Well I listen to Victor Davis Hanson and he is the farthest thing from a Kook and he talks about long Covid and his 3 month battle. My wife isn’t a kook and she had terrible long Covid issues. Covid is very brutal on over active or under active immune systems. Perhaps everything isn’t black and white with science? Maybe that’s where things should’ve began to avoid these disease as politics issues?

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I believe something termed "post viral syndrome" has been recognized for decades. Although some will unfortunately have lingering effects, the vast majority will not. This has always been a fact with viral infections.

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It's post viral fatigue syndrome. I've had it for over 10 years after having caught swine flu. Lost my job due to it 7 years ago and slowly getting better, although it doesn't look like il get back to the way I was before getting it.

Long covid is a scare tactic, pvfs has as you say been around for decades but it doesn't sound scary enough and that's what they needed to make people fear covid , get people to want locked down, wear masks and take jabs.

All one big propaganda push to get "vaccines" in arms.

I never got vaccinated as it seemed off to me right from the get go.

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Know that your intelligence and intuition are rare.

Unreal how many fell for this bullshit.

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I can't fathom it out at times , just how many fell for it. All my family (except wife and my 3 kids) have taken this poison.

In fact, I was out with my best friend on Saturday for a few drinks and told him about my cousins young lass in Australia who is/was Australia's strongest woman, so a very fit lady and around 30 years old. She posted on Facebook (my wife told me as I came off it when all this started as I couldn't deal with love for the "vaccines") that she was in hospital after having a cardiac arrest.

I said to my mate, that was the jab that done that, he wouldn't believe a word of what I said, even citing other people that died of it, including a couple who died within a few days of each other about a month (if that) after them both getting the jab together.

He then went on to say, il be getting another one when offered.

Fill your boots mate, whatever you think, was my reply.

I had tried to tell him previously about how bad it is but because the television tells him it's "safe and effective " he believes that over me , who looks shit up.

All my extended family are the same .

One thing though, I have never doubted that I am wrong and maybe it is ok to take. I'm not sure they can say the same.

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People have been conditioned, and many are simply not very intelligent. If you think it is bad now, imagine how it will be for our children and their children.

They will not have grown up knowing any sort of freedom whatsoever, and will think that the totalitarian New Normal is normal. Shots every three months, a coffee filter on their faces, a constant fear of disease and whatever else is cooked up by the WEF/globocap propaganda mills. They will have had no other experiences with which to judge the slavery forced upon them.

Don't stop speaking truth. For every 10 people who can't understand, 1 will. And over time, that is enough.

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Add to that the lgb whatever it is nowadays being promoted everywhere, all in the hope to stop normal family lives and children being born. Depopulation by stealth. You see the numbers of children 'not' being born in many countries now. After being locked down for all that time, you would be a baby boom but the opposite happens.

What could be the reason ?

Obviously it has nothing to do with the "safe and effective " vaccines !!

I really do fear for the future generations. Are we enough to stop the very clear reset agenda? I don't know but i really hope their sick plan is stopped. But by that time, millions of people will have needlessly died. Death is too good for the bastards behind all this.

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I had Long Flu at 31 yrs of age. I had the flu then my three small children caught it and I had to take care of them( 4 yr old , 2 yr old and 1 yr old). Felt Ill for about 5 months. Also I fractured a rib coughing and thought I had pneumonia but it was just pleurisy from fractured rib.

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Alex does lots of good but he can be a complete ass when it comes to denying patients' symptoms. As someone who suffered from a mystery illness for years (I only found out recently it was Lyme) and had every doctor tell me I was crazy, I'm inclined to believe the patient. People who completely fabricate their symptoms are actually quite rare in terms of psychiatric diagnosis.

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Eugyppius' essay deals more with the use of 'long Covid' by the health officials and their media allies as a means of providing cover for the harm that their mass vaccination campaign is causing.

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I blame my skin issues (hives and rashes,) on double boosted. I recently spent time with family that were double boosted, rashes on the back of my forearms, hives devolved on palms of hands. Also developed swollen lymph nodes in my throat. My doctor said “we just don’t know.” At least she was honest, I’d rather hear an honest answer, than a lie. What we get from the NIH or CDC, you can stake your life on, will always be lies.

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My brother said everyone at his work has lesions all over themselves. I told him it's the poison shots. He doesn't believe it. He thinks there is something going around. Yeah and it's called the poison shots. He's a shotted doofus who got shingles after his shots. You can't reason with the unreasonable.

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Now he’ll have to get those awful shingle shots.

Childhood shots, give children eczema, the solution for that is, more shots.

Insert 1000 eye rolls.

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Yes exactly, you poison yourself and the body tries to expel if you are strong enough. Otherwise the body sequesters the poison internally to fester and emerge down the track to be labeled as some other dis ease.

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Pfizer's blistering disease. mRNA is reverse transcribed to DNA . The vaccines act as an adjuvant thru the process of Line 1 retrotransposons = viral reverse transcriptase. Retroviruses are forced to unwind & express. Studies have confirmed that this is happening in vaccinated.

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Skin the where the overloaded liver sends the toxins.

Seeing a lot of rashes in vaxxed acquaintances also.

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My mom has developed a terrible skin condition. We just can’t remember if it happened right after the booster shot or later. The red circles appear and disappear on her arms and legs symmetrically. The spots are hot and caused severe itching. She has taken antihistamines and used topical steroids. They help a little. Her primary care physician and the allergist have no idea what this is. Both said they have seen one or two cases in vaccinated people but do not know if this is a reaction to the jab. Her oncologist also said he has encountered it but has no recommendation on what to do. She has been suffering for months now. All the doctors are at a loss or are reluctant to discuss what has caused it and how to treat the condition.

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My wife has suffered a similar skin rash for months--the symmetrical appearance caught my eye. Things that have helped: mineral baths (epsom salt), sun exposure, very clean eating (no processed/fried foods), lots of sleep. only coconut oil for lotion (no commercial lotions).

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You should try ozone oil. It works wonders. I use it for everything from poison ivy to bug bites, burns and my son used it on a toe that he had previously smashed a couple of years ago. It just wouldn't heal. I saw him back in April and was amazed that his toe was healed. My late husband made it as he was going thru his terminal cancer because he did a.lot of resear h on ozone. I gave my son all his ozone equipment and he now makes that along with other holistic products. The oil is called.Aaron's ozone after his dad. You can find it on Bray Family Farmacy website if you want to give it a try.

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Great advice! Also topical colloidal silver seems to be helping some people as well.

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These stories break my heart, I actually cry about strangers. I mean, who would have really thought this would be imposed upon us?? The whole world except the "underdeveloped" countries who didn't get it and help prove how it has harmed those who did?

Everyone *MUST VOTE IN PERSON ON ELECTION DAY* and remove this regime in our country. We are the last defense. Do it while it's still allowed.

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Yes, WE MUST VOTE IN PERSON! It may seem hopeless at times, but this might be one of our last chances to make a difference. You’re not alone in how you feel, though, I also cry for strangers. This is all just one very sad nightmare!

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hope she gets better soon

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How frustrating. I hope she gets some relief soon 🙏

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My mom died 2018 from renal cell carcinoma, very aggressive. Before she was diagnosed she developed anaphylaxis’s to jelly. She made my dad toast for breakfast, every morning for 50yrs, no allergies, no reactions. That reaction was telling her something was wrong, we just didn’t understand at the time, it was cancer.

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And you are trying to tell us that these rashes people have may be symptoms of hidden cancer. I hope you are wrong.

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one symptom of lymphoma is a rash... not sure about other cancers

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how sad... and strange! so sorry for your loss.

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My daughter in law suffered hives and swollen lymph nodes in her throat that caused choking and passing out! Until I saw you reply above I hadn’t heard of anyone else! She was double boosted and hives appeared within two weeks!

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Please try the mashed ivermectin or mixed it with lotion.

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Thank you. We will try.

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or even orally might help

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interesting idea~ worth a try!

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I agree with you. I’d rather my doctor say they don’t know than outright lie or be in denial about it. I’m hearing from a lot of people coming into my store looking for products to treat rashes they’ve never had before and kids too.

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When I was 19, I had an epic battle with mono. It wasn’t the normal fatigue thing, though that was part of it. I can’t recall every detail, but there were all kinds of secondary infections and other issues. It started at Thanksgiving, and went on for months. (I was in college and remember still being sick at spring break). I never doubted some would have lingering issues with Covid, and that the overall number of sufferers would be higher in a pandemic. What I wondered, and still wonder, is whether the individual risk of post-viral issues is so much higher with Covid. In other words, does Covid present an exceptional risk in this regard, or is it just exceptionally *scrutinized*? I think this is very much an open question. All that said, sincerely hope your wife is doing better.

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I had one of my troops (~20 yo) hospitalized because of mono. After six weeks there, he was cleared to return but he couldn't get past the required military PT tests and I had to get him a waiver. That continued for more than a year. I saw that he was working out suitably but progress was quite slow. So there are some affected by infections more than others. Pity we don't know why.

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I agree. I think with some viruses they just linger for longer periods in some people than others. I had mono in high school. Was out for a month but was constantly sick for about 2 years. I also got sick from a flu shot in Fall 2019 I’ve never fully recovered from. We are all different.

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I too have suffered the on going effects from COVID and know 100% sure I had it. Whole family got it back in Sept 2021, wife got tested and was positive but I actually lost my taste and smell for almost 2 weeks. There was a prominent respiratory therapist on Reddit who believed that the only true symptom of COVID was the lose of taste and smell and if you didn't have that you had something else. Also there is significant cross over in symptoms from long covid and vaccine injury. Some months ago a redditor posted their battle with adverse reactions to the shot and 3-4 of the symptoms they listed matched mine perfectly, like weird tingling in the neck, etc. The trouble is that user had a battery of tests done on the heart, blood test and everything comes back normal.

I am on alot of the reddit and facebook long covid groups and the problem is they are like 98% women and most people don't clearly denote in their illness timeline when they got covid and if they got the shots.

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Yes, I’ve noticed that women seem to have decided that they suffer with long covid more than men. It also seems to be women that won’t take their masks off and they are the ones who are talking about getting their latest booster and flu shots, kinda like they talk about getting the latest fashion trend. Could it be they like the attention? Or are they suffering from mental issues? Or maybe they still like exerting control over others ever so subtlety? IDK but I listen to them all day both at the gym and at work and they are not ready to give it up.

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Women make up 80% of autoimmune disease cases. It’s genetics- they tend to have stronger immune systems than men so they’re more likely to survive the initial infection but their immune systems can get stuck in overdrive. Like most diseases it comes down to inflammation & the downstream damage it does to the body over time. With Covid it’s a nuclear bomb of inflammation over a short period, that’s the difference.

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What I have been noticing lately a lot of Rx ads targeted towards autoimmune diseases. 😕

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Women bear children who ste invaders, per their bodies. Maybe that is the start of the over reactions?

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Be right back, Imma get me some popcorn!

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Interesting. I have noticed women are almost all of the people who claim they're allergic to everything! They need everything to be hypoallergenic. These people (again mostly women) claim they're allergic to laundry detergent, fabrics, foods, dust, lotions, shampoos, soaps, etc. It's definitely mental issues with these women and I feel sorry for them. I bet you these same women are still wearing the masks, often double masking, every day, all day, everywhere with anyone around or no one around.

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They are one and the same. They are also the gluten free, lactose intolerant, high anxiety bunch too. The want everyone to bend to their wants and desires. This bs is just an offshoot of that.

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Many of our health system$$$ basic blood tests, etc ... are woefully inadequate & generic. Switched to an Integrative, functional MD (Internist) of over 40 years - requires much better testing for evaluation.

We must start listening to our body & seek to understand what is better. Dr Joseph Mercola has been vilified horrendously, but have followed many of his more naturopathic protocols since 1986 & he is for the most part -worth giving credence.

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Not in those groups but have wondered the same thing. What is the timeline for illness, follow-up vaccines, etc.? My spouse was highly pressured to get the vaccines even after having severe covid and super high antibodies. Then the CDC quietly changed their guidance last week which seemed to suggest natural immunity has protective benefit. It's all so frustrating.

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Anyone who didn't already know about natural immunity, must have skipped high school biology. Why is everyone pretending like this is some recently developed hypothesis yet to be proved? What next, Ivermectin doesn't work? Please...

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How many scripts were there? How many got COVID at that time?

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that is the kind of sh*t that should be bringing you and your wife out into the streets! sneaky little CDC effers.

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yeah, no fanfare, no BIG announcement, "Mission Accomplished"... just skulking away, thinking no one will remember what they did, Fauci and Birx going around saying they never said the shot would stop infections... what a bunch of loser criminals.

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I think I remember a post by Berenson many months ago where he talked about people who had long Covid, yet had never been tested for Covid.

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Or tested negative. From Pandemia: "In a May 2020 survey of self-reported long Covid patients, only 23 percent had ever had a positive Covid test. Forty-nine percent had not been tested, and the remaining 28 percent had had a negative test."

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Unfortunately, from what I’ve heard, the tests are not really reliable are appropriate for testing for Covid anyway.

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There is no Covid. There is no test for Covid. Wake the fuck up.

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The author himself acknowledges that there can be some after-effects for weeks or months post COVID.

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My husband and I are not COVID jabbed (neither are our 8 grown children/spouses. We have nurses, teachers, counselors, engineers in our group. My husband and I both got COVID in January and he is having Long COVID/post COVID symptoms, which, as Minerva stated is "post viral syndrome" and has been recognized for years. Yes, the majority in the medical community refuse to acknowledge adverse reaction and death due to the jab, BUT they most certainly will diagnose Long COVID, and there will be tons of money for research, medications, etc. Super frustrating and sad for the jabbed with adverse reactions, as there won't be any research and medical help for them. A relative of ours got the jab, started having adverse reactions, then got COVID, so the docs are calling her symptoms long COVID.

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Yes. I was not vaccinated, but did get Omicron back in January. Since May, I have had a rash. On my head and down my back. It started going away, but now is back. I cannot get rid of it. I am 125 lbs, work out, eat organic food and have never been sick in 30 years. So whats up?? I think it is true the spike protein is toxic, no matter how you get it.

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Prove it. There is no test for any of these so called variants.

The level of stupidity here is mind-numbing.

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I've only had one friend I know of who had long covid. It was in the early stages of the vaccine and probably during the Delta wave. She was vaccinated first as a healthcare worker and then caught covid and dealt with the long term effects for months. Most of her problems stemmed from breathing issues and low energy. This lasted for months.

While I do think long covid has been exaggerated in terms of its frequency, it is a real thing that affects people for months. Now how much of those effects are physiological or which ones are psychological is a real open question. My friend is in her 20s but she was really nervous about covid despite being vaccinated and young. But I think it's time for team reality to fully acknowledge long covid's existence and focus on debunking making it a major issue for the majority of people.

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I notice many on this thread believe that long Covid is a short-term thing when some have had it for years & are dying from it. My friend had a rough bout & his mind wasn’t the same after but he had the clotting & died of a heart attack months later. The limited research on long Covid points to microclotting as a big factor but the bottom line is that Covid can trigger a hyper inflammatory state that manifests as any number of symptoms & duration/tolerance will vary for each person. Reinfection also has a compounding effect on the immune system.

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Is that really "long COVID" or is it simply the effect of cardiovascular damage? Long COVID to me has the connotation of an ongoing infection or chronic set of symptoms ie. a disease.

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Well this is where the connotation also matters when talking about long covid. So your definition of chronic symptoms or ongoing infection is the right definition, then no she wouldn't fit that. My understanding has always been that long covid is the long term side effects after infection and I believe that the common understanding of long covid. The issue is like with everything that's covid related, we don't have clear definitions or changing definitions leading to more confusion and discord over something that we should figure out together; mostly because the powers that be want more power and money.

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I think your friend should be really nervous about the vaccines.

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Reinfection can also cause some degree of immunosuppression especially when there isn’t time to recover between the variants. Just like the vax, Covid has been shown to drop T-cells to a level only seen in AIDS patients.

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Yes, it's both strong and weak immune systems. A friend got 3 shots and had no issues, so I said he was lucky he was only middling healthy. I got a strange look.

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I had Covid the same time as my wife and daughter. I didn’t even miss work though my symptoms were weird. I also was in the beginning of Covid pneumonia but I demanded a Z-pack early that really saved me from the double whammy. My daughter was on Xmas break and missed 2 weeks into 2nd semester. My wife was the only one vaccinated, she got it the worst. 6 weeks off from work and it wasn’t some game she was playing. She was very sick. Close to hospitalized. Symptoms just never wanted to wane. Her and my daughter have very low vitamin D levels - 9 and 10. Mine is over 50. I am convinced that’s the key to all this. It should’ve been pushed over the vax

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Low vitamin D playing a huge role has been known since spring 2020, but never recognized by our rulers.

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Vitamin D is a function of health. They're not interested in our health, only our sickness. It's their business model.

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Yeah, they haven’t talked about D really at all or the importance of other vitamins and minerals plus diet. It just blows my mind! All we get are vaccine push ads!

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No profit in vitamins. It's just business. We're not their customers, we're the product.

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Agreed! Disgusting!

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Yes, I also believe Vitamin D level is extremely significant and think it is terrible that all physicians aren’t really pushing that their patients have their levels tested. I am 78 yrs old and opted not to get the “vaccine” because I always avoid taking any “ new and well tested “ pharmaceuticals. As far as I know I have not had Covid so far, but have an emergency pack of suggested meds in case I do. I decided early on to follow a good diet and get plenty of exercise out of doors and keep my Vitamin D levels high. I also take supplements for my immune system. The only pharmaceutical I take is for my low thyroid level. I am aware I could catch Covid at any time but just strive to stay healthy. I learned in 2020 that my health is my responsibility since the medical community pretty much deserted us out of fear of this virus.

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"... since the medical community pretty much deserted us out of fear of this virus"? 🤔


The medical community pretty much deserted us out of fear of PUNISHMENT from their OVERLORDS!! 😡

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I’m 59 and have done like you except I’ve been taking prophylactic IVM but I’ve yet to catch Covid even though I think I had it with no symptoms but loss of taste. I have exercised more and lost weight along with a semi healthy diet

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Good for you, keep up the great work. Sadly we can't get IVM here in Canada. I have called all around. There was a link to a pharmacy from the US but they told me they do not ship to Canada. So I am praying with all that I am taking and with the Lord's help I will continue to stay well. I really can't exercise due to my 5 back surgeries, my last one 4 years ago did a real number on me, but I stay positive. Cheers, continue to stay healthy and well.

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Thank you! From what I’m learning, wormwood is the next best thing if you can’t get it and you should be able to find that at a natural health store. I just wouldn’t let on to many what you’re using it for or the next thing ya know, it gets yanked! It’s for parasites, but just like IVM it has crossover use. I’ve had a lot of surgeries myself, so I mostly stick to walking, dancing, and just constant movement at our senior pool, and some back arm pushups on the inner ledge. Wishing you all the best.

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Continue to be well, Norma Kay.

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Yes, I wish all the best of health!!

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Agree with all you say. A huge hello from Canada! God Bless.

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You’re Perfect!

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Vitamin D studies have revealed a healthy level (only about 35!) was enough to keep people alive if they got the corona. And 96% of people in the ICU had insufficient levels. Even Fauci was taking 8,000-9,000 IU daily. I'm sorry your wife was so sick.

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My husbands Neurologist said about 10 years ago that she felt anything as low as 35 was Rickets level. My sister and brother-in-laws doctors said that he liked to see levels around 85.

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I'd love to see some documentation that Fauci was taking 8,000-9,000 IU daily of Vitamin D. If true, that would be a news story.

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I recall hearing that as well sometime last year and thought it was horrible that he did not recommend vitamin D supplementation. God forbid he suggest any therapeutics other than the clot shots

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I looked it up and Fauci did say he is taking Vitamin D and Vitamin C now. Before the pandemic I read an article that said he was taking several grams of C each day. Now he says one gram of C per day is enough. He says forget everything else used to boost immunity. But the Vitamins he takes never make it to official recommendations and does not get much media attention.

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The first huge mistake is to believe that any so-called "guidance" around covid has had ANYTHING, WHATSOEVER, to do with Public Health!!

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Our govt agencies are invested in “hell”th care - you are valuable to them IF you are & remain sick.

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Absolutely! Pre pandemic, I was prescribed 2,000 IU of D3 per day for a severe Vitamin D deficiency. I upped myself to 4,000 IU because of covid. Also take Vitamin C, Zinc, and Quercetin. All to assist immune system. So much could have been avoided if doctors acted like doctors and public health advice tailored to encourage us to boost our immune system.

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So true Susan. I was fortunate to have a real doctor that truly cares, along with listening to Dr. Zelenko and taking his protocol.

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Glad to speak with a person with a good doctor who cares. Any chance you live in SW Pennsylvania? I'm searching for a primary care physician.

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My D3 level is 75 and has been for years.

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Mine was mid-40s, but with the corona I upped it to mid-50s and started having problems with bleeding too easily. The same with E.

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Me too......mine was 45...decided to try and up it a little. Started not only have bleeding issues but some arrhythmia issues too. I had to stop. Doc said 45 was a good number. I am in covid as I write. A couple of days of low grade fever, horrible cough and extremely tired all the time but I am recovering without too many negatives. Taking ivermectin, finished a z pack yesterday, steroids, vit c, zinc, melatonin. Pretty much the Frontline doc recipe for early covid diagnosis. I am over 70. No vacs.

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That's interesting that you also put the bleeding to the extra D. I'm always doing a variety of things differently, so it's often not obvious what caused what.

I hope you recover quickly! At least we know what to take for it!

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Mine is 99 and my internist actually told me to pull back a little on the Vit D supplements lol.

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I know………there was a time when mine got up to 95 and I just took less D3……..I was taking 15,000 IU a day then. Keeping it at 10,000 IU keeps me right about 75.

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Yep, mine went over 100 and got my Dr really excited. I did back off and try for 70 or so. But I understand too much D causes a buildup of Calcium and I had no evidence of that. I think the worry point is > 300, but am not sure. I do know the suggested levels ~ 20-30 are much too low and don't know how they recommend that instead of much higher levels. I think the officials are worried that we silly fools will overdose.

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My family doctor has me on 50,000 IU Vitamin D once a week. I also take Dr. Zelenko's ZStack. So far so good, not jabed. The doctor agrees with you about the Vitamin D levels.

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Yikes! 28 is the low for D. I hope your wife and daughter are on a D supplement of at least 5000ml a day!

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I think you meant 5000 IU! 5000 ml is about 5 quarts.

5000 IU is equal to 125 micrograms (mcg), which is often on the bottle of the vitamin D3 supplement.

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I do think some suffer more than others. I think there may be a genetic predisposition to these things. I remember my solicitor bemoaning how long it look her to get over flu (well before covid) but she did and made a complete recovery.

I was not scared of covid even although I’m late 60s. I was actually more concerned about long covid as I’ve had chronic fatigue for years but I got over very mild covid with no issues at all.

Although I sympathise with those who get long covid we must avoid more hysteria by presuming it’s a more widespread issue than it is.

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VDH is 68 and may have underlying health issues.

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He is no idiot 🙄🙄🙄just because he disagrees with your ideolgy

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VDH is no idiot and has since stated he was wrong about the Iraq War.

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Whether someone is a “kook” or not is immaterial. The disease is not of exclusion but inclusion, assigning common and non-specific symptoms to a highly visible, high-status disease. That makes me inherently skeptical.

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Same here! I was going to mention the exact same thing. Victor also said he had very bad reactions to the jabs. I am wondering if he's experiencing continuing reaction to them, as opposed to Covid.

Alex may want to talk with him, also Dr. Colleen Huber.

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"On over or underactive immune systems." Pseudoscience babble.

As so often, "Covid" is everything and anything the narrative wizards tell you.

Christ on a crutch.

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I liked his reasoning. However, I just can't handle signing up for another subscription or mailing list to read the whole article.

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I'm a satisfied subscriber to eugyppius. His essays are funny, well-written and insightful. I highly recommend him to anyone who is frustrated and angry and/or worried about what has been the official response to COVID.

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I am getting to (at) my limit as well. Need a package deal of some kind on substack. By topic, or collection of authors, something.

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Yes, I like that idea. There are so many writers for whom I would like to upgrade to paid, but I'm already a paid subscriber to quite a few and can't afford to have a full paid subscription to every one I want to. At this point, I'm paralyzed in trying to decide which few I can manage to add. Substack is such a wonderful resource, I am amazed at the amount of talent and knowledge it contains and want to pay my share, but it would be easier if there were a table d'hôte section on the menu for those of us with big appetites but who can't manage to pay à la carte for all we'd like to consume.

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Yep, I just dropped Emerald cause she is $7 a month. I have four others I pay for that total $22. It would be a dream to get up to 6 selections for $20 or $25 a month. I like it when they write at least a couple days a week...not all do.

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No question we need the sort of packages analogous to what Netflix offers...$12 per month for 50 writers.

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I think if I felt that I had information that was "good" and "needed" to be read/heard as potentially life-saving I wouldn't charge for it. For goodness sake, if anyone is willing to listen to what one has to share the speaker should be flattered. I enjoy the stack writers but honestly, the commenters are the real draw for me and where I get interesting links.

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I think if you‘re dealing with one one document into which you‘ve collected life-saving information that you think urgently needs to be publicized, then yes, you might choose to spread it as widely as possible without expecting any remuneration. But for sustaining an ongoing relationship with an audience in which you continually do new research, and take time away from your family / day job to write new pieces and to advance your thinking, being paid is how you justify the time and effort and it also serves as an incentive to keep your quality and frequency high.

I do know one writer who follows the altruistic model you describe - Igor Chudov, who is like a feisty saint. And Steve Kirsch basically also works for free and accepts subscriptions as part of a fund-raising effort.

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Love Igor's newsletter. His content I actually would pay for, if he had paid subs. And I'm so broke I ain't paying for no one right now.

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Yep, something like a YouTube premium family plan. $19 a month split between 3 of my family members allows us to watch all the videos we want without those annoying commercials.

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I watch all the videos I want without commercials by the one simple trick of using an ad blocker.

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Can't believe you give your precious money to google.... We need to stop supporting evil. Same for Disney+, Netflix, etc.

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Yes, I have thought about that too. I pay for Berenson but he doesn't publish much now he is back on twatter. I also pay for another guy so it does get expensive quite quickly. A service like a magazine would be great.

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I have an unpaid subscription and have benefitted greatly from it. The few posts requiring payment I'm fine doing without. I'll not toss the baby out with the bathwater.

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I understand your position, but one thing we must do is patronize people who are actually providing us news and knowledge that we are not getting from the MSM.

I understand if you don't think eugyppius is worth your money, especially if it doesn't bring value to you. But I do encourage people to pay for news that you trust. It is the only way to fight against the information war that is happening in the world today.

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While eugyppius also, almost begrudgingly, admits that many people suffer from long Covid. You both disrespect those who do by your rhetoric. Two things can be true, 1. Some people have lasting impact from this man made pathogen, and 2. The Covid cabal will pivot to exploit this for even more government grift, even without regard to actually benefitting those victims. Just like I imagine that we will see in the future a government push to compensate vax victims from the mandates THEY created.

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As Daniel Horowitz says repeatedly, both the virus and the vaccine are bioweapons.

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I completely agree with this. Almost from the beginning I suspected Covid was real. My spouse pooh-poohed it to a certain extent, as "just a flu." I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen spouse sick in 25+ years and have never seen anything like what Covid did. Very lucky spouse is still here. But neither one of us trust the vaccines either.

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Yes, it's important to recognize that not everything is only a social construct. Gas lighting people with long covid is no better than gas lighting people with vaccine injury (though I suspect most long covid is actually vaccine injury given that the shots cause the body to produce 3 to 4 times more spike proteins than the natural infection).

And if the studies don't break out the vaxxed from the unvaxxed (they almost never do), vaccine injury will continue to be hidden.

For instance, in this paper, I can't figure out what they've done. They have an unvaxxed control group. Does that mean everyone else is vaxxed? Is all/most long covid in this paper actually vaccine injury?

Distinguishing features of Long COVID identified through immune profiling


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And the people who are qualified to research this, and report back on it, have little incentive to do so.

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Good points.

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I keep wondering about "long covid" as a way to claim disability. It doesn't matter if disability insurance payments aren't a way to get rich, but it's a way to open the door to other government-paid "goodies."

Even as the CDC has "revised" its covid "guidance," I'm seeing more masks Out There.

Some people LOVE being "sick."

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It would create more who are dependent on government to survive and therefore easier to control.

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Yup, and governments-in-the-pockets-of-pharma would love more people to be chronically sick.

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The reason he's "stuck" on the idiocies of the German health minister is that he has to live under them.

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Just like Alex is "stuck" on the idiocies of Fauci because he has to live under them.

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I’m as committed to team reality as anyone on earth. I have the battle scars from Berkeley CA to prove it, and am also suffering from long covid. I’ve got crazy heart rhythm, fatigue and brain fog, and those have persisted since February. I was calling BS on long covid too. It really losses me off as the community is deriving great joy from dancing on my long covid grave.

I’m on an flccc.net long covid protocol and things seem to be improving, but went backwards a bit this weekend.

I hate to have to report this truth.

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You are your best advocate. Don't settle until you feel "right." I'm sure you're keeping an open mind, but don't rule anything out. Look at everything, the panoply of typical tests, including cardiac calcium scan, Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy), supplementing with the "correct" kind of magnesium, thyroid and hormone levels. Hang in there. No need to prove or disprove long Covid to the world in your case. Keep trying to get to the bottom of what ails you.

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I hate that you have to report this too, but these experiences are ones we need to hear about. I respect you for sharing your story and I hope your health improves.

It is just a hunch of mine, based on experience, but I think Covid affects the vagus nerve somehow. I think a lot of people who have heart arrhythmias--and I thought this before Covid--are actually suffering from vagus nerve issues, and can fix these irregular heart rhythms with vagus nerve exercises. Before Covid this was an issue with someone close to me who had tachycardia AND bradycardia just willy-nilly, and cold water therapy helped. Might be something to look into.

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Thanks!! I’ll look into that.

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I wonder... mostly because I don't think i ever had covid and know that i didn't receive the jab... if the symptoms you describe: crazy heart, fatigue and brain fog, might not be the result of something else that has reached a global scale: SATOI.

I find myself suffering from those symptoms with a dash of carelessness and aimlessness thrown in, too. I wonder if we earth-dwellers aren't reaching a place where we just haven't a clear idea of "what it's all about" and with the internet of "all knowledge" we are no closer to understanding. The physical phenomena of that realization are manifesting in those kinds of symptoms and because many who have had covid also have those symptoms we give covid credit for it.

I try to pay attention to when my heart takes flight... usually happens when my thoughts turn to my complete and utter insignificance or my tremendous power. Then I just want to curl up and try to think myself out of it and clouds descend.

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What is SATOI?

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Aug 16, 2022
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Thanks! I will look into this too. At least for the time being we are still allowed to look into things in CA. Soon though, I expect to see non-vaccine things removed from the internet.

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I've had covid symptoms since late 2020. Some have subsided completely, others have improved, but not completely. I get that anybody can have an invisible disease with no symptoms, but for me it was all physical, shingles like rash covering large areas persisting for more than a year, etc. I don't care if certain people don't believe it's a thing and I live my life the same way I did before covid. I don't tell anybody irl about it. Through it all, I've been able to train heavy and eat healthy. I'm staying positive that all my symptoms will subside eventually, but the idea that serious people think long covid doesn't exist is just silly. Doesn't hurt my feelings, just makes otherwise informed people look a bit like quacks.

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Did you get the vax in late 2020 when it first came out? Either way, something I read about that could help is Niacin for covid/vax symptoms. There was an early study that talked about how smokers aren’t coming down with Covid as much and they attributed it to the niacin in cigarettes. Dr. Dmitry Kats is a good source for info on this. Dr. Mercola also talked about the benefits of niacin on covid/vax symptoms.

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I remember hearing about smokers seeming somewhat resistant and joking that I should start again (I didn't) :). I didn't get vaccinated. By the time it was available, I had already decided the risk/benefit didn't make sense, even if I hadn't already been infected. The fact that I had, with ongoing symptoms especially, took the decision out of my hands. My employer tried to extort me into taking it any way and fired me for resisting, but I'll see them in court soon enough. Thanks for the info. I'll look into it. :)

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I bet Alex doesn’t believe in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Lyme disease lol.

I suffer from vax injuries and run in a lot of long covid groups. Some of these people can’t get out of bed. There is some auto immune issues or viral persistence issues.

I do agree the “long covid grift” where some people blames covid for anything minor after a covid exposure.

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Yes I think that’s true. The CDC has changed ( quietly) that the MRNA shots quickly breakdowns in the body. Just changed the paragraphs saying it didn’t and no one has spoken about that. I’ll see if I can find the before and after paragraph. Viral

Persistence has always been a thing. I was unaware of this prior but have read much about it recently.

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That is the problem on these groups, many claim to suffer from OG covid from 2019! but then fail to mention they have gotten the vaccines since then. With the crossover of symptoms between the shot and the virus I feel there is too much noise in these groups. But many people are desperate for answers because many doctors suggest they are just suffering from anxiety or have run out of things to test for.

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I agree everything is loud. But it’s kind of expected since Fauci forced us to shut the country down and caused a cascade of bullshi*.

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I am convinced long Covid is related to the vaccines. The vaccines are attacking people's immune systems.

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Anything minor is more than likely stemming from the inflammatory cascade that Covid creates. It’s still the same thing with the potential to cause damage in the short or long term. Even symptoms that sound minor (like a chronic sinus infection) plus the meds for it & attendant side effects can destroy one’s quality of life.

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CFS is real but we don't know much about causes and possible treatments. We don't know what it is.

Lyme disease is real but is easily treatable with antibiotics. Some activists have invented a chronic Lyme disease which is predominantly false. The trouble is that this group of people are very vocal and demand continuous treatment with antibiotics that are only going to hurt them even more. I believe that long covid something like that. A few genuinely suffering from post-infectious malaise and majority who only think that they have it. The original studies (pre-omicron) even identified that 50% of people who thought that they had long covid actually never had had covid. Other studies couldn't find any physical differences in long covid sufferers and the single symptom that lasted more than 6 months was loss of smell and tended to return back gradually anyway.

There is no reason to think that mild covid infection can be a significant risk for long covid. It is just not what is happening.

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Of course long covid is where it's going. :/ Aggravating as he**. My spouse was hospitalized with Covid; was severely ill. Even we don't believe in it. Not saying it never happens but it is a convenient catch-all for lots of issues, including covid vaccine injuries.

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And also the after-effects of the lockdowns and being bullied for two plus years.

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Always ABV-Anything But the Vax.

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Yep, precisely.

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The profile of a long Covid patient is the same for other chronic autoimmune disorders- usually middle aged women. Women make up 80% of those affected by autoimmune disorders.

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Alex, very glad to see you linking to important voices like Eugyppius. Keep it going!

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thanks for the plug, mr berenson.

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For what it is worth, deeds not words define us.

If you are carrying on deeds, then I hope the results are worth the time energy and cost.

Be safe and well, and, show how you love others responsibly and appropriately…

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I had the original strain March 2021 and was down pretty hard for about 3 weeks. Honestly, between getting older (66) and that extended recovery, I'm not sure Covid didn't leave a mark. Hard to say on an individual basis but I do agree the Branch Covidians will ride this mule for all it's worth.

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Something in the virus caused me massive unintentional weight loss for 18 months now. I’ve lost 65 lbs and am basically skin and bones and no health issues prior. Many hours of doctor visits and many co-pays later revealed absolutely nothing. To those who don’t suffer it’s shoved aside… nothing to see here. I would tread lightly on assumptions that there is no such thing or the hysterical people trying to find an answer are loons. Do you not think a BIOWEAPON released on the public would cause health problems? Do you think you are “safe” because you recovered from infection and seem to be fine and healthy? Better think again.

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Agree - I’ve had a lot of weird symptoms since a bad bout of Covid in Fall 2020. For the most part, I‘ve recovered, but it’s still a little concerning, since both the virus itself & the vax appear to have come from the same nefarious source.

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Yes. The Fall of 2020 is when I had my illness too. Whatever variant was circulating during Fall/ Winter 2020 (before Delta) seemed to cause extraordinary numbers of long haul. Nowadays with Omi- I don’t hear of people really suffering from it. I hope some research will be done in the future.

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Experimental DNA drug shots and experimental rapidly mutating lab virus results in unknown harmful consequences. Just the beginning, especially for those multi jabbed.

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This is brilliant! I've been saying the same thing. "Long COVID" doesn't even make sense.

You're either sick or you're not. We have never heard of "Long Flu" or hear people say, "I'm suffering from a Long Cold." They might say, "I'm having trouble getting over this cold." But they eventually do.

None of what's been pushed about COVID has made any sense. From the Chinese people falling over in the streets, to the "need" for a vaccine, and all other therapeutic methods ignored.

Everything has played out in a strange, kind of surreal, choreographed way. Nothing like this has ever happened in my lifetime. And definitely NOT for some disease that magically jumped from bats to people. I never believed that. All of the timing was too close to the election. There were states preparing for lockdowns before any lockdowns were even being considered here in the US. This was during the time that Fauci was telling people that masks don't work, and nobody has anything to worry about.

What I've learned from this whole scenario.

1. The FDA and the CDC are political organizations. They do not follow science, they do as they are directed by bureaucrats.

2. The people behind the push for the vaccines have known all along the risks involved, and purposely pushed them anyway.

3. Possible therapeutics were banned, misrepresented in the media, and reputable doctors were smeared when they brought these facts up.

4. This is NEVER going to end. With the onset of Monkeypox, and now Nipah virus being "found" in China, we can see where this is going.

5. The leftists and globalists need the never ending "emergency" to keep their draconian controls in place to steer people away from free societies.

Personally, I will NEVER AGAIN follow the advice of the FDA or CDC. From what I can see they are hell bent on breaking their own rules. The FDA already broke their own rules to approve the Flu vaccine each year. Every year the formula is changed, and every year there is no 3-stage trial performed. They just rubber stamp it and off it goes.

The power being collected by political factions all over the world, primarily in NATO countries, is scary. Because we see what they are doing with it in The Netherlands, Canada, and now Ireland. They are demonizing nitrogen. After listening for 30+ years about how CO2 is going to kill us. Now they are switching to nitrogen/fertilizer. Why? To create the necessary food shortages to further their goals. Without nitrogen fertilizers farmers will not be able to yield normal crops. The governments of these countries are purposely limiting the use of nitrogen – to limit the food supply. All of this when we are supposed to be recovering from COVID?

We’re in uncharted territory right now, and it’s time that people realize that those placed in positions of power, those who many trusted, are NOT working for the good of all people.

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The Communist Covidians are the same group of UN Agenda 2030 soldiers. With C19 losing the ability to force people to comply then 'Climate change' will be pulled out of their bag of tricks. People in California are now being 'trained' by WEF leader Gavin Newsom to do without electricity on certain days. Water and food rationing is now starting as well. "You will own nothing and you will be happy". Not going to be easy in other parts of the US that are fully armed and ready.

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RESPIRATORY THERAPIST here, over 40 years. I caught Covid before it became famous in Sept. oct. and Nov. of ---2019. You heard it right. 2019. Got treated for bronchitis; 2 antibiotics, 3 sets of steroids, breathing treatment all day and night; just could not take a deep breath, coughing and tired a lot. Was certain I had Pneumonia!! But I know what secrets stay in the hospitals so I did not volunteer as another guiny pig! No I do not smoke, drink, drugs or have underlying illnesses. I worked through it for 11 weeks; slept every chance I got. And then i got well. Nothing lingering that I know of. Caught it again May of '21. Little nasal pressure low fever 100.3 and congestion on friday gone by Sunday night. Did lose taste and smell 13 days. Here I am 1.5 years later happy and healthy. And hell F'n NO I did not take the injection of the experimental drug. Thank God I don't have those spikey little floating in my body.

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I have two autoimmune conditions that started three weeks after my first (and only) influenza infection. I live with the consequences every day but consider myself lucky as I have less horrible autoimmune conditions that many others. We have no idea how long the viral proteins persist in the body, especially the spike protein. We have no idea what kind of mischief they might stir up in the immune system. I would also point out that many doctors on Team Reality believe long covid is a real phenomenon (Marek, Kory) and are trying to help people with persistent symptoms. They also claim that the viral infection (like the jabs) can re-activate latent viral infections such as Epstein-Barr.

And, of course, we cannot ignore the reality that many people have had multiple mRNA injections to top off their viral infection(s).

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It's not long covid we're dealing with, it's long metabolic deficiency. People with healthy immune systems handle this virus easily. Those who are unhealthy before infection have worse symptoms and longer recovery. The medical industrial complex doesn't want us healthy -- degrades their profits.

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Exactly David. A healthy society is NOT a good business model. Pharma and the complex learned this long ago

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Maybe this disaster will help others to learn the risks of medical orthodoxy. Dr Mercola has some good articles on how we got here, prioritizing "the science" over the patients.

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The idiocies of the German Health Minister are World Class, and deserve attention.

Sort of like how Biden is a total fool, but for some reason you don't bring that up, do you Alex?

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He takes cash from WEF. Idiocy has little to do with it.

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The corona cultists are still (like two days ago) stuck on "but one million died" and cannot hear a word, so if the media pushes this next craziness they will be sure to park their cars there. My sister has been telling me her biggest fear is "long covid". It's ridiculous how they're building it up into A Thing. (I had it mildly, and two friends have it more seriously, but it could be all the shots they took. And in each case it was fatigue.)

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On the one hand, it's an escaped bioweapon. And on the other hand, its effects are exaggerated? The argument doesn't make sense.

I had long Covid. So did my spouse. So did many (most?) people I know, vaxxed or not.

For me it was a bad flu, not the worst I've ever had, but the body aches were real. The cough lasted 2-3 weeks. Overall not huge deal, mostly nuisance, lungs are fine now, but these spike proteins are buggers and they stick around.

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There is no test for "Covid" or "Long Covid"

There is no isolate of the so-called virus, only a computer model.

You live in a fantasy world.

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Prove to me that you exist. There's no test for that, either.

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I am responding to you, which is proof that I exist.

If you want to test it further, you can call me up and we can chat.

"Covid-19" on the other hand, exists only a computer hard drive.

You are not prepared for this.

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Your response is proof that you exist? Ha!

Nope, I'll need an isolated DNA test, to prove you're not someone (or something) else. And the results must be peer reviewed.

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Deep thoughts with the low of IQ.

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straight to name calling. nice.

i find this typical of the virus deniers, flat earthers, flat sunners, fake mooners, etc. steve gave your group multiple opportunities for debate. i would have listened. you played games and ultimately refused.

*(and this person blocked me LOL)

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Eugyppius is not stuck, but over the target.

His bete noire, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, is a case study in mendacity, incompetence and unaccountability. Like many European "health" ministers, he is himself rather sickly. To study Lauterbach is to study everything that is broken in government interference with public health.

Let Lauterbach become known to Germans as Quisling was known to Norwegians, but with far more blood on his hands.

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I live in Germany. Lauterbach was selected long before he was installed. One thing these WEF Young Leader-led governments have in common is that they all ended up heading up Western countries around the world right as the virus scam was rolled out.

Curious that.

Lauterbach was calling for those of us intelligent enough to avoid the clot shot to be put in camps and removed from society long before he was selected. When the fraudulent "Green" and SPD coalition was installed, it was very clear who they were going to choose.

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Alex, generally I like you, but what is your beef with Long Covid? I got Covid in March of 2020 and had chest pain, shortness of breath and decreased lung capacity for a year.

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You are conflating two separate things. Fair enough, you have chest pain, shortness of breath and decreased lung capacity for a year. Now, can you define "Long Covid" and explain how a doctor should diagnose it?

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absolutely not- just don't know the reason behind denying it- what is his (your) assertation?

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You would first have to prove it exists. What is the test for it?

There is no test for Covid. PCR is a proven fraud.

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My opinion is that it's a catch all term that can't be defined in any meaningful way and therefore it can be used effectively to continue peddling fear to control people. If you can't really define it in any meaningful way and you can't explain how a doctor diagnoses it then "it" can be pretty much anything you want it to be. So my response to your question would be to first ask... what is "it" that Alex would be denying?

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any kind of long term effect from having covid. I'm just confused why this is such a hot button.

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Some of eugyppius most entertaining essays are the ones on the German Health Ministry.

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Even more amusing, is the various people he lambasts really look the part! Such feral little weasels they all are.

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Christina Berndt, LOL.

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I thought Fauci was bad, but Lauterbach sounds like a real douch-nozzle.

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It’s mostly middle-aged women affected by long Covid, this is no different than any other autoimmune disorder. And it’s not bc they’re just “whiners” as is often implied- there’s a scientific explanation for it.

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Look into the lifestyle and habits of "MOST" individuals who suffer from the myriad of symptoms thru the years and decades and you will find typically a very indoctrinated mind who trust to freely in "accepting or following the science" thru previous injections called "safe and effective" or buying "marketed safe and effective" products for daily use in the home and on their bodies etc. Again I say MOST, but not all. Americans especially have lost their ability to use critical thought in their daily lives...

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Ask Victor Davis Hanson if Long COVID is a figment of his imagination. Now, it is possible that it’s the vaccines that are causing the long COVID and not Covid itself.

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Hanson isn't qualified to diagnose covid. At his age, lots of things can cause those symptoms.

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Professor Hanson is intelligent enough to research the matter. He claims that there are many others like him (perhaps 10% of those who had COVID). Based on VARES reporting and Dr.s Malone, McCullough and others, the vaccines seem to actually cause immune function issues especially towards Covid. So it is possible that the vaccines are actually the cause of long Covid symptoms.

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If the vax reduces immune function, these symptoms aren't necessarily long covid, but long whatever-random-bug-they're-exposed-to. The damage to immune function by the vax is pretty clear and needs to be the focus of resistance to the mandates and research of the treatments. That immune deficiency is going to show up as cancers as well as infections. The vax is probably the greatest plague in history. If the instigators aren't punished, they'll do it again. Probably worse.

Many people are intelligent enough to understand this, but most don't.

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I was a medical-legal consultant 25-30 years ago when a couple of attorneys asked me to evaluate some of their clients who were claiming damages due to silicone breast implants. At the time, someone had published a study (later refuted) that linked implants to systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases. I kid you not. These women would come in with every symptom under the sun written on 1-2 pages of lined yellow legal pads. Symptoms included fatigue, anxiety, sweating, headache, stress, being fired from job, joint pain, back pain, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, car battery died, dog ate kids homework, etc. While the last two might be a stretch you get the idea. I don't doubt that some people might have some effects after their bout of COVID, I expect a jump in disability filings in the next year claiming inability to work due to Long COVID.

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Though not determinitive, there appears to be a strong correlation between Long Covid and women named "Karen!"

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For some people, there are long-term effects from the flu. This is no different.

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Exactly! Thinking about past cold and flu seasons, some people would get really sick, some barely sick, others wouldn't ever get anything. It could affect the elderly and those with weak/compromised immune systems the worst, and this group is where a lot of deaths would occur. And sometimes those who got sick took a long time to shake it off and feel 100% again. When I was younger I could get bronchial infections that seemed to last for a very long time. Everyone is different, everyone has a different immune system and are affected differently by whatever they are challenged with.

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As Eugyppius notes, there's a huge difference between sequelae from viral infection (side effects from a severe bout with the virus) and "Long Covid". The former is the result of damage to the body and immune system caused by a one-time fight with Covid. Imagine you were one of the unfortunates who was put on a ventilator early on and somehow managed to survive. I'm sure life is not the same for such a person. That's different than these hypochondriacs claiming long COVID.

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Some of those “hypochondriacs” are dying from long Covid. I guess the writer must not understand that chronic autoimmune disorders like long Covid can also cause a lot damage/severe symptoms & there is some evidence that it’s at least due in part to micro-clotting.

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I suspect you're attributing some re sequalae of covid to long covid which is exactly what my comment is about. Also, the vaccines are a confounding variable. How do I know these people you claim are dying of chronic autoimmune disorders aren't doing so at the hands of the novel mRNA jabs?

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I’m saying new damage can occur post-viral. The ones who were hospitalized were just further along, but it’s the same inflammatory cascade. Some will recover while others won’t. I know both vaxxed & unvaxxed with long Covid & one unvaxxed death from long Covid. Both the vax & virus spike cause microclotting although vax appears to be worse. We’ll never have the numbers of course.

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Hmmm, I thought when we were all distracted by that FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago, the longestttttttttt two weeks of our lives had OFFICIALLY ENDED???? Aren't we on to Monkeypox and sudden adult death syndrome?????

COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best COVID Logic & Variant Memes (Longest 2 Weeks of Our Lives Ends!)

- COVID narrative has a Great Reset. Will there still be a Midterm variant? Sheep pox, sheeple essentials kit, how variants got named, US Open logic, plus more COVID logic and COVID variant memes!


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Yeah I think there are many issues with consistency here. For vax skeptics. if long haul vaccination syndrome is caused by the spike protein, it's not unreasonable to think SARS-CoV-2 itself could produce a uniquely bad post-viral syndrome. For vax pushing covid fascists, if you're going to lump every correlated event post-infection into "long covid" (which they absolutely do) you'd better also take the same ultra conservative approach to tallying vaccine injury.

This is all further reason to ensure best possible immune health with Vitamin D etc. as the first line of defense.

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One of the earliest outbreaks of Covid in North America occurred in Park City, Utah, in early 2020 - presumably brought by tourists returning from Europe. Shortly thereafter I got a ride home in a shuttle from an auto service center. The driver was describing a party he'd attended in Park City the night before. He said it was a real rave. Four days later I developed a severe sore throat and then chills, major chills; turned thermostat up to 80 degrees, wore a heavy sweater and two pairs of ski socks at night. Lasted two weeks. A month later my body was under attack - brain fog (couldn't read and my wife took me to ER), rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, intolerance of heat (could not go outside), intolerance of exertion and no stamina - after being a runner for 40 years (who craved the endorphins), and profuse sweating with minimal exercise, Our family doctor tried to get me in to so-called Covid "Clinics" in the Intermountain area - with no luck. It turns out, reasonably, that they were, and still are, research centers. In the past four months I've been to six specialists, had numerous blood draws, scans, needles, and electrical charges. The good news is - they can't find anything; the bad news is - they can't find anything. At least I'm on the right side of the grass.

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Alex respectfully the point Eugyppius was making is that long Covid is a lame

excuse the regulatory captured agencies and Governments continue to make to offer solutions

to a problem that is overstated. To date not one of the Governments "solutions" have worked as we all know.

Long Covid is very real albeit in the minority of COVID recovered patients. Here is the science that proves it beyond any doubt that viral loads persist in COVID recovered patients.


Conclusions: The extended presence of viral RNA in feces, but not in respiratory samples, along with the association of fecal viral RNA shedding with GI symptoms suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infects the GI tract and that this infection can be prolonged in a subset of individuals with COVID-19.


To summarize, this study provides a unique analysis of fecal shedding dynamics among people with mild to moderate COVID-19.1 These findings have potential implications for clinical interventions, community surveillance, and modeling predictions of future outbreaks. Further studies of this kind are warranted as it remains unclear how the emergence and spread of new variants will influence fecal shedding dynamics at the population level and how these changes may impact public health efforts moving forward.

The same is valid for urine:

" Of note, in five patients (23%), viral RNA was present in urine but no longer detectable in nasopharyngeal swab at the time of enrollment in the study. Among them, a patient with a constantly negative nasopharyngeal swab for 30 days but with a high urine viral load after 41 day after the onset of symptoms is of particular interest."


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Lost in pseudoscience. There isn't even a test for Covid, but yeah, "long Covid" exists.


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And so says the one with ZERO scientific background.

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So says Mike Yeadon as well, and you have no idea what my background is. Not a very informed approach, eh?

You might also want to ponder the fact that "Covid-19" has never been shown to exist, except "in silico" -- meaning it exists only as a computer model.

And of course there is no test for it.

Reals over feels, Sid.

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" You have no idea what my background is." Really? Do tell!

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You have to tell, Sidlet.

You claimed you know.

Don't hurt yourself.

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"Don't hurt yourself."

Thankyou for your concern, Your comments clearly demonstrate my assertion. Prove that I am wrong and I am prepared to accept the "hurt". Put up or shut up!

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It is nothing less than hilarious and hideous to me what people write here.

So, what are you folks going to do if it turns out that Liz Cheney wins her reelection campaign in Wyoming tomorrow, and somehow she wins with more votes than there are people in Wyoming…

You’re going do exactly what you did in 2020 then 2021 and so far this year, nothing!

And these sociopathic scumbags are ruthless, they depend on your apathy indifference and uncaring! And you will willingly eagerly and relentlessly cooperate by sticking your freedom independence autonomy and choice so far up your butts that you choke on it in the back of your mouths…

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The biggest takeaway from Covid (besides never “trust the experts” ) is that everyone has to be diligent about their own health. There’s no magic bullet to save any of us.

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I'm interested to know if there's ever been a study on "long covid' that included unvaccinated individuals. I've seen a couple studies done, and questioned those doing the studies what they specifically DIDN'T included unvaccinated persons. Makes me wonder if any unvaccinated even GET it. Like multiple Covid infections.......I know of nobody who was unvaccinated and got and recovered from Covid that has been reinfected. I know lots of people who've been vaccinated 2,3 and 4 times that seem to get Covid like I get indigestion after eating spicy food .... It's weird.

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My still unvaxxed daughter did! She's a nurse, got Covid in November 2020, was sick for 7 or 8 days, miserable but not horribly so and did lose her sense of smell and taste for several months, recovered after about a week and was back at work after the mandatory 10 day "stay home" period. As a nurse she was around a LOT of people who had Covid, but she didn't test positive again until this last May, so that would be 18 months is immunity to all the various versions of Covid that were showing up. This second time she got it (that is, she tested positive via one of those ridiculous tests that probably doesn't really show anything ), she wasn't really sick at all, a bit of sniffles for a day, that's it. This time they had her stay home for 5 days so she had a nice little paid holiday with Covid pay.

And then my son got it twice. Also unvaxxed. First time he was a student at UC Davis (hoardes of Chinese students there) and no one knew what was going around that fall, but looking back it had to have been Covid. He was very sick but recovered just fine after about a week and a half. Then in January 2022 he got it again, obviously a different form of it, and was somewhat sick for about a week.

So that's two people I know of who are unvaxxed and who got it twice.

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My son in college got it twice. No jab.

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There is not test for it, but you know he had it.



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Thanks for the cases of multiple Covid infections in the unvaccinated folks! Yours are truly the only ones I've heard of to date.....and two of my kids work in healthcare so I would have thought I'd have heard of it more!

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Long Covid is a huge load of you know what. It’s called vaccine induced destruction of your immune system. Asymptomatic infection is another lie. PCR tests another lie. F......g lies to get fear to obliterate critical thinking.

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German insurance claims hint at millions of unreported vaccine injuries:


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When several countries (and Jessica Rose's and Steve Kirsch's) data show an injury rate in the 2.5% - 5.0% range, these vaccines should have been halted months ago.

They recall romaine lettuce for causing a couple of people to have a stomach bug from E. Coli for F#ck's sake.

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alex, you and eugyppius have taken a position on this issue as idiotic as the idiots you rightfully criticize. I will grant you there is no such thing as 'long' Covid (plus all other synonyms), there is only Covid (itself a fuzzy construct). It would be much more helpful if you would engage with true systems biologists and impartial front line clinicians who are dealing with the real and truthful impacts of SARS2 infection and vaccination before pronouncing your determination of what people are dealing with. These impacts are quite real and rest on three biological circumstances: 1) direct viral toxicity with variable duration 2) biological response damage 3) activated or reactivated co-infections or biotoxin damage

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Where is the test for it? There isn't one. PCR is a fraud. Back your statements with concrete evidence.

Berenson is a milquetoast, but you are something far worse.

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I have a one word answer to this question:

Why has the level of trust in healthcare in the United States dropped to a level equivalent to trust with politicians and the media?


If there is an opportunity to record history in the future, it will show that physicians were beyond complicit and corrupt in letting millions die if not from the virus, from complications from the vaccine.

When I read in future times of a physician being murdered by a disgruntled patient who was abandoned and mistreated, I won’t even think about it.

To colleagues out there, if you’ve given the impression that you believe that healthcare is popular easy and convenient, and in the end don’t really give a shit about your patients , you better constantly be looking behind you, it’s only a matter of time before someone finally says, “fuck this asshole, he/she doesn’t give a shit, so neither do I!“…

I don’t condone violence, but, I don’t grieve it either…

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And by the way, as I have written here before, the left and their scumbag leaders and thugs of horrific influence, they emulate the behaviors of domestic violence perpetrators. They relentlessly abuse destroy and kill people, and when those who know they’re going to be killed by these perpetrators rise up to appropriately defend themselves, the perpetrators shriek, “see, these people were going to hurt me so I had to hurt them first!“…

When responsible caring people finally say “enough!” to the left relentlessly destroying this country, stop reading the lame scream propaganda machine bullshit and the shrieks of “foul“ by these failed horrifically antisocial leaders, and realize, years of apathy indifference and uncaring by a population who in large didn’t give a shit, is going to end up realizing they are treated like shit!

For what it’s worth, thank you for letting me comment.

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Sorry, last addendum…

It has been horrific to realize, there is no hill worth dying on in this country, people really do not have any profound important absolute principles and beliefs to risk their lives. Freedom, autonomy, choice, independence, my money is people here don’t even know what the fuck those words mean anymore!…

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I don't know whether "stuck" is the right word. He's exposing the fool, the idiot, the despotic tyrant. That requires more than just a one-off. Because that tyrannical despot isn't just some worthless pundit; he's Germany's f'n Health Minister.

We don't get "stuck" shoving facts up Fauci's ass and down his throat. It's all richly deserved. Ditto that Health Minister POS human being.

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The thing I most appreciate Eugyppius is he occasionally gives vent publicly to the things I only say in private to my spouse or the few like-minded individuals that I know. Things like this.

"We live just in the stupidest timeline.

There is no expressing how boundlessly dumb all of this is. We are effectively sanctioning ourselves here in Germany, after two years of totally voluntary and unnecessary self-inflicted economic destruction from lockdowns."

I try to use logical thought processes w/accurate information when trying persuade others to my viewpoint. He supplies this in abundance. But "boundlessly dumb" and "stupidest timeline possible" is what I really want to say.

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Glad to see Eugyppius getting some acknowledgement. Every article of his is worth reading. He's one of the brightest lights in this corner of the internet.

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Anyone doubting long that COVID exists should read the July 7 issue of the CELL article entitled "Mild respiratory COVID can cause multi-lineage neural cell and myelin dysregulation."

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Thanks Barbara, glad someone is listening.


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"Long COVID" is increasingly being used to justify zero COVID measures.

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Cheryl B. Thank you for directing me to health food store, I appreciate it very much. I do pool exercises at our community pool. I go days when it is not busy, got the times down pat. I also have a pilates machine at home and the Inversion table. Best of health to you.

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Susan G, if you are speaking to me, unfortunately I live in Ontario,Canada. I had an excellent family doctor for 30 years, he retired 5 years ago, I was so lucky to be referred to this younger doctor. As with everything new I was a little nervous, but he turned out to be a peach, a gem, so very involved, takes his time, refers to specialists if necessary, he even asks if you want to see one, and who you prefer.. I hope and pray you find someone like that. Oh another thing he does not ask about the jab or push it, actually doesn't even mention it. Wishing you good health and finding the best doctor, that cares out there. Best of luck.

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There is an NHL player suffering from long COVID. Dr. Malone suffered from it.

Struggling with long COVID, Brandon Sutter is taking ivermectin


Quote: "Over a year after first testing positive for COVID-19, Brandon Sutter is still dealing with long COVID symptoms that threaten to end the 33-year-old forward’s NHL career.

It’s a desperate situation for Sutter with few answers available. In that type of situation, it’s understandable that Sutter would grasp for any source of hope he can find. According to an interview with Postmedia’s Ben Kuzma, Sutter’s current source of hope is ivermectin. “Canadian doctors are not allowed to prescribe it for COVID and I had to get it myself, but it helps remove the COVID spike protein,” said Sutter to Kuzma. “It works. And in the U.S., it’s everywhere and it’s helping a lot of people and there is zero risk... “I still can’t do any cardio,” said Sutter to Kuzma. “I tried working out again in March and April to kind of get going again. But I’d have a really bad day and it would just crush me — I just couldn’t do it — because of a lack of oxygen and just depleting myself. The lingering effect is an inability to breathe normally and properly.”"

This is a professional athlete who is losing millions of dollars and can't even work out due to long COVID. Let's not gaslight him and tell him he's imagining his problems. It's real, pretending it's not real at this point is ridiculous.

The scale of the problem should not be dismissed before it is properly studied. We know that the first version of COVID caused clotting disorders. This is not rocket science, it is clear the original strains caused serious harm to some people.

Now, I don't pretend to know how bad or how serious an issue it is. But pretending that it is no issue at all amounts to gaslighting.

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Interesting post on long covid by Walter Chesnut: https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/proof-of-my-long-covid-autoimmune/

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Our 44 year daughter who lives with us is covid positive. She is staying clear of us and after two days she is feeling fine. She is unvaccinated by choice. I'm immuno suppressed from a liver transplant 24 years ago. I got the two injections and took forever to feel like I did before. It would be great if we could have truth rather than propaganda. It all needs to end. Please think carefully when November comes around and vote these Marxists out.

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