Promoting cannabis and banning Ivermectin are the biggest crimes against our Nation.

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Hey - do you know what's happened to the Taiwan birth data? I cannot find it anymore.

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Last time I checked, the ris.gov.tw website was broken

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Funny thing, that, isn't it? Hasn't ever broken before as far as i know...

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I am a regular user of IVM and have not had Covid. Same is true of my wife, son and daughter-in-law all of whom were regular users of IVM. My two sons who did not use IVM both got Covid. Neither of the two were hospitalized. So the Brazil study is not surprising.

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Why didn't Alex challenge you on Ivermectin? I never took the stuff but COVID didn't put me in a hospital either.

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I also did not take it (I thought at the time that Ivermectin was not effective), but my wife did. The result was incredible. Alex is amazing, but this one issue is where I personally have a differing opinion.

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Why would he.

(As far as he has written), I don't think he believes Ivermectin actually worked against C19. But it is also mostly harmless, unlike say the experimental mRNA gene therapy shots.

I think he agrees with you that our government had zero legitimate reason to memory hole Ivermectin.

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not sure how well IVM or Hydro works as a preventative, we will never know. seems to me the shots "may" only work so long as you keep taking it; but at what cost? Not holding out much hope there will ever be a fully accounting of what was done right & wrong.

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A true, personal story about medical pot:

When I was 22 years old attending a technical college in the San Francisco, I suddenly developed painful food allergies to almost all foods and would develop new allergies to anything I ate with any sort of moderate frequency. I went through the Kaiser HMO medical system, blessed with reasonable insurance at the time, saw specialists, had colonoscopies and wound up in the emergency room more than once with crippling pain. The first year my normal routine was stretches of 4-8 hours on the toilet with brief breaks to work. I could not leave the house without wearing giant, loose coats because the feeling of air flow on my skin made me shiver, sweat and want to throw up.

The doctors, specialists, etc could find nothing wrong to explain my symptoms to their satisfaction and eventually prescribed me with antidepressants which made things a lot worse until I stopped taking them after a few months. As this progressed, I was forced to drop out of school and developed crippling phobias and panic attacks about being in a car (away from a toilet) much less driving.

I found a way to make life work as an industrial salesman, mostly working from home and fasting/loading up on Imodium when I could not avoid travel, with the price being paid for a week or so after each instance. It was miserable.

I had grown up a rule follower, a believer they authority was in power because they represented the best of us. I had never even seen pot, much less consumed it. Why would I? The warnings were clear and it was illegal in the most serious way alongside things like heroin.

My girlfriend had an aunt who was going through late stage cancer and she was asked to find some cannabis for her and make brownies to help with the pain. We wanted to help and so we did. I first experienced cannabis intoxication in this context.

Cannabis, initially briefly smoking and then moving to a cleaner vaporizer, did not heal me, but it made my life tolerable when it had not been for several years. It was fun and gave me some perspective on my problems, helped me see the humor of many situations and reduced my pain by about half, which was such a change that to my eyes it was not like I was in pain at all. It did not fix my problems but it let me be happy despite them and thus more productive by orders of magnitude compared to without. I would later use a topical cannabis oil we made ourselves to help my grandfather, virulently anti-cannabis, vanish a number of skin cancers on his scalp. He never asked and we never told, but it worked - they dried up and fell off. It was wild.

There are trade offs to any treatment, but the downsides of cannabis were nothing compared to many prescribed drugs I tried and, notably, it actually helped where nothing before had.

In the end it took my wife (trained as a holistic nutritionist) and I more than ten years of sacrifices and life changes to get back to the level of health, actually a lot better, than I had had at 22. I am approaching 40 now and have somewhat recently decided that I don’t need it any more, stopped cold turkey with zero side effects and have replaced it with more productive activities.

There are lasting effects from my many years of daily cannabis consumption: I am a much happier, more relaxed person. Regular consumption and age has changed my personality from a hyper competitive, MUST-BE-RIGHT person to a calmer, wiser, and by all accounts from my many employees and protégés, better person. If I had to do it over again, I would.

But I got, to a not insignificant degree, really lucky. I worked very hard, made enormous sacrifices, didn’t pay myself for many years (still don’t) and made tons of choices that In hindsight were wrong, yet I still managed to find a way to achieve the American dream and become a self sufficient, productive, autonomous, happy person. Even with everything I did right, I still count myself as insanely lucky. Most who I went to high school with were not.

Cannabis abuse is , in my observations, not of a problem with cannabis but instead a symptom of effectively zero potential for meaningful upward mobility and the depression that comes along with the recognition of that, especially for younger males who have very few paths towards making themselves economically viable, much less attractive partners. It’s a symptom of large proportions of young people being told they are a victim or an oppressor because of their skin color, sexual or racial makeup, things outside their control which now are said to define them.

It is the least worst way for many of the most vulnerable of us, to self medicate. They will self medicate because the pain and self loathing and feelings of inadequacy can be and are unbearable.

For young people who have to navigate the world as it is to thread an increasingly narrow needle towards a respectable, adult life, there is no solution, only to make the pain of waiting for our system to offer some kind of real Opportunity at some far flung date or getting lucky, helped a lot by who you know. Cannabis does not solve their problem and often hurts them more than it helps, but if the alternative is a chemical with physiological addiction realities, it is the least worst.

I do not fault others for choosing not to use cannabis, but the choice should be theirs. The alternatives for self medicating are all much worse.

I freely acknowledge a small percentage of people should simply not use cannabis or other things that can precipitate bad outcomes from a variety of angles, and that children or young adults are more vulnerable to harms, but that is true about any medicine and many more benign substances. We do not live in a perfect world, we assess risk and make trade offs. The fact that Cannabis remains as illegal at the federal level as heroin makes proper knowledge and diligence much harder than we’re it freely available.

So with all that context, I always find it sad when Alex, who came of age in a time when, simply because it was earlier in the long economic cycle we are now at the end of, was not easy but still much easier to build a life in than todays youth face, zooms in on any mention of miserable people who use cannabis, and blames the cannabis for it. The misery is the problem, cannabis is a rational least worst option compared to the alternatives.

I have been a paying subscriber from near the beginning and cannot recall seeing a post talking about bad outcomes for people who take conventional prescribed drugs outside of covid shots.

People die from prescribed drugs every day, those who do not die often see insane, life ruining side effects not even to speak about the prescribed-opioid-to-heroin pipeline that has sullied and ruined countless families and ended countless lives.

We do not live in a perfect world but you’d be forgiven for thinking Alex does from how he chooses to write about this topic. We live in a world riddled with double standards, this is just another one.

It doesn’t change my appreciation and frankly love for your bravery in performing the increasingly forbidden act of journalism around the response to covid, but I wanted to share my perspective in the hopes that you will appreciate a different opinion and apply a more equal standard to your coverage choices. And if I could ask one favor, please stop doing end zone dances on top of sad, hopeless people because you feel it’s an anecdotal validation of what you already believe. My anecdote is just as meaningless or meaningful as the story you referenced in this post and somehow I think you wouldn’t think this was worthy of a post, correctly so.

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The death of sectarian views is the new era of groundlessness.

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Agree with you on cannabis but not on the potential gaslighting of our youth and their health issues. We have no idea the totality of what’s been done to them - -everything from GMOs being adopted in the 90s to one of the most aggressive pediatric vaccine schedules in the world. Top that off with disconnected families; it’s a wonder most of them function.

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Yes and yes. We have destroyed the rising generation. And the fact that these strange things happen to young girls, I’d bet the HPV shot is to blame for at least some. And the fact that they medicate their minds with TikTok and then cannabis - it’s really a symptom rather than the root cause. It’s easy to dismiss this behavior as “fainting” and “hysteria” a la Freud, but the sheer damage done to the bodies of this generation is massive. The covid shot should be waking us up to the garbage that our kids are growing up in. Just because the garbage we grew up in wasn’t as bad so more of us escaped the garbage pile more or less intact doesn’t give us the right to dismiss the troubles currently brewing.

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They push the HPV hard, we declined.

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Gardasil is pretty much a criminal at this point. When I declined for my daughter, the pediatrician asked if it was for “moral reasons” - ie, I don’t want to seem to give approval for sexual activity at a young age. I laughed and said, no, she has to live with the consequences of her actions like anyone else. But when it’s my decision what she does, I will opt to not inject her with something that is MORE likely to hurt her at a young age than protect her from some phantom threat. The stats on cervical cancer are pretty damning for them to push Gardasil and butcher young girls the way they do. Madness.

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I find the doc's rebuttals to "no thank you" fascinating.. they really are captured

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Funny enough, I was maybe 16 when gardasil was first introduced. Back then, for some reason, our GP was also a gynecologist so I visited her for feminine issues.

Anyway, one day she was pushing that vax to me but I was the one who rejected. She asked my dad if he was afraid of me having sex and I corrected her, saying I don't inject untested substances into my body. She was so angry that I said that, so I refused to see her ever since.

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The great silver lining in some ways of the whu-flu scamdemic era was just how exposed the Pharma-Government-Medical and Media cartel is now. Many of us were well aware this has been going on for decades and decades. Most people simply never questioned or trusted to freely what their doctors were being told to say by Pharma. We all KNOW now what it truly means to "follow the science" I believe many many more minds are now ON TO the cartel and the ongoing corruption which are in many opinions...crimes against humanity overtly.

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All mentioned need to be considered AND just look at the average state injection schedule for ages birth thru 7. From 1993 forward its incredible just how many more injections the fragile human organic life form is given by age 7.Just how is a body suppose to cope with such insult on the injection schedule alone...just sayin

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Wow! This was really informative. I am a recently retired pediatric pulmonologist who always had an interest and intuitive feel for the somatoform dimensions of disease. It is interesting how this "spoonie" phenomenon parallels the transgender craze. To me, there is an awful yearning deep in the heart of these troubled adolescent and young adult females. I think that there is a great spiritual need for connection to something greater than themselves and they are looking in all the wrong places. Both groups are getting affirmation via social media. We need perspectives like this from members of the generation with wise perspectives. These kinds of patients are a huge challenge for physicians, who often find it more comfortable to prescribe pharmaceuticals and add to the list of soft diagnoses.

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Yes, agree, there is great need for a spiritual connection. They need Jesus. We all do.

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Amen, sister. The desperate needs of these young women seem to be voices crying in the wilderness.

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George. Beautifully said.

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George, I thought the same thing, regarding the similarities to the transgender escalation. There is a lot to study regarding the psychological impact of social media on young people.

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It is a great piece and a fascinating glimpse - also the anecdote about the parent who TOOK AWAY THE PHONE and that mysteriously healed to young woman of many of her symptoms. It's the old anorexia crisis on steroids - or, rather, medical grade steroid treatment. Just remember, the Big Pharma has a particularly insidious problem of conflict of interest, much like our modern "education" system.

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This. I just said the same thing in a post downthread.

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As grandma used to say, "you can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning."

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Props to Grandma and Chingatchgook!

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Stomach problems and "chronic fatigue" are often just poor diet. Doctors receive very little training in nutrition, and are the wrong people to ask. Even nutritionists are usually just priests for the current orthodoxies established by misrepresented or misunderstood analysis. We really need to fix medical practice. The covid disaster was just a symptom of the underlying malpractice.

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Very rarely will they exhaust out a poor diet as root cause before topping off the poor diet with bottles of pills.

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Most teenagers/20-somethings need a iPhone-ectomy.

A dose of tough love wouldn't hurt either.

True Story:

I had three female 20-somethings working for me. Over three months, I noticed each one called in "sick" at about the same time each month. I bought three packets of Midol and called them into my office. I handed each one a packet of Midol and said, "Here. Look at my calendar," on which I noted the pattern. Then I started:

"We're NOT going to do this. Your menstrual cycle is NOT a 'get-out-of-work-free' card. I don't want to HEAR about 'cramps.'

"Like you, my grandmothers were immigrants. They didn't have 'cramps.' One grandmother, a widow with two small children and no high school diploma, worked in a woolen mill. If she didn't go to work, she didn't get paid. Your grandmothers were farm workers and house maids. If they didn't go to work, they didn't get paid. Eventually, they all had a bunch of kids--and mountains of laundry, meals to prepare--all without the many modern conveniences available today. I am 100 percent certain they did NOT have 'cramps' because they had responsibilities. YOU have responsibilities.

"You will have menstrual cycles for the next 20-25-30 years. GET OVER IT!"

Y'know what? I CURED 'cramps.'

A little less attention and NO iPhone is likely to go a long way toward curing these self-absorbed adolescents.

Harsh? Yep. But I'm pretty certain that a lot of kids need a strong dose of HARSH.

Or a kick in the ass.

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I will say sometimes the pain can make you want to lie down and scream. I've been there..and done that. But at work I just toughed it out. The last thing I wanted, working with mostly men, was for them to know my personal business. For any of them or my boss, to know I was having a period would have embarrassed the living hell out of me. For that matter, I didn't want to hear about their prostate troubles either. There's a time and a place for everything.

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Well said. You're correct: they're way too much information shared at work!

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The young girls have Need Attentionitis:

“On Instagram, whenever I would post a picture of me looking sad, or with pills in my hand, or in a wheelchair, it would get like 2,000 likes.” Pictures of Cooper smiling would get about 100.”

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Such people have always been with us. The difference is they weren't encouraged by the news media and its pharma sponsors to nurture hypochondria. They also weren't sold the bill of goods that smoking high-powered, THC-heavy strains of cannabis is therapeutic.

That said, please learn the difference between smoking high-THC cannabis and CBD consumed orally and externally. It would be tragic to give pharma a means to eliminate this competition.

Also I agree with AM. Young people are sicker than previous generations and that's quantifiable.

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I saw that earlier and what it reminded me of eating disorders. Control. Social media has made it 1000x worse. In college, I was a peer counselor and I distinctly remember the day that a group of women brought in their roommate who was bulimic. Her peers were very worried, described her behavior. The bulimic woman might as well have been on Mars.

I am not saying she didn't have a problem, because obviously she did, but looking back, I can see an element of subtle manipulation. When you read today's piece, it rings familiar - except the ante has been upped for a new generation.

This ain't your mom's issue. Social media makes it 1000x worse. (Isn't it interesting that none of these sites/posts are censored???)

I realize my sarcasm may come across as uncaring, but I had a flash of anger when I read the stomach tube part. I lost a friend to ALS several years ago and I remember when he got his stomach tube and 'feeding' him. The fact someone feels a need to have 'likes' for this sort of thing is disgusting, because J would have given anything to share a bite of his favorite pizza with his family without it first being pureed into baby food. The absolute best thing that mother did for her daughter was to take away the damn phone.

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Thanks! We took in a girl, the daughter of my wife’s best friend. Her parents were both killed by Pfizer in April and then July of 2021. You can read about it here


She’s 17 and has started using marijuana. It’s a horrible situation. It’s Almost impossible to address this usage with her. My world view is that the state wants you sick, stupid and just barely viable enough to produce either enough value to steal from or so unless you give the state a reason to exist. She’s heading for the latter of those options. I’m no longer sure which path is better.

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I'm in Phoenix for a few days. They have street people baking on the 110F streets very near the "Weed" shops and they look stoned as hell. There's "free weed Fridays" at one shop. Just what homeless people need. I'd like to see a study of cause and effect, legalization of loco weed and deaths of homeless guys on the streets.

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And let's not forget pharma has been pumping them with mood-altering and sickening drugs by the containership load full for over two decades now (See Xanax)

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Why Berenson takes the opportunity to attack this sickly person who is not eating healthy (pretzels for breakfast? but you didn't touch on that) who finds solace and solution for some problem by ingesting a thing that will not kill them allowing them to get by is kind of gross. Udo writes about hemp oil but let's ignore that.

Your further uninformed correlating of wheelchair-boundedness to cannabis use is hilarious.

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Sep 6, 2022
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I read the entire article thanks. All points stand. Berenson took the cannabis excerpt and ran and totally ignored the shitty diet. Good sciencing.

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Man, sometimes you can be such an insensitive a-hole. Do you know how the medical field normally treats women's issues? Tells them they must simply have anxiety or depression, or it's all in their head. When I go to the doctor's with real medical concerns, I'm told to drink more water. When I take my children in for issues, I'm sent home with nothing more than parenting advice.

When millions of women said 'hey this shot is screwing with my menstrual cycle' they were brushed off with claims of stress and anxiety.

These girls are suffering, and have likely been brushed off by medical professionals. It's no wonder they would turn to social media for support. Show some compassion for something you know nothing about.

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Strong whamen who whine. Strong black people who need still more reparations. Strong drag queens who can bounce your 5 year old on their lap without smudging their makeup. Strong politicians who can hit the nuke button without breaking a nail. It is all so tiresome. Watching the most expelled tribe of people in human history destabilize, demoralize and now physically weaken The West, as most of my able brethren virtue signals on LinkedIn whilst checking their 401k and net worth, is a really sickening era.

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