Have you seen the announcement by French General Christian Blanchon?

Photo with French text on Web. Here is (my) English translation:

"Tribute to the Unvaccinated"

Message of General Christian Blanchon in tribute to the unvaccinated:

They are there, beside you, they appear normal, but they are superheroes.

Though I am fully vaccinated, I have to admire the unvaccinated for resisting the greatest pressure I have ever seen, be that from their partners, parents, children, friends or doctors.

People who are capable of such character, such courage and such capacity for criticism, no doubt embody but the best of humanity.

We find them everywhere, of all ages, levels of education, countries and opinions.

They are of a particular type: soldiers that any army of light would want in its ranks.


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Do jail bars appear when hot liquid enters the vessel?

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“skepticism that was so lacking last year.”

Skepticism wasn’t lagging last year, it was arrested, canceled, and thrown in jail!

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Does it say “who is a dickbag?” On the other side?

Only way I’d buy anything with their names on it. They should be relegated to the waste in of history.

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If you want to sell a mug, just put #Purebloods on it. Who wants a mug with criminal's names on it?

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You should have done like this






So it reads “Bourla, Fauci And Gottleib, Slavitt


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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

How did this shameful episode come to pass? You, and many others, couldn't bring yourselves to vote for "El Hombre Naranga" is a tiny part of the story - because of personal honor or some such nonsense. The big story - I shudder to think how many of your votes have contributed to the horrific leftist nightmare we find ourselves in today. You helped enable the attack on the First Amendment you are now horrified by. Ideology matters - conservative ideology is far better than the alternative.

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You need to market urinals as well.

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Alex- we love and admire you and support your freedom of speech. You say so much of what half of the country is actually thinking but doesn't or can't say it! I am retired now from teaching and directing so I can say a lot, too!!! LOL. Thanks again for standing up for America and Americans and for the truth. S. Stadler

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No coffee mug in the world is big enough to list the number of dishonest actors in our world. The cup's not big enough to fit the names Joe or Hunter Biden. Kamala. Rochelle Wallensky, Birx. Don Lemon. Cuomo (both of them). Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers. Jeff Zucker, Anderson Cooper, Brian Stelter. Mark Zuckerberg, and homeless-Santa Jack Dorsey. Chris Wallace and Joy Behar (and all of The View for that matter). Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. AOC and Rashida Taliban. Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, Sean Penn, Robert Deniro. George Soros, Hitlery Clinton and her compulsive fornicating husband. Stacy Abrams, Jacob Frey, Ted Wheeler, and Mrs. Yoda Lori Lightfoot. Gavin Newsome and Gretchen Whitmer. Lina Hidalgo, Sylvester Turner, Kim Ogg, Ilhan Omar. There's many more deplorable people out there and they're nearly all Democrats. That doesn't even include all of the dishonest companies with useful idiot employees out there like Moderna, Pfizer, Google, FB, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, Yahoo, and others.

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Add Hitler. They all belong together with him.

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Should include Nuremberg on the list

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There is a Canadian substack Yakk that is selling T-shirts with their 1st names. I'm buying that and I'll buy yours as well. Yes, my teenagers and my future grandchildren will thank me!

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Sorry I wont buy a mug with the names of the worst human beings alive now.

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A coffee mug or T-shirt that says: "Fauci, Bourla, Collins, Bancel, Birx: Wanted for Mass Murder" is more to the point.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Alex, for the dog owners here I think refuse bags imprinted with those names would also be effective.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

I wouldn’t buy a coffee mug with Hitler nor Mussolini’s name on it so I sure as hell would not pay a penny to see Fauci’s name on anything except his tombstone.

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Can I get a toilet bowl with their names engraved instead? That'd make more sense, wouldn't it?!

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Put their names on TP for my bunghole. (An ode to Beavis and Butthead)

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It amazes me people believe this information that we (the minority that didnt get jabbed and know whats really going on) will be exposed to the world. They censor everything…and will continue to do so….duck duck go is now compromised. Google is long gone for REAL information. As george orwell stated “The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history”.

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"You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise...."

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Doesn't work for me... in fact - you couldn't pay me to own anything with their names on it. The only acceptable format... is on their tombstones. I wish them all a deep dark torturous demise… with no reprieve. May God forgive my tortured soul.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can; And the wisdom to know the difference… ✞🕊

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It's not mean enough.

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Need a skull and crossbones on it!!!!

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mug of shame! I love it.

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Alex, this is important. ⛳️

Professor Francois Balloux

has been bullied off Twitter by Kirsten Anderson over a pre print paper that he supported that concluded Covid came from a lab. He re did the method & agreed.

Kirsten Anderson has links to the CCP & Fauci & pushed the wet market theory.

You need eyes on this. Kennedy needs to look into it too.

You need to help these scientists, this kind of treatment is dumbing down society & advancement of fact finding. I know you too have been subjected to this mentality of a pitch fork society based on what people don’t want to hear.

Pls do a write up on this kind of forced censorship. Powerful people like Anderson, Fauci do not get to do unethical things with out consequences.


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Why does no one think of: There were no HazMat dumpsters deployed anywhere there were no government approved mask anywhere. As a first responder every time I go for hurricane relief, I have a red bag for any and all hazmat material. and there was not one dumpster even tho this was the most deadly virus--on top of all this why would we so easily believe a government that is proven to be a liar..Look at the eugenics that we practiced back in the 1920-1930 where we sterilized all the less than people lasting into the 50's--look at the Tuskegee Experiment lying that the government was treating this black men and their families when in fact they were withholding all treatment----Planned Parenthood which by Sangers own words was aimed at killing black babies---those are just the ones that most people know----enough for any thinking person to question---why trust the government???

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You couldn't pay me to drink out of that mug! Who would want a reminder of these demons 🤮

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If the names of those criminals were on a dart board, I would be first in line to buy it. A mug? A T-Shirt?? I do not want to drink from that cup with poisonous names and I will not display their names on a shirt. Unless, the message is clear that they are criminals.

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Alex, sounds like another book called " Tell Your Children"

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Let’s get that merch on the market yo. I’m all over one of those mugs.

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Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics

2022 · 2 hr 26 min



This documentary puts an amusing spin on US oligarchs' genocidal activities, from eugenics to perpetual war, to the deadliest vaccines in 100 years.


Sucharit Bhakdi, Jay Bhattacharya, Anthony Fauci, Sunetra Gupta, Annie Jacobson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Pierre Kory, Martin Kulldorff, Kristin Massey, Peter McCullough...

And cites Alex Berenson's "Unreported Truths" booklets. Very cool!

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Sorry I don't want to see those names when I'm drinking my coffee.

The cause is just but the mug just sucks.

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Sorry to take a _jab_ at your merch, but are these intended to hold poison?

Wouldn't a red font that looks like dripping🩸🩸🩸be more appropriate?

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I could not drink out of that cup.

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I was warned against taking any jabs after I fell seriously sick after a flu shot age 19. So for me it has been a continuation of my policy since that time. And there was plenty of discussion with family and friends.

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The lockdowns, mandatory masks and mandatory vaccines were nothing but authoritarian government at its finest and we as citizens must never allow it to happen again.....PERIOD. Everyone must vote!

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Where's the link to buy one?

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With due respect, if I looked at those names waking up, I’d throw the coffee cup through a window. With due respect, no thank you. Life is rough enough without them staring at me.

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ugh, I became a paid subscriber to support Alex but bringing Fauci to my lips first thing in the morning is not going to happen. Make more merch with another theme and you might get more buyers.

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this is just ridiculous. sorry. this is just glorifying the names of the worst people right now. With no other explanation on the mug or t-shirt that's exactly how it looks - glorification

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Plus you can piss off foolish coworkers!

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You're actually really awesome Berenson. Owe you a thanks. Separately, I'm going to enjoy having some more resolve over my coming peppermint teas.

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“Smart Ass White Boy”

- Coffee cup my dad had in the 1980s after Andrew Young made his infamous remarks. 😂

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post the link to buy when they are available!

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Yeah and those kids in 10 to 15 years will look at you and say why was it that Fauci being complicit in all he did with lives lost, maimed and destroyed across his 45+ years, was able to be paid a "we the people" generous pension until he dies (assuming in dies in those 10-15 years). Same can be said about the rest all never held accountable in the slightest. How is that explained to a child in 10 to 15 years that justice is an illusion? Just sayin...

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Let us know when they are available and I will definitely own one or more.

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I’d buy dozens to smash against a brick wall!!!

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Alex, When will you start asking to form a Nuremberg type council that will lead to Nuremberg Trials?

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