Bowdoin College and Syracuse University are just two of the institutions of higher education now telling students to get boosted or get lost. Here’s Bowdoin’s email from yesterday [all-caps in original]: “effective January 21, 2022, Bowdoin is requiring all students, faculty, and staff to receive a COVID-19 booster shot within thirty (30) days of becoming eligible.”
Keep in mind:
1: The risk of severe disease or death from Covid to healthy college-age adults is too low to measure accurately. The data from Europe suggests that a healthy 18 year-old has a risk of death lower than 1 in 1 million.
2: The risk of dangerous heart inflammation is NOT too low to measure. A new study from Hong Kong found that for 1 out of 2,300 12-17 year-old boys who received both Pfizer doses suffered acute myocarditis or pericarditis.
Most of the risk came after the second dose. The risk is very similar in college-age men.
3: Many colleges and universities had widespread Covid outbreaks this fall despite mandatory vaccinations. Because vaccines work!
4: Many students received their vaccines less than six months ago. Do these colleges intend to require new vaccine doses - with a risk of myocarditis that may well RISE with each dose - before every semester?
Judges have now stepped in against federal mandates. But so far they have deferred to colleges, despite the patent insanity of requiring healthy young people to be “protected” against a disease that is no risk to them with a vaccine that is.
This is why the injunctions that are currently being filed to stop the vaccine mandates should instead be filed to STOP THE VACCINE PROGRAM. It is now abundantly clear that the FDA committed serious science misconduct and fraud in authorizing these vaccines. I listened to the entire, day-long FDA meeting to authorize the vaccine for children. None of Pfizer's recently released (through FOIA) data about all the deaths and injuries that were reported to the company in the first two months of Covid-19 vaccine use was even mentioned. It does not appear to have been considered at all. So, we're now being told to ignore not only VAERS but also all the reports of death and injury that go directly to the drug companies. This is fraud.
In addition, we now have the study from Circulation showing the vax more than doubles the risk of heart attacks.
The lawsuits should be to stop the entire program, not just the mandates.
Why wait around for lawsuits to happen when there is also the power of WE THE PEOPLE TO NOT COMPLY. We all must stop waiting around for someone to do something, and band together en masse and NOT COMPLY -- not comply with masks, not comply with testing, not comply with mandates, not comply with The Narrative. Our collective power is far greater than we allow ourselves to conceive of.
Mandates are not law. Many assume they are because they were manipulated with lies and fear. Rules guy for 77 yrs. But mandates are not law fauci and his minions have broken many laws but our so called leadership have chosen not to implement any accountability. Corruption is the choice for selfish greed.
Absolutely! Non-compliance is key. Hard for those that lose their employment due to a ‘mandate’, but that’s what litigation is for! We need to go after employers who bow to this tyranny.
Well said, and here is a lesson from history for everyone’s reflection. In 1905, the Fuller Court ruled in Jacobson vs. Massachusetts that states have some measure of authority to mandate vaccines. That same Fuller Court (albeit of a slightly different configuration) had decided just nine years earlier, in 1896, the landmark Plessy vs. Ferguson that essentially legalized racial segregation in the United States. A half century later Rosa Parks defied orders to vacate a “whites only” section and sit at the back of a Montgomery, Alabama bus. Importantly, when she defied that order fro the bus driver, she was technically in violation of the law of the land—separate but equal. The lesson for all of us Americans is that occasionally the laws that the politicians and even a majority of the public support are immoral, unjust, and ultimately impractical; and that the convictions and courage of a small minority, through civil disobedience and sacrifice, are sometimes the only means available to put our blessed land back on course. Our duty is to “Stand beside her, and guide her, Through the night, with the light from above.”
The left has convinced too many that it’s our moral obligation so that’s why not enough are standing up and they are in complete denial that things are headed in the fascist direction ‘cause no way that could happen in the USA!
This is true. One of my employees mentioned to me yesterday that his elderly dad has the shingles. I commented, "Oh, yeah, from the vax. It reactivates shingles and other viruses." He said, "What?! The vax causes that?" He had not heard it from anyone, including his dad's doctor. I thought that was common knowledge at this point, but no, these people aren't hearing any of the stuff we hear every day. The power of the MSM...
Good friend of mine contacted me about her mom’s hair loss. I asked about her labs, all normal. Asked about booster. Silence. Then ah-ha moment, yes hair loss - which is alopecia universalis - scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows all body hair started shortly after booster. Poor woman got shingles ALSO after the booster. Definitely autoimmune. No doubt.
There is no way to inform a sheep mindset if it is "set". These types have to feel incredible personal pain as in a reaction to an injection themselves or of a very close loved one to have any chance of seeing the truth. Even in such a scenario of personal pain I think a large majority of these types will simply get in line of another shot and then another and add a layer upon layer of masking if lord Fauci says so. The psychosis runs so very deep!
Yes, the number who sincerely comment, "Oh, imagine how much worse it would have been if he hadn't been vaxxed!" Even if their loved one just died of COVID... 🤦♀️🤦♀️
It should all be stopped for no other reason than we have to wait 55 plus years to see the data on the Pfizer's crazy how informed consent got shoved into the future after we are all dead.
You would think that that would open some eyes. It is now at 75 years because Pfizer discovered some more pages and it will take another 20 years to copy those. But FDA reviewed everything in its entirety in 108 days.
True, but at least it will be more honest. No one can say, "Oh, it's a non-profit, gov't agency, so it must have the people's best interests at heart!"
That is the least thing that should happen. The key players in these agencies should all be given a fair trial and then hung - from a short rope to make sure that they die from strangulation and not instantly from a broken neck as is the intent of hanging.
What particularly concerns me is that the increase in overall mortality we see now is not a temporary phenomenon but will continue indefinitely as the weakened immune systems of the vaccinated leave them vulnerable to the many diseases (including cancer) that the immune system protects us from. There are some who believe that this was the intent of the vaccine program all along. People who might otherwise live long, healthy lives will be dying in their 30s, 40s, and 50s of heart disease, cancer and immune disorders. Forty will become the new seventy.
I believe the existence of fraud on the part of the pharmaceutical companies as well as the FDA (and CDC) pierces the liability shield that was erected with both the Child Vaccine act of 1986 and PREP Act of 2005. Both of these legislations need to be repealed.
Obvious fraud and has been for how long now? The lack of "any" accountability is astonishing. These criminal entities seemingly laugh at how easy they get away with it all.
Criminal what they are doing. A 16yr old boy at my son’s high school had a heart attack during a hockey game last weekend and had to have emergency surgery. Cannot confirm his vax status, but I can guess as the school touts 90% of students have the vaccine. There are a few hold outs like my family who have natural immunity.
I agree but incredulously they are now attributing the heart related injuries and deaths to 'post pandemic stress disorder'. How they get away with this is astounding.
Exactly, and you have called it accurately. The entire program is a fraud and so harmful to young people…and, I’m afraid, per the Circulation article, no one is really safe from heart problems associated with the vaccine. I have two incidences in my family and one friend affected, both over 60.
When people start realizing that government bureaucrats don't have their best interest at heart, just donations, and also that is why the founders wanted a SMALL and LIMITED Government this will change. Its not going to change, there are far too many evil and greedy people feeding at the public troth, patriotic Americans who believe in the constitutional founding have become the enemy and a road block to their ends. This is why people sit in DC Jails right now without bail and without a speedy trial. The Court will only show them leniency if they step up and denounce a former president. Think about that.
I agree with you completely. It is horrible what has happened, and the only solution going forward that I can see is to cut the federal government by at least 90 percent. That alone won't fix everything, but it will be a good start.
Less government is truly what we need. I agree with both of you. A big obstacle to educating people on this is slowly being deteriorated, thankfully, by the speedy return to high gas prices (dependency on foreign oil), loss of jobs, less job creation, invasion at the border, and tyrannical mask and vaccine mandates, to name a few. Because this has happened so quickly, I think some, who would not normally be paying attention at all to their ‘rulers’, are now waking up. It’s going to get worse before it gets better so we need to keep educating those that aren’t Trump haters (which unfortunately make up a vast majority of those accepting the mandates like good sheeple, and stand firm with Biden, and would even support him if they saw him murder someone in cold blood on CNN) so they can conclude that this big government insertion in our lives now is horribly detrimental to our country and must be stopped.
Have said the same many times. So what should the people do? Constitution spells it out very clearly. Everyone knows the problem but want someone else too see to it. It’s every citizen responsible too hold them accountable as it was set up by our founders. They risked everything most died poor and some were hunted down and killed who signed the Declaration of Independence.
Unfortunately the constitution is just a piece of paper. A piece of paper will not save us. The J6 Committee thinks its some kind of justice department, the Supreme court thinks its the legislature, and the Brandon Administration thinks its King George.
Insulting statement constitution is just a pierce of paper. Obviously you were not taught or understand the principles and traditions that have guided this country for many or the obligation that citizens have to preserve it. Just a piece of paper differently as keep at bay the powers that want to change the country to a marxist socialist state it may happen .
So if it’s just piece of paper that’s what the progressive want . AKA. Marxist.
Its not insulting. Its the truth, the politicians do not follow the constitution anymore, the courts dont, and the current President is a puppet. SO No one does who can effect your daily life. and what do Americans do about it, NOTHING. I served my Country for TEN YEARS, in a war. I am ashamed of people who sit there and say well if I do this they wont fire me, they wont keep me from going into the shop, or going into getting something to eat. I refuse to comply. I took my vaccinations early on (1 and 2 shots of Pfizer, because of my own decision, from recommendations from people I trusted, who were given bad info as well) I will NOT be taking the booster, and may lose business over it. I service healthcare facilities/ Hospitals. PEOPLE RIGHT NOW, are showing "their papers" to get into restaurants, gyms, and stores in NYC. IF THEY REFUSED (all of them) how long would that have continued? When someone defies such orders and punished I give support to them. - I have yet to comply with ANY "show your papers" order. I refuse to do business in those places. I went to the Gym this morning at 6am and did not wear a mask, in fact 99% of the people in the gym this morning were not wearing any, many above 55 years old. I live in NY.
Citizens play a important part in see that if prevails. But way to many have been educated by one our institutions that it just a piece of paper. Oaths then don’t matter protect and defend.
To be more complete, the CIRCULATION study shows that the mRNA vaccines double the likelihood of a heart attack for the first 2 1/2 months after the second dose. The potential heart inflammation does subside after 10 weeks so the mRNA vaccines are nothing but a risk alternator. Take the vaccine, reduce the risk of COVID death (which is low at 0.3% anyway) but increase your chance for a heart attack for ten weeks. From week ten to week thirty, you are in a reduced COVID, reduced heart attack "slice of heaven" period, but then you take the booster and start the process all over again. And no one knows about the long term effects of repeated COVID shots.
This is insanity. My son has gone to community college in NJ since September 2020. He is in the automotive program so he has been going in-person this whole time. Starting next semester in January, they are either requiring the vaccine or weekly testing. We took the testing option. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that this college is offering testing. The county college my daughter just graduated from is also requiring the vaccine starting in January, but no testing option. (They went to different colleges because our county college did not offer the automotive program) My son will be able to finish the program next fall. He already has a well paying mechanic job and will hopefully be using that and his degree as a stepping stone in the near future. I told both of my children testing might be inconvenient for a while, but it's less inconvenient than myocarditis. My daughter had two heart conditions when she was born, and after two procedures and 20 years of visits, in 2020 her pediatric cardiologist said she was good as new and discharged her, telling her to follow up with a cardiologist in ten years. I've seen my daughter on the operating table and do not want my children to have to go through possible heart problems from a vaccine they do not need.
Thank you! Now tell them that! hahaha Yes, the NICU was an experience. We were lucky and our daughter only spent a few days there. I hope your son is doing well. We were blessed to have a couple of great pediatric cardiologists to take care of our daughter through the years.
Thanks for your well wishes. During his first year, he had 3-4 doctor visits a month. Once he had 4 in a week! :( However, he's doing GREAT now and, honestly, as hard as it all was (including my 14 nights in the hospital off and on and surgery for the first three months of his life), it really taught my now 9-year-old daughter a lot about life. My husband and I have a stronger marriage and we have been a team getting my daughter what she needs, including private school (away from her soul crushing public school - so not like it was when my husband and I went to public schools in the 90s) for the past 2 years.
My beloved grandma always said "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," and I think that is why my family has handled all this Covid crap better than most because this is so not the worst crisis we have faced. Not so much for some suburban, wine drinking progressives.
I wish you a happy holiday season with your family.
Here's one sure-fire way to stop this madness: Have one student who has received the jab and suffered a side effect (doesn't have to be myocarditis, but severe is better) file a LAWSUIT against said college or university. They may be able to mandate the jab for their students but they are then 100% LIABLE for any adverse effects.
If they get sued for a couple million dollars, I predict they will instantly recognize the consequence of their actions. Unfortunately, that is likely the only way they will stop this insanity.
It would seem logical to me that any mandating party must but liable for any damages caused by that mandate. Public institutions receive taxpayers funds. Private institutions are different maybe. I'm not a lawyer but that would seem like Law Class 101. Any lawyers here?
Not a lawyer, but I have heard respected YT lawyers say that. Probably explains why my very pro-vax company made a point of telling us NOT to pressure any of our employees into getting the vax. They are offering cash awards, sweepstakes prizes, and free time off to get vaxxed, but no pressure...
The problem is too many people are willing to comply, willing to show their papers to enter a restaurant, etc. I have been stunned by it. Vax or not, I would never show my papers.
Exactly. And there is concern, Gates money or no. I worked in the research & planning dept. of a community college. They are bombarded with requests to do surveys, research, etc. into the 'mystery' of low enrollment (lol!). However, they themselves are so culted that they can't even begin to see forced vaxx as a likely factor.
Same, I won't comply with any of it. Too many people are, but we wait and see what they do with being forced to get endless boosters and seeing more and more people drop dead after getting them.
Exactly, some of my coworkers and I have encouraged people to request exemption from my jobs mandatory jab even if there vaccinated. It’s none of there business, and in Florida our governor has made employee mandates illegal. Yet I doubt any will do it.
I'm not subject to any mandates, but I would be inclined to completely ignore any requests for my status, rather than request an exemption. I'm so ticked about the airline travel requirements to Hawaii (vax or test or quarantine) that I am cancelling my long-planned Christmas vacation there. I refuse to submit to tyranny.
The comm. college I was at pushed to open earlier than was planned, just to get jabs in arms. It's not about health. As most of us know. Yes, we need to not only build grassroots schools and get the hell out of these crazy institutions, we have to build a parallel society.
Higher Learning Institutions are no longer data driven entities but are Woke Hysteria Propaganda Factories sending skulls full mush into the real world.
Yep. They are getting millions from the powers that be to push the covid hoax, so they feel emboldened to torment their staff and students. But that can't continue forever.
Thank God my kids go to school in Florida - At University of Florida - they have no vax mandate and no longer have even the mandatory testing(this was done very quietly). When my child had Covid over the summer, an email was sent that waived the Covid testing for 3 months due to having COVID. The testing mandate was never restarted when the 3 months were up and if you look on the UF COVID website - no requirement. Check out how low the COVID rate is for UF. Masks are almost gone (but not quite inside) I suspect masks will be gone by next semester. Check out our new Surgeon General of Florida he works at UF.
The new surgeon general for Florida - Dr. Lapado, I believe - is like a breath of fresh air after having been held underwater too long, but with a governor as balanced and steadfast as DeSantis, I'm not surprised.
Probably, my son is at school at FSU, same thing there. Fall 2020 huge covid outbreak among him and his roommates. They all were over it in a few days. I visited in nov 2020, bars jam packed, no masks. Huge football parties because stadium was still on limited capacity. I’m pretty sure they achieved herd immunity by spring semester 2021 pretty easily there.
I have no hard data but would not be surprised. We had 3 big rounds of Covid here in this area - Fall 2020 - Jan 2021 and that July/August 2021 time frame that was all over the TV
I’m sorry but anywhere with nutty unscientific policies like this cannot possible be teaching students to be smarter humans, more knowledgeable humans, or more “enlightened” people.
I feel terrible for the kids, but this propaganda is to going to stop until the kids stop complying in mass. Most college kids I know were thinking “if I just get this stupid vaccine I get my life back.” It’s clear that won’t happen. I wonder what they are thinking now?
Higher Learning Institutions are no longer data driven entities but are Woke Hysteria Propaganda Factories sending skulls full mush into the real world.
I agree with you but I feel that if a large group of Senators and Congressmen show up unmasked and dare Pelosi to arrest them. Just show up without this stuff and refuse the social distancing that it would provide the impetus for more people to do the same.
Ha..!!! This is really rich. My youngest daughter attends a major Big 10 school (pre-med) and I say major in reference to their football program. She has all kinds of vax, mask and quarantine rules to follow. But guess what happens on Saturdays when the Big Game takes place on campus? Nothing. No masks, no social distancing and no spike in Covid. It's amazing to me how Fauci and his ilk are able to stop Covid transmission / danger for really, really critical events like BLM protests (rioting and looting) and money making events like college football. If they could just transform this power to things like small businesses, churches and other places where lockdowns and passports reign, think of the winning we could all experience...!!! Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.
Transmission apparently stops at lunchtime in my daughters middle school too when all their masks are allowed off, theres no social distancing and lots of laughing and shouting and sharing of food. Its amazing.
There is nothing unusual about this…… see College football is a $100MM endeavor at places like Michigan, USC and Ohio State……. So when people have a choice as to where to spend their money- there will be no restrictions……. But in schools where our children are told they have to attend……. They have no financial recourse……. Makes perfect sense….. its capitalism at work!!
Actually capitalism would be the private school that has no vax requirements getting all of the students that won't comply and simply want an education. Of course, getting that school accredited by the institution that is probably requiring the vax's to begin with is the tricky part.
The invisible hand my friend….. Eisenhower called it the Academic industrial complex in a speech in the 50’s- he feared gov funding of medical research would create favoritism in the awarding of grants which would destroy objectivity in the Collegiate research community…….. the guy may have been a squishy politician……. But he sure understood the nature of bureaucracy!!!
We implore for 50 years “you must get “”higher”” education” and then we tie the funding to the schools- the kids once accepted run the gauntlet for financing……. To much paperwork for most to consider changing schools……. So they have them and their money
I have 3 in college. It has been horrible. They had a health-pass, instituted without question. All the Health Professionals at all 3 schools jumped into action right keep everyone safe. This has been planned for a long time.
Now all the kids rat-out each other.
An authoritarian disneyland.
Oh and they continue to PCR test, quarantine and contact trace....for a cold.
My daughter got a religious exemption because they use aborted fetal tissue in the vaccine. Something to at least try until this insanity stops and those responsible are put on trial.
All suffer from menstrual issues that we believe is brought on by 2nd hand spike-protein. They've been able to get medical exemptions, but still have to be tested. One is in NY and cannot go to restaurants.
We were excluded from family get together due to being unaxed.
They've been ducking it so far. One was escorted off site of her co-op.
Important to remember that most kids are getting scholarships that don't transfer. In all three cases, all of their friends at school caved to the pressure.
I thought they should get together and start a plumbing business. They may still have to.
Covid has shown that colleges are much worse than our local public schools for this type of nonsense, especially the private schools. Thank God governor Abbott prevented the state universities from doing this in Texas at least for now. Utterly absurd
This is why the injunctions that are currently being filed to stop the vaccine mandates should instead be filed to STOP THE VACCINE PROGRAM. It is now abundantly clear that the FDA committed serious science misconduct and fraud in authorizing these vaccines. I listened to the entire, day-long FDA meeting to authorize the vaccine for children. None of Pfizer's recently released (through FOIA) data about all the deaths and injuries that were reported to the company in the first two months of Covid-19 vaccine use was even mentioned. It does not appear to have been considered at all. So, we're now being told to ignore not only VAERS but also all the reports of death and injury that go directly to the drug companies. This is fraud.
In addition, we now have the study from Circulation showing the vax more than doubles the risk of heart attacks.
The lawsuits should be to stop the entire program, not just the mandates.
I fully agree Darby, but it should also include a ban on mask mandates as well.
Why wait around for lawsuits to happen when there is also the power of WE THE PEOPLE TO NOT COMPLY. We all must stop waiting around for someone to do something, and band together en masse and NOT COMPLY -- not comply with masks, not comply with testing, not comply with mandates, not comply with The Narrative. Our collective power is far greater than we allow ourselves to conceive of.
I am willing to break the law to avoid vax. Ironically I've been a "rules girl" most of my 52 yrs of life.
I told my 16 year old daughter I only follow just laws, and these Covid rules are unjust. I see it as obligatory!
Good time for civic lesson.
Very nice, thank you
Bad girls have more fun! Break all the rules. Been a rule breaker my 50 years on this earth!
Some rules are necessary for a civil society chaos only brings more chaos or your comment is sarcasm
Mandates are not law. Many assume they are because they were manipulated with lies and fear. Rules guy for 77 yrs. But mandates are not law fauci and his minions have broken many laws but our so called leadership have chosen not to implement any accountability. Corruption is the choice for selfish greed.
Me too mostly but there are definitely times when rules are meant to be broken 👍
Consensus is all that matters all from the Nazi presidential administration Israel falling line again with Nazi.
Great share, thanks!
Mandates are not law just agencies throwing their weight around civic lesson.
Absolutely! Non-compliance is key. Hard for those that lose their employment due to a ‘mandate’, but that’s what litigation is for! We need to go after employers who bow to this tyranny.
Defy the colleges.
Well said, and here is a lesson from history for everyone’s reflection. In 1905, the Fuller Court ruled in Jacobson vs. Massachusetts that states have some measure of authority to mandate vaccines. That same Fuller Court (albeit of a slightly different configuration) had decided just nine years earlier, in 1896, the landmark Plessy vs. Ferguson that essentially legalized racial segregation in the United States. A half century later Rosa Parks defied orders to vacate a “whites only” section and sit at the back of a Montgomery, Alabama bus. Importantly, when she defied that order fro the bus driver, she was technically in violation of the law of the land—separate but equal. The lesson for all of us Americans is that occasionally the laws that the politicians and even a majority of the public support are immoral, unjust, and ultimately impractical; and that the convictions and courage of a small minority, through civil disobedience and sacrifice, are sometimes the only means available to put our blessed land back on course. Our duty is to “Stand beside her, and guide her, Through the night, with the light from above.”
Just Found This Website...
The left has convinced too many that it’s our moral obligation so that’s why not enough are standing up and they are in complete denial that things are headed in the fascist direction ‘cause no way that could happen in the USA!
To be clear, when I refer to left (like far left) , I’m referring to the radical Marxist fascists and the media that promotes it for them.
This is true. One of my employees mentioned to me yesterday that his elderly dad has the shingles. I commented, "Oh, yeah, from the vax. It reactivates shingles and other viruses." He said, "What?! The vax causes that?" He had not heard it from anyone, including his dad's doctor. I thought that was common knowledge at this point, but no, these people aren't hearing any of the stuff we hear every day. The power of the MSM...
Good friend of mine contacted me about her mom’s hair loss. I asked about her labs, all normal. Asked about booster. Silence. Then ah-ha moment, yes hair loss - which is alopecia universalis - scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows all body hair started shortly after booster. Poor woman got shingles ALSO after the booster. Definitely autoimmune. No doubt.
Ah yes, when you get your news from Lester Holt that’s what happens.
I saw a conversation on FB by someone who got shingles at a younger than normal age. Then all these other people comment they did, too.
There is no way to inform a sheep mindset if it is "set". These types have to feel incredible personal pain as in a reaction to an injection themselves or of a very close loved one to have any chance of seeing the truth. Even in such a scenario of personal pain I think a large majority of these types will simply get in line of another shot and then another and add a layer upon layer of masking if lord Fauci says so. The psychosis runs so very deep!
Yes, the number who sincerely comment, "Oh, imagine how much worse it would have been if he hadn't been vaxxed!" Even if their loved one just died of COVID... 🤦♀️🤦♀️
So true. They will have to endure pain, unfortunately, personally, before they will be anywhere near convinced that this is all a hoax.
Call them face diapers. It really triggers the beta libs.
Filthy face diapers.
Some look like face panties. May sound bad, but just sayin!
It should all be stopped for no other reason than we have to wait 55 plus years to see the data on the Pfizer's crazy how informed consent got shoved into the future after we are all dead.
You would think that that would open some eyes. It is now at 75 years because Pfizer discovered some more pages and it will take another 20 years to copy those. But FDA reviewed everything in its entirety in 108 days.
College students are passive and misinformed.
I think it’s up to 75 years now...
75 years now.
They'll just get the missing funds from Big Pharma, Gates & Co, Etc.
True, but at least it will be more honest. No one can say, "Oh, it's a non-profit, gov't agency, so it must have the people's best interests at heart!"
That is the least thing that should happen. The key players in these agencies should all be given a fair trial and then hung - from a short rope to make sure that they die from strangulation and not instantly from a broken neck as is the intent of hanging.
What particularly concerns me is that the increase in overall mortality we see now is not a temporary phenomenon but will continue indefinitely as the weakened immune systems of the vaccinated leave them vulnerable to the many diseases (including cancer) that the immune system protects us from. There are some who believe that this was the intent of the vaccine program all along. People who might otherwise live long, healthy lives will be dying in their 30s, 40s, and 50s of heart disease, cancer and immune disorders. Forty will become the new seventy.
I believe the existence of fraud on the part of the pharmaceutical companies as well as the FDA (and CDC) pierces the liability shield that was erected with both the Child Vaccine act of 1986 and PREP Act of 2005. Both of these legislations need to be repealed.
Obvious fraud and has been for how long now? The lack of "any" accountability is astonishing. These criminal entities seemingly laugh at how easy they get away with it all.
Criminal what they are doing. A 16yr old boy at my son’s high school had a heart attack during a hockey game last weekend and had to have emergency surgery. Cannot confirm his vax status, but I can guess as the school touts 90% of students have the vaccine. There are a few hold outs like my family who have natural immunity.
I agree but incredulously they are now attributing the heart related injuries and deaths to 'post pandemic stress disorder'. How they get away with this is astounding.
Exactly, and you have called it accurately. The entire program is a fraud and so harmful to young people…and, I’m afraid, per the Circulation article, no one is really safe from heart problems associated with the vaccine. I have two incidences in my family and one friend affected, both over 60.
When people start realizing that government bureaucrats don't have their best interest at heart, just donations, and also that is why the founders wanted a SMALL and LIMITED Government this will change. Its not going to change, there are far too many evil and greedy people feeding at the public troth, patriotic Americans who believe in the constitutional founding have become the enemy and a road block to their ends. This is why people sit in DC Jails right now without bail and without a speedy trial. The Court will only show them leniency if they step up and denounce a former president. Think about that.
I agree with you completely. It is horrible what has happened, and the only solution going forward that I can see is to cut the federal government by at least 90 percent. That alone won't fix everything, but it will be a good start.
Less government is truly what we need. I agree with both of you. A big obstacle to educating people on this is slowly being deteriorated, thankfully, by the speedy return to high gas prices (dependency on foreign oil), loss of jobs, less job creation, invasion at the border, and tyrannical mask and vaccine mandates, to name a few. Because this has happened so quickly, I think some, who would not normally be paying attention at all to their ‘rulers’, are now waking up. It’s going to get worse before it gets better so we need to keep educating those that aren’t Trump haters (which unfortunately make up a vast majority of those accepting the mandates like good sheeple, and stand firm with Biden, and would even support him if they saw him murder someone in cold blood on CNN) so they can conclude that this big government insertion in our lives now is horribly detrimental to our country and must be stopped.
Have said the same many times. So what should the people do? Constitution spells it out very clearly. Everyone knows the problem but want someone else too see to it. It’s every citizen responsible too hold them accountable as it was set up by our founders. They risked everything most died poor and some were hunted down and killed who signed the Declaration of Independence.
Liberty and freedom it’s free.
Unfortunately the constitution is just a piece of paper. A piece of paper will not save us. The J6 Committee thinks its some kind of justice department, the Supreme court thinks its the legislature, and the Brandon Administration thinks its King George.
Insulting statement constitution is just a pierce of paper. Obviously you were not taught or understand the principles and traditions that have guided this country for many or the obligation that citizens have to preserve it. Just a piece of paper differently as keep at bay the powers that want to change the country to a marxist socialist state it may happen .
So if it’s just piece of paper that’s what the progressive want . AKA. Marxist.
Its not insulting. Its the truth, the politicians do not follow the constitution anymore, the courts dont, and the current President is a puppet. SO No one does who can effect your daily life. and what do Americans do about it, NOTHING. I served my Country for TEN YEARS, in a war. I am ashamed of people who sit there and say well if I do this they wont fire me, they wont keep me from going into the shop, or going into getting something to eat. I refuse to comply. I took my vaccinations early on (1 and 2 shots of Pfizer, because of my own decision, from recommendations from people I trusted, who were given bad info as well) I will NOT be taking the booster, and may lose business over it. I service healthcare facilities/ Hospitals. PEOPLE RIGHT NOW, are showing "their papers" to get into restaurants, gyms, and stores in NYC. IF THEY REFUSED (all of them) how long would that have continued? When someone defies such orders and punished I give support to them. - I have yet to comply with ANY "show your papers" order. I refuse to do business in those places. I went to the Gym this morning at 6am and did not wear a mask, in fact 99% of the people in the gym this morning were not wearing any, many above 55 years old. I live in NY.
Said the same. Not going too business that support this nonsense Policy from corrupt politicians will not end the insanity
Citizens play a important part in see that if prevails. But way to many have been educated by one our institutions that it just a piece of paper. Oaths then don’t matter protect and defend.
To be more complete, the CIRCULATION study shows that the mRNA vaccines double the likelihood of a heart attack for the first 2 1/2 months after the second dose. The potential heart inflammation does subside after 10 weeks so the mRNA vaccines are nothing but a risk alternator. Take the vaccine, reduce the risk of COVID death (which is low at 0.3% anyway) but increase your chance for a heart attack for ten weeks. From week ten to week thirty, you are in a reduced COVID, reduced heart attack "slice of heaven" period, but then you take the booster and start the process all over again. And no one knows about the long term effects of repeated COVID shots.
This will go on and on until we the people stop it.
great article! Love Hillsdale...
I agree with you fully and I agree with Creole on the masks. Both should be voluntary.
This is insanity. My son has gone to community college in NJ since September 2020. He is in the automotive program so he has been going in-person this whole time. Starting next semester in January, they are either requiring the vaccine or weekly testing. We took the testing option. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that this college is offering testing. The county college my daughter just graduated from is also requiring the vaccine starting in January, but no testing option. (They went to different colleges because our county college did not offer the automotive program) My son will be able to finish the program next fall. He already has a well paying mechanic job and will hopefully be using that and his degree as a stepping stone in the near future. I told both of my children testing might be inconvenient for a while, but it's less inconvenient than myocarditis. My daughter had two heart conditions when she was born, and after two procedures and 20 years of visits, in 2020 her pediatric cardiologist said she was good as new and discharged her, telling her to follow up with a cardiologist in ten years. I've seen my daughter on the operating table and do not want my children to have to go through possible heart problems from a vaccine they do not need.
Good on ya! You're kids are so lucky to have a mum who has done so much research into things that affect them!
My son also had heart issues at birth and spent 3 weeks in the NICU. What a nightmare! He's 3 and will get the Covid vaccine over my dead body!
Thank you! Now tell them that! hahaha Yes, the NICU was an experience. We were lucky and our daughter only spent a few days there. I hope your son is doing well. We were blessed to have a couple of great pediatric cardiologists to take care of our daughter through the years.
Thanks for your well wishes. During his first year, he had 3-4 doctor visits a month. Once he had 4 in a week! :( However, he's doing GREAT now and, honestly, as hard as it all was (including my 14 nights in the hospital off and on and surgery for the first three months of his life), it really taught my now 9-year-old daughter a lot about life. My husband and I have a stronger marriage and we have been a team getting my daughter what she needs, including private school (away from her soul crushing public school - so not like it was when my husband and I went to public schools in the 90s) for the past 2 years.
My beloved grandma always said "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," and I think that is why my family has handled all this Covid crap better than most because this is so not the worst crisis we have faced. Not so much for some suburban, wine drinking progressives.
I wish you a happy holiday season with your family.
Your grandma's words are definitely words to live by. Happy holidays to you too!
"less inconvenient than myocarditis" heck yeah!
Your kids sound like smart, self-sufficient people, rather than whiny gender studies grads...
Thank you! Such a nice thing to say! :)
Here's one sure-fire way to stop this madness: Have one student who has received the jab and suffered a side effect (doesn't have to be myocarditis, but severe is better) file a LAWSUIT against said college or university. They may be able to mandate the jab for their students but they are then 100% LIABLE for any adverse effects.
If they get sued for a couple million dollars, I predict they will instantly recognize the consequence of their actions. Unfortunately, that is likely the only way they will stop this insanity.
It would seem logical to me that any mandating party must but liable for any damages caused by that mandate. Public institutions receive taxpayers funds. Private institutions are different maybe. I'm not a lawyer but that would seem like Law Class 101. Any lawyers here?
Not a lawyer, but I have heard respected YT lawyers say that. Probably explains why my very pro-vax company made a point of telling us NOT to pressure any of our employees into getting the vax. They are offering cash awards, sweepstakes prizes, and free time off to get vaxxed, but no pressure...
So nothing in the law against corporate bribery? Hmmm.
And then there will be a obama judge in place to rule against the student
Just drop out, see how long these schools can survive without tuition
The problem is too many people are willing to comply, willing to show their papers to enter a restaurant, etc. I have been stunned by it. Vax or not, I would never show my papers.
It doesn't require a majority of students to walk away. Think about any company taking a 10% hit in revenue.
Exactly. And there is concern, Gates money or no. I worked in the research & planning dept. of a community college. They are bombarded with requests to do surveys, research, etc. into the 'mystery' of low enrollment (lol!). However, they themselves are so culted that they can't even begin to see forced vaxx as a likely factor.
Same, I won't comply with any of it. Too many people are, but we wait and see what they do with being forced to get endless boosters and seeing more and more people drop dead after getting them.
I agree, it amazes me how so many people actually have no problem with this
Today's students are pathetic conformists.
Exactly, some of my coworkers and I have encouraged people to request exemption from my jobs mandatory jab even if there vaccinated. It’s none of there business, and in Florida our governor has made employee mandates illegal. Yet I doubt any will do it.
I'm not subject to any mandates, but I would be inclined to completely ignore any requests for my status, rather than request an exemption. I'm so ticked about the airline travel requirements to Hawaii (vax or test or quarantine) that I am cancelling my long-planned Christmas vacation there. I refuse to submit to tyranny.
I came across this great journalist writing from Russia where weirdly the SAME hurtling towards totalitarianism is going on, and the Powers-that-Be are fighting hard to force people to get QR-coded. Here's a parliamentarian shouting about it:
This is the answer. Also, if we disengage from these insane institutions, we have the energy to build something much more dynamic.
The comm. college I was at pushed to open earlier than was planned, just to get jabs in arms. It's not about health. As most of us know. Yes, we need to not only build grassroots schools and get the hell out of these crazy institutions, we have to build a parallel society.
Syracuse and Bowdoin University each collect $74-77,000/year for the privilege of attending institutions that deny freedoms and demand servitude.
We all know that freedom isn’t free, but it’s shocking to find that getting indoctrinated by liberal ideologues is so wildly expensive.
Parents and alumni have the power to end the mandates; and should.
Students are mindless followers.
Higher Learning Institutions are no longer data driven entities but are Woke Hysteria Propaganda Factories sending skulls full mush into the real world.
The one I just quit from is also turning itself into a vaccination center. One stop shop, for all your indoctrination needs!
Yep. They are getting millions from the powers that be to push the covid hoax, so they feel emboldened to torment their staff and students. But that can't continue forever.
It will continue as long a Bill Gates donates money to colleges.
And to MSM...$319 million to MSM!
When he starts losing money? Kinda doubt it but we'll see.
Well, as long as the gov't keeps spending our tax dollars, the stock market continues to rise, and Gates continues to make money.
Many of these universities are smug because they have huge endowments. The university my son attended has a $2.1 billion endowment.
Amen, Jen!
Thank God my kids go to school in Florida - At University of Florida - they have no vax mandate and no longer have even the mandatory testing(this was done very quietly). When my child had Covid over the summer, an email was sent that waived the Covid testing for 3 months due to having COVID. The testing mandate was never restarted when the 3 months were up and if you look on the UF COVID website - no requirement. Check out how low the COVID rate is for UF. Masks are almost gone (but not quite inside) I suspect masks will be gone by next semester. Check out our new Surgeon General of Florida he works at UF.
The new surgeon general for Florida - Dr. Lapado, I believe - is like a breath of fresh air after having been held underwater too long, but with a governor as balanced and steadfast as DeSantis, I'm not surprised.
Probably, my son is at school at FSU, same thing there. Fall 2020 huge covid outbreak among him and his roommates. They all were over it in a few days. I visited in nov 2020, bars jam packed, no masks. Huge football parties because stadium was still on limited capacity. I’m pretty sure they achieved herd immunity by spring semester 2021 pretty easily there.
I have no hard data but would not be surprised. We had 3 big rounds of Covid here in this area - Fall 2020 - Jan 2021 and that July/August 2021 time frame that was all over the TV
I’m sorry but anywhere with nutty unscientific policies like this cannot possible be teaching students to be smarter humans, more knowledgeable humans, or more “enlightened” people.
I feel terrible for the kids, but this propaganda is to going to stop until the kids stop complying in mass. Most college kids I know were thinking “if I just get this stupid vaccine I get my life back.” It’s clear that won’t happen. I wonder what they are thinking now?
Higher Learning Institutions are no longer data driven entities but are Woke Hysteria Propaganda Factories sending skulls full mush into the real world.
I agree with you but I feel that if a large group of Senators and Congressmen show up unmasked and dare Pelosi to arrest them. Just show up without this stuff and refuse the social distancing that it would provide the impetus for more people to do the same.
*not going to stop*
They will do so until the Boards & Presidents of the universities are personally sued for causing the death or permanent injury of a student.
Agreed. How about a faculty member?
Ha..!!! This is really rich. My youngest daughter attends a major Big 10 school (pre-med) and I say major in reference to their football program. She has all kinds of vax, mask and quarantine rules to follow. But guess what happens on Saturdays when the Big Game takes place on campus? Nothing. No masks, no social distancing and no spike in Covid. It's amazing to me how Fauci and his ilk are able to stop Covid transmission / danger for really, really critical events like BLM protests (rioting and looting) and money making events like college football. If they could just transform this power to things like small businesses, churches and other places where lockdowns and passports reign, think of the winning we could all experience...!!! Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.
Transmission apparently stops at lunchtime in my daughters middle school too when all their masks are allowed off, theres no social distancing and lots of laughing and shouting and sharing of food. Its amazing.
There is nothing unusual about this…… see College football is a $100MM endeavor at places like Michigan, USC and Ohio State……. So when people have a choice as to where to spend their money- there will be no restrictions……. But in schools where our children are told they have to attend……. They have no financial recourse……. Makes perfect sense….. its capitalism at work!!
Actually capitalism would be the private school that has no vax requirements getting all of the students that won't comply and simply want an education. Of course, getting that school accredited by the institution that is probably requiring the vax's to begin with is the tricky part.
The invisible hand my friend….. Eisenhower called it the Academic industrial complex in a speech in the 50’s- he feared gov funding of medical research would create favoritism in the awarding of grants which would destroy objectivity in the Collegiate research community…….. the guy may have been a squishy politician……. But he sure understood the nature of bureaucracy!!!
We implore for 50 years “you must get “”higher”” education” and then we tie the funding to the schools- the kids once accepted run the gauntlet for financing……. To much paperwork for most to consider changing schools……. So they have them and their money
I have 3 in college. It has been horrible. They had a health-pass, instituted without question. All the Health Professionals at all 3 schools jumped into action right keep everyone safe. This has been planned for a long time.
Now all the kids rat-out each other.
An authoritarian disneyland.
Oh and they continue to PCR test, quarantine and contact trace....for a cold.
What universities are they in if you don't mind me asking. I have a senior and I just won't let him go to any school that requires the jab.
Pretty sure all the big VA schools are requiring the Jab.
My daughter got a religious exemption because they use aborted fetal tissue in the vaccine. Something to at least try until this insanity stops and those responsible are put on trial.
All suffer from menstrual issues that we believe is brought on by 2nd hand spike-protein. They've been able to get medical exemptions, but still have to be tested. One is in NY and cannot go to restaurants.
We were excluded from family get together due to being unaxed.
This is not going to end well.
Pull them out……. So see :borrowed future:
They've been ducking it so far. One was escorted off site of her co-op.
Important to remember that most kids are getting scholarships that don't transfer. In all three cases, all of their friends at school caved to the pressure.
I thought they should get together and start a plumbing business. They may still have to.
They'll have a better future if they do that.
Makes sense. These places have been breeding grounds of uncritical thought and borg behavior for decades.
Covid has shown that colleges are much worse than our local public schools for this type of nonsense, especially the private schools. Thank God governor Abbott prevented the state universities from doing this in Texas at least for now. Utterly absurd