She lost me for “based on research at the centre for countering digital hate” she meant to say the ministry of truth.

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This is the playbook. Activist organization agitates allies in the MSM to push their agenda. MSM hears "jump" and answers "How high?" Congresscritters use the coverage to justify a legislative assault on any media platform that isn't officially approved.

Substack is now in their crosshairs, just like Spotify.

It's been fun knowing y'all.

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They don't bother to ask "how high". They just start jumping, figuring further instructions will follow.

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"The CDC says" - As a #AutismDad, we have been doing this for 20 years. The first 10 years were denial for me, so I am accepting that most of the world is catching up. The CDC will die, it is just a matter of when, not if.

I still believe our crazy US Constitution is best of the worst, and actually have re-newed appreciation for it.

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What I really hate is taxpayer money continuously delivered to incompetent acronyms considered as agencies for the people

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What I really hate are the acronyms Congress uses to describe laws which are actually the opposite of their descriptions. That takes a special level of evil.

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And I hate that congress points to the agencies without taking one shred of responsibility for the laws they passed creating this mess: pharma funding FDA, legal immunity, revolving door between pharma and agencies, permitting outside funding such as from Gates, conflicts of interest in investing, and on and on. IMO we need to get these laws removed/changed.

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Same here Mike.

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Quite Orwellian I think...

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Yes, Orwellian is the perfect description and, yet, I get the feeling this administration takes that as a compliment, while many in the press never read Orwell & don’t get the reference (or care).

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Many in the press can’t read.

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She meant to say “spreading digital hate”.

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My thoughts exactly.

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Classic CCP tactic

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The increasing # of hit pieces mean only one thing. You're killing it!

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Washington Post Elizabeth and the CDC are all Top Science fiction writers and Fairytales. People come to Berenson for the truth and the good the bad and the ugly.

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CDC : Centers for Disinformation and Control

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I’m going to steal this.

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Many people will subscribe due to these hate pieces… I mean hit pieces. Let them come!

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> The increasing # of hit pieces mean only one thing. You're killing it!

Doug Young: you are spot on. I think the vaccines are killing it and Alex reports on it.

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In the big policy picture, it matters not whether or not the mRNA "vaccines" work. What matters is that we stop forcing individuals to be injected with an experimental drug. This is especially true in light of the fact that none of these drugs prevent the spread of the virus.

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No it matters because they're likely damaging healthy immune systems and we haven't seen all of the fallout yet from OAS and ADE

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It is everything. The mRNA shots damage the immune system. They also have some immediate side effects for some people. Some people don't have immediate effects. Some people will be damaged by the lipid nanoparticles. Some people will be damaged by the downregulation of T cells. Some people will be damaged by the spike protein. Some people will be damaged by getting infected with Covid more easily.

It is all part of the plan with Covid and these shots. There isn't just one thing going on. If it was just one thing then it would be easier for people to see. Because there are so many different methods of damaging people, it becomes far harder for people who are seeking to truth to see it and to convince others of it. And to further complicate matters, not only do different people get different variants of the virus, the vaccines also might be quite different depending on the lot that you happen to get injected.

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Exactly, but unfortunately though , if the FDA/CDC said the cure for Covid is "jumping off of a bridge".....well, we know what would happen to mindless masses.

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Remember, BlueCheck "fact"checkers are really just opinions, according to Face Book.

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When you're over the target is when you take the most incoming.

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My favorite part was, "I am writing a story based on research for the non-profit Center for Countering Digital Hate..." 😂😂😂 These people are SO lost.

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Gee… I wonder who gets to decide what is considered “hate”?

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Lizzy's parents...

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No. Lezzie's parents are normal folks. Lezzie's gone off to college and been brainwashed by her associate professors from Brandeis and Wellesley. She is a shanda to the family name. Something Polish

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I can attest to this. My oldest daughter went off to college for her undergraduate and graduate degrees about five years ago. She was raised in a conservative home both politically and spiritually. Now she’s an unashamed Bernie Sanders fan girl. She’s blocked her siblings from communicating with her because they are constitutional conservatives. The other kids who didn’t go to college? All stayed the course and are politically sane. Amazing what a college education/brainwashing can do for one’s child if they’re not grounded in their beliefs.

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Tell me about it. My youngest followed that same route. But, for the benefit of all concerned, we don't discuss politics.

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That’s exactly what I do. No political discussion. Take the high road and keep things as civil as possible. She’s still my daughter and I want that relationship regardless of her politics. Not always easy tho.

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Same here. I have 4 siblings. 3 are conservative. One lib (Cornell). My daughter went away to college. Came home a lib. 💔

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Happened in my household. 😢 damn Oswego.

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The elites who hate everyone

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Same people who decide who the SPLC calls racist.

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"Center for Countering Digital Hate" A guy in his mom's basement.

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But he is well funded by the likes of 'Ol scrotum eyes, George Soros

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Hahaha 😂😂 but now I have that visual 🤢🤦

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Can you imagine doing this for a living? Then, meeting someone new at a party - “hi, what do you do for a living?” Her: “I work for the post and tell stories about the non-profit Center for Countering Digital Hate.” Other person: “wow, I’d love to hear more.”

Alex, you are a godsend. So sorry you have to deal with this.

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Washington is full of these idiots. They come in young and liberal to work for lobby groups and congressmen, and if they have any brains they figure out what a cesspool it is and leave.

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These people are exactly what they are accusing everyone else as being. It's one of the rules of "modern" liberalism. I had to qualify "liberalism" because I get yelled at on this blog every time I blame "liberals". Classic Liberalism was Hi-jacked long ago.

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The MO of leftism: projection.

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Classic "Rules for Radicals".

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NON-PROFIT. Hmmmm ok. Where does their funding come from, cupcake? Did she dig into any of that?

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It's not their fault ... she is a product of the education system in USA for the past few decades, they've been brainwashed since young age (Turks used to take Christian children and train them as the bloodiest killers of their own relatives and countrymen)

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The ultimate last lie to fall is that the Convid “vaccines” prevent serious illness and death. Every other lie during this scam has been exposed. This lie shall fall too, because the truth always comes out eventually. Thank you Alex, I hope you view the hit pieces from these frauds as a badge of honor.

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They keep saying that only unvaccinated are dying from COVID now. Bah-ha-ha!

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And if I have to listen to one more person saying "Omicron is a mild cold if you are vaccinated...."

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Lies, lies and damn lies!

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It's a slow painful withdrawal to the truth. Weren't proven to stop transmission in the trials. Weren't proven to stop infection in the trials. Weren't proven to stop death in the trials. And now what a surprise The real world data is showing it does none of this. And as you say the last Domino to fall will be does not reduce hospitalization or death. That's what they're clinging to. That and they are safe. 😂

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As a longtime journalist myself... the only way to deal with these dishonest people posing as journalists is to sue, sue, sue. They understand nothing else and have no regard for truth.

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So she's using politifact and the CDC to factcheck? That's laughable. She should look at the studies and/or analyze data or consult with actual experts, not political hacks. Sheesh.

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That would be hard, though. Why not just Google something and call it good? It's not like the CDC has ever been wrong.

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"Look up the studies, analyze the data". That would call on some real skills; some honesty, integrity of a real journalist. The last time WAPO had some real journalists was during Watergate. WAPO--the best propaganda the government can buy.

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Everybody hates these people

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Do you mean Washington Putzes?

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How do you know when you've won the argument? When a low IQ, snot-nosed reporter at a deep state newspaper accuses you of spreading misinformation, while quoting the CDC, who has lost all credibility among thinking individuals. To be clear, the Washington Post is a paid propaganda arm of the deep state, clearly bought off by big pharma. They are complicit in criminal malfeasance that has resulted in the deaths of scores of innocents. What else would you expect them to say? They have run their con the American public for decades, but we now see it for what it is. Please, please, each and every time you get an absurd email like this, post it publicly and shred the person who issued it. They have nothing left but to try to censor. We all need to crush them like a bug under our feet with the truth.

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I wish CDC had lost all credibility. My diocese and many others are following their advice, mindlessly. And now if CDC were to say Jews are the vectors of covid, we would have the German Church all over again. I have zero doubt of that.

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"...among thinking individuals" followed "...who has lost all credibility."

You said "mindlessly" about your diocese and many others which confirms Joseph Carroll's view.

Thinking people know that the CDC is untrustworthy and dishonest.

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The thing is its a false win. Sure it feels good in one's mind to know you are right. The real fundamental issue is "accountability and narrative" On the former there is NONE and on the latter they control it. Nothing changes until these issues at hand do. Why would it?

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It’s not a false win. Only 10% of the population “trusts” mainstream media. Alternative sources like Berenson are perceived as being credible. This will eventually play itself out with the “mainstream” disintegrating into tiny pieces and more credible sources rising to the top. They have already lost the war of ideas, hence the endless lies & censoring. It’s all they have left. Each time they double down on these tactics, they look more ridiculous and more desperate. Keep up the pressure.

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If you have not noticed...who has been held accountable to this point? I hear you and agree that its an illusion and less people support it then do, but none of that matters until real accountability occurs. Fauci is perfect example. He has been doing the exact same things for 40 years. I embrace HOPE too, but where the F is the accountability? They have always looked ridiculous by the way. They do not care. Don't get me wrong I love what Alex has done and continues to do...truly! I simply reached my wall a long time ago! Everyone has there wall right?

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"Nice to meet you!" LOL

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It's remarkable that the terms disinformation and misinformation are used mainly by propagandists (and their apologists/disciples). If I hear/read one of those words, I assume (in the absence of contradicting evidence) that whatever I'm hearing/reading is a lie.

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I am so sick of the term misinformation. Anything that falls under that term is actually the truth as far as I can tell. Absolute upside down world.

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Just like Conspiracy Theories are now really Spoiler Alerts. The Truth Eventually Springs!

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Safe assumption !

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Hi Alex,

On the behalf of humanity, thanks for telling that journalist to do “their” fucking job like journalists used to do.

Yours truly,

Innocent bystander

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"The CDC Says..." There's your comment.

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Is she 12? What adult writes like that?

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Have these people actually read your articles? The numbers don't lie.

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What a scum bag she is. Keep up your great work Alex.

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I wonder who gives money to CCDH to do the dirty work for Big Pharma? Oh, could it be Big Pharma?

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