STOP paying tuition at these corrupt institutions and get your kids out of there. It's like you're trying to keep up the room and board at Auschwitz. STOP.

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I propose a simple solution: the Presidents & Board Members of these institutions agree that they will hang one of their own for each young adult who dies from myocarditis. And, they agree that their endowments will pay compensation for all long-term disability.

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Alex, I love your work, but please just complete the circle. When you give us actual numbers of myocarditis cases and deaths, from the study, you could mention the fatality rate from Rona in the same age group even if the data comes from another source. Saying “vanishingly small” sounds like the way the other side reports. We’re grownups. I am here because I like truth and clarity. Then I can decide. You’re the hope right now. Bring it straight brother.

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I would love to see this.

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Alex, a small correction. The Moderna booster is only a half dose, so 50 mg, at least in Canada and I believe also the US.

Quebec mistakenly started giving 100 mg of Moderna to seniors and killed/maimed a bunch of them.

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@ 50 mcg it'll take two boosters now to kill the seniors...This has to be done gradually so as not to raise suspicions!

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The young leftist kids are calling Covid the "Boomer Remover". So I guess when the kids get myocarditis from their vaccine booster shots and die, we might say they are being "hoisted on their own petard"?

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The worst part of all of this is vaccines are not being mandated to protect students, the cowardly admins, professors and teachers are doing this to protect themselves. And based on their actions, they do not believe their own BS. Makary editorial below is good, but misses the key point. The policies at universities are not about protecting the kids, they are about protecting the cowardly administrators and professors. The same ones that believe so much in the power of vaccines and masks, are afraid of being in a classroom (vaccinated and masked both them and the students) and getting sick. Cowards, and hypocrites. They required all of these things, making many students do so against their will, and have now reneged on their implied contractual obligation to allow students to attend class in person once they met these requirements. Once again the old sacrificing the young for their own benefit, a violation of the social contract! This is a good letter to the Stanford administration from a law student:




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The letter from the (former) Stanford law student is excellent. I've been struck by how all of the experts and "Covid Advisory Panels" have been spectacularly wrong. I'd note that the PAC 12 cancelled all sports in 2020 before later rescinding this decision. The "experts" cancelled these sports programs to "protect the health" of student athletes. As far as I know, no student athlete in America has died from COVID. When sports were cancelled in July 2020, experts SHOULD have already known this disease posed no risk to healthy young people. I knew this and my science education ended with 11th grade chemistry.

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I'm a freelance journalist. Here's a piece I wrote in July 2020 - that was actually published (albeit at an alternative media site) - that said that athletes would be perfectly safe if sports took place as normal. I'd simply note that in writing this piece, I went against just about every "expert" at all the prestigious research institutions. Who was right? Who was wrong?


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I never took the poison 💉

Yet I am still alive

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Pharmaceutical companies have been granted immunity from liability for any adverse reactions, but what about public universities? They may be looking at significant class action law suits in the future. My son is a college freshman. As he was looking at schools in 2020, he marked off any on his list that were in states that allowed vaccine mandates. That ruled out almost all public schools outside of the southeast and all private schools. He is attending a school that he originally did not consider, and he loves it.

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My oldest just turned 12 and is 75lbs. In order to be vaccinated she would need to be given the same regimen as a 300lb biker dude.

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Makes zero sense.

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How are these shots still legal, let alone mandated??

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I know… my son’s roommate just recovered from covid but they will all need to be boosted to return to school which is remote for 2 weeks. There seems to be no exemptions for those recently recovered bc …. Science of course .

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The simple fact is that kids are being 'targeted' like this because government can control schools much more easily than the workplace.

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it's an outrage that injecting or ingesting any pharma product is a pre-requisite for education let alone a useless and harmful one.

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If it doubles with each booster, it won't take long to reach catastrophic levels. Here in Israel they are already giving 60+ years old a 4th shot.

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Premeditated GENOCIDE. The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan" Welcome to the Medical Inquisition https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-safety-of-mrna-vaccines

When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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Great response!

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And let's please be honest, the damage isn't happening to just "young men". The signal is just stronger ergo the trend more obvious. Nobody bats an eye when somebody over 50 or 60 dies of cardiac related events or ends up crippled with damage.

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Re: The mortality "risk" to healthy children and young people, it's literally almost zero. I'm a freelance journalist and wrote this article about a UK study that quantified the risk. Per my extrapolations, the probability a "healthy" child age 0 to 17 (one without severe or "life-altering" medical conditions) would die FROM Covid in the first year of the pandemic was 0.0001 percent (roughly 1 in 2 million). If you go out only three decimal points, this "risk" is 0.000.


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I guess it's politically incorrect to mention the race of children, but per my research, it seems that the mortality risk for a healthy Caucasian child in the UK was about 1 in 5 million.

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My son tested positive for Covid in August. Then, today, he tested positive again. Delta, then Omicron would be logical. Or, the first test was false in August. He is fine. But we are the hold-outs in our family because he has an aortic stenosis and I am petrified the shots would kill him.

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