One less household??

We actually added two more households just yesterday for our Christmas Celebration.

One of them we don't even really know, but no one should be alone on Christmas and we are about spreading peace, joy and the hope the Christmas season, not fear and overarching control.

Merry Christmas to all!

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We added twelve to our original gathering and two of them are really old! From 18-90 years old and we’ll be close to each other. Nobody is willing to give up Christmas to make Covid Karens happy. God bless the great state of Virginia!

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Good for you. A healthy New Year to you all. Cheers!

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I agree, never would I leave my dad alone at Christmas, they can stuff their rules. I’d rather live a full live and get Covid and die than live a miserable half life

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yes! courage! I love it!

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This is what they don't understand. Or don't want to admit to understanding.

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Merry Christmas, thats what is should be, who wants to live a miserable life

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You are the right kind of parent/grandparent. Hopefully genuinely sick people will visit another time, but that sound like a terrific gathering. We have ten today and nine tomorrow.

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Glorious!!! Sounds like you have a great Christmas day planned!

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Good for you. God bless all.

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"No one is dying from the vaccines. Get yours today!" -Donald Trump

Millions will never live to be anywhere near 94, thanks to Trump lying about the vaccine. Many won't even live to be 18.

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"People aren't dying from the vaccine." -Donald Trump

Guess my friends' moms weren't people.

So, you mean the blame for forcing Trump to do Operation Warp Speed, or the blame for forcing him to continue lying about it?

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Merry Christmas- and a happy 2022, William Swan.

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Merry Xmas! This warms my heart to hear/see. It’s how it should be!

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We're having mixed gatherings of about 10 people, 50/50 vaxxed/unvaxxed - nobody is sick.

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Exactly we know so many who now have Covid after taking their booster. My cousins daughter just tested positive after her booster, but she’s blaming anti vaxers for ruining her Christmas

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It would seem she is ruining her own Christmas.

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i love the courage! thats what everyone needs! no one should be the cowardly lion! Thats not America!

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Exactly my dads uncle was captured in ww2, and he escaped and a Dutch family hid him and kept him safe until the German soldiers found him and shot them all. He never gave up. But so many Brits are now so afraid

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So did we! So glad to be part of a community of common sense and critical thinking! Merry Christmas and Love to everyone! Enjoy your holidays!!

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Yep. My wife and I are gathering with our kids and grandkids today for Christmas at my daughter's house; seven adults and three children under 5 - and there would be more if my daughter and her family in Japan could get here! We're all done with this, and I'm betting that on Jan. 1 of 2022, most of the country will be chanting, "Let's Go, Brandon!" concerning this whole Covid Plandemic! We're DONE!

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Hope you had a great Christmas with the family. We did and Covid was only mentioned once and maybe my dad is finally coming to his senses something isn’t right

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Good for you!

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Merry Christmas Alex! Thanks for keeping us sane since March 2020.

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he did indeed! God bless him!

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Thank you Alex for bringing sanity to my Christmas! I had 14 for dinner last night and sent them all home with a copy of Pandemia! Off to Mass, now. You are a blessing! Cheers!

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Great idea! You’re a truth warrior!

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The crazy lady Ellie recommended giving your dinner guests to go boxes and not eating together. Bless you for your holiday spirit. And for those that needs good laugh, read some of her Twitter feed. But know she is all wise, her Wikipedia page is fulsome.

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I'm not on Twitter. How many fools follow her (other than for a laugh)?

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I honestly wouldn’t give Twitter the time of day with how they’ve been

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Merry Christmas everyone! Landed in AZ and taking the kids to see the Grand Canyon to remind them that nature is bigger than our government and that we must teach our kids courage and resilience. And we will be the family hiking maskless….

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the Canyon is gorgeous in winter~ enjoy!

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Brilliant idea💗

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Alex Berenson….keeping 50% of America sane, since 2020.

Merry Christmas. Safe travels.

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The phony narrative has collapsed. Now it's time for the tsunami of lawsuits and a shake-up in big media, public health and government at all levels. These people will be flipping burgers before this is all over.

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Unfortunately that will not happen. There will be more of this unless people really revolt. I hate to say it but life in prison for these Globalist Marxist is not enough.

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The war of ideas determines the future. Those pushing lunacy have lost the war. It’s over.

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these MDs have totally ruined people's trust in medical science for decades to come. And I say that as an MD. It's not surprising to know that 97% of MDs were members of the NAZI party in the 1930s, higher than any other profession. The whole profession is comprised of many type A nerds that are much more concerned with prestige and money, than any oath they took. I know firsthand.

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You are right. I used to be a big fan of doctors, but my trust is broken. If I absolutely must seek medical help, I’ll go to the nurse practitioner who prescribed IVM and doxy for my covid-positive 79yo mother last week. We were very fortunate to find this NP after my mom’s regular MD refused to prescribe “THOSE” medicines, as they said with a sneer. (Mom is doing great btw)

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My husband is on a text thread with his college friends (all in the northeast - finance/media types). Half of them have Covid and were paying hundreds of dollars on FB Marketplace to obtain tests. One of them had a glimmer of sanity and said "Isn't it better to just let it spread at this point so everyone gets it and we get over it?" and there was only one person who said "Well I actually like my parents and the immunocompromised" so there's hope even in the Karen capitals.

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wonderful 😍 humanity RULES!

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My church had 4 Christmas Eve services yesterday. Attendance at all was easily equal to pre-covid. Yea, some were still in masks but getting out is the first step to recovery...

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Our church had 5 Christmas Eve services with about 1200 in each! Only a handful masked in our service! We sang and celebrated and enjoyed being together!

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Have fun in Florida thanks to Governor DeSantis!!

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God bless America is right. Stuck in canada where 12 year old boys are segregated into the no heat custodial supply room filled with chemicals -outside - to eat while the vaxed kids on the ski team eat warmly indoors. I kid you not. Merry Christmas to our neighbours down south. We are relying on you to get US out of this mess.

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I am not-- I live in Toronto, we need to get ourselves out of it. This is all of our doing-- lets help ourselves 💗 reach out 🥰

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Ive tried Carol….data, reason, etc, etc…,.my own family 😓

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No to those who feel the same-- there is lots of us 💗

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We all need to rely on God. And to do that, most of us need to turn back to God (repent). Contrary to popular belief, pestilence in one of God's surest forms of judgment upon nations and peoples. Both Canada and the U.S. have forgotten God. Most who call themselves Christian, are really deists and God has little to do with their lives or the nations. It is just religion and words without heart or action. That kind of religion is a curse upon us all and an offense to the Almighty who held nothing back and gave us his only Son.

Consider how early believers in Christ were willing and did lay down their lives to obey God, rather than men and government. In Canada, I read of one pastor whose church stayed open against the mandates and he was arrested and is now in prison. He was the only pastor who obeyed God in that nation. In America, I think it was 83% of all churches obeyed the mandates to lockdown and limit attendance and so on. All of those churches disobeyed God. This was a simple test to see the state of Christianity in nations and the nations failed.

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Merry Christmas Alex! And Merry Christmas to all my fellow sane people on Unreported Truths! You're the best!

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I’m on call this weekend and will only be wearing a mask… if I need to take a patient to surgery.

There’s a reason we call them ‘surgical masks’.

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✝️ "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. Surely, this is a great mystery. As Christians, we should be celebrating and remembering what the Lord has done for us. God himself coming down from the highest realm, becoming man, and thus becoming one flesh with us. We are the heirs of this wonderous act, and it is our duty to live our lives by the example Christ set for us." Merry Christmas to ALL!

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I see we struggle with the same issues within the Church. I made a decision in April 2020 that I was not going to live in fear. It still stands. In 2021, I decided I was not going to live by lies. It's become difficult for me to not communicate sheer exasperation in conversations with people about all things covid. The way things were handled w/no in person services for so long and then forced masking inside (we stayed home and livestreamed) until JUNE of this year, and then meeting outside until September and there are still people wearing face diapers at services. It's not worth the 45 minute drive we've made for the past 4 years now that the service got moved 30 minutes earlier. I'm just done with all of it.

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Good one.

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Dr Ellie seems to think her job is to fill our Christmas stockings with coal...News to Dr Ellie, No thanks! We've got other plans! Merry Christmas to the Unreported Truths family! To Alex and his family, I wish you a blessed Christmas! We owe you A LOT!

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When the negative Nancys feel their power slipping they double down. Just empathize with her family and in particular with her kids 😞

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I walked BWI maskless on Wednesday. No one said Boo. Give it a try. The more of us who refuse to comply, the more of us there’ll be.

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The last two months I flew from either JFK or Laguardia (NY) to LA, Atlanta and Miami. Maskless (and happily unvaxxed) in all the airports (had to mask on the planes). TSA didn’t even ask me to mask through security. I wish more people would do this and not be afraid.

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I did the same in CVG while picking someone up. Nobody said anything but one guy shook his head as he walked by. Oh well. Sorry for him

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I hope you looked him in the eye, with a sly smile on your face, and shook YOUR head (as if to say: how idiotic can you be? Aren’t YOU embarrassed?). That’s what I do, go on the offense! Merry Christmas!

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I think I just rolled my eyes lol. Merry Christmas!

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